How to feed baby smoothie
3 Simple and Nutritious Smoothies for Babies
When it comes to feeding the youngest member of your family nutrition is the key. A smoothie is a fun way to make sure your baby (6 months and older) is getting easy to digest nutrients. Stonyfield Plain Whole Milk yogurt is a great base for a variety of delicious baby smoothies.
When feeding little ones there are some important factors to consider:
- Avoid citrus.
- Avoid honey.
- Do not add sugar.
- Balance protein, carbohydrates and fat.
- Make the food easy to digest.
- Add plenty of saturated fat for vitamin absorption and brain development.
- Keep it simple.
Here are three delicious smoothies that meet all of these criteria and are perfect for babies. The yogurt provides both fat and protein (make sure you are using full fat yogurt). The fruit provides carbohydrates.
Each smoothie contains an easy to digest starch like apples, bananas and sweet potatoes, for a baby’s immature digestive system. You can also add a small amount of white rice flour if you want the smoothie thicker. White rice flour can be calming to a little tummy. Other grains should be avoided since babies lack the enzymes to digest them.
These smoothies are naturally sweet from the fruit. Using fruit that is in season will ensure plenty of sweetness. A baby does not have the same palate as you so there is no need to try to make their food sweeter. Let them learn early on just how delicious plain fruit is without any added sugar. If you want to serve these smoothies to an older child you can add a touch of honey or maple syrup depending on their tastes.
Providing nutritious food for your baby should not be complicated. These smoothies only use a few simple ingredients and only take a few minutes to make. One of them doesn’t even require a blender!
Depending on the age of your child you can serve the smoothie with a straw, in a sippy cup, by spoon or even in a syringe! You can also turn the smoothie into a popsicle for an instant teether. Serve the smoothies fresh or prepare them in advance and have them on hand in the refrigerator. The recipes are for a single serving for a baby, but they can easily be doubled or tripled for older children or to make a few at a time.
All three of these baby smoothies have been kid tested and approved. Try each one and see what your little one likes best.
Apple Cinnamon Shake and Serve Smoothie
Serves 1
This smoothie is so easy all you need is a jar. Then just shake and serve.
1/3 cup smooth, unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup plain whole milk yogurt
1/8 tsp. unrefined sea salt (optional – adds minerals)
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
Add the ingredients to a jar. Put a lid on and shake.
Banana Blueberry Smoothie
Serves 1
Banana adds starch and sweetness while the blueberries give this smoothie vitamins and a burst of flavor.
1/2 small banana
3 Tbsp. blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1/4 cup plain whole milk yogurt
1/8 tsp. unrefined sea salt (optional – adds minerals)
Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
Sweet Potato Pear Smoothie
Serves 1
Sweet potatoes provide starch, thickness and vitamins to this smoothie. Pears give a great sweet taste.
1 Tbsp. baked or steamed sweet potato
1/2 medium pear, peeled
1/2 cup plain whole milk yogurt
1/4 tsp. unrefined sea salt (optional – adds minerals)
Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Stonyfield. The content provided, and in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. If you have any questions about health or nutrition, we always think it’s best to consult with your doctor or healthcare practitioner.
Baby's First Spinach Smoothie (9+ months)
Home » Feeding Style » Baby Food Purees » Stage Three » Baby’s First Spinach Smoothie
Baby’s First Spinach Smoothie is packed with spinach, avocado, mango, banana, oats, chia seeds and coconut milk. This nutritious and delicious smoothie is easy to make and perfect for babies (and toddlers) 9 months and up!
My goal – to put every nutrient-dense food that baby needs in order to thrive into one delicious smoothie.
The result – this amazing spinach smoothie that will get sipped up by baby in mere minutes.
Made with spinach, avocado, mango, bananas, oats, chia seeds and coconut milk, this flavorful smoothie is naturally sweetened and is a perfect way to introduce the world of smoothies to your baby.
I actually made this recipe for both you and baby! The idea is that you can pour baby their portion of the smoothie into their sippy cup and you will still have enough leftover smoothie for a small snack/treat/lunch/meal for you;)
I know you will ask, so here are some general FAQs about smoothies and your baby. If you have more questions, comment below and I’ll answer them for you.
When can baby start drinking smoothies?Babies can start drinking smoothies as soon as they can suck out of a straw sippy cup (this is our favorite straw sippy cup), which is usually around 9 months of age. You can also put a thin smoothie into a regular sippy cup but I have found, from personal experience, this gets real messy real quick.
