My baby's tummy rumbles when feeding

Liquid Sloshing Around Baby’s Tummy - What Is It?

Have you had the surprising experience of hearing the sound of liquid sloshing around baby’s tummy?

You are bouncing your baby on your knee or your toddler is jumping around … and you could swear you hear a pool of liquid sloshing about in there.

What is this, and should you worry? 

Read on to learn more about your baby’s normal digestive process, and what causes the sound of liquid sloshing around baby’s tummy.

Your baby’s digestive system

Eating and digesting food are new experiences for your newborn baby.

During pregnancy, nutrients and oxygen pass through the umbilical cord from your placenta to your baby directly.

After birth, your baby needs to eat and process breast milk or formula to meet nutritional needs.

While in the womb, your baby swallows and pees out amniotic fluid. It sounds gross but it helps to form the gastrointestinal tract and also gives your baby a taste of the food you ate.

Studies show what you eat during your pregnancy even influences your baby’s food preferences.

Swallowing amniotic fluid also creates what becomes your baby’s first poo – the sticky meconium a newborn passes over the first few days of life.

Colostrum – the thick, yellow substance that precedes breast milk in the first few days after birth, has a laxative effect. This helps move the meconium through the bowels and excrete excess bilirubin, to prevent jaundice.

Colostrum and breast milk also contribute to a healthy microbiome by colonising your baby’s gut with helpful bacteria. 

Within moments of birth, your baby breathes air into his lungs. He also swallows air into his stomach, and the air then moves down through the bowels and intestines.

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Why does my newborn’s stomach make noises?

The noises a newborn baby’s tummy makes can be a little alarming for new parents. Gurgles, grumbles and sloshing liquid sounds can seem loud, coming from such a little body.

Usually, what you hear is not actually coming from the stomach. They are just the normal sounds of your baby’s lower digestive system functioning – a sign everything is working properly in there.

Your doctor or midwife will listen to your baby’s tummy during the first newborn exam and at follow-up pediatrician visits.

They are listening for bowel sounds in all four areas of the abdomen. These sounds begin about 15 minutes after birth as air enters the gastrointestinal tract for the first time.

Is it normal to hear baby’s stomach gurgling while feeding?

When you’re feeding your baby, often in the dead of night, sounds are amplified. But even during the day, with a noisy toddler nearby or the radio on, you can still hear your baby’s stomach gurgling during feeding.

Gurgling sounds are simply the movement of food or liquid moving through the intestines. They are the normal sounds of your baby’s gastrointestinal system working.

In between feeds, you’re likely to hear gurgling or tinkling sounds every 15-20 seconds. 

I can hear liquid sloshing around baby’s tummy

If you notice the sound of liquid sloshing around baby’s tummy and feel really worried, you’re not alone. Many new parents hear this noise and worry there’s something wrong.

We’ve all experienced the ‘growling’ and ‘rumbling’ in our stomachs when we’re hungry. 

This rumbling sound happens when the stomach is empty, starts to contract, and moves air around. 

When you can hear liquid sloshing around baby’s tummy, think of a bottle of water that isn’t full to the top but has some air in it. You can hear that water sloshing around as it moves. It’s the same with baby’s tummy. 

Tummies are noisiest right before and right after eating. 

Other causes of tummy noises in babies 

All the variations of tummy noises already mentioned are completely normal. If your baby shows signs of distress or pain, however, there could be something else contributing to tummy noises.  

Most often this is due to swallowing excess air. We often refer to this as being ‘gassy’.

Reasons a baby might be gassy:

  • Overactive letdown from the breast
  • Bottle feeding with a fast flow nipple
  • Excess crying
  • In need of improved gut flora, after taking antibiotics
  • Allergy to something in formula or breast milk
  • Tongue-tie
  • Needs help to relieve gas or burp. 

Overactive letdown and gas

Some breastfeeding mums have a forceful flow of milk at the time of letdown; this happens at the beginning of a feed. 

It can cause babies to gulp and sputter as they try to keep up with the fast flow. Gulping can cause them to swallow more air, which leads to gas and tummy upset. 

Strategies to deal with overactive letdown include:

  • Getting a good latch
  • Using laid-back nursing positions
  • Nursing more often
  • Burping your baby after every feeding
  • ‘Catching’ the fast letdown milk.

