Lidl baby food reviews
Fuming mums discover Lidl & Ella's Kitchen baby food pouches made in same factory - but the price difference is huge
AN eagle-eyed mum revealed baby food pouches from supermarket Lidl and name brand Ella's Kitchen are made in the SAME factory, after spotting the same code on them.
Leigh Granger was stocking her baby's food cupboard when she stumbled across it.
Leigh revealed how the factory codes were the sameShe spotted the factory code on the virtually identical looking pouches, both organic, both 130mg but one costing 49p from Lidl and one £1.55 from Ella's Kitchen.
Leigh broke the news to other mums on Facebook page Extreme Coupon and Bargain Hunting.
She said: "I came across this when stocking my baby's cupboard.
"Ella's Kitchen and Lidl brand 'organic' baby food... turns out they are made in the same factory and same codes, but MASSIVE price difference!
This product costs 49p4
Whereas this one costs £1."Share and save a fortune."
She later edited her post to say: "I know one is chicken and one is beef. Just stating the obvious that they're both same packaging, same factory, same codes... different price."
Other mums were stunned.
One woman said: "It's a joke really! The price difference is amazing."
Another added: "How mad."
Ella's Kitchen and Lidl brand 'organic' baby food... turns out they are made in the same factory and same codes, but MASSIVE price difference.
Leigh Granger
Ella's Kitchen confirmed they did produce their products at the same factory as Lidl.
A spokeswoman said: "It is true that these pouches are made in the same factory – there are only a limited number of factories which can produce safe product at volume for both brands and own label suppliers.
"However, whilst the manufacturing process will be the same, what goes in to the pouches is very different.
The mum compared her products side by sideAt Ella’s Kitchen we pride ourselves on developing truly great tasting recipes, using many and varied ingredients of the highest quality, to help little ones develop a healthy relationship with food. This includes our own ingredient sourcing standards and relationships which are traceable to source and go above and beyond the legal requirements for sourcing.
"For example we hold ourselves to higher Animal Welfare standards than those sourced by the factory, as well as having individual relationships with the farmers and growers to ensure we are buying the best quality ingredients at the start of each season.
"We believe this care and attention in recipe development and ingredient sourcing delivers a better taste experience for little ones and we then partner with the best manufacturer to deliver those standards consistently."
Lidl had not yet responded to a comment
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Lupilu Organic Fruit & Vegetable Baby Food Pouches Stage 1, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Apples & Blueberries | Reviews
Just so you know, whilst we may receive a commission or other compensation from the links on this page, we never allow this to influence product selections.
At a glance:
Part of Lidl's new and improved Lupilu range which includes everything from award-winning nappies to organic food pouches, these sweet potato, pumpkin, apple and blueberry pouches are suitable from four-months-old. These handy resealable pouches are 100% organic, made with only fruit and vegetables and no added sugar and are perfect for weaning babies at mealtimes or as a snack for toddlers.
Would you recommend this to other mums?
Stephanie: Yes definitely. Not only are they easy and versatile but the price is fantastic when compared to other brands. They are a quality product with a very budget price which is fantastic when you have lots of little mouths to feed. I love the screw lid and the fact that you can use maybe a quarter of a pouch then refrigerate for 24hrs and use the next day, so there is very little waste.
Sarah: I would recommend this due to the price. It also has organic fruit and vegetables which is good to know when your baby is trying his first foods. The pouch idea makes it easy to take them anywhere. The design is simple and has all the right information on what is in the product.
Philipa: I like how easy the pouches are to transport. They are brightly coloured and the colour matches the flavour so that it is easy to grab the one that you want out of the cupboard. They are easy to squeeze onto a spoon which makes feeding on-the-go easily accomplished. They are resealable so that they can be put away in the fridge once opened.
How did this product make your life easier?
Jennifer: It is great to have a small pouch of ready-made food to pop in the change bag. The pouch means I don't have to heat up, cool down or try and keep it warm whilst out. They are easy and quick as there is no preparation and the pouch is roughly the right amount.
