Sims 3 feed baby
The Sims 4 Infant Care Guide
Infants are finally here and they’re the best free addition to The Sims 4 since the arrival of toddlers back in 2017. Of course, infants are not nearly as self-sufficient as toddlers and require more of your Sims’ undivided attention and care. Don’t worry, we’re going to walk you through every step in The Sims 4 infant care process! Learn how to satisfy their basic needs and maintain high attachment in our complete infant guide!
This guide covers base game infant care only. Stay tuned for our companion guide covering infant care with Growing Together content!
Welcoming an Infant
To care for an infant, you first need to add one to the household! There are a few different ways you can do this. You can create an infant alongside their family in CAS if you are creating a new household for the first time.
If you want to add an infant to an existing household, you can do this via pregnancy, adoption, or by having a science baby. Infants can be adopted directly through the phone or computer but if you have an infant via pregnancy or science baby, your new baby will start out as a newborn. Newborns are the bassinet babies we were already used to but they’ve had some improvement tweaks. Age your newborn up to get an infant!
Sims 4 Infant Care: Attachment
It might seem odd to discuss something abstract like infant attachment before covering basic needs but it’s important to understand how attachment works, first. How you tend to your infant’s basic needs will form their attachment level. Attachment determines whether your infant grows up to see the world as a good place or not.
Infants are trying to gauge whether this new world they’re a part of is a safe place. Infants who have their needs tended to immediately will feel safe and secure. They’ll learn that the world is good and that they can trust people to help when they need it. However, infants who are neglected will learn the world is not a safe place for them and that other Sims can’t be trusted.
As you can see, everything you do or don’t do with your infants affects their attachment. From feeding to bedtime to playtime and everything in between, your infant is constantly learning from you. Tend to their needs promptly and you’ll teach them to trust others when they grow up. Let them cry for long periods of time and you’ll teach them not to trust people when they get older.
Keep an Eye on Moodlets!
You’ll be able to gauge how your infant’s attachment is developing from their moodlets. If they frequently have positive moodlets from being well cared for, they are likely to grow up with good attachment. If you often see sad moodlets from them feeling neglected, you should pay more attention to your infant if you don’t want them to grow up with bad attachment.
Assuming you’ve been doing a good job at building attachment with your infant, they won’t get sad as quickly when a caregiver doesn’t immediately tend to their needs. They trust from past experiences that someone will come to help them.
Infants will age into toddlers with one of three reward traits:
- Top Notch Infant: These infants were extremely well cared for. They have a very positive outlook on the world and trust other Sims very easily thanks to that early childhood bond with their caregivers.
- Happy Infant: These infants formed a good attachment with their caregivers. They see the world as a good place and find it easier to trust other Sims.
- Unhappy Infant: These infants were neglected and as a result of this neglect, they see the world as a cruel, unforgiving place. They don’t trust that other Sims have good intentions and are highly skeptical of others.
Sims 4 Infant Care: Basic Needs
Now that you understand how attachment works, you’re ready to start building it by caring for your infants’ needs! Infants have all the same basic needs that older Sims do but they need a grown up’s help to do just about everything.
As any parent in the real world knows, getting an infant to go to sleep isn’t as easy as just putting them in a crib and walking away. Even if your infant is exhausted, they may have trouble falling asleep without extra assistance. Your infant’s traits also play a part in this. Calm infants will fall asleep quickly but Wiggly infants will need to be coddled until they fall asleep.
When your infant is sleepy and needs a rest, put them in their crib. While the infant is in the crib, new options will appear on them. Your Sim can tell them a bedtime story and soothe them to sleep. If your infant isn’t falling asleep on their own, spend some time doing these interactions with them to help them drift off to dreamland. If you’ve upgraded your infant’s crib to have a mobile, you can make things easier on yourself by playing a lullaby on the mobile. The mobile’s music will lull any infant right to sleep.
Infants don’t just need sleep when they’re tired, though! They need regular naps throughout the day. You’ll know your infant needs a nap when they have a sad moodlet informing you that they’ve been awake for too long. Click on the infant and select Give a Nap to let your infant take a little snooze in their caregiver’s arms.
Of course, it’s important to feed your infant. That should go without saying. The quickest and easiest way to feed an infant is by bottle feeding or breastfeeding them. Click on your infant and set your feeding preference. The feeding preference applies to all Sims in the house; if you set the feeding preference to breastfeeding, all Sims who can produce milk will always choose to breastfeed the infant. Make sure any Sim you don’t want to breastfeed cannot produce milk in their CAS settings.
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding will quickly solve your infant’s hunger but you miss out on an opportunity for bonding and exploration with your infant. Your infant will have a more enriching feeding experience if you try new foods with them in a high chair. Click on a high chair to try new foods with your infant!
You’ll see a menu displaying a number of mashed baby foods to choose from. The menu keeps track of which foods your infant has tried and whether or not they liked those foods. Needless to say, once you’ve tried all the foods with your infant, it’s best to stick to the foods they like. Trying new foods together is a great way for your infant to explore new tastes and textures while bonding with their caregiver.
Depending on your infant’s traits, they may be more or less receptive to new foods. Cautious infants might need to try a new food several times before they decide if they like it, for example.