Read more details in Overactive Letdown – 6 Tips To Manage It.

Bottle feeding and gas

Many bottles have a nipple opening that’s larger and allows breastmilk or formula to flow too quickly. This causes gulping and excess swallowing of air during feeds.

Be sure to use a bottle with a ‘slow-flow’ nipple. This allows the baby to work his mouth and jaw muscles appropriately, while decreasing the amount of air swallowed.

Paced bottle feeding allows your baby to bottle feed with less risk of getting too much air and also has other benefits.

Read more about paced bottle feeding and more in Bottle Nursing-6 Steps To Better Bottle Feeding.

Excess crying and gas

Your baby might be crying because of gas pain. He then swallows more air, which leads to more gas: what a vicious cycle!

Crying happens for many reasons. Responding promptly to soothe your baby reduces the length of crying episodes.  

If you think your baby is crying because of gas pain, read on for some ideas about how to bring your baby relief.

Antibiotics, decreased gut flora and gas

If your baby has been on antibiotics for any reason, or if you received antibiotics during labour, your baby might need to replenish helpful bacteria in the gut.

Breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact are the first ways of keeping your baby’s microbiome healthy.

There is some evidence that probiotics can be helpful for babies who have colic symptoms, especially if they are breastfeeding from someone who has a dairy-free diet.

Many formulas include probiotics.

Allergies and gas

Most breastfeeding parents can continue to eat a variety of foods without affecting their baby’s digestion. 

If your baby has other signs of food allergies, along with fussiness, with guidance from your healthcare provider you could try eliminating things from your diet to see if it helps. 

Signs of food intolerance include:

  • Eczema or rashes
  • Blood or mucous in stools
  • Congestion or a wheezing cough
  • Family history of food allergies.

Your baby might also be sensitive to an ingredient in the formula. 

Contact your healthcare provider to solve problems possibly related to allergies.

Tongue-tie and gas

Babies with an oral restriction, such as a tongue-tie, might swallow more air as they work to move milk from a breast or bottle. 

Read Tongue Tie-9 Facts You Need To Know for more information. 

Always consult with a certified lactation consultant for a thorough assessment.

How do I know if my baby has gas?

Many parents hear about crying babies having gas and wonder whether there are other signs to look for.

Babies sometimes go through stages of crying for no apparent reason, so other signs of gas to watch for include:

  • Arched back
  • Straining to pass gas or have a bowel movement
  • Lifting the legs
  • Swollen stomach
  • High pitched “eh, eh” vocalisations
  • Squirming and fidgeting
  • Spitting up after each feeding
  • Fussiness when they aren’t hungry or tired.

How can I relieve my baby’s gas?

Here are some things you can try to help your baby feel better:

  • Hold him in positions that put gentle pressure on the belly, such as over your shoulder or in a ‘football hold’
  • Pat him firmly on the back
  • Burp him more often, between switching sides and after every feeding
  • Lay him on his back and ‘bicycle’ the legs up toward the tummy
  • Wear your baby while you move around
  • Try infant massage on the tummy
  • Give it time and patience!

What about reflux and tummy noises?

Most babies experience some episodes of reflux, when the stomach contents come up into the esophagus. This is usually normal and doesn’t require medications or strategies other than the ones mentioned above.

As midwife and IBCLC Emilia Smith says:

“Often what parents think is reflux, is actually just a normal baby reaction to position at the breast, or a forceful letdown. When this is the case there are a variety of things to try to improve the feeding experience”.

Consult a certified lactation consultant or your pediatrician if your baby doesn’t get relief from these things or if tummy noises seem abnormal to you.

Why Is My Baby's Tummy Gurgling and Rumbling?

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Babies make all sorts of strange noises.  Parents expect their baby’s to cry and make little cooing and babbling sounds, but it can be concerning when your baby’s tummy is gurgling and rumbling.

A baby’s stomach will often make lots of strange sounds and more often than not there is no need to worry. 

Table of Contents

Is It Normal For Baby’s Stomach To Rumble?

Think about your stomach, it’s not exactly silent, is it? You don’t panic every time your stomach grumbles and you shouldn’t be worried if your baby’s stomach is gurgling and rumbling.  