Charlie: The Lupilu Pouches are a lifesaver in situations where having a home-cooked dinner isn't possible. If we are out and about or having a day where time has run away with us then these pouches are quick and easy. It's good to know they are full of goodness for your baby. This has really made my life easier as a mum.
Philipa: The pouches are really easy to take out as they are light and you can feed the baby straight out of them by squeezing it onto a spoon! They keep in the fridge for 24 hours after being opened so for babies who aren’t able to eat the whole thing in one sitting there is no need to waste what is left. The consistency is very smooth so it is a good way to introduce purée to a young baby.
Would you choose this product to win?
Margaret: I would choose this product above others on the market. You can't really go wrong with the Lupilu pouches. The ingredients are pretty much the same as other well-known baby food ranges but these are much cheaper. Babies are an expensive business so saving money is always great as a new mum on maternity leave.
Stephanie: I would choose this product above all others on the market because I like that the ingredients are organic and gluten-free. The packaging is attractive and a good range of fruit and vegetables are used. I think this product should win because it is the 'whole package' - price, quality, and easy to use.
Charlie: I think this product should win as it is really reasonably priced and my daughter really enjoyed it. I think Lupilu is a good brand of baby and toddler items and should gain recognition for their competitive prices. The variety of flavours are good and as with other leading brands, full of goodness.
What changes would you make to this product?
Stephanie: I would prefer a more extensive range. Maybe a selection of finger foods, as my baby loves to use her fingers and is developing her under grip. So she would love to be able to grab things off her tray herself. Or a more extensive dessert range for when my baby is a bit older.
Philipa: A greater range of flavours would be great as currently there are only a few different options on offer. However, I wouldn’t change anything else. The consistency of this product for the age range intended is perfect. The amount of food in each pouch is a good amount but if it was available in different sizes it might attract more parents as children eat different amounts.
Sarah: I don’t think I would change anything about this product. I feel it had a good design, great value for money and lovely flavours. Perhaps there could be more choice in flavours giving consumers more to choose from. I like this product overall and feel it is a great addition for Lidl.
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Lidl (Lidl) Germany - official site in Russian, customer reviews
A bit of history
Lidl was founded in 1930 by a retired teacher Ludwig Lidl. For ten years of development, the company has become a significant and world-famous enterprise that is engaged in the wholesale trade in food products.
However, soon after the transfer of the main capital into the hands of Dieter Schwarz in 1977, the company began to breathe in a new way and began to actively develop in the areas of discount trade in food products, household goods.
Lidl is now known to the world community as a German supermarket chain with several thousand stores around the world.
What is the secret of Lidl's popularity? These are huge discounts that will impress the experienced sales lover, a wide selection of food products, a small number of manufactured goods for the home, as well as affordable clothes and shoes for all family members.
Another argument in favor of shopping at Lidl is the constant renewal of the assortment, which allows you to find something interesting at an attractive price every day.
All these factors allow Lidl to successfully compete not only with other well-known supermarkets in the country, but also in the Internet space, because now you can order everything you like on the Lidl showcase online.
Lidl (LIDL) Germany - official website in Russian, product catalog
Lidl has only one official website -
At the beginning of its history, the German store specialized in the wholesale of food products; after the Second World War, the network changed its owner, as well as the direction and scale of trade: from 1970 is a supermarket that sells clothes, shoes, food and alcohol, home and garden supplies, and cosmetics and consumer electronics.
To start shopping, go to the "Onlineshop" section, which will open a catalog of products available for online sales:
- Super discounts.
- Clothing.
- Bicycles.
- Garden furniture.
- Pools.
- Equipment.
- Furniture and interior shop.
- Mattresses.
- Home and kitchen.
- Hobbies and entertainment.
- Refrigerators and freezers.
- Children's world.
- Toys.
- Sport.
- Multimedia.
- Wine.
- Perfume.
- Gift cards.
For convenience, the list is numbered so that you can find the desired category without knowing the language. But if the language barrier still gets in the way, Evrozakaz will help and make shopping as comfortable as possible!
