Real food for mother and baby

Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck - Ebook

Ebook378 pages4 hours

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



About this ebook

Ten years ago, Nina Planck changed the way we think about what we eat with the groundbreaking Real Food. And when Nina became pregnant, she took the same hard look at the nutritional advice for pregnancy and newborns, finding a tangle of often contradictory guidelines that seemed at odds with her own common sense.

In Real Food for Mother and Baby, Nina explains why some commonly held ideas about pregnancy and infant nutrition are wrongheaded--and why real food is good for growing minds and bodies. While her general concept isn't surprising, some of the details might be. For expecting mothers and babies up to two years old, the body's overwhelming requirements are fat and protein, not vegetables and low-fat dairy--which is why, for example, cereals aren't right for babies, but meat and egg yolks are excellent.

Nina shares tips and advice like a trusted friend, and in this updated edition, her afterword presents the latest findings and some newly won wisdom from watching her three children grow on real food.

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PublisherBloomsbury USA

Release dateMay 10, 2016



Nina Planck

Nina Planck, author of Real Food: What to Eat and Why and The Farmer's Market Cookbook is a leading expert on farmer's markets and traditional food. In London, England she created the first farmer's market and in New York City, she ran the legendary Greenmarkets. She has a one-year-old son named Julian, who eats real food.

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Reviews for Real Food for Mother and Baby

Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars


4 ratings4 reviews

  • alynnk_2

    Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


    While I’m not yet at that point in my life where I’m settling down and getting married and having babies, I really enjoyed reading through Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods by Nina Planck. It’s loaded with information about food and nutrition while maintaining an easy-to-read style, and perhaps best of all, it doesn’t preach. Planck tells you what she knows – which is, admittedly, a lot, and she brings in the experts to verify what she’s saying, so you don’t have to take only her word on it – and she relates stories about her own pregnancy, but then she leaves it up to you to decide what’s best for your body and your baby.The book is broken down into five sections, beginning with the chapter entitled ‘What is Real Food?’ that starts with a basic explanation of, you guessed it, what the author calls ‘real food’: the old and the traditional. Foods that were eaten long before food became part of an industry, foods that aren’t processed within an inch of their life, and foods that haven’t been enhanced and added-to before they’re sold are the staples of the ‘real food’ diet. Planck then moves on to chapters covering ‘The Fertility Diet’ [what to eat when you’re trying to conceive, and what foods best prepare your body for the rigors of pregnancy], ‘Forty Weeks’ [how the foods you eat can influence your baby’s development], ‘Nursing Your Baby’ [championing the benefits of breastfeeding over formula use], and ‘First Foods’ [introducing your child to something a little more solid]. The back of the book also provides a list of resources for further reading on a range of topics, from postnatal depression to autism and allergies and various birthing techniques.Overall, this is a stellar book. Like I said, I’m nowhere near ready for the baby-specific information, but I read this book cover to cover, and it’s now full of post-it flags for easier future reference. I’ve found myself returning to the first chapter on foods basics more than once. A lot of what Planck presents just makes sense, and with so much information and misinformation floating around in the media – eggs are bad! no, wait, eggs are good! – it’s great to have something to fall back on when everything gets confusing. I’ve even broken it out when having baby-related discussions with friends and plan on presenting a copy or two as gifts to friends in the future. And, yeah, maybe I do look forward to using the information for my own personal use some day.

  • donnerlibrary

    Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


    Nina Planck is an advocate for what she calls 'real food. ' These are the staples of our ancestors, prepared in traditional ways. Fruits, vegetables, eggs, meats, cheese, and milk minimally processed if processed at all. Planck provides compelling arguments for eating this way based on nutritional comparisons.While some of the ideas she presents for general eating and eating during pregnancy fall quite far from mainstream thinking, she does provide science to back up her claims. The stories she shares of her own pregnancy and how it shaped her diet are interesting. Although there were some aspects of her experiences that I would not have shared during my own pregnancy (such as having glasses of wine), I was able to take away some good information from this section of the book.Planck lost me, however, when it came to the section on baby's first foods. Essentially she fed her son chunks of various table foods almost from the beginning of his solid food experience. While I do not doubt the nutritional value of the foods she was feeding him, my concern is that some of the foods she mentioned would present a potential choking hazard. I simply cannot imagine letting my eight month old daughter chew on a pork chop! Planck also threw out all conventional wisdom regarding babies and allergies, giving her son many foods before his first birthday that most doctors do not recommend.I enjoyed reading this book and I do feel that I learned something from it. I think each person reading this book will have to find their own comfort level with the information presented and take what they can use while leaving the rest behind.

  • ladydzura

    Rating: 5 out of 5 stars


    While I’m not yet at that point in my life where I’m settling down and getting married and having babies, I really enjoyed reading through Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods by Nina Planck. It’s loaded with information about food and nutrition while maintaining an easy-to-read style, and perhaps best of all, it doesn’t preach. Planck tells you what she knows – which is, admittedly, a lot, and she brings in the experts to verify what she’s saying, so you don’t have to take only her word on it – and she relates stories about her own pregnancy, but then she leaves it up to you to decide what’s best for your body and your baby. The book is broken down into five sections, beginning with the chapter entitled ‘What is Real Food?’ that starts with a basic explanation of, you guessed it, what the author calls ‘real food’: the old and the traditional. Foods that were eaten long before food became part of an industry, foods that aren’t processed within an inch of their life, and foods that haven’t been enhanced and added-to before they’re sold are the staples of the ‘real food’ diet. Planck then moves on to chapters covering ‘The Fertility Diet’ [what to eat when you’re trying to conceive, and what foods best prepare your body for the rigors of pregnancy], ‘Forty Weeks’ [how the foods you eat can influence your baby’s development], ‘Nursing Your Baby’ [championing the benefits of breastfeeding over formula use], and ‘First Foods’ [introducing your child to something a little more solid]. The back of the book also provides a list of resources for further reading on a range of topics, from postnatal depression to autism and allergies and various birthing techniques. Overall, this is a stellar book. Like I said, I’m nowhere near ready for the baby-specific information, but I read this book cover to cover, and it’s now full of post-it flags for easier future reference. I’ve found myself returning to the first chapter on foods basics more than once. A lot of what Planck presents just makes sense, and with so much information and misinformation floating around in the media – eggs are bad! no, wait, eggs are good! – it’s great to have something to fall back on when everything gets confusing. I’ve even broken it out when having baby-related discussions with friends and plan on presenting a copy or two as gifts to friends in the future. And, yeah, maybe I do look forward to using the information for my own personal use some day.

