Hipp baby food wiki

Hipp - Wiki | Golden

This story began back in 1898, when the pastry chef Josef Hipp, who lived in Günzburg, had first a daughter and then twins the year after that. And everything would be fine, but Joseph's wife began to have problems with breast milk, a woman clearly was not able to feed such a crowd. By this time the world had already heard about the milk formula that had been developed by the Swiss doctor Henri Nestlé, the founder of Nestlé. The only thing was that it was still not that easy to get. Josef decided to try making the product himself. He baked dry cookies, ground them into powder, and prepared a special mixture based on cow's milk. To his delight, the babies loved it.

Josef was an enterprising man and decided to commercially produce the baby food he had created. He sold it in his own confectionery, which the Hipp family had owned for about four centuries. The locals, having heard about the story of the rescue of the twins, were happy to buy the products (officially called Kinderzwiebackmehl Hipp). We even had to create a small factory.

By the 1930s, the business had gone so well that it was no longer decent to operate at the confectionery level. By that time, the business had been taken over by Georg Hipp, Josef's son. He founded Hipp Werk Georg Hipp OHG. It was in Pfaffenhofen, where the company is still headquartered today. The production of the nutrient mixture was still largely manual.

The rise of the NSDAP to power did not have the best effect on the development of the family business - one of Georg's brothers ended up in a concentration camp for criticizing the new regime. Georg himself was able to avoid this fate. He moved to Munich and from there ran the company until the end of the war.

Although he survived the Second World War relatively unscathed, the postwar years nearly destroyed the company. The year 1948 was particularly difficult, when the company nearly went bankrupt. Georg was saved by the occupiers - he managed to get in touch with the Americans and get himself a large order for baby food for school canteens. Georg also managed to secure such a scarce product as cocoa. The Americans provided the most favorable terms. Three generations of German children had grown up with the company's products and things quickly began to improve.

In 1950 it became clear that grinding cookies with milk was not enough for further development. Georg begins to expand the product range. And by the beginning of the 60s it already includes a wide variety of nutritional mixes, complementary foods and purees. Since 1958, all these products are packaged exclusively in glass containers, which were much more hygienic and allowed to see the contents.

And since 1960, all Hipp products began to be manufactured exclusively with the use of the latest bio-technology. The idea was born in 1956, when Georg met the Swiss Hans Müller, who is known today as one of the founders of the so-called bio-organic method, when fruits and vegetables are grown in a special way, without the use of chemical fertilizers. In order to start growing his own ingredients, Georg purposely bought an abandoned farm near Ptaffenhofen. Since then, bio-organics have been at the core of all Hipp products. Subsequently agreements were made with many farms that also switched to the latest technology.

In 1967 Georg dies and the company is taken over by his son Klaus. He actively took over the business. Under his leadership the company not only greatly increased its production capacity, but also expanded its range of products. This is when the variegated Hipp logo appeared, which is still used today. By 1980, HiPP GmbH owned 60 percent of the German baby food market.

Today Hipp is one of the most famous baby food brands in the world. Under it the widest range of the most diverse products for the nutrition of children of different ages is produced. The company, which remains a family business, owns several subsidiaries scattered around the world.

An interesting fact:

In March 2010, Klaus Hipp reveals that even though the birth rate in Germany is falling, his company's revenues have increased substantially. The reason was that more and more elderly people in the country suffering from dental and digestive tract diseases began to buy Hipp formula for themselves. Such blends are also popular among people who have had strokes and in nursing homes.

However, Klaus stated that the company is not going to change anything in the positioning of its products or advertising in any way. There are also no plans to create any specialized products for adults.

The truth about baby food | Parents and parenting

Having children is like opening the door to a whole other universe. Arguments you simply never knew existed, you suddenly become part of. News stories on any aspect of baby rearing are no longer just a convenient place to rest your cup of tea while you read other, more interesting bits of the paper.

