Pictures of women breast feeding babies
30 Empowering Breastfeeding Photos
It’s not easy, and it’s not always embraced by those around us. But these powerful, beautiful, sometimes raw images of women breastfeeding their babies are proof of the strength, determination and love that moms from across the country have for their newborns. Here, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite breastfeeding pictures from across the Internet and around the world.
Image: Emporio da Foto
The Breastfeeding Bride
This beautiful bride took the to-have-and-to-hold part of her wedding vows to a whole new level as she nursed her new baby boy mid-ceremony. The photographer was initially hesitant to share the breastfeeding pic, but ultimately decided to go for it, writing, “I was pretty sure people would find it as beautiful as I did.”
Image: Nicole Starr Photography
Breastfeeding to Shatter Stereotypes
As many moms know all too well, nursing doesn’t come easy to every baby. That can be especially true for babies with Down syndrome, whose poor muscle tone may interfere with a good latch. But that doesn’t mean those infants can’t breastfeed—which this group of women breastfeeding babies with Down syndrome set out to show.
Image: Courtesy of Christian Serratos/Instagram
Shutting Down the Shamers
Christian Serratos, who plays the butt-kicking, zombie-destroying Rosita in The Walking Dead, took to Instagram to put breastfeeding-shamers in their place. “This is my body and my page. So I will post what I want, when I want. Those who disapprove can suck my left tit,” she writes. With well over 200,000 likes, it looks a lot of people are cheering her on.
Image: Courtesy of Maya Vorderstrasse/Instagram
Multitasking Mama
When Maya Vorderstrasse shared this photo on Instagram, she was floored by the response of over 11,000 likes. Here, she’s feeding her older daughter Zoey with a bottle and baby daughter Hazel with her breast. She writes about her struggle to nurse both at the same time. “Feeding them is beautiful,” she says. “I don’t know about your journey, but I can tell you that whatever your choice or circumstance, don’t ever feel guilty or like you are inadequate. Ever. Just love them and do the best you can. You’re a rockstar. No. Matter. What. Whatever your feeding routine consists of, it is hard being a mother, so let’s show support for each other! To me, fed is best.”
Image: Ivette Ivens
A Burn Survivor Persists
Burn survivor Schamica “Mimi” Stevenson opened up about her breastfeeding struggles to the Facebook group Black Women Do Breastfeed. She had tried to nurse her firstborn and stopped. But here she is with baby No. 2, persisting. She explains that breastfeeding still has it’s challenges, but that she was feeling good. “I feel lucky to still have nipples,” she writes. “So I’m going to continue to breastfeed and hope my story helps someone else.”
Image: Jessica Louise Imagery
Standing Up for Women’s Rights
Is there any setting more appropriate to proudly nurse baby in public than the Women’s March? We think not. Here, Tess Holliday does it with zero apologies.
Image: Foxy Photography
Extended Breastfeeding Pride
In honor of National Breastfeeding month, photographer Abbie Fox gathered a group of moms who continue to breastfeed their children past infancy. The result? This lovely picture of women breastfeeding and the note she posted on Facebook: “No matter if you nurse for a few days or a few years, there should never be any judgements against moms that are just doing their best to keep their kiddos healthy,” she writes.
Image: Courtesy of Jinti Fell/Instagram
Breastfeeding in the Great Outdoors
Jinti Fell travels Australia by way of a camper van with her husband and baby daughter, Ayana. On the topic of breastfeeding, she offers up this heartening message: “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. ” And with over 11,000 Instagram likes, it’s clearly a sentiment that’s resonating with others.
Image: NCee Photography
Breastfeeding With Cancer
A day before breast cancer patient DeShonjla “Shonni” Peterson was scheduled to undergo a bilateral mastectomy, she changed her mind. Instead of having both breasts removed, she opted to keep one. The reason: Shonni had just learned that she was carrying her second child and she wanted to nurse her. Here she is, breastfeeding newborn Zoë.