It is perfectly normal for your baby’s stomach and digestive system to make all sorts of noises. You will notice the sounds more while your baby is a tiny newborn and their digestive system is still growing and developing. 

The only time you would need to be concerned is if your baby was acting as though they were in pain at the same time as their stomach is making a grumbling noise.

Also, if your baby is demonstrating other symptoms linked to their digestive system you may want to take them to an appointment with their pediatrician who will be able to investigate if the sounds and pain are linked.

What Causes Stomach Rumbling and Gurgling?

So, why is your baby’s stomach gurgling and making rumbling sounds? There are lots of reasons why babies get noisy bellies, many of which are just linked to the normal healthy function of their digestive system. 

Here is a list of reasons why your baby’s stomach could be rumbling and gurgling:

They are hungry

Let’s talk about the most obvious reason first. Just like yours does when you are hungry, your baby’s stomach is gurgling and rumbling because they need to eat. 

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This is a problem that is easy to solve! If you start hearing your baby’s stomach rumble, they are probably showing other huger cues and it has been about two or three hours since they last ate, give your baby a feed and the rumbling should stop. 

Stomachs rumble when we are hungry because they are empty. When a stomach is empty, the walls will contract and pushes air around the empty space. It is this moving air that causes the grumbling sound, as we fill our stomachs with food the rumbling will stop. 

Your baby has gas

When your baby is eating, their stomach can sometimes continue to make strange sounds. The noises you hear are usually not their stomach at all but air and gas moving through their digestive tract.

As your baby drinks their milk, either through nursing or bottle-feeding, gas bubbles can be ingested and get caught or ‘trapped’ in the digestive system.  

Sometimes your baby may cry during or after feeds while strange noises are coming from their body.

This gurgling accompanied by signs of discomfort is likely to just be trapped gas. Regularly burping your baby will help to move the trapped gas along, relieving the pain your baby is in. 

They are not quite full

If you pick your baby up and you can hear a sloshing sound, chances are their stomach isn’t totally full.

If there is still space in your baby’s tummy when you move them or they move themselves into a different position, the liquid in their stomach will move around in the remaining space, resulting in a sometimes alarming sloshing noise. 

Think of a ball full of water, if it’s full the liquid is packed too tightly to make much sound when you move the ball. However, if the ball is only half full there is plenty of space for the water to slosh and move around, making lots of noises as it does so.

Don’t panic if you hear this sloshing sound coming from your child’s stomach, it just means their milk is moving around in their stomach before it continues through their digestive system.  

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They need to change position

Babies, especially newborns, are not very mobile at all. If you lay a baby down in one position, chances are they are not going to be able to move much until you pick them up and reposition them.

Sometimes, your baby’s stomach gurgling is simply caused because gas and air bubbles that can not move through their intestine easily. 

If your baby’s stomach is growling and gurgling, try changing its position. Some positions make it more difficult for gas to escape than others.

If you notice your newborn’s stomach gurgling while they are laying on their back, try putting them into a more upright position. Rest your baby up on your shoulder in an upright position and pat their back, this will encourage any trapped gas to escape and the gurgling sounds should stop. 

They need to poop

The digestive system makes weird sounds all the time, at every stage. When we are hungry our stomachs rumble and growl, if we eat too fast our stomachs can gurgle and if we have a lot of liquid in our diet our bellies can make strange sloshing sounds.

As our food is digested we can hear strange grumbles as gas moves through our system and we all know about the noises that happen when it is time to head to the bathroom. The same goes for babies.

Your baby will release gas just like any adult and sometimes this passing of wind can be surprisingly loud for such a tiny human! Prior to filling their diaper with poop, you may hear your baby-making some grunting sounds and their bowel may be growling too. 

They are having a reaction to something in their milk

If your baby is breastfed, stomach sounds could be linked to something you ate that hasn’t quite agreed with their tiny stomach. Just like us, adults can get an upset stomach from time to time, so can babies.

Perhaps you ate something spicy or introduced a completely new flavor or food into your diet and your baby’s stomach is having a hard time processing it.

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Sometimes when we eat certain foods it can create more gas or cause digestion to not happen as easily as normal. Anything that interferes with healthy digestion can potentially cause grumbling and growling sounds.

