Man feeds baby to dog

Okla. parents abused adopted children, fed them dog food, says report


By Naimah Jabali-Nash

/ CBS News

John Kluth (L), Sonja Kluth (R) KWTV

(CBS/KWTV/AP) YUKON, Okla. - The Canadian County District Attorney has filed child abuse and child neglect charges against two Oklahoma parents accused of beating their three adopted children and feeding them pet food.

John and Sonja Kluth are each facing three counts of child abuse and three counts of child neglect for allegedly abusing their adopted 15-year-old and 11-year-old sons and 9-year-old daughter, reports CBS affiliate KWTV.

"They've been abused just about every way imaginable, they've been burned, cut, beat," Canadian County Sheriff Randall Edwards told KWTV.

The couple was arrested Tuesday, but reportedly bonded out of jail later the same day.

According to an arrest affidavit obtained by local station KOCO, the parents "whipped all the children with a horsewhip...while telling them to take it like a slave."

The nine-year-old girl told investigators her mom would bang their heads on the doors, walls and bathroom counter tops. One of the boys showed an investigator his disfigured fingers and said one was from being smashed with the can opener, the other a mallet.

Court documents claim Sonja Kluth burned, struck and strangled her 15-year-old son, and beat and strangled her 11-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter. She also allegedly confined the boys in an underground shelter and gave them only dog food to eat, while the girl was fed cat food.

The repulsive abuse, which may have gone on up to five years, was discovered when a sheriff found the oldest boy sleeping in a box behind a Braum's ice cream and dairy store.

"The 15-year-old boy could easily pass as a 10-year-old, that's how thin and frail he was as a result of being malnourished," said Sheriff Edwards.

The Kluth's were reportedly being paid $1,500 every month per child by the state of Wisconsin, according to KWTV.

"These people were basically out just for the money. They weren't out for taking care of these kids," said the Kluth's biological son Bill, who was not shocked by the appalling allegations.

"They were just put on a regiment where you can't talk to the kid, you can't love the kid, you can't say anything to the kid," he said. "The kids always had to sit in the corner, so we knew things weren't right."

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First published on February 24, 2011 / 12:39 PM

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Hand-Feeding Baby Birds | VCA Animal Hospital


General Information 

Hand-feeding baby birds is only a substitute for parents raising birds, but it does have certain advantages. Hand-raised baby birds usually make better pets, as they have been completely socialized with humans. Hand-raised babies grow up with less fear of humans or other potential dangers such as cats, dogs and young children. Hand-feeding is a huge responsibility and requires time, patience, and commitment. Hand-fed baby birds are entirely reliant on you for everything. Hand-feeding is a job best left for the experienced bird breeder or aviculturist. If you’re considering hand-feeding a baby bird, you should contact your local bird breeder or veterinarian for help. This handout is designed to provide some basic guidelines on how to hand-feed.

When do I start hand-feeding a baby bird?

A chick may be removed from its parents any time before weaning, but many suggest leaving the babies with the parents for up to 3 weeks. Older birds may prove to be more challenging in their acceptance of hand-feeding. 

Where do I keep a baby bird?

Precise temperature and humidity is essential for optimum growth of newly hatched birds. Initially, relative humidity greater than 50% is required. Hatchlings (without feathers) should be maintained at 95°-97°F (35°-36°C). As the chick gets older and develops feathers, it has a greater tolerance for temperature fluctuations. 

Generally, the temperature can be lowered by one degree every 2-3 days as feathering progresses. Chicks with new feathers (pinfeathers) should be fine at 75°-85°F (24°-30°C) depending on the development of the feathers. Fully feathered and weaned chicks can be maintained at room temperature. If you are raising a chick, always monitor your bird for signs of overheating or chilling. Wings extended or drooping, and panting indicate overheating. Shivering and cuddling of chicks together indicate that they’re cold.

Poor growth or poor digestion (delayed crop emptying) may indicate poor health (including presence of gastrointestinal tract infections), improper consistency/mixing of hand feeding formula, improper temperature of formula, or improper environmental temperature and humidity. Good quality brooders are available that carefully regulate air circulation, temperature, and humidity. Paper towel, diapers, hand towels, or other soft, disposable products can be used to line the bottom of the brooder and provide secure, clean, dry footing for birds. The bottom liner must be changed frequently to keep birds clean. If the bottom texture is too smooth, chicks’ legs may splay out sideways, leading to permanent deformities. The brooder should be carefully checked to ensure that it does not contain anything for birds to get their wings or legs stuck on or that might cause injury or deformities.

What should I feed my bird?

