Koi baby food
What To Feed Koi Fish And More- Premier Ponds
What Koi Fish Can And Can’t Eat And How To Feed Them
Not sure what to feed your koi fish? You’re not alone. Koi fish food can be confusing, but it’s important to get it right. In this blog post, we’ll break down the question of “what do koi fish eat” and give you advice on how to provide them with the best possible diet. This way, they can live as long as they’re supposed to.
So, whether you’re a first-time koi owner or just looking for some clarification, read on for everything you need to know about feeding koi fish.
General Information On Feeding Koi Fish
Here’s almost everything you need to know on how to feed koi fish:
Photo from https://landscapingbychuck.com/what-do-koi-fish-eat
Feeding koi fish is different if you have an ecosystem pond. You don’t have to feed them as often because they will eat insects, parts of plants, and everything else they can find.
If you don’t have plants, you can feed koi fish as much as they can eat in 5 minutes once per day. Fish don’t have the ability to tell when they’re full, so they won’t stop eating as long as there’s food to be had.
The best time to feed your fish is when the pond water is between 50 degrees and 85 degrees Fahrenheit because outside of this range, they can’t digest very well. During winter, they hibernate, so please do not feed them.
Also, get food pellets appropriate for the size of your fish. A better-suited size means your fish can digest more efficiently, making for healthier fish that can grow to their proper size.
Koi Fish Food Quality
What you feed your fish will have a big impact on their health and well-being. That’s why it’s so important to choose the best koi food over low-quality options.
High-quality koi fish food is made with fresh ingredients that are rich in nutrients. This type of food is typically more expensive than its low-quality counterpart, but it’s worth the investment because it will help keep your koi healthy and vibrant. High-quality koi food should also be slow-sinking, so your fish have to work a little harder to eat it. This helps ensure they’re getting the exercise they need to stay healthy.
Low-quality koi fish food is made with cheaper ingredients. This type of food can cause health problems for your koi, making it likely that they won’t live as long as fish on a high-quality diet. Low-quality koi food typically sinks more quickly, meaning your fish don’t have to work as hard to eat it. This can lead to obesity, which can shorten their lifespan.
What Do Koi Fish Eat Naturally
In the wild, koi fish eat algae, plants, insects, worms, seeds, and anything they can stir up from the pond’s bottom. They hunt along the pond floor and along the surface. If you have an ecosystem pond, they can continue having their natural diet.
This means feeding time is simply a way to bond and have fun with your fish.
What You Can Feed Koi Fish
You can feed koi almost anything people can eat. This includes shrimp, fruit, vegetables, and anything that isn’t high in carbohydrates. Bread and foods like that are hard on your fish’s stomachs. You can also feed them fish food pellets. Make sure they’re the right size.
The Best Koi Fish Food
The best answer to “what do koi fish eat” is high-quality food. The fewer processed ingredients it has, the better it is for your pond fish.
You’ll also want to make sure your koi have a balanced diet, which can include the following foods:
1. Spirulina Algae
These blue-green algae, also called cyanobacterium, are very small, only growing up to half a millimeter in length. It’s free-floating and can be found in lakes with extremely high pH and very hard water. You can find this koi fish food in pellet form.
Koi fish eat algae for these benefits:
- Higher growth rate
- Improved digestion
- Boosted immune system
- Prevention of swollen abdomens
- Enhanced production of special enzymes that break down fats into energy
- Bring out better coloration due to carotene pigments found in the algae
2. Wheat Germ
Don’t worry; it’s not the bad kind of germ. This is the part of wheat that sprouts and grows into a new plant, the wheat seed, if you will. Experiments have shown that eating this pond fish food can help goldfish and koi grow faster. It’s also a natural source of vitamin E, which improves blood circulation, increases oxygen flow, increases nutrient flow, helps promote balanced growth, and aids in fighting off disease.
Feed your koi this type of koi fish food for these other benefits:
- Higher growth rate
- Better overall health
- Brighter color scales
- Improved digestion
3. Brine Shrimp
Here’s a fancy science word for you: bio-enrichment. Brine shrimp filter water by eating anything in it they can, which isn’t much due to their small size. The nutrients they eat pass on to the fish they are eaten by, which is the process known as bio-enrichment. Brine shrimp are especially good koi food for recently hatched koi fish.
This type of koi fish food will bring these benefits to your koi:
- Protein, vitamin A, and vitamin D
- Higher growth rate

Small and baby koi prefer flake fish food, the smallest form. Pellets are good for the average-size koi, while larger koi prefer bars of koi food. Most have plenty of proteins, a small number of fats, and essential vitamins & nutrients. Some other favorites include worms, larvae, tadpoles, shrimp, and clams.
