One month baby feeding schedule
1-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Sleep, and Feeding
Having your baby at home with you in the first few weeks might have felt daunting. As the weeks progress and you gradually adjust to this new little person in your life, you'll become more confident and comfortable. Don’t get too comfortable though! Newborns grow and change rapidly, and your baby will be keeping you on your toes in weeks five, six, seven, and eight. To help you feel more prepared, we’ll outline some typical milestones for a 1-month-old baby, cover what you need to know about feeding and sleeping schedules at this stage, and give you a heads-up on potential conditions your baby might develop, like colic and cradle cap.
Baby Development Milestones for a 1-Month-OldYour baby is unique (you knew that, of course!) and it’s normal for them to grow at their own pace. Don’t be surprised if your baby’s development in one area seems to lag for a few weeks, only for them to catch up soon after. Here are some of the baby milestones to look forward to now that your baby is 1 month old.
Does it seem as if your baby’s growing out of their clothes at supersonic speed? On average, babies gain about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in length and about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds in weight this month. At the upcoming checkup, your baby’s healthcare provider will look at your 1-month-old baby’s weight, length, and head circumference and plot these key measurements on baby growth charts. What matters is that your baby grows at a steady rate. However, your baby will go through growth spurts from time to time.
You might notice that your baby’s head is disproportionately larger than their body. This is perfectly normal: their head’s growing a little faster and their body will soon catch up. Your baby will also start to lengthen and develop stronger muscles. Luckily, they’ll still have those cute chubby cheeks for some time to come!
Senses: Eyes on That RattleIn every waking moment, your baby is slowly taking in the sights, sounds, and smells around them. So, what can babies see at 1 month? Your baby’s vision at 1 month old is still developing, but by now they may be able to better focus on faces and track objects moving in front of them. In the next month or so they may also start to reach for objects. For example, if you hold a rattle in front of them, they may start batting at it.
This month, most of your 1-month-old baby’s movements will still be reflexive, but some of your baby’s reflexes present in the first four weeks may gradually disappear and be replaced by more controlled movement. For example, your baby may briefly hold their head up when they're on their tummy, and they may start to stretch their arms instead of holding them close to their body.
Your baby may also start to stretch and kick their legs. It might seem like a little thing but they’re working hard to strengthen their leg muscles and improve their motor skills. Be careful: Even very young babies can roll over from time to time, so make sure you keep an eye—and hand—on them when they’re up somewhere high like a changing table.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
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Age (between 0 and 24 months)
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Weight (lbs.)
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Height (in.)
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Crying and Communication: Mom, I'm Bored (or Hungry)!
This month your baby can probably start communicating in a clearer way. If they’re bored, they may let you know by crying out until they’re shown something new. If they’re amused, they may respond by smiling. Around this time, you might also start being able to tell the difference between their hungry cries, tired cries, and irritated cries.
If you haven’t experienced it yet, this month you might see your baby’s first true smile, sometime called the social smile. They’ll flash that little grin when they’re awake, in response to something like the sound of your voice—and your heart will melt.
Activities for Supporting Your 1-Month-Old Baby’s DevelopmentHere are some things you could try this month:
Cuddle time. Cuddle your baby as much as possible. Experts say the more quickly and consistently you comfort your baby when they’re upset in the first six months, the less demanding they may be when they’re older.
Visual stimulation. At this stage, your baby might be drawn to objects with bold patterns, such as stripes or checkerboard designs, in black and white or bright, contrasting colors.
A mobile hung safely over the crib is a good choice.
Tactile toys. Your baby is getting to know the world through touch, too. Show them toys with different textures, shapes, and sizes.
Talking with your baby. Have a conversation with your baby by letting them “talk” using their coos, gurgles, and smiles, and talking back to them using words, sounds, and facial expressions. In time, your baby will learn to imitate you, so these early “conversations” are an important part of their development.
Getting physical. Gently stretch your baby’s arms in front of them to form a “clap”; move your baby’s legs as if they were cycling; and continue to practice tummy time. These movements and exercises help develop muscle strength and coordination.
Playing peek-a-boo. If you’re wondering how to entertain or play with your 1-month-old baby, a game of peek-a-boo always works! That's because babies love seeing faces, especially those of their parents.
Bonding. Establishing security and trust with your baby allows them to reach their full potential. Find out more about bonding with your newborn in those everyday moments.
Keep in mind that there’s only so much stimulation young babies can handle. Watch for signs that your baby has had enough—they might look away or cry—and give them a chance to rest.
Watch the short video below to learn more about bonding with your baby through touch.