This morning the "big news" in child-related stuff, sent to torture and confuse parents, was that bought baby foods are not as nutritious as those you make yourself. (That is, if you're not the sort of parent to whizz a Big Mac in a blender for her baby, as a mum on a birth board I read once did.) All the main UK babyfood manufacturers had their food analysed: Heinz, Boots, Hipp Organic, Ella's Kitchen and Organix. The study, by the department of human nutrition at the University of Glasgow, found that babies would have to eat twice the amount of shop-bought food to get the same amount of nutrients as home-made.

What's far more interesting is that, although of course it can vary from baby to baby, many of them under about a year old don't really need many solids at all. Milk, whether formula or breast milk, should be the their main source of nutrition exclusively for six months and thereafter complementary foods are slowly introduced, alongside milk, for tastes, textures and to provide the nutrients that a baby might start to lack at about six months.

"These nutrients," explains Gabrielle Palmer, nutritionist and author of the Politics of Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding: Nutrition, Culture and Politics, "are zinc and iron. When they start to run out depends on the baby's birth stores." These birth stores depend on, among other things, whether the cord was cut too early, before placental transfusion stopped naturally. If this happens before it stops pulsating the optimum amount of nutrients won't have transferred from mother to baby. This is partly why some babies might do OK on just milk for longer.

I'll leave you to look up which foods are rich in zinc and iron and might be suitable for first foods, but they won't include baby rice and mushed-up veg – the two foods most commonly given to weaning babies.

In fact, the ability to eat solids is not an event, but a process, and differs from baby to baby. When a baby can sit up unaided, can reach out and grab food (the "pincer movement") bring it to its mouth and has started to largely lose its tongue thrust reflex (to stop it gagging) then it's ready to start solids. But this process starts with a baby licking and sucking food, and then eventually, as the tongue thrust reflex gets further and further back, beginning to swallow the food. It doesn't happen overnight.

Although the Department of Health guidelines for starting solids changed from four to six months in May 2003, baby food manufacturers still put "suitable from four months" on their jars. Why?

"Because," explains Gill Rapley, a former health visitor for 25 years and author of Baby Led Weaning, "in this country we haven't adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes [PDF] as law. It's just a guideline."

Until such time as it becomes illegal (and it is in some countries), babyfood manufaturers will continue to confuse parents by saying their purees are suitable from four months because why would they waste two months of valuable commerce?

"The thing is," says Palmer, "most of the baby food given at four months goes down the babygrow. It's wasted, but it makes money for the companies. Babies won't die of malnutrition if they are not given purees at four months, but they will if not given milk at that age."

Hipp - Wikimeat Meat Encyclopedia

Company brand founded in 1899

Hipp is a German baby food brand that has been around since 1899.


In the second half of the 19th century, Josef Hipp (1876-1926), originally from Günzburg an der Donau, worked in a confectionery and wax workshop in Pfaffenhofen. Subsequently, he takes over the management of both workshops.

In 1897 Josef Hipp marries Maria Ostermeier, a native of Pfaffenhofen. Soon children are born in their family: in 1898 year a daughter is born; in 1899, twins are born, whose feeding is not an easy task. Since the mother has difficulties with breastfeeding, the father of the family has to decide the issue.

The creative confectioner has no problem: he bakes breadcrumbs from his own flour, grinds them and mixes them with milk and water to make a hearty formula for babies. The twins are growing up famously, as, indeed, are the five subsequent children.

B 1901 g the success of crushed children's crackers is known in the area, and Josef Hipp already supplies his products to some fellow confectioners at the beginning of the century. This is how the patisserie turns into a small factory for the production of flour for baking children's croutons, which has been sold in yellow and black packaging for decades.

One of the sons, Georg Hipp (1905-1967), is particularly passionate about marketing flour for breadcrumbs. As a sixteen-year-old boy, he goes from house to house in Munich selling HiPP flour. Soon he becomes "cramped" at the parent company.

This is why Georg Hipp sets his sights on this direction and in 1932 founds his own company in Pfaffenhofen.

Flour for baking baby croutons has been on the German market since the 1970s.