There are numerous commercially available hand-feeding formulas for baby birds. You should choose one formula and use it until the baby is weaned. Changes in diet may be stressful on the baby's digestion. Be sure to discuss dietary choices with your veterinarian, an experienced bird breeder, or an aviculturist. 

How do I feed my baby bird?

All food must be prepared fresh for every feeding. Food retained from one feeding to another is an ideal medium for the growth of harmful bacteria and yeast. Any food prepared or heated in a microwave oven must be mixed thoroughly to ensure that the food’s temperature is uniform and that there are no hot or cold spots. Food temperature should be at 102°-106°F (39°-41°C) throughout the mixture and should be measured with a thermometer. Food that is too hot may cause severe burns to the crop.

Food that is too cold may be rejected by baby birds and may slow down digestion. Hand-feeding formulas have specific directions on the packaging and explain how they should be mixed.

In general, the younger the bird, the thinner the mixture should be. A day-old chick requires a more dilute mixture (90% water), as it is still utilizing the yolk sac as a source of nutrition. Chicks older than one or two days, should have food containing approximately 70-75% liquid.

"All food must be prepared fresh for every feeding."

Syringes are probably the preferred feeding tool, but some bird owners still prefer a spoon with the sides bent up and inward. Accurate feeding volumes can be recorded with the syringe. Charting daily feedings is important. The natural feeding response of a baby bird is to rapidly bob the head in an up and down motion. This action can be stimulated with gentle finger pressure at the corners of the mouth. During this head bobbing, the trachea is closed and large amounts of food can be given relatively quickly.

If the bird is not displaying a strong feeding response, do not attempt to feed as there is an increased chance of aspiration of food into the trachea and lungs which can lead to death. The best time to feed is when the crop is empty. When full, the crop, which is the sac that hangs over the front of the chest at the base of the neck, will be visibly distended. 


How often and how much do I feed? 

The amount and frequency of feeding depends on the age of the bird and the formula fed. The frequency of feeding for young birds is greater than that of older birds. The following are general guidelines. With newly hatched chicks, the yolk sac is the source of nutrients for the first 12-24 hours post-hatching. Chicks less than one week old should be fed 6-10 times per day (every 2-3 hours).

During the first week of life, some birds benefit from feeding during the night. Chicks that have not yet opened their eyes may take 5-6 feedings per day (every 3-4 hours). Once birds’ eyes open, they can have 3-5 feedings (one every 5 hours). As their feathers start to grow in, they may be fed 2-3 times per day (every 6 hours). Their crops should appear full when they’re done.

Feeding between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is not necessary at that point when birds are sleeping. The best indication of a healthy, growing chick is a good, strong feeding response at every feeding, with the crop emptying between feedings, and the regular production of droppings (feces). Weight gain should be monitored and recorded at the same time each day using a scale that weighs in grams with 1-gram increments to detect subtle increases or decreases. Birds’ weights may fluctuate up and down daily but should trend upward over a period of days to weeks. Birds that are not gaining weight should be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

When should birds be weaned off hand-feeding formula? 

Deciding when to wean a bird off of formula is often a difficult decision for both the bird owner and the bird. As a bird gets older and develops a full complement of feathers, it should be encouraged to wean off formula and to eat more on its own. Some babies start weaning themselves by refusing certain feedings.

 Birds should be offered a variety of foods including formulated pelleted diets as well as fresh fruits and vegetables to encourage exploration and experimentation. As food introduction continues, hand-feeding may be withheld at certain times, often starting with the mid-day feedings. As time goes on, the morning feeding may be withheld and ultimately the evening feeding. Some birds learn quicker to eat on their own by watching other birds or older babies eat.

Should I be concerned about disinfection? 

Baby birds have poorly developed immune systems and are more susceptible to developing infections. The brooder should be disinfected regularly. All feeding utensils must be cleaned, disinfected, and dried thoroughly between feedings. Using separate feeding utensils for every individual bird is recommended.

How do I know if something is wrong? 

If you suspect something is wrong with your bird, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Signs to watch for include: 

  • Chirping or crying all the time
  • Fussing a lot and not sleeping
  • Listless, droopy wings or head
  • Not accepting food
  • Lack of feeding response
  • Slow or lack of crop emptying
  • Poor weight gain
  • Slow growth
  • Abnormal posturing or abnormal wing and/or leg positions
  • Abnormal or lack of droppings
  • Wetness or food on skin over the crop (indicating a possible burn)
90,000 viral videos, on which Komi native of Komi Pitbula, was watched for three days

Komsomolskaya Pravda


Anastasia Mashkaleva

April 16, 2019 16:00

We asked the owner what is the secret of education ideal dog

Photo from the archive of the hero of the article

A native of Ukhta, breeder Evgeny Botygin filmed how he feeds his mega-obedient pit bulls. The video went viral: in three days it was watched by about 10 million people around the world. We asked the owner what the secret to raising the perfect dog is.

