How to feed a baby possum
Orphaned or Injured Opossum | Opossum Society of the United States
Is it really an orphan? Many opossums become orphaned after the mother is killed. Others become “orphaned” when they fall from her back or are somehow separated. These opossums must be raised by wildlife rehabilitators. However, many juvenile opossums brought to wildlife rehabilitators are not “true” orphans in need of care. They may be young juveniles on their own for the first time. While they may appear small and helpless, they are best left alone. Only opossums that are sick, injured, or too young to be on their own (less than 7 inches long from nose to rump, not including tail) are in need of immediate asssistance.
If a young opossum is found then check the surrounding area. There may be more. Be very quiet and listen for “sneezing” sounds the young make to call the mother.
Do not attempt to care for the opossum yourself. In general, it is illegal to do so unless you are a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. More importantly, you may cause the opossum harm or death if you do not know what you are doing.
Contact your local Opossum Society of the United States (OSUS) member, wildlife rehabilitator, veterinarian, state department of wildlife or animal control for assistance. Always check first to make sure they do not euthanize all opossums.
The below informational links are not identical to each other. Please search each one for a small mammal rehabilitator nearest you.
Two of these websites were apparently created and posted by volunteers and are not updated regularly. Some people listed are deceased or are no longer rehabilitating wildlife, their name horribly misspelled, email and telephone numbers incorrect. Please be patient in your search and not give up if the person or organization is not reachable on one site, the correct information may be on another site.
Humane Society of the United States
Wildlife Rescue Shelter
Hand feeding an orphaned opossum. Click on the image to view an enlarged version.
If you are interested in wildlife rehabilitation and raising orphaned opossums then volunteer with OSUS or a local wildlife rehabilitator. Check with your state regarding training and licensing. OSUS sells an informative Opossum Orphan Care Training Video and Manual.
These training tools are a MUST for any rehabilitator regardless of level of experience. Please see our gift catalog for ordering information.
Temporary orphan care until help can be found:
Less than 4″ from nose to rump:
Seek immediate assistance. Warm by wrapping in a soft ravel-free towel and place near but not directly against a heat source that has been covered with towels (heating pad set on low, hot water bottle, etc.). Do not offer cow’s milk. You may offer Pedialyte diluted 1:2 with lukewarm water for the first two feedings 3-4 hours apart. Then you gradually introduce Esbilac (puppy milk substitute) over the next 24 hours. Feed with a dropper or syringe. Opossums do not suckle. They must lap at the formula being dispensed. warm the infants before attempting to feed. Infants must be stimulated to eliminate either before or after feeding by gently rubbing genital area with a warm moistened cotton ball.
Long term hand feeding can result in dietary deficiencies. Contact OSUS for more info.
Offer water in a shallow bowl or jar lid and kitten chow moistened with water. Some orphans may still require hand feeding as described above. Opossums defecate in water bowls. Replace with fresh water as needed.
These are young juveniles. Unless sick or injured they do not require assistance.
Note about parasites: Opossums can become heavily infested with parasites, especially ectoparasites such as fleas. It is important to remove fleas from the opossum or life-threatening flea anemia and death may occur. This is particularly critical in young opossums. Fleas can be removed safely by wrapping the opossum in warm towel and allowing fleas to jump from the opossum to the towel. Replace with warm towels as needed until fleas are gone. An immediate flea bath is not recommended because it can cause an already compromised opossum to go into shock and die.
CAUTION: Orphan care can not be learned over the Internet. The above diets are for temporary feeding only until help can be found. Long-term use will result in dietary deficiencies. Contact OSUS for more information.
Seek immediate assistance. Contact your local Opossum Society of the United States member, state department of wildlife, veterinarian, wildlife rehabilitator or animal control. Make sure animal control will not euthanize all opossums.
This opossumis not dead. It is playing “possum”. Click on the image to see an enlarged version.
This opossum is not dead. It is “playing possum”
Give a “dead” opossum the benefit of the doubt before disposing of the body. It may be “playing possum” as an involuntary response to a threat, in which the opossum becomes comatose in the face of danger and appears dead. This may last from 40 minutes to 4 hours. During this time, the opossum lies on its side, becomes stiff, the eyes glaze over, the opossum drools, the tongue lolls out the side of the mouth, and green anal fluid may be seen. This fascinating defense mechanism helps the opossum survive an attack from a predator because many predators give up the attack if they believe the opossum is already dead.