Feeding Your 1-Month-Old BabyYou may be wondering how often “should” a 1-month-old baby eat as they grow. It's best to continue to feed your baby whenever they seem hungry. Your 1-month-old baby’s feeding schedule may likely look like this: about eight times in a 24-hour period for babies who are breastfeeding or about every three to four hours for babies on formula. If your baby is mid-growth spurt, they may want to eat a little more often.
If you’re new to nursing, read more about the how-tos of breastfeeding and check out our go-to breastfeeding guide.
Burping Your BabyBabies can swallow air when they feed—more often when they’re bottle-fed than when nursing. This swallowed air can make them feel uncomfortable and fussy. To help ease their discomfort, burp your baby during bottle feeds, or when you switch them from one breast to the other. Try one of the burping positions and techniques listed below, using a burp cloth or a small blanket to protect your clothes from spit-up:
Hold your baby upright with their head resting on your shoulder, patting their back with your other hand.
Rest them on your lap with their tummy down and gently rub or pat their back.
Sit your baby on your lap supporting their chin and chest with one hand while rubbing or patting their back with the other.
At this stage, babies may produce about four to six wet diapers a day. If you’re wondering what “should” a 1-month-old baby’s poop look like, know that there is a wide range of “normal” baby poop. And, when it comes to your 1-month-old baby’s poop frequency, even that can vary from baby to baby.
Most babies will have at least one bowel movement a day, but some babies may go several days or a week without pooping. This is likely OK as long as the consistency of the stool is normal—in other words, soft and a little runny—and your 1-month-old baby is eating well and gaining weight. Consult your baby’s healthcare provider if you think your baby may be producing too few wet or soiled diapers, which may indicate your 1-month-old baby is eating less than usual.
Given all the diaper-changing going on in your life, you deserve a reward! Download the Pampers Club app and start earning cash back for all your diapers and wipes purchases.
How Much Sleep Does a 1-Month-Old Baby Need?If you’re wondering how much “should” your 1-month-old baby sleep, by around 4 weeks of age many babies sleep about 14 to 17 hours a day—including roughly five daytime naps. However, every baby is different. With some luck, your baby might start sleeping for longer stretches overnight from about 6 weeks of age, though your 1-month-old baby sleeping through the night is still a ways off.
If you're feeling super tired, take heart: Over time, your baby’s natural biological sleep cycle will emerge, but for now it’s important to allow your baby to sleep whenever they’re drowsy. A key point to remember: Always put your baby to sleep on their back,which can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
The Fundamentals of Baby SleepFor more insights and advice on your 1-month-old’s sleep schedule, check out the Newborn Sleep Fundamentals in the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers app. This easy-to-use app was codeveloped with pediatricians and includes everything you need to know about the science behind babies’ sleep. Plus, it has emotional support for you, tips on creating calming bedtime routines that encourage sleep, and a proprietary algorithm that customizes sleep coaching approaches for when it comes time to help your baby, and you, sleep longer each night.
So, what can babies do at 1 month? Here’s an example of a typical day’s routine for a 1-month-old baby, including bathing, sleeping, feeding, and playing:
Your Baby’s HealthSome health issues you may encounter this month include:
Cradle cap. This condition consists of scaly patches on your baby’s head. Washing their hair and gently combing out the scales may help; if not, your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend a special shampoo.
Diarrhea. If your baby has very loose, watery stools more than six to eight times a day, let your baby’s healthcare provider know.
Constipation. If your baby hasn’t had a bowel movement in several days and this is unusual for them, or if you think they may be constipated, reach out to your provider.
Vomiting. If your baby is vomiting forcefully (i.e., projectile vomiting), is vomiting for more than eight hours or after a couple of feedings, or if any kind of vomiting is accompanied by fever or diarrhea, check in with the provider.
Spitting up. Spitting up a small amount after eating or being burped can be normal for young babies, especially if it happens within about an hour of feeding. If your baby seems irritable during feeds or shows any other signs of being unwell, contact your baby’s healthcare provider to make sure everything is OK.
Baby acne. Pimples may appear on your baby’s face at the start of this month. They may be prompted by the stimulation of oil glands in your baby's skin. Try placing a clean receiving blanket under your little one's head while they’re awake and wash their face once a day with a mild baby soap.
Baby eczema. Does your 1-month-old baby have dry skin on their face or elsewhere? It could be eczema, which can occur after 1 month of age.
Your baby’s skin may look dry and scaly, and your little one may have red patches on their face, inner elbows, and/or backs of the knees. Consult your baby’s healthcare provider for treatment. In the meantime, avoid using scented laundry detergent to wash your baby’s clothes and dress your baby in soft fabrics, avoiding wool and rough weaves.