Image: Johnny Draper
Nursing and Primping for The Big Day
“When you’re getting ready to get married, life with your beautiful children doesn’t stop,” writes wedding photographer Jonny Draper. He captured this touching moment between UK mom and bride, Beth Martin, and her baby boy, George.
Image: Nicki Kaylor Photography
What No Breastfeeding Mom Wants to Hear
Women breastfeeding in public are constantly subjected to stares, dirty looks and other people’s opinions—and photographer and mom Nicki Kaylor was sick of it. So she gathered together some East Tennessee moms and asked them to write down what people have said to them while they’ve nursed. Here’s one of the many ensuing breastfeeding pictures, featuring Erin Peabody, her baby boy and the unwanted “you should use a blanket” advice that she’s tired of hearing.
Image: Courtesy of Lesley-Ann Brandt/Instagram
Lucifer Star Stands Strong
Lesley-Ann Brandt, a proud new mama and star of the TV show Lucifer, shared this sweet shot of her breastfeeding her son on Instagram, writing, “This is motherhood. Needing to pee so badly but you just rocked the perfect latch and Bebe is nuzzled in nicely for a good feed. Priorities people. Priorities.” The breastfeeding pic garnered over 21,000 likes, but some critics just couldn’t resist chiming in. Brandt fired back: “The irony is that these same men and sadly women are all but fine to see these boobs in my work (Spartacus) but breastfeeding my son? How dare I!"
Image: Courtesy of Jenny Tamas
A Breastfeeding Convert
Jenny Tamas didn’t see women breastfeeding when she was growing up. In fact, she used to frown upon the practice. “I was filled with ignorance and judgments. I used to believe breastfeeding moms did it for attention,” she writes on Instagram. Then she had her baby Lilly, and everything changed. Tamas now proudly nurses and openly shares her breastfeeding pictures. “It’s my apology to all women,” she writes, explaining that she wants to help others unlearn that breasts are for men. “I am so damn proud of myself that I am a part of normalizing something that was not normal for me growing up.”
Image: pRoy/Steel Feather Lace Elephant
A Thank-You Note to Black Breastfeeders
To honor the milestone of exclusively breastfeeding for twenty-four weeks—and the start Black Breastfeeding Week—Phylicia Sadsarin shared this precious breastfeeding photo along with a thank-you note to other black women breastfeeding. “To the mamas out there who are on this journey with me, I want to say thank you for helping to bridge the gap,” she says. “Thank you for sharing your struggles and your successes. Thank you to all of the Black lactation consultants out there!.. And thank you to all of the mamas-to-be who want to breastfeed: We are here to support you. There is a village and we welcome you with open arms.”
Image: Ivette Ivens
Three Generations
Mother of two and photographer Ivette Ivens loves taking breastfeeding pictures. In fact, she has a book called Breastfeeding Goddesses. While the breastfeeding pictures in it are decidedly ethereal, this one—recently shared on Instagram—is simple and real, and just as lovely.
Image: Eden Photography
Baby’s First Latch
Perfecting the proper breastfeeding latch can take a little practice—but this little one took to it quickly. One of the most expressive babies in breastfeeding pictures this year, this girl’s balled-up fist says it all: “Yeah! Nailed it!”
Image: Courtesy of Anna Whitehouse/Instagram
Honest Chaos
Anna Whitehouse, the mom of two behind the Instagram handle Mother_Pukka, is nothing if not honest. “We are all still hanging together by a frazzled thread,” she writes. And she’s not alone—this post garnered words of encouragement and camaraderie, like “very familiar scene!” and “I absolutely remember those days of feeling overwhelmed.”
Image: Courtesy of The Nashville Bump/Instagram
When the Going Gets Tough
There are plenty of breastfeeding pictures that capture the beauty and joy of the moment. But this is the face of a breastfeeding mom who’s pushing through to provide for her baby. “Ok, I’m going to say it for us all. Breastfeeding is hard. It’s really, really hard. …The uncertainty, second guessing, responsibility, commitment, discomfort, just to name a few,” she writes on Instagram. “Mamas really do need all the support they can get. So mama, you’re hearing it from me, you’re not going crazy, it is hard, but you’re doing good. Keep going!! There’s a rumor going around that it gets easier."