In the middle of the 20th century, Georg Hipp, following the American example, starts the industrial production of baby food. In 1957-1958. 4 articles appear on the market: two vegetable and two fruit menus.

Soon (1959-1960) HiPP switched to more practical and hygienic glass packaging.

Simultaneously with the introduction of the industrial production of baby food, in 1956 Georg Hipp began to grow vegetables and fruits in natural conditions and without the use of chemicals. Convinced of the rightness of the idea of ​​the Swiss Dr. Hans Müller, the founder of organic agriculture, he sets himself the goal: the production of healthy and tasty baby food from products grown by organic farming. 1

Brand products

The HiPP baby food range is ideally suited to the developmental needs of the child. The production does not use GMOs, soy, artificial preservatives and dyes.

Range includes:

  • vegetable purees;
  • fruit purees;
  • meat purees;
  • meat and vegetable menu;
  • fish and vegetable menu;
  • soups;
  • cereals;
  • drinks;
  • cookies. 2


  • hipp.ru/o-kompanii-hipp
  • hipp.ru/prikorm/produkty

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Hipp has long and deservedly been recognized in the Russian and European baby food markets. Nutrient mixtures, herbal teas, cereals, soups, purees - from the products presented on store shelves, you can easily create a complete menu for babies, starting from early infancy.


Brief HIPP

brand History HIPP

Feeding products HIPP


series HIPP “Good night”

drinks HIPP

HIPP for lactating mothers

Activity HIPP

Activities of the first.


Many Russian and European parents choose Hipp baby food because they care about providing their children with tasty and healthy food.

A brief history of the Hipp brand

Hipp baby food owes its origin to the entrepreneurial spirit of the company's founder, confectioner Josef Hipp. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, babies began to be born in his family one after another. Josef's wife had difficulty feeding her twin sons. To make it easier for his wife to take care of children, the resourceful father came up with the idea of ​​adding finely ground crackers to milk. The kids liked the food, the kids grew up healthy and cheerful, at the same time becoming a walking advertisement for new products. Soon, no Bavarian mother could do without the famous yellow and black packages of Hipp powder.

Production developed, and in the 30s of the last century, Georg Hipp, one of the sons of a successful confectioner, registered the company Hipp Werk Georg Hipp OHG. After the Second World War, when children needed to be fed not only tasty, but also very healthy, the company's assortment was replenished with fruit and vegetable purees, and soon cereals, soups, juices and desserts appeared.

The raw materials for Hipp products come from hundreds of organic farms. This means that when growing cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, artificial fertilizers are not used, and animals and birds are kept in natural conditions and receive only plant biofeed. In addition, this way of farming is environmentally friendly.

In Russia, the Hipp plant is located in the Kaliningrad region. The same raw materials are used in production as in Germany. It is processed according to the same principles.

Hipp Products

Despite the huge number of competitors, the company will always find something to surprise the most demanding customers. The Hipp baby food line is regularly updated to keep delighting little gourmets and their parents.

Complementary foods Hipp

Hipp's range of complementary foods is varied and designed for children of all ages.

Vegetable purees are introduced into the baby's menu already from 5 - 6 months of age. They do not contain salt, milk protein, starch, preservatives or flavors and are therefore suitable for first foods.

One-component vegetable purees for the little ones are packaged in 80 g glass jars. They contain zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, white or ordinary carrots.

From the age of 7 months, babies are offered two-component mashed potatoes from zucchini or pumpkin with potatoes, the product is enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids, and packaged in glass jars of 125 g. The “My First Puree” series is continued by small packages of mashed corn and pumpkin.

For older children, broccoli puree with rice, vegetable platter of peas, carrots, cauliflower and potatoes has been developed. For “sophisticated” kids, carrot and broccoli puree with noodles in a creamy sauce is offered.

Fruit purees for the little ones are also prepared from only one type of fruit. They are made from apples, plums, pears, apricots and peaches. To make the product better absorbed, a small amount of coarse rice flour is added to it. Sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings are excluded from the composition. The packaging is standard - jars of 80 and 125g.

