Sitter baby food
Baby Food Challege - Babysitter Boss
Welcome back, babysitters! You know, I’ve taken care of a lot of babies and one thing I’ve learned is that it’s hard being a baby.
That’s true. I mean you can’t talk, so the only way to communicate is to cry. And you have to wait for someone to notice that you have a dirty diaper. That alone seems pretty awful.
True! And the worst thing of all, no french fries, no Taco Bell, no skittles …
I know! Everything babies eat looks like it’s already been chewed up and spit back out!
That’s why we’re going to taste-test some baby foods today!
Yeah! I mean, what?
Look, I mean babies eat this stuff all the time and sometimes they even look like they’re enjoying it. So, some of it might taste good.
I mean if you say so.
Great! Let’s get right to it. We’ll each take turns trying baby food. We’ll try to identify the food first and then rank it from one to five. Five being tasty and one being downright gross. You ready?
I’m so not ready for this.
Bring out the baby food! All right, ready?
Open your mouth.
Ew! That’s disgusting!
What do you think it is?
Um … carrot?
No. It’s sweet corn and green beans.
Ew! That was disgusting!
Okay. What would you rate that one?
I think this one will be, like, pretty good. Yeah. Okay … open.
Oh my. That’s really gross. That’s really gross. Um … Um … What is it?
Oh my god. That’s so gross!
Yeah, yeah. It’s really gross.
It tastes like dirt and plastic.
That’s like …
That’s the worst one so far.
It’s definitely a zero.
I think this one is going to be okay. We’ll see how you react. All right, open. What do you think it is? Awfully bad.
That one is not that bad at all.
If you don’t get this one, I might be a little mad.
It tastes like apples and like kind of strawberries.
Apples and strawberries, final answer?
Sure, okay.
It’s just apples.
Does it taste like applesauce?
I don’t know. Like it does …
It looks like applesauce.
It definitely looks like applesauce.
That does taste like applesauce. Would you say that’s the best one you tasted so far?
Yes. I’d give that one a five.
Yeah, most definitely.
Yeah, that one was actually pretty good. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind eating it.
Me neither. Like I would definitely eat that as a snack.
Okay. Open.
Why did you get me all of the gross ones?
What do you think it is?
Sweet potatoes? Is that what it?
Yep, yep.
That was gross!
It was like the carrots.
They’re both orange!
I know. I was like, oh my god it looks like the carrots. Let me try a little bit. Ew. No, that one’s worse than the carrots. This one is the worst one.
Yeah, I agree. You literally started me out with the two worst ones.
Okay. Now this corn and green beans actually taste fine.
Okay. This one actually looks really good.
That’s a lot!
Okay, what do you think it is?
I don’t … I really couldn’t tell you.
Ugh … does it have spinach in it?
I’m looking right now. It’s the pear, kale, and cucumber.
Yep. Was that one like … what does it taste like?
I’ll try it.
I don’t … I can’t even describe it. It tastes green. Like I definitely could taste that it was green. Yeah, I think that’s like maybe a two. Like it’s not a …
Yeah, maybe that one was a little better.
Definitely better than the carrots. Yeah, okay. This one might actually … I think it’s definitely gonna be better than the last one. Open.
That one’s definitely better than the last one.
What do you think it is?
Was it an apple?
Yeah, it has an apple in it. Do you taste anything else?
I don’t know it doesn’t taste just like apple, but I don’t know what it is.
You want me to tell you?
It’s apple, raspberry, and avocado.
Yeah, I didn’t know how like the avocado taste as gonna come across.
I don’t really taste the avocado; I just taste like apple and like something sweet.
It looks a little chunky.
It is.
That … I’m … I’m not mad. But it’s not like great.
Right, I’m not mad, but I’m not happy about it either.
Airplane it.
I don’t think you’ll get the last one cause I don’t … I don’t know.
Okay, I need to know.
Pumpkin and … what?
That’s weird. It definitely tasted like Fall. Like that’s definitely … taste, taste it.
Like you taste it and you’re like, wow, this is what Fall would taste like. It wasn’t bad. It’s interesting.
With apple and granola, that one’s not that bad.
You think this is for babies that are into hiking?
We think that that apple is so good, we’d eat it voluntarily.
On the other hand, the sweet potatoes and carrots are downright gross.
Yeah. Thanks for joining us and if you’re brave enough to try this at home share your favorite baby food in the comments below. By the way, if you haven’t subscribed to our channel yet, what are you doing? Subscribe below.
Check out more Babysitter Boss videos.
If that video made you vomit and now you’re wondering what to do, I’ve got you covered! Check out my video on The Vomiting Child. NSFE (Not Safe For Emetophobia)!