One and a half minute video touches and touches. Pit bulls and primers look lovingly at their owner, waiting for the start of dinner. But the breeder Evgeny Botygin made the task more difficult to show the high degree of training of his dogs. He called nicknames one by one, the pit bulls approached the bowls and froze in anticipation of the final command - you can eat. Dogs have shown miracles of endurance, which many people can envy.

Feeding dogs. Author: Evgeny Botygin

Evgeniy was surprised by his unexpected fame. He recorded this video for a kennel group to show that dogs of these breeds are very easy to train, but he did not expect such a response. In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda in Komi portal, he told how he raised mega-obedient dogs.

- How many years did it take to train a dog so perfectly?

- The dogs in the video have been trained since two months. This is everyday work throughout life: now they are from 2.5 to 6 years old. Every dog ​​needs to be trained from early childhood. This will be problematic later.

- Is such hard training necessary?

- The concept - training - is rather more suitable for animals in the circus. I would call it a strict upbringing. We have very strict rules and this is a must! But at the same time, everything is built on great mutual love and complete harmony! Understand, a perfectly educated dog is a happy dog: he is proud of his success and the strength of his master. Pit bulls never bite their owners, even if they hurt them!

Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article

Primers are dogs without the aggression gene, they were bred through a long selection process and have never taken part in battles! If a pit bull can be called a dog for fighting, then the primer is certainly not! Pit bulls, primers, staffs and all those who belong to them are created to be friends, partners, companions. No wonder they say that these are nanny dogs. They have tremendous patience, which representatives of other breeds cannot boast of.

- There is an opinion in society that a dog of a fighting breed is very dangerous. Is it so?

- There is no such thing as a fighting dog in dog breeding. The generally accepted classification is service, hunting, decorative breeds. Regarding the danger of pit bulls, this is an established stereotype. Isolated cases of aggression are inflated by the media, and people believe. Few people know that dogs of these breeds work as rescuers, guides, therapists in orphanages. If a person commits a crime, then they look for motives, reasons, pass a sentence, and do not blame everyone who looks like him, has the same profession, nationality. In the case of dogs, this generalization is the norm.

But the dog cannot be responsible for his actions, he acts as his master teaches him - consciously or not. And so the dog is not to blame. Never. And those who belong to the same breed or breed group - even more so. The dog is like a child. If a child behaves disgustingly, then they talk about his bad manners and blame his parents for this. No one generalizes and explains such behavior only by saying that, they say, this is a child, all children are like that!

Pit bulls have long ceased to be "fighters". Of course, no one is responsible for the quality of dogs bought for a bottle of vodka and for puppies from private matings (“Do you have a pet?” — “Yes! Lets do it!"). Unfortunately, no one is responsible for the mental health of the owners either, so you should not judge the entire breed by a few unfortunate dogs that are not lucky with people!

Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article

- How to raise a dog that is safe for society?

- I will not give advice and lessons on how to raise a dog. There is only one postulate - the owner must begin education first of all with himself. If you don't have patience you will never teach patience to your dog, if you are not disciplined you will never teach your dog discipline! If you do not have kindness, then do not plant a grain of softness in a dog! If there is no certainty, then how can it appear in a dog? If nervous, irritable, unrestrained, then it is unrealistic to teach a dog to be calm! A pet needs a spiritually strong person - a leader! If you are not like that, then the dog will become the leader and will set its own rules!

Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article

A dog has no morals, but it also has no cruelty. There is only man and his actions. And all these problems are not spaniels, shepherd dogs, chow chows, spitz, yorkies, pit bulls. These are their owners' problems. There are no potentially dangerous breeds of dogs to apply this or that method of education to them. Any dog ​​of any breed requires a responsible and serious approach to education. The owner makes the dog.

Photo from the personal archive of the hero of article


Hachiko from Moscow region ran after the car of the owner, who threw away his annoying pet

Despite the betrayal, the dog waited for the owner's return for a day. Fortunately, there were kind people who took care of the abandoned girl (details).

Feeding dogs. Author: Evgeny Botygin

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How to introduce a dog to a child?

Behind the friendship of children and animals is a lot of work of adults to form a correct and responsible attitude towards the pet on the part of the child and to conduct competent dog training. Therefore, when choosing a puppy, you need to decide in advance on the breed and size. It is recommended to make a decision taking into account how much time you can devote to raising a pet.

