Indian mom feeding baby
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Indian Mother Feeding Baby Stock-Fotos und Bilder
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"Mommy doesn't feed meat" Nutritionist on how parents' veganism will affect the health of their children It is proposed to diversify the diet of students through lenten, kosher and halal dishes. The authors of the idea also insist on the appearance of a vegetarian menu. Similar practices already exist in the capital and other cities where private kindergartens and schools for vegetarian children are being opened. Some parents insist on more stringent food systems: veganism and a raw food diet, which provide for a complete rejection of animal products, as well as thermally processed food. Refusal of animal food, full or partial - how safe are these practices?
Mikhail Zeigarnik : Such experiments have a negative impact on a child's health. Parents try to object: “There are so many vegetarian children around, and no one has died from this yet!”. This cliché is used as evidence that doctors with a standard approach are "sinning" against vegetarians. Indeed, children do not die en masse, but this affects the quality of life of the child, and most importantly, its development.
But visually the child is healthy and develops normally. What is the problem?
These are not instantaneous changes that can lead to disease, although this is also possible. Most often, the disease occurs due to the accumulating deficiency of certain substances in the diet. Over time, this can manifest itself in a violation of physical and even mental development. It would never occur to anyone to associate this with the fact that the child has not received any useful substances for many years.
Is it possible to compensate for the lack of meat with herbal ingredients or nutritional supplements?
If this is not a strict vegetarian diet, but a diet with the inclusion of milk protein and eggs, then perhaps the consequences can be avoided, because the biggest problem in this diet is protein deficiency. At the same time, such children will be prone to iron deficiency - with all the ensuing consequences. Iron, which the body absorbs and can use normally, is found only in red meat . No "vegetable iron" can fully replace it. This is how our body works. Whatever the apologists for plant-based nutrition may say, beans and nuts will not make up for this deficiency.
Photo: Sergey Malgavko / RIA Novosti
It turns out that the stricter food restrictions, the more serious the consequences?
If we talk about strict vegetarianism - veganism, which implies the complete exclusion of animal products, we will get a whole range of problems. Not only a protein deficiency, due to which absolutely all processes associated with growth and development are disrupted, but also a lack of many minerals. For example, calcium, necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. Not the best way for the development of the child's body is the lack of animal fats, which cannot be fully compensated for by vegetable fats. There can be a lot of problems, but the main thing is diseases associated with nutritional deficiencies.
In this case, at what age can one refuse animal products without harm to the body?
From the moment when the growth and maturation of brain structures stop. When all the connections in the central nervous system are established and everything starts to work the way it will function for the rest of your life. This is individual, but on average - after 20 years.
Proponents of plant-based nutrition argue that rolls and cutlets cause much more harm to a growing body than healthy "green" food.
I will not argue with the fact that fast food, Coca-Cola and many things that children love are harmful to the body. Another thing, I do not understand why it is necessary to oppose this plant food. It has been proven that rolls and soda are not rich in nutrients and lead to obesity. But such a contrast is absolutely wrong, because a plant-based diet is not identical to a healthy and balanced diet.
Most vegan parents are convinced that giving up meat is a conscious choice for a child. How is eating behavior formed at a young age?
It is very easy to convince a child of anything. His “conscious” rejection of meat offered to him by his vegetarian parents may be due to the fact that it was not tasty. But this can be passed off as the fact that the child himself did not want meat. Talking that “he has not wanted any animal food since birth” is slyness, and mostly subconscious. Parents often instill their nutritional model in their child by not giving him animal products. And already at a more conscious age, when he has formed eating habits, the child is given to try an unfamiliar product. Often he does not want to eat it. This is quite natural, but has nothing to do with physiology.
Photo: Alexander Kryazhev / RIA Novosti
Why then?
With psychology. It may be that the mother does not feed meat, but in kindergarten it is not tasty, and the child grows up in the belief that the mother is right, saying that “this bastard should not be eaten.” In addition, his mother strongly approves and encourages his refusal.
In countries like India, children eat plant foods. And in Italy, for forcing children to vegetarianism, they offer to plant. Who is right?
India is in the top five countries with the highest under-five mortality rate. The numbers are simply colossal. You can’t even compare with European indicators, where although vegetarianism is becoming popular, children, as a rule, are not accustomed to this from birth.
In some regions of the Far North, children in our country eat raw meat and, due to climatic conditions, are not spoiled for plant foods.
Something tells me that they live in somewhat more civilized conditions and they still have access to other products. We do not live in the 19th century, when the Aleut reindeer herders roamed the snowy expanses and ate nothing but corned beef.
On the other hand, our ancestors also did not have meat in their daily diet. Many appeal to traditions: this is how our great-grandmothers lived - on cabbage and turnips.
And who said they lived well? Who saw how they lived? Then 13 children were born in a peasant family, and at best two or three survived to adulthood. Yes, and in noble families there was a colossal infant mortality and morbidity. It is completely unclear to me where these myths come from, that paleo-nutrition is a healthy diet. The average age of life, if you look in the past, is much lower than now. In Russian literature, “the door was opened to us by an old woman of about forty”, this is the end of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century. People lived short and bad lives.
Photo: Vladimir Pesnya / RIA Novosti
What about temporary food restrictions, say, for religious reasons. Is that harmful too?
Restrictions for children, if they are not due to some medical indications, in my opinion, are completely unacceptable. By indications, I mean food allergies, when a child cannot eat certain foods. Or he has some kind of disease that imposes restrictions on food. Just not allowing a child to eat meat for religious or ideological reasons is completely wrong and irresponsible. The child will grow up and decide for himself what views he will adhere to, including in nutrition. The task of a parent is to give him the opportunity to grow. This is their duty and obligation. Any experiments with physical and mental health are unacceptable.
So there is some connection between nutrition and mental health, too?
This is a new direction in science, intensively developing, but has not yet formed postulates. It is only obvious that a chronic deficiency of nutrients causes a delay or impairment of mental development. Lack of vitamin B12, iron or folic acid causes chronic anemia, which, in turn, provokes the development of cerebral hypoxia - that is, lack of oxygen. As a result, the child experiences mental underdevelopment of one degree or another. Now more subtle things are being studied. It has been established, for example, that a deficiency of certain substances can cause chronic depression.
Are all food restrictions equally dangerous?
Any unbalanced nutrition system is not good for the health of the child's body. It is believed that for the harmonious development of the child needs a certain ratio of nutrients. Any excesses and restrictions will inevitably affect health. The only question is when and how.
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