So, how often “should” you bathe your 1-month-old baby? Three times per week is generally recommended; bathing more frequently can dry out your baby’s skin.
When Is Crying Colic?All babies cry from time to time, but persistent crying may be a condition called colic if
your baby seems to cry each day or evening for hours on end
the crying sounds high-pitched
the crying seems to be for no apparent reason
you have a hard time calming your baby when they’re crying.
Your baby’s healthcare provider may make a diagnosis of colic if your little one cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for at least three weeks straight. Colic often starts when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks old and can last until the baby is about 3 to 4 months old.
Experts aren't sure about the cause of colic, but some potential factors could include:
Gas. It could be that your baby cries because of discomfort associated with gas. If you notice your baby has a distended stomach and passes gas while crying, this could be the cause. Don’t overfeed your baby. If their tummy seems distended with gas, you could place them on their tummy across your knees, as this extra pressure on their belly may feel good.
Sensitivity to stimulation. Your baby may feel overwhelmed and may not yet be able to soothe themselves, leading them to cry. You can try to console them by holding them while walking, rocking them in a rocking chair, putting them in a vibrating baby seat, or driving them around.
Food allergy or sensitivity. Some breastfed babies may be sensitive to a food in mom’s diet, causing discomfort and resulting in crying.
Rarely, the discomfort may be caused by a sensitivity to milk protein in formula. Your baby’s healthcare provider will be able to check for and diagnose any food sensitivity or intolerance.
Medical problem. In some cases, your baby may be reacting to discomfort resulting from an illness or other problem such as a hernia, which the healthcare provider will be able to check for and treat.
Although colic usually lasts only a few months, this can seem like a lifetime when your baby is in the middle of a crying spell! Sometimes, nothing will seem to work to calm them and your nerves may become frayed.
Never Shake Your Baby!
If you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, put your baby in a safe location, such as their crib, for a short time and take a break in another room, or ask a loved one to care for them for a few hours so you can have some much-deserved me time. With colic, there is an end in sight; in a few months or so those colicky crying spells will likely stop.
Regular checkups at this early stage typically take place when your baby turns 1 month old and again when they’re 2 months old. Of course, you can call your baby’s healthcare provider any time you have a question or concern, even between visits. At your baby’s regular checkups your baby’s provider will
check your baby’s growth and development
do a physical exam
complete any screening tests that haven’t been done yet
ask how you’re doing and perhaps offer advice
answer all your questions
give you an idea of your baby’s progress in the coming weeks and months
schedule or give your baby any immunizations that may be required in the coming weeks.
Here are some tips to help you bond with your little one and help them feel safe and secure, key components of healthy development:
Provide close, warm, and consistent physical contact.
Holding and hugging your baby as often as possible promotes your baby’s sense of security and well-being. Continued skin-to-skin contact is also important. Make sure others in the household and other caregivers also provide the same loving care to your baby. There’s no way you can spoil your baby by giving them the attention they need.
Talk to your baby. Say your baby's name and use simple phrases to narrate some of your actions, such as during dressing, diaper-changing, bath time, and feeding. Respond to their facial expressions and gestures—it’s a conversation! If you or your partner speak a different language, feel free to use it with your baby.
Read to your baby. Daily reading helps foster your baby's language development. Reading together also creates a feeling of physical closeness.
Be attuned to your baby’s personality and rhythm. Even at this early stage of their life, you know a lot about your baby: their temperament and moods, their likes and dislikes.
Paying attention to their cues will help you respond to their needs.
Whether you’ve already purchased some of the following baby products or have received them as gifts at your baby shower, these are things you may be reaching for this month:
Diaper bag. You may start heading outside more often this month and a diaper bag will help keep all your baby’s things organized, including diapers, wipes, and an extra change of clothes, among other necessities.
Baby bathtub. By now your baby’s umbilical cord stump has fallen off, so it’s time to bring out the baby bathtub.
Baby wash/shampoo and other bath-time supplies. A multi-purpose baby wash or shampoo designed for sensitive skin is a good choice.
Diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream. You’ll continue to go through a lot of diapers in the months ahead, so it’s smart to stock up on supplies in advance.
Sound machine. If your baby takes a while to fall asleep, you may consider using white noise or very soft music to help lull them to sleep.
Humidifier. If the air is dry in your home, or if your little one comes down with a cold, your baby's healthcare provider may suggest using a cool-mist humidifier in the room your baby sleeps.
Night-light. Having a night-light is helpful when it comes to those late-night feedings and check-ins. With a night-light there’s no need to disturb your baby by turning on a bright overhead light.
Baby thermometer. Babies tend to run fevers, and you'll need a thermometer specifically designed for babies, along with an up-to-date first-aid kit.