Image: Brezi Merryman/Love is Photography
First Moments With Baby
That initial breastfeeding session can be intimidating for any new mom, but this mama looks positively serene nursing her very first baby from her hospital bed.
Image: Courtesy of Bunga S. Jehnsen/Instagram
Mom Support
Nothing beats having your mom by your side to cheer you on—especially when you’re providing for a daughter of your own. This gorgeous shot of three generations was shared on Instagram with an important message: “Supporting and loving future generations is the most important thing we can do.”
Image: Brezi Merryman/Love is Photography
Braving it Alone
This sweet moment of mom breastfeeding was captured shortly after she’d given birth to her first baby via c-section—and she did it on her own. Her spouse was deployed at the time, and her photographer was the only person with her during delivery.
Image: Alia Jadad
Hat Tip to Tandem Breastfeeding
“No I didn’t have a crazy amount of milk produced. I produced just enough to feed both of them. If they needed more, my body produced more,” this mom posted to Instagram. “[Soon] I will celebrate 3 years breastfeeding nonstop. I think the longest I have lasted is about 20 hours without feeding.”
Image: Cara Branham
The Last Nursing Session
“The last photo taken of me breastfeeding Ellamie,” this mama shared on Instagram. “I was fortunate enough to feed her from my body for 18 months, which I am so SO very grateful for because I’ve now seen how hard it is for some mamas to even start breastfeeding and have the right support and education to continue.”
Image: Barcroft Media
Mom's Brave Response to Being Shamed
Kelly Stanley of Johnson City, Tennessee, struggled to breastfeed her daughter when she was born. Baby Maya was diagnosed with a severe tongue and lip tie that made latching difficult, but thanks to an operation, Maya became able to breastfeed—a “massive accomplishment” for both mom and baby. Yet when the first-time mom went to nurse her baby while out to dinner with her parents, her father grabbed a cloth and shoved it at her, telling her to cover up. Her brave response to being “humiliated” and “shamed” was to post this powerful image on Instagram.
Image: Visual China Group
Chinese Mothers Raise Breastfeeding Awareness
Nearly a hundred young mothers participated in a nurse-in in Xiangyang, China with the goal of raising awareness about breastfeeding, advocating for the establishment of maternal and infant rooms in public places and creating a loving social atmosphere for both babies and mothers.
Image: Gina Knight
British Breastfeeding Mum Speaks Out
“In the U.K., just 1% of mums exclusively breastfeed. That is one of the lowest rates worldwide,” this British breastfeeding mom says in an Instagram post. “There is a lack of support in the U.K. to support mums with their breastfeeding journeys. My own experiences have been really up and down, with government cutting funding to breastfeeding support groups. Luckily there is a great bunch of mums online supporting mums who choose to breastfeed exclusively. ”
Image: Kirsten Noelle Craig
Normalize Breastfeeding
In an effort to normalize breastfeeding, this mom shared an Instagram photo of her wielding a powerful sign: “My child needs my milk; NOT your approval.”
Image: Out of Focus Pictures
Drowning Out Shameful Stares
“India used to be a breastfeeding friendly nation. Our scriptures symbolize a mother’s breast as pitcher full of nectar. Somewhere along the lines of modernisation and struggling with our own social and cultural hindrances, breastfeeding got surrounded by misinformation and moral policing," this breastfeeding mom says. "I have come to realise that just like Mumbai’s monsoons, a baby’s cry to be fed is unpredictable. Would you rather hide or let your baby cry? I prefer to take a deep breath, look into my baby’s eyes and let the the downpour drown out any shameful comments or stares…I am certain that we Indian mothers can regain our lost confidence in breastfeeding by prioritising our babies above everything else. ”
Image: Trina Cary Photography
Feeding on a Float
Breastfeeding can happen anywhere: In your favorite armchair, at a restaurant, on a park bench, even, in the case of this mama, on a swan float in your backyard pool. It’s a go-to nursing spot for this Australian mom, who says her daughter just loves it.
