Pumping while feeding baby
How to Pump Breast Milk While Caring For Your Baby
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If you’re exclusively pumping or pumping to build a freezer stash, you may need to pump breast milk while caring for your baby. Figuring out how to pump when you’re home alone with baby can be tricky at first – here are some tips and tricks for making it work!
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Pumping while simultaneously trying to care for a baby is not easy.
When you pump, your range of motion can be limited, you need to be careful not to spill, and older babies are fond of playing with the pump and pump parts while you try to use them (and least, mine was). So what to do with baby while you pump?
How to approach pumping while you care for your baby will change as your baby ages.
With a newborn, your best bet is to multitask pumping with either feeding or getting your baby back to sleep. This will allow the time when you’re not pumping to be time you focus on baby (baths, tummy time, snuggles), get some sleep yourself, or take a shower.
Later, with an older baby who is mobile, there are a few strategies you can use to get a pumping session in without your baby pulling your tubing out.
How to Pump When Home Alone with a Newborn Baby
With a newborn, you have a few options – pump while the baby eats, pump while the baby goes to sleep, or pump while the baby plays.
How to Pump Breast Milk while Bottle FeedingÂPumping while bottle feeding seems like it totally make sense to me, in a bizarre way. You’re lactating at the same time you feed your baby, just like nursing! Except not.
So how does this work? Essentially, you set yourself up to pump using a hands-free bra. Once you’re all hooked up, you put the baby in your lap or next to you on a boppy and feed him his bottle.
This, of course, is a bit trickier than it sounds. Here are the steps you’d want to follow:
- Get everything that you need to pump. It’s easiest if you have a pumping station set up with all of your gear – pump, pump parts, bottles, hands-free bra, etc. – in one place and ready to go.
- Get baby’s bottle prepared.
- Put baby next to you on the boppy or in your lap (making sure baby is safe from falling) and set yourself up to pump with your hands-free pumping bra or hands-free pump.
- Turn the pump on, and start feeding baby.
One common concern with feeding baby while pumping is burping.
If you need to burp your baby while feeding, it can be difficult to do it on your shoulder as your pump parts may be in the way. You may be able to turn baby over on one arm, and pat his back with your other hand.
Another issue with feeding while pumping is when baby is really hungry and needs to eat immediately. When this happens, you might not want to take the time to set yourself up to pump before you feed him.
In this situation, what I did was walk around holding my baby and soothing him while warming the bottle. Then, once the bottle was ready, I fed him one ounce or so to take the edge off. (At night, I also did diaper changes at this point in case my baby fell asleep while eating.)
Then, I quickly set myself up to pump and finished the feeding.
Pumping While Putting Baby to SleepIf it’s too difficult to juggle feeding your baby while you pump, you can try to get him to sleep.
If your baby needs to be held to go back to sleep, you can put him in your lap while you pump.
You can try jiggling your leg or using your arms a bit to give a little rocking motion. This way, you are right there if your baby needs a burp or a pacifier replaced.
Then, once you’re done pumping, you can move the baby to his crib or bassinet or wherever he sleeps.
Another option is to put the baby in a bouncy seat next to you.
This way you can rock baby as needed with your feet while you pump, and still be close enough to replace a pacifier. Once you’re done pumping, you can move your baby to his crib.
(Make sure to keep an eye on your baby, as some experts have warned against babies sleeping in bouncy seats unsupervised.)
Pump While Playing with Baby
The other option is to put baby on his play mat for tummy time or just to play with his toys while you sit next to him and pump. This works better if you have pumping sessions on the shorter side (around 15 minutes).
If this is a challenge, see if it’s easier if you single pump or use a manual pump, as it doesn’t restrict your range of motion as much.
Pumping with a mobile baby can be really challenging, as many babies consider breast pumps a fascinating toy.
If your baby is mobile, at this point, hopefully naps are a bit more predictable and sleep is not at the premium that it was when your baby was a newborn. If possible, it’s easiest to pump while your baby naps or is asleep for the night.
However, sometimes you need to pump and for whatever reason, your baby is not going to nap. Here are a few ways to manage.
High Chair and a Basket of Toys
Put your baby in his highchair, and grab a basket of toys (or finger food/purees if your baby is eating solids) and sit next to the baby. Set yourself up to pump hands-free.
Try to keep baby entertained with toys/food while you pump.
A lot of stuff is going to get thrown on the floor, but just leave it until you’re done pumping.