  • devourerofbooks

    Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


    Nina Planck is a proponent of ‘real food.’ She had even written a book on the topic, and was touring for said book when she discovered she was pregnant. As a food activist, Nina did her research about eating before, during, and after pregnancy, as well as feeding young children. When the conventional wisdom sounded wrong to her, she dug deeper to find out what really is best for mothers and babies.This book is broken into 5 parts: What is Real Food; The Fertility Diet; Forty Weeks; Nursing Your Baby; and First Foods. The most important thing to know is probably Nina’s definition of real food. Real food is “old and traditional.” If someone hasn’t been eating it for hundreds of years, you probably shouldn’t either.What I really liked about this book was Nina’s approach. While scientific she was also very relational, sharing her experiences of pregnancy, nursing, and feeding her young baby. She laid out what sorts of foods one should eat and why, but she was not dictatorial about it and suggested certain supplements if you simply cannot eat that food for one reason or another.This book is quite informative and an engaging read at the same time. If you have enjoyed any of Michael Pollan’s books or articles on food and are pregnant, have a young child, or are considering getting pregnant, this is something worth picking up.

Real Food for Mother and Baby by Nina Planck

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Real Food for Mother and Baby The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby’s First Foods
By Nina Planck
Bloomsbury, 2009

Nina Planck’s landmark book, Real Food: What to Eat and Why, was a bold and enthusiastic promotion of traditional, old-fashioned foods, and especially of long-revered animal fats such as butter and lard. Since the birth of her first child, Planck has now followed up with Real Food for Mother and Baby and, as readers might expect, this book is in part a reprise of many of the key nutrition discussions of her earlier work, with a particular focus on fertility and pregnancy diets. At first glance Planck’s advice seems comprehensive and sound; her upbeat reassurances beam from the pages. She uses all the right words; she invokes the name of Weston Price. Soon though, the reader finds that Planck did not follow these guidelines; she ends up reducing traditional dietary recommendations to such a degree that these shortcuts sabotage the very wisdom that informed her guidelines in the first place. Her predilection for breezy simplification results in serious misrepresentation and confusion.

For instance, “The Fertility Diet” chapter has plenty of good, detailed advice for both men and women who wish to conceive. “If you’re ready to have a baby, change your diet first,” Planck counsels. Be an omnivore for access to diverse nutrients; get those fat-soluble vitamins by eating the right fatty foods; indulge in plenty of clean seafood; and avoid simple carbohydrates in their many industrial guises. For those unsure of their diet, however, Planck falls back to recommending a basic prenatal multivitamin and taking extra folic acid rather than emphasizing the especially important foods that provide these nutrients: “If you eat plenty of real food, that’s all you need to do [take a multivitamin plus folic acid]. If you don’t, I suggest a little cod liver oil for vitamins A and D. If you’re surprised to find yourself pregnant, don’t fret. Just start eating well. Most mothers and babies do just fine.”

Planck reduces her fertility advice to one short paragraph called “Five Easy Pieces,”—a simplified list of only five foods: “For vitamins A, D, and K2, drink whole milk. For vitamin E, be generous with extra-virgin olive oil. For folate, have a green salad. For iodine, eat wild salmon, or any seafood. For zinc and vitamin B12, any red meat will do. It’s just plain real food, and substituting other real foods is fine.”

Planck’s recommendation for whole milk to provide vitamins A, D and K2 has the effect of obscuring and diminishing the conclusions of Dr. Price. Whole milk will provide small amounts of vitamins A, D and K2if—very big if—the cows are eating rapidly growing green grass in the spring and fall; a container of whole milk from the grocery store is unlikely to contain vitamins A and K2, and the vitamin D will have been added. The store milk is likely pasteurized or ultrapasteurized, a process that compromises the lactoglobulins that help the body absorb vitamins A and D. In any event, Dr. Price never recommended whole milk as a good source of A, D and K2 (his Activator X). Raw whole milk from pasture-fed cows is an excellent source of calcium, minerals and a range of other nutrients, but it cannot supply adequate fat-soluble activators to ensure successful reproduction and optimal development in the child—you need cod liver oil, organ meats, certain seafoods and plenty of grass-fed butter for that. So the devil is in the details, which Planck cheerfully glosses over.

Thus Planck’s Panglossian assurances regarding dietary requirements and women’s pregnancy and birth outcomes are blindly optimistic, amounting to a kind of deception. The inescapable reality in America today is that we have a crisis in reproductive outcomes directly affected by our generally deplorable diet. Planck is carefree, however: “My own fertility diet was basic. I took extra folic acid and a little cod liver oil. . . Here and there my diary says ‘bison heart’ or some other obscure traditional food, but I can assure you those meals were rare. Most American women get pregnant without eating bison heart.” While that last statement may be strictly true, with current U.S. infertility rates reported at about 25 percent, serious problems like these need accurate advice and serious solutions.

Planck introduces the research of Weston Price, and particularly his observations of the nutrition practices of the native peoples he visited who exhibited superb health and reproductive vigor. Unlike Planck, Price was humbled by the great care and attention these people devoted to nurturing the next generation—not just choosing any old milk or meat, but going to great lengths to procure special foods, especially for mothers-to-be. And of course these people were already consuming nothing but nutritious real foods, as well as drinking clean water and breathing clean air in undefiled environments. Nonetheless, their native wisdom demanded that young men and women preparing for marriage, and that pregnant women, new mothers and young children should regularly receive still more of these especially important foods to ensure perfect health for future generations. This philosophy of nurturance (not to mention the long view on our dependence on one another) sounds extraordinary to many today, but the message remains that preparing for childbirth is an undertaking of the highest commitment and dedication.