If your baby’s stomach is growling and gurgling regularly after you have eaten certain foods, you may want to reduce or eliminate that particular food from your diet, especially if the stomach gurgles are accompanied by signs of discomfort, diarrhea, or vomiting.  

If you notice your bottle-fed baby is having sickness and diarrhea, seems upset, uncomfortable, and has a gurgling stomach, you may need to consider changing their formula.

Not all formula milk companies use the same ingredients and if your baby is upset and their stomach gurgles a lot after feeds, they may be sensitive to a certain ingredient in the formula milk.

There are many different brands of formula and with the help of your pediatrician, you will be able to find one that doesn’t upset your baby’s stomach.

Baby Stomach Making Noises While Sleeping

Digestion is a noisy business and the stomach sounds don’t stop just because your baby is asleep. You may hear your baby’s stomach growling and gurgling asleep but this is no reason to be alarmed.

When your newborn baby is asleep on their back, the sounds you hear are likely to just be milk and gas moving through their digestive tract. 

Your baby is eating and pooping around the clock. You know this, you are the one in charge of feeding them milk every two hours or so and changing all of those dirty diapers.

As your baby is eating and pooping so regularly, their digestive system is working 24/7 and doesn’t have a break when your baby decides it is time for some shut-eye. 

If your baby’s stomach is gurgling while they are asleep, there is no cause for concern if they seem happy and healthy. As long as the digestive system is working you are going to hear some sounds, it is completely normal.

In fact, it is when you start to rarely hear any sound coming from your baby’s stomach that the alarm bells should start ringing. If you notice a reduction or change in the sounds coming from your baby’s tummy then you should contact a pediatrician for advice.  

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How Do You Soothe A Child’s Upset Stomach?

Sometimes infant stomach noises can be linked to an upset stomach. Your baby may have diarrhea, trapped gas, or colic. There are lots of common digestive issues in infants that can easily be solved at home. Here is a list of some ways you can alleviate your baby’s upset stomach:

Bicycle legs

Laying your baby on their back and moving their legs in a pedaling a bicycle motion can help to move trapped gas and encourage normal digestion. 

Baby massage

If your baby’s stomach is gurgling and growling and they seem uncomfortable, you can try giving them a baby massage to ease the discomfort.

Lay your baby on their back, apply some baby oil to your fingers and move them in a clockwise motion around your baby’s abdomen. Massage can encourage gas to move through the digestive tract and has also been found to help with constipation. 

Warm bath

A warm bath can help to ease the symptoms of an upset stomach. Warm water is a great remedy for aches and pains and can also help to encourage a bowel movement.

Bathing your baby will relax them emotionally but also relax the muscles in their body, making it easier for them to pass gas and it is not uncommon for babies to poop in the tub too. 

Don’t put your baby down straight after feeding

If you lay a baby down immediately after feeding you increase the risk of gas and air bubbles getting trapped in their digestive system. Hold your baby upright or laying over your shoulder for as long as possible after feeds.

While your baby is in an upright position they are able to more easily digest their feed and there is less chance of gas getting trapped and causing them pain. 

Burp your baby regularly

By regularly winding or burping your baby you will help them to release gas more easily and prevent it from getting stuck inside their body.

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Sit your baby up or place them up over your shoulder and gently pat their back until they burp. Make sure you have a muslin cloth ready in case your baby decides to spit up on your shirt too! 

Use colic drops or gripe water

You can purchase gas drops from the drug store that are specifically designed to help relieve the symptoms of colic and trapped gas. Gripe water can also help to move gas through your baby’s body and is safe to give to babies over two weeks of age.

When using any products to help with your baby’s upset stomach, make sure you read the dosage guidelines carefully and seek professional advice if you are unsure if a product is suitable for your baby. 

The Final Thought

Baby’s stomachs are noisy even though they are tiny, it is a fact. If you notice your baby’s stomach gurgling or rumbling, this is rarely a reason to worry.

Stomachs make noises when they need food, intestines make noises when they digest food and bowels make noises when your baby is getting ready to fill their diaper. It is completely normal for your newborn’s stomach to make noises.  

However, when stomach noises can be heard alongside your baby experiencing discomfort or pain, this may mean your little one has an upset stomach.