Pump with Collection Cups
You may also be able to use collection cups with the pump you have now.
This keeps most of the tubing under your shirt, making it harder for baby to grab.
Some options are Legendairy Milk cups, Freemie cups, or Spectra Cara Cups.
Want to check these out? Legendairy Milk reached out and gave me a discount code – take 15% off with the code EPUMP!
If you have an exersaucer or jumparoo, you can try getting a quick 10 or 15 minute pumping session in while you baby plays in it.
You can sit right by it and interact with him in case he cries, but he won’t be able to grab your tubing or pump parts.
Get in the Car
If your baby likes driving, put your baby in his carseat and go for a quick drive.
You can pump and drive at the same time, or you can drive until baby falls asleep and then pull over and pump.
Try a Pump Without Tubing
There are a few pumps (such as the Willow and Elvie) that are wireless.
These are expensive but can make exclusively pumping with an older baby much easier, since everything is in your bra.
Single Pump or Use a Manual Pump
If you’re really in need of a quick session and none of the above will work, try using a manual pump to get a quick pump in while playing with the baby.
There are less parts to grab and less chance of spilling. You can make the up any missed pumping time later, when your baby is sleeping.
Caring for a baby while pumping is a real challenge, but hopefully these tips will make it easier! Let us if you know if you have any other ideas in the comments.
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How to Care for Your Baby While Pumping Breast Milk – bökee
Caring for a baby is hard work in and of itself, so when you throw in pumping on top of that, it can be hard to juggle it all. If you’re not sure how you’re going to manage pumping while caring for your baby, that’s a normal worry. But we’re here to give you our best tips on how it can be done.
Whether you’re pumping exclusively or pumping a couple of times per day to build your milk stash, we’re going to share our best methods for managing it while simultaneously caring for your baby. Now what you get still may not be “pretty,” but it will certainly be the beautiful mess of a mama’s love.
Ideas for How to Safely Care for Your Baby While You PumpIf you’re wondering, “What should I do with my baby while I’m pumping?” that’s a valid question! It can be hard to feel like you’re keeping your focus on your baby while getting in the pumping you need to do (which is also a way you’re caring for your baby. ..you’re basically a rockstar mom!)
If you’re feeling pressure to have to be holding your baby 24/7 even while you pump, try to let this go. It can be really tough if you have a baby who demands your attention all the time, so if this is the case, we do have some tips for you on how to hold your baby and pump at the same time. Just know that you can be an excellent caregiver to your baby with them next to you instead of having them in your arms. Because of course we know you are snuggling and holding your baby plenty all those times you aren’t pumping!
Hold Your BabyThough you should not feel like you need to hold your baby while you’re pumping, it can actually help with your output. And for some moms, they actually feel less stressed when their babies are in their arms as opposed to not. So of course do what’s best for you without feeling the pressure of doing what you think is “right.”
If you do want to hold your baby while you pump, you’ll want to at the very least utilize a pumping bra (if not a completely hands-free pump). Here are the best ways to do that
Option 1: Hold your young infant between your two breasts and allow them to lay their head down on your chest. Even with the pump parts attached to you, there should be enough room to lay your baby on your chest. If your baby is sleepy, or at a stage where they aren’t too wiggly, this method works well. You can also do this skin-to-skin which is a wonderful to snuggle a newborn.
Option 2: If you plan to bottle feed your baby while pumping, you can lay them on your knees (so they are looking face up at you.) This way they can still be snuggled up to you but can get their feeding in at the same time. Personally, I think this one is really tricky, so if you can feed them BEFORE you pump, that would be ideal. We recommend using the bökee to get your baby's bottle prepped and ready before you begin pumping - then keep it close by to help you stabilize your bottles as you finish up pumping to avoid any spills.
Option 3: Use a nursing pillow for assistance. You can still “hold” your baby without having them completely in your arms. This is something I did a lot when I pumped and was caring for my baby at the same time. I would position my nursing pillow around and prop my baby on it so that she was right up against me. I could caress her head or rub her chest while still being able to pump at the same time.