You might be feeling more confident this month as some of the uncertainty you may have felt during the first few weeks starts to fade away. Still, talk about any concerns you have with trusted loved ones or your healthcare provider. You might be surprised how much better you feel afterward.
If you're breastfeeding, you might experience discomfort resulting from a breast infection called mastitis. Contact your healthcare provider if you notice symptoms such as sore breasts, fever, or nausea. Don’t stop nursing as this will make things worse. Keep in mind that it’s safe for your baby to nurse when you have mastitis—the milk is not infected.
Treatment for mastitis includes expressing milk from your breasts either by feeding or pumping, but your provider may also recommend antibiotics. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to help your body fight the infection. Learn more about what mastitis is and how to treat it.
Checklist for This Month□ If you haven’t already been to the appointment, schedule and take your baby to their 1-month-old health checkup.
□ Keep track of any questions or concerns you have so you don't forget to bring them up at your next visit. Among other things, your baby's healthcare provider will want to know about your baby’s
bowel movements (diarrhea and/or constipation)
vomiting, fevers, infections
hearing or vision problems
sleep issues
weigh gain and/or loss.
□ Sign up for a baby first-aid course and encourage others who care for your baby to attend along with you. If you’re unsure where to find such a course near you, ask your baby’s healthcare provider—they’ll know one in your local area.
□ If you’re eager to know what’s ahead next month, take a look at what you might experience once your baby is 2 months old.
□ Your baby will be 2 months old soon. Why not download these milestone cards to help celebrate and share this big day with friends and family.
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Newborn and Baby Feeding Chart in the 1st Year
Whether you’re a first-time parent or a seasoned caregiver, figuring out why your baby is crying can feel like a guessing game. Fortunately, paying attention to your baby’s daily feeding schedule can help reduce some of the guesswork.
By following a feeding schedule, you might be able to avoid some of the fussiness associated with hunger, and you’ll be able to more easily tell whether he’s more likely to be wet or tired instead.
Whether your little one’s a newborn, a 6-month old, or even a 1-year-old, read on to find out how to come up with a feeding schedule and adjust it to your baby’s needs as he grows and develops.
Baby Feeding Chart at a Glance
As you watch for those delightful baby milestones — from first smiles and giggles to sitting and crawling — it can be hard to keep track of everything related to your baby’s feeding schedule. Fortunately, you don’t have to. We've assembled all the necessary details in the chart below, including feeding frequency and portion information.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Feeding Schedule for Breastfed Newborns
From the moment your baby is born, she begins to grow at a surprisingly quick pace. To fuel her development and keep her well fed, be prepared to nurse about every two to three hours.
By the time she’s a week old, your little one may begin to nap for longer periods, giving you more time between feedings. If she’s sleeping, you can maintain your baby’s feeding schedule by waking her up gently when it’s time to feed.
Tips to keep in in mind if you’re breastfeeding:
The length of time between feedings is measured from when your baby begins nursing, not when she stops.
Ensure your little one latches on properly. This can be difficult when you’re starting out, especially for first-time moms, but over time your baby may begin to latch comfortably. Speaking to a lactation consultant could be helpful.
As your baby grows she may nurse at a faster rate.
Alternate between breasts during each feeding.
Look for signs that your baby is full. She may turn away from the breast, nurse at a slower rate, or lose interest. Once she seems full, end the feeding
Your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend adding vitamin D oral supplements to your baby’s diet.
Follow the provider's instructions to ensure your baby gets the proper dosage.
Nursing your baby on demand or every couple of hours around the clock can seem like a lot—and it is! At the newborn stage, your baby can’t take in much milk in a single sitting, so frequent feeding is needed to make sure she's getting enough. Later on, as your baby's daily routine (including her sleep and awake time) becomes more predictable, you'll have an easier time following a regular feeding schedule.
Feeding Schedule for Formula-Fed Newborns
Formula-fed newborns will need about two to three ounces (60 – 90 milliliters) of formula per feeding to start with. Newborns fed from bottles are able to take in more during a feeding than a breastfed infants. This allows you to space out feedings by about three to four hours.
As your baby reaches her 1-month milestone, she will need at least four ounces per feeding to get the nourishment she requires. Your newborn’s feeding schedule will gradually become more predictable over time, and you’ll need to adjust the amount of formula as she grows.
3-Month-Old Feeding Schedule
Now that you and your baby have begun to develop a routine, it can be difficult to make slight alternations. However, as your baby grows and her feeding needs change, you’ll need to adjust your baby’s feeding schedule accordingly.
For Your Breastfed Baby
At 3 months, your baby is becoming more active, will begin to breastfeed less often, and may sleep for longer periods of time at night.