5. Hi Silk 21
This is one of the best koi foods on the market. It’s developed specifically to help koi fish grow well and stay healthy. Many champion koi eat this food, especially Nishikigoi, because it helps their white scales sparkle brighter.
Here are the benefits of this type of koi fish food:
- High growth rate
- Brighter white scales
- Protein, vitamins, and minerals
6. Manda Fu
Manda Fu is a treat for koi made by fermenting high-quality fruits and plants, and they love it! Not only does it taste good to them, but it’s good for them too.
You can give your koi these benefits by feeding them this type of koi fish food:
- Higher growth rate
- Brighter colors
- Better overall health

You can feed koi almost anything people can eat. This includes shrimp, fruit, vegetables, and anything that isn’t high in carbohydrates. Like with humans, the quality of food you feed them will affect their health. Healthier foods will lead to healthy koi.
What Not To Feed Koi Fish
Don’t feed koi fish anything high in carbohydrates. You should also avoid feeding them white bread, peas, and corn. Koi fish have a hard time digesting carbs.
Koi fish food shouldn’t include anything you catch in the wild, either. This includes fish, bugs, frogs, and everything else. They could have parasites or diseases they can pass on to your fish.
Grains aren’t the best koi food. They tend to be very fattening, which is good if your fish start losing weight. If you decide to feed them pasta or rice, you’ll need to cook them without salt first. Otherwise, the food could expand inside your koi. These foods should not be the basis for their diet. They have little nutritional value for koi.
Some people feed dog food and cat food to their koi. We’d recommend being very cautious about this as it isn’t formulated for koi or a part of their natural diet.
What Influences A Koi Fish’s Diet
Koi Fish Digestive Systems
Koi fish don’t have stomachs, so unlike people, they need to eat smaller amounts of koi fish food more often. Since they don’t have stomachs, they tend to fill up more quickly, hence why they eat smaller amounts of koi food more frequently.
Factors For How Much And How Often To Feed Koi Fish
- Size: Smaller koi need less food, while larger koi need more food.
- Seasonality: In the spring and summer, when water temperatures are warm, koi are more active and need more food to support their growth. In the fall and winter, koi become less active and require less or no food. As a result, koi keepers must adjust their feeding schedules accordingly. You can feed koi cold fish food at certain temperatures.
- Temperature: Koi are cold-water fish, which means they do best in temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They can survive in colder temperatures, but their activity and metabolism slow down, so they don’t eat as much. You can switch to cold water koi fish food when temperatures drop below 65. Koi will also stop eating when the temperature drops below 50 degrees and go into hibernation at around 40 degrees.
- Water Oxygen Levels: Koi fish need dissolved oxygen to properly digest their food. So, when dissolved oxygen levels change due to a storm, koi fish can’t digest their food as well. It’s best not to feed them during or after a storm.
- Water Quality: The more koi fish eat, the more fish waste they produce, meaning your water quality can decrease. This leads to lower oxygen levels, which strains their digestive tract. Keep your water quality at higher levels to make sure your koi stay healthy.
- Pond Pumps: If your pond pump isn’t strong enough or fails, this can also lead to lower oxygen levels in your water, which stresses your koi fish.
- Pond Type: Koi can find more food to eat in ecosystem ponds than in other manmade ponds. This means you’ll need to feed them less koi fish food, so they don’t eat too much and get fat or sick.
How Much Koi Food Should I Feed My Fish?
In ecosystem ponds, you’ll only want to feed your fish a handful of food twice per week. Any more and they can start having health problems.
If you don’t have an ecosystem pond, you can feed koi fish as much as they can eat in 5 minutes once per day. Over and underfeeding them can lead to health issues.
How To Feed Koi Fish
Cut up any larger bits of koi fish food into bite-sized pieces. Toss one handful into the pond. Let the koi eat as much as you can see before the next handful. Any food left in the pond needs to be removed. This way, it doesn’t break down and lower the water quality.
You don’t want to feed them when temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Their digestive systems slow down, so any food they eat may stay in their system until temperatures rise. This can make them extremely sick. There are more actions you can take to help your koi fish survive winter.
Koi Fish Food Automatic Feeders
Automatic koi fish feeders are devices that dispense koi food at regular intervals. They can be programmed to dispense food multiple times per day, and some models can even be set to dispense different amounts of food at different times of the day.
There are two main types of automatic koi fish feeders: those that use pellets and those that use flakes. Pellet-type feeders are more common, as they tend to be less messy and easier to use. Flake-type feeders are less common, but they do have their benefits; for example, some types of koi prefer flakes over pellets.
