How much to feed a baby tortoise

Baby Tortoise Diet & Feeding Guide For Beginners – The Turtle Hub

Have you just bought a baby tortoise? Congratulations and welcome to the club. I know as a loving owner, you will do everything to ensure healthy growth for your pet. Do you know what is more important for a baby tortoise besides a proper habitat? Yes, food.

Each tortoise species has its own preferences when it comes to the diet. Generally, the baby tortoises are herbivorous and eat green leafy vegetables. Food supplements along with natural growing vegetables make the perfect diet for your pet tortoise.

What do baby tortoises eat? How often should you feed them? I know you have more questions like these on your mind. Follow this article to get the complete baby tortoise diet guide for beginners.

What Does A Baby Tortoise Eat?

The baby tortoises have a different appetite than the adult ones. They prefer munching on the leafy vegetables, plant leaves, stems, flowers with occasional fruit treats.

In general, a baby tortoise’s diet can contain the following items,
  1. Safe plant stems, leaves, or flowers
  2. Grasses and hays
  3. Leafy green vegetables
  4. Fruits
  5. Supplements

In each meal for the baby tortoise, you should give priority to the greens. The fruits should be an occasional treat for the babies.

Here is a list of safe plants and weeds for your baby tortoise diet:
  1. Aloe vera
  2. Bindweed
  3. Bramble (Tender leaf, fruits, shoots)
  4. Boston fern
  5. Cactus
  6. Chickweed
  7. Dandelion (Stem, leaf, flower)
  8. Greater plantain
  9. Hebe
  10. Henbit 
  11. Honeysuckle
  12. Milk thistle
  13. Mallows
  14. Pricky sow thistle
  15. Ribgrass plantain
  16. Red clover (Stem, leaf, flower)
  17. Red dead nettle
  18. Smooth sow thistle (Stem, leaf, flower)
  19. Smooth hawks bread (Leaf, flower)
  20. Vetches
  21. White clover (Stem, leaf, flower)
  22. White dead nettle
  23. Young hedge mustard plant

Tortoises are land dwellers and graze on the grasslands. Experts suggest that eating grasses or hays have benefits for the baby tortoises. The grasses can provide the little creatures with nutrition and fiber.

Here are some safe grass options for your baby tortoise:
  1. Ryegrass
  2. Pampas grass
  3. Couch grass
  4. Alfalfa 
  5. Cat grass
  6. Bermuda grass
  7. Oat grass
  8. Wheatgrass
  9. Kentucky bluegrass
  10. Fescue grass
  11. Barley grass
  12. Timothy grass
  13. Fountain grass
  14. Orchardgrass can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Baby tortoises daily routine | happytortoises (

Selected vegetable list for your baby tortoise:
  1. Kale
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Collard greens
  4. Cucumber
  5. Broccoli
  6. Cabbage
  7. Spinach
  8. Romaine lettuce
  9. Chicory
  10. Endive
  11. Fennel
  12. Arugula 
  13. Turnip greens
  14. Carrot
  15. Radicchio
  16. Cauliflower
  17. Escarole
  18. Squash
  19. Grape leaf
  20. Parsnip 
  21. Sweet potato
  22. Bell pepper
  23. Tomato
  24. Mesclun lettuce
  25. Red leaf lettuce
  26. Oakleaf
  27. Spring mix lettuce
  28. Watercress 

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Fruits options for your baby tortoise:
  1. Grape
  2. Pear 
  3. Blackberries
  4. Mulberry
  5. Raspberry
  6. Strawberry
  7. Apple
  8. Melon
  9. Pear
  10. Kiwi
  11. Apricot
  12. Plum
  13. Orange
  14. Banana 

It is better to keep your baby tortoise on natural food items instead of canned ones. In the wild, the species graze around and feed on the weeds, stems, and vegetables. However, make sure any item you purchase for the little tortoise must be pesticide-free and non-toxic. 

Some tortoise owners prefer feeding commercial foods or pellets to baby tortoises. In a sense, it is okay if you do not have an idea about the greens and grasses.