German Stylish Womenswear Catalog
Go to the Mode section and select the first column (Damenmode). Women's wardrobe is divided into subsections - t-shirts and tops, blouses and tunics, sweaters, etc.
Be sure to visit the department with a brand of clothing from the famous model Heidi Klum - "Esmara By Heidi Klum". Despite the big name in the title, the clothes do not have a high price, but remain the same affordable for the average buyer.
Men's clothing
Found in the adjacent column called "Herrenmode". Products for men are divided into categories in the same way as for women - separately T-shirts, trousers, underwear, shoes and accessories.
Designer lines are represented by the brands Livergy and Crivit. The German online store holds sales of men's clothing (discounts from 11 to 79% on different categories of goods), so you can dress not only comfortably and comfortably, but also cheaply.
Children's clothing
The children's clothing department is called "Kindermode" and contains products for children from 2 months to 12 years of age. They are divided into age categories:
- 2-24 months;
- 2-6 years;
- 7-12 years old.
Customers love and appreciate the LIDL store for the naturalness and safety of children's products: the accessories are made of fabrics marked "Oeko-Tex 100", the materials are hypoallergenic, and the patterns and colors on things remain even after dozens of washes. After all, it is so important for children to be bright, and for parents - for their children to be healthy.
In addition, there are eight more groups in the clothing section: sportswear, shoes, plus size goods, etc. Visit them and see for yourself, the choice in the German online store is really huge.
LIDL helps Europeans buy a lot and cheap, and live comfortably. Join and you to a decent standard of living together with Evrozakaz. With us, you will have the best shopping experience of your life without the hassle!
How to view current offers
The network of LIDL stores in Germany is very large. Therefore, LIDL offers catalogs and current offers based on the regions in which certain branches are located. To view offers, you will need to enter the region number. How to do this, I will show you now.
In order to view current offers, you need to go to After that, you need to click on the menu item “Kundeninformation” (information for the client) at the top of the page: after that, a page with a menu on the left will open.
You need to click on the menu item "Online blättern" (browse online). And after that - click on the catalog image. You will be taken to a page where you will need to enter the region number 45473 and click the "Abschicken" (send) button.
This will take you directly to the page where you can view current offers as well as future catalog offers. Entering the region code the next time you visit the store - you most likely will not have to.
Just to clarify, you will usually see two directories. One is mainly with food, the second with useful goods - clothes, equipment, etc.
Group 2 - these are goods that are already on sale in the branch of the store. And if you click on one of the images from group 2, then you can open 2 actual product catalogs (those books that are shown below - with products and with other products), I repeat again - which are already on sale now.
Group 3 includes goods that will be sold in the future. In our example, these are products that will be on sale from October 18th and from October 21st. Now, if you click on one of the images from group 3, you will be able to view both catalogs (food and products), which will contain products that will be on sale from the 18th and from the 21st.
LIDL starts these promotions 2 times a week - on Monday and Thursday. And one catalog contains the goods of these two promotions. That is, in the catalog for the next week there will be goods both on the 18th and 21st.
Now the question is, how long is the offer? I recommend ordering in advance.
Since if the store opens on Monday or Thursday at 8.00 o'clock, already at 8.30-9.00 o'clock half of the goods from the catalogs will be sold out. The rest will be on sale for another week.
Items are good and sell out quickly. Therefore, if you ask me on Wednesday to buy something from the current catalog (group 2), I most likely will not be able to do this anymore - this may no longer be in the store. Watch and order from the "future" catalog for next week!
Sales, discount codes
The site contains all current promotions in the Aktuelle Angebote section, which usually start twice a week: Monday and Thursday. In the online store, goods can be bought in advance, but delivery will be only from the date of the promotion.
There are no big sales of 50-70% in Lidl, but even relatively new collections very quickly start selling with a discount of various values, for example, 10%, 23%, 37%. Since the prices are initially low, the discounts are small.