Image: With A Little Grace Photography
Giving Breastfeeding a Boost in Qatar
A 2012 government survey found that only 29 percent of mothers exclusively breastfeed in Qatar during the first six months of baby’s life. Globally, the average is 37 percent. “I started the project with the aim to raise positive awareness about breastfeeding,” says the Qatar-based photographer who captured this moment. “I had several different breastfeeding meet-ups that helped women discuss their experiences and talk about breastfeeding.”
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von 100Photo of president's daughter rekindles old breastfeeding controversy
- Faranak Amidi
- BBC Women's Affairs Correspondent
she will help you understand the news .
A photo of the youngest daughter of the President of Kyrgyzstan in lingerie, breastfeeding a child, stirred up a debate about feeding in public places and about the sexual exploitation of the female body in general.
Aliya Shagieva posted this photo on social media back in April with the caption: "I will feed my child when and where he needs to. "
"I will absolutely calmly take my breasts anywhere when my baby is hungry, whether it be a shopping center, a car salon or a bench in a public park. I will be an example for other breastfeeding mothers who have been driven into the uncomfortable confines of a patriarchal society," wrote She's under the photo.
Later, after accusations of immoral behavior, she removed this photo and even disappeared from all social networks for a while, but in an exclusive interview with the BBC, Alia explained that the whole scandal was the product of a culture in which excessive sexuality is given to female forms meaning.
"There is nothing vulgar about the body I have been given. It is functional, its purpose is to provide for the physiological needs of my child, not to be a sexual object," she told the BBC Kyrgyz Service.
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However, Aliya's behavior was condemned not only by users of social networks. Her parents, President Almazbek Atambaev and his wife Raisa, were also not happy with the photo of their nursing daughter.
The author of the photo, Aliya Shagieva
Photo caption,Aliya Shagieva believes that many people still see sexual overtones in the female breast
conservatively, like their parents," Shagieva said.
Aliya Shagieva actively uses social networks, posting her artwork and carefully stylized portraits, which - usually against the backdrop of opening horizons and wide expanses - depict her husband, child and herself.
The topic of breastfeeding often comes up.
Photo credit, Aliya Shagieva
Photo caption,Many of Shagieva's portraits are created against the backdrop of Kyrgyz landscapes
Photo credit, Aliya Shagieva
"When I breastfeed my baby, I feel like I am giving him the best I can Caring for my child and their needs is more important to me than what people say about me, says Aliya
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Gulnara Kasmambetova, BBC Kyrgyz Service
I interviewed Aliya Shagieva in her apartment in a prestigious area of Bishkek, where she lives with her husband and child.
The walls of the apartment are decorated with her drawings and photographs. The hosts offered me fruit and herbal tea. Herbs and spices also grow in boxes on the windowsill. The Shagievs are vegetarians, which is a rarity in a country where meat is traditionally eaten.
From the point of view of the post-Soviet traditional Muslim society, Aliya Shagieva is too open and unusual. She was very frank when she told how lonely she was as a child, because her parents were always busy with something.
She talked about the difference between generations, about her attempts to understand her parents and find a common language with them, including her activities in social networks.
"My mum's 'friends' wrote about me, and now that I'm a mother myself, I understand what she went through while raising me," Aliya says.
Today she actively supports initiatives such as educating the public about children with Down syndrome or animal rights, but she has no political ambitions.
In Kyrgyzstan, the children of the two previous presidents are well remembered, who actively interfered in politics and business. Both leaders were removed from their posts. The current head of Kyrgyzstan promised that his children would never interfere in politics.
Image copyright Aliya Shagieva
Photo caption,Aliya Shagieva paints, draws and photographs
Despite the conservative attitude of society, breastfeeding in public in this Muslim-majority former Soviet republic is considered quite acceptable.
Women in parks and other public places feed their children, but they usually try to cover their breasts with a cloth.