From the above list, which items should you add to your baby tortoise’s diet? It totally depends on the species of the tortoise. Hence, identify the baby before preparing the meal plant for it.

The Best Place To Buy Pet Tortoise!

Are you planning to get a pet tortoise? Or want to have in the future?

Today, I am going to introduce you with, the store that sells their pet animals with LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE. Here are the perks of getting tortoises from XYZReptiles:

  • You’ll get a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee on all of their animals.
  • They also guarantee the sex of the animal to match what they stated at the time of purchasing.
  • The tortoises are in perfect size for getting into their new home! Not too large or a baby either!
  • If you can’t pay the full price, no worries! You can make the payment in 4 interest-free parts with PayPal!

Check out their large tortoise collection here!

What Can Baby Sulcata Tortoise Eat?

The eating habit of a baby Sulcata tortoise is similar to most other species. The diet consists of greens and vegetables, grasses and hays, and fruits. To cover up the lackings of any minerals or vitamins, you need to add pellets, multivitamins, cuttlebones, or supplements to the meal chart of the baby Sulcata tortoise.

Here is a food chart for a baby Sulcata tortoise:

Safe Grasses For Sulcata TortoiseSafe Weeds For Sulcata TortoiseSafe Green Vegetables For Sulcata TortoiseSafe Fruits For Sulcata Tortoise
Alfalfa Ryegrass Bermuda grass Oat grass Barley grass Wheatgrass Kentucky bluegrass Fescue grass Timothy grass Orchardgrass  Chickweed Dandelion Nettle Clover Milk thistle Mallow Pricky sow thistle Smooth sow thistle Henbit Honeysuckle Greater plantain Ribgrass plantain  Kale Spring mix lettuce Romaine lettuce Red leaf lettuce Arugula Pumpkin Broccoli Grape leaf Oakleaf Mesclun lettuce Radicchio Watercress Endive Chicory Fennel Escarole  Pears Banana Strawberry Apple Melon

Besides these items, you can choose any food from the diet lists given in the previous subsection.

You can include commercial pellets in your baby Sulcata tortoise diet chart. But make sure you are not overfeeding the turtle with cuttlebones or pellets. Adding the supplements twice or thrice a week is enough for these little buddies.

Also, do not add fruits to the everyday meal of the baby Sulcata tortoise. A Fruit treat every once or twice a month will bring a variety in the meals for the tortoise.

Do you know a Sulcata tortoise can live up to 150 years? Providing a balanced diet from the beginning will surely help your baby pet live to its fullest. Check out what other factors affect a baby Sulcata tortoise’s lifespan from this article. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Baby Sulcata Introduction | Sulcata Diet and Enclosure Care & Tips (

Foods To Avoid Feeding A Baby Tortoise

Baby tortoises are always sensitive. You have to properly plan through their meals so that they get the required nutrition.

The most common mistake here is that many owners do not have any idea about the forbidden food list of the baby tortoises. The myth here is, a tortoise would consume anything.

But that is not the truth. If you feed anything outside the baby tortoise’s comfort zone, the pet will have an upset stomach. In the case of toxic plants, the babies might choke and fall severely ill.

To stay aware, take a quick look at the foods given below and never enlist them in your baby tortoise’s diet:

  • Meat
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Dairy products
  • Candies and sweets
  • Sodium rich foods
  • Bread
  • Celery
  • Junk foods
  • Avocado
  • Juniper
  • Ivy
  • Asparagus fern
  • Iris
  • Calla lily
  • Daffodil
  • Amaryllis
  • Holly
  • Azalea
  • Ficus
  • Buttercup
  • Poinsettia
  • Primrose
  • Boxwood

You can click right here to get a full list of the poisonous plants to baby tortoises.

Perfect Wooden Tortoise House For Outdoor & Indoor!

To tell you the truth, I am not any good with wood working. So, making a house for my tortoise & box turtles myself was out of question. I was always on the lookout for a decent tortoise house at a cheap price.