Of course, infants are messy. They soil their diapers, they smear food all over their faces, they drool all over themselves. They’re kind of… well, gross. You can help make them less gross by changing their diapers and giving them baths often.
If you’re looking for changing tables for your infant, don’t bother. Changing tables are not part of the infant base game update. They are exclusive to the Growing Together expansion pack, which was an odd choice. You would think changing tables would be an essential infant care item worth putting in The Sims 4 base game, but oh well. That doesn’t mean you can’t change your infant’s diaper, however. Just click your infant and under Infant Care, you’ll see the option to change their diaper. No changing table required.
But diaper changes alone aren’t enough to keep your infants clean. They require regular baths. Thankfully, it’s not too different from bathing a toddler. The only real difference is that the infant sits in a little baby bath seat in the tub during baths. Caregivers can give infants regular baths or bubble baths just like toddlers. The animation is very cute and a good bonding opportunity between caregiver and infant.
Additionally, infants need plenty of play time! Fun is also one of their motives that needs to be maintained. Infants can play with any of the toy box toys that toddlers and children can play with. They can also interact with the toddler blocks. Also, there are a few new infant sensory toys available in Build/Buy.
Set an infant on the ground and let them crawl around and explore with their toys. You can give yourself peace of mind by using the new baby fence to contain them inside a play area. The fence is located with all the other fencing and works exactly like a regular fence but you can click on the gate to apply baby proofing to it. In fact, you can apply baby proofing to any fence gate now.
Beware! Baby proofing is infant-proof but not always toddler-proof! A determined toddler can try to break out of their play prison!
Sometimes, infants will just be angry or sad for no reason. They’re infants. They don’t understand how emotions work, yet. It’s not uncommon for an infant to wake up from a nap feeling angry just because! In cases like this, all they really need is love.
Caregivers can bounce an infant, cuddle them, and comfort them at any time. These interactions are helpful for soothing an infant who is fussing for no good reason. If you’ve met all your infant’s basic needs but they are still screaming or crying, these interactions calm them faster. Infants who are comforted or cuddled during one of these random bouts of grumpiness build a strong attachment with their caregiver, so don’t ignore them when they’re pitching a fit for no reason!
Looking for more information about the March 14th, 2023 update? Check out all the additions and changes right here!
Baby and Toddler Mods | Sarah Smiles
1.) Baby Intercom– Place in the rooms where you want your Sims to be able to hear their child crying from.
2.) Bottomless Bottle #1 – This one is BO’s version which is a upgraded version of Sim Logical’s.
3.) Bottomless Bottle #2– This Version is similar to BO’s with slight variants. Check out both descriptions to see which one you like best.
4.) No Lecturing Babies for Soiled Diapers This does conflict with Pescado’s “antibabylecture” but this one is slightly more extensive
5.) Baby Monitor– The baby monitor consists of one transmitter that you put in the nursery, and a receiver that you put in the parents room. If turned on, the receiver will wake up parents if the baby wakes up and starts screaming. As per Inge’s original code, there’s only one channel so if you have multiple objects placed on the lot all receivers will react to sound from any transmitter you’ve placed. So if you have more than one nursery, you can put a transmitter in each one and both of them will send signals to the one receiver you’ve placed elsewhere. The baby monitor has a pie menu option that if selected brings up a dialog listing the exact motives of the chosen baby.
6.) Buy/Sell Infants/Toddlers– Found in Decorative Statues for $50, the Cenotaph of the Tribal Covenant can be only be placed on the ground. Sims can approach it, grab the left horn, and then blow the horn to summon Gunk (NPC) to the lot.
7.)Baby Last Name Chooser-Now you’ll get an additional dialog per baby asking whose last name they should take! Compatible with Birth Options if it loads last.
8.) Less Autonomy Baby Care– This patch reduces the Sims’ obsession with their babies and toddlers. It will override parts of the code of Maxis original bathtubs, fridges, cribs and sinks.
Breast Feeding and Bottles
1.) Breastfeeding. Squinge has a version of this but BO’s version removes autonomous actions.
2.) Breastfeeding 2.0 You NEED To have either BO (the link above) or Squinge’s mod for this to work but it adds a few extra realistic features to it.
3.) No Smart Milk Drag– Sims will not drag a toddler or even attempt to feed a smart milk bottle to a toddler. They will just make it and drop it on the floor. You can have them make all of the bottles at once without ever bothering the toddler and stuff them in its inventory for future use. Conflicts with Pescado’s nosmartmilkdrag obviously. It’s a different take on the exact same problem.
4.) Self-Exploding Bottles– Baby bottles (regular and smart) that are spoiled or empty will simply go poof.
5.) Move Away From Fridge Before Feeding Baby– This mod makes sims move away from the fridge before feeding the baby a bottle.
6.) Bottomless Feeding Bottle-T his is buyable baby’s feeding bottle that is to be found under Childcare, All. Not only does it stay full at all times, but it also checks for and deletes any normal bottles that have been allowed to lie around and get spoilt.
Cribs, Sleeping and Clothing
1.) Crib Fix– Lets everyone know if a Baby/Toddler is already in a crib not to move them into another one.
2.) Crib Get Out– Lets toddlers get out of cribs themselves if they want to leave.