All the food in this smoothie are perfectly safe for baby of any age to drink (or eat). If using another smoothie recipe, make sure you omit added fruit juices, processed protein powders, honey and cows milk.
Can smoothies be used as meals for my baby or toddler?Yes! Especially this smoothie. It is jammed packed with essential nutrients for baby’s and toddlers and can be used for any meal or snack during the day.
What is inside this nutrient-dense spinach smoothie for baby:Spinach – the powerhouse vegetable that is loaded with vitamin K, vitamin A, folate and vitamin C that helps protect bone, eye, brain and heart health.
Avocado – one of the healthiest foods on the planet, avocados are loaded with healthy fats that are essential for baby’s brain, bones, eyes and skin growth and development.
Mango – mangos do more then just sweeten this smoothie, they are great for increasing immunity as well as relieving constipation.
Banana – loaded with potassium, manganese, vitamins B6 and C and are great for digestive health as well increasing energy and boosting baby’s mood.
Oats – filled with fiber, complex carbohydrates, fat and protein, oats help baby relieve constipation as well as promote a healthy gut.
Chia Seeds – are super seeds that are loaded with protein, fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
Coconut Milk – a nutrient dense liquid that improves heart health, helps build muscle, improves digestion and relieves constipation.
How to Make Baby’s First Spinach SmoothieAnd let’s be honest, there is no way I am pouring baby’s delicious spinach smoothie into a glass cup! I am not that crazy!
In the search to find the perfect smoothie cup for baby, I have literally tested out every straw sippy cup that is on the market. And all of them just couldn’t hold up to my very high standards – except for Thinkbaby’s Thinkster Steel bottle (comes in 3 fun colors – green, pink, blue, orange)
- It (mostly) doesn’t leak! If baby or toddler takes the cup and throws it around and smashes it everywhere (I get it, it happens) then yes, it might leak a couple of drops of smoothie. But overall this cup doesn’t leak.
- It’s insulated! This way if your baby or toddler takes forever to finish their smoothie (this regularly happens at my house) you know that in 3 hours it will still be cold.
- It is easy to clean!! Maybe the most important part about this cup. You can take the straw out of the cup and clean it with a straw cleaner. We have had our thinkbaby cup for a couple of years and haven’t had any problems with mold.
- It has a handle! A handle is a must-have item for any baby sippy cup.
The handle makes it easy for baby to hold onto and grip the cup when they are just learning how to drink from the cup. When they have mastered this skill, you can simply remove the handle and it is now made for your toddler. Brilliant!
- It’s perfect to use on-the-go! Since it’s a sippy cup, you can fill it with this smoothie and take it with you and baby on whatever adventure you are having that day.
- It’s made out of stainless steel! We all know that plastic shouldn’t be anywhere near baby’s food. This stainless steel sippy cup makes it so easy to follow through on it.
The only thing that is a slight draw-back from this sippy cup is the straw. The straw was meant for liquids not smoothies, so the diameter of the tip of the straw is a little narrow. The easy fix I had was I just took a pair of scissors and cut off the very end of the straw, trust me it works! This way your baby has an easier time sucking the thick smoothie out of the sippy cup.
This is not a paid post in any way, I just had a super hard time finding a smoothie cup for my girls when they were babies and toddlers and I was SO HAPPY that I found thinkbaby sippy cups for their smoothies!
Get your baby this amazing smoothie cup here!
MORE RECIPES YOU’LL LOVEOur favorite smoothie recipes are below. To make them safe for baby, just omit the honey in the recipe.
- Blueberry Pie Smoothie for Baby + Toddler
- 3 Green Smoothie Freezer Packs for Toddler
- Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie for Baby + Toddler
- Immunity Boosting Juices for Toddlers + Kids
- 15 Healthy Smoothie Recipes for Toddlers
- 1/2 banana
- 1/4 avocado, peel removed
- 1/4 cup spinach, packed
- 1 cup frozen mango
- 1 tbsp old-fashioned oats
- 1/4 tsp chia seeds
- 1/4 cup canned coconut milk full fat variety
- 3-4 ice cubes
- ½-1 cup water
Place all of the ingredients and 1/2 cup of water into a blender.
Blend the ingredients together by using the smoothie function on your blender or high speed for at least 60 seconds. If the smoothie is too thick, then add the additional water to the smoothie and blend until incorporated. For most babies, you will want a pretty thin smoothie so they can suck it through the straw. Save the extra thick smoothies until they get a little older.
