Mommy j baby food
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Baby Yogurt Melts - Dragonfruit
RM 15.00
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Baby Yogurt Melts - Fresh Mango
RM 15.00
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STEP 1 - Baby Mono-Grain
RM 15.30
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Hot ItemSTEP 2 - Baby DUO-Grain
RM 16.80
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STEP 3 - Baby TRI-Grain
RM 18. 00
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Hot ItemSTEP 4 - Baby MULTI-Grain
RM 19.80
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STEP 5 - Baby SUPER-Grain
RM 21.30
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New formula with Iron FortifiedOrganic Japonica Rice Cereal (New Formula with Iron Fortified)
RM 16.00
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New formula with Iron FortifiedOrganic 3 Grains Rice Cereal (New Formula with Iron Fortified)
RM 17.50
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Baby Organic Tomato Stick Noodle
RM 13. 50
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Baby Organic Pumpkin Stick Noodle
RM 13.50
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Hot ItemBaby Organic Broccoli Stick Noodle
RM 13.50
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New ArrivalsBaby Organic Superfood Bow Tie Pasta
RM 20.00
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Pure Rice Puff Real Banana
RM 16.00
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Hot ItemPure Rice Puff Real Apple
RM 16.00
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Hot ItemPure Rice Puff Real Blueberry
RM 16. 00
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Original Teething Rusks
RM 15.00
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Hot ItemTraditionally Fermented Soy Sauce
RM 24.50
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Hot ItemMommyJ Premium Red Palm Fruit Oil
RM 29.00
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Extra Fine Onion Powder 40g
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The trusted & only home-brand in Malaysia that produce Zero-Additive Baby's Healthy Food
Our passion is to provide the Best & Safe Healthy Food for our little ones💓
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All products – MommyJ
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Baby Yogurt Melts - Dragonfruit
RM 15.00
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Baby Yogurt Melts - Fresh Mango
RM 15.00
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STEP 1 - Baby Mono-Grain
RM 15.30
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Hot ItemSTEP 2 - Baby DUO-Grain
RM 16.80
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STEP 3 - Baby TRI-Grain
RM 18.00
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Hot ItemSTEP 4 - Baby MULTI-Grain
RM 19. 80
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STEP 5 - Baby SUPER-Grain
RM 21.30
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New formula with Iron FortifiedOrganic Japonica Rice Cereal (New Formula with Iron Fortified)
RM 16.00
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New formula with Iron FortifiedOrganic 3 Grains Rice Cereal (New Formula with Iron Fortified)
RM 17.50
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Baby Organic Tomato Stick Noodle
RM 13.50
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Baby Organic Pumpkin Stick Noodle
RM 13. 50
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Hot ItemBaby Organic Broccoli Stick Noodle
RM 13.50
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New ArrivalsBaby Organic Superfood Bow Tie Pasta
RM 20.00
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Pure Rice Puff Real Banana
RM 16.00
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Hot ItemPure Rice Puff Real Apple
RM 16.00
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Hot ItemPure Rice Puff Real Blueberry
RM 16.00
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Original Teething Rusks
RM 15. 00
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Hot ItemTraditionally Fermented Soy Sauce
RM 24.50
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Hot ItemMommyJ Premium Red Palm Fruit Oil
RM 29.00
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Extra Fine Onion Powder 40g
RM 16.50
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Hot ItemExtra Fine Mushroom Powder 20g
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Hot ItemExtra Fine Scallop Powder 40g
RM 50.00
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Hot ItemExtra Fine Anchovy Powder 40g
RM 18. 00
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Extra Fine Seaweed Powder 40g
RM 25.00
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First complementary food: vegetable puree -
At the age of 4-6 months of life, the baby begins to sit with support, his first teeth appear and the need for energy, proteins, iron, phosphorus and vitamins increases. The baby's digestive system is preparing for the assimilation of new food: a number of digestive enzymes mature, a sufficient level of local immunity is formed, and the permeability of the mucous membrane of the small intestine decreases. The “spoon ejection reflex” fades away, and the baby gains the ability to swallow semi-liquid and thicker food. nine0003
This period is remembered by parents for the first steps of the baby on the way to adulthood - the introduction of complementary foods into the child's diet.
The timing and sequence of introducing complementary foods are determined by the individual characteristics of the baby, depending on his maturity, state of health, nutritional status and type of feeding: if there is a lack of weight or an unstable stool, it is better to start with cereals. With excess weight and a tendency to constipation, on the contrary, introduce vegetable puree. If your baby is absolutely healthy, pediatricians and nutritionists currently recommend vegetable puree as the first complementary food. nine0003
Cauliflower and broccoli take priority among the first vegetable dishes, as they are the most hypoallergenic foods. And for their high content of vitamins and minerals, cauliflower and broccoli are often called "cabbages with higher education."
Cauliflower is a real treasure trove of valuable substances. It surpasses all other types of cabbage in terms of protein content. Due to the thin cellular structure, cauliflower is absorbed by the body more completely than any other cabbage, so it is also considered the most nutritious. Cauliflower contains a large amount of vitamins (B1, B2, C, H, PP, U), minerals, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. In terms of taste, among vegetables, it occupies one of the leading positions. nine0011
Broccoli is no less useful and rich in vitamins and minerals. Broccoli is rich in vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B2, PP) and minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron). In terms of the content of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, broccoli is many times ahead of other fruits and vegetables. The beneficial properties of broccoli help strengthen the body's immune defenses, accelerate the removal of toxins and uric acid from tissues, and stimulate intercellular metabolism. Due to the high fiber content, broccoli improves intestinal motility and increases the baby's appetite. nine0003
Making a quality, safe, homogeneous puree at home is very difficult. When cooking food at home, some of the vitamins are destroyed, and it is sometimes impossible to achieve the desired degree of chopping vegetables without the use of special equipment. That is why pediatricians recommend industrially prepared products for the initial stage of introducing complementary foods.
In November 2012, Heinz pleased mothers and babies with wonderful and very useful novelties. One-component vegetable purees "Cauliflower" and "Broccoli" are made from 100% natural ingredients, do not contain starch, salt, sugar, flavorings, preservatives and GMOs. Vegetables for puree are grown in Europe and undergo multi-stage quality control. Heinz purees meet not only Russian standards, but also European ones, as they are subjected to multiple quality checks both in the country of origin - Italy, and in Russia. The new Heinz purees are the perfect vegetable starter for your little one. nine0003
Since 1869, Heinz, following the philosophy of its founder G.J. Heinz "Doing ordinary things extraordinarily well" is one of the world leaders in baby nutrition, manufactures and supplies its products to more than 100 countries of the world. The company has established strict production control systems in Heinz factories around the world, applying the latest scientific developments and technological advances to the production of baby food.
Production technologies allow maximum preservation of the natural properties of fruits and vegetables in finished products. Heinz produces a whole series of products necessary for a complete diet of a child - cereals, mashed potatoes, cookies, vermicelli, tea, juices. nine0003
And for the full healthy growth and development of babies, the products are additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Breast milk is the best for your baby. Consult your pediatrician before introducing complementary foods. The age of introduction of products is indicated on the packaging.
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