If your baby’s stomach noises are causing you concern and they are displaying other symptoms, seek help from a pediatrician who will be able to offer you professional advice.

On the whole, stomach noises are just another sound you will soon get used to hearing from your baby. 

Emma Davies

Hi, I'm Emma and I'm a mother to 5 beautiful children aged from 1 to 21 years old- life is hectic! I have learned so much along the way, not only from my own children but also through my professional life. In my positions as a Childminder and Teaching Assistant, I have studied Child Development and The Early Years Developing Practice. I wish to share all of this knowledge and help you with your own parenting journey!

main causes and remedies ::

After the birth of a child, parents experience great anxiety about his condition, especially colic, lack of milk, and many other problems of newborns can be a cause for concern.

In the first months of life, babies begin to suffer from many problems associated with the digestive process. This is because the digestive system is still poorly formed. That is why painful colic often occurs, increased gas formation is observed and rumbles in the abdomen of the baby. During these disorders, the child suffers greatly, sleeps poorly, eats, cries all the time. It is very important to know why the baby is rumbling in the stomach, when it is considered the norm and how to help the baby.

To understand why a baby's stomach rumbles, you need to know the main reasons that can provoke such a condition. The most common cause is swallowing air during feeding. This happens due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast or due to the fact that the milk runs very hard and the baby simply does not have time to swallow it. In addition, the baby's tummy may growl due to the accumulation of gas in the intestines. Gizzard accumulation may occur:

  • if the mother consumes foods that increase gas formation;
  • if there is not enough fluid in the body of the newborn;
  • if there is a lactase deficiency.

If a newborn has dysbacteriosis, this means that the composition of the intestinal microflora is disturbed. When breastfeeding a woman, a woman needs to follow a certain diet, give up sweet, fatty, salty and smoked foods. In addition, rumbling in the abdomen can be provoked by an improperly selected or prepared formula for breastfeeding.

Many young mothers are interested in why the baby has a lot of rumbling in the stomach, and there is also bloating. This can happen due to the fact that the baby has eaten a lot, and his digestive system simply does not have time to digest food, which causes fermentation processes. If a baby’s stomach growls during feeding, then in most cases this is considered the norm. And if rumbling begins only half an hour or more after saturation, and is also accompanied by other disorders, then this may indicate the presence of problems with digestion. To determine the presence of a pathology, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • rumbling time;
  • whether this process is accompanied by gases;
  • whether there are stool disorders;
  • whether the child has colic;
  • whether the appetite decreases.

Violations can occur for a variety of reasons, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive treatment.

Rumbling due to hunger

If the baby has a lot of growling in the stomach, then this may be due to hunger. If the child wants to eat, then the stomach begins to secrete juice, the digestive tract requires good nutrition, and as a result, a rumbling sound appears.

To get rid of this condition, you need to feed the child. It is important to remember that breast milk is considered the best and healthiest food for a baby. If it is not possible to normalize lactation, then it is important to choose the best adapted mixture for the baby. In addition to a strong rumbling, the child's hunger is evidenced by its piercing and demanding loud cry.

The occurrence of colic

If the baby's stomach growls after feeding, this may be due to increased gas formation and colic. Basically, this condition in a baby is observed for 2 months after birth. After this time, colic disappears in most children. However, some children may suffer from this disorder for up to 6 months.

Colic in a child can occur for a variety of reasons. Immediately after the birth of a child, his intestines are completely sterile and contain absolutely no bacteria. With the first nutrition, dairy products enter his body, contributing to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. Since there are no beneficial bacteria in the body yet, fermentation can increase significantly, and as a result, bloating occurs. Treatment of this condition is not required, you just need to wait a while until the intestines begin to work normally.

Lactase deficiency

If the baby's stomach growls, this may be one of the manifestations of lactase deficiency. In the first months of life, the newborn eats exclusively milk food containing lactose. It is an enzyme that helps digest food. If these enzymes are not enough in the body, then the baby's tummy will make a rather strange rumbling sound. In addition, the baby may have too liquid or green feces, while eating, he can abruptly throw his chest, cry, tighten his legs.

To determine the presence of lactase deficiency, you need to undergo an examination and pass a urine and stool test. When confirming the diagnosis, the doctor recommends changing the diet of the newborn. To date, there are special adapted milk formulas designed for such children.

