Twin baby feeding log
Best Baby Tracker App for Twins
“What’s the best baby tracker app for twins? Something I can use to keep track of my twins feedings?” Our Twiniversity community jumped in with many app suggestions, including details on app cost and features.
Just a reminder that plain old paper and pen might be the best bet for your family — it all depends on how tech-savvy your help is.
What is the best baby tracker app for twins?
Learn about the best baby tracker app for twins from our community of twin moms. They shared their opinions on the best twins baby tracker apps.
The Twiniversity App
There’s finally an app created JUST for twin families! Twiniversity is the perfect twins daily tracker and twins week-by-week sections for pregnancy as well as the first year with your duo. You’ll get a complete to-do list for parents of twins from the time you see that second heartbeat through the first year. You’ll find helpful tips, article suggestions, expert advice, and more since this app has everything you need to make the most of your twin experience. Get organized with Twiniversity today!
Download the Twiniversity App for Android
Download the Twiniversity App for iPhone
Be sure to sign up for the app using your Apple ID email on Apple devices!
What’s included in the Twiniversity App:
The Twiniversity App has duel sides: Twin Pregnancy Mode and Twins Mode. The twin pregnancy mode is perfect for tracking your twin pregnancy symptoms, learning what’s going on with your twins week by week, saving bump and ultrasound photos, and so much more. The Twins Mode allows you to track your twins daily feeds, diaper changes, medications, breastfeeding schedule, and a TON more.
You can easily toggle back and forth between the two sides in the main menu.
Twin Pregnancy Mode includes:
*Twin pregnancy symptom tracker
*To-do list for a twin pregnancy
*Twin pregnancy photo album for bump pictures and ultrasounds
*Week-by-Week Twin Pregnancy Timeline
*Twin registry list with Twiniversity’s top picks
*Listen to the Twiniversity Podcasts within the app
*Top article suggestions on twin birth stories, twin baby showers, pregnancy health, fourth trimester, breastfeeding twins prep, twin planning, and twin parent resources
The Twins Mode is going to be a lifesaver for tracking twin feedings (both bottle and breast), tracking pumping sessions, learning how your twins are developing week by week, finding advice and tips from parents of twins on how to manage your twins, and SO MUCH MORE!
Twins Mode includes:
*Twins daily log tracker for diaper changes, feedings (bottle or breast), pumping log, medications log, and doctor visits log
*Twin parent journal
*Twins photo album
*Week-by-Week Twins First Year Timeline
*Twin gear list with Twiniversity’s top picks
*Listen to the Twiniversity Podcast
*Top articles on twins sleep, traveling with twins, feeding twins, parent me-time, relationships, baby health, childcare, and twin parent resources
The Twiniversity app has some incredible features made just for you and your twins — but you can also add in singletons too! You can track all of your children in the app if you wish.
The Twiniversity App was designed with your needs in mind. We wanted you to have just ONE place to go to help you navigate twin pregnancy and twin parenthood. Twin parenthood is complicated enough! Let us make it easier for you with the best twin pregnancy app and best twin baby tracker app all in one!
Download the Twiniversity App today on the App Store for Apple devices or the Playstore for Android!
Download the Twiniversity App for Android
Download the Twiniversity App for iPhone
Be sure to sign up for the app using your Apple ID email on Apple devices!
Baby Connect AppBaby ConnectWe used Baby Connect baby tracker app. There is a one-time fee but SO worth it! It was awesome! Very user-friendly, lots of good graphs and data reporting. I tracked everything- feedings, diapers, pumping, medical information, medicine/vitamins, you name it! It’s also extremely easy to go back and forth between the two babies. – Stefanie M.
We used BabyConnect as well….. for 10 days exactly lol… I think additional users have to pay for the app as well. I remember an option for buying it for others, such as caregivers. – Jenna Y.
Baby Connect is my savior. My husband downloaded it as well so we can both update it. The “multi” feature is great in saving time with twins. Worth the fee. – Anna S.
We loved Baby Connect baby tracker app so much we used it for the entire first year! Had it on every caretaker’s phone. Definitely worth the fee. – Sara S.
We used baby connect and it was amazing!!! – Allison W.
Baby Connect!! Hands down, loved using it and if you have iPhone and do family share your spouse can get it for free and anyone watching babies can record info too. – Bianca G.
Baby Connect. I wish they had this feature when mine were babies, but as of recently, you can use the app with Alexa to record tasks and ask about already logged tasks instead of having to do the logging yourself on the app. – Heather M.
Baby Tracker. It’s free, with in-app purchases, and you can log in on multiple devices! We still use it when administering meds off and on at 20 months. – LA K.
Baby Tracker app was also my app of choice. No need to upgrade to paid version. – Emily B.
