What milk to feed baby hedgehogs
Hedgehog Bottom Rescue - Feeding Babies and Juveniles
If you have come to this page never having dealt with baby or juvenile hedgehogs before, or having had failures before, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact a rescue with a track record of success. Don't try to look after them yourself without correct support.
Hedgehog Bottom
Babies and Juveniles
Hoglets should be fed with a milk substitute such as Esbilac which contains all the fats, vitamins and minerals they need. Under no circumstances should you give them cow's formula which will kill them. Goat's milk with Goat's colostrum may be used for a short period of time if nothing else is available.
Products such as Cimicat are acceptable for a short time with the very young hoglets but are not substantial enough to make the hoglets grow. We have found that Shirley's Lactol, Welpi, Canilac and most Kitten milks, as well as human baby formulas, are completely unsuccessful and will always advise you not to use them.
You will need:
- a sterile syringe, 1ml, 5ml or 10ml - depending on the size of the feed required.
- a short piece of rubber tubing such as a cannula, or a Catac teat ST1, also sterile.
- a food warmer to keep the feed at body temperature
- Milton Fluid or a steriliser to clean all the equipment between feeds
- Fennel Tea - bags are easiest
The powder milk substitutes need to be mixed well so that everything dissolves and we use the Fennel Tea to make it up rather than water as we've found it helps with bloat issues. For some time now we have made up enough feed for a whole day the night before it's required, stored it in the fridge and remixed it the following morning. Don't use an electric whisk or blender as it adds too much air.
Refer to the list below for amounts and frequencies. Heat up only enough feed for one sitting and warm it to body temperature. Test it on the back of your wrist as you would for a baby. We use a bottle warmer with a dish in the top to keep the food at the right temperature throughout feeding but others use food warmers with tea lights.
Place the baby on a warm towel on your lap, on a heat mat, or wrap it in a warm cloth and hold it upright, different hoglets prefer different methods.
NEVER feed the baby on its back as it may inhale the feed and drown.
Put the tip of the syringe, or rubber tube if it's a very young hoglet, under the lip and gently squeeze out a drop. Some hoglets will instantly attack the syringe and gobble the lot down, others take a while to get the idea. Feed slowly, do not be tempted to press the plunger hard. Once fed, it will be possible to see the feed in the stomach of the youngest babies if they have properly eaten and not dribbled it all out.
The youngest hoglets (pinkies) will need to be toiletted when they come in. If you haven't seen them passing urine or faeces by themselves then you MUST do it for them. A cotton bud dipped in almond oil then gently but quickly tickled around the genital area should do the trick but the tinies have paper thin skin and you can make them very sore. So. I've found another use for makeup remover pads. Fold one in half then, with the hoglet on its feet, gently tap on the urethra. The pad will soak up any urine preventing the hoglet from becoming sore.
- NB. Weights given are a guide only. Once hoglets are a week old there can be a significant weight difference between litter mates and the more there are in a litter the lighter they are likely to be so weights are not given for anything from 1 week - 4 weeks.
- Weigh the hoglets at the same time each day and make a note of it. This will act as a guide to growth.
- In addition, weigh before each feed and again afterwards. For every 1ml of feed the hoglet has ingested, an increase of 1g weight should be noticed. Do not note these weights down or you will confuse or scare yourself silly.
Use your daily weights to track progress.
- Make sure the hoglets are kept very warm. If they are cold they will use most of their energy trying to keep warm and will not gain weight. Most rescues recommend around 35c for the first couple of weeks until they can maintain their own body temperature.
Hoglets should be fed up to 25% of their bodyweight daily split into multiple feeds
Do not overfeed. A distended tummy means bloat. Stop feeding immediately and give rehydration fluid instead
It is worth noting that all hoglets feed differently, DO NOT FORCE THEM TO DO THE SAME THINGS.
One action guaranteed to confuse is the hoglet with an enthusiastic and extremely strong suckle. Often these babies will appear to be in serious trouble as they stand motionless with their mouth wide open. DO not panic! The hoglet's tongue is suctioned to the roof of its mouth. Gently wiggle the syringe and break the suction then continue to feed.
NB. When hoglets first come in DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FEED THE FULL AMOUNTS mentioned below. They feed on demand with mum. We are forcing them to eat on our terms. They need time for their tummy to adjust.
- Premature & Newborn
- Completely pink
- Approx weight 7-19 grams*
- Spines are beneath an outer skin. If the babies are born with spines mum may well end up with stuck babies and need a vet IMMEDIATELY.
*Hoglets weighing under 12g may be premature. ALL hoglets will struggle if they have not had a first feed from mum.
If you have never dealt with these before we STRONGLY recommend you work with somebody who has. These babies are tiny and often highly compromised. The first couple of days are crucial and of you get it wrong nothing you do afterwards will save them. This is not a competition. Let experience help the babies.
- Birth to three days old
- At birth the hoglets are blind, deaf, pink, bald
- Approx weight 15-25 grams*
- At one hour, white spines start to push through the outer skin
- At 36 hours a