By stark contrast, Planck was fourteen when she decided to become a vegan in order to lose weight. At precisely the age when young women in the traditional groups Price studied were receiving extra nutrition for their reproductive health, Planck embarked on a voluntary exile into a nutritional wasteland that lasted about a decade. Even after she transitioned from vegan to vegetarian in order to eat fat-free yogurt, her consumption of fat was never more than a trickle of olive oil, and her diet never included animal fats. It was during her stay in London in her twenties and her work in establishing farmers’ markets there that she found herself in the midst of a cornucopia of real foods and finally came to her senses. Nevertheless, the dark legacy of those critically vulnerable years in the nutritional desert is worrying. Although Planck never reflected on the possible damage caused by those years of sub-optimal nutrition, astute readers ought to take heed when regarding their own reproductive health history. Those who have been vegans or lowfat vegetarians need to follow a diet of truly nutrient-dense foods, with keen attention to detail, for considerable time before getting pregnant.

Planck addresses the question of environmental pollutants and their effects on the developing fetus, recalling with chagrin the herbicides her parents used on their farm during her childhood. Of course, farm children bear the greatest risk of accumulated chemical exposures and later effects. Rather than focus about what might be residing in her body and how to find dietary protection now that she was newly pregnant, Planck decided instead to think positively and continue on as before. Planck’s situation ought to at least provide a warning to other women who have been exposed to chemicals in their youth: they will need even more care with their preconception diet in order to replenish and protect themselves.


Right off the bat we learn that Planck is alarmed by how much food she is asked to eat to satisfy most pregnancy dietary advice. With no increase in appetite, although with a great increase in fatigue, she becomes peevish and impatient with recommendations that seem overwhelming to her. Unfortunately, she has forgotten to heed her own advice to change her diet before becoming pregnant.

She reproduces the list of fats and proteins recommended by the WAPF that she typed up for herself and taped to her refrigerator. “Then I tried the diet,” she continues. “Impossible. I couldn’t even manage it for one full day.” The diet that has helped hundreds of mothers give birth to vibrantly healthy babies gets no more than one day’s effort. She doesn’t really like beef and lamb, and no matter how hard she tries, can’t find a way to use lard daily. And there was just too much food.

Turning next to Adelle Davis’s Let’s Have Healthy Children, Planck found the advice more to her liking: “Davis emphasized the elements you needed to build a baby: vitamins, protein, calcium. She suggested you fill in the rest, according to taste and hunger: fruit, brown rice, whole wheat toast, chocolate. (True, she never mentioned chocolate, but women who eat chocolate daily when they’re pregnant have babies who smile more.)”

Planck crankily tries to be the Good Eater: “For a few weeks, I dutifully ate liver twice a week. To make room for all the beef, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, milk and butter, I reluctantly cut way back on dark chocolate (to a couple of squares), fresh fruit (from five or six pieces down to two or three), and homemade ice cream, now with a mere smidgen of honey or maple syrup. . . Still, I wasn’t happy. Meals were not a pleasure.”

It seems to me odd that Planck should be suffering alone with her mealtime quandaries—where was the baby’s father, or Planck’s mother or aunt or friends? How about some help from our local WAPF chapter? Especially in the days when all she wanted to do was sleep, couldn’t someone else provide tempting, nutrition-packed meals each day? Planck quotes Dr. Price, who wrote of tribal leaders in the Fiji Islands who assigned teenage boys the task of seeking special seafood daily for the expectant mothers to nourish their children. Pregnant women need support and nourishment from their “tribe.”

Instead, Planck plugs on alone and once again comes up with a simplified eating approach to the forty weeks of pregnancy, dividing the period into three “acts.” Each “act” involves the development of a different system of the baby’s organism, and Planck highlights the foods that are particularly necessary at those times: “As long as I was taking cod liver oil, I realized, I didn’t need to eat liver twice a week for vitamins A and D. As long as I had a little grass-fed butter oil…I didn’t need to worry if there was enough butter on my eggs. I could probably skip the extra lard altogether. (Hurrah!) When I took fish oil, I didn’t worry if I wasn’t hungry for salmon.” So Planck herself was not relying on milk for vitamins A and D. But she does not say which brand or how much—a critical omission.


A home-born child herself, Planck naturally planned to deliver her own baby at home. However, after laboring without progress and in constant pain for twenty-four hours, Planck’s midwife calls off the homebirth and drives her to the backup hospital. The baby is in a difficult posterior position, and Planck’s labor remains stalled. Per routine hospital protocols, she is moved along the slow conveyor belt that ends in cesarean section. Those grueling hours in the hospital which finally result in the delivery of baby Julian are painful to read; Planck’s misery was complete.

Unsurprisingly, Planck finds herself weeping daily for a month after the birth. She insists some of this is normal as postnatal hormones readjust— in her own case she must also work the drugs out of her system, and add in a recovery period for major surgery along with her many emotions. While mentioning almost in passing that being well-fed can prevent “mild baby blues” she advises mothers whose depression is severe enough to interfere with caring for their babies that anti-depressant medication may be in order, even if they are breastfeeding. Wouldn’t additional cod liver oil, egg yolks and bone broths be a better solution?

Crushed that her hopes for a peaceful home delivery were dashed, Planck asks, “Why me? Why was my baby the one in this rare position, the one in need of rescue?” No one can presume to know the answer for certain, but we ought to remember that ease of childbirth was one of the key markers of reproductive health noted by Dr. Price in the healthy groups he studied. In the U.S. today, the cesarean rate is over 30 percent, and even higher in teaching hospitals. Without this rescue surgery, how many American mothers and infants simply would not survive the otherwise normal human function of birth?