You may have to nurse just six to eight times per day at this stage (or about every three to four hours).
If your baby’s healthcare provider sees that he’s gaining weight and growing at a regular pace, then he’s probably getting the right amount of nutrition.
The number of wet and soiled diapers is also a great indicator as to whether or not he is eating well. Your baby should have about four to six wet diapers a day.
See your baby’s healthcare provider if you’re concerned that your little one may not be getting enough to eat.
For Your Formula-Fed Baby
As your little one continues to grow, you’ll notice that he wants to eat more during each feeding and begins to sleep for longer intervals at night.
Slight adjustments to your 3-month old’s feeding schedule may include:
Increasing the amount of formula to about 5 ounces per feeding
Giving your baby formula about six to eight times per day
Switching the newborn nipple size or style on your baby’s bottles to make it easier for him to drink from the bottle.
6-Month-Old Feeding Schedule
At this stage, your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend you expand your baby’s diet to include solid foods. With these menu additions on the horizon, having a 6-month-old feeding schedule will come in handy!
When a baby is ready to try solid foods, a single grain baby cereal mixed with breast milk or formula has traditionally been the first solid food to be introduced, followed by pureed vegetables and fruits. However, there's no medical evidence that indicates introducing foods in any special order offers any benefits.
Keep in mind that solids are only a supplement at this stage, and that breast milk or formula is still your baby’s most important source of nutrition. Continue to include about 32 ounces of breast milk or formula in your 6-month-old’s feeding schedule of three to five feedings per day to ensure your baby gets the necessary vitamins and minerals.
You may be able to start weaning your baby off of night feedings; however, every baby is unique. Speak to your baby’s healthcare provider to see if it’s time to cut down on nighttime feedings and to learn what you can do to encourage the process.
7- to 9-Month-Old Feeding Schedule
Months seven through nine can be a good time to add a greater variety and quantity of solid foods to your baby’s diet. He may need fewer daytime feedings, now — about four to five.
Purees of meats, veggies, and fruits are recommended at this stage. Introduce your baby to these new flavors as single ingredient purees then gradually add combinations to his meals.
Your baby may slowly begin to wean off breast milk or formula as his growing body demands solid foods for nutrition.
There is no correct time to wean off breast milk or formula. Speak to your baby’s healthcare provider to learn more about the cues and signs that can let you know when your baby is ready for more solid foods.
10- to 12-Month-Old Feeding Schedule
Exploring new textures may now be a big part of your little one’s meals. As he grows, he may begin to self-feed with finger foods such as cut-up bananas, dry cereal, and pasta and even demand certain flavors that he enjoys more.
As you continue to replace breast milk or formula with solids, your baby’s healthcare provider can help determine how to balance out your baby’s meals.
Blends of different foods can be introduced during mealtime and added to your baby’s feeding schedule. Your baby may eat about three to four times per day. Be sure to avoid offering foods that pose choking hazards such as grapes, peanuts, and popcorn.
Finger feeding can be fun for your little one. Always be sure that his food is cut up into pieces that are small enough for him to be able to pick up and chew without being at risk of choking. After some practice, he’ll be on his way toward wholesome, independent eating habits.
1-Year-Old Feeding Schedule
Now that you’re celebrating your baby’s first birthday, it’s also time to celebrate his feeding accomplishments. Your baby’s feeding schedule can now include almost all the healthy and nutritious foods you eat, with a few minor exceptions such as raw honey and choking hazards like nuts.
Your baby may be eating less frequently now, as he is able to take in more food in one sitting. Give your 1-year-old approximately three meals and about two or three snacks a day.
This is the time to add cow’s milk to your baby’s diet. However, too much milk is not always good, and should be kept to about 16 to 24 ounces per day if your baby is able to tolerate lactose. Check with your baby's healthcare provider if you have any questions about how and when to introduce cow's milk.
You can continue to nurse your baby if you wish. There is no correct time to wean him off of breast milk; rather, it is recommended that to continue breastfeeding for as long as it is right for you and your little one. Consult with your baby’s healthcare provider if you have questions about the weaning process.
As your baby grows and develops, his feeding needs will change. Having a baby feeding schedule at the ready can help you track your baby’s mealtimes and anticipate when he’ll start to be hungry.
This is just one of the ways you can help keep your little one happy and developing well. Having a feeding schedule in place also gives you some extra freedom to spend more time enjoying his many milestones.
Of course, if at any time you have questions or concerns, reach out to your baby’s healthcare provider for personalized guidance and advice.