Loved Baby Tracker app! – Elizabeth S.
Photo by Jane Goodrich Photograhy
Yes! Baby tracker for my twins – Britt W.
Agree with baby tracker app! – Emily S.
We use baby tracker and it works well for me and my husband! – Molly S.
We use Baby Tracker for the twins and our Singleton. Easy to use even for my parents when they babysit. Shared among all devices. – Allison M.
Baby Tracker – it’s free, goes between devices. Really liked it. – Alysha S.
Baby DaybookI used Baby Daybook for 2 years. It made life so much easier. – Christine T.
Glow BabyWe used Glow Baby tracker app with our twins. Worked great. Easy and toggles between babies. – Corrie G.
We use/used Glow Baby for both our twins and now our singleton- very easy to use and can add a few people to the app! – Melissa H.
I used Glow Baby tracker app and my husband liked a journal for our twins. – Jessica C.
We use Glow Baby and love it. It also tracks pumping and you can track formula feeds vs breast milk feeds. It’s pretty great for a free app. – Lauren D.
SproutWe use Sprout. Love it. – Noel A.
I’m Having Twins! What Do I Need To Know?
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How to Maintain a Newborn Twin Schedule: Sample Schedules and More!
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If you’re currently expecting twins, you may be freaking out about how the heck you’re going to manage to get those babies on a newborn twin schedule.
It probably seems daunting because it’s hard enough to get ONE baby on a schedule… TWO babies seem next to impossible.
They are different babies and need different things. What if one twin needs a longer nap time than the other?
Mamas, I am here to tell you that not only is it POSSIBLE to get your newborn twins on the same sleeping schedule… but it was actually easier than I anticipated.
*Post contains affiliate links.
My identical twin girls were born 8-weeks early (<– you can click to read our story).
They spent some time in the NICU and so by the time they came home, they were already on a solid 3-hour schedule. While their NICU stay was hard on all of us, I will say that it was nice to not have to work that hard to get them on a schedule because they already WERE on one.
You may be thinking, ‘sure, it was easy for HER because the NICU staff put them on a schedule!’ While this is true, I kept at it when they got home. We worked really hard to keep them on a schedule, and it was 1000% worth it.
How to Get Twins on a Schedule
Literally, keeping my twins on a schedule saved my sanity.
Our son, Theo, had just turned 2 when they were born, and the structure and consistent routine really helped to ease him into being a big brother. (You can read my tips for siblings welcoming twins into the family <– right there!)
It will be a decent amount of work, but it’s so worth it. The schedule won’t be there from the very beginning, but after a few weeks, things will click into place. Here are my tips for getting and keeping newborn twins on a schedule.
1. Eat, Wake, Sleep Newborn Twin Schedule
Don’t worry about setting a strict schedule with newborn twins.
Instead, focus on getting a solid routine of eat, wake, sleep established.
This means that the babies eat as soon as they wake up and then have designated ‘wake’ time. Wake time for a newborn should only be 30-45 minutes, including their feeding time.
If your twins were born prematurely, it could be even less time than that. After their wake time, it’s your twins’ sleep time.
Ideally, your routine will repeat itself every 3-hours.
If your babies are hungry sooner than 3 hours, by all means, feed them.
Some parents even start their babies on a 2.5-hour schedule. The NICU and our pediatrician both wanted us to do a 3-hour schedule, which is what we stuck with.
Apparently, at one point, the American Academy of Pediatrics advised parents not to follow Babywise, which is a book where the eat, play, sleep method is from.
Their point was that parents could become too focused on baby sleep and not feed a hungry baby. I just need to point out that Babywise specifically says to feed your baby if they are hungry, no matter how long it’s been. If your baby is hungry… feed them!
Anyways, moving on!
I’ll be honest- I can’t imagine raising twins without Babywise. If you’d like to try it for yourself, you can read this post: 5 Tips for the First Time Mom Using Babywise, or get your copy of the book –> here.
2. Full Feeds
Focus on full feeds! Making sure your twins eat enough at each meal time will help them to not ‘snack’ or eat casually throughout the day.
You can undress them or change their diapers if they become drowsy, and stroke their cheeks to encourage swallowing.
You can read my friend Kim’s ultimate resource guide for breastfeeding twins <– here. Also, if you’re curious, you can read my story of why breastfeeding my twins didn’t work out.
3. Wake Both Twins at the Same Time
You know the phrase, don’t wake a sleeping baby?
Any twin parent will tell you that does not apply to multiples.
If you want your twins to sleep at the same time, you need to wake them up at the same time.
You don’t want your twins on different schedules. This will also mean that they have the same feeding schedule and you can find helpful tips to feed twins at the same time <– right here.

