Liver baby food gerber

Shop Baby Food Purees | Gerber



Puree Type


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 26items
  4. Sitter 94items
  5. Crawler 9items
  6. Toddler 23items
  7. Preschooler



  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 43items
  10. Iron 1item
  11. Starting Solids 16items
  12. Expanding Textures 10items
  13. Probiotics 1item
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


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Puree Type


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 2items
  4. Sitter 4items
  5. Crawler 4items
  6. Toddler 3items
  7. Preschooler


  1. Apple 5items
  2. Apricot
  3. Avocado 1item
  4. Banana 4items
  5. Beef
  6. Blueberry 2items
  7. Carrot 2items
  8. Cereal
  9. Chicken
  10. Corn
  11. Green Bean 1item
  12. Ham
  13. Kale 1item
  14. Mango 2items
  15. Oatmeal
  16. Pea
  17. Peach 3items
  18. Pear 2items
  19. Pineapple
  20. Pumpkin
  21. Raspberry 2items
  22. Rice
  23. Spinach 1item
  24. Squash
  25. Strawberry 4items
  26. Sweet Potato 2items
  27. Turkey
  28. Zucchini 1item


  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 5items
  10. Iron
  11. Starting Solids 3items
  12. Expanding Textures
  13. Probiotics
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers

Puree FrutoNyanya from beef with liver - calories, useful properties, benefits and harms, description


Proteins, g:

10. 0

Fats, g:


Carbohydrates, g:


FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver is made from natural ingredients. It is characterized by the absence of preservatives, dyes, starch, soy protein, artificial additives, genetically modified ingredients. It is not flavored with salt either. This is a multicomponent baby food product. It has a homogeneous (homogeneous) consistency.

The initial stage for introducing the product into the baby's diet is when he reaches eight months. Do not use the product if there is no clear cotton, which guarantees the good quality of the contents of the jar.

Calorie content of FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver

Calorie content of FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver is 103 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and useful properties of FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver

The composition of FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver includes: beef (38. 0%), water, beef liver, rice flour.

Beef is rich in complete proteins. They contain almost all types of amino acids (essential and irreplaceable), which are very important (kalorizator). It contains various minerals (especially a lot of iron).

Liver in FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver is an offal that is very useful for the development and growth of the baby. It is also rich in iron. It also contains vitamins (A, group B).

How to use FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver

The product has been sterilized and is ready for use.

It only needs to be warmed up (recommended feeding temperature 37 degrees). Use a microwave or water bath. Attention, you should not offer the baby repeatedly FrutoNyanya beef puree, which was previously warmed up.

The contents of the jar must be mixed immediately before feeding.

Introduce the product gradually. In the early days, limit yourself to one teaspoon of puree, which should be given in two passes (half a spoon). Follow the reaction of the baby to the components of the product. If there is no allergy, and the stool is normal, then you can increase the daily portion. In about a week, bring the amount to the age norm. By twelve months, it is recommended to offer the child up to 60-70 grams of puree per day.

How to store FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver

The total shelf life of FrutoNyanya beef puree with liver is 24 months. The product storage conditions are as follows: temperature from 0 to +25 degrees, air humidity not more than 75 percent.

Open puree should be consumed within 24 hours. It can only be stored in a refrigerator.



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