The SALE section is permanent and is updated infrequently, usually 3-4 pages in size with products with the largest stocks. But you can get an additional discount on free shipping of 4.95 euros by subscribing to the newsletter.
The discount code is entered at the very last step of the checkout and can be used on any email, not necessarily the one you subscribed to the news. If the code "doesn't want" to go through, try putting a space after it, and then the button will become active.
If the coupon worked, then the discount will be displayed next to each item. Sometimes the code does not work if there is an item in the cart that the code does not apply to. Recently, with a frequency of once every two months, the store puts vouchers for 10 euros of discount in parcels.
A nice bonus to purchases will be the use of cashback, where you can get a refund of 3% of the purchase amount without VAT. The return of cashback in this store takes about two months.
Very, very rarely there are reusable discount codes, for example, the same 10% as for a news subscription. We always report such codes in our contact group.
Customer trust is Lidl's priority, which is why so much effort is devoted to quality, because no brand goes on sale without undergoing thorough checks and tests for quality and safety, and the wishes and needs of customers are at the center attention.
The Lidl store has repeatedly won first place in numerous independent product tests, and many of its own brands are regularly awarded medals, such as the German Agricultural Society (DLG). All independent tests confirm the worthy level of "price-quality" ratio of this retail chain.
Thus, when choosing materials for clothing, much attention is paid to the study of allergic reactions to the skin by possible pollutants.
All clothing and home textiles are labeled with the Oeko-Tex 100 label, a quality test system that is universally recognized in Europe. Additional chemical analyzes make Lidl shoes environmentally friendly.
Toys for children and babies are tested not only for safety, but also for high impact. Children's clothing is represented mainly by its own brands LUPILU, PEPPERTS, and adult clothing and footwear ESMARA, CRIVIT, LIVERGY. All Lidl basic items are made up of only 100% cotton.
Children's winter sets and autumn suits with rain and slush protection are especially popular among German and now other customers. These are very practical, warm and wear-resistant things at very modest prices.
Winter suits, usually go on sale at the beginning of October. Perfect for outdoor activities in the winter, it impresses with its excellent fit and functionality.
Jackets and pants perfectly protect against wind, dirt, moisture, while allowing air to pass through so that the child does not sweat. Also, many note the brightness of things. Everything in them is thought out: Velcro, cuffs, elastic bands, so that both children and adults are not distracted by anything other than enjoying the winter weather!
On the Lidl website, women's clothing is presented mainly in sizes S, M, L, but sometimes XS and XL. Marking S corresponds to German 36/38, M - 40/42, L - 44/46.
To determine the Russian size, add +6. Buyers note that even size S is quite tall, 170-175 cm and usually has long sleeves. Therefore, women of short stature and thin build prefer to order clothes from teenage sizes 158/164.
For men, clothing is mainly represented by sizes M, L, XL, XXL, very rarely S. Marking men's clothing M corresponds to the German 48/50, L - 52/54, XL - 56/58, etc. The shirts on this site are in sizes S (37/38), M(39/40), L (41/42) which corresponds to the length of the collar in centimeters.
The size of clothes for children and teenagers is determined by height 62/68…158/164 and age, with a margin for growth, and rather correspond to the upper limit of the digital value.
Most shoes fit true to size, but many shoes are designed for narrow or medium feet. The German online store Lidl has a very handy size calculator. For example, you can specify the length of the foot in cm and immediately get the required size.
How to buy Lidl in Germany - clothes from Germany at low prices - a discount company based in Neckarsulm. Currently (as of 2018), the Lidl store has more than 10,200 branches in 28 countries and, by the number of branches, is the world's largest discounter group.
The most popular shop among Germans and our compatriots. Accessories, home decor, coffee, chocolate - all this you can find on the Lidl de store website. The Lidl online store is not available in Russian, but you can use a translator or entrust the purchases to us. gives you the opportunity to buy clothes from in Germany at the lowest prices without commission. We are pleased to offer our customers special conditions for this store. We do not charge any % for our services. Just create an order on the site, use the code for purchases without commission, and we will be happy to buy you this brand in any quantity.