Start with having a solid morning wake-up time that is consistent every day, within 30 minutes or so..
In the Babywise book, this is referred to as desired wake time (DWT).
Once they are consistent with the morning wake up time, you can start adding more solid feeding times throughout the day. But at first, don’t stress and aim for every 3-hours-ish. Nail that solid wake-up time for sure though.
5. Put to Sleep Drowsy, Yet Awake
So, your twins wake up, eat, get a diaper change and a little bit of awake time… then put them in their beds, drowsy, yet awake. Your goal is for them to fall asleep independently.
It’s really, really hard to rock two babies to sleep, especially as they get older. Try to establish them falling asleep on their own when they are newborns. Give them a snuggle until they are nice and sleepy, and then put them in their cribs or bassinets to go to sleep.
Read more about putting your baby down drowsy yet awake.
Sample Newborn Twins Schedule
Once your twins are on a pretty solid routine of eat, wake, sleep, you can start following a newborn twin schedule.
Of course, just because you are on a 3-hour schedule doesn’t mean that you don’t feed your baby if they’re hungry earlier.
How do you know?
If they settle down when you pick them up or give them a pacifier, they probably aren’t hungry yet. Use your mama gut and trust your instincts though.
Newborn Twin 3-Hour Sample Schedule
This schedule will work whether or not you need a breastfeeding twins schedule or a schedule for formula feeding twins. It can be used for either, trust me.
- 7:00: DWT (Desired wake time) and first feeding
- 7:45-10:00: Nap
- 10:00: Second feeding
- 10:45-1: Nap
- 1:00: Third feeding
- 1:45-4: Nap
- 4:00: Fourth feeding
- 4:45-6:45: Nap
- 6:45: Bedtime routine
- 7:00: Final feeding and in bed for the ‘night’
- 10:00: Optional dream feed (read more about the dream feed)
During the middle of the night, let them sleep as long as they will, as long as you’re cleared by your pediatrician! We had to feed our girls every 3-hours in the middle of the night for quite some time since they were born so early.
The newborn stage is one of the most difficult seasons of raising twins (another of the most difficult seasons is toddler twins…)
You will get through this!
I knew it can seem daunting as a new twin mom, but before you know it, your twins will be sleeping through the night and the first year will pass by in the blink of an eye.
As always, I am only an e-mail away if you need advice or support <3 And, don’t forget to follow our twin journey over on Instagram!
other helpful twin posts:
The Best Children’s Books for Twins
How to Survive a Twin Pregnancy
Tips for Surviving Life With Newborn Twins
9 Things All Twin Moms Know to Be True
Breastfeeding twins, triplets, twins - resources
Twin breastfeeding leaflet . For breastfeeding mothers and for her family members! La Leche League website.
Article N. Eisner, Israel, on feeding twins
Article from the LLL website on feeding twins and triplets:
- Breastfeeding twins. Living in a twin space - and a personal story (translation), and useful modern information, and links.
- Breastfeeding twins. Our experience is an article by a Russian mother.
- Three-Pitch Game - Mom of Triplets Experience (translation)
- How to breastfeed triplets - the experience of a Russian mother.
- All materials about twins and triplets: under the tag "Twins"
Exclusive breastfeeding of triplets - the experience of two mothers, summarized in one article as part of a report at a conference on breastfeeding.
Sites with collections of articles and information on twin feeding and care
especially illustrations of breastfeeding positions
- in LLL leaflet: Twin breastfeeding leaflet
- https://www. . Photo - in all articles collected on page
carrying twins in a sling
twin nursing pillows
- There are very different, foam-based, inflatable, home-made from foam rubber, ... Many mothers of twins find that home-made pillows cut into a horseshoe shape from dense foam rubber or similar material are comfortable
- (on sale in Russia)
Twin Breastfeeding Help
Lactation Counselors General Directory - here0003 Additional information: Feeding two babies at the same time has twice the level of prolactin in the blood than feeding one baby. (Tyson et al, 1972) Forums and communities all about feeding twins! topics about GW twins real stories of twin feeding - from the hospital to weaning English: How not to lose your head from double happiness and cope with double difficulties? Use the experience of other parents and the achievements of modern technologies. Nowadays, twins are rarely a surprise for parents at the time of birth. As a rule, the family finds out about this at the first ultrasound. You should not put off preparing for the appearance of babies until later, especially since a multiple pregnancy lasts less than usual. It is better to prepare and stock up on everything you need in advance. If you haven't thought about self-organization before, it's time to reconsider your views. Even if you really don’t want to plan, paint and customize everything, caring for twins will definitely require this! It is very convenient to use a notebook for notes, in which you can first make a list of necessary purchases and things to do, and after the birth of the babies, indicate the hours of sleep and feeding, changing diapers, portions of food, weight and any other features of each of the twins. Never refuse help. All mothers of twins agree on this. Help for a mother of twins is not a whim, but an urgent need. The husband can become the main assistant, especially if he has the opportunity to take a vacation from work in the first month after the birth of the babies. Dads can do absolutely everything except breastfeeding. You can also arrange