Leave the area and give the opossum a chance to recover and move on. The opossum will not respond to prodding or poking. When the opossum is about to recover, the ears move very slightly.
Rehabilitation is possible, please do your part to help.
If you see an obviously dead female opossum and detect movement in the pouch area, have the body and infants transported to the nearest wildlife rehabilitator or veterinarian.
Please speak with your veterinarian about medical issues. Contact the Opossum Society of the United States for other information. OSUS has a list of veterinarians willing to assist or advise wildlife rehabilitators and veterinarians.
You can contact your local veterinarian, animal control or your state’s department of wildlife for a referral to a rehabilitator near you. Please ask and make sure they do not have a policy of euthanizing all opossums! We will be happy to assist you in locating a wildlife rehabilitator by email if you provide your city and a list of cities near you. Please be advised that we are volunteer based and so there may be delays in answering email. If immediate assistance is needed then do not wait for a response from O.S.U.S. To find a local wildlife rehabilitator please click the link to search the contact list by state, under small mammal rehabilitators.
Wildlife Rescue Shelter
Caring for Baby Opossums - Exotic Nutrition
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Keep Them Warm & Hydrated
The first thing you need to do is make sure babies are warmed up before trying to feed them anything. You can do this by wrapping them in t-shirt material or fleece (don’t use towels because they may get caught on the loops) and putting a heating pad on low underneath one side of their enclosure. You can also use a plastic water bottle filled with hot water and wrapped in a cloth, or a sock filled with rice and microwaved. Then, before feeding formula, you need to make sure they’re hydrated. Start by giving them diluted, unflavored Pedialyte for 12-24 hours before attempting to feed them anything else.
After they’ve been properly hydrated, you can begin giving them diluted formula and then slowly move up to regular strength over the next few days so they can adjust to the food. For infants under 40 grams, make the formula with 1 part formula to 5 parts water and slowly work them up to 1 part formula to 2 parts water. For very small babies, use 1 part formula to 10 parts water.
To make the formula, you will need:
- Bottled Spring Water
- Goat’s Milk Esbilac Puppy Formula
- Calcium Glubionate Syrup
- Boiled egg yolk or powdered egg yolk
- Brewer’s Yeast
- Unsweetened apple juice
- Nutrical
- Lactaid
Mix 1/3 Esbilac formula and 1 cup spring water for regular strength formula. Add 200 mg of Calcium Glubionate Syrup, ½ medium boiled egg yolk (or powdered egg yolk for a smoother formula), 1/2 tsp powdered brewer’s yeast, 2 tsp unsweetened apple juice, 1 tsp of Nutrical, and Lactaid (use the directions on the bottle to mix the right amount for the amount of formula you’re making). Make sure to refrigerate the prepared formula for 12 hours before feeding it so the Lactaid works properly.
Use the following chart to determine how much and how often to feed your opossum based on their weight:
Weight |
Amount |
Frequency |
10 g |
.5 ml |
Every 2-3 hrs |
15 g |
. |
Every 2-3 hrs |
20 g |
1 ml |
Every 2-3 hrs |
25 g |
1.25 ml |
Every 2-3 hrs |
30 g |
1.5 ml |
Every 2-3 hrs |
35 g |
1.75 ml |
Every 2-3 hrs |
40 g |
2 ml |
Every 4 hrs |
45 g |
2.25 ml |
Every 4 hrs |
50 g |
2. |
Every 4 hrs |
55 g |
2.75 ml |
Every 4 hrs |
60 g |
3 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
65 g |
3.25 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
70 g |
3.5 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
75 g |
4 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
80 - 85 g |
4.25 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
90 g |
4. |
Every 6 hrs |
95 g |
4.75 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
100 g |
5 ml |
Every 6 hrs |
Feeding & Elimination
Young babies will not be able to feed themselves, so it’s best to feed them by using a dropper or syringe. Once they are able to lap up food themselves (usually once they’re 40-50 g), you can give them a shallow bowl of formula to encourage self-feeding. They will be messy at this stage, so make sure to do this in an area that can be easily cleaned.
You will also need to stimulate them to eliminate waste, as they are unable to do this on their own as babies. You can do this either before or after feeding, by using a warm wet cotton ball to gently stroke the genital area towards the tail until urine or feces is produced. Keep doing so until they are completely done. This action simulates the mother’s tongue, and is very important for preventing a ruptured bladder.