3.) Toddler Sleep Through the Night– After 8pm your toddler is out for the night unless extremely hungry.
4.) Dress toddlers correctly too!– In the game, you change a toddler’s diaper or bathe a toddler, they will be redressed in whatever they were previously wearing prior to that action. This mod will alter that clothing change to be time based. If it is after 7am the toddler will be dressed in everyday clothes. If it is before 7am or after 8pm the toddler will be dressed in PJs.
5.) Plumbob Crib Mobile– It only has the one color, plum bob green. It is found in General/Child for 50 simoleons. It spins, glows, and plays music (London Bridge) with an on and off for each one individually. The spinning and glowing stay on until you turn it off. Well, the music does too, but the song runs out after about 2.5 in game hours, so you have to turn it off and back on again if you want to actually hear it.
6.) FreeTime Cribs– Missing railing morphs have been added so animations don’t look as weird with arms going through the cribs.
7.) Toddler Bath Clothes– Toddlers will always be put in everyday clothes after a bath.
8.) Reservable Crib– Works on a similar principle to the reservable beds. Choose a child from the menu to assign it to.
1. ) P’s Baby Controller Tweaked– Changes Pescado’s Baby Controller from a giant eyeball to a big teddybear.
Hygiene For Babies and Toddlers
1.) Toddlers Fun Gain While Taking A Bath– This mod allows toddlers to gain fun while they are taking a bath. This mod won’t work with custom tubs.
Playtime and Interactions
1.) Toddler Spring Rider Skill Gain Enabled– This mod allow toddlers to gain body skill, fitness, & enthusiasm while playing on the Bouncy Bork Spring Rider.
2.) No Autonomous Peekaboo– This mod curbs the autonomous behavior of older Sims (children and up) wanting to play Peekaboo with toddlers, but the Sims can still be directed to play Peekaboo with the toddlers.
3.) Fewer Peekaboo Pests– Sims are less likely to constantly harass toddlers with peekaboo requests. Sims won’t autonomously try for peekaboo if the toddler is already doing something.
4.) Pick Another Toy for Toddlers if a current toy is in use instead of one toddler waiting to use that toy, they will move on to another
5. ) Toddler Smustle– Baby New Year’s smustle now as an option for normal toddlers! Non-autonomous and only enabled for toddlers who know how to walk for the obvious reasons.
1.) No Empty Toddler Potty– This only works on the game version. CC is not effected.
2.) Toddler Play with Toilets Fix– Fixes interaction so it works as intended. Toddlers will only play in toilets if in a bad mood or aspiration failure.
3.) Toddler Potty Fixes– Maid can now clean potty. Adults can now potty train even if potty is dirty. Toddlers will not stop going if another interaction is queued. Fixing annoying delay at the end of potty training.
4.) Empty Maxis Potty Chairs using a bin– Looks for a trash can instead of a toilet.
Skill Building and Reading
1.) No Autonomous Ask To Be Read To– This mod stomps the autonomous behavior of both toddlers and children when they go pester their older siblings, relatives and parents to read a book to them. The mod does not nerf the option to ask to be read to.
2.) Teach Toddler Nursery Rhyme Fun– This mod boosts the Sims’ (both Sim teaching and toddler learning) Fun and Social motives while the Sim is teaching the nursery rhyme to the toddler.
3.) Skill Limiting for Kids and Toddlers– With these mods in your Downloads folder, kids and toddlers will not be able to increase their skill level beyond a certain point while using the item which has been modified. For example, your sim child will not be able to gain creativity from the easel or the piano beyond a certain level, but can still use the violin.
4.) Lower Priority Activity Table– Toddlers will always stop if something else is queued and added a check in the ‘snuggle’ interaction so the adult will at least go to the toddler and try to wait instead of giving up and letting it drop from queue immediately.
5.) No Autonomy Read To– Similar to Insim’s on #1 on this list. Stops adults deciding to read to children autonomously. But allows a child to ask to be read to.
1.) Less Toddler Annoyance – Seems to be really handy for toddlers. For example, no asking for food or attention if they haven’t learned to talk. No one will bother a toddler if they are already doing something or interacting with another Sim already.
3.) No Baby/Toddler Swarming– My take on Pescado’s nobabyharassment. Two Jeff’s version allows autonomous interaction, but within limits. It also includes some interactions that his doesn’t. Will prevent the entire family from swarming to a baby or toddler to put it to bed, play with it, etc. See Readme for full details.
5.) Functioning Toddler Playpen– Last updated in 2005 but may still be functional.
6.) Sandpit/sandpile for toddlers– A pile of sand! Excellent for the construction of sandpits (use a sandy ground colour and a low fence) or beach fronts (sandy ground colour and water), these sandpits come with a “play” option for toddlers only. The sandpile raises fun and decreases hygene in our not-quite-littlest sims.
7.) Kiddie Pool– This is a simple little one-tile kiddie splash pool. It has the following main features:
– Toddlers can play around and splash in it
– Children can jump and kick in the water
8.) Little ones can use Spiral Stairs– It can be used by puppies, kittens And toddlers. All of them will use existing animations from one age up, that is, toddlers use children animations and puppies and kittens use the animations for small dogs and cats respectively.