RELATED: How to Prepare a Bottle of Breastmilk
Put Your Baby in a Swing Next to YouYounger babies are often content when placed in a swing. The rocking sensation and music is calming for them and some swings even have a mobile for your baby to look at. Keep them at an arm’s reach in case they need you, but chances are if you make this your routine, they will stay happy for the duration of your pumping time. And if you have a really young baby who can't stay awake for long, this is a great way to get them to take a little snooze (under supervision, of course. )
I often found it to be the easiest to sit on the floor while I pumped. This was because I could have my baby right next to me while keeping them thoroughly entertained. Playmats and baby play gyms are great for this. This works especially well for moms who are on an eat-wake-sleep cycle with their little ones, which is a great routine to follow to help your baby become an independent sleeper. If you feed your baby right before you pump, chances are they will happily play alongside you while you complete your pumping.
This is also great for giving them the tummy time they need, just make sure you're close by.
Utilize a Pack ‘N PlayThere is absolutely nothing wrong with putting your baby in a safe place such as a playpen so that you can pump as quickly as possible with the lowest amount of stress. If your baby is several months old and on the move, this may be the best way to go.
You can put a few of your baby’s favorite toys in there to keep them entertained and supervise while pumping close to them. Your baby may whimper the first few times you try this since they’ll likely want to be with you when you’re in sight. But it is great for your baby to learn some independence. Pumping usually only takes 10-15 minutes, and this is the perfect amount of time to let your baby play on their own and then they’ll be back in your arms soon enough.
For the mobile baby older than 6 months, using an exersaucer is another great option. I wouldn't recommend this choice during every feeding, but for one or two sessions per day, this works well. These are not only great for distracting your baby and keeping them busy (and out of mischief!) while you pump, but they can also aid in your baby's development.
Other Tips That Will Help You Care for Your Baby While PumpingUsing a combination of the above options throughout the day works best. Having everything close by your designated pumping area makes it easy to choose what's best depending on your baby's mood at the time of feeding. Besides determining the best place to put your baby while you pump, there are some other things that you can do that will help pumping go more smoothly while also giving your baby the best care possible.
These have worked well for us and we think they’ll work great for you, too!
Get Everything Set and Ready Before PumpingOnce you begin pumping, you’re generally tied to where you’re sitting for the most part (unless you have a hands-free pump - see below!) Because of this, you want to make sure that you have your area completely prepped and ready before you get that pump rolling. This also means having everything you need to entertain or comfort your baby while doing so.
In our article, “Best Breast Pumping Tips for New Moms,” we discuss the importance of having a designated pumping spot, as well. If you always pump in the same place, you’ll be able to have everything you need within reach and won’t have to set it up each time. The first on our list is one we consider to be a necessity:
- the bökee - This tool is something you’ll want to have among your most precious baby gear.
Not only does this simple (yet genius!) product help you prep a bottle one-handed, but it comes in incredibly handy when you’re needing to handle your milk from pumping while caring for your baby at the same time.
These are the other items we always like to have close by:
- Water Bottle - Pumping makes you thirsty!
- Snack Stash - Pumping also makes you hungry!
- Phone/Kindle/Remote
- Baby Blanket
- Baby Toys
- Nursing Pillow - we especially love the Twin Z Pillow as we discuss here
- Burp cloth - to remove moisture after pumping or to be prepared for the inevitable spit up from your baby close by
I cannot tell you what a lifesaver a hands-free pump can be. With my first two babies I used a standard double-electric pump, but kept seeing ads for a hands-free pump while I was pregnant with my third. Since I would not only be juggling 1 child, but 3, I knew I needed this. Now you can even get cordless/tubeless hands-free pumps making it easy to walk around or hold your baby while you pump. Personally, the extra cost is completely worth it for the sanity this type of pump can bring you.
If you are pumping to supplement and to create a stash for future use (as opposed to exclusively pumping), then that likely means you are utilizing breastfeeding to feed your baby. When determining your timing for pumping, it’s beneficial to pump directly after feeding your baby. Not only will you ensure that your baby is getting a full feeding, but this is also one of the best ways for your baby to be content while you pump. This method works great for bottle feeding, too. A baby with a full tummy is most often a happy baby, which means your baby will very likely happily play under a playmat or with some toys next to you so that you can get your pumping done with ease.
Pump When Your Baby is SleepingIt can be tempting to “multi-task” and try to pump while caring for your baby. And while you will likely need to do this sometimes, especially if you’re exclusively pumping, it’s much less stressful if you can carve a time to completely relax while you pump. If you have other things you like to do or need to get done while your baby sleeps, that is understandable. But if you can have everything prepped and ready to go, hopefully you only need to take 10-15 minutes of your baby’s naptime to get your pumping done.