Planck introduces her chapter on breastfeeding with renewed energy and optimism—after a brief trial and error period while she and Julian get the hang of it, nursing is something she finds she does very well. Planck includes lots of information about the components of breast milk—she several times has her own milk tested for DHA content—so important for baby’s developing brain—and finds it consistently high. She includes an illuminating section on the difference between “cache or carry” mammals, which elegantly explains why human mothers and babies do best in close body contact day and night to facilitate the almost constant nursing helpless human babies require.

Detailed nursing techniques, a list of FAQs on breastfeeding, and troubleshooting advice are all sensible and useful. The difficult topic of what to do if you cannot nurse your baby introduces the pros and cons of wet-nurse as Planck’s first choice, human milk bank as second, and home made formula (WAPF’s milk and meat formulas are referenced) third, with powdered, low-iron milk formula as a distant fourth, when there is truly no other choice.


For the most part, Planck uses a “real foods” approach to feeding baby Julian, and she relies on it again for moral support in her own clashes with the pediatrician over Julian’s weight, considered too low at one point, and iron levels, also considered low. The inclusion of these run-ins may be useful for new parents unaccustomed to challenging doctor-sanctioned standards of healthcare for their children, but low weight and low iron levels should be taken seriously as warning bells to make improvements in the diet.

For try as she may to prevent it, Planck allows sugar and white flour products to creep into Julian’s diet—with the inevitable tears from both when Julian demands bread, chocolate and crackers. Part of the difficulty no doubt comes from Planck’s frequent cross-country travel—starting when Julian is only three weeks old—and continuing regularly with him in tow on book tours. All that disruptive travel for an infant makes me wince, but I suppose I’m hopelessly anachronistic. “Hats off” to mothers who manage to travel with beef stew and raw milk for their children, she says, but admits she can’t pull it off.

I was rather surprised that even simpler conveniences for her child seemed too much bother: “Most books will tell you to purée meat in water, stock, or milk and spoon-feed your baby, which is dandy, but it seemed like a lot of work to me. Julian had meat on the bone or in chunks from the start.” The digestive capacities of a child take years to mature, and it is a great help and kindness to at least mince meat in tasty, digestion-enhancing bone broth for him.

Where Planck does become diehard about food selections is in her insistence on lots of fruit and vegetables every day. While giving credence to the superiority of fully ripe, locally grown, pesticide-free produce, she insists that it’s still better to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables every single day, regardless of their provenance. “If your fridge isn’t packed with fresh produce, you won’t have a couple of vegetables at every meal. I’d rather throw away old vegetables—and often do—than do without at supper time. The same goes with fruit. . . In deepest winter, when local produce is scarce and expensive here in New York City, I go directly to the greengrocer, head held high, to buy greens. I have no idea what the carbon footprint of these choices is. But I know the price and convenience calculation without thinking.”

I hate to say it, but if you do think about it, imported greens in winter are for the most part only exercise for your jaws and window dressing for your dinner plate. Most vegetables rapidly lose what uncertain nutrients they have starting minutes after they have been harvested, whether they are organic or not. They won’t gain anything aging in your refrigerator, either. Conventionally grown produce is little more than water, fiber and traces of pesticides and rocket fuel.

A family is more securely provisioned with a freezer full of raw June butter, liver and lard from autumn-harvested animals, and soup bones for the stock pot to last over the winter, and a pantry filled with raw cheese and lacto-fermented organic vegetables. These foods carry the nutrients of the sun-filled seasons to us in deepest winter, in more reliable form and denser concentration. I wish that Planck could have worked up some real passion insisting on plenty of these foods for pregnant women.


Real Food for Mother and Baby contains a good deal of useful, easily accessible information not often found in the usual pregnancy preparation books currently available. Unfortunately, by blithely simplifying that advice to meet modern-day circumstances, Planck’s program falsifies the message of Dr. Price, cannot claim to best nourish pregnant women or their children, and in fact shortchanges them of a diet rich in essential nutrients. The truth remains that there are truly no short cuts to this success; most modern couples today will need extra time and extra nutrition—and clear, accurate explanations—to best prepare for parenthood and ensure that their baby enjoys perfect physical form and optimal health. The stakes are very high and the message needs to be very clear and more serious.


This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2009.

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Ready meals for pregnant and lactating mothers Nutritious diet with home delivery.

Ready Meals for Pregnant and Nursing Moms Nutritious Home Delivery Eva Green2022-07-31T13:21:55+03:00

Nursing Nutrition for Moms with Delivery

  • Revitalizing food for postpartum women.
  • Author's recipes based on the principles of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.
  • Farm fresh produce and high quality spices. nine0010
  • Meals are free from: white flour, white sugar and salt, refined oil and non-stick coating.
  • Eco-pack. We prepare carefully. We deliver silently.

Our food is not only tasty, but also healthy

  • We choose each product responsibly.
  • Soak all grains, nuts and grains to remove phytic acid as much as possible.
  • For restorative soups, cook broths for 6-8 hours.
  • nine0009 We cook most of the dishes with ghee of our own production.
  • We use high quality spices.
  • Bread is kneaded on natural sourdough with long proofing.

We deliver food three times a week:

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8.30 to 13.00

The cost of the order is:

    • For 2 days, 1 delivery — 5600 (2800 rubles per day)
    • For 4 days, 2 deliveries - 11000 (2750 rubles per day)
    • For 6 days, 3 deliveries - 16200 (2700 rubles per day)
    • For 8 days, 4 deliveries - 21200 (2650 rubles per day)
    • For 12 days, 6 deliveries - 31200 (2600 rubles per day)

Your benefit:

  • save time on constant order coordination;
  • don't worry about what to eat for 1 or 2 weeks;
  • save money.

Silent Delivery

We put a lot of love into FEED MOM and knowing how difficult it can be after childbirth, we came up with the Silent Delivery option (this service is only available if the courier can easily walk to the front door of the apartment or at home (there is a concierge, intercom code, etc.)). nine0003

The courier does not ring the phone,
does not ring the doorbell.