Thanks to Aivituvin, I’ve found the perfect tortoise house that can be set up both in indoor and outdoor. Here’s why this wooden tortoise house rocks:

  • The house is made of 100% real Solid Wood. So there is no chance of rotting due to excessive moisture or tortoise waste.
  • You can monitor the tortoise both from the front and the top. The top has a meshed part for easy air circulation. So, temperature and humidity won’t sky rocket inside the house.
  • Private sleeping area, public viewing area
  • Dimension: 38.1″(L) x 22.4″(W) x 13.1″(H)

To put simply, I haven’t found any tortoise house better than this one in the market at this lucrative price range. Adding cherry to the top, the shipping is absolutely free!

So why wait? Check out the current price here on Aivituvin!

Do Baby Tortoises Drink Water?

Like all other animals, tortoises also need water to stay alive. But yes, the species do not drink much water.

To keep the bodies hydrated, the baby tortoises drink water from time to time. So, it is a good idea to provide a shallow water bowl in the enclosure. You need to fill the container with clean and fresh water regularly.

Never dig up a deep water source in a baby tortoise enclosure. Unlike turtles, tortoises can not swim.

How Much Food Does A Baby Tortoise Eat?

Determining the quantity of food for the baby tortoise is challenging for beginners. From 0 to 6 months, feed the baby pet a quarter cup of vegetables, grasses, leaves, and weeds. When it turns 6 months, increase the quantity from quarter to half cup. Continue the amount till the baby tortoise gets 12 months old.

Many tortoise owners prefer feeding the hatchlings commercial foods. In that case, offer the baby tortoises food that equals 1-4% of its body weight.

Depending on the species, the baby tortoise may have more hunger. If you find your pet devouring aggressively, provide it a little bit more greens or grasses. But do not overfeed the baby.

Usually, a baby tortoise acts like an eating machine. It is because, in the wild, they spend their time grazing here and there. However, overfeeding your baby tortoise can lead to accelerated growth and shell deformation or pyramiding.

How Often Should You Feed A Baby Tortoise?

The baby tortoises require more food than the adults. Generally, for the first 12 months, you should feed the baby pet once every day. After the 1st year, the feeding schedule will change.

Add vegetables, grasses, leaves, and stems to the diet chart of the baby tortoise. Do not feed it fruits every single day. Otherwise, the baby may have an upset tummy.

Some people think baby tortoises can not eat hard vegetables or fruits. Do not forget the tortoises have sharp jaws. They can easily crush carrots, potatoes, or other veggies and fruits like this.

Baby Tortoise And Supplements

When you are raising your baby tortoises in captivity, ensure that the pets are getting all the nutrition they need. You know, in an indoor habitat, the tortoises do not get the natural UV rays. Instead, the lack of UVA and UVB exposures are fulfilled through artificial lights.

Even with UV light, the baby tortoise can not grow stronger bones and shells if its food lacks minerals. To stay safe, vets suggest feeding the tortoise licensed calcium and vitamin D3 supplements. But the question is how much and how often to offer?

Experts believe the requirement for vitamins and calcium totally depends on the individual tortoise. You can sprinkle the supplement on each meal of the pet or try the thrice-a-week schedule.

Some people prefer leaving a small bowl of calcium powder in the baby tortoise habitat. However, in any situation, do not force your tortoise to eat any supplement.

I have encountered owners who feed their tortoises multi-vitamin. Those supplements, once or twice every week, may help the baby stay fit. But if your diet chart contains enough vegetables and grasses, there is no need for multi-vitamins for your baby tortoise.

My Baby Tortoise Is Not Eating Food: Why?

People often complain that their baby tortoise is refusing to eat. Well, there can be many reasons behind this behavior. The most common one is mental stress and anxiety.

When you bring the baby tortoise home, everything is new to it. The baby may need some time to adjust to its new home and lifestyle. Other reasons for the baby tortoises to refuse food are,

  • Low temperature
  • Dehydration
  • Sickness
  • Low-quality UV light
  • Food out of reach
  • Hibernation

Here are a few tips that may help you bring the lost appetite of your baby tortoise,

  1. Offer the baby a variety of food to find out its preferences. The pet might get bored by eating only one type of food every day.
  2. Make sure the enclosure temperature lies in the comfort zone of the baby tortoise. Generally, the preferred temperature for the tortoise is 68 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Keep a small water source in the enclosure so that the pets can drink water whenever they need it.
  4. The food bowl should not be out of reach of the baby tortoises.
  5. Install a quality UV light that provides both UVA and UVB exposures.
  6. You can try giving the baby tortoises a fruity treat to entice them to eat.