Scheme of the first feeding of a child (table) with artificial and breastfeeding, what can be given to a baby
The need for the introduction of complementary foods in modern mothers has long been beyond doubt. Pediatricians, pediatric nutritionists and other graduates unanimously say that at some point both mother's milk and formula are not enough to satisfy the growing needs of the child's body for useful trace elements and vitamins. That's when it's time to introduce complementary foods. The fact that your baby is ready to get new experiences and try tastes so far unknown to him is indicated by the presence of the following signs:
• doubling the initial weight of the child,
• ability to sit with support,
• child does not push food out of his mouth,
• curiosity and desire to try something from the common table.
Signs of malnutrition in a child, constant feeling of hunger and anxiety associated with it, weight loss can also be important signals for the start of complementary foods. In these cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist and share your observations with him.
Contents: Hide
- When to start the introduction of complementary foods
- with which products start the introduction of complementary foods
- We avoid errors
- Table of complementary foods by artificial feeding
- Power feeding table when storage is
- start introducing complementary foods
The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is still debated. But if we bring scientific reasoning to a common denominator, then the conclusion suggests itself that complementary foods can be introduced from about six months, and for children with certain medical indications - from 3-5 months. Many experts believe that half a year is the ideal time for complementary foods, when the first colic is over, and the digestive system has matured enough to try new foods.
The exact answer to the question of when to introduce complementary foods in a particular child can only be given by a pediatrician. In some situations, it may be necessary to introduce new dishes into the baby's diet as early as 4 months, and someone will be ready for this only after six months.
What foods should I start introducing complementary foods with
Fruits, vegetables or cereals? Which of these foods are best for starting complementary foods? Experts have long answered this question as follows: if the baby is underweight, suffers from frequent loose stools, it is advisable to start with cereals (of course, gluten-free and dairy-free), and if everything is fine with weight, then vegetables will be the first in line. Also, vegetable complementary foods are recommended for breastfed children with constipation problems, rickets, or those born prematurely, whose weight is normal or exceeds the standards.
Why not fruit? Everything is simple. Fruits have a bright and sweet taste, and after trying an apple or banana first, the baby is likely to refuse zucchini or broccoli, which do not have the same rich taste.Therefore, the introduction of fruit purees and juices into the diet is postponed until vegetable purees become a familiar dish on the menu. As for cereals, buckwheat, rice and corn are first introduced, as they are characterized by the absence of gluten, saturate and are well digested.
Read also: How to properly teach a child to different tastes
Avoiding mistakes
In order for the introduction of complementary foods not to become a test for either the baby or the mother, you need to follow some recommendations. Most importantly, be patient and don't get too upset if things don't go according to plan. Each child is individual, as are their taste preferences and needs.
• Start complementary foods if the baby is perfectly healthy. Contraindications for the introduction of new products will be teething, colds, stress associated with separation or moving, recent or planned vaccinations.
• New foods are introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon.In the absence of allergies or digestive problems, the amount of the product is approximately doubled the next day. Sometimes the introduction of a new product stretches up to a week. Do not rush, give the child the opportunity to "taste" this dish. If the baby flatly refuses the offer, postpone the acquaintance for at least a week.
• Do not force your child to eat. After all, your goal is to introduce your child to new tastes and help develop good eating habits.
• The best time for the first feeding is after the morning feed until 12 noon, when the baby is already hungry and ready to eat something else. In case something goes wrong, you will know about it during the day, not at night.
• In the event of an adverse reaction to the product, such as an allergy, seek medical advice immediately. Then, in agreement with the doctor, offer this dish after a certain period of time.
• Gradually increase the amount recommended by your pediatrician. If you don't fit within a week, don't worry.Listen to your child and act accordingly.
• Always start feeding with complementary foods. Only then offer breast milk or formula.
• Stick to a 5-meal schedule. Feed your baby at the same time every day.
• Food offered to the baby must be thermally processed - boiled or steamed. The dish should be at a comfortable temperature - about 37 ° C.
• Purees and cereals should be of a liquid consistency so that a child who does not yet know how to chew can comfortably eat them. Thicker dishes with lumps and pieces are introduced into the diet by about a year, when there are already several teeth.
• Do not use salt, sugar or spices when preparing complementary foods. Also, do not add them in order to force the child to eat something. Let the baby get used to natural tastes.
• Complementary foods are prepared at one time and should never be refrigerated until the next meal. Everything should be only the first freshness.