Lack of enzymes

If the baby's stomach growls, this may be due to a lack of enzymes in the body. Usually this condition occurs in babies under the age of 2 months and manifests itself during the introduction of complementary foods. For normal digestion, the human body must secrete certain enzymes. If the body lacks certain substances, then the food is not digested, but enters the intestines unchanged. As a result, fermentation begins and the amount of gases increases.

Enzyme deficiency can be corrected very simply. There are certain drugs to compensate for the lack of substances. However, they should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist after a comprehensive examination.

Rumbling due to dysbacteriosis

If a baby rumbles in the stomach during feeding, this may be due to dysbacteriosis, and it also becomes frothy and loose stools. This condition occurs due to a violation of the microflora in the intestine. In addition, the normal digestive tract is populated by beneficial microorganisms. If the pathological microflora is actively developing, then dysbacteriosis may occur.

Doctors usually take a stool test before prescribing a certain drug. Only after confirming the diagnosis, medications are prescribed that normalize the intestinal microflora.

Main symptoms and signs

Determining the presence of a problem in a child is quite simple, as it often rumbles in the baby's stomach immediately after feeding. In this case, distinct sounds appear, especially if you put your hand on the baby's tummy. In addition, along with rumbling, other rather characteristic signs appear, in particular, such as:

  • discomfort and pain;
  • moodiness;
  • deterioration of sleep;
  • feeding problems;
  • weeping;
  • leg tuck;
  • swelling;
  • stool becomes watery.

Based on all these signs, after a comprehensive examination, it is possible to determine the exact cause of such violations. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for a diagnosis.

First aid for rumbling in the stomach

It is important to understand not only why the baby's stomach rumbles during and after feeding, but also how to help him cope with this problem. A heat compress can be used to relieve and eliminate colic. To do this, a soft tissue is heated with an iron, applied to the tummy, and then the baby's legs are pressed against the chest. The procedure helps the child to calm down and fall asleep.

The child should often be laid out on his tummy, do special exercises with him, walk with the baby in his arms around the room, where there should be subdued light and soothing music that has a good effect on the nervous system. In the evening, you can give the baby a small massage on the back or tummy with light massaging movements in a clockwise direction, without pressing hard. Particularly careful should be movements in the navel.

It is also recommended to rhythmically bend and unbend the legs, as this helps the food to pass into the small intestine much faster. If all these remedies do not help, then you can prepare dill water or a decoction of chamomile for the child. In exceptional cases, a gas outlet tube is used.

How to prepare dill water

To relieve colic and eliminate excessive gas formation, you can prepare dill water for your child or buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. To prepare dill water, you need to take a teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds, put them in a glass jar, pour boiling water and sweat a little for 20 minutes in a water bath. You can also prepare dill tea from fresh herbs, which must be finely chopped and pour half a glass of boiling water. You need to insist tea for an hour.

Carrying out treatment

Every mother wonders if her baby's stomach is growling, what to do. If such a condition is observed quite often, then it is imperative to visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment in accordance with the existing violation.

If the rumbling is due to feeding problems, then the dosage and regimen must be adjusted. It is best to give food often, but in small portions. When breastfeeding, the mother should adhere to a proper and balanced diet. It is necessary to try to change breasts often or to pump yourself so that the baby receives not only foremilk, but also more nutritious hindmilk. When switching to artificial feeding, mixtures must be carefully selected so that they are well absorbed by the child.

In the presence of lactase intolerance, it is necessary to adjust the child's diet in such a way as to exclude the content of lactose in food. There are special diets and medications for this.

If the baby's tummy grumbles due to excessive accumulation of gas and colic, dill water or special teas based on fennel should be served to the baby. In addition, you need to do special exercises with the child, and during feeding, make sure that he does not swallow air.

In case of microflora disorders, it is necessary to pass special tests initially. Bacteriological culture can determine the presence of disorders and their type. Prebiotics and probiotics can be prescribed to eliminate the existing problem for the child. Also, the infection is eliminated with the help of special medications. In the future, you need to closely monitor the hygiene and nutrition of the baby. Any therapeutic measures should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Preventive measures

To avoid rumbling in the baby's tummy, you need to take certain preventive measures. It is imperative to make sure that the nipple grip during feeding is correct. In the case of artificial feeding, it is advisable to purchase special anti-colic bottles. After feeding, you need to hold the baby upright for a while so that he burps air.