Automatic koi fish food dispensers can be an invaluable tool. Koi like being fed at the same times of day, much like people. You can set auto feeders to help ensure a regular feeding schedule.
Pros And Cons Of Koi Food Auto Feeders
Automatic koi fish feeders have several advantages. They make it easy to keep your koi fed on a regular schedule. They can help you keep your fish healthier by preventing over and underfeeding. Also, they can be helpful if you’re going on vacation or otherwise away from home for an extended period of time.
There are also a few disadvantages to using automatic koi food feeders. One is that they can be expensive. Depending on the model, an automatic koi fish feeder can cost anywhere from $50 to $200.
They also require regular maintenance. The dispenser must be refilled with food regularly, and the unit must be cleaned periodically to prevent mold and mildew build-up.
Automatic koi fish food feeders can be unreliable. If the unit malfunctions, your koi could go without food for an extended period of time. You can get solar ones to help prevent this, but cloudy and stormy days can disrupt them.
How Auto Feeders Work
Automatic koi food feeders typically consist of three main parts: a hopper or reservoir, a timer, and a dispensing mechanism. Most automatic feeders will also have some sort of built-in battery backup in case of power outages.
The hopper is where you’ll store the koi fish food pellets. The hopper should be big enough to hold enough food for several days’ worth of feeding, so you don’t have to worry about refilling it too often. Some hoppers also have built-in filters to keep debris and uneaten food from clogging up the dispensing mechanism.
The timer is what controls when the koi food is dispensed. Most automatic koi fish feeders will allow you to set different dispensing schedules for different days of the week, so you can customize the feeding schedule to fit your needs.
The dispensing mechanism is what actually gets the koi fish food from the hopper into the water. Some automatic koi fish feeders use an auger or screw-like device to move the food from the hopper into a small opening at the bottom of the unit. The food then falls into the water below. Other automatic koi fish feeders use a vibrating plate or disk to move the food from the hopper into a chute that leads directly into the water.
Keep Your Pond At Its Best So Your Koi Fish Can Be Healthy And Happy With Premier Ponds
Premier Ponds is here to help you keep your pond healthy and looking great, so your pond fish can be happy and thrive. We offer a variety of pond cleaning and maintenance services that are designed for koi ponds. We also know how to introduce koi to ponds in a stress-free manner.
If you’re interested in learning more about our services, fill out our contact form today. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
*Quick tip: your koi fish will be better off if you add the right amount of koi for your pond size.
How To Go About Feeding Baby Koi
How to Go About Feeding Baby Koi
Once your koi has laid eggs, the next few steps of the koi raising process will soon be upon you.
One of the biggest things to consider when raising koi babies is their diet and nutritional requirements.
Let’s discuss how to go about feeding baby koi and what to expect in the first few days, weeks, and months of their aquatic lives.
The First Few Days
Once your koi eggs are laid, they will typically hatch in around four days (more or less depending on the water temperature of the hatching area).
Once they hatch, your new koi fry will appear as little more than tiny drops in the water. They will not even have gills or lungs, let alone the ability to eat!
They will probably just hang onto their fry net and soak up nutrients from their egg sac remnants for quite a few days.
You will know your koi are ready to eat when they begin to swim about a bit on their own. They will usually congregate around airstones or otherwise group up.
When this happens, you can offer their first meals! Expect this to come after three or so days, but, again, the timeline can vary so always keep a close eye on your fry; watch for strong movements and the ability to swim close to the surface of the water before you feed.
The First Feeds
Once your babies are ready, you have a few options concerning their starting diet. Many people go for a liquid food.
This is usually some sort of larvae suspended in a fluid that is very easily eaten. This is a high fat, high protein food that provides exactly what the baby koi need from a nutritional standpoint and mimics their natural diet in the wild.
Still, it is often easier to go for a powdered option. To do this, you can either buy specialty koi fry powder food or simply choose a type of high-quality adult koi food and grind it up yourself into a very fine powder.
Again, make sure the food is high fat and high protein to support growth and organ development.
As They Age
As your koi get a bit older, you can slowly up the size of their food. Try making it less crushed with some larger chunks or move up to a fully formed piece of baby koi food.
Once they are large enough, you can begin feeding them regular koi food, though this will take several months.
If you are live feeding, you can opt for larger prey items like daphnia or brine shrimp. Koi love these foods and they provide a lot of good nutrients to support your horde of growing fish!
In all stages of early development, including when they first begin to eat, koi need to be fed small portions four times per day.
Feed no more than what can be eaten within five minutes to prevent tank pollution and always offer four meals to support growth and prevent larger babies from preying on smaller ones.