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Please Note: Exotic Nutrition is not in a position to provide specific health and care guidelines on an individual basis. Please visit our animal info tabs or consider purchasing a care guide book for additional information. If you have a health or pet emergency issue, please notify your veterinarian or a specialized technician.
How to "play possum"? | Animals
Moreover, during the entire time of their existence (beginning from the Cretaceous period - the era of dinosaurs), opossums even outwardly almost did not change. The same rat-like appearance, disheveled fur, bare pink paws, ears and tail, and a wide mouth with sharp teeth. Like rats, possums are tenacious, cunning, and thieving creatures. Suffice it to recall the desperate and impudent brothers - Crash and Eddie - from the film "Ice Age-2". Opossums are practically omnivorous - their diet includes fruits, worms, insects, frogs, even chicks. Those of us who are not particularly squeamish may find that the meat of the opossum itself is quite edible.
Mine Reed "The Headless Horseman":
"Damn it, you're a black man! Next time, Pluto, when I wander into these parts, I will give you an opossum with meat as tender as that of a two-year-old chicken.
But one quality of this animal deserves special attention. In the vocabulary of Americans, you can find the expression: "Stop playing possum", which in our opinion sounds like "Stop pretending to be a felt boot, pretending."
The fact is that when the animal is in immediate danger (like being attacked by a dog), it often uses a proven technique - it pretends to be a corpse. At the same time, he pretends to be very convincing: his eyes turn glassy, his tongue falls out, foam flows from his mouth, and an unpleasant smell flows from the anal glands. Scientists are still guessing - what is it: a skillful "acting" game or a stressful state of catalepsy, in which even the heartbeat slows down?
It is said that if necessary, the opossum can imitate the finale of Hamlet for up to several hours. As soon as the danger disappears, the animal begins to “come to life” - it turns over, carefully looks around with its black eyes, after which it gives a goose.
P. G. Wodehouse “Keep it up, Jeeves!”:
“One of the great lessons of life is that when a man hears a fight between two females, a man should go into a corner and curl up in a ball, better yet, use the clever tactics of the possum, who pretends to be dead as soon as the air smells of fried, and sometimes goes so far as to gather around his friends and make them lament over his body.
D. Harris "Uncle Remus' Tales":
"- Tell the tales, Brother Possum. As the dog touched you, you immediately tumbled and pretended to be dead.
— So I tell you, Brother Raccoon, that it is not at all from fear. There is only one thing I am afraid of in the world - it is tickling. And when this dog poked its nose into my ribs, I laughed, and the laughter made me laugh so much that I couldn’t move my hand or foot! Of course, it's her luck that I'm ticklish, otherwise a minute more and I would have torn her to shreds. I'm not afraid of any fight, Brother Raccoon, but tickling is another matter. I agree to fight with anyone, but only - mind you - without tickling.
F. Krivin:
“The opossum pretends to be dead so cleverly that he even falls from a tree and can no longer tell whether he is dead or alive.
What do you think, is it so easy to figure it out? When you've been faking all your life, all you know is that you're faking, how can you say with certainty - are you a possum or no longer a possum?
Since Australia was discovered much later than America, it was the opossum that became the first marsupial that European civilization met. The Columbus expedition delivered an unusual animal directly to the royal palace. The Spanish monarchs - Ferdinand and Isabella - personally made sure that the female opossum had a bag and did not even disdain to put their hand in it.
Ciez de León Chronicle of Peru, 1553:
“... there were seven cubs near her, and as she heard a noise, she opened the bag, which nature placed on her own abdomen, and she very quickly gathered the cubs, running away with great agility, so that I was afraid for her existence - being so small, to run with such a burden - and still run away. They call this animal Chucha.
As in the case of kangaroos, for a long time people could not believe that tiny premature opossum cubs are born in the usual way - from the genital opening, and only then get to the pouch. Among the local residents of America, there was even a belief about the "immaculate conception" of these animals - they say, the male and female simply rub their noses, after which the embryos immediately grow in the bag directly from the nipples.
In fact, premature opossums do the same marathon as kangaroos - clinging to the wool, crawling from the birthplace to the feeding area. There are only thirteen nipples in the bag, so if more cubs are born, only the thirteen most agile get the right to live.