The courier gently knocks and waits up to 15(!) minutes near the door, like a soldier guarding his mother's peace.
If within 15 minutes you have not opened the door, the courier can call, but, as a rule, this is not necessary
Let it be a little easier, a little lower degree of anxiety - it is important for us that you feel care in the little things.

Live menu

Every week we prepare something new. A woman may not worry about the choice of dishes. nine0081 The diet will be varied and balanced.
Lamb, duck, sea bass, spinach, pumpkin, broccoli, shiitake, beets are often included in dishes.

Care package

  • Soups and decoctions are packed in glass jars and bottles. Hot meals, snacks and desserts - in craft boxes and bags.
  • Boxes are labeled with labels naming the contents: "Chicken", "Turkey", "Fish", etc.
  • The food supply package does not exceed 3.5 kg in weight. In the postpartum period, it is recommended to carry a weight that does not exceed the weight of the child. nine0010
  • Packaged food is placed in reusable thermal bags with 2 cold accumulators in each.
  • Wash jars, kitchen utensils and knives with organic, biodegradable chemicals.
  • Glass containers are accepted back upon delivery of the next order. We sterilize. We use again.
Good afternoon! The cod cutlet was incredibly tender and juicy! I also really liked curry with pumpkin and chicken, there were very unusual spices, some kind of flowers! And almost the whole liver pate was eaten by my 3-year-old son, he really liked it! nine0081 All the food of the week was delicious! Thank you


Good afternoon! I just got to answer you, with a baby, time flies unnoticed.
I really liked soups and vegetables (especially beets!). The turkey was lost in buckwheat, for myself I would probably prefer a piece separately, although from the point of view of convenience, eating with one hand is more efficient than a homogeneous meal :).

In general, everything is delicious and looks like real food! Personally, I still lack the brightness of taste, but this was decided by improvised products and spices. Next week my husband goes to work, I'll think again about the order. The only thing seems to be that I will again get to the same menu, but I would like to try something else :). nine0003


Good evening! Riyette of mackerel almost ate with a box! Insanely delicious!
And your bread is magic. Generally good food, delicious, thank you. Only a set for 2 days was enough for me for all 4, and then with outside help :).


Excellent! While you were away, I ordered food from another mom food delivery service. But your food is much tastier and richer. You can really feel the care! Thank you! nine0117


Good evening!
You have very, very tasty! I would advise you to add a package for the whole week. And everything is so wonderful!


Good evening! I ordered from you for the first time, everything is very tasty and the portions are so big! I especially liked rice porridge with goji (my husband also appreciated), beetroot pate and crumble. Om-Nom-nom! I will definitely be ordering more! I dream of trying liver pate;)

Yes, I forgot, sourdough bread is beyond praise, ate in a race with her husband)))


Good evening! I liked everything, the broth is awesome! The berries are wonderful, I chew cherries just like that :))) True, I haven’t tried ghee yet, but I like the consistency!


Good afternoon! I already ate everything 🙂 it was very tasty and homemade! I could not think that potato soup could be so wonderful, and rice with spices - I did not expect such a bright taste! The crumble is amazing and the buckwheat muffin too, the casserole and bread are top notch as always. Thank you! nine0003


Good evening. The food is amazing as always! Of the minuses, only fat in the broth in the second soup, but these are my troubles.
Kasham is generally a separate respect, my son ate with me with pleasure! So now you also feed the children 😉


Good afternoon! How nice that the chef is interested) thanks, this week I really liked the cod with rice and Meat with prunes and mashed potatoes. The pate is very tasty, in general, the appetizers were all good. Here the root crops are boring, but in general it is also tasty. Of the soups, too, all are quite tasty, I especially like borscht, it is ideal in terms of the balance of spices. Desserts are corn cookies! I even wanted to ask your chef for the recipe, since my son ate two and asked for more, which is rare. And soft seed cookies are just a delight. In general, there are no remarks, everything is fine! Thanks to the chef!)


I want to shout a huge thank you to you!!! Two days of peace from not having to cook and I'll be full. No need to run and rattle pans in a hurry (this is already enough in the temporary absence of hot water in the tap). Additional unnecessary anxiety goes away in such a simple way - when mom does not have to cook! Thank you!

Now I will write about food)

You settled in my heart even before the birth, I thought about such a great opportunity to unload myself. She gave birth and, oh horror, the service temporarily did not work. I was very upset and waited for the resumption, I constantly visited the site, and there is this yellow ad (
Therefore, now I congratulate you, and us mothers, on the joy of your discovery! Hooray! It's great!

Delivery in the morning, excellent courier. 2 packages of happiness! Very tasty, satisfying. Huge portions!) Long feeling of satiety. Delicious rice porridge, apple crumble - well, sooo, soups, meatballs. Yes, it makes no sense to enumerate, everything is delicious ... Based on my taste, I added cinnamon to the oatmeal, because there wasn’t enough flavor or something. But this is my personal)

Thank you for your work, for taking care of mothers and for discounts! nine0003

And yes, the promise “Let's feed my mother” was really fulfilled) they fed me, after all. And in such periods it is very difficult to feed me)))


Good morning! I still have a little left: the portions of food are large, so I still have lunch and dinner for today!
Everything is beautiful, tasty, colorful and nutritious, with an aftertaste of care and notes of love. And morning porridge is a real full-fledged dessert.

Total: You once again saved me from hungry everyday life during this lunar-tooth period of my son. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I'm glad you're back! nine0081 Of the wishes, only this - continue to do your good deed, this is true magic!
All the best, good luck and success!


Good afternoon!
Finally got around to write about the last order!
Everything was so delicious and so much new (that I hadn’t come across before)
Curry, pumpkin muffin, sauteed with turkey (the portion is really not huge compared to your other dinners, but such a tasty sauté, unlike the “regular” - tasteless and softened vegetables), and adding raisins and candied fruits to the buckwheat muffin was a great idea! nine0081 I can't wait for your collection of recipes. Is he coming out soon?