How to introduce a dog to a child

The arrival of a new family member is always exciting. Just like a child, a puppy needs special attention. Proper parental behavior and prioritization in relationships between adults and a child, adults and a puppy, a child and a puppy will avoid unpleasant situations and make communication between a child and a dog, even the largest, safe. Moreover, often the pets themselves, regardless of their size, become caring nannies and protectors for children.

Everything starts with the first meeting. It should take place in a comfortable environment so that the child and dog have a pleasant experience. Therefore, it is recommended to be prepared.

If you decide to take a puppy, you need:
  1. Talk to children. If possible, you need to prepare the child for the appearance of a puppy in the house. Read literature together about the maintenance and care of dogs, the behavior of a puppy, watch a video. Explain that the puppy is still small and care and attention should be shown, handled carefully with a new family member, and not offended. It must be remembered that young children do not yet realize that they can harm a pet, and treat it like a toy, often injure and get bitten for it.

  2. Monitor interactions with animals. Acquaintance and communication during the first months must necessarily take place under the supervision of adults. During this period, an understanding is formed of who will be in charge in the company. Of course it must be a child. The dog, having the instinct of hierarchy, that is, the desire to take a higher position in the group, growing up, will strive to become more important in relation to other family members, sometimes with aggression.

  3. Provide psychological comfort to the pet. At the first meeting, in order not to frighten the puppy and the child, you need to create a calm environment: let the dog sniff the child, lick it, you can let it feed the pet. It is better not to allow excessive activity in the child and puppy, so that they do not scare each other. It is recommended that you allow your small dog to play with toys.

  4. Pay attention to the condition of the puppy. If it is noticeable that the puppy is tired or wants to go about his business, you should explain to the child that the pet should be given freedom and rest.

If you decide to take an adult pet, you need:
  1. Determine the attitude of the animal towards children. It is necessary to find out how the dog treats children: whether there were manifestations of aggression or, on the contrary, the animal is so happy with children that it is ready to “lick” and, accordingly, scare with excessive activity. Before you take an aggressive or shy dog, you need to think carefully. If the animal is used to living on its own, this can cause many problems in its communication with the child and, in the end, it will be dangerous.

  2. Treat for parasites and vaccinate. Before meeting, the dog must be dewormed and vaccinated against infectious diseases, including rabies, at least 14 days and maximum 12 months before the meeting.

  3. Check the health of the animal. If the new pet is not well, it is better to postpone the acquaintance.

  4. Talk to children. It is necessary to prepare the child for the arrival of a new family member. Tell that an adult dog is not a puppy, it has its own character, its own habits. Such a meeting requires caution and calmness.

  5. Ensure safety. It is better to be present at the meeting. You can invite a cynologist for the first acquaintance. A large dog is recommended to be kept by the collar. If necessary, if there is no confidence in the nature of the animal, put a muzzle on it.

  6. Let the animal interact with the children. If the dog is calm, you can remove the muzzle and let him sniff the baby. It's okay if the pet licks it.

  7. Reward good behavior in your pet. Allow the child to give the dog a treat and a toy. You can go for a walk together.

Games for children and dogs

When the first acquaintance went well, it is recommended to tell the child how to play with the dog. At the same time, it must be remembered that for a small child, all life is games. Therefore, through the game, you can teach him how to take care of a pet: feed, bathe, walk, comb hair.

It is recommended to teach your puppy to play with children in such a way that he does not harm them, especially if they are still small. As soon as the dog begins to bite during the game, you must immediately stop playing. It is necessary to explain to the child that the animal should not bite, push, drop him under any circumstances.

Puppy play:

  1. Child and puppy can play catch-up.

  2. The child can hide from the puppy.

  3. You can play with a ball and other toys and immediately practice the “fetch” command.

  4. In the warm season, water games and swimming are possible.

  5. In winter - a game of snowballs, when a child throws a snowball, and the puppy catches or looks for it.

It should be remembered that tug games are harmful for a small puppy: the growth of the dentition can be disturbed. For a child, they are dangerous because the pet in the game, intercepting a toy or stick, can accidentally bite his hand.

In order for the puppy to feel that the children are also his owners, it is recommended to involve them in training the dog.

What rules of conduct to develop

Before you bring home a puppy or an adult dog, you need to develop rules of behavior with a pet. You can learn about the basics of feeding, care and upbringing from special literature.

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Veterinary Diets CN Convalescence

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Sensitive Digestion

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Veterinary Diets HP Hepatic

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strengthening the puppy's immunity

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Sensitive Skin

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Veterinary Diets HA Hypoallergenic

for adult dogs and puppies

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strengthening the puppy's immunity

dry food

Code of conduct for raising a dog:

  1. Adults are the older members of the family. With such rules, the dog will unquestioningly obey them.

  2. The child is the main, untouchable treasure in the family - then the dog will never harm him.

  3. All family members, including the child, should take part in feeding, caring for and walking a pet, even if it is still small.