How to buy Lidl clothes from Germany
What do I need to do in order to make a purchase in Lidl to a virtual address?
- Get a virtual address for Lidl shopping at It's very simple to register and in a minute you will receive addresses in several countries.
- Next, go to the store and shop.
Search for products and put it in the shopping cart.
- When paying, indicate the address of the warehouse for the delivery of your goods.
- We will receive your purchases and enter them into your personal account.
- You order delivery, we pack and invoice you for services.
- After payment of the invoice, your parcel will be with you in 7-15 days.
Shipping cost is usually 4.95 Euro to our warehouse. The store accepts Paypal so you can easily pay for your purchases from your Paypal account, make sure your real address is in your Paypal billing account, you can use our address only for shipping goods.
Important: Payment for the store must be from your card or Paypal, and do not use other types of payment, as purchases paid for on credit or upon delivery will automatically go back to the store immediately, and you will be charged the amount for returning the goods .
After creating an order, you will receive a notification from the store with a track number, you do not need to enter it into our system, usually within 3-5 days the order from Lidl. de arrives at our warehouse. If the store canceled the payment and the order, just use the form to create an order in your account and we will be happy to buy you any goods in in any quantity.
Benefits of buying from Germany via
- You don't buy and we take full responsibility for the goods and delivery.
- You can pay in any way convenient for you on our website.
- If you receive a product that is not what you ordered, we will return it to the seller. You don't need to worry about it.
- We check all goods for visual defects, we compare the size and color for free.
- We will solve all issues with the delivery of the order with the store, if necessary.
To buy with our help, you just need to copy the link and paste it into the order form in your account on our website, specifying the product parameters, color, size, etc. Our operators will redeem the goods for you within a couple of hours from the moment of payment.
Delivery of parcels from Forever21 to Russia or Ukraine from Germany is calculated in the same way as to other countries, by weight or dimensions. Open the calculator, choose how to buy via virtual address or via buying assistance, enter the weight and find out the cost of shipping to your home!
Customer Reviews
According to many customers, clothes, shoes and other wardrobe items in Lidl stores are of excellent quality. Some of the users praise the pleasant to the touch material. Others say that there are no visible defects in such clothes.
All threads, according to the stories of buyers, are neatly stitched, the seams are almost invisible. The fabric from which, for example, T-shirts or shirts are sewn, tolerates washing well.
Dresses and trousers do not shed and retain their color for a long time. Drawing and applications are also practically durable. Moreover, most buyers like Lidl jackets.
Satisfied customer reviews provide an opportunity to appreciate the high quality of products and their long service life. According to the stories of buyers, they are completely satisfied with high-quality outerwear. It is happily worn not only by adults, but also by children.
There are also many reviews about shoes. Most buyers are satisfied with the fact that in branded stores you can buy shoes and clothes for the whole family, including small children. Many people who buy shoes here describe them only on the positive side.
Lidl: supermarket chain
Even while abroad, our compatriots try to save money, participate in sales and purchase goods inexpensively, but certainly of good quality. At the same time, having found stores that meet these requirements, they tend to share this information with their acquaintances. This is how many learned about the European network Lidl (Germany). Reviews, what size clothes are sold here, for whom it is designed and what other products can be found in this network of budget markets, we will discuss in this article.
Traveling around Europe and a chain of German stores
While traveling through Europe, many of you have probably noticed a chain of stores called Lidl. At least that's what the reviews say. "Lidl", for those who are not in the know, is a cross between the sensational "Carrefour", "Metro" and "Auchan". Many also find similarities with Kopeika and Pyaterochka stores, the ATB network.
General description of the supermarket chain
According to numerous reviews, Lidl is a chain of relatively small stores with a sales area of approximately 700-1200 m². All of them have an identical design and signboard, on which the company logo flaunts. Near each such store there is a spacious parking lot and a separate “park” of shopping carts.