9.) Only Bathe Toddlers with Low Hygiene– Your toddlers need to have under 50% hygiene in order to be able to be bathed.
11) Spring Rider Mod– Allows toddlers to get on without an adult to get on the spring toy, and added the ability for toddlers to gain body skills, only when they get on the toy themselves. They will not gain skills if an adult places the toddlers on it. Toddlers are able to get on the spring toy autonomously, for fun needs.
12.) Becks Get On Mod Updated + Custom Spring riders -This is an updated version of Rebecah’s global mod, with some annoyance-fixes.
13.) Fireproof Toddlers– Toddlers can no longer die from fire.
14.) Toddler Poses– This mod allows you to have toddlers do all of the animations listed below: Cough, Burp, Wiggle, Kick, Fall Down, Look Around, Stand, Chew Hand, Grab Feet, Pick Nose, Cry Bawl, Cry Sob, Laugh Giggle, Tantrum Intense, Throw Up, Whine Strong, Whine Medium, Dance Arm Reach, Dance Double Bounce, Dance Head Bang Intense, Dance Head Bang Light, Dance Side to Side Wobble, Weep Hard, Weep Soft, Run, Portrait Pose Slots 1 – 8, Tease, Twirl & Wobble Spin Fail, Play Dolls Violent, Cry Loop Suck Breath, Cry Weep Hard Standing, Chase Butterflies, Small Cough 1, Small Cough 2, Small Sneeze 1, & Small Sneeze 2.
15.) Little ones can use Spiral Stairs– Toddlers and pets can now use spiral stairs
Need to Be Organized
1.) Accessible toddler high chairs– This global mod allows sims to access any high chair from left and right sides and also access diagonally placed highchairs. Custom chairs work as well.
2.) Slower Bladder Decay & Selectable Babies– This mod slows down bladder decay for babies & toddlers, it also makes babies selectable.
3.) Toddlers Stop Eating Pet’s Food– This mod prevents toddlers from autonomously eating from the pets food dish.
4.) Intercom Baby Alarm– The smaller object (which is meant to be a CD Rom in case you couldn’t recognize it from the picture) is the transmitter, and you place that in the nursery, or any room that you’d like your Sims to be able to detect sound from. It’s best to hide it under some furniture as it can’t be walked over in all circumstances. The larger object goes on the wall of the room where you want the Sims to be alerted, e.g. the parents’ bedroom. It has an on and off setting in case they want a lie in some mornings while another Sim has their receiver on instead. You can use as many transmitters and receivers as you like, and in this version they all share the same “channel”. This also contains a small global hack, to the BHAV “Wake – everyone in room”, which theoretically could clash with another person’s hack that includes that BHAV. A clash could be a nuisance and stop one of the hacks working, but should not destroy any data.
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Parenting in The Sims 3 and add-ons
Raising a child is a complex but interesting science that requires attention and responsibility. Already from the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother should begin to take care of the baby. If the pregnancy was easy, the mother observed the regimen and took care of her health, at the birth of the baby, the game will allow you to choose 2 character traits for the newborn. If the mother was not very attentive to herself, then you can choose only one character trait for the baby, or even get generated by the game. The same rule applies further - the better you take care of the baby, the more likely it is at each stage of growing up (excluding the transition from baby to toddler) to get the opportunity to shape the character of the child in accordance with your wishes.
Let's take the example of loving and caring parents and take a closer look at the growing up of a child from a baby to a teenager. This interval includes 3 stages: a baby, a slider and a primary school student.
School for parents-to-be
So, if you decide to have a baby or two for your Sims, then the first thing you need to do is to allocate and furnish a room for the kids. You can decorate the children's space completely to your taste, but there are a few things that you simply cannot do without.
Cot . For toddler/toddler age, you need a playpen. When the toddler is old enough to go to school, you will need an adult bed, just like any of your Sims. However, in addition " Sims 3 All Ages " especially for your fidgets appeared bunk beds - the dream of every child!
Pot . Despite the fact that babies use only diapers, and schoolchildren already use adult plumbing, a potty is simply a necessary thing for sliders.
Feeding chair . Again, it is used only by sliders, since babies eat from the nipple in adults in their arms, and schoolchildren are already sitting at the table quite independently. In fact, you can feed a slider by simply putting him on the floor and giving out a bottle, but in this case, after an hour or two, a child’s cry will tell you that the younger generation is hungry again. The feeding chair gives the baby a greater sense of fullness and variety in the menu: in addition to the bottle, a plate of porridge is also available here.
Toys . Your baby begins to be interested in toys from a toddler age. It is possible to conditionally distinguish three categories of toys:
educational, ordinary and specific toys. Let's take a closer look at these categories:
• Educational toys include xylophone, (music skill) and puzzle (logic skill). For older children, the game of cubes (mechanics) becomes useful, and a toy stove also becomes available. To develop the skill you want, just let the baby play with the chosen toy for a while. With their help, the baby will be able to increase his level of development by 3 steps, and besides, he will also get a lot of fun. By the way, adults can also join the children's game of blocks or the xylophone, helping the child to improve.