Good morning!
Wonderful, everything is very tasty and satisfying (and the portions are so big that I eat everything except desserts for 4 days instead of 2... desserts run out in 1-2 days :) I like it more than now without gravy, but both versions are delicious)
The only thing that was not very good was my favorite bread... apparently, it rose in the oven, then sank and the whole top was baked with a hard bitter crust. nine0003


Good evening!
The food, as always, is very tasty, nutritious and warming!
The portion with the fish became huge, and I was “afraid” of the appetizer with the fish, but in the end I ate it all at once.


Good evening!!! I really liked it! Especially chicken soup, buckwheat with nuts, beetroot pate, apple crumble! And the dried apricot brewing kit is just amazing! I have not drunk better! Last week I really liked fish cutlets, soups, pumpkin pate. nine0081 Thank you very much for such a service!


Thank you, grandfather is a real Soviet parent. Didn't touch it, saved everything for us))))
Thank you for the packaging! I will return with my next order. Lentil soup is really delicious. Something a little salty. But of course it feels like home, thank you!
I no longer know such services to give to children with a clear conscience. I rested)


I liked everything very much! I don’t know yet what can be improved or changed, because. everything is so cool! Most of all I appreciated your responsiveness, care and incredible warmth with which you feed your mothers! This food is healing!


Hello!) I want to leave a review) Very tasty dishes, and what is important, hearty! So balanced flavors and nutrients that I didn’t even want to eat anything extra. Bread deserves special attention. At first I thought: how can such a large loaf be eaten in two days? But in the end, he flew away very quickly)) I also really liked the work of the courier - I arrived just in time for breakfast, so I didn’t have time to starve) The only thing, as it turned out, unabi dates (from the brewing kit) do not suit me ... After a glass of compote, the intestines were upset and suffered from indigestion all night:(((


Good afternoon! I haven't tried everything yet, but what I've had is delicious! Root vegetables stewed with cutlets are just delicious - I wanted to leave it to my husband for testing and could not. I would rather replace the only apple crumble with a second buckwheat flour cake, but this is more personal preference - I just like cupcakes and cookies more)))) Everything is super! Very tasty! The bread is amazing!


Good evening! As always everything is amazing! You need to promote the idea that this is not only food after childbirth, but also before childbirth. I had the last weeks left and was already too lazy to cook. And here everything was brought and it was very tasty and nice that someone took care of you. And you eat healthy food. And it was a kind of rest)) Soup with lamb was just delicious. I don't usually cook like this - I don't know how. And here it is light with vegetables and a delicious rich broth.


Good morning! I would like to express my deep gratitude to your project and chefs! All food is incredibly tasty, full of smells, spices and it feels like it's made with love! After I received the order, the first thing I cut off a piece of bread and ate it, it is very tasty!!! Lamb with couscous, soup with giblets and broths also really liked!!! How did I miss such food in the hospital! Everything is very, very tasty!
And thank you for the delivery by 10 am! nine0003


Hello! There is no time to write at all, and then I forget.
I like everything very much, the food is delicious. I tried another service specialized in the nutrition of moms, and although there is a lot of food, more than you have, it’s somehow not the same, dietary, but you have fat and it feels like something you need, you want to eat.
The most delicious food was vegetables with giblets and soup with duck. The bread is delicious and I like broths very much.



Good afternoon!
In short, I eat with great pleasure, I appreciate your dishes for the quality of products, recipes, transportation technology. Very very tasty!
And I don't know what you're doing there, but when I'm on your diet, there is really a lot of milk.


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Super cookies, I love them) I even tried to make them myself))
But I come across cupcakes as if they were not baked, and they are empty on the bottom))) But there were two of them, and everything turned out fine). Soups are my favorite, borscht was so desirable, and here is your beetroot ... And the sea is cool, I also love chicken.


About food. I really liked different vegetable caviar, I love hummus. Delicious rice with spinach and fish. My husband ate fish cutlets, I didn’t have time to try it). Bread is very tasty, soups. Soup for 2 servings with a child ate. The computers are excellent. Unusual muffins, I liked it. I really liked the design, nice gifts. It's great that the menu and ingredients are printed. These are like ideas for me for the future. I'm not a big fan of pearl barley, but it was delicious with pumpkin. Everything is prepared and packaged with love and care. nine0081 You can feel it!
Thank you!


This is not the first time the association that food is like in a restaurant: a restaurant at home. It directly cheers up when somewhere on business, tired and then the thought: “And at home there is SUCH food to eat. ” By the way, my daughter eats soup with pleasure, which was chicken with cauliflower and broccoli :). What the right taste!) I give her your compotes from infancy).
Very glad to meet you!!
You don't just feed with warming, restorative food, but thanks to you, experience is gained, which later makes it possible to navigate and help yourself. nine0117

Tanya , Your Content Goes Here

Good evening! Everything was very tasty and satisfying. This time my favorites are buckwheat noodles with chicken, cottage cheese casserole and crumble :)))
And, you know, I noticed that after your meal, not only my mood is better, more strength and energy, but also more milk for my baby!
Thank you very much!


Good evening! The pearl soup was wonderful! I was skeptical at first about both offal and pearl barley, and then I ate it with pleasure! All your soups are absolutely delicious! From duck and prunes is generally incomparable, I don’t even know how I will live without it when I can cook myself)
Only couscous with lamb didn’t work for me (for me, it was a bit greasy and lamb smelled (but this is probably just not yet rebuilt hormonal perception)


Good evening! I liked everything very much, everything on the menu was very tasty, even the fish, which I don’t really like, was tasty and juicy! Bread and broths are just one love! On delivery, it is very pleasant that you take into account the wishes for the delivery time, the courier is pleasant and punctual! The husband now says that he also wants such delicious food, and the eldest son of 3 years liked the soups and bread! Thank you for your project and the soul invested in it!!! nine0003


Good evening!
This time I really liked the soup with giblets (I immediately thought of pickle with kidneys), lamb with couscous (the perfect combination of everything with everything and zira was felt), prune decoction (the most saturated of all the decoctions tested!), pepper pate (nuts inside - mmmm)! Cereal biscuits are so delicious that I would buy such a kilogram. ..
Bread is beyond praise!
Thank you!!



