Super baby food chart
Super Baby Food Book | Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Baby
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Super Baby Food…Completely Revised and Updated…is Here!
Discover why Super Baby Food, with over half a million copies sold is the most complete and thoroughly researched infant nutrition resource available for feeding your baby the healthy, organic and money-saving way. Author Ruth Yaron, nationally recognized authority and media veteran shares her sound meticulous research to bring parents:
- The most up-to-date, medically, nutritionally sound information on what to feed babies and toddlers at specific ages and how to prepare and store it safely.
- Handy, alphabetical lists of fruits and vegetables with cooking instructions plus easy baby food storage and freezer tips.
- Money-saving, easy recipes to enhance baby’s development through toddlerhood and beyond! See a sample of baby puree recipes and baby food recipes excerpted from the book right here!
- Ideas for simply adding nutrition to an everyday meal by adding Healthy Extras like kelp, tahini, and nutritional yeast (among others) so that every bites counts.
- Complete list of resources and tips to find organic foods and connect with others online in the Super Baby Food Community.
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Baby Food Chart
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
Start your little one’s journey into solid foods the right way with our 6 months Baby Food Chart! Includes healthy and nutritious Indian recipes too! So your baby is 6 months old – congratulations, she’s ready to start solid foods! Many Moms eagerly wait for that moment when their little ones start eating new foods….Read More
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
After two plus years of My Little Moppet, I am certain that I have answered a question from pretty much every area of parenting. Unsurprisingly, Moms’ favorite questions are all in the field of nutrition. While weight gain, breastfeeding and recipe requests are common, there’s one question that always makes its way to my inbox…Read More
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Congratulations, your little one is starting solids!!! This is his first step into the real world, and you want to make it as pleasant for him as you can! In many cultures, starting solids is an occasion to be celebrated, with guests coming over to see baby take his first bite of something other than milk….Read More
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
Make your babies / toddlers eat more healthy vegetables and fruits with our FREE Monthly Food chart for babies and toddlers directly delivered to your Inbox. On Subscription what do you get 1. Monthly Food Charts with planned meals for 30 days for your babies/toddlers 2. Weekly mails with links to Recipes that are baby/toddler…Read More
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
This is the time many Moms complain about a decrease in baby’s appetite. Let’s fix that by changing up your baby’s diet with our 10 Months Baby Food Chart! As your baby completes 10 months, you notice that she seems more and more disinterested as mealtime approaches. Most Moms see this as a sign of…Read More
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9 Months is the age at which your baby starts getting bored with familiar foods and demands something new! Keep baby interested with our 9 month baby food chart with Indian recipes. Your baby has completed three quarters of her first year – congratulations! This is a great milestone but also a challenging one, considering…Read More
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
This is a combined Meal planner for 8th Month and 9th Month baby food charts. Please click the link to download the Meal planner Meal Planner for 8 and 9 month Babies I have modified the meal planner according to readers suggestion if you have any suggestions please leave a comment below or Mail me…Read More
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| | by Dr Hemapriya
As your little one breezes through 8 months, you will be presented with fresh challenges in feeding! Our 8 months baby food chart for Indian Babies will help you navigate this phase with ease. Your baby is 8 months old and she’s doing a lot of amazing new things! At this age, your little one…Read More
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How to introduce new formula to a baby | Changing from one mixture to another: scheme
09/06/2017 Rassadina Zinaida Vladimirovna
How do I switch my baby to another formula?
The diet and diet of a formula-fed baby require special attention and constancy.
The diet and diet of a formula-fed baby require special attention and constancy. However, quite often there are situations when transferring a child to another mixture becomes a necessity. In this article, we will tell you how to make the transition to a new diet comfortable and safe for your crumbs.
Why shouldn't the mixture be changed frequently?
The reasons for the transfer of an artificial child from one mixture to another must be strictly argued. Usually, the pediatrician gives recommendations on changing the diet if the child's health condition requires it. Frequent and unreasonable transitions to a new mixture is a real stress for the child's body, such jumps can provoke digestive problems in the baby.
Reasons for switching a baby to new formula
Situations that require replacement of infant formula with another one may be the following:
- symptoms of allergy to the first mixture;
- the need to introduce a therapeutic mixture, in connection with the detection of any disease in a child;
- the need to replace the therapeutic mixture with an adapted one in the event that the baby has eliminated the disease or condition in which it was prescribed;
- milk protein intolerance or lactase deficiency;
- refusal of the child from the usual mixture, insufficient weight gain;
- the need to transition to a new stage of nutrition in connection with reaching a certain age (6, 12 months).
Switching to a new diet: how long does it take?
Transferring a baby from one mixture to another takes up to two weeks. During this time, the following changes are possible in the child's condition:
- change in stool - such a reaction is considered temporary and is not a reason for refusing to transfer;
- change in the child's appetite;
- changes in the mood of the crumbs.
In order to make sure that the new food suits your child, at least a month should pass. Carefully monitor the baby's reaction: appetite, activity, sleep, digestion, skin condition. If, after feeding with a new mixture, the child becomes restless, sleep worsens, rashes or other allergic reactions appear on the skin, immediately consult a pediatrician for advice.