• Ordinary toys are not particularly remarkable - bunnies, boats ... They can be bought individually or as a whole chest of children's treasures, in which the little ones like to hide from adults. It is also worth noting that if one of the adult family members has developed the skill of inventing, then he can make original toys on the workbench for Simenka (the addition “ Sims 3 Career ” is required).
• Specific toys include imaginary friends that were introduced with the The Sims 3 All Ages expansion pack. This toy is given immediately after the birth of the baby by some distant relative, sending it by mail. Take the parcel out of the box, and an unusual doll will appear in your child's inventory, which can turn into a true friend of a Simenka, and over time, maybe something more.
Children's books . Books are another thing for Simenok's entertainment and spending time together with adults. Starting from toddler age, the baby can read a book by himself (you need to put it on the floor) or with adults. Toddlers who can talk can ask to read a bedtime story. In addition to fairy tales, the game also provides educational books. Such as "Patterns from the palms", "Secrets of drawing with fingers" and "Funny pictures" - serve to develop the skill of drawing. A series of books "The Basics of Books", "Mom washed the frame" and "Where I was, what I wrote" - develop the skill of writing. "Squares and Triangles", "Why It's Good to Be Smart" and "Counting Rules for Beginners" - for additional development of the logic skill (after studying this series of books and cubes, the kid will start learning logic from the 4th level in the future).
Home Alone . An important point is that toddlers and toddlers should not be left at home alone. If, for any reason, all adults must leave the house (for example, to leave for work), call a babysitter. Play babysitter will play with the baby, change diapers and even feed if necessary. But the babysitter comes only for a limited time. Another way out of the situation, however, only for wealthy Sims, is the butler (if you have the addon " Sims 3 At dusk "). An adult permanently residing in the house will look after the kids, and sometimes he can even play or read a bedtime story.
Let's assume that you have learned the course of "young parents" and decided what future fate you are going to arrange for your baby. Let's now take a closer look at all the stages of growing up, starting with the baby. The duration of each age in game time depends entirely on the lifespan configured in your game.
Babies: day and night
Age from birth to first birthday. The kid does not yet make any conscious actions. All his desires are aimed at satisfying the basic needs - sleep, food, communication and cleanliness. The main problem for parents will be that the baby, although sleeping almost all the time, wakes up and requires attention every few game hours. So get ready to get up in the middle of the night and take turns running to the crib.
Romper: young fighter course
No new character traits are provided for when moving into this age category. But the baby becomes more mobile and inquisitive. In addition to simple tasks, such as feeding or changing a diaper, there are new opportunities to play with the baby, for example, scare him with “clawed paws” or “tickle”. As mentioned above, it is better to feed the Simenka at this stage of growing up on a special chair. But most importantly, parents have the opportunity to instill in their offspring the skills necessary for adulthood - the ability to walk, talk and use the potty. I must say that these 3 skills are mandatory for mastering for successful growing up. If you want to be able to choose the character trait of a Simenka to your liking when you go to school age, then stock up on the patience and free time of older Sims.
• Potty training is the easiest to learn. It only takes a well-rested and well-fed child, who needs to be put on the potty several times in a row. Usually, by 4-5 times, the baby understands all the advantages of using this hygiene item, and the skill is successfully mastered. Now, he himself will go to the potty whenever possible. But this does not mean that you are spared the need to change your baby's diapers, just now you will do this several times less often.
• Trying to teach your baby to walk can take several game days, but the result will allow the child to finally stomp his feet. The first step is always so touching!
• The ability to speak is also not easy for a baby. I would even say that this is the most time-consuming skill. It will require the patience of both teacher and student. After mastering this skill, your baby will be able to tell a lot of interesting things. Communicate on health!
Also, it is at the crawling age that all the foundations of the additional skills mentioned above are laid - logic, drawing and music.
Primary schoolchildren: war and peace in your home
In addition to the grown-up children, a planned rearrangement of furniture awaits you. Baby cribs should be replaced with full-fledged ones, a desk should be added, and space should be freed up by giving neighbors unnecessary toys.
To some extent, parents can breathe easier. Now the baby will take food from the refrigerator on his own, eat and wash his plate, go to the bathroom and toilet himself, and can even stay at home unattended ... But he has become a schoolboy, which means daily study and homework.
It is important to make sure that the child goes to school on time and in a good mood, and after school he does not forget to do his homework properly. Some kids cope with it on their own, but with those guys who are not distinguished by diligence and diligence, it is better to deal with it especially - parents can tell their child to go do homework, or even help with homework.
Diligent study soon makes itself felt, and after several fives in a row, the student enters the list of honor, delighting both yourself and your parents, and you can choose one more character trait when moving to the next age category. By default, the game enrolls a Simenka in a public city school. But, if you wish, you can send the young talent to some boarding school with a specific focus (artistic, musical, military, etc.), and forget about it for a while.
In addition to homework, the community school provides an opportunity for extra-curricular activities for kids - the Ballet Circle, which develops acrobatic and dance skills, and the Scout Circle, which further develops gardening and fishing skills. Also, your child can visit many interesting places with a school excursion, which will help him decide on his future work activity.
However, extra-curricular activities do not replace skills development at home. Schoolchildren may well continue to master logic with the help of a telescope or chess and begin to draw, developing the skills already laid down. There are also new opportunities. The game of cubes will now bring not only joy, but also benefits, laying the foundations of knowledge of mechanics.