Whether you decide you’ll pump while your baby is sleeping, awake, or both, it will really help to pump on a schedule. Even if you’re only pumping a couple of times per day, it’s best to always do these sessions at the same time. That way, both you and your baby will come to expect what’s going on at this time each day. Even though your baby is tiny, they pick up on cues. If that's always the time they play on their playmat next to you, they'll be much less likely to put up a fuss if that's what they are used to doing.
Pumping while caring for a baby takes some strategic managing, but honestly, it's what we moms do best!
Expressing, storing and thawing breast milk
Unlike breastfeeding, which is a natural process, pumping works a little differently. That is why efforts should be made to keep the milk flowing during pumping. Here are some ways that can make pumping easier:
- Calm and pleasant environment
- Optimistic attitude
- Self-confidence and support of others
- Confidence in an emotional connection with the infant
- Having the baby present during pumping (if this is not possible, sometimes looking at his picture or smelling his clothes is enough)
- Soothing warm drink (not coffee)
- Hot shower or hot compresses before pumping
- Gently massage the nipples
- Gently stroke the areola and nipples with the fingertips
- Gently massage with clenched fists over the breast towards the nipple
- Massage the back between the shoulder blades along the spine with circular movements of the thumbs for several minutes
How to express milk?
First of all, wash your hands with soap and water. It is not necessary to wash the nipple specifically.
Principle of pumping:
In the first 3 days after birth, pump 5 minutes on each side, 3 times on each breast. From the fourth day (when milk already appears), you should express until the milk stops flowing and then switch to the second breast. A double-ended pump can express for at least 10 minutes. It should be pumped 8 times a day: once before bedtime, once after sleep and 6 more times during the day. There should be no more than 6 hours between evening and morning pumping, otherwise it may make pumping difficult.
You can massage your nipples with breast milk after every pumping.
If the mother is interested in breastfeeding in the future, this method is very important especially in the first weeks after childbirth, as it stimulates the production of milk in an amount sufficient for the child.
For your information: pumping is a temporary option. Once your baby is able to latch on (each baby has a different developmental rhythm), you can gradually transition to breastfeeding
- In the skin-to-skin position, you can let it slide a little lower towards the chest to get used to the position, sniff and lick the nipple name.
- It is advisable to give the baby fresh milk
- If you bring fresh milk in the morning or in the evening, they will prefer to use it first, and only then the frozen leftovers
- At a certain stage, the infant will begin to receive a breast milk supplement - HMF (Human Milk Fortifier), a fortifying supplement containing protein, calcium and phosphorus, which are not supplied to premature babies in sufficient quantities

Rules of behavior in the pumping room
- Wash hands before using the pumping device
- Only breastfeeding mothers are allowed to enter the pumping room, fathers are not allowed to enter so as not to cause discomfort to other women
- You can’t eat in the pumping room, you can and should drink
- Cleanliness and order should be observed
- After pumping, disassemble the bottles into parts and wash them in a specially designed machine
Storage of mother’s milk
Mother’s milk is stored in plastic sealed container, which can be obtained from a nurse. The label on the container will include your name, the date and time you pumped, and a sticker with your baby's details.
For premature babies and newborns, store milk in the refrigerator compartment for up to 24 hours, in the freezer for up to 4 months.
At home, you can store your expressed milk in the refrigerator for up to 4 days and in the freezer (not in the door) for up to 4 months.
In a cold place, breast milk separates into a more watery and fatty layer, you can shake it a little before drinking.
Again, freshly expressed milk is most preferred by the infant. If you are going to bring expressed milk from home, you must arrive at the office before 9in the morning so that fresh milk can be used on the same day, since the daily portions are prepared only in the morning.
Milk should be brought fresh or frozen in a container with ice.
Thawing breast milk
- Thawing breast milk is done at room temperature
- Thawed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours
- Do not refreeze thawed milk
- Fresh milk is always preferred, but when the baby first starts eating it will be before total frozen colostrum used, in date and hour order (within the first 4 days of pumping).
- Heating breast milk after being in the refrigerator will only be heated in a special device by the ward nurse. Parents are not allowed to touch it. Heating milk in a microwave oven is not recommended, as the radiation destroys some of the ingredients.
Pumping: when and how? | Articles by doctors of the EMC clinic about diseases, diagnosis and treatment
In the life of a mother and baby, there are moments when breastfeeding is impossible or difficult for some reason. For example, a child has to be left without a mother for several hours - which means that a supply of milk is needed for him. Or in the case when the baby sucks badly at the breast, but eats well from the bottle, and pumping is the only way to feed him.