When the cubs grow up, they leave the pouch, but at the same time they do not leave their mother for a long time. The kids just ride it like a tram, clutching the wool with their paws (and the paws of possums are very dexterous, similar to a human hand).
D. Attenborough Life on Earth:
“At the beginning of the 18th century, a famous painting appeared in Europe depicting a female South American opossum with cubs, whose tails are neatly wrapped around the outstretched tail of the mother. The picture was copied many times, each time making changes, until, in the end, it turned out that the mother lifted her tail over her back, and the babies hang from it in a row on their tails, like passengers on a tram. When stuffed possums began to be stuffed in museums, then, naturally, they consulted from books and gave the exhibits just such a peculiar position, which further supported the widespread version. But this is just a fairy tale, of which many are told about these extraordinary creatures.
Possum tails are indeed prehensile, but not as prehensile as people think. The cubs can still hang on one tail for some time, but it is not so easy for grown-up adults to do this, so they use the tail as a useful bonus.
It must be said that when describing opossums, I was guided mainly by a portrait of one - the most common species - Virginia. But there are other types that are no less remarkable.
For example, the water opossum, or swimmer, is the only marsupial adapted to an aquatic lifestyle (it is not for nothing that its hind legs are webbed). Even a female swims with a bag full of cubs. True, the bag is special - able to "tighten" with the help of a special muscle.
Even more original is the woolly opossum. The fact is that this marsupial bag just doesn’t have it. Underdeveloped cubs (namely, this is the main property of the marsupial order) simply hang on the nipples, hidden in thick wool.
There are not only remarkable species among opossums, but also remarkable individuals. So, in 2010, a female Virginian opossum named Heidi received worldwide PR. This inhabitant of the Leipzig Zoo attracted the attention of people with her excellent ... strabismus. A photo of funny Heidi was distributed in newspapers and the Internet, and many even dedicated songs to her. Unfortunately, she did not enjoy fame for long. Heidi was already very old, and by 2011 she was also seriously ill. To prevent the animal from suffering, the zoo decided to euthanize it.
Tags: zoology, interesting fact, fauna, animals, nature
description of the animal, where it lives, what it eats
Opossums are one of the oldest animals that live on our planet, while practically unchanged in appearance for millions of years. Thanks to the efforts of animators, a fascinating cartoon called "Ice Age" was released on the screens. The heroes of this cartoon are two interesting opossums, who are waiting for various adventures. This article tells about the life of this fluffy, and sometimes funny animal, as well as its origin as a species. 9Ol000
Possum: description
The possum family belongs to the class of marsupial mammals that live mainly in the American continent. It is believed that opossums represent the oldest inhabitants of our planet, which have been preserved in their original form since the Cretaceous period. At least that's what the experts think.
As for the American continent, scientists suggest based on their research that opossums first appeared in South America. After some time, the so-called "bridge" appeared, which connected South and North America. Many species of animals living in North America appeared in South America, which led to the death of many representatives of the class of marsupials. The only good news is that some representatives of the marsupials managed to survive, adapting to the new realities of their habitat.
Not only did the opossums manage to adapt to new living conditions, they also spread to the territory of North America, up to the territory of Canada. There is one more fact that must be taken into account in the case of the history of the origin of the species: as a result of excavations, the remains of similar animals were found that once lived in Europe.
Apart from the fact that opossums appeared on our planet millions of years ago, the first mention of these animals appeared in the writings of the priest and historian Pedro Ciessa de Leon somewhere in 1553. The works were called "Chronicle of Peru". In these writings, the Spaniard mentioned a very interesting, unknown to him mammal, which was small in size, small limbs, a long tail like a fox, and also a brownish coat color.
Rat opossums are the closest relatives of opossums and they live in America. There are several varieties of possums that differ from each other, both in appearance and habitats.
Possum - interesting facts
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So, in the natural environment lives: The habitual habitats of this animal are associated with forest plantations growing in the coastal zone of various reservoirs. The diet includes cereals, mushrooms, as well as various insects and other small animals.
Virginian opossum (Didelphis virginiana)
It is also remarkable for its impressive size (comparatively) and weighing about 6 kilograms. It prefers to live within forest areas with high humidity, although it is found on the prairies. It feeds on small living creatures in the form of small rodents, small birds, chicks and eggs, as well as rabbit offspring.
Water opossum (Chironectes minimus)
Prefers to live near water bodies, eating fish and other inhabitants of water bodies, hunting them afloat. Eats fruit whenever possible. Compared to other members of the family, it has weak reproductive properties.
