Kinds of baby food

Shop Baby Food Purees | Gerber




Puree Type


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 25items
  4. Sitter 97items
  5. Crawler 9items
  6. Toddler 23items
  7. Preschooler



  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 46items
  10. Iron 1item
  11. Starting Solids 15items
  12. Expanding Textures 10items
  13. Probiotics 1item
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


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Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars



Puree Type

  1. Jar 40items
  2. Tub
  3. Pouch
  4. Natural 17items
  5. Organic 12items
  6. 1st Foods 13items
  7. 2nd Foods 22items
  8. 3rd Foods 8items


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 12items
  4. Sitter 22items
  5. Crawler 8items
  6. Toddler
  7. Preschooler


  1. Apple 13items
  2. Apricot
  3. Avocado
  4. Banana 8items
  5. Beef 2items
  6. Blueberry 3items
  7. Carrot 8items
  8. Cereal
  9. Chicken 1item
  10. Corn 1item
  11. Green Bean 1item
  12. Ham 1item
  13. Kale 2items
  14. Mango 2items
  15. Oatmeal
  16. Pea 3items
  17. Peach 2items
  18. Pear 6items
  19. Pineapple 1item
  20. Pumpkin
  21. Raspberry 1item
  22. Rice 2items
  23. Spinach 2items
  24. Squash 2items
  25. Strawberry 3items
  26. Sweet Potato 4items
  27. Turkey 2items
  28. Zucchini 2items


  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 2items
  10. Iron
  11. Starting Solids 2items
  12. Expanding Textures 5items
  13. Probiotics
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers

Types of infant milk formulas for feeding newborns

Mother's milk has always been and remains the ideal and most proper nutrition for a baby - natural nutrition prepared by nature itself. However, there are a number of reasons when it is recommended to transfer a baby to artificial feeding. In such cases, it is important to choose the right formula for your child to ensure that he is fully nourished and develops.

There are many types of infant formula, and the main thing in choosing is to understand what nutritional task they solve. The history of the existence of milk mixtures has more than 150 years. Research and development is helping to create formulas that make many of today's formulas as close to breast milk as possible. Such nutrition is made in accordance with the age-related characteristics of digestion and metabolism of children of the first year of life.

Every parent strives to give their baby only the best, but in matters of choosing the type of milk formula for baby food, it is important to understand that there is no ideal option. It is often difficult for parents to choose the right mixture for their baby. Let's try together to understand the variety that the baby food market offers today, and these are more than 80 types of milk formulas for children in their first year of life.

Globally, all currently existing mixtures are divided into 3 main groups:

  • Formulas for formula feeding healthy babies
  • formulas recommended for artificial feeding of infants with special nutritional needs
  • mixtures intended for therapeutic nutrition of infants with any pathology

Further, infant milk formulas are divided into two main groups - adapted and partially adapted. This division corresponds to the age classification of mixtures, since their formulas differ depending on the age of the baby for whom it is intended. The composition of breast milk changes as the baby grows. This is due to the fact that as the child grows and develops, the digestive system also improves, the body's needs for nutrients change. In order to choose the right formula for the age and needs of the child, the formula number is indicated on the packaging of a mixture:

"0" / "pre" in the name - intended for newborn premature or small children

"1" - formula for children from 0 to 6 months

"2" - a mixture for babies from 6 months to 1 year

"3" - formula for children over 12 months

Adapted mixtures

In terms of their composition, such mixtures are as close as possible to mother's milk, and the nutrients they contain are in the same amount as in breast milk. They are recommended for newborns, as these mixtures are better and easier absorbed by the baby's body.

For the manufacture of adapted mixtures, cow's milk is used. During the production process, cow's milk is adapted to better match breast milk - the amount of protein and calcium salts is artificially reduced, the fat composition is modified, and the amount of milk sugar (lactose) is increased. Any adapted mixture includes vitamins and all trace elements in a qualitatively and quantitatively balanced composition. Most adapted milk formulas contain taurine, lutein, inositol, prebiotics, galacto- and fructooligosaccharides. These substances are necessary for the baby to build the retina, the proper development of the brain, normal digestion and absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The calorie content when feeding an infant with an adapted mixture corresponds to that characteristic of breastfeeding.

As a rule, milk formulas for infants of the first 6 months of life are called mixtures of the first type, and the label is “1” on the package.

Partially adapted mixtures (subsequent)

In such mixtures, only some components are quantitatively similar to mother's milk, therefore they are suitable for children over 6 months old. The composition of partially adapted mixtures, in addition to lactose, already includes sucrose, and the fatty acid composition becomes not exactly stabilized.

The basis of the formula of the "subsequent" mixtures is casein - cow's milk protein. Additionally, almost all the same components are introduced into their composition as in the adapted mixtures. The degree of adaptation of the mixture depends on how easily the mixture is absorbed by the child's body. And this factor is connected precisely with the fact that the mixture is based on demineralized whey or cow's milk protein. Therefore, partially adapted mixtures, the milk base of which is casein, are more difficult to digest. And it is recommended to give them only from 5-6 months. The energy value of partially adapted mixtures is higher and meets the needs of children aged 6-12 months. Mixtures of this type are labeled packaging - "2".

For children from one to three years old, mixtures labeled "3" are used in the diet. In their composition, they are already more similar to ordinary cow's milk, but enriched with additional nutrients to ensure the full growth and development of an active and active child who has grown up. C grade mixtures also serve as a source of a sufficient amount of vitamin D, calcium, full-fledged milk proteins, useful omega-three and omega-six acids in the child's body, and reduce the amount of milk fat in baby food.