Generally, baby tortoises eat green vegetables, grasses, and fruits. The babies can not digest meat or insects, and it can upset their stomach. To ensure healthy growth, you need to add vitamin and calcium supplements to the baby tortoise’s diet.

This site is owned and operated by Muntaseer Rahman. Muntaseer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Tortoise Town, MyFahlo, Just Answer and few other sites. These affiliate advertising programs are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to the specific sites. This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice.




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How to Feed a Tortoise: The Guide to Tortoise Diet, Food & Nutritional Needs

Since our tortoises (and other pets) don’t have the luxury to run to the kitchen and grab a snack, we have to be careful about what to feed them. The nutritional needs between tortoises varies between species so in this article we’ll delve deep into the subject. We look at what they can eat, how much, how often and what foods they should avoid.

What Do Tortoises Eat in the Wild?

Tortoises live in so many types of environments with different sources of foods available to them, it’s hard to give a general rule for what they can eat as a whole. Because of the wide variety of species and natural environments (and age-related needs, too), there’s some research involved in making sure your tortoise gets the right diet at the right stage of life.

Generally speaking, a tortoise’s diet is going to be made up of mostly leaves and various plants. Yet, contrary to popular belief, some tortoises are actually omnivorous in the wild and not just vegetarians. But before you hand your tortoise some tasty insects, be sure you know which species he is and if he even needs this added protein. To help, this article will divide tortoises into two groups:

Mediterranean tortoises, whose scientific Latin names all begin with testudo. These tortoises take up a large percentage of the tortoise population.

Tropical tortoises, whose scientific Latin names generally start with geochelone. These tropical tortoises have been documented as having eaten things like carrion, slugs, and some insects or worms. Please keep in mind that this is in very small quantities and you are unlikely to see a tortoise go out of its way to eat these things.

It’s All About Location!

Desert-dwelling tortoises, or tortoises who come from more arid and dry biomes in the wild, can use the same diet as Mediterranean tortoises. Whether this is the perfect diet or not is still heavily dependent on species and life stage. Always check to see what species your tortoise is before giving them certain foods. In captivity, for example, the omnivorous tropical tortoises can happily live off a diet of plant mater. But if you try to feed a strictly vegetarian tortoise any kind of meat or insect matter, they can become extremely ill.

An example of a Mediterranean tortoise is the Greek tortoise. A species of tropical tortoise would be the star tortoise. There are a lot more species of tortoises though. We only mention these two to show how similar, yet very different tortoise species can be.

Honestly, their classifications get a little crazy. Just keep in mind that all tortoises can happily and healthily live on a diet of greens, vegetables, and flowers. It’s better to err on the side of caution here, opting for the herbivore route if in doubt! They will likely enjoy it anyway, especially if they are captive bred. As captive torts, their food sources should be frequent and stable enough that they don’t have to eat things like slugs and bugs.

What can pet tortoises eat?

All species of tortoises need to eat a variety of plants, though exactly what each species needs for a healthy life in captivity varies widely. To show this variety, we’ve selected a few popular or well-known breeds below and given a brief overview.


A giant sulcata tortoise, for example, will have a diet that consists of mainly grasses and weeds. That’s great, considering their size and weight make them an outdoor kind of tortoise instead of one that lives inside with you. Think of them like slow lawnmowers. Hay and grass work well for the sulcata, as they will eat and play with it, too. Expand their diet with grazing areas of different green grasses and maybe the occasional weeds like dandelions. The sulcata will also enjoy hibiscus leaves and the Opuntia, otherwise known as the prickly pear cactus. Be sure to add the occasional veggies and dust their food now and again with calcium powder.

Aldabra, Leopard, and Galapagos

Like the sulcata, the leopard tortoise, Aldabra tortoises, and Galapagos tortoises have evolved to eat various grasses. Their diet would consist of two thirds or three quarters in grasses or hay. The rest of their diet should be flowers, weeds, and greens. What fun to put your pet tortoise in the backyard for her meals and play time! Just be sure whatever is growing in your yard is not toxic to torts.

Russian Tortoise

When it comes to other tortoises, like the Russian tortoise, they aren’t that picky, but they do have some special needs compared to our lawnmower buddies at the top of the list. A Russian tortoise will have less grass in its diet, which means you shouldn’t depend on your backyard to feed this fella. It needs about one to ten percent of the diet to consist of grass, so a little is okay. This breed does better with more greens, like lettuce and other vegetables, taking up the majority of what the tortoise eats.

As you can see, what a tortoise needs will depend on where it came from. Not your specific tortoise, but the species itself. This is why research is so important. Plus, getting your pet tortoise from a reputable breeder will help you know exactly what to feed your little tanky friend.

Additional pet tortoise food ideas

While it’s important to stick to a healthy diet for your tortoise species, variety is nice. After all, you’d hate eating the same kind of salad every single day, too. A few other things that your pet tortoise may enjoy as part of their meal would be mulberry leaves, aloe, parsley, oregano, artichoke, strawberry leaves, raspberry leaves, and blackberry leaves.

Notice we’re specifying the leaves here. It’s not that torties shouldn’t eat berries, but they really need to stick with greens for most of their diets. You can always offer a berry or two as an occasional treat.

If given in moderation you can feed your tortoise some vegetables in the brassica family, meaning plants like kale, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts and so on.

Commercial Tortoise Food

There are many pre-made tortoise foods out there. These are convenient and readily available. Most of these are actually more like fast food and have no nutritional, though. Check the labels, ask your breeder, and talk to your vet to find the right kind of pre-made tort food.

Zoo-med brand tortoise food is actually one of the good ones. Mazuri tortoise food is pretty decent, too. These should still be offered as part of a varied diet for your tortoise, however, and not the complete meal forever.

In the wild, a tortoise may eat over two hundred different plants. Be sure to vary the items given to your tortoise to keep her happy, healthy, and interested in dinner time.

What foods are NOT safe for tortoises?

Tortoises, with all their tough outer bits, are actually quite sensitive on the inside. They need a balanced diet with a wide variety of vegetation. But there are some things no tortoise should ever eat.

Foods like peas and beans should never be given to your tortoise. These are higher in protein and not good for the tortoise’s liver or kidneys. Remember, these reptiles are predominantly vegetarians and therefore don’t need a lot of protein.

There are a variety of common plants found in yards and houses that can kill a tortoise. These include:

  • Amaryllis
  • Asparagus Fern
  • Avocado (leaves, seeds)
  • Azalea
  • Begonia
  • Boxwood
  • Buttercups
  • Calla Lily
  • Castor Bean
  • Crowfoot
  • Daffodil
  • Ficus
  • Holly
  • Ivy
  • Iris
  • Juniper
  • Nightshade Family
  • Poinsettia
  • Primrose

This is not a complete list of common toxic plants. Be sure to ask a nursery specialist to help identify plants in your yard or home. When in doubt, keep your tortoise away from anything you’re not sure of.

Some other things to avoid would be grass-heavy diets for tortoises that are not the sulcata, leopard tortoise, aldabra tortoise, or the Galapagos tortoise. These species of tortoise evolved to eat grasses. Their stomachs can handle the high amounts of silica found in many grasses and hay, while other species cannot

When it comes to fruit in a tortoise’s diet, it should be very limited or not at all in the case of Mediterranean tortoises. Tortoises who live in areas that are more tropical, where fruit would fall to the ground, can have some. Just be sure not to feed your tortoise too much fruit or they could become obese.

What’s the deal with calcium in tortoise diets?

Adding calcium to your tortoise’s diet is just as important as paying attention to the rest of their food. For your pet tortoise, added calcium is necessary. It helps in growing that gorgeous protective shell and keeping her body healthy.