  4. Adults and small children should be involved in training so that the dog obeys everyone.

  5. Communication between a small child and a dog must be supervised by an adult.

  6. Small children may only walk the dog with an adult.

  7. No one is allowed to hurt a child or a puppy in the family.

  8. The best way to train a puppy is through positive reinforcement. For example, treats or a game.

  9. If the dog began to show aggression towards the child, it is recommended to contact a cynologist.

Behaviors to watch out for

At first, when a puppy or an adult dog has not yet settled into the house, they may behave in a completely different way: calm or wary due to the new environment. A new member of the family, getting used to the house, will constantly check the owners: what he can and cannot do. Boundaries are determined by the owner of the dog.

But sometimes, even after a long stay in a new house, dogs continue to behave strangely:

  1. Nervousness. If an animal clogs into a secluded corner, whines, trembles at sharp sounds, this may be due to a weak type of nervous system. Often in this case, even the dog handler will not be able to help. Therefore, before acquiring a dog, it is important to assess its behavior in an unfamiliar place. It is good if the breeder shows her parents and other puppies from the litter.

  2. Aggression. If the dog shows aggression towards family members, this is the most dangerous option, because the animal can cause bites and injuries. The help of a cynologist is recommended here.

  3. Chewing furniture. A dog can constantly chew on everything in the house. This behavior can be caused by insufficient walks and communication with the owner, the dog being unwell, or simply a bad habit.

  4. Apathy. Sometimes the puppy is not active, constantly lies or sleeps, gets tired quickly. This may be due to the age of the pet (too small) or a medical condition.

  5. How to check if a child has allergies

    When a person thinks about whether to take an animal into the house, the question immediately arises about allergies among family members. Allergy to animals - hypersensitivity to proteins produced in the body, for example, a dog, which is accompanied by skin rashes, itching or respiratory symptoms.

    To determine if a child will have an allergy, you can visit several friends who have a dog and evaluate how his body reacts. Not every breed of dog can cause an allergic reaction in children. Allergy to pets may not develop immediately, but some time after the appearance of the puppy.

    If there are prerequisites for the development of allergies, it is recommended to consult an allergist and pass the necessary tests.

    Things to remember before adopting a dog from a shelter

    Adopting a dog from a shelter is a great opportunity to help a homeless creature find a new life. But even such a good deed must be done wisely.

    A shelter dog is usually an adult animal with an unknown history. Such a dog has a formed character, habits, there are behavioral features that do not appear immediately, but some time after finding a new home. And the worse the fate of the animal, the more likely it is that new owners may have problems. An animal from a shelter is often a “pig in a poke”.

It is not recommended to take an animal directly from the street into a family with children. The dog must be quarantined, treated and vaccinated, and it is better to be in overexposure, where it will also be possible to get to know its features at an early stage.

If the dog was kept in a shelter, then the employees usually know the character of the animal, habits and state of health.

Basic rules for choosing a dog from a shelter:

  1. Select an animal. You need to decide which dog you want to take.

  2. Get recommendations from nursery staff. Visit several shelters and talk to staff about what kind of animal they would recommend for a family with a child.

  3. Learn about castration. As a rule, all animals in the shelter are subjected to sterilization and castration. If such a procedure is not done, then you will have to deal with this issue yourself.

  4. Visit the veterinarian with your pet. A dog from a shelter must be examined by a doctor. She is recommended to be treated for worms, ectoparasites, and vaccinated.

  5. Introduce the animal to the family. After choosing a dog, it is better to visit him several times with his family, feed him, go for a walk, you can comb his coat. At this stage, you should pay attention to how the pet reacts to all manipulations and other animals.

Sometimes it is better to get acquainted with an animal with a cynologist. It will help determine the state of his nervous system and good manners, as well as identify behavioral problems and tell you if it is possible to stop them with the help of training. You can take the dog for overexposure, introduce you to all family members, not only to your neighbors, but also to those who will often come to visit or stay with the animal when the owner is away.

It should be remembered that the loss of owners, living on the street, in a shelter, new owners are a lot of stress for a dog. You need to be patient and calm, then it will bring joy not only to the animal, but to the whole family.

What is the importance of a pet for raising a child

Definitely a pet plays an important role in the emotional development of a child. The baby perceives the dog as a fluffy warm creature that you can hug and fall asleep. When a child grows up, the animal becomes a friend, an accomplice in games, often a protector and a nanny.

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