The day your food is delivered is the day of happiness))

I go and enjoy the full fridge🤤

All your ideas work, so thanks for the care in every spoonful. Thank you for being able to eat with one hand, you can share a portion with your family. Me and my eldest son liked the soups the most. My husband is a fan of your bread and broths (they began to make these themselves at home). Another beetroot pate is the best😍 I also want to learn how to make this.

nine0004 I didn't like all the second courses, although I remember a few, like chicken and spelt curry. Desserts are great, not too sweet. Here I win, no one encroached on them😂 And they loved crumble before, they began to do it, because since you cook this, it means moms can do it🤤😁

A couple of weeks have passed since this review, the child is 1.5 months old. Now it has already let go a little, and the first days it was zhor, I wanted broth and jelly to the point of shivering. I really wanted something delicious. So your delivery was very relevant, I am pleased to remember this period, the first month)) And I want to treat myself))


Good day and Merry Christmas! ☀
We got everything and already tried the Caesar salad. Girls, you are all magical! This is soooo delicious! And most importantly, I know that even Caesar sauce is healthy. Because not purchased from the store, but made with your own hands and from the right products.
Very tasty! Thank you!
Fish is next 🤤


Hello! nine0081 Yes!
This menu is special, it started my acquaintance with Nakormimmam! I can say I was really looking forward to it!

During the time that I ordered food, I was convinced that there are many more different combinations of products that are well known to me!
I, like many others, surrounded your soups (almost all of them inspired me very much!), vegetable pâtés (turnips, beets, zucchini; and these thinly sliced ​​bomb vegetables), liver - I really love it!
My child (1. 5 years old) also appreciated the dishes! She ate with great appetite everything that I offered her, and our tastes are similar! nine0003

I was planning on ordering food for my postpartum recovery and am getting into a rhythm with two aged kids so far. You helped me a lot! It's great that you exist✨💗

I found out about the project by asking a question a year and a half ago at @rodidoiposle, but I was unlucky because your kitchen just closed:((. But this time everything worked out👍🏻😇


Thank you very much for the delicious and nutritious food! 😊I only kept a diet for the first 40 days and your dishes really suited me 👍🏼it was hard to get used to the new daily routine 😅but it always warmed me that there was a delicious treat for breakfast, lunch and dinner 😋 especially liked lamb with apples and couscous 😊
Delivery is convenient, they always met me and replaced dishes if I asked 🤗
Thank you for the delicious food and understanding 😘development and prosperity 💓


Good evening!
Everything is very, very tasty. And your muffins are just a revelation.


Courier is beautiful, porridge is love. Compared to cereals, the portion of the casserole yesterday was very small, I didn’t eat enough (
A bit tired of a lot of carrots and zucchini in almost all second courses. There are many decoctions and all but one (ginger) really liked.
In general, it was delicious, thank you)


Thank you for the food!!! 🌷Everything is very tasty and satisfying, but now it’s hard to feed me))) I ate everything with pleasure🙂🌺


I really liked everything! I did not even expect that everything will be so tasty! I would only like to be able to order more often and the prices are of course a bit high)
Where can I see the menu for the next order? And even though I don't know the menu yet, I'm ordering delivery on Tuesday!😍❤


Good day :) We received and tried the food that you cook for us with any 🌸🥦🌶🥕🍲🥑🍆 it is very tasty, satisfying and healthy! We are delighted!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Thinking of ordering more☺😊😁


Thank you very much for your service! This is delicious! I already ate panna cotta, jelly, pate, squash caviar and soup with hearts - delight😍


Thank you so much for the food for our whole family)) yesterday all day long (me, husband and 9 month old baby) enjoyed your food!


Good evening)
Thank you, everything is very good
I am satisfied, full and saved a lot of time for other things 👍🏼


Good evening! The most pleasant experience! I really liked the potato soup and cod on vegetables. Everything sweet is delicious too! The desire to make bread sometimes is different, but everything is very tasty! thank you


Good evening! I liked everything very much, everything on the menu was very tasty, even the fish, which I don’t really like, was tasty and juicy! Bread and broths are just one love! On delivery, it is very pleasant that you take into account the wishes for the delivery time, the courier is pleasant and punctual! The husband now says that he also wants such delicious food, and the eldest son of 3 years liked the soups and bread! Thank you for your project and the soul invested in it!!!



Good evening! Everything was very tasty and satisfying. This time my favorites are buckwheat noodles with chicken, cottage cheese casserole and crumble :)))
And, you know, I noticed that after your meal, not only my mood is better, more strength and energy, but also more milk for my baby🤱
I liked brewing compotes from dried fruits myself :)


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Children in the kitchen / What dishes can a child of 10 cook - an article from the "Cooking with children" section on

At the age of 10, it's time to get acquainted with kitchen appliances - an electric stove, a microwave, an oven, a mixer: new gadgets appear every year, and modern children are interested in everything related to technology and progress. nine0003

Talk to your child about the rules of safe behavior in the kitchen, about the fact that not everything turns out quickly and accurately at once, do not scold for failures - it will take more than one year until the child acquires confident culinary skills. Discuss in advance that cleaning the kitchen after cooking is a joint affair, and not a mother's duty - this also brings up responsibility and accuracy.

At the age of 11, a child already knows how to count and will easily learn how to measure and weigh the right amount of food, keep track of time, and perform actions in the right sequence in accordance with the recipe. All this develops logical thinking, mathematical abilities and, of course, fine motor skills and imagination. nine0003

Recipes for 10-year-olds should be accessible, the dish should be tasty and healthy, the cooking process should be fun and safe, and that nothing in the recipe should be boiled or fried for a long time.