When Shagiyeva first posted her photo, many social media users felt that there was no need to widely publicize such an intimate process. Others even condemned her for indiscretion.
At the same time, photographs of a breastfeeding woman attracted the attention of people far beyond the borders of Kyrgyzstan: this photo was also published by some European newspapers and websites. At the same time, in the comments, many admired her for getting rid of the taboo that exists around the female body.
Public breastfeeding is a topic of discussion in many countries, and the UK is no exception.
Just three years ago, the news that a breastfeeding woman was asked to cover up in a restaurant in London's famed Claridge Hotel sparked a heated public debate.
Image copyright, Reuters
Image caption,Former Senator Larissa Waters made history as the first woman to breastfeed in the Australian Parliament
sparked heated comments online, reflecting how breastfeeding is perceived in various Muslim countries.
Iranian women talk about the stress they experience when they have to breastfeed in public.
"People literally stare at me, I have to either completely cover myself and the child, or he will simply remain hungry," wrote one of the residents of Tehran.
Others speak highly of the recently installed special mother and baby rooms in the Tehran subway.
Image caption,Mother and baby room in Tehran metro
Zarifa Ghafari from Kabul shared how, in her own extended family, a mother has to go to another room to feed her baby.
"She can't do it in front of the others, otherwise she might incur the wrath of the oldest members of the family. It's a very sensitive issue, but gradually the situation is changing," says Zafari.
A Facebook user from Turkey admits that she covers herself completely with a cloth when she breastfeeds her baby. "I don't want to annoy people's eyes, I'm just hiding behind. After all, many still see breasts primarily as a sexual connotation."
As for the photographs of Aliya Shagieva, which caused such a sensation, she removed them from social networks, as her parents were very afraid that all this attention "could harm her young family."
However, this did not silence Aliya herself or stop the debate around breastfeeding.
Different breastfeeding positions
Try different breastfeeding positions to find the one that works best for you and your baby. You can see the options in our selection of photos
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There is no right or wrong way to hold a baby at
feeding, and mom and baby are sure to find their favorite position.
It is important that both you and your baby feel comfortable. 1.2 It's good to learn a few different breastfeeding positions and techniques because life's circumstances often require us to be flexible, especially as your baby gets older and you start to leave the house more often.
Whatever position you choose to breastfeed your baby, remember a few simple rules.
- Prepare everything you need before feeding, including drinks, food, mobile phone, TV remote control, book or magazine. And do not forget to go to the toilet - the feeding process can take a long time!
- Make sure your baby is comfortable. Whichever position you choose, it's important to keep your baby strong, level, and provide good support for their head, neck, and spine.
- You should also be comfortable. Don't stress. If necessary, use pillows of different sizes or rolls of towels to support your back or arms.
- Make sure your baby is latching on correctly. Proper grip is the key to comfort when breastfeeding.
- If your baby does not latch on well or you experience pain while feeding, contact a lactation consultant for help. The specialist will also be able to show you how to hold your baby more comfortably.
1. Relaxed feeding or reclining position
The relaxed feeding position, also known as biological feeding, 1 is often the first position for most mothers. If, immediately after birth, the baby is placed on the mother’s chest or stomach, normally, he instinctively reaches for the breast and tries to grab the nipple. This phenomenon is known as the breast seeking reflex. Skin-to-skin contact stimulates the infant's feeding instinct, and gravity helps him to latch onto the breast and maintain balance.
But it's not just newborns that can be fed in the reclining position - this position is great for babies of all ages. It can be especially helpful if your baby does not latch well in other positions or does not like to be touched during feeding, and also if you have too much milk flow or too large breasts. Isabelle, a mother from the UK, shares her experience: “I had large breasts, and the baby was born small - 2.7 kg, so it was not easy to find a comfortable position at first. After a few weeks, it became clear that there was no “correct” posture for me. As a result, I most often fed lying down, putting the baby on my chest. ”
It is more convenient to feed not lying flat on your back, but half-sitting, leaning on pillows. So you will have a back support and you will be able to watch the baby during feeding.