If you buy a toy stove, the future chef will develop his cooking skill by baking cakes. He can not only refresh himself and treat the whole family, but even sell his little cupcakes to neighbors (if there is a trading table).
Also, you can purchase Lab Table (requires add-on " The Sims 3 All Ages ") to learn potions and give your kid the opportunity to experiment, at the same time, again, developing logic. Or buy the Inventor's Workbench (requires the The Sims 3 Career add-on), and your child will develop the skill of inventing by creating various toys and gadgets out of junk.
At this age, the child can already fish.
Another aspect of growing up is the child's desire to be alone sometimes. The Treehouse will help him in this (requires the addon " The Sims 3 All Ages "). Your sibling will be able to play there, arrange imaginary balls, and fight off uninvited guests, even if they are parents... At times, your baby will want to plant a paint mine in your shampoo in the shower or shove a farting pillow in your chair (requires addon " The Sims 3 All ages "). Needless to say, the consequences of these pranks will be unexpected and “slightly unpleasant” for adults?
The game gives parents the opportunity to deal with this - the tomboy can be punished. For starters, the child can be loaded with housework, for example, forced to take out the trash. But if this does not help, the last option remains - “In the corner, young man! IMMEDIATELY!". And your offspring, plaintively squelching his nose, goes to the corner.
After a while, it is worth forgiving the naughty one, changing anger to mercy, maybe then there will be silence and order in the house for a while. .. In addition to pranks, sometimes a simonka wants to skip school. Maybe he didn’t get enough sleep, maybe he just doesn’t want to, it doesn’t matter, your task is to follow up on timely attendance at school and stop attempts at absenteeism with all parental severity. But you shouldn’t worry that the baby will go out somewhere and stay on the street until late – before the curfew, the baby will definitely go home, wherever he is.
That's probably all. We told you the main aspects of raising a child until adolescence. The recipe is simple - love your baby, be attentive and caring, and he will answer you the same.
You can discuss the review and tell about your experience in raising sims in this forum thread.
Kids in The Sims 4 | Page 110
- #1
Children in The Sims 4 have 4 age groups: Infant, Toddler*, Child, and Teenager.
Pregnancy and babies
The ability to influence the gender of the child appeared in update .
Strawberries and pop music (both together and separately) set the mood for the birth of girls.
Carrots and alternative music lead to the birth of boys.
Toddlers as an age stage appeared in the update "Kids" in August 2017.
Sims can have children either naturally or through adoption by using a computer and paying $1,000.
After the alleged conception, when you click on the toilet, the action "Take a pregnancy test" appears for $15. A positive result is marked by confetti and a joyful announcement that the Sim is now eating for two.
The decree is not provided in the game, but from the third trimester it becomes possible to take a day off for family reasons (both mother and father). Note that the pregnancy moodlet now shows the number of hours until the next trimester. In the morning, the expectant mother can be tormented by toxicosis. In the first trimester, a rounded tummy is already noticeable and the Sim can "Tell the main news" to her relatives (action from the "Friendly actions" tab), and they, in turn, ask how long she is. In the second trimester, the opportunity appears to "Offer / ask to touch the tummy", and the needs of the Sims begin to fall faster, especially often there is a desire to use a faience friend, fill the womb (eats for two) and sleep. Duck walk included. The belly is growing and looks impressive in the third trimester, the chest is also increasing. Simka periodically kneads his lower back, showing with his whole appearance how difficult it is to carry such a burden in himself. When entering the third trimester, the pregnancy moodlet no longer shows how many hours remain before delivery. In total, pregnancy lasts 3 days after notification. The process of childbirth itself no longer resembles the capture of the Earth by aliens with hysterical cries of relatives and waving arms (although panic is observed) and lasts 3 hours.
While contractions are going on, Simka can easily do everyday things, for example, flood the forum. Simka can go to give birth in the hospital or give birth to a child at home. You can buy a cradle in advance, but if you haven't done so, it will appear automatically. Babies are tied to their bassinet and Sims cannot carry them around the house or other areas. Breastfeeding is new to the game, but the baby can also be bottle fed, which is available to Sims from the "Teen" stage. The following actions are available with the baby in the cradle: talk, caress, make faces, rock, coo, cradle, change diapers, feed (breast/bottle), show off and the "Grow Up" action, you can advance the baby to the "Baby" stage ahead of time. do not do it, he will grow up himself (the period depends on the life expectancy that is in the Settings).0003
Toddlers do not yet have a life goal, but there is one of the character traits available only to toddlers.
Angel are ideal kids with a light character. They never contradict or throw tantrums. They communicate with strangers without fear.
Capricious are young tomboys who love to cry, cause trouble and rage. They are happy when people pay attention to them, which helps them get rid of negative attitudes.
Frivolous - these kids are silly and curious. They love to tell jokes and play, and also level up their Imagination Skill a little faster.
Inquisitive - these kids are inquisitive explorers. They level up the Thinking skill a little faster, and they also like to learn and feel sad if they haven't learned anything new for a long time.
Independent - these kids value their freedom and don't like it when caregivers force them to do anything. They learn skills faster when they practice on their own and require less attention than other toddlers.