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What It Is, When to Start, and Options to Try
Accompanying your child through the different stages of learning how to eat real food is an exciting journey. Sometimes, along with the sense of pride — Look, they polished off the whole jar! — you can feel a little confused. How are you supposed to navigate the milestones?
Let’s start at the beginning: What do the stages of baby food mean, anyway?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your baby’s digestive system won’t make the leap from liquid to solid in one day either. That’s what the stages of baby food are for — to help your baby manage the mechanics of eating and to make the transition easier on your baby’s digestive system.
Defining the stages across the brands
While the different stages of baby food aren’t standardized (it would make your life easier if they were!), most popular brands more-or-less follow these four stages:
- Stage 1: 4 to 6 months (watery puree of a single ingredient)
- Stage 2: 6 to 9 months (thicker texture that is strained or mashed)
- Stage 3: 10 to 12 months (mush that has soft, chewable, small chunks)
- Stage 4: After 12 months (finger foods and small, soft pieces of foods you share from your own supper)
What is the difference between stage 1 and stage 2 food?
Stage 1 foods are pretty watery. They’re pureed into a smooth paste that can drip off a spoon easily, so stock up on your bibs. These foods are usually made of a single ingredient: oatmeal cereal, apple, carrots. Your baby will start off eating about half a teaspoon of this.
Stage 2 foods get more exciting. These are strained or mashed into a dense paste. They’re made with a combination of foods that can include legumes and even meats or fish. They may combine flavors, like fruit and veggie blends. Your baby’s appetite is growing and you’ll have to keep pace with bigger portions.
At around 6 to 9 months, your baby is probably ready to move on to stage 2 foods. Not every baby will stick to this schedule simply because every child is a world to their own.
Here are some signs that your child is ready to move on:
- Tongue reflex: At around five months, your child will start losing their tongue thrust reflex and won’t immediately push out the food that you try to feed them.
- More please: They’ll easily polish off the stage 1 foods and look hungry for more.
- Variety: They’ll have eaten foods from all the food categories (vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, meat) and shown no allergy or intolerance.
- Enjoyment: They’re managing spoonfuls of stage 1 foods easily, mouthing and swallowing happily.
At this exciting stage, feel free to give your baby most types of foods. By offering them a wide range of tastes and textures, you’re giving them a foundation for healthy eating habits — as well as making it easier for yourself. Keep in mind the following safety points:
- Choking hazards: Avoid nuts, seeds, and popcorn at this stage. And make sure to slice round foods like grapes and hot dogs lengthwise.
- No honey: Children younger than 12 months should not be given honey because it could lead to a botulism infection.
- No juice: Follow AAP guidelines and stick with breast milk, formula or a little water and steer clear of juices.
- Safe feeding: Always strap your child into their high chair and keep an eye on them while they’re eating.
And if you’re wondering about peanuts, here’s the scoop: A 2017 release from the National Institutes of Health suggests exposing children to peanut-containing foods as early as 4 months old. (Wait till 6 months for children with mild or moderate eczema.)
Surprised? Don’t be. A recent study suggested that Israeli kids rarely suffer from peanut allergies because they’re munching on Bamba, a peanut-based snack, from as early as 3 months. Talk to your doctor about suggested safe ways to incorporate peanut products into your little one’s diet.
What’s on the menu for stage 2 baby foods? Basically, you can go the store-bought or the homemade route. Or you can mix both depending on how much time you have. It’s up to you and your personal schedule.
Here are tasty ideas for both options.
Store-bought stage 2 baby food
- Plum: These organic blends come in easy-to-transport pouches.
Try pear, spinach, and pea, or banana and pumpkin.
- Beech-Nut: Options are available in jars and pouches. Serve up some apples and bananas or pineapple, pear, and avocado.
- Earth’s Best: Another organic option, in pouches or jars. Try sweet potato, barley, and garbanzo or pasta with tomato and white bean.
- Gerber: A classic, whether served up from plastic tubs, jars, or pouches. Flavor combinations include peach mango and oatmeal or chicken noodle dinner.
Remember to monitor your little one while they’re eating. Pouches are handy, but the caps can be a choking hazard. Glass jars are at risk of breaking, so keep them out of baby’s reach. Your baby should always enjoy snacks and meals with attentive adult supervision.
Homemade stage 2 baby food
Cooking up a storm for your baby’s budding taste buds at this stage doesn’t have to be challenging. Here are a few recipes to get you going. (You can find even more baby food recipes here. )
Don’t shy away from spices and herbs: your baby will appreciate the added flavor, and the micronutrients in them will give their immune system a boost.