2. Cradle position
This is the classic
first thought of breastfeeding. Mom sits
straight, and the baby lies on her side on her arm, pressing her stomach against her stomach. 3 Although this is a very popular position, it is not always easy to master with newborns because it gives the baby less support. Try putting a pillow under your back, and put a special breastfeeding pillow on your knees and lean on it with your hands. So you can more reliably support the child, without overstraining your back and shoulders. Just make sure that the baby does not lie too high on the pillow for feeding. The breast should remain at a natural level so that the baby can grab it without effort, otherwise sore nipples cannot be avoided.
“I breastfed in the cradle position because it suited me perfectly! It was comfortable and I loved just sitting and looking at my little one,” recalls Rachel, a mother of two from Italy.
3. Cross Cradle
This breastfeeding position looks almost exactly like the cradle, but the baby is on the other arm. 3 This gives baby support around the neck and shoulders so he can tilt his head to latch on. This position is great for breastfeeding newborns and small babies, as well as for babies who do not latch well. Since the baby lies completely on the other hand, it becomes easier to control his position and you can adjust the chest with your free hand.
Julie, a mother of two from the UK, finds this position very practical: “I usually breastfeed my youngest in the cross cradle position. So I have a free second hand, and I can take care of an older baby at the same time. ”
Do not hold the baby's head at first, otherwise you may inadvertently press his chin against his chest. Because of this, the child will not be able to take the breast deeply, because the nipple will rest against the base of the tongue, and not against the palate, which will lead to inflammation of the nipples. As the child grows, this position becomes more comfortable, and he can rest his head on your palm (as shown in the photo above).
4. Underarm breastfeeding
In this position, also known as the “ball grip”, the mother sits with the baby lying along her arm at the side, legs towards the back of a chair (or any other seat). 3 Another comfortable position for newborn breastfeeding, you can give your baby good support, full control of the position and a good view of his face. And the baby feels safe in close contact with the mother's body. This position is especially good for those who have had a caesarean section or a premature birth, as well as mothers of twins and women with large breasts.
“When I breastfed my first daughter, I had very large K-sized breasts—twice the size of her head,” recalls Amy, an Australian mother of two. - I put rolls of towels under each breast, because they were very heavy, and fed my daughter in a pose from under the arm, but only sitting straighter so as not to crush her. This position was also convenient because I had a caesarean section and could not put the baby on my stomach.”
5. Side-lying position
The side-lying position is ideal for relaxed
feeding at night in bed or on the couch. If you had a
caesarean section or ruptures during childbirth, this position may be more comfortable than sitting down. 3 In this position, mother and baby lie side by side, tummy to tummy.
“It was difficult for me to sit during endless night feedings, firstly because of the caesarean section, and secondly because of lack of sleep,” recalls Francesca, a mother from the UK. “And then I discovered that you can feed your baby lying on your side and rest at the same time.”
“Because of the short tongue frenulum, Maisie could only properly latch on to her breasts while lying on her side. The lactation consultant showed me how it's done. In this position, the flow of milk was optimal for my daughter, and it was easier for her to keep the nipple in her mouth. As she got older, she became much better at grabbing her breasts in normal positions,” says Sarah, mother of two from Australia.
6. Relaxed breastfeeding after caesarean section
If you can't find a comfortable position for breastfeeding after caesarean section, 3 try to hold the baby on the shoulder while reclining — this does not put pressure on the postoperative suture and allows you to breastfeed the baby comfortably. You can also try side feeding.
7. Sitting upright breastfeeding or “koala pose”
When breastfeeding in an upright position or “koala pose”, the baby sits with a straight back and a raised head on the mother's hip. 4 This position can be tried even with a newborn if it is well supported, but it is especially convenient for feeding a grown child who can already sit up by himself. The upright sitting position, or “koala pose,” is great for toddlers who suffer from reflux or ear infections and feel better sitting. In addition, this pose may be suitable for children with a shortened frenulum of the tongue or reduced muscle tone.