• If you prefer ready-made baby food, carefully study the top manufacturers, pay special attention to the shelf life when buying.When introducing complementary foods, be guided by the data in the tables, which indicate which products, in what quantity and in what months experts recommend giving. 6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
180 g
200 g
200 g
50–100 g
150 G
180 g
180 g
180 g
200 g
200 g
60 g
70 g
80 g
100 g
100 g 9000
100 g
50 g
60 g
60 g 9000 9000
70 g
70 g
70 g
Cottage cheese
9000 9000
10-30 g
30 g
40 g
50 g
50 g
1/2 9000
30 g
50 g
60 g
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
9006 8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
Silent porridge
10–150 g
150–180 g
150–180 g
180–200 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g
200 g
200 g
200 g
10–120 g
80-120 g
150 g
170 g
180 g
200 g
200 g
160-200 ml
5–60 g
50–60 g
60 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g.
100–120 g
100–120 g
100–120 g
10-30 g
30–70 g
60–70 g
60–70 g
9000 9000 9000 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 19 cottage cheese -
5–10 g
40 g
40 g
50 g
½ 9000
½ --1
10–40 g
50–60 g 9000
Vegetable oil
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
Cream oil
1-3 g 9000 9000
3-4 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
, as you can see, the schemes for the introduction of feeding and artificial feeding do not differ too much.
In any case, starting to introduce new foods into the baby's diet, you will have to give the baby milk or formula for a long time, which are still the basis of his nutrition.
How to introduce solid foods by month
3 months
If your doctor advises your breastfeeding or formula-fed baby to introduce complementary foods at 3 months, start with what the specialist has recommended to you. If these are vegetables, start with the classic - zucchini puree. This vegetable contains many beneficial nutrients and fiber. Start with half a teaspoon, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body. Be sure to supplement your baby with breast milk or formula afterwards. In case the child does not like the zucchini, try giving broccoli or cauliflower. Well, if the doctor advised porridge, feel free to choose buckwheat or corn.
4-5 months
After your baby has tasted zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower, it's time to add other vegetables: carrots, potatoes, green peas.Do not overdo it with carrots, give it no more than 2 times a week. It is even better if this root crop is combined with other vegetables. It's porridge time! Gluten-free, water-cooked buckwheat, rice or corn. If the baby refuses to eat such cereals, add some breast milk or the usual mixture to them.
6 months
Time to pamper your baby with dried fruit compote, and formula-fed children start giving milk porridge. You can use a milk mixture to prepare such cereals, and in some cases, milk diluted with water. But in general, pediatricians do not advise introducing cow's milk into a child's diet before 8 months, as this can cause allergic reactions.
7 months
After the baby gets used to vegetable purees, you can try to give fruit purees and, if desired, juices, which should be diluted with water. There has been a lot of negative talk about juice lately. There is no fiber in them, but there are a lot of acids, which may not be completely safe for the stomach and have a high sugar content.So consult a pediatrician and think carefully about whether to give the baby juices or still prefer mashed potatoes and compotes. An excellent alternative to juices is children's herbal teas. Start introducing your baby to fruits with apples (preferably green varieties), bananas, and pears. The baby's menu is replenished with a new product - meat. Rabbit meat, turkey meat are best suited. Chicken and veal are also considered a good option. Low-fat pulp without streaks is taken. It is boiled or brought to readiness for a couple, then crushed in a blender or meat grinder. Meat with a gradual increase in its quantity is given as part of vegetable purees. Also at 7 months, it's time to give the baby a pumpkin.
8 months
An important moment in the introduction of complementary foods during artificial and breastfeeding occurs exactly at 8 months. It's time to give the baby a yolk. Watch the reaction of the body very carefully: if there are any manifestations of allergies.In case of a negative reaction of the body to chicken yolk, exclude it from the menu and try quail. It is best to give this product in the morning feeding from 9 to 11 hours. Along with vegetable and butter, gluten cereals are also introduced: oatmeal, millet, barley, pearl barley. It's time to give your child a taste of light vegetable soups. The components of the dish should be familiar to the child. Do not experiment by introducing dishes into the diet even with one unknown ingredient. Meatballs, boiled or steamed, are added to the meat in the form of mashed potatoes.
9 months
At this age, the baby should be introduced to the diet of low-fat fish: pollock, hake, perch, cod. For these purposes, fillets are taken and steamed, stewed or boiled. For the first time, fish are given in very small quantities. Start with once a week, gradually increasing to two. Remember that either fish or meat is given on the same day, without mixing these 2 products. If at the age of 8 months there were no prunes on the menu of the child, it's time to fix it.Dried fruit compote is also an excellent option, which at first is best diluted with water. However, you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with dried apricots, it’s better to wait until the baby reaches the age of one.