What is the total daily amount of formula and the amount of one serving for a IV baby?
The first thing they are guided by when determining the sufficiency and quality of nutrition of an artificial baby is the monthly indicators of increased growth and weight gain. According to current standards, for the first 2 months of life, a child should consume a volume equal to 1/5 of his weight per day.
Example: baby weight 3 kg - 600 ml (3000/5=600) - the total amount of formula per day.
The norm of formula for children of the first year of life:
- from 2 to 4 months is 1/6 of body weight,
- 4 to 6 - 1/7,
- after 6 months -1/8-1/9.
The size of 1 serving is determined according to the following principle: divide the total amount of food by the frequency of feeding. It is possible that in one of the feedings the child refuses to eat up the prescribed norm, and the next time he drinks a little more than usual. Such deviations in one direction or another are quite acceptable.
Healthy transition rules
Experts recommend a phased transition to a new diet within one week, the frequency of feeding is 7 times:
1 day: at the first feeding - only the old mixture, the second feeding - a new one, the rest of the feedings - the old mixture. Monitor the child's condition, there should be no anxiety and sleep disturbances;
Day 2: new formula - second and fourth feedings;
Day 3: new formula - second, fourth and sixth feedings;
Day 4: new formula - first, second, fourth and sixth feedings;
Day 5: new formula - first, second, third, fourth and sixth feedings;
Day 6: new formula - every feeding except the fifth;
Day 7: every feeding - new formula.
Such a smooth transition will help the child's body easily adapt to a new diet, which will prevent digestive problems or other negative consequences for the baby's health.
Author: Rassadina Zinaida Vladimirovna Pediatrician, experience - 14 years
How much should a newborn eat: feeding chart
0-6 months
5/5 2 reviews
As soon as the long-awaited event has happened and the baby is born, the mother is faced with many questions. One of the most frequently asked: how to feed and how much should a newborn eat? Indeed, this is a very important point, since a properly selected and debugged diet allows the child to grow and develop harmoniously, promotes good health and strengthens the immune system. How to calculate the norm for a baby from the first days of life to a year?
8 min. for reading Feb. 17, 2022
Listen to the experts
Calculation norms
- The first weeks of life
- One to four months
- Five-six months
- Seven to twelve months
How much breast milk a newborn should eat: table
Not enough breast milk or not at all: what to do
Norms and stages of the introduction of complementary foods
- First stage - vegetables
- Second stage - cereals
- Third stage - fruits
- Fourth stage - meat
- Fifth stage - new flavors
An example of a daily diet for a 6-8 month old baby
Frequently Asked Questions
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Calculation norms

As soon as the baby is born, it is immediately brought to the mother's breast to feed. This helps to strengthen the immunity of the baby and stimulates lactation in the mother. During this period, there is still no milk in the breast, but there is a very nutritious transparent sweetish liquid - colostrum. It is released in the first two or three days after birth and supplies the child with all the necessary substances. To eat, the baby needs a few drops: on the first day of life, the small stomach holds only 7 milliliters. On the second day of life, the baby begins to eat more often. It needs to be fed on demand or every two to three hours, while the baby eats within 10-20 milliliters at one time. Thus, per day the norm will be approximately 90 milliliters. Starting from the third day after birth, the mother actively produces breast milk, the volume of which increases as the child grows. In the first week of life, the baby should eat from 50 to 80 milliliters of milk at a time, and 400 milliliters per day. At two weeks of age, the daily ration should be 20% of the weight of the newborn, and closer to a month - about 600 milliliters. It is important to note that these figures are approximate. Each baby needs its own, certain amount of milk or mixture, depending on individual characteristics: height, weight, mother's milk quality, calorie content of the mixture and the rate of development of the baby.
See also: Breastfeeding: the first steps after childbirth
2. From one to four months
Every day the baby grows, gains weight and increases its daily portions of milk. Having reached the month, the baby is already eating 90-100 milliliters six to seven times a day. After one month, the norms become as follows:
- At two months, the child should eat from 120 to 150 milliliters at a time. The daily norm, therefore, is 700-800 milliliters.
- A three-month-old baby should eat between 150 and 180 milliliters. In this case, it is recommended to observe the frequency of feeding no more than six to seven times a day.
- From the fourth month, babies need 180-210 milliliters of milk or infant formula. The average amount per day is not less than 1/6 of the baby's weight.
3.Five-six months
A six-month-old child normally eats 210-240 milliliters at a time, and the total amount of food per day should be 1/7 of body weight, or 800-1000 milliliters. Also, if there are no contraindications, complementary foods are introduced from six months.
4. From seven to twelve months
During this period, a single portion of breast milk for a baby ranges from 210 to 240 milliliters. At the same time, the average amount per day is not less than 1/8 of the child's body weight. Vegetable, fruit and meat purees, dairy-free and milk porridges are introduced into the diet (if the baby is not allergic to cow's milk proteins).
Below is a table that describes in detail the daily intake of a newborn for each age up to a year.
