What do you feed a baby galah

How to look after a Galah


This comprehensive care guide will show you how to look after a Galah in 3 easy steps

Fast Facts:

How long will my Galah live? They can live 40-60 years

How big will it grow? Approximately 36cm

What size of enclosure is recommended for my Galah? A wire enclosure of 40” X 30” X 65”

What does a Galah eat? A mix of seed and pellets with fruit and vegetables

Galah Housing

Hand raised Galahs have been raised by humans usually from 3 weeks old, making them accustomed to handling, cages and many noises that occur in everyday life. 

A thick gauge wire cage with dimensions of at least 40”(W) x 30”(D) x 65”(H) will give your Galah enough room to spread out and exercise without risk of injury from hitting the wire sides. Open top cages with perching areas are ideal for hand raised birds as they provide more freedom and interaction with their family.  

At night the cage should be covered with a sheet or cage cover to prevent drafts and reduce visual stress.

Galah Care

Galah's are predominantly a seed eating species so their captive diet should consist of a mix of pellets and seed. An appropriate seed would be a large parrot mix or fruit and nut mix, however, sunflower seed intake should be minimal. Grit assists with digestion so small amounts should be added to their daily seed.

Seed lacks important vitamins and minerals so their daily diet should be supplemented with small portions of fresh fruit and vegetables such as apple, carrot, beans, peas, corn, broccoli and spinach. Never feed your Galah lettuce or avocado, and always remove the seeds from apples. Fruit and vegetables should not be left for prolonged periods of time as they will easily spoil and this can lead to illness from the bacteria and yeasts that grow on spoilt produce.

Vitamin supplements such as Soluvite D or Multivet can be added to your Galah's water two or three times a week. Calcium and Iodine can be provided through cuttlebone and iodine bells. Fresh water should always be available and should be changed on a daily basis. Worming should be repeated every three months with a broad-spectrum bird wormer. It is essential that a good quality calcium supplement such as Calcivet is given to the bird at least 3 times a week for the first year. 

Fresh water should always be available and should be changed on a daily basis. Worming should be repeated every three months with a broad-spectrum bird wormer.

Galah Feeding

Enrichment is all about enhancing the quality of life for your Galah and generally relates back to activities they would usually perform in the wild.

Foraging plays a big part in enrichment for birds. To search for food is a natural instinct all birds possess, so it is the perfect way to exercise both their body and mind. There is a vast range of foraging toys to suit all species of birds and keep them mentally stimulated for when you are not at home. It is a good idea to have several different types of foraging toys available, and to rotate them in the cage every couple of weeks. 

Natural branches of varying lengths, shapes and thicknesses are essential for cockatoo species. There are many native branches that you could offer your Galah such as eucalyptus, gum, grevillea, bottle brush and lilly pilly, many of which have natural nuts and flowers that providing a foraging opportunity for your Galah. This also allows Galahs to properly exercise their feet and beak as they can chew and strip the bark perches.

Did You Know?

Male and female galahs look very similar until they have matured. Once matured, a female galahs eyes will change to a coppery red colour, whereas the males eyes will remain a dark brown colour.

Known as the clowns of the bird world, Galahs are adored by those who keep them. They are easy to train, highly affectionate and have been known to perform actions simply to make their owners laugh.

We have created a Shopping list to show what you need to look after a Galah:

  • Cage; 40”x30”x65” thick gauge wire
  • Water bowl
  • Food bowl
  • Perches
  • Ozpet Litter
  • Cage Tidy
  • Cage cover
  • Carry cage
  • Pellets & Seed
  • Vitamins
  • Worming
  • Avicare disinfectant
  • Cuttlefish
  • Lice & Mite spray
  • Natural perches
  • Cement perches
  • Foraging toys
  • Colourful toys
  • Ladders
  • Parrot Pad
  • Play stand

                    Common health issues in Galahs

                    Psittacosis: A type of bacterial lung infection commonly carried by wild and domesticated birds, and able to be passed onto humans.

                    Respiratory Infections: Usually caused by bacteria infecting the respiratory system of birds due to vitamin A deficiency, however can be caused by many other factors such as fungi, parasites and environmental toxins.

                    Bacterial Infections: There are many common bacterial diseases birds are susceptible to and is usually caused by lack of hygiene or stress, especially when there is another factor compromising the birds immune system.

                    Red flags

                    Is your Galah showing any of the signs of disease or illness? If yes, please contact your vet.

                    • Fluffed up feathers
                    • Nasal discharge
                    • Lethargy
                    • Out of character behaviour
                    • Discoloured poo or diarrhoea



                                      At Kellyville Pets, we encourage responsible pet ownership.