Months 10–12
The diet characteristic of this period is characterized by an increase in portions to their maximum values indicated in the scheme. Also, it is at this age that the last feeding is gradually replaced by milk or kefir.Now that you've come across a set of essential tips, you're ready to start weaning. Once again, consult with a specialist, be patient, not forgetting to listen to the baby's body. We are confident that you will succeed. The main thing here, as in any other business, is a positive attitude. It all depends on you and your desire to raise a healthy and happy baby with competent eating behavior. Don't stop if you fail and don't get frustrated if things don't go according to plan. Everything will definitely work out.
#Feeding children up to one year old #Complementary foods
Complementary feeding scheme | Nutriclub
Regardless of whether your child is receiving breast milk or infant formula, at about six months of age, according to WHO* recommendations, the first complementary foods should be introduced. But where to start feeding? And how to do it right? Let's talk in order.
It is at the age of 6 months that the baby's body responds best to new foods. The first complementary foods in combination with breast milk should provide the child with all the useful substances necessary for his growth and development. Also, the timely introduction of complementary foods contributes to the development of the chewing skills of the baby. Russian pediatric practice also allows for earlier introduction of complementary foods - from 4-5 months **.
How many months to introduce complementary foods?
To know when it's time to consider introducing food other than milk or formula, watch for signs of complementary feeding.
It's time to start complementary foods if:
- The baby sits with support, does not roll over on its side
- The child shows food interest: follows the spoon with his eyes when you eat, tries to steal something from your plate
- Ejection reflex faded, child opens mouth when offered food
Consult your paediatrician before introducing complementary foods. And in order to introduce complementary foods correctly, read the complementary feeding scheme below.
Rules for the introduction of complementary foods
- All new products are introduced with ½ teaspoon and then gradually adjusted to the age norm.
- New products are best given in the morning or afternoon to be able to track the reaction throughout the day.
- Do not introduce a new product until the previous one has been brought to the age norm.
- Complementary foods are offered before feeding with breast milk or its substitute.
- Until the volume of the product per feeding is brought to the age norm, you should continue to supplement the baby with breast milk or infant formula. Thus, the volume of the complementary food product will gradually increase, and the volume of milk or formula, on the contrary, will decrease until it completely disappears.
Complementary feeding scheme
Age Foods and portion sizes 4-5 months Complementary foods at this early age should be introduced if the child is not gaining weight well or is at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia. Complementary foods are introduced to healthy children from 5 months. There are a number of contraindications for an early start of complementary foods, consult your pediatrician!
What foods can we start with:
- Vegetable puree
- Dairy-free cereals.
6 months What foods should be in the baby's diet if you introduced complementary foods at 5 months:
- Dairy-free cereals - up to 150 g
- Vegetable puree - up to 150 g
What new foods are introduced into the diet:
- Meat puree - up to 30 g
- Vegetable oil - up to 1 tsp.
- Fruit puree - up to 60 g
7 months What foods should be in the baby's diet by the end of the 7th month: - Porridge - 150 g.
- Vegetable puree - 170g
- Meat Puree - 30g
- Fruit puree - 70g
- Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
What new foods are introduced into the diet:
- Butter - up to ½ tsp.
- Boiled egg yolk - up to ¼ pc.
- Fruit juice - 70 ml.
- Baby biscuits - 1-2 pieces
8 months What foods should be in the baby's diet by the end of the 7th month:
- Porridge - 180 g.
- Vegetable puree - 170g
- Meat Puree - 50g
- Fruit puree - up to 80 g.
- Vegetable oil - ½ tsp.
- Butter - ½ tsp.
- Boiled egg yolk - ½ pc.
- Fruit juice up to 70 ml.
- Baby biscuits 1-2 pcs.
What new foods are introduced into the diet:
- Baby kefir or yoghurt - up to 100 ml, as an alternative to breast milk or formula in one of the feedings
9-12 months What foods should be in the diet of a child at this age:
- Porridge for breakfast and/or dinner*
- Vegetable puree - for lunch and/or dinner
- Meat puree - about 50 g.
- Fruit puree - for afternoon tea and/or breakfast
- Vegetable oil - ½ tsp.
- Butter - 1 tsp.
- Boiled egg yolk - ½ pc.
- Fruit juice and/or compote up to 100 ml.
- Baby biscuits - up to 2 pcs.
- Baby kefir or yoghurt up to 200 ml.
What new foods are introduced into the diet:
- Meatballs or fish (as an alternative to mashed meat) - 50 g
- Bread or croutons - 10 g
- Curd - 50-70 g; as an alternative to 100 ml of kefir or yogurt in one of the feedings
After 9-12 months volumes of previously introduced products will continue to increase, but remember that the older the child, the more pronounced the individual characteristics, therefore, the food needs of children at this age may differ.
Focus on your baby's weight gain, appetite, and your own common sense.
If you think your child is malnourished or is not gaining weight well, consult a pediatrician.
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