Tortoises need this added calcium in their diets, along with all that UVB and natural sunlight. It keeps their bodies strong and healthy while helping them digest food. Just make sure that the calcium you are giving your tortoise does not include high amounts of phosphorus. This can block the absorption of vital calcium.

A female tortoise and young tortoises need even more calcium. If your female tortoise is going to have babies, she needs this extra calcium not only for herself, but to help her eggs develop nice and healthy.

Calcium powders are the best way to get a tortoise its necessary nutrients, and they have many options available. One popular kind is by the name of Repti-cal. You can also add cuttlebone. It has high calcium and your tortoise may enjoy chewing on it. Keep in mind, not all tortoises will enjoy the cuttlebone, so don’t take it personally if your tortoise wants nothing to do with it.

If calcium made and packaged specifically for your tortoise is not available to you, or if it is too pricey to ship, then you can take some calcium powder from your local pharmacy, just be sure it is safe. Not all calcium powders for human are safe for torts.

Go for calcium carbonate powder. It is fairly cheap and easy to find. You just need to make sure your calcium powder contains some vitamin D, as it is also important to your tortoise’s health.

So, in short, get a phosphorus-free calcium powder that has vitamin D mixed in. A tortoise can synthesize vitamin D from the sun, but not everywhere in the world is super sunny, so making sure they get some in their diet is best.

How often should your tortoise eat?

This is a big subject that is always up for debate with tortoise owners. The general rule seems to be feeding at least once a day for babies and younger torts. You can also feed your tortoise every other day or even three times a week, but this all depends on your particular tortoise and the amount of nutrients in their meals.

The size of the meal is also important, but there is no set rule on how much to give a tortoise. They are grazing animals in the wild, which makes “meal time” a little tricky in captivity.

Many keepers of tortoises like to give them several small, nutrient-dense meals every couple of days and let the tortoise graze as it wishes. They remove any old or nasty bits of vegetation from the enclosure or yard as needed.

If feeding wet foods, like fruits, then you should use a shallow dish that the tortoise can climb in and out of with ease. This is to reduce any bedding that may get stuck to the food and ingested, causing impaction and health issues.

Whether or not your tortoise has an outdoor enclosure will also change how often you should feed it and if you have tortoise-safe grazing plants in the outdoor pen. Make sure to read over the list of toxic plants above, and also check with your vet and breeder for other lists, too. You can’t be too careful with grazing torts.


Feeding torts can be fun, but you need to do so with great care. Make sure you know the species of your tortoise and get a wide variety of foods it can eat. Make sure you provide calcium in the form of a non-phosphorus powder with added vitamin D.

If your tortoise can eat fruits, then make sure you add them sparingly and give them in a shallow dish your tortoise can get in and out of easily. If your tortoise is not a fruit-eating breed, resist the temptation to offer this dangerous treat!

You can feed your tortoise every day, every other day, or three days every week. It varies on their living arrangements and if they have an outdoor pen where they graze freely.

Whatever you decide for feeding your tortoise, take joy in knowing that he appreciates what you do for him. Spend some time just watching him eat, talking softly to him, and bonding over a great salad.

How and what to feed red-eared, marsh and other aquatic turtles

Aquatic ornamental turtles are frequent inhabitants of home aquariums. These cute reptiles are very fond of children and adults. In order for the turtle to live a long and fulfilling life in a closed tank, you need to create appropriate living conditions for it and pay special attention to the right diet.

In this article, we will look at popular brands of complete food and treats for aquatic turtles, how many times a day, at what time and how to feed them correctly, whether turtles need mineral and vitamin supplements, differences in the diet of adults and small pets, as well as depending on from the type of turtle.

Features of feeding aquatic turtles

Aquatic turtles eat plant and animal food. During the period of growth and formation of the body, turtles need food rich in protein. Natural products can be added to the diet in combination with ready-made dry food designed specifically for aquatic turtles.