                                      CARE GUIDE © Copyright 2016 Kellyville Pets - All information found in this care guide is based upon our own experience. The information provided is not the only information available. In any medical situations,  you should always consult your vet, including questions regarding your pet's diet.

                                      What Do Galahs Eat? (Diet + Behavior)

                                      Galah Diet

                                      Foraging and feeding behavior

                                      Feeding and attracting Galahs

                                      A flock of foraging galahs (Eolophus roseicapilla) can be a formidable sight, with up to a thousand birds descending on fields, gardens and parks in search of food. But what do galahs eat? And does the diet of a galah change according to the different seasons?

                                      Keep reading as we find out all about the diet of galahs, both as pets and in the wild.

                                      Galahs are herbivores – seeds and grains they find on the ground form the largest share of their diet. They often forage in large flocks, and will eat fruits, nuts, berries, grasses, green shoots, leaves, and bark from trees.

                                      Galahs are popular pets, kept in aviaries and cages, and fed on a diet of grains, pellets and mixed fruit and vegetables.

                                      In the wild, they will eat any grains and seeds that they can find, including gathering on agricultural fields or raiding farmers’ grain stores of recently harvested crops. This has led to them being considered pests by some sectors of society, who seek ways to discourage their presence.

                                      Keep reading to find out what galahs do and don’t eat in the wild and what crops are most at risk from being targeted by large numbers of these highly active pink and grey cockatoos.

                                      Galah feeding on the ground, NSW, Australia

                                      Galah Diet

                                      What do Galahs eat in the wild?

                                      In the wild, galahs seek out grains and cereal crops, as well as fruit seeds, nuts, berries, and green leaves and shoots from trees. Occasionally they also eat insect larvae, particularly during the breeding season when they may need additional sources of protein.

                                      They have a reputation among farmers as being a major agricultural pest, boldly ravaging fields of growing cereal crops and even raiding stores and decimating supplies of harvested grain.

                                      What do pet Galahs eat?

                                      Pet galahs need a mixed and balanced diet that is not too high in fat or sugar and mimics their natural diet as closely as possible. Food that is commonly offered to galahs that are kept as pets includes millet, sprouted seeds, grasses, vegetables, greens, cooked legumes, fruits and supplements in pellet form.

                                      A pair of wild Galahs, also known as the pink and grey cockatoo or rose-breasted cockatoo, visiting a backyard feeder

                                      What fruit do Galahs eat?

                                      Fruits that are popular choices for galahs, both in captivity and in the wild include citrus fruits, bananas, berries, papaya, pears, and apples. Pomegranates are thought to be a particular favourite. Wild galahs have been observed to eat the seeds of paddy melons and wild bitter melons.

                                      What animals do Galahs eat?

                                      Galahs are almost exclusively herbivores. Their diet consists of grain, seeds, fruits and nuts, and only on the very rarest of occasions will they eat insects, especially larvae and grubs, when they need supplementary protein, for example when raising young or laying eggs.

                                      A pair of Galahs foraging on the park lawn

                                      Foraging and feeding behavior

                                      How do Galahs find food?

                                      Galahs are mainly ground-feeders, and spend prolonged periods as part of a larger flock scouring the forest floor, cultivated fields or garden lawns for seeds and grains. Galahs are quite resourceful when it comes to finding food, occasionally even picking through the dung of cattle and horses for undigested seeds to eat.

                                      Do Galahs visit feeders?

                                      Wild galahs may occasionally be spotted around backyard feeders and garden bird tables. However, as they prefer to forage at ground level, it is more common to spot them in larger, more open fields and grasslands, where they can feed on seeds that they find in natural abundance.

                                      A pair of Galahs at a feeder with a Magpie

                                      What time of day do Galahs feed?

                                      During the summer months, galahs feed twice a day: in the morning and again in the early evening. In winter months, when food supplies may be more scarce, it is not unusual to see flocks of galahs constantly grazing all day long to take advantage of any food they come across while foraging.

                                      What do Galahs eat in the winter?

                                      In winter, huge flocks of wild galahs spend long hours searching on the ground for seeds, berries and grains. Winter grasses and thistles are also eaten in colder months.

                                      What do Galahs eat in the summer?

                                      In summer, cultivated fields growing cereal crops, particularly barley, wheat and oats, are targeted by galahs. Fruits and new shoots sprouting from the seeds of trees are also eaten during the spring and summer months.

                                      What do baby Galahs eat?