In the Valio Baby line, parents of babies will find all three age markings of baby food - Valio Baby 1 (0-6 months), Valio Baby 2 (6-12 months), Valio Baby 3 (12+). The development of these products was carried out by the best specialists in Finland in the field of nutrition, the mixture is made according to the Valio Clean Label principle, which means that the composition is completely natural in combination with the best Finnish milk without the addition of artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs and palm oil.

In addition to grouping formulas by age and composition, infant formulas are also classified:

According to the consistency - mixtures are dry, in the form of a powder or liquid.

According to the composition - casein and whey. Breast milk contains both of these components, so it is important that the mixtures maintain the same proportions. Recall that it is recommended to feed babies older than 6 months with casein mixtures.

By prescription (specialized milk formulas)

If there is a need related to the particular health status of the baby, pediatricians prescribe special formulas for feeding. These are, as a rule, lactose-free mixtures, mixtures with a high iron content, containing lactic acid bifidobacteria, gum or lactulose. For premature and underweight babies, special formulas have been created with a high content of protein, vitamins and whey protein (marked with “0” or “pre-”). For children prone to allergy manifestations, hypoallergenic mixtures are being developed (the abbreviation "HA" is included in the name of such mixtures). If a child has an intolerance to cow's milk protein, then attention should be paid to lactose-free and soy mixtures. Athyreflux mixtures will help babies suffering from frequent spitting up (they are labeled "A.R.").


When choosing a milk formula for a child, it is first of all important to consult with a pediatrician! Only a doctor will help you choose the right mixture that will allow your baby to grow and develop organically, will have a balanced composition and be well absorbed. After all, the health and mood of your crumbs depends on proper nutrition. Our experts have prepared an article for you on the proper storage of infant formula, which you can read on the blog.

Types of baby food - what is the healthiest food for children?

At present, the choice of food for babies is so great that in the abundance of assortment rows of all kinds of purees, cereals, mixtures, sometimes even very experienced parents who have raised more than one child are lost. What is better to choose for a child, what will be useful for him, how to provide the baby with only the best complementary foods?

Article content:

  • Which one do you prefer?
  • Milk based
  • Cereals and cereals
  • Based on vegetables, fruits, berries
  • Meat products
  • Fish
  • For preschoolers, schoolchildren
  • Medical and dietary products

Which do you prefer?

Before choosing a brand of baby food for your baby, you should carefully read Baby Foods .

Milk-based baby food

These are, of course, mixtures that are designed to replace a woman's breast milk for the entire time the baby is fed, or as an additional food for mother's milk (artificial and mixed feeding). These are infant formulas, which are close in composition to a woman's milk, and are used for feeding crumbs during the first year of life from birth.
Dairy infant breast milk substitutes can be adapted and partially adapted, dry, concentrated and liquid, fresh and sour milk.
The second group of baby food includes dairy products in liquid or paste form. These are all kinds of dairy curds, yogurts, milk, cottage cheese, which are made from cow's milk of very high quality. Paste and liquid dairy products can be given to children in their first year of life for complementary feeding purposes, as well as to children at an older age.

Cereal-based, cereal-based

This group of food products for children is represented by semi-finished milk dry cereals, flour, pasta, various types of instant biscuits. Products with a grain base can be introduced into the diet of crumbs in the first year of life, from 4.5 or 5 months, as complementary foods. These products are enriched with calcium, iron, the main group of vitamins, mineral salts, sugar, honey, vanillin, dextrinmaltose, dry powder of fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil can be added.
Cereal products are instant cereals that have starch and dietary fiber, which is very useful for a growing baby's body.

Vitamin baby food based on vegetables, fruits, berries

This group of foods for small children includes canned products, represented by a wide range of berries, fruits, vegetables, as well as mixed purees and juices. Products with a fruit and vegetable base can be given to a baby from 3-4 months of age as complementary foods. These products contain carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, dietary fiber, which are very well absorbed by the baby's body. The acidity of fruit and vegetable baby food should not be high - no more than 0.8%.

Canned fruits and vegetables can be

  • homogenized according to the degree of grinding of the product;
  • finely ground;
  • coarsely ground.

The same group of products for babies includes various canned meals with a complex composition, which consist, for example, of vegetables and meat, fish and cereals, fruits and cottage cheese.

Nutritious meat baby products

This group of baby food products includes various canned meats from veal, pork, horse meat, offal, poultry. These products can be given to the baby from 7-8 months, and according to individual indications - a little earlier.

Fish for older babies

These are various canned fish and seafood dishes that are offered to babies from 8 or 9 months as complementary foods. Fish dishes are very useful for the growing body of crumbs, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, iron, phosphorus, vitamins D and B groups. dairy, grain, meat, fish, fruit, vegetable products. Food products for preschool children and schoolchildren are intended for for two age categories of children - from 3 to 6 years; 7 to 14 years old . These products for baby food include all kinds of yoghurts, vegetable and fruit juices, curd cheeses, biscuits, cookies and crackers, fruit milk and milk drinks, fermented baked milk, canned meat and fish, semi-finished products, drinking water.
Children's products for preschoolers and schoolchildren must be certified, contain only ingredients that are useful for the child's body and are designed to give it saturation, vitamins and microelement complexes, must be attractive in appearance and tasty.

Therapeutic and dietary foods for children

These baby foods are classified as a separate group, as they are intended for children with health problems, any diseases and disorders, underweight or overweight, constipation or diarrhea, allergies, intolerance to breast milk or cow's milk. Several categories can be distinguished in medicinal and dietary foods for children: