Sassy baby food nurser feeder
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Sassy Baby Food Nurser - Green And Blue
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Página no encontrada – Creative Sales
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10.000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Material: acrílico.
- Hoja informativa fácil de cambiar.
- Mide 12,7cm. de ancho, 17,8cm. de largo y 0,7cm. de alto.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10,000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y polvo.
- Mide 12,1cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 1,3cm. de alto.
- Transmite hasta 800mts.
- Permite llamar a uno o varios relojes, bípers o pagers de forma directa.
- Cuenta con certificaciones FCC para radiofrecuencia.
- Mide 12,7cm. de ancho, 21cm. de largo y 3,9cm. de alto.
- Carga hasta 5 bípers o relojes.
- Hecho de materiales altamente resistentes
- Publicidad u hoja informativa fácil de cambiar
- Parte inferior antideslizante
- No incluye el pulsador
- Mide 5,8cm.
de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Modos de alerta; vibración, luces y/o sonido.
- La batería tiene una duración de 20 horas.
- Los equipos cuentan con certificaciones para uso en ámbitos gastronómicos.
- Son resistentes al agua, polvo y golpes.
- Mide 11,5cm. de ancho, 11,5cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Hasta 16 llamadas simultáneas.
- Mide 28 cm de ancho, 21 cm de largo y 3.9 cm de alto.
- Puede recibir señal de uno o varios pulsadores.
- Elija entre 3 colores: verde, amarillo y rojo.
- 16 diferentes alertas sonoras disponibles y volumen regulable.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 8,3cm. de ancho, 15,3cm. de largo y 4,5cm. de alto.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10,000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Con un botón extra para llamado de código azul.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10,000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10.000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Usuarios ilimitados para gestión y control.
- Reportes, monitores y tableros online.
- Envío automatizado de reportes vía mail.
- Métodos de integración API desarrollados.
- Amplía la señal de ilimitada cantidad de pulsadores.
- Repite la señal hasta 500mts.
- Pueden interconectarse varios repetidores armando una red para optimizar la cobertura.
- Mide 7,7cm. de ancho, 19,7cm. de largo y 3,9cm. de alto.
- Transmite hasta 600mts.
- Se conecta en un servidor local.
- Cuenta con certificaciones FCC para radiofrecuencia.
- Mide 19,7cm. de ancho, 17,8cm. de largo y 3,9cm. de alto.
- Vibra y emite sonido al recibir mensajes.
- Recibe mensajes de hasta 44 caracteres.
- Encola hasta 16 mensajes simultáneos.
- La batería tiene una duración de 3 a 4 días (dependiendo del uso).
- La batería se recarga totalmente en 4 horas.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 3,9cm. de ancho, 5,1cm. de largo y 1,3cm. de alto.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10.
000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10.000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 5,8cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Envía mensajes individuales o a equipos de trabajo.
- Transmite hasta 500mts.
- La duración de la batería es de 10.000 pulsaciones.
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal.
- Resistente al agua y polvo.
- Mide 12,1cm. de ancho, 6,4cm. de largo y 1,3cm. de alto.
- Transmite hasta 1.200mts.
- Se conecta en un servidor local.
- Cuenta con certificaciones FCC para radiofrecuencia.
- Mide 22,9cm. de ancho, 16,6cm. de largo y 6,4cm. de alto.
- Vibra cuando recibe un mensaje nuevo.
- Recibe mensajes de hasta 44 caracteres.
- Encola hasta 16 mensajes simultáneos.
- La batería tiene una duración de 3 a 4 días (dependiendo del uso).
- La batería se recarga totalmente en 4 horas.
- Resistente al agua y al polvo.
- Mide 3,9cm. de ancho, 5,1cm. de largo y 1,3cm. de alto.
- Carga hasta 10 pagers en simultáneo.
- La batería se recarga totalmente en 6hs.
- Mide 11,5cm. de ancho, 11,5cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Modos de alerta; vibración, luces y/o sonido
- La batería tiene una duración de hasta 20hs.
- Mide 11,5cm. de ancho, 11,5cm. de largo y 2cm. de alto.
- Los equipos cuentan con certificaciones para uso industrial. Son resistentes al agua, polvo y golpes.
- Envía un mensaje a una o a varias personas
- Transmite hasta 80 m
- La duración de la batería es de 10,000 pulsaciones
- Utiliza una batería de 12V fácil de reemplazar (23AE)
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de señal
- Resistente al agua – Mide 5.
8 cm de ancho, 6.4 cm de largo y 2 cm de alto
- Pesa 95 g
- Envía un mensaje a una o a varias personas
- Transmite hasta 80 m
- Se puede incrementar el rango de cobertura con repetidores de seña
- La duración de la batería es de 1 año (dependiendo del uso)
- Utiliza tres pilas AA fáciles de reemplazar
- Mide 6.4 cm de ancho, 17.8 cm de largo y 2 cm de alto
- Pesa 250 g
- Asigne botones de llamada a un mozo en específicos
- Envia recordatorios a los mozos
- Permite crear distribuciones predefinidas de botones de llamada
- Enviar mensajes grupales
- Mantiene un registro del rendimiento de los mozos
- Transmite hasta 400 m
- Mide 40.1 cm de ancho, 25.4 cm de largo y 10.2 cm de alto
- Pesa 6 kg
- Puede recibir señal de uno o varios pulsadores
- Elija entre 6 colores: rojo, verde, azul, amarillo, púrpura o blanco
- 16 diferentes alertas sonoras disponibles
- Mide 8.
3 cm de ancho, 15.3 cm de largo y 4.5 cm de alto
- Pesa 210 g
participants' work • Science and education ONLINE
Technology project
The bird feeder project is most often done in technology classes. Bird feeder can winter and summer. Wintering birds need food more, because in summer there are enough natural sources of food, and in winter, under conditions of prolonged frost, most birds die from lack of food. one feeder can provide food for more than a hundred birds. Birds will appreciate your feeder if you add grains, millet or slices of bread to it. It is easy to make a bird feeder, a minimum set of tools and materials is required.
Bird feeder features:
- When choosing a material, be guided by its strength and durability, do not make a feeder out of paper or cardboard, it will quickly get wet.
- The size of the feeder should not be too small to accommodate several birds, but a feeder that is too large can be heavy.
- There should not be any sharp corners, protruding nails and other things in the feeder, the bird may get hurt.
- The feeder should be hung high enough so as not to attract small animals.
- The feeder must have a roof so that the millet does not get wet, and the feeder itself does not deteriorate.
- If the feeder is too light, it can swing a lot in the wind.
The feeder can be made from wood, from a plastic bottle (in this case, you can come up with automatic grain feeding), juice boxes.
Example topics for the project "Bird Feeder"
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10 works)Research work
Research project
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Natural disciplines
Author: RUMS Borisovich, State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Moscow Region "Khimki Lyceum", Khimki, Moscow Region
Supervisor: Engel Tatyana Ivanovna
The purpose of the work is to find out which design of the feeder the birds like best. Project objectives: find information about birds; make feeders; to feed birds; watch the birds; keep an observation diary; prepare a photo presentation of the project; speak with...
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Natural sciences
Author: Filatova Aya Ildarovna, Staro-Tinchalinskaya secondary school named after Gumer Gali, Republic of Tatarstan
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Humankind faces an ecological problem - entire species of birds are dying out. Most of the day they are busy looking for food. This is especially true in winter time. Since finding food under the snow is not easy. Many birds die at this time due to its absence...
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Natural sciences
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Winter is a difficult period in the life of birds. In severe frosts, in search of food, they move closer to human habitation, waiting for help from us. The most dangerous time for birds is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when all available fruits, berries, seeds and other food are already with...
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Natural sciences
Author: Serenkova Alena Alekseevna, Lyceum of Natural Sciences, Kirov
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", Republic of Kazakhstan
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The research and practical work of a 4th grade student is subject. Dedicated to the study of tit birds. The project is of a moral and educational nature. The goal is to determine the role of tits in nature and human life Objectives: Select and study...
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Natural sciences
Author: Kholodkova Olivia Datikovna, MB NOU "Lyceum No. 111"
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The object of my research: birds that fly to feeders in winter. Subject of study: bird feeding. Purpose: Organize regular feeding of birds in the winter to help them survive the harsh natural conditions. Tasks: Make and develop...
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Research project "Bird delicacies"
Sections: Work with preschoolers, Competition "Presentation for a lesson", Competition on ecology "The Earth is our common home"
The article presents a research project, the object of which is food for birds in winter. With the help of compiled recipes and prepared festive dishes, the delicacies that the birds liked were determined.
In November, our kindergarten hosted a bird festival called Titmouse Day. By the holiday, the pupils and I taught poems, songs, games. Together with their parents, the children made bird feeders and went to the forest to hang them. When bread and seeds were poured into the feeders, Vika asked: “Is it possible to prepare a festive dish for the birds, because they have a holiday?” The guys immediately had questions: What do birds eat? What can you feed them and what not? Is it possible to cook festive dishes for birds?
The pupils and I suggested that if we find out what the birds eat in the winter, as well as what you can feed them, we can prepare festive dishes for them. And we decided to do some research.
Object of study: bird food during the cold season.
Subject of study: holiday recipes.
Purpose of the project: Gain knowledge about feeding birds in winter and prepare holiday meals for them.
1. Collect information about wintering birds.
2. Observe which birds fly to the kindergarten site.
3. Find out how you can feed the birds in the winter.
4. Make recipes for cooking holiday dishes.
5. Observe the birds visiting the feeders and make notes in the observation diary.
6. Find out which of the cooked dishes the birds like more from the Bird Café table in the corner of nature.
7. To develop in children the ability to properly feed birds in the winter.
8. Expand the ideas of pupils and parents about the types of feeders, how they are made from different materials.
9. Promote the assimilation of the rules of conduct when communicating with birds.
10. To cultivate a humane, caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help in difficult winter conditions.
11. Draw conclusions from experimentation.
Research steps:
Preparatory stage:
1. Formulating goals and objectives of the project.
2. Collection of information about wintering birds.
3. Visiting the library.
4. Bird feeder competition.
5. Charitable action "Do-it-yourself feeder".
6. Excursion to the forest.
7. Birdwatching at the feeders outside the window, in the kindergarten area.
8. Drawing up recipes for preparing poultry dishes.
Main stage:
1. Making poultry dishes.
2. Organization of bird feeding observation from the group window and in the kindergarten area.
3. Observation of birds flying to the delicacy and sketching in the table “Bird cafe outside the window”.
4. Keeping bird diaries for children.
5. Holding a competition for the best festive dish. Production of the culinary book "Bird delicacies".
6. Give the book "Bird Delicacies" to all groups in kindergarten.
Final stage:
1. Formulation of conclusions.
2. Formulation of a new problem.
3. Project presentation.
The children began their work on the project by searching for information about wintering birds and information about nutrition. They searched in encyclopedias, on the Internet, asked their parents, went on an excursion to the forest, to the children's library, to the pet store.
Before starting work, we decided to remember what we know about birds? We already knew that many birds leave their native places in autumn and go for wintering to warm countries. These birds are called migratory. The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are the lack of food and the cold. But there are birds that do not care about the cold. Such birds are called - wintering. To learn more about birds, we visited the children's library.
Librarian Marina Aleksandrovna said that the migratory birds of our region are ducks, geese, swans, cuckoos, wagtails, thrushes, flycatchers, tap dances, swifts, herons.
Pigeons, tits, sparrows, magpies, woodpeckers, bullfinches, nuthatches, waxwings, crows, hazel grouses, crossbills, black grouse, capercaillie do not fly away, but stay with us for the winter. Cold is not as terrible for birds as hunger. Therefore, in order to feed the birds in the winter, people hang out feeders in parks, in the forest, in the city. Marina Alexandrovna told the children that the bird feeders for winter feeding should be hung out in mid-September. It was at this time that those species of birds that remain for the winter begin to look closely at the feeders. Migratory birds are also fed, which are in great need of food during multi-day flights. At first, the number of visiting birds will be small, then, with the onset of the first frosts, it will increase sharply, but only on condition that the children regularly fill the feeder with food. Birds will quickly get used to the feeder and, making sure that food appears in it regularly, they will visit it daily. Even in the most severe frost, birds can survive, but on condition that they have enough food. It is recommended that the winter dining room continue to operate until May, before the first greenery appears.
Together with parents and children, we collected and read a large number of different books about birds, looked at illustrations on the Internet, watched them for a walk, but the birds did not fly to the feeder very often. Mostly they were sparrows, tits, pigeons.
To attract birds to the site, we held a Bird Feeder contest. More than 15 different feeders were made, from different materials - wood, plastic, light metal, straw. We hung ten feeders in different places on the territory of the kindergarten, and gave five to the children of the younger groups.
We learned from books what different birds eat in winter: capercaillie eat delicious pine needles all winter, black grouse and hazel grouse eat alder catkins, birch buds and shoots, and berries. Waxwings and bullfinches eat berries of mountain ash, wild rose. The nuthatch stores seeds of spruce cones, nuts in cracks in the bark for future use, and in winter it finds them and eats them when it is hungry. Woodpeckers are good at finding bark beetles hiding under the bark of trees, they are happy to peck at the cones of pines and firs. Partridges have to look for frozen berries in winter, and they also feed on aspen and willow buds. Crossbills eat seeds of spruce, fir, larch, pine. These seeds contain a lot of resin, which they love very much.
Children learned from the sources what products can be used for winter feeding of birds: millet, millet, oats, wheat, sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, hawthorn seeds can be poured into the feeder. Birds willingly eat cones, nuts, peck dried mountain ash with pleasure. They love dry white bread. For winter feeding, you can use lard and meat.
The guys made "Rules of the bird canteen":
- Prepare for the winter feeding of birds in advance.
- Cool leftover food before giving it to birds.
- Hang feeders out of reach of the animals.
- Try to diversify the contents of the top dressing as much as possible.
- Sunflower, watermelon, pumpkin seeds must be crushed, otherwise the birds will damage their beaks.
- Lard and meat can be given raw or boiled, but always unsalted, without artificial additives.
- Only white bread (rye bread is harmful to birds), dried beforehand.
- Pearl barley, peas and lentils should not be offered to birds: swelling in the stomach, they can cause death.
- Sunflower seeds must not be roasted.
- Prepared "Bird Delicatessen" can be used as food.
But where are these “Bird delicacies” made?
Did you find information on the Internet about what a delicacy is?
Delicacy (from French Délicatesse subtlety) - a rare, tasty dish, delicacy. In a broader sense, a delicacy is something special, refined, expected, not necessarily food. The delicacy is either not subjected to any processing other than cleaning, its natural appearance is preserved, or its external qualities are emphasized by various artificial methods: placing it in the center of the dish, surrounded by a catchy border from other products, special forms of cutting that increase the width and other dimensions of the product compared to natural. Culinary concept, which includes a group of products and products from them, as rare, outstanding, different from ordinary, ordinary, "coarse" or common products. So the delicacy is some kind of delicacy, the guys decided, but where can I buy a delicacy for the birds? The guys remembered that they sell food for animals in a pet store.