Restless - These energetic little ones love to explore and get excited. They learn the movement skill a little faster and get sad if they don't go outside for a long time.
Charming - these babies love to communicate. They quickly master the skill of communication and are not afraid of strangers. They can surround other characters with love.
Sticky - these shy kids do not avoid only the characters from their family and are sad if they are not paid attention to. They improve skills faster when they are taught, and their mood improves faster when they are comforted.
Toddlers can develop 5 skills: To see the hidden text, login or register . Toddlers need constant attention, care and help from elders.
The child receives his first character trait and life goal for the period of childhood. They can develop 4 skills: Motor, Communication, Intelligence and Creativity. When hovering over a skill, you will learn interactions with which objects increase it. Also, children can fish, look for some collectibles, play the piano and violin. Do not forget that in addition to comprehensive development, the child needs care and attention. Although children can cook their own food in the microwave, they will tuck into the parent-cooked meals with great appetite. Take an interest in things, hug and caress the child more often.
As a Sim grows up, they gain a second personality trait and more opportunities to learn skills and interact with others. Teenagers can have romantic relationships with peers, fool around under the covers and exchange rings. A teenager can invite his partner to stay the night and they can sleep in the same bed. If one of them matures before the other, then the romantic relationship between them will remain, although no action will be taken in this regard.
Children and teenagers study on weekdays from 8:00 to 15:00. Now becoming an excellent student is much more difficult than in the third part. To increase academic performance, the student must complete the tasks that appear in the "School" (J) tab, as well as make decisions suggested during the classes, which also affect academic performance. While the child is at school, you can control his actions by clicking on the image of two people on the character icon.
In The Sims 4, genetics has taken a big step forward and children no longer resemble chubby koloboks. Now we can trace in the features of the child's face a clear resemblance to one or both parents.
In this thread, you can discuss heredity, education, and also show the children born in your families.
You can publish the life stories of your families in this thread.
All comments containing words only about the beauty of children will be deleted, write detailed answers.
- #2.181
AlNight said:
And after how many days do toddlers mature at a normal lifespan?
Click to expand...
After 7 days, like children
- #2.182
DokeshikO said:
Can be eaten on the floor or on an armchair/chair/sofa and high chair
Click to expand.
And more in the crib.
- #2.183
I think, like many others, my family's plans have slightly changed - toddlers appeared in the middle of adolescence of the next generation of the family, which means that new kids are far away. Therefore, my almost elderly Sim with her elderly husband got a "random" late child
I play high duration and the baby stays a baby for 28 days. Further pictures.
What I like and what, of course, I expected from the four - the ease of approaching the children, not like in the top three - dancing around with a tambourine for three hours.
You can also take the handles from behind.
Remove from seat
And from the chair too. The chair for children, by the way, is substituted as a regular chair to the table and the child sits at the common table.
You can feed your child both dishes from the special children's menu (apple puree, green peas, animal-shaped crackers, and a number of others) and regular meals (that's why the Take a serving for... option has been added (then the child can take it from luggage).
Chips obviously to your liking
Why not eat a Caesar salad on the gym floor
The baby can also sleep anywhere and does it very nicely)
Once Mabel had a nightmare in the middle of the night. She got up and went to the nearest room to wake everyone up - her brother and sister were not happy.
I thought to go to a restaurant with a small girl, but she was booked to go there, she was immediately sent to kindergarten. Go to the park.
Yes, everyone is tired of this screenshot))
We take out the pot as in all parts, except that the bag has become a little larger))
We press to the heart))
Scaring everyone in the gym
And we babble something to our reflection
By the way, climbing stairs is something like this:
- #2.184
Speaking of ladders. For me, they start climbing them from the second level of movement. And they don't eat everything they give. The little girl was already sitting up to the red moodlet of hunger until she paid attention to the cloud of thought. There was a peanut butter sandwich. I decided to give it - the baby immediately began to gobble up for a sweet soul. And 2 of them were born. One ate the other woke up. The poor mother almost collapses from exhaustion.
- #2.185
miragina, yes, they don't eat everything. They can throw it away if you don't like it.
- #2.
Mr.Mortis, my baby didn't even throw it away. She just turned around and that's it. The developers are ready to kiss. In the 3rd, it was not so fun with them. I wonder if there are any fines for the underdevelopment of children?
- #2.187
miragina, hardly. There are no penalties for other age groups. I think it's like life here. A child who is little engaged will still absorb words and certain skills and knowledge from everything that surrounds him, but he can hardly be called developed. I used to have classmates like that in elementary school. They talked, but the numbers were confused. That is, there will be no cons. Only pluses if the child is still trained.
As far as food goes, I think my Sims kid throws it on the floor because he has a "Cranky" trait and is a spoiled aristocrat in general.
- #2.188
It's a pity to break the general idyll of admiration for toddlers. They made me terribly irritated. No, they are funny, cute, but, like many things in the game, they are just an element of filling employment. Moreover, a catastrophically off-scale element. Moms and dads (brothers and sisters to the heap) are literally tied hand and foot by kids.