Pour smoothie into a sippy cup and enjoy!
Age: 8 months and up (or when baby can suck through a straw)
Storage: you can store any leftovers in the fridge for up to 24 hours or you can freeze in a freezer-safe container for up to 1 month. To thaw, simply place the container in the fridge the night before you want to serve it.
Serving: 14-oz smoothie, Calories: 101kcal, Carbohydrates: 12g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 6g, Saturated Fat: 3g, Sodium: 5mg, Potassium: 223mg, Fiber: 2. 5g, Sugar: 7.6g, Calcium: 7mg
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How to feed a child in the heat / 10 recipes for children's smoothies - an article from the "What to feed" section on
A glass of smoothie may well replace a child's breakfast or afternoon snack if it contains proteins, fats, and long carbohydrates. Mix half an avocado with kiwi, a handful of spinach, and a banana or strawberry. This drink is a good source of fats and carbohydrates. The protein component will help replenish the cottage cheese, if the child tolerates it well, or a special protein powder.
How many smoothies can you drink per day
In summer you can make smoothies every day. Threw proteins, berries, vegetables, fruits into a blender, mixed - and you can continue to do your own thing. The rest of the time, when children are inclined towards hot cereals or stews, smoothies should be given no more than two to three times a week.
Be aware that this is unprocessed food and may be too harsh on the baby's gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, the main berries and fruits appear in the diet of babies by 8-9 months. Once an ingredient is in complementary foods, it can be added to smoothies.
It turns out that you are preparing fruit and berry puree for your child, just in a more liquid form. Similar to complementary foods, offer your baby a teaspoon of the drink first and gradually increase the serving.
Remember to include solid food in your child's diet every day. Too much smoothie craving can cause a child to be reluctant to chew.
What to cook with
Children's smoothies are not much different from those prepared by adults. True, you should avoid all caffeinated components, juices, spicy additives.
Remember, smoothies have a higher glycemic index than whole foods. Sugar and honey should not be added to the drink.
How to store
Smoothies should not be stored at all, but eaten immediately after preparation. For example, vitamin C is oxidized almost instantly. If the child does not drink the smoothie, pour the drink into a glass container, close tightly and refrigerate. There will still be less vitamins in such a drink, but the fiber will not go anywhere. Such a snack will be healthier than cookies.
10 healthy smoothie recipes
1. Banana, orange and cherry smoothie
Add natural sugar-free yogurt to the smoothie and pour into a beautiful glass. Invite your child to make smoothies with you. He will gladly drink a cocktail that he made himself.
2. Pineapple, apple and grapefruit smoothie
The fruit in the drink is a real vitamin bomb. Grapefruit is rich in vitamins C, E, group B, carotenoids, macro- and microelements, fruit acids and a large amount of pectins. Pineapple contains potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Carrot juice can be prepared in a juicer or grated vegetable and squeezed through cheesecloth.
3. Smoothie with kefir and cottage cheese
This drink is served not in a glass, but in a deep plate. The composition is quite simple: cottage cheese is a source of slowly digesting casein protein, and kefir is one of the best probiotic foods. Additives can be berries, fruits, nuts, muesli, dried fruits, which are beautifully laid out on top of the dish.
4. "Puff" smoothie with kiwi, orange and strawberries
The peculiarity of this cocktail is the separation of ingredients by color: red, yellow, green. It is important to ensure that they are about the same consistency and do not mix in a glass when added. Serve the drink in a transparent container so that the child can immediately see what the “traffic light” will drink.
5. Beetroot smoothie
Not all children like beetroots, and they are an important source of calcium, iron, magnesium, folic acid and potassium. In smoothies, beets are eaten with a bang. Banana can be substituted for peaches or pears if desired.
6. Smoothie with cottage cheese and oatmeal
This smoothie can be offered to a child instead of breakfast or dinner. It takes only 10 minutes to prepare, and the charge of vivacity will last until dinner. It is better not to add honey to the drink - the banana will give all the sweetness.
7. Smoothie with milk and strawberries
Strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C, ascorbic and folic acids, and iron. This berry is useful for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. And, of course, it is very tasty. In a strawberry smoothie, you can add either milk if you want a thinner consistency, or yogurt - then the drink will be thicker.