“When my daughter got a little older, I often fed her in an upright position, which was more comfortable for both of us, and I could still hold her close to me,” recalls Peggy, a mother from Switzerland. “Besides, it was possible to discreetly breastfeed her in public places.”
8. Overhanging position
In this position, the baby lies on his back, and the mother bends over him
on all fours so that the nipple falls directly into his mouth. 4 According to some mothers, this breastfeeding position is good to use from time to time for mastitis, when touching the breast is especially unpleasant. Some say that this breastfeeding position helps with blockage of the milk ducts, although there is no scientific evidence for this yet. You can also feed in the “overhanging” position while sitting, kneeling over the baby on a bed or sofa, as well as reclining on your stomach with support on your elbows. Pillows of various sizes that you can lean on will help you avoid back and shoulder strain.
“I have breastfed several times in the 'overhang' position for clogged milk ducts when no other means of resolving the blockage worked. And this pose seems to have helped. I think it's because of gravity, and also because the breasts were at a completely different angle than with normal feeding, and my daughter sucked her differently, ”says Ellie, a mother of two from the UK.
Feeding in the "overhanging" position is unlikely to be practiced regularly, but in some cases this position may be useful.
“I used to breastfeed in the overhang position when my baby was having trouble latch-on,” says Lorna, mother of two in the UK. - This, of course, is not the most convenient way, but then I was ready for anything, if only he could capture the chest. We succeeded and have been breastfeeding for eight months now!”
9. Feeding a baby in a sling or “on the fly”
Breastfeeding in a sling takes some practice, but it can be used to go out, look after older children or even do a little household chores.
The sling is also useful if the baby does not like to lie down or is often attached to the breast. Lindsey, a mother of two in the US, notes: “I used the carrier frequently for both of my children. When we were out, I tied the sarong around my neck and covered the carrier with it. Under such a cape, the baby can eat as much as he wants until he falls asleep.
This breastfeeding position is best when the baby is already good at breastfeeding and can hold its head by itself. Any slings are suitable for breastfeeding, including elastic and rings, as well as carrying bags. Whatever option you choose, the main thing is that you can always see the face of the child, and his chin does not rest against his chest.
10. Double hand-held breastfeeding
Double hand-held breastfeeding (or “double-ball gripping”) is great for mothers of twins—you can breastfeed both at the same time and still have relatively free hands. 4 When feeding in this position, it is advisable to use a special pillow for breastfeeding twins, especially at first. It will provide extra support and help keep both babies in the correct position, as well as reduce the burden on the abdomen if you had a caesarean section. In addition, the hands are freer, and if necessary, you can deal with one child without interfering with the second.
“My twins were born very tiny and had to be fed every two hours at any time of the day or night. Very soon it became clear: if I want to do anything besides feeding, I need to feed them both at the same time, - says Emma, mother of two children from the UK. “I breastfed them two by hand using a breastfeeding pillow.”
Other good positions for breastfeeding twins are two criss-cross cradles, one baby in the cradle and the other close at hand, reclining feeding, or sitting upright (one baby on one side, the other on the other).
11. Breastfeeding in the "hand-supported" or "dancer's hand" position
muscle tone (which is typical for premature babies, children suffering from various diseases or Down syndrome), try supporting his head and your chest at the same time. 4 Grasp your chest with your palm underneath so that your thumb is on one side and all the others are on the other. Move your hand slightly forward so that your thumb and forefinger form a "U" just in front of your chest. With the other three fingers, continue to support the chest. With your thumb and forefinger, hold the baby's head while feeding so that his chin rests on the part of the palm between them, your thumb gently holds the baby on one cheek, and your index finger on the other. So the baby gets excellent support, and you can control his position and see if he is holding his breast.
1 Colson SD et al. Optimal positions for the release of primitive neonatal reflexes stimulating breastfeeding. Early Hum Dev . 2008;84(7):441-449. - Colson S.D. et al., "Optimal Positions for Provoking Primitive Innate Reflexes to Induce Breastfeeding." Early Hume Dev. 2008;84(7):441-449.
2 UNICEF UK BFHI [ Internet ].