Price of gerber baby food jars

Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars



Puree Type

  1. Jar 39items
  2. Tub
  3. Pouch
  4. Natural 17items
  5. Organic 12items
  6. 1st Foods 13items
  7. 2nd Foods 22items
  8. 3rd Foods 8items


  1. Pregnancy
  2. Newborn
  3. Supported Sitter 12items
  4. Sitter 22items
  5. Crawler 8items
  6. Toddler
  7. Preschooler


  1. Apple 13items
  2. Apricot
  3. Avocado
  4. Banana 8items
  5. Beef 2items
  6. Blueberry 3items
  7. Carrot 8items
  8. Cereal
  9. Chicken 1item
  10. Corn 1item
  11. Green Bean 1item
  12. Ham 1item
  13. Kale 2items
  14. Mango 2items
  15. Oatmeal
  16. Pea 3items
  17. Peach 2items
  18. Pear 6items
  19. Pineapple 1item
  20. Pumpkin
  21. Raspberry 1item
  22. Rice 2items
  23. Spinach 2items
  24. Squash 2items
  25. Strawberry 3items
  26. Sweet Potato 4items
  27. Turkey 2items
  28. Zucchini 2items


  1. Colic
  2. Crying
  3. Fussiness
  4. Gas
  5. Mild Spit-Up
  6. Uncomfortable Poops
  7. Teething
  8. Vitamin D
  9. On the Go 2items
  10. Iron
  11. Starting Solids 2items
  12. Expanding Textures 5items
  13. Probiotics
  14. DHA
  15. Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO


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Jar Food Tips

Cooking Jar Meals

  • Set aside as much as your baby can eat and heat this portion in a bain-marie or microwave.
  • After heating, mix the contents of the jar thoroughly with a plastic spoon and check the temperature.
  • Reheated food is not suitable for consumption.
  • Store leftover puree that has not been reheated in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Check glass packaging

Check glass packaging

Before jars leave production, packaging is checked for flawlessness. This ensures that only correctly closed products are sold. To ensure that your child's nutrition is safe, the safety of the packaging should be checked upon purchase and immediately before opening.

For jars, the so-called “lid test” will help you: the middle of the lid should be concave and should not sag when pressed. Do not use jars with domed lids. Additionally, a distinct click should be heard when first opened.

Introduction of low-allergenic complementary foods for children

To introduce the low-allergenic complementary foods for children from the HiPP range, you can refer to this symbol on the label. With these products, you can gradually expand your child's diet.

Tip: HiPP meat dishes can be used to create individual set menus. To do this, simply mix the HiPP vegetables of your choice with a jar of mashed meat.

Learn more: Tips

Video: Introducing Complementary Feeding Tips from a Midwife Video: Massaging Your Baby DietFood and Drinks

How to Introduce Complementary Foods to Your Baby? ?Fish is also good for baby's health?What is Omega-3?Is your baby drinking enough?What and how much should babies and young children drink?Drinking from a cup


Choice of complementary foods

No age restrictions from the first daysfrom 1st monthfrom 4 monthsfrom 5 monthsfrom 6 monthsfrom 7 monthsfrom 8 monthsfrom 9 monthsfrom 10 monthsfrom 12 months puree from 4 months - Vegetable puree from 5 months - Vegetable puree from 6 months - Vegetable puree from 7 months - Vegetable puree from 8 months Fruit puree - from 4 months - from 5 months months - from 6 months - Fruit purees in soft packagingMeat purees - Meat pureesMeat and vegetable menu - from 8 months - from 12 months Fish and vegetable menu - from 9Soups - from 6 months - from 7 months - from 8 months - from 12 months - From 18 months "Good night" in jars - Cereal cereals with fruits in jarsDrinks - Health drinks - Granulated teas - Tea bags - JuicesSnacks - Snacks

Gerber puree in category "Products for children"

GERBER fruit and vegetable puree "Apple, pumpkin, apricot", 90g

in warehouse

Delivery in Ukraine

33 UAH



Gerber "Yabloko and Mango", 90g

in warehouse

9003 Puree GERBER "Apple and Peach", 90g

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Delivery across Ukraine

33 UAH



Puree GERBER "Apple and Pear", 09019 90g0019

Delivery in Ukraine

33 UAH



Gerber "Grusha and Bunny", 90g

in warehouse


SMARRIC BUILC Apple and pear" 130 g

In stock

Delivery across Ukraine

38. 28 UAH


GIRAFHA baby food store

GERBER puree "Nizhni ovochі with rabbit"130019

In stock

Delivery across Ukraine

46.44 UAH


GIRAFFA baby food store

in warehouse

Delivery in Ukraine

43.68 UAH


Giraffe Children's food store

Children's puree, blueberries, spinach, (BABY FOOD), Gerber, 900 g

to order

to order

. Ukraine

186 UAH

Buy - online store of vitamins and minerals Delivery across Ukraine

186 UAH

Buy - online store of vitamins and minerals

Baby banana and mango puree, (Baby Food), Gerber, 99 g

Custom order


UAH 186

Buy - online store of vitamins and minerals

Baby puree from apples, peaches, (2nd Foods, Baby Food), Gerber, 99 g UAH


Vitamins. - online store of vitamins and minerals

Baby puree from bananas, berries and grains (2nd Foods, Baby Food), Gerber, 99 g

Custom order

Delivery across Ukraine

UAH 186

Delivery in Ukraine

50 UAH


Compani Berta Group

Fyte Puret Gerber Yabluco Tu Persik Z 6 Mysytsiv 130 g (7613033514890)



Vegetable Gerber Morkva 6 mіsyatyv 80 g (7613036011310)

Delivery in Ukraine

34 UAH

Berta Group

Pyraber vegetable cable 6000452078662)

Delivery in Ukraine

34 UAH


Compani Berta Group

Gerber, Bloko, Banan, 90g

900 Smartik

Gerber, Butternut Squash Puree, 2 Pack, 56 g (2 oz) each0019


⭐fresh⭐-natural drugs and cosmetics

gerber, green beans, 2 packages, 56 g each GBR-00310




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