At the pet shop, children learned that bird food plays a very important role in their life. From how correctly to feed the bird, its appearance and internal condition will largely depend. For birds, they offered to buy a special mixture of seeds (Kesha, Gosh, Chika, Zhorka, etc. ) in bags, vitamins and treat them with treats Honey Sticks, Crackers, Cedar Cone, Sticks with fruits and berries. Thanks to this, your feathered friend will always be healthy and full of strength. But it costs a lot. You can also prepare treats yourself.
After the children found out how to feed the birds, a competition was announced for the best holiday dish for birds. Children, together with their parents and teachers, invented and made "Bird Treats".
The first dish that was prepared is called "Magic Apple ", it was invented by Evelina.
For manufacturing "Magic Apple" we needed one apple and half a glass of seeds. You need to stick seeds into an apple, tie a ribbon to it and hang it on a tree branch.
Katya and Elena Vladimirovna prepared “ Tasty cone”. To prepare this dish you need to take a few spruce cones, cover them with a layer of butter - thick and thick. Then roll in millet, let the oil harden and hang on the trees.
Dasha and her mother came up with a nutritious food for birds on especially frosty days and called it "Sweet candies for birds". To prepare sweets, you need to take butter or lard, add a spoonful of honey, melt, add peeled raw seeds, a little millet, sesame seeds, mix everything, spread it into an orange peel and hang and freeze.
Anya named her dish “Christmas toys”.
To prepare it, you need to take lard, grate it, add millet and seeds, roll into balls and arrange them in nets.
Sophia and her grandmother suggested a recipe - "Cookies Bertz" translated from English - "Bird Cookies". To prepare it, you need to dissolve gelatin, add millet and peeled seeds, pour everything into molds and cool.
All invented dishes are included in our culinary book "Bird's Delicacies".
We began to think about what delicacy for birds would be best of all. The guys offered to hang all the dishes and watch. Which delicacy during the week the birds will fly more often, and which they will eat faster, will be the best.
When observing birds, we encountered certain difficulties, because it is very difficult to observe from a large distance, and from a close distance it is impossible. the objects of our observation are cautious and timid. Therefore, it is best to watch the birds through the window.
The children hung the dishes prepared for the birds on a tree standing right next to the group's window and hung the same goodies in the kindergarten area.
Having hung out all the bird treats, the children began to draw in their observation diaries the birds that flew to the treats, and the adults took pictures, the children recorded all the results in the table “Bird Cafe Outside the Window” in the corner of nature.
It turned out that the Magic Apple is more popular with birds.
The table shows that during the week the most birds flew to the apple - 22, and the birds pecked it the fastest. Most often, tits flew to feast on him. We even learned to determine among the tits who flies to the feeder a female or a male. Remember: titmouses with a long and wide tie are males, and those with a short tie are females.
Another favorite bird dish was "Delicious cone", many birds -18 also flew to it.
And during the observations, we noticed that tits often flew to the “Christmas tree toy” and “sweet candy”, because they love fat very much and very rarely flew to the “bump” and “cookie”, because these dishes include millet , and tits do not like him very much. Sparrows very rarely pecked at the “candy”, because the composition of the “candy” includes lard. Pigeons pecked at all the delicacies little by little. It turned out that sparrows, tits, and pigeons need the most feeding in winter.
The children really wanted to see other wintering birds that live in the city and feed them delicious food too.
Sasha said that he saw a woodpecker in the dacha, Vlada and his grandmother watched a magpie and a bullfinch, and in the city they saw waxwings, nuthatches. Then we decided to make the most favorite dishes of birds "Magic Apple", "Delicious Cone" and hang them on trees in the city. Let others enjoy it too.
The best treats prepared by children for birds were included in the culinary book "Bird Delicacies", which the children presented to all groups of our kindergarten, so that all children learn how to make dishes from the book and feed the birds during the cold season.
As a result of the research work, the children made the following conclusions:
1. Different types of birds eat different foods and treats in winter.