Mouse opossum (Thylamys elegans)
It is characterized by small size, as it grows only up to 15 centimeters in length. It prefers to live in mountains and is found at altitudes up to 2,500 meters above sea level. The diet includes various insects, all kinds of fruits, as well as bird eggs.
Gray tailed opossum (Caluromys philander)
This is a small animal weighing 100 grams or slightly more with a body length of no more than 16 centimeters. The habitat is associated with flat areas, densely overgrown with low grass. It is also found near human habitation.
Patagonian possum (Patagonian
Opossum )
This is a tiny animal, weighing up to 50 grams. It feeds on various types of insects.
In addition to the listed species, there are other varieties of opossums.
Appearance and features
Despite the fact that there are many varieties of possums in nature, they all have characteristic external signs and features, so it makes sense to describe the common opossum. These are animals of small size, with a body length of about 0.6 meters, while females are 10 centimeters smaller. If we compare the sizes, then the opossum can be compared with an ordinary cat, while the muzzle of the opossum is more elongated and pointed.
The possum's tail is distinguished by the fact that it is not covered with hair, while it is powerful and thicker at the base. It should be noted that the tail is quite functional and helps the animal to move in the crowns of trees. In addition, the animal on the tail can hang on a branch and even sleep in limbo. The coat, although short, is thick and dense.
The main color of the animals depends on the species, as well as on the habitat, so there are animals:
- Dark grey.
- Brownish grey.
- Brown.
- Light grey.
- Black.
- Beige.
The common opossum has a gray coat with white hairs. The head area is lighter. The eyes, in the form of black beads, stand out noticeably against a light background. The ears are small and rounded. Each paw of the animal is armed with five fingers with sharp claws. The jaws of this animal are quite primitive. There are 50 teeth in the mouth of this animal, 4 of which are fangs. The structure and arrangement of the teeth indicates the ancient origin of the species.
The peculiarity of the animal is the presence of a "bag" in which the offspring is located after birth. The offspring are born prematurely, and in the bag the cubs grow up and get stronger. The pouch is nothing more than a leathery fold that opens towards the tail. It should be noted that not all representatives of this family have a similar "bag", therefore, the offspring born into the world cling to the wool in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mother's chest, where they stay until the period of their independence.
Where the opossum lives
Today, these animals are found exclusively within the New World, although in the past their habitat extended even to the territory of the European continent, as evidenced by the remains of animals found in Europe as a result of archaeological research. Possums live within South and North America, although recently the habitat of these animals has been expanding through the northern territories, reaching the southeastern borders of Canada, as well as the Lesser Antilles.
Opossums are found within various biotopes: animals are found in forests, in steppe zones, as well as in semi-desert conditions. They are found not only in flat areas, but also in mountainous areas, rising to a height of up to 4 thousand meters above sea level. There are several varieties of opossums, so it is not surprising that the habitat of these animals is so extensive. Some species prefer to live near water bodies, as they lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Most representatives of this family prefer to live either on the ground or in trees.
An interesting moment! Some species prefer to settle near human habitation, although in general opossums prefer not to meet humans.
What the opossum eats
We can safely say that opossums are omnivorous mammals, since their diet contains both animal and vegetable food. As a rule, gastronomic preferences depend on the species, as well as on habitat conditions. As a result of observations, it was established that these animals do what they eat. It seems that these animals cannot get enough, but this is only an impression. In fact, possums are so prudent that they eat in reserve, so that if something happens, they can survive hungry times.
The diet includes the following food items:
- Berries.
- Fruit.
- Mushrooms.
- Various insects.
- Small reptiles.
- Small rodents.
- Fish, crustaceans, shrimp.
- Small birds.
- Bird eggs.
- Herbaceous plants.
- Leaves.
- Corn cobs.
- Cereals.
If you have a possum at home as a pet, which is quite fashionable nowadays, then such an animal can be fed with all kinds of vegetables, fruits, chicken meat, and also eggs. In addition, the animal can be given cat food, but in small quantities. As a rule, opossums always have a great appetite.
Character and way of life
Opossums prefer to lead an isolated lifestyle, acquiring a mate only for the breeding season. The peak of activity falls on the dark time of the day. During the daytime, these animals prefer to be in their shelters or in the crown of trees, hanging on their tail. About 19 hours a day, opossums go to sleep.