Treats: Yes or No?
So, while treats are a popular part of keeping koi fish due to the plethora of cute feeding videos online, most human foods are not good for koi fish in general, let alone very young ones without fully developed digestive systems.
Due to this, you should refrain from feeding young koi things like bread, peas, corn, and other high carbohydrate foods can all cause serious health problems in large fish and small koi alike.
Additionally, feeding your babies wild-caught prey items like worms from your yard or insects you found or do not know the origin of is a bad idea since they can carry diseases, pesticides, and parasites that can make your fish sick or even kill them.
You can still give your young koi treats. Once they are almost ready to be introduced to the pond, you can give them things like vegetables, fruits, and pieces of seafood.
Just use moderation when offering these foods and be sure they are not too large in size. Koi can choke or become digestively impacted, which can be serious if severe.
Can Baby Koi Be Fed Dog/Cat Food?
There is an odd common misconception that baby koi can eat wet or dry dog and cat food.
This belief started since many foods contain similar ingredients to certain koi products but, unfortunately, the ratios are not comparable and many other animals that have commercial foods available actually eat things that are toxic or non-nutritious for koi fish.
Try sticking to either live feedings or food specifically designed for koi fish. Even some other fish foods are not nutritionally adaquate for koi since they get so large and need a lot of protein and fat and very little carbohydrate content in their diet plan.
Kois are omnivores so, while they do eat plant matter, they also need meat which eliminates most small animal (rabbit, rat, mouse, gerbil, etc) foods, as well, since many use plant proteins that can actually be irritating to the koi’s digestive system due to their pea protein content.
All in all, stick to high-quality foods that are safe for koi fish and you should be set!
A Simple Process
Feeding baby koi is a very simple process that generally is a lot less work than it seems upfront.
Koi babies eat very similar diets to their adult counterparts, even to the level of comparability that you can literally just crush up adult koi food and use it as the bulk or entirety of a baby koi’s diet.
While delicate in their early stages, koi fish are resilient, tough fish and as long as you provide good nutrition, it is quite hard to go wrong.
Kindergarten No. 61, Dinskoy district, village Novotitarovskaya, Krasnodar Territory
08/19/2021 13:40
Nutrition of children in kindergarten
its reflection in the educational process.
Proper nutrition is the basis of a long and fruitful life, a guarantee of health, vitality, and a guarantee against the appearance of various ailments. Therefore, in terms of the work of the kindergarten, the issue of proper nutrition occupies one of the most important places. In kindergarten, meals are organized in group rooms.
The whole cycle of cooking takes place in the catering unit, which is located in a separate room. The catering unit is 100% staffed.
The basic principles of organizing nutrition in the preschool educational institution are as follows:
- Correspondence of the energy value of the diet with the energy consumption of the child.
- Balance in the diet of all essential and essential nutrients.
- The maximum variety of products and dishes that provide a balanced diet.
- Proper technological and culinary processing of products, aimed at preserving their original nutritional value, as well as high palatability of dishes.
- Optimal diet, an environment that forms the skills of a culture of eating in children.
Control over the actual nutrition and sanitary and hygienic condition of the catering unit is carried out by a nurse.
Reception of food products and food raw materials in kindergarten is carried out in the presence of documents confirming their quality and safety. The products arrive in the container of the manufacturer (supplier). Documentation certifying the quality and safety of products, marking labels (or their copies) are stored until the end of the sale of products. The input control of incoming products is carried out by the storekeeper. The results of the control are recorded in the journal of rejection of perishable food products entering the food unit, which is stored for a year. Food products with signs of poor quality, as well as products without accompanying documents confirming their quality and safety, and not labeled, are not allowed to be accepted.
Ready food is issued only after sampling and a corresponding entry in the finished culinary product rejection log. Catering is constantly under the control of the administration.
Local acts and orders for catering
On approval of the Production Controlled Monitored (392.4 KIB) program
DOU 61 Program Control (349.1 KIB)
DOU 61 Appendices to the PPC
9000 9000 9000042 Order on nutrition control (375.8 KiB)
Expert opinion.pdf (1.7 MiB)
10-day cyclic menu.pdf (3.0 MiB)
BDOU No. 61 On the introduction of an approximate 10-day menu.pdf (296.2 KiB)
List of suppliers of food products and food raw materials in the preschool educational institution .pdf (122.6 KiB)
BDOU No. 61 Order on the organization of control over the nutrition of children.pdf (313.6 KiB)
BDOU No. 61 Order on catering.pdf (553.4 KiB)
BDOU No. 61 Order on the Nutrition Council.pdf (380.3 KiB)
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