help with grandmothers and other relatives in advance. Partial help is better than no help at all. If there is no one to turn to, then even a student who comes twice a week for a couple of hours will be able to solve many everyday problems. The main thing is not to be shy about asking for help and accepting it with pleasure. Do not try to maintain the same lifestyle that you had before pregnancy. The amount of ironing will be significantly reduced if you switch to wrinkle-resistant knitwear in the first years of your baby's life. Cooking in reserve will make life much easier. You can cook food in advance, several days in advance, and freeze "home-cooked foods". This will free up a lot of time. In order not to feed the same baby twice and not leave the other one hungry, you need to learn how to distinguish between twins. Colored bracelets, different clothes, or something that you can think of yourself will do. Be sure to call your children by their first names. Most pediatricians believe that it is better to schedule twin feedings so that the mother's life does not turn into one continuous feeding. Can feed both babies at the same time . If a mother is alone, she must choose what suits her best. In addition to using a special nursing pillow for twins, there are other ways you can try. Can feed twins in turn . In order to separate the feeding of children in time, the most impatient one is awakened half an hour earlier for feeding, and the second, more patient baby can be awakened when the first one has already eaten. As a rule, newborns easily get used to such a feeding schedule. This mode is generally more convenient. The only condition is to feed the newborns immediately one after the other, otherwise the feeding will be busy all the time. However, if the babies have a big difference in weight, the little one will need to eat more often, and the schedule will be completely different. If newborns feed irregularly at first, record feeding times and note the weight of newborns to determine how much they eat. This will help you set up your daily routine. In order for the mother to have free time from caring for children, it is necessary to synchronize the sleep and wakefulness of both babies. During the mode setting period, it will be very difficult. Think about the advantages of the regime and the reasons why you want to introduce it, and hang this list in a prominent place. It is very motivating in difficult times. But after a couple of weeks, you can find that after feeding at the same time, the children fell asleep at the same time, giving two or four hours of free time during the day and a good night. Is it worth it? Twins and twins will enjoy bathing together, but only after seven to eight months, when they can sit confidently. Before that, babies should be bathed separately. It is recommended to bathe the most impatient and noisy baby first. It is easier to bathe babies when there is a helper. He will be able to intercept one of the children while you wash the second one. And also feed a washed baby from a bottle if you have already switched to mixtures. If, for some reason, the mother has to cope alone, then the bathing of children can be separated, both by time and by day. It is quite possible to bathe them every other day. Newborn twins tend to cry at the same time, complementing and provoking each other's cries. Whom to grab first? Having studied the characteristics of the character and temperament of each of the twins, an observant mother will easily find the instigator. If you calm him down, the second one will calm down on its own. Handling also helps: it is best to use slings, and for both children at once. The main thing is not to panic, children's tears and screams are unpleasant, but natural. Any means is suitable for walking: strollers, slings, kangaroos, carriers and car seats. The main problem is to go outside without helpers. How to take out the stroller and not leave the children alone? If the mother is alone, then first you will have to dress the children, leave them in their beds, quickly lower the stroller, and go for the children. It is better to immediately leave the stroller downstairs (some mothers fasten it to the lock). Or use additional kangaroo systems or slings: then the mother will have free hands and she will be able to take the stroller out. Babies should be dressed in stages: first, one underwear, then another, a jacket for the first, a jacket for the second, overalls for the first, then the second. So the kids sweat less. When the kids grow up, another problem arises - they scatter in different directions.
Discussions, sharing experiences
How to organize life with twins: life hacks of experienced mothers
Get organized
Keeping all this information in memory will be quite difficult, because a notepad should always be at hand (there are magnetic notepads that can be placed on the refrigerator door). You will appreciate this habit when there is too little free time left.
Don't be a heroine!
Reduce household to-do lists
It is better to reduce all domestic issues to the most necessary minimum. The time has come to actively use all the possible benefits of civilization: a washing machine and dishwasher, a dryer, a slow cooker, a food processor, a robot vacuum cleaner and other technical assistants.
Ironing less, cooking more
Tips for caring for twins
After all, newborn children, especially when breastfeeding (when the mother does not see the amount of milk actually eaten), may not suck out the norm for one feeding and demand a breast every half an hour.
Prepare everything you need for swimming, towels, clothes in advance. Arrange everything for your convenience.
One of the children tries to tell you about the problem, and the second one supports him. Just out of solidarity.