Natural products are served to turtles in small pieces. A single portion is determined so that in a 30-minute snack, the turtle can completely eat the entire piece of food served. For young reptiles, 2-3 pieces of 1 cm3 are usually enough, and for feeding adult turtles, the size of the pieces should be slightly increased. If after a snack there is a half-eaten piece in the aquarium, the portion can be reduced at the next feeding.

A few more important rules for feeding aquatic turtles:

  • natural food should be thermally processed before feeding the reptile;
  • food served must be at room temperature;
  • food can be placed in the aquarium in a special feeder located on the ground in order not to pollute the water;
  • feeding with tweezers is allowed;
  • To create a balanced diet, you can combine prepared food with natural food.

Overview of artificial food for turtles

Dry food is recommended not as a main food for aquatic turtles, but as a supplementary food that goes well with natural food.

Dry food for aquatic turtles offers a wide range of products from different world manufacturers. We will briefly review the types of artificial food and other healthy treats for pet reptiles.

Complete dry food

Complete dry food can be given to baby and adult turtles every day. The composition of such a product includes useful components of plant and animal origin, selected taking into account all the requirements of the reptile's body.

Popular brands:

  • Sera;
  • Zoomir;
  • Tetra ReptoMin;
  • Dajana.


Non-complete feeds are classified as Treats. They can only be given to adult turtles and no more than once a week.

Popular treats:

  • JBL Tortil;
  • Tetra ReptoDelica Snack;
  • Sera Raffy Royal;
  • Zoomir "Tortila M" Strong shell, etc.

Vitamin-mineral complexes

At home, turtles cannot get all the trace elements necessary for their body, which they extract in the natural environment. So that the reptile does not get sick and feels good, it must be periodically fed with special vitamin and mineral supplements. You can buy ready-made complexes in pet supply stores.

Vitamin and mineral supplements for turtles:

  • MIX – mineral supplement with calcium;
  • MIX - general strengthening supplement;
  • mineral block "Tortila";
  • Beaphar Turtle Vitamin - vitamin complex;
  • FIORY Tarta Vigor - feed supplement with vitamins;
  • mineral block Ca+D3 "Tortila M";
  • Sera vitamins;
  • Dajana – mineral stone for aquatic turtles.

Adult tortoise and small pet diet

The diet of aquatic turtles must be combined - natural food in combination with artificial food. Consider what foods can and cannot be given to aquarium reptiles.

Useful and harmful natural products for aquatic turtles:

  1. You can give low-fat river fish in crushed form with chopped bones. You can not feed turtles with bony and oily fish.
  2. May be fed with live gammarus and small crustaceans.
  3. Raw shrimp and crabs are allowed.
  4. Turtles should not be fed squid, although they love them very much.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to give reptiles the meat of terrestrial animals and factory meat products (sausages, canned food, etc.). The digestive system of reptiles does not absorb such food.
  6. Occasionally, you can treat the turtle with pieces of beef heart and liver. These products feed the body with vitamin A.
  7. It is allowed to feed the reptile with food mice and frogs.
  8. Turtles can be given natural plant foods such as carrots, lettuce, apple pulp, herbs, sprouted oats and barley.
  9. Non-poisonous grassland plants, as well as algae and some types of aquatic plants, can be included in the diet.
  10. Limited pieces of pear, watermelon, melon, banana, apricot and raspberry are served.
  11. Do not give turtles citrus fruits, nuts, soybeans, beans, cabbage, bread, flour products, cereals, fish waste, dairy products, chicken eggs.
  12. Foods high in phosphorus, stromagenic substances and oxalates are harmful to reptiles.
  13. With pleasure and benefit, turtles eat various insects and larvae living in the water. They can be fed with coretra, bloodworms, locusts, crickets, fly larvae, earthworms and moths. The insect must first be decapitated. Can be given dried, frozen, or live.
  14. Live and thawed mollusks, land snails, snails, marizas, etc. are well absorbed by the reptile organism. But it is better not to treat a turtle with slugs without shells.

Turtle menu specifics depending on their species

Water turtles are more often predators, so the basis of their diet is food of animal origin. If your aquarium has a semiaquatic or marsh reptile that prefers vegetarian food, the diet will be based on plant foods. In any case, the nutrition for the turtle must be balanced and varied so that the body of the domestic reptile fully receives all the necessary substances and trace elements.