This can happen if the baby is born prematurely, and the very process of sucking the mother's breast turns out to be hard physical work for him - such an infant can also be offered expressed milk.
The same applies to the situation when the baby is ill and feeling unwell prevents him from fully sucking, as he is too weak to make the efforts necessary to "extract" breast milk. In this case, it should be expressed for 2 reasons: firstly, to provide the child with complete and optimal nutrition for him, and secondly, to maintain lactation.
Situations are different, so it is important to understand why pumping is necessary, how to do it correctly and what are the conditions for storing breast milk.
When and why to express?
Pumping is the process by which a nursing mother manually or with the help of a breast pump extracts milk from her breast.
This is not a mandatory procedure for everyone, and it does not need to be carried out after each feeding, since the milk in the female breast is formed exactly as much as is needed to saturate the baby at a certain age. Those. how much milk the baby ate in one feeding - so much will appear in the breast by the next.
But if, after applying, you also express the rest of the milk, then by the upcoming feeding it will be produced more than the child can eat - and this often leads to stagnation of milk (lactostasis).
Milk should be expressed when:
Having to bottle feed or supplement a baby for one reason or another. If at the same time the pediatrician did not forbid the baby to eat breast milk, then the mother needs to feed the baby expressed.
The baby is left without a mother for a long time. There are times when a woman needs to go away, and she cannot take the child with her. In this case, you can leave a supply of milk for several hours, after decanting it.
Mom is sick. It happens that during lactation a woman becomes seriously ill and is forced to take medications that penetrate into breast milk, which is strictly forbidden to give to a child. Medicines contained in milk, once in the child's body, can have an adverse effect on it. To prevent this from happening, the pediatrician will help you choose the milk formula that you need to feed the baby during the mother’s illness. Pumping in such a situation will help a woman maintain lactation until recovery.
Mom goes to work. A mother's return to work before the end of lactation can put her before a choice: transfer the baby to formula milk or feed it with expressed milk. Recently, more and more parents are choosing the latter option, since breast milk is much healthier than artificial nutrition.
Injured nipples. With improper care and attachment of the child to the breast, cracks may appear on the nipples. Feeding in this condition of the nipples becomes very painful for the mother, and then the baby should be briefly transferred to expressed milk from a bottle. This is useful because the nipples are less likely to get irritated when they are expressed than when they are sucked by an infant. In a few days, the nipples will heal, and it will be possible to resume feeding the crumbs directly from the breast.
There is a risk of lactostasis. A child, especially in the first days after birth, is not always able to suck out all the milk.
To avoid lactostasis, mom needs to express excess milk. If this is not done in a timely manner, stagnation of milk can lead to inflammation of the mammary gland - mastitis. However, you must follow all the rules of pumping and do not resort to it after each feeding: this will only increase the flow of milk.
Not enough milk is produced. Pumping will help normalize lactation, as it leads to an increase in the production of milk in the breast, which can be useful during a lactation crisis.
5 pumping inhibitions
In order not to harm herself and not leave the baby without breast milk, the mother must know and be sure to follow the basic rules of pumping:
Do not express more than 3 times a day if pumping is combined with breastfeeding because this will lead to excess milk production. If the mother is sick and the baby is not applied to the breast, it is necessary to express with a frequency approximately equal to the number of feedings (on average, once every 3 hours - 8 times a day).
Do not express immediately after feeding, as this may lead to hyperlactation, ie. increased milk production.
Do not express "to the last drop". The main indicator by the end of pumping should be a feeling of relief in the chest. The female body regards the emptying of the breast without a trace as an increased need for milk by the child - and begins to produce more milk, which the baby cannot eat, therefore, there will be a threat of milk stagnation.
Do not express during the night, as this may also lead to the formation of excess milk. The main hormone responsible for milk production - prolactin - has a daily rhythm of formation, most of all it is produced at night, in response to the baby sucking or pumping.
Do not express on the first day after the arrival of milk. Usually, when lactation begins, more milk is produced than the newborn needs, and it is necessary to get rid of its excess. Therefore, just at the time of the arrival of milk, you can not express everything without a trace.
If the breast is very dense, then it is recommended to express only a small amount of milk so that it becomes softer and the baby can fully capture and eat it.
Substances that signal that milk is being produced in excess appear in the filled breast after about 1 day. If you express all the milk accumulated in the chest earlier than in a day, then it will be produced in the same amount.