They are quite cautious and shy animals that prefer not to meet with a person, so the capture of an opossum is a rather difficult task, given the fact that opossums make sounds only in extreme cases. They are not talkative also because they lead a secluded lifestyle. They behave in a balanced manner, without showing unmotivated aggression.
Opossums can be envied for their skill in moving through the canopy of trees. Particularly interesting is the fact that the tail is used, which has reliability and strength, so the opossums even sleep, hanging on the tail. There are also ground-dwelling species, but there are many more tree-dwelling species. Water opossums are distinguished by the fact that they feel great in the water, extracting food for themselves in such conditions.
As a rule, opossums prefer to move from place to place and do not stay in one place for a long time, therefore they do not have a permanent, let alone controlled, habitat. Species that live in colder climates hibernate during cold weather. If warmer periods occur at this time, the opossums wake up. When they wake up, they are refreshed, as they have to stay awake for a short time.
An important point! Those who have had such a pet at home claim that opossums are not distinguished by any kind of intelligence. Despite this, you will never get bored with possums.
Reproduction and offspring
Opossums form pairs during the mating period. Depending on the species of animals, the mating season occurs at different times. North American opossums breed up to 3 times a year, and species that live in warmer climates breed year-round. Tree-dwelling species build something like bird nests for themselves. Land-dwelling species can find shelter left by other animals, as well as among the root system of trees and in other secluded places.
In general, opossums are very prolific mammals, as a litter can contain more than 2 dozen babies, although this is rare. Basically, up to one and a half dozen cubs are born. Despite the numerous offspring, not all survive, but the most energetic and strong, especially since the female has only 12 or 13 nipples. The female bears her offspring for 25 days, and smaller species for 15 days. The offspring are born prematurely and are more like embryos that weigh a maximum of 5 grams.
Marsupial opossums carry babies in their pouches where the nipples are, and species that do not have such bags carry their babies on nipples, by which the babies are held, and quite firmly. Babies begin to resemble their parents, somewhere in a couple of months, while their body is covered with hair, they begin to see clearly and gain weight. The female feeds her cubs with milk for 3 months.
The female has a very difficult life, as the grown offspring move onto the mother's back and she has to carry a lot of weight on herself, given that there can be more than a dozen children. After reaching 3 months of age, young opossums begin to eat adult food. By 6 or 8 months of life, both males and females become sexually mature animals. Living in the natural environment, the duration of these animals is about 5 years, and living in captivity, some individuals lived for 9years.
Natural enemies of possums
Living in the natural environment, possums have a sufficient number of natural enemies and this is not at all surprising, since the animal is small and rather shy. On occasion, opossums can become dinner for many predatory animals, as well as predatory birds. For young individuals, snakes are a great danger. These small animals also die from various diseases. Rabies causes serious damage to the number of these animals, and Virginian opossums are carriers of this deadly disease.
If opossums cannot physically withstand many natural enemies, then they can put on a show if the danger is a deadly threat. Possums are so skillfully pretending to be dead that not a single predator even suspects that they want to spend it "around the finger." The animal falls dead, while its eyes become glassy, foam appears from its mouth, and special glands secrete an aroma resembling a cadaverous smell. Predators, whose diet does not include carrion, sniffing the opossum, move away from the "carrion" as far as possible. When the danger has passed, the animal comes to life and leaves in its own direction. This trick helps opossums to survive among a huge number of predators.
Population and species status
Opossums are found in both South America and North America. The number of these animals is such that nothing threatens their future, therefore they have the appropriate status, since they do not require any protective measures. Naturally, a person, as a result of his life activity, has a negative impact on the life activity of many animal species, including opossums. The wool of possums is in demand, therefore it is used to make various types of clothing. It is not surprising that many well-known manufacturers sew clothes from the fur of these animals.
Man needs more and more territories, which have to be taken away from representatives of the animal world. In turn, animals have to adapt to various, sometimes new, living conditions, which is what opossums do. Some South Americans eat opossum meat, and in some countries these animals are considered pests, so they are purposefully exterminated, although in fact they do not pose a serious threat to cultivated lands. Many animals die under the wheels of cars, being on the freeways.
An important point! At the moment, all of the above threats do not have a significant impact on the total number of opossums living within their range. This fact is due to the fact that possums are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, dexterity, endurance and, most importantly, high fertility, which is no less important.