How much breast milk should a newborn eat: table
Child's age | The amount of milk eaten per feeding, ml | The amount of milk eaten per day, ml |
3-4 days | 20–60 | 200–300 |
1 week | 50–80 | 400 |
2 weeks | 60–90 | 1/5 weight of child |
1 month | 100–110 | 600 |
2 months | 120-150 | 800 |
3 months | 150–180 | 1/6 child weight |
4 months | 180–210 | 1/6 child weight |
5-6 months | 210–240 | 1/7 baby weight (800-1000) |
7-12 months | 210–240 | 1/8 weight baby |
Remember that every child is unique, has individual characteristics and needs. Therefore, slight deviations from the standard indicators are quite possible.
Not enough breast milk or not at all: what to do
When a baby cries after waking up, he is hungry. Modern doctors do not advise mothers to maintain any strict feeding schedule. If the mother gives the baby a breast when he asks, and the baby eats for her own pleasure and at the same time sleeps soundly and well, smiles and is not naughty, then she is full and completely satisfied.
But if the baby cries and sleeps badly, then perhaps he does not have enough milk. In this case, check if the baby is eating his age norm, and try to keep track of this indicator in the future. Found that you don't have enough breast milk? Do not worry, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will help you find a way to support milk production and improve lactation.
If you cannot solve the problem and normalize lactation, consult a pediatrician and find the right supplemental formula for your child. With strict observance of all the doctor's recommendations, instructions for preparation and dosages indicated on the package, the mixture makes it possible to compensate for the lack of breast milk and provide the baby with the necessary amount of nutrients.
Even if you don't have enough breast milk to fully meet your baby's needs, try to remain on partial breastfeeding for as long as possible. After all, the ideal food for a child is mother's milk.
Norms and stages of introduction of complementary foods
As a rule, complementary foods are introduced at the age of six months. Before you start exploring new products, you should consult with your pediatrician. In general, different types of food are introduced in stages, starting with very small portions.
1.First step - vegetables
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the best product to start with is a one-component vegetable puree, such as zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower or potatoes. If everything goes well, you can try pumpkin, carrot, pea and tomato puree a little later.
It takes seven to ten days to fully introduce the product into the baby's diet. We start with half or a whole teaspoon once a day until breastfeeding. If there are no allergic or other adverse reactions, you can continue the introduction of this product, gradually increasing the dose to a full serving - 100-150 grams.
2. The second stage - cereals
After the introduction of vegetable puree, we recommend diversifying the baby's menu with cereals. For acquaintance, it is better to choose liquid one-component gluten-free cereals, for example, rice or buckwheat. Then you can add oatmeal or semolina.
The initial portion of porridge is half or one teaspoon. Gradually increase the portion to a full - 150 grams.
3. The third stage — fruits
We also start complementary foods with one-component low-allergenic purees, such as apple, pear, plum, banana. These products are not only tasty, but also contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the child.
Fruit purees are also introduced with caution, starting with half or a whole teaspoon. Gradually, the portion increases to 100-150 grams.
Find out more: Gerber Baby Food: Puree Range
4.Stage Four - Meat
Meat is an essential product for development, rich in iron and protein, which is well absorbed in the body. It is introduced in the form of a homogeneous one-component puree from dietary turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal or lamb.
At the beginning we give a try - half or one teaspoon, over time we bring the portion to 60 grams.
5. The fifth stage - new tastes
After the successful introduction of the above products, the baby forms a full-fledged varied menu. So you can introduce the young gourmet to new flavors that could previously provoke an allergy: multi-component purees, fruit and cereal cocktails, children's snacks, pieces of fresh fruits and vegetables.
See also: Introduction of complementary foods to children with food allergies
Example of a daily diet for a baby at 6-8 months
A child from six to eight months should be given complementary foods three times a day. Further, at the age of nine to eleven months, the amount is increased to four times a day. To make it easier and clearer, check out two options for a full-fledged daily diet, which outlines what and how much a newborn should eat.
Read also: Baby nutrition at 7 months: making a menu for the baby
Popular questions
1. How to warm up breast milk?
Use the bottle warmer to warm breast milk that has been stored in the refrigerator. If this is not at hand, put a tightly closed bottle in a container of warm water and hold it there until the milk warms to body temperature - 37 ° C.
2. How often should a newborn eat?
A newborn needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, i. e. 10-12 times a day.
3. How much milk does a newborn eat?
During the first days of life, the baby has a very small stomach and a poorly developed sucking reflex. Therefore, for one feeding, the newborn eats 7-9 milliliters of colostrum. Breast milk from the mother appears only on the third or fourth day.
4. How to calculate how much a child should eat?
To understand how much a newborn should eat, you need to know his age and weight. Data for calculation: from 10 days to 1.5 months, the baby needs such an amount of food, the weight of which is approximately 1/5 of the child's body weight; from 1.5 to 4 months - 1/6, from 4 to 6 months - 1/7; from 6 to 8 months - 1/8; from 8 to 12 months - 1/9 of the body weight.
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Breastfeeding: benefits for the baby, health for the mother 12 rules of healthy nutrition for children Baby does not eat well, how to feed?
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