- Apple, butternut, and carrot: Boil the ingredients until they test soft with a fork. Drain some of the water, but set it aside in case you need to thin the mixture. Sprinkle in a little curry and blend.
- Blueberries and chickpeas: You can cook up your own chickpeas or use a prepared version to save time. Mix equal amounts of blueberries and chickpeas. Blend and add breastmilk, formula, or water to get the right consistency. You can also add in some rice for extra oomph and texture.
- Salmon with roasted zucchini and fennel: Spray the salmon and vegetables with oil and broil for about 15 minutes. Add chopped parsley and blend. You can thin the mixture with breastmilk, formula, or water.
Enjoy this stage with your baby because it won’t be long before they move on to the next stages. And then, sooner than you think, you may be facing competition for that last slice of caramel-topped cheesecake.
Komsomolskaya Pravda
of the incident of the Complex of the Crossroads: emergency
Vadim Begun
September 19, 2022 10:12
About this itself was told on social networks [video]
on Yamal Yama I bought baby food with a mouse inside. Photo - "Incidents Noyabrsk" in VK.
Muravlenko resident bought Fruto Nyanya baby food with a mouse inside. The city dweller herself told about this on social networks, attaching the corresponding video and photo.
Local residents are outraged by the presence of such a “delicacy” in baby food: “Why buy mashed potatoes for children at all? The shelves are full of fresh fruits, take a grater and rub or use a blender! Both tasty and healthy! And then they wonder why the child has a stomachache”; "Tin, did not indicate the meat in the composition. "
In the company "FrutoNyanya" , the correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda - Yamal" noted that they sincerely regret that the woman had to face such a situation. According to employees, each batch of any finished product is checked for quality and safety.
- For verification purposes, the author is requested to contact us via community private messages with the following details: exact place of purchase, date of manufacture of the product, contact phone number and photographs of the packaging and date of manufacture. Please do not throw away the packaging, it may be useful for the examination, the company said.
They note that their product is filled in sterile packaging and hermetically sealed. All technological processes of production at the enterprise are closed and automated. "To preserve the quality of any product, it is necessary to observe the correct storage conditions and maintain the tightness of the packaging, which can be broken during transportation", - emphasize the company's specialists.
The press service of the PROGRESS company, which is a manufacturer of products under the FrutoNyanya brand, added that the company that produces baby food is equipped with modern equipment, and the technologies used by the company meet international standards, which guarantees high quality and safety of products.
- The production process is completely closed, automated and equipped with a multi-stage control system at various stages, which eliminates the ingress of foreign elements or violation of safety standards during production. Quality control, adopted at all stages of production from incoming control of raw materials to the release of finished products, allows you to fully control the production process and avoid the slightest deviation from established standards, the press service noted.
The company noticed that in the video you can see the growth of mold inside the package, which could be due to a violation of its tightness as a result of damage during the transportation and / or sales stages.
- We are unable to contact the consumer to clarify the circumstances of the incident. The consumer did not apply to our "Hot Line". We ask her to do this by calling the phone number indicated on the package or providing her contacts in our official VKontakte social network group,” the company concluded.
In Yamal, a woman bought baby food with a mouse inside.
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Goods with a quality mark
Black list
The ideal baby food up to 6 months is breast milk, but if it is not possible to feed the baby with mother's milk, then mixtures that are sold in stores come to the rescue. When choosing a ready-made mixture, follow the rule: the closer the mixture is to breast milk in composition, the better.
All formulas are thoroughly tested before entering the store, so they are all safe, which cannot be said about homemade food. But their price may differ, depending on how high-quality and modern the mixture is.
More modern formulas usually contain ingredients that have only recently been scientifically proven to be useful (eg, lutein). But this does not mean that traditional mixtures that do not contain this substance should be abandoned.
From 6-7 months, the baby begins to receive complementary foods, and by 8-9 months, the proportion of mixtures in the child's diet is reduced to 50%, and the rest falls on fruit and vegetable puree, dairy-free cereals from ground cereals that do not contain gluten. At the second stage of complementary foods, meat puree can be introduced into the diet. It is not recommended to give juices to children under 1.5 years old.
Children under the age of 1 should not drink tea. It is better to boil baby water before drinking.
Starting from the age of 1, the baby can eat cottage cheese and other unsweetened fermented milk products. You need to be careful with yogurt: it may contain sugar, which is not recommended for children at this age. Kefir should be excluded from the diet of preschoolers, as it is highly acidic and may contain alcohol. Powdered milk for a baby can only be used as part of baking or in case of emergency.
Sugar and salt are generally recommended to be excluded from the baby's menu until at least 3 years old.