Deleted the created family with a cute baby (which was even more depressing: in view of the small variety of CAS buns, similar little ones run around the city - like from one dad) and breathed a sigh of relief, returning to a normal way of life: work, novels, shops, festivals, parties etc.
Good children are other people's children!
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- #2.189
Zonka they crawl up the steps. Climb slower, get off faster (as it seemed to me). Any food can be eaten. Behind the chair, you can only give certain food (a list pops up to choose from).
If your little one has blocks, don't send him to play with them all the time!
In one of my family, the boy's name is Fred. So, Fred is playing with blocks, then I look, he got up and let's roar. I think he probably wants to eat or sleep, but no, neither. It turned out we were tired of cubes! That's it!
P.S - I sent the child to play with cubes just like that. He has toys, I just thought it was not fun to play with toys all the time.. I was wrong...
Then we started crying because of toys... What is it, picky child... Although there are no "capricious" or "independent" traits, we are clingy... Maybe someone will tell you, this is a character trait, that we only need to sit with our relatives, or what?
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- #2.
Mr.Mortis, I wouldn't be surprised if she was capricious. I have 2 toddlers (inquisitive and adorable) and both occasionally refuse to eat, but both equally love combinations of a peanut butter sandwich and apple juice (never refused or thrown on the floor) If this is a coincidence, then it is wildly annoying (sims scored on development of skills and fulfillment of tasks for promotion, if only the children would not grieve)
I forgot to tell you about pregnancy. Gender even before the moodlets or pregnancy test is chosen by the game. If the gender of the child is changed to the desired one, then it is better to do this in the early stages (more fruit leaves).
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- #2.
miragina, I have the same thing. Parents are always busy, although "there were two fathers and mothers, and the child was one." If this were real life, he would have grown up to be a real dictator.
- #2.192
Mr.Mortis, immediately remembered the trailer for the cartoon "Boss Baby"
- #2.
I read the comments about how everyone suffers with babies, I remembered my first babies. It was terribly difficult to keep track of them, and two of them were born at once (!) Such busyness with children 24/7 was very depressing for me, I decided to start over. And I got them as many as THREE, I was terribly unhappy. But gradually I got used to it, and everything became much easier, adults get enough sleep, children are always full, (I just cook food and leave it on the table, if they are hungry, they take a portion and crack on the couch), they can go to sleep themselves, study too, it remains only bathe them and chat with them. Bottom line: everyone is happy, parents work, children develop.
- #2.
Of course, almost everyone now shares screenshots of toddlers, but I couldn't help but show my girl. Lei is the first child sim in my game, so it's no surprise that I like her a lot. Dad is my sim Ray, mom is Nina Gongadze (Nina Kalantier). According to genetics, Lei went to Nina, her mother's eye color (although Ray's eyes are also green) and, it seems to me, skin color, only hair color comes from dad. It also seems to me that Lei, when she grows up, will be very similar to Nina, I hope she will become at least not a complete clone of her mother.
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- #2.
Decided to make a short report on what I saw. Since I always had children in the Sims, THIS caught my eye very sharply
The same is observed in toddlers when playing with toys. And little backbiters can steal food from each other
Here the kid just lay down to rest on the ottoman
Thoughts of almost everyone on the first day of the release and testing of the "Kids" update
- #2.196
Well, I found out that when a baby turns into a toddler, he can already walk. Of course, this is a bit out of order, okay. Well, the rest, of course, everything is on top. (toddler) will no longer be. Seeing different interests. I especially like how toddlers run - when they learned to walk a little. And how they climb on chairs and sofas. It's funny) I like that the skill of eating is pumped over and the simok takes a spoon in his hand over time. I like facial expressions very much) But it seems to me that one more age stage is needed here, an intermediate one. And so I am very pleased.
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- #2.197
Paiia said:
It's a pity to break the general idyll of admiration for toddlers.
They made me terribly irritated. No, they are funny, cute, but, like many things in the game, they are just an element of filling employment. Moreover, a catastrophically off-scale element. Moms and dads (brothers and sisters to the heap) are literally tied hand and foot by kids.
Click to expand...
What would you like? Sims is a life simulator, and the kids get like in life, they take all the parental time. I am now sitting with a seven-month-old daughter, so for me the problem is going to the toilet, sorry, go. And to take a shower and wash your hair, so in general - a luxury. So, everything is like in life))
- #2.
Toivo said:
What do you want?
Click to expand...
And it happens like you do. My experience is somewhat different. There is enough time for everything, even going to a cafe with a friend. Of course, the husband is not in last place. I have three children: two girls and a boy. That's why I wrote such a review (based on my life experience) - such attention of kids is too much. More precisely, there is no variation. Every angel and imp = tongue on shoulders, I came, pick up snot...
- #2.199
Developing skills is still worth its five cents
It is worth noting separately the chic moment of blowing out the candles. It's such a comfort, huh.
Blow out candles
Now the traits of the parents have begun to be traced (sort of)
And then I was just pleased with the expression on the face of my half-sister, during a conversation with a recent baby
What the hell
Speaking of skill development. With the full pumping of skills (except for the pot), all the skills of younger students become level 2. The character trait also significantly increases pumping (while Cassidy was having breakfast with her half-sister, she pumped her communication skill from 2 to 3. That's it
- #2.