Hand Expression Technique
There are two ways to express - manually and with a breast pump. Usually, each mother chooses the most convenient option for her. It is better to do it manually at home, when a woman has enough time, since the whole process will take some time. Breast pumps will help a working mother, which greatly facilitate the pumping process.
Rules for hand pumping
It is best to express milk 10-15 minutes after the end of feeding the baby. Wash your hands thoroughly beforehand. If you use any breast cream, wipe the skin and nipples with a cotton swab or pad soaked in breast milk. Prepare a wide-mouth milk container by first washing it under running water and then sterilizing it (by boiling, in a steam sterilizer or in a dishwasher).
Sit comfortably, keeping your back straight, because pumping can take some time, and an uncomfortable position can cause back pain.
Gently grasp the chest: the little finger is under the chest at the ribs, the remaining fingers are positioned so as to support the chest from below. The thumb lies on top, about 3-4 cm from the nipple. In this case, the thumb and forefinger are located opposite each other, forming the letter "C".
Use your thumb and forefinger to gently press down on your chest and hold this position for a few seconds. In no case do not bring your fingers together, they should remain in the same position, the letter "C".
Repeat pressing, moving the palm in a circle - this way you will use all the ducts of the mammary gland.
Be patient, milk may not come out immediately, but only after a while. If you are pumping for the first time, check with your doctor or lactation consultant beforehand to show you how to proceed.
Manual pumping errors
Do not squeeze the nipple: this way you will only hurt yourself and injure the breast, and you will not express milk fully.
Do not press the palm too tightly against the skin, moving the hand across the chest so that there is no irritation and microtrauma.
Do not give up at the first unsuccessful attempts, be patient.
Breast pumps
Breast pumps make pumping much easier, as they are designed to fit all the anatomical features of the female breast.
Which one to choose? Breast pumps are divided into mechanical and electrical. In the first case, the pumping process is carried out manually: by squeezing the “pear”, the woman starts the suction mechanism. Electric models are good because they work independently: from the mains or from batteries (batteries, accumulators) and do not require additional effort on the part of the woman.
Mom usually chooses a breast pump model according to her taste and financial capabilities. It should be borne in mind that devices powered by batteries lose power faster than devices powered by the mains.
Many women are confused by the fact that electric breast pumps are loud enough. To date, there are a large number of silent devices, which is recommended to pay attention to when buying. The most effective are electric breast pumps that express both breasts at the same time and have the option of adjusting the thrust force and suction speed.
When choosing a breast pump, pay attention to the presence of the “boil and sterilize” marking. There must be the possibility of such heat treatment of parts of the apparatus. If the model cannot be boiled and sterilized, it is better to refuse to purchase it and look for another one.
Rules for expressing with a breast pump
Before pumping for the first time, carefully read the instructions for the device. Check that it is properly assembled.
Sterilize the funnel and sump (boil or use a sterilizer).
Position the funnel so that the nipple is in the center of the funnel.
The draw should be the lowest, especially at first, until the breast is accustomed to expressing with a breast pump. Each breast must be pumped until a feeling of relief, add 2 minutes to this time. On average, the process will take about 15 minutes.
Pumping, like manual pumping, should be carried out some time after feeding.
Basic mistakes when expressing with a breast pump
Incorrect position of the funnel of the breast pump can cause pain to the woman. Remember: the nipple should be located strictly in the center of the funnel of the device.
Very long pumping. Do not exceed the time required to collect milk, this can lead to hyperlactation (production of excess milk).
Very strong traction. If your breast pump has a selectable thrust function, you should use the smallest one so as not to hurt your breasts.
Care of the breast pump. A breast pump, like any machine, needs proper care. It must not be clogged so as not to contaminate the milk.
Each model has a care instruction, which you should definitely read before using the device.
When washing, always disassemble the pump completely, removing even the smallest parts. This will prevent stagnation of milk residues in them.
Before each use, sterilize all parts of the machine that come into contact with milk. This can be done with a sterilizer.
Milk defrosting
Never thaw or heat breast milk in a microwave oven. When heated in the microwave, the milk warms up unevenly, while feeding the baby can burn. Also, due to the rapid heating of frozen milk when using a microwave, most of the useful properties of this invaluable product are lost.
To defrost breast milk, place it on the refrigerator shelf, and when it becomes liquid, heat it up. To do this, lower the milk bottle into hot water or put it under hot water.