                                      In the wild, baby galahs are raised and fed by both parents, with the mother or father regurgitating food they have eaten into the chick’s mouth. Foods include partly digested seeds and grains, and some small insects or larvae.

                                      Baby galahs raised in captivity can be fed with a special pellet mix, combined with finely chopped fruit or vegetables, for example carrots, corn, spinach, or apples. Weeds such as milk thistle can also be offered, and some softened grains should also be added.

                                      Close up portrait of a Galah

                                      Feeding and attracting Galahs

                                      Is it OK to feed Galahs?

                                      It is not recommended to offer commercially produced bird seed to wild galahs, as doing so may have a negative impact on their health as well as potentially attracting rodents and other pest species, and spreading weeds. Galahs will be naturally attracted by a presence of native shrubs and bushes, as well as shady mature trees, and this kind of habitat will present them with plenty of natural foods to forage for.

                                      What can you feed Galahs?

                                      Food offered to captive galahs should closely mimic what they would find in the wild, including cereal, grain, seeds, nuts and seasonal fruits. When kept as pets, galahs benefit from specially prepared pellet mixes with low fat content. Sprays of millet and other grasses are a popular supplementary treat for pet galahs.

                                      Close up of a Galah feeding on grass

                                      What not to feed Galahs?

                                      Common sense dictates some of the main foods to avoid ever feeding to galahs, including chocolate, alcohol, anything containing caffeine, and also avocado. It is best not to feed galahs too many sunflower seeds or other foods with a high fat content, foods containing refined sugars or dairy products should also never be offered.

                                      What do Galahs drink?

                                      Galahs drink water, and only water. They are observed to drink just once a day.

                                      How do you attract Galahs?

                                      If your garden is planted with native and wild grasses and shrubs, this is a good start to attracting a flurry of noisy pink-feathered visitors. Galahs nest in cavities, so a strategically placed nest box on a tall tree may offer a suitable option for nesting, particularly if suitable food sources are nearby.

                                      A water source for drinking and bathing, and the presence of mature trees and the shelter they offer may also help to attract galahs.

                                      A Galah taking a drink of water

                                      Are Galahs good to have around?

                                      Galahs are considered a good choice of bird to keep as a pet if you have plenty of time to dedicate to their care. They are sociable and intelligent and will respond to and interact with human contact, but require a high level of input and company, due to their natural tendency to live as part of a large flock.

                                      In the wild, for many, their reputation is less positive. For many farmers, galahs are not a particularly welcome sight, when they flock to forage on their fields of wheat, barley, oats and other crops. Galahs can be thought of as destructive birds, and can quickly strip crops, foliage and any new green shoots on trees and plants.

                                      However, if you have wild patches in your garden that are growing for the benefit of attracting wildlife rather than as a commercial crop, you may have a different view. The arrival of a flock of these bold, colourful parrots would certainly be a memorable sight and fascinating to watch in action!

                                      Expert Q + A

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                                      Do you have a question about this topic that we haven't answered? Submit it below, and one of our experts will answer as soon as they can.

                                      90,000 Chey feed a child at 3.5 years old



                                      Give it up to the garden will immediately become


                                      He may not eat what you usually eat, but he probably likes something unique.

                                      Well, for example, you eat boiled chicken, and he likes fried chicken ...

                                      All oriental cuisine with added sugar, but it is not considered harmful because of this..

                                      Maybe he doesn't like insipid things, but likes both sour and sweet and salty in one dish.

                                      Soups and salads, many children don't eat, but you can pick up some porridge for him. Why is homemade bread with cottage cheese and fruit bad?

                                      He may not eat what you usually eat, but he probably likes something unique.

                                      Well, for example, you eat boiled chicken, and he likes fried ...

                                      All oriental cuisine with added sugar, but it is not considered harmful because of this.

                                      Soups and salads, many children don't eat, but you can pick up some porridge for him..

                                      We have been going to the garden for 2 weeks now, hungry comes and asks for a sandwich with cheese. .

                                      I've been nervous about his diet for 3 years, I'm trying to score, but so far it hasn't come out.






                                      I know that they were raised,


                                      Violence has never been an adequate method of raising children.

                                      Think for yourself an adult mother, they measure their strength with a 3.5 year old child. Are the forces equal?




                                      10 - I had more hardness and excerpt, I put a plate soup and were not allowed to leave the table until I had eaten. They put me down at one o'clock - at 5 my mother came and found me on the same stool, next to a bowl of soup .....

                                      Violence has never been an adequate method of raising children.

                                      Think for yourself an adult mother, they measure their strength with a 3.5 year old child. Are the forces equal?