Children from 7-8 months can be offered two-component Hipp fruit purees from apple with pear or pumpkin. Older children are happy to eat banana puree, apples with wild berries and a fruit dessert.

A popular new brand - a variety of soft-packed purees, packaged in 100 g. There is a special name for them: Hipp spiders. They are convenient to take for a walk or on the road. in 10 different versions. Ascorbic acid is used as an antioxidant, mashed potatoes with biscuits and cereals contain gluten.

For normal development, the child needs products containing proteins of animal origin. Pediatricians recommend starting complementary foods with protein foods from 6-8 months.

Hipp offers a range of one-ingredient mashed rabbit, veal, beef, turkey and chicken purées for beginner carnivores. The product is enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids, and there are no salts, milk protein, preservatives, dyes in it. Packing - glass jars of 80 g.

Hipp meat and vegetable products are real complete meals, carefully prepared taking into account the age characteristics of babies. Risotto with veal, broccoli with rice and rabbit, vegetables with turkey and other delicacies are packaged in glass jars of 190 and 220 g, do not contain salt, preservatives, flavors. Rapeseed oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Teaching a child to eat fish is not an easy task, but it is an invaluable source of iodine, vitamins A and D, unsaturated fatty acids and a whole bunch of useful trace elements. Hipp technologists have developed fish and vegetable dishes that are very popular with children. They include sea fish (it is considered less allergenic than river fish), vegetables, noodles or pasta. The product has an unusual heterogeneous structure: along with a homogenized mass, there are small pieces, thanks to which the baby learns to chew. Purees are packaged in jars of 125 and 220 g.

Few manufacturers of baby food include soups in their range of ready-made baby food. And it’s completely in vain, because soup is a healthy, satisfying, easily digestible dish. The line includes vegetable soups with chicken breast, veal, turkey. They include zucchini, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, fennel.

Coarsely ground rice flour will help to digest the soup well, rapeseed oil saturates the product with Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Soups are packaged in glass jars of 190 g.

Hipp also has a special carrot-rice congee for babies with indigestion

Kashi Hipp

The basis of nutrition for children in the first year of life at all times was porridge. It is cereals that are a source of carbohydrates, B vitamins, and dietary fiber. They are easy to digest, can be prepared taking into account the age characteristics of the baby. Hipp technologists have developed dry milk porridges and ready-made porridges in jars. All cereals are completely free of artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives and flavors. True, they may contain gluten, also in the composition of omega-3 fatty acids.

For baby's gentle digestion, Hipp offers HiPP PRAEBIOTIK prebiotic dietary fiber porridges, they are packaged in 250 g blue cardboard boxes, cooked with water, do not require cooking. The line includes milk buckwheat porridge, milk porridge “5 cereals with prunes” and milk wheat porridge with oatmeal “Fruit-yogurt”.

Afternoon snacks help your little one recharge their energy for evening play and socializing, which is why Hipp offers a range of cereals with fruit for this meal. Porridges are prepared on the basis of wheat and oat flakes and coarse rice flour, enriched with vitamin C, they do not contain milk protein. Apples, pears, peaches, bananas and mangoes are used as fillers, orange juice can also be found. Cereal cereals are packaged in transparent glass jars of 190 g, recommended for children from 5-6 months of age.

Dry milk porridges are made on the basis of an organic milk mixture. Hipp introduces two types of cereals to feed older children. These are oatmeal-wheat porridge “Apple” from the “Good night” series and rice porridge “Banana-Peach”. Porridges are packed in cardboard boxes of 250 g. Porridge for evening feeding is easily recognizable by the richer blue color of the packaging.

If your child does not tolerate lactose well, or for some reason you want to cook porridge without milk, you can use the Hipp series of dry mixes for making porridge in green cardboard boxes of 200 g. The line includes buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, multicereals and buckwheat with fruits. Little fidgets will love oatmeal with lemon balm and banana from the Good Night series.