The colors of the stores are dominated by red and dark blue. Inside, according to some reviews, Lidl is also decorated in similar colors. Pallets, signs and even price tags are designed in a common style, regardless of the country in which the store is located.
A short story about the creation of the network
The first Lidl network appeared in 1930 in Germany. The founder of this brand is the former teacher Ludwig Lidl. Initially, the company dealt exclusively with food products. And sell them in bulk.
However, in 1977 everything changed dramatically. When the organization was bought out by enterprising businessman Dieter Schwartz, it was decided to modify the primary policy of the company. So, a net profit lover easily changed course from wholesale to discount.
From that moment on, not only products, but also shoes, household and sporting goods, household appliances, textiles, and Lidl clothing appeared in the network of company stores. User feedback helps to understand how interested they are in such a sharp expansion of the range. Despite the fact that the company experienced sharp ups and downs, its owners managed to maintain the brand, and most importantly, to make it popular not only in Europe, but also in the world.
What can you really buy in a chain store
According to users who have visited Lidl stores, here you can buy almost everything you need. So, it is quite possible to find inexpensive food products, small household appliances, flowerpots with fresh flowers, as well as fertilizers and earth for them, clothes, accessories, household goods and Lidl shoes in them. Customer reviews allow you to evaluate the entire range. Its diversity, along with excellent quality and low prices, at least speaks in favor of this network.
Where to find a chain of stores
At the moment, as many reviews emphasize, Lidl brand stores are in the following countries:
- Poland.
- Finland.
- Sweden.
- Norway.
- Denmark.
- Germany.
- The Netherlands.
- Italy.
- Belgium.
- Portugal.
- Romania.
- Hungary and others.
According to seasoned travelers, there are about 400 chain stores in Poland alone.
What users say about branded clothing
According to many customers, clothes, shoes and other wardrobe items in Lidl stores are of excellent quality. Some of the users praise the pleasant to the touch material. Others say that there are no visible defects in such clothes.
All threads, according to the stories of buyers, are neatly stitched, the seams are almost invisible. The fabric from which, for example, T-shirts or shirts are sewn, tolerates washing well.
Dresses and trousers do not shed and retain their color for a long time. Drawing and applications are also practically durable. Moreover, most buyers like Lidl jackets. Feedback from satisfied customers makes it possible to evaluate the high quality of products and their long service life. According to the stories of buyers, they are completely satisfied with high-quality outerwear. It is happily worn not only by adults, but also by children.
There are also a lot of reviews about shoes. Most buyers are satisfied with the fact that in branded stores you can buy shoes and clothes for the whole family, including small children. Many people who buy shoes here describe them only on the positive side.
And some more information about clothes
All the company's clothes are represented exclusively by their own brands. So, children's things can be found under the trademarks Peperts and Lupilu. Adult products are sold under the Livergy, Esmara and Crivit logos. According to buyers, products made from natural cotton predominate among clothes. Outerwear for children is complemented by various water-repellent and windproof materials.
Despite their protective function, parents say, such things are breathable. The baby's skin breathes. Therefore, he is comfortable in such pants, overalls and jackets.
Lidl clothes: size reviews
According to users, the size grid of the store corresponds to the European one and is determined by height. Therefore, when choosing children's clothing, you should pay attention to the size indicated on the tag. As buyers say, there are three marking options:
- 98/104.
- 86/92.
- 110/116.
For example, size 116 on a children's jacket indicates that this outerwear is intended for children aged 2 to 3 years.
Sizes for women's and men's clothing, shoes
Women's clothing sizes are represented by standard designations: S (equal to German 36/38), M (40/42) and L (44/46). Much less common are XS and XL. In order to determine the domestic size of clothing, buyers say, you can add the number 6 to the indicated size. However, according to users, most products are designed for fairly large growth. For example, S can be safely chosen by a buyer with a height of 170-175 cm. At the same time, if you buy a thing with sleeves, then be prepared for the fact that they can be very long.
Men's clothing is marked: M (48/50), L (56/58), XL and XXL.