8. Fruit and avocado smoothie
Avocado is good for everyone: it contains a lot of potassium, healthy fats, fiber. But children do not really like this useful fruit. But almost all babies love the taste of apples and pears, these fruits are the first to appear in complementary foods and will perfectly disguise avocados.
9. Spinach Smoothie
Fresh spinach is rich in minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Children enjoy drinks with spinach mixed with apples, bananas and orange. You can dilute the cocktail with water or milk.
10. Smoothie with blueberries and raspberries
You can mix any berries in a berry smoothie: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. The main thing is to choose the most ripe and fresh fruits. You can dilute the vitamin drink with cow's or vegetable milk, as well as yogurt.
What can be done?
Buy beautiful glasses with straws to make smoothies and other summer drinks more fun.
Read more about refreshing drinks:
What drinks to make from seasonal berries
10 unusual recipes of lemonade
5 reasons to drink water with lemon
And how are your children now, when they eat so hotly when it is so hot ? Write in the comments!
Tasty, interesting, healthy - 6 desserts for young children
It is known that milk and dairy products are an important part of children's diet. And, if up to six months of age it is recommended to feed children exclusively with breast milk, then, starting from the seventh month of life, cow's milk-based products can be introduced into the diet: baby milk porridges, sour-milk cottage cheese, cheese pastes, baby kefir and starter, Biolact, yogurts, milk and more.
Today, there are many products available for the little ones. In this article, we have made a selection of delicious and healthy dairy desserts that can please a child.
Children's yoghurts
Yogurt is a healthy product recommended for both adults and children. So, children's yoghurts of the brand "Yagotynske for Children" can be given to a baby from the age of eight months. It is recommended to prepare children's yoghurts with the addition of vegetables, fruits and berries that are native to Ukraine: carrots, apples, peaches, raspberries and rose hips.
The exception is yoghurt with banana-pumpkin filling. The fact is that a banana is one of those fruits that kids like and do not cause allergies in them. Pumpkin, in turn, is a source of many useful substances and normalizes bowel function. In 2013, yogurt "Banana-pumpkin" TM "Yagotynske for children" was included in the list of 100 best goods of Ukraine.
Older children, namely from three years old, will like Hopsy brand yogurts - they come in banana, peach and strawberry flavors. With each bottle of TM Hopsy yogurt, the child receives a surprise gift.
See also: Baby food - 7 dairy products for young children
Milkshakes and smoothies
Cow's milk is an important component of the diet of children and adults, as milk contains substances necessary for health, in particular calcium. Children from 9- months of age, it is recommended to give ultra-pasteurized milk of special "children's" brands, for example, milk of the "Yagotynske for children" trademark.
For older children, delicious milkshakes and smoothies can be prepared with milk, such as milk with banana pulp or berry smoothies. When choosing products, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the child's body.
Hopsy ready-made milkshakes
If it is not possible to prepare a smoothie, you can pamper your child with a ready-made milkshake from the Hopsy trademark — it comes in chocolate, strawberry or ice cream flavors. Cocktails are produced in a package of 200 grams. It is recommended to give to children from three years.
The brand's milkshakes contain a surprise found in the HopsyAR mobile app. To get a surprise, you need to install a mobile application, point your device's camera at the package - and Hops will come to life!
Children's cheese with vanillin
Children's cheese with vanillin from the Yagotinskoye trademark is also designed for children from three years old. It is made only from natural cow's milk and is a source of useful substances, including calcium. Cheese "Children's" is produced in a convenient plastic cup.
See also: What to feed a child from the age of three - general recommendations
Cottage cheese spreads with fruit fillings
And if it is recommended to give milkshakes and cheese with vanillin to children from three years old, then curd pastes of TM "Yagotynske for Children" can be introduced into the diet from the age of six months. Like other products of the brand, children's curds are made exclusively from natural ingredients, with the addition of organic fruits and berries, with fructose instead of sugar.
TM Yagotynske for Children produces five types of curd pastes: with apple, banana, peach, blueberry, raspberry and red currant.
Cocoa with milk
Which of us did not like cocoa with milk as a child? Hot, tasty, fragrant. To prepare real cocoa, you need not much time and ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar, milk.
If you don’t feel like cooking cocoa at all, you can take cocoa with milk from the Yagotynske trademark - ready-to-eat, made from natural pasteurized milk with the addition of sugar and cocoa powder. This delicious drink can be consumed both hot and cold - just shake, open and you can drink. Enjoy your meal!
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