Features of the diet of turtles of different species:

  1. The red-eared turtle prefers fry, small fish with bones, insect larvae, chicken fillet, gammarus and shrimp. From plant foods, you can give apples, lettuce and slices of fresh cucumber.
  2. Chinese amphibian Trionix enjoys beef liver, heart, lean fish, fry and small frogs. From plant foods, she will like fresh herbs and slices of tomato.
  3. The European bog turtle loves lean meats, fish with small bones, and plant foods.
  4. Musk turtle prefers to feed on algae, fish and aquatic insects.

How often and at what time to feed the turtles

It is recommended to feed the turtle at the same time. The first three years of life they are fed once a day, mainly food of animal origin. As they grow, the need for such food is lost, so plant foods and dry food become the main part of the diet.

Adult turtles are fed once every 2-3 days. In summer, turtles eat more often, but in small portions, and in winter they may not eat for several days, and then gladly absorb the increased portion. In the cold season, it is recommended to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the turtle's diet.

After the turtle has been fed, the remains of food are removed from the aquarium. In the subsequent feeding, fresh food is served. You can not feed the reptile with spoiled foods, they can cause poisoning of the body.

Major Owner Mistakes

Beginning pet turtle owners often make feeding and diet mistakes that can cause serious health problems for the reptile.

The most common owner mistakes are:

  • feeding the turtle food from his table - salty, fried, smoked and seasoned dishes are very dangerous for the body of turtles;
  • regular feeding with vitamin and mineral supplements - such complexes should not be given to turtles more than once a week;
  • make up an unbalanced diet, for example, they regularly treat a reptile with fish, forgetting about the need to feed other healthy foods, which leads to an excess of vitamin B and a lack of other trace elements in the body.

These are the most common mistakes in feeding domestic aquatic turtles, as a result of which reptiles develop various health problems.

The following symptoms testify to improper feeding of the tortoise: coordination of the movement of the reptile is disturbed, it refuses to eat, shows lethargy, and motor activity decreases. An unbalanced diet of small turtles leads to improper development of the body and growth retardation. To eliminate such health problems for the turtle, make up a healthy and balanced diet for it!

Never try to treat a water turtle yourself. If there are certain symptoms that indicate an unhealthy condition, seek the help of a veterinarian specializing in the treatment of domestic reptiles. An experienced specialist will also tell you in detail how and what to properly feed waterfowl aquarium turtles.

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy and long life of a domestic reptile!

How often should turtles be fed? | Tail News


1 What time to feed the turtle? 2 How much food to feed a turtle?

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The frequency of feeding is one of the foundations of a proper diet. But if you search the Internet for how often you should feed your turtle, the information will vary from source to source. What is it connected with? And how many times a day should you feed a turtle?

Controversy over the frequency of feeding reptiles is not uncommon. And all because there is no single answer to this question.

The frequency of feeding is individual for each pet.

However, there are approximate rules that should be followed. They are valid for both land and aquatic turtles.

What time to feed the turtle?

It is best to feed turtles in the morning, but after the animal has warmed up. The choice of time is due to the fact that turtles lead a predominantly diurnal lifestyle and food is better absorbed before evening. In the evening and at night, when the lamps are turned off in the aquaterrarium, the temperature drops and the reptile's metabolic rate decreases.

If you feed your pet at night, there is a high risk that digestion will fail. This is especially true of land and some aquatic species of turtles, such as marsh and red-eared.

Other reptiles can take food with the same benefit around the clock.

It is advisable to give your pet food at the same time. Compliance with the regimen promotes proper digestion and makes it easier to maintain cleanliness in the aquarium.

Turtles get used to the feeding schedule. This is one of the few available ways to communicate with them.

How much food to feed a turtle?

The ideal portion size is the one that a turtle can handle in half an hour. If food remains after this time, it must be removed. This will help prevent contamination of the terrarium.

If the turtle eats all the food within a few minutes and then continues to search for food, the number of feedings or servings should be increased.

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