It is advisable to use special preparations that reduce the amount of gases formed and facilitate their exit from the body. In hot weather, you need to give the child, in addition to milk, also some water.

Why does the baby growl in the stomach when feeding? What are the rules for caring for a baby?

In the first months of life, children often experience some discomfort associated with the work of digestion . The baby may have rumbling in the abdomen, colic, increased gas formation and other harmless ailments.

The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is not yet fully formed, the intestines are poorly developed. Therefore, the child may experience various problems with digestion.

Causes of rumbling in the baby's stomach

Improper nutrition of the mother . If the nursing mother ate food that increases gas formation (cabbage, milk, some fruits, legumes and even chocolate) or the mixture for the baby is not chosen correctly, the baby develops rumbling.

Intestinal dysbacteriosis . The child's intestinal microflora is disturbed, beneficial bacteria in this case are practically absent.

Muscle spasm often causes both borborygmi and colic. With a lack of fluid for the child, the process of digestion of food slows down, it begins to rot and ferment in the stomach.

If the disease occurs during feeding?

If the baby's stomach rumbles when feeding, then most likely the reason for this is lactase deficiency. Most often it occurs in infants. Lactose is the most important component of breast milk .

But for the correct breakdown of lactose into smaller particles, the enzyme lactase must be present in the intestine .

When the enzyme is absent, lactose is not completely broken down and stimulates the formation of new bacteria .

Bacteria create a fermentation process, the negative effect of which is rumbling or colic. The more active the fermentation process is, the more the baby will growl in the stomach . Another sign of lactase deficiency is green or green-yellow loose stools with a pronounced odor.

In this condition, the infant most often has a good appetite. He begins to eat milk very actively, but after a few minutes he gives up this activity, in which case you should be wary.

The baby pulls his legs up to his stomach, cries, he has rumbling in his tummy . For a more accurate diagnosis, you need to take tests.

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Baby feeding rules

If a child is found to be lactose intolerant, certain rules must be followed when feeding .

Feed the baby at night from the breast and not with expressed milk. At night, milk is usually produced, in which the lactose content is lower than .

It is very important to attach the baby to the breast correctly. breastfeeding through pads often leads to improper attachment. If breastfeeding is causing you pain, chances are you are not breastfeeding your baby properly.

Only change the breast when the baby has completely emptied it.

Do not wean the baby from the breast until it is completely saturated. This rule especially applies to those mothers whose children are not yet 3 months old .

It is best to feed your baby on the same breast, but more often. With significant interruptions in feeding, milk with a high content of lactose accumulates in the breast.

But in some cases, a rare alternation can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk. Therefore, this approach must be applied0121 with special care .

If the above rules do not help and lactase deficiency persists, then you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe certain medicines to improve the digestion of crumbs .

The baby constantly growls in the stomach

When the rumbling in the baby's stomach occurs very often, it causes anxiety in parents. The cause of constant rumbling can also be lactase deficiency or improper nutrition of a nursing mother .

Mom needs to completely review her daily diet and exclude cabbage, legumes, chocolate, and some fruits from it. In case of almost continuous rumbling, it is necessary to consult a doctor without fail .

What other rules are important to follow?

When breastfeeding, make sure that the baby's lips completely cover the nipple area on the breast.

If the baby does not swallow the entire nipple, then air can enter the intestines along with food, which will lead to increased gas formation in your baby.

Also, air can get in when the baby cries for a long time before feeding , remember this.

The baby should be given the required amount of water per day. To help get rid of rumbling, you can give baby a massage .

The doctor must show how to perform the massage correctly. With the help of massage, excess gases are removed from the gastrointestinal tract.

If the baby is formula fed, a bottle with a suitable nipple must be selected. Doctors advise putting baby on an empty stomach on the tummy.

This technique can be called a natural bowel massage , because it perfectly activates its work. In some cases, the child is prescribed drugs "Espumizan", "Bobotik" and similar.

But chamomile tea or fennel tea, dill water are excellent as a substitute for medicines.

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