                                      There is an individual request - you can not take into account all the children under one comb


                                      or soup or soup or soup , or nothing, I think hunger is not an aunt, she will start eating.





                                      Miki10 - I had hardness and endurance. more, I was given a bowl of soup and not allowed to leave the table until I had eaten. Planted at one - at 5 my mother came and found me on the same stool, next to a bowl of soup.....

                                      Violence has never been an adequate method of raising children.

                                      Think for yourself to an adult mother, they measure their strength with a 3.5-year-old child. Are the forces equal?? You simply did not perceive your parents at all, ignored them, you had no contact with them. That's the reason for your frills. And why did you make it so clear to you.

                                      Damn it, my parents didn't perceive me at all, they ignored me and they had no contact with me. :))




                                      Kotikomiki10 - I had more hardness and endurance in my childhood, they put me a bowl of soup and were not allowed to leave the table until I had eaten. Planted at one - at 5 my mother came and found me on the same stool, next to a bowl of soup.....

                                      Violence has never been an adequate method of raising children.

                                      Think for yourself an adult mother, they measure their strength with a 3.5 year old child. Are the forces equal?? You simply did not perceive your parents at all, ignored them, you had no contact with them. That's the reason for your frills. And why did you make it so clear to you.

                                      hmm... i had the same situation as mika. and the reason was not psychological at all. I just hated soup. and she was generally small. if I did eat a bowl of soup, then the second one categorically did not fit into me. stuffed a cutlet in her cheek and could chew it for hours.

                                      Damn it, my parents didn't perceive me at all, they ignored me and they had no contact with me. :))



                                      think over your policy, different than before.

                                      Woman.ru experts

                                      • Ekaterina Nesterenko


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                                      • Tatyana Fedorova

                                        Consultant psychologist

                                        8 responses

                                      • Maxim Sorokin

                                        Practicing psychologist

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                                      • Julia Lekomtseva


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                                      • Galimov Ildar

                                        Family psychologist

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                                      • Alla Buraya


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                                      • Maria Burlakova


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                                      • Nikita Nosov

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                                        34 responses

                                      • Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh


                                        141 answers

                                      • Rogovtsova Natalia

                                        Nutritionist, gastroenterologist

                                        2 responses


                                      give it to the garden immediately everything will be eaten

                                      By the way, do you know what chemical rubbish they feed in the garden?


                                      Guest Kotikomiki10 - I had more hardness and endurance in my childhood, they put me a bowl of soup and were not allowed to leave the table until I had eaten. They put me down at one o'clock - at 5 my mother came and found me on the same stool, next to a bowl of soup .....

                                      Violence has never been an adequate method of raising children.

                                      Think for yourself an adult mother, they measure their strength with a 3.5 year old child. Are the forces equal?? You simply did not perceive your parents at all, ignored them, you had no contact with them. That's the reason for your frills. And why did you make it so clear to you.

                                      hmm... i had the same situation as mika. and the reason was not psychological at all. I just hated soup. and she was generally small. if I did eat a bowl of soup, then the second one categorically did not fit into me. stuffed a cutlet in her cheek and could chew it for hours.

                                      Damn, my parents didn't perceive me at all, they ignored me and they had no contact with me. :)) well, in my opinion, soup is quite enough for a small child, forcing to eat a lot is already another extreme therefore more often than an adult), but in the minds of some parents there is a clear mood for the first, second and third, and in such proportions that it fits the miner.



                                      Will not. You don't know these kids. It will just start to lose weight from hunger and get sick.

                                      By the way, do you know what chemical rubbish they feed in the garden?



                                      The problem is that the author has developed a strong aversion to food by tying her eyes. stuffing in from, hysteria - well, the author, well, do you like that if yourself? This is physiological violence, why is this? a healthy organism of a child would itself by this age gradually tune in to normal, well-cooked food. but with your cavalry attacks you spoiled everything and now you have to spend a lot of time on the restructuring of the human body.

                                      think over your policy, different than it was before.

                                      If the Author's son weighed 18-20 kg, she wouldn't bathe, well, she doesn't eat today, she will eat tomorrow. And it has 13 kg. And this number will not work with him. I faced it myself. There is nothing to do with the response to stuffing food, this is not. This is a completely different kind of problem. And your happiness that you do not understand.

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                                      Guest Will not. You don't know these kids. It will just start to lose weight from hunger and get sick.