Hipp Good Night Series

You can have a tasty and healthy dinner with Good Night milk desserts in glass jars of 190 g each. The series includes milk desserts with different types of fillings: with cookies and apple, with apple and peach, with apple and pear, with banana, with banana and cocoa.

All desserts are prepared on the basis of milk semolina and wheat porridge or milk formula, contain calcium and B vitamins. Hipp desserts can be given to children both cold and warm.

Hipp drinks

Drinks are the most important component of the diet of any person, and they are especially important for a growing organism. Hipp offers granulated and bagged teas and juices for kids.

Hipp tea bags are suitable for babies from 1 month of life (in case the baby is not fully breastfed). The assortment includes fennel, chamomile, rosehip and fruit teas. Each sachet is individually wrapped, 20 sachets of 1.5 g per box.

Granular instant teas based on fruit and herb extracts, suitable for children from 6 months of age. Packed in cardboard tubes with a plastic cap for 200 g. The label contains detailed instructions for preparing the drink. The assortment includes lime blossom teas with lemon balm, chamomile, fennel, apricots, raspberries with rose hips, apples, wild berries and fruits.

Juices for baby food are packaged in convenient 200 g bottles, do not contain preservatives, dyes and flavors. The collection includes juices from apples, carrots, pears, grapes, apricot drink and plum nectar.

Hipp has also developed a healing carrot-rice congee for children with indigestion. With its help, the water-salt balance that suffers during such ailments is restored, and recovery comes faster.

Hipp for nursing mothers

Taking care of a baby should start with taking care of the mother, so two types of granulated tea have been developed especially for nursing mothers: fruit tea with vitamins and herbal tea. Tea is packaged in 200 g cardboard tubes with a plastic lid. Both have a pleasant taste, and they can be prepared quickly and without problems.

The Hipp company has firmly occupied a niche in the middle price segment. But at not the lowest price, Hipp products have obvious advantages: a very wide range, high quality of raw materials and finished products. Consumers unanimously speak of Hipp as a baby food worthy of the trust of parents and children.

Hipp activities

Everyone who likes the company's products has the opportunity to join the big family of friends of the brand and become a member of the Hipp Club.

Membership in the club gives you the opportunity to receive discounts and bonuses for purchases, participate in contests with interesting and useful prizes, receive online advice from a practitioner on a wide range of issues related to nutrition.

First feeding rules

Many new parents are wondering when and how to start complementary foods. No doubt, the most useful for a child in the early stages of life is mother's breast milk. But by the age of 6 months, the active growth and development of the child requires additional energy. No matter how good, calm and tasty it is at my mother’s breast, it’s time to taste the first spoonful of vegetable puree, eat your first cookie, join the porridge or soup.

Formula-fed babies need additional sources of vitamins and microelements earlier, so as early as 5 months old babies should be fed with specially designed products.


The question often arises: why not cook a porridge, mashed potatoes or soup for the baby yourself, why feed it with food from a can or box? Everyone is free to decide this issue on their own, but ready-made baby food has many advantages.

Organic products specially grown for Hipp baby food are processed in such a way that they not only retain vitamins, but are also enriched with minerals and trace elements. In the conditions of a big city, it is difficult, if not impossible, to find organic fruits, vegetables, milk, meat suitable for babies. And, finally, with the help of Hipp ready meals, a child can eat tasty and varied every day, and his mother will not get tired of standing at the stove, writing all new dishes for the baby. Instead of endlessly rubbing, straining and baking something in the kitchen, a mother can play or take a walk with her child, come up with a new game, in general, have fun and have a good time.

Of course, you should not thoughtlessly sweep the entire range of children's products from the store shelves. All children have their own characteristics: someone is gluten intolerant, someone reacts to milk protein, someone does not like zucchini, and broccoli, on the contrary, is one of their favorite foods. Before buying, you should carefully study the label that absolutely all Hipp products are equipped with. It details the composition of the cooking method, the age at which this type of food is oriented, and all the necessary recommendations are given.

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