Baked Bananas with Chocolate

All children love bananas and chocolate, this simple but effective dessert recipe is a great occasion for the first lesson in using the oven. Even a child who has never tried to cook before will cope with such a dish. nine0003

Mini Pizza

Pizza is loved by children both at the age of 4 and at the age of 16, and a 10-year-old child can surprise his parents by making his own pizza. Or do it with friends. It is unlikely that the child will have enough skill and patience to knead the dough, so as a basis, you can take ready-made dough - yeast or puff, divide it into portions and roll out each. A frozen pizza base, pita bread, pita bread or just toast bread is also suitable.

The filling can be very diverse - based on tomato sauce, sour cream or yogurt, with hard or soft cheese, with vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli), with chicken breast, sausage or sausages, olives or pickled cucumbers. nine0003

There are recipes for dessert pizza: with jam, fruit puree, canned and fresh fruits or berries, chocolate and nuts.


A pizza bar is a good idea for a homemade children's birthday party: children are offered a choice of ingredients, each one assembles his own pizza like a designer, bakes under adult supervision and eats the prepared dish with appetite. Children are interested and tasty, and parents solve two tasks at once - to treat and entertain guests. Every year at such a holiday you can embody different ideas - tartlets, fondue, sandwiches. nine0003

Fruit fondue

A simple recipe that does not require special skills and is suitable for first culinary experiences. Any fruit, wooden skewers and chocolate is all you need for cooking. You only need a stovetop or microwave to melt the chocolate. It's the perfect sweet snack or bright addition to any celebration, from birthdays to New Year's Eve.

If fruit is dipped in chocolate and cooled beforehand, a carbonated fruit kebab is obtained and can be served as a ready-made dessert. nine0003


Children love smoothies, which pleases parents: a healthy smoothie of fresh fruit or vegetables with or without dairy products is always welcome. Teach your kids how to use a blender - a 10-year-old can master both a stationary and a submersible unit, and making smoothies is a pleasure: the process of turning pieces into a homogeneous mass of children is simply mesmerizing. Smoothies can be prepared not only according to ready-made recipes, but also invent your own. nine0003

Desserts without baking: chocolate sausage and "anthill"

Recipes of Soviet sweets proven over the years are also liked by modern children. They love chocolate sausage and are often surprised to learn that it is a dessert and not real salami. A child can cook such a dish absolutely without the participation of parents: sharp tools and heating devices are not needed for its preparation. A package of cookies, a pack of butter, cocoa - and you're done!

Almost the same products, but the look and taste are completely different - "Anthill" can be prepared in the form of cakes or a large cake, and a great result is guaranteed, even if this dessert is the first in life. For kids, no-bake cake recipe is best. nine0003

Homemade fast food

Teach your child how to cook sandwiches, burgers and hot dogs at home, and you will save health and money on trips to the eateries so beloved by children. It is very useful to calculate together with your child how much you can save on visiting such establishments, for example, in a year and what you can buy in return.

The quality of food at home can always be controlled - use natural minced meat for cutlets, chicken fillet, buy sausages without harmful additives (there are such), cereal buns and fresh vegetables. nine0003

For the filling of a burger, offer your child a ready-made cutlet, a slice of baked meat, chicken or turkey.

Cold desserts

Jelly or ice cream are desserts that are relevant at any time of the year, for the preparation of which you do not need a stove, and the creation of such desserts is also a visual physical and chemical experiment: children are curious and informative to observe the transformation of a liquid into jelly or puree in ice cream.

The simplest jelly is prepared from any fruit or berry juice, even from fruit drink or compote, with the addition of pieces of fruit, berries or confectionery decorations. Jelly based on milk or fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, sour cream - is not only tasty, but also a hearty dish suitable for breakfast or a light dinner. nine0003

Making ice cream is one of the best ways for children to experiment in the kitchen. The simplest and safest ice cream without unnecessary additives requires only two ingredients - condensed milk and cream. Based on the basic recipe, you can cook any other ice cream - fruit, chocolate, vanilla. Light ice cream is easy to make from fruit or berry puree.


If children do not eat certain foods well, then self-cooking is one of the effective ways to take a fresh look at familiar dishes: food prepared by one’s own hands seems more appetizing to children, and the effort spent on its creation increases its value and cause a desire to try. nine0003

Even a child who doesn't like vegetables is more likely to eat a homemade soup or salad than a ready made one. All children are interested in grinding and mixing products of different colors and textures and will surely want to taste the result.

Vegetable or fruit salads are the easiest thing a child can cook. The smallest ones cannot be trusted - you need a knife for cutting, so 10 years old is the time to learn how to cook salads. Salad recipes are best chosen depending on the time of year: seasonal vegetables and fruits are the most useful. And they are very fun to decorate! nine0003


Sugar cockerels, Lollipops, Chupa-Chups - all these are different names of lollipops, irreplaceable sweet hits of entire generations of children for many years. In the modern era of confectionery abundance, when sweets are available not only on holidays, parents try to limit their children's consumption of sweets, especially hard candies, primarily because of the damage to their teeth. However, if you use a safe substitute instead of sugar in the recipe, you can make candy healthy. nine0003

Children can make their own lollipops from isomalt, a natural sugar substitute. It not only does not harm the teeth, does not contain extra calories, but also contains prebiotics that are useful for digestion.

Healthy lollipop recipe consists of only one ingredient - isomalt, which is sold in pastry shops. To prepare the candy mass, it must be melted in a saucepan and, if desired, add natural food coloring (1-2 drops of dye for 80 grams of isomalt). When the mass begins to cool, candy canes can be formed. nine0003

You can prepare such sweets without a mold - the candy mass is simply poured with a spoon onto a silicone mat in the form of even circles, into which you just need to insert a stick until the candy is frozen. After about 5 minutes, the lollipops will be ready - they turn out to be transparent, similar to ice or glass. Working with hot mass requires caution, but in general the process is extremely simple and safe.

Isomalt lollipops can be wrapped and used as a gift, brought to the school fair or used to decorate a cake. nine0003

What can be done?

Have your child cook one of the family meals, salad or dessert.

You can have a culinary party, even if there is no reason - both girls and boys will like such leisure.

Learn more