                                      By the way, do you know what kind of chimosa rubbish is fed in the garden? in your garden maybe we have good food


                                      LiLo The problem is that the author has developed a strong aversion to food by stuffing her ties. stuffing in from, hysteria - well, the author, well, do you like that if yourself? This is physiological violence, why is this? a healthy organism of a child would itself by this age gradually tune in to normal, well-cooked food. but with your cavalry attacks you spoiled everything and now you have to spend a lot of time on the restructuring of the human body.

                                      think over your policy, different than it was before. You have not come across this, so do not rush to blame and draw conclusions. It's very easy to talk about correctness when you have a different child :)

                                      If the Author's son weighed 18-20 kg, she wouldn't take a steam bath, well, she doesn't eat today, she will eat tomorrow. And it has 13 kg. And this number will not work with him. I faced it myself. There is nothing to do with the response to stuffing food, this is not. This is a completely different kind of problem. And your happiness that you do not understand.


                                      give everything to the garden immediately

                                      and sometimes as a reward FOR the eaten bowl of soup a small tasty treat.





                                      I know that they spoiled me, there is no way back..



                                      Little baby and 13 kg at 3. 5 years old are two different things. Don't you understand that if a child weighs 3.5 years to 1.5 year old - this is not a small child, this is a disease.

                                      Yours at 3.5 weighed 13 kg?

                                      did you specify the height? and stuff that's just a guess to do at least.




                                    Guest A little girl and 13 kg at 3.5 years old are two different things. Don't you understand that if a child weighs 3.5 years to 1.5 year old - this is not a small child, this is a disease.

                                    Yours at 3.5 weighed 13 kg?

                                    you know how to make diagnoses just like that, by a couple of phrases from a branch? why your name has not yet thundered to the whole world . . such a gift!

                                    did you specify the height? and stuff that's just a guess to do at least.

                                    For this weight to be normal, the child should be 80-86 cm tall - is this normal for 3.5 years old? Well, only if you're Chinese.

                                    Is your task just to stupidly fall on the Author that she is a fool, and thereby raise self-esteem? You have not come across such children and have no idea what you are talking about.



                                    Little baby and 13 kg at 3.5 years old are two different things. Don't you understand that if a child weighs 3.5 years to 1.5 year old - this is not a small child, this is a disease.

                                    Yours at 3.5 weighed 13 kg?

                                    eg: 3 year old girl, height 92 cm, weight 13 kg. the normal weight of a girl child of this age is 13.9 and 17.6.

                                    calculation - 13 kg : 0.92 m : 0.92 m = 15.36 see table of weight norms below.


                                    Mickey, your parents should also listen to your tastes and not push, but they didn't have a common language with you, as you can see from your post.



                                    authorGuestMaloezhka and 13 kg at 3.5 years are two different things. Don't you understand that if a child weighs 3.5 years to 1.5 year old - this is not a small child, this is a disease.

                                    Yours at 3.5 weighed 13 kg?

                                    you know how to make diagnoses just like that, by a couple of phrases from a branch? why your name has not yet thundered to the whole world .. such a gift!

                                    did you specify the height? and stuff that's just a guess to do at least. this is not a gift, but logical thinking.

                                    For this weight to be normal, the child should be 80-86 cm tall - is this normal for 3. 5 years old? Well, only if you're Chinese.

                                    Is your task just to stupidly fall on the Author that she is a fool, and thereby raise self-esteem? You have not come across such children and have no idea what you are talking about





                                    13 - thanks for the diagnosis :) Only the question is that the interests of the child must also be taken into account. Don't go on about it, but make adjustments in the way you're used to doing the right thing.

                                    There is an individual request - you can't ignore it, you can't treat all children with the same brush.

                                    Children learn from those with whom they live close and close. You were seated for 4 hours in front of a plate (not all parents can stand it, by the way, but you sat in front of a plate for 4 hours!) If such qualities as hardness and endurance were popular among your family members. it would be surprising if you didn't adopt it.



                                    authorGuestMaloezhka and 13 kg at 3.5 years old are two different things. Don't you understand that if a child weighs 3.5 years to 1.5 year old - this is not a small child, this is a disease.

                                    Yours at 3.5 weighed 13 kg?

                                    you know how to make diagnoses just like that, by a couple of phrases from a branch? why your name has not yet thundered to the whole world .. such a gift!

                                    did you specify the height? and stuff that's just a guess to do at least. this is not a gift, but logical thinking.

                                    For this weight to be normal, the child should be 80-86 cm tall - is this normal for 3. 5 years old? Well, only if you're Chinese.

                                    Is your task just to stupidly fall on the Author that she is a fool, and thereby raise self-esteem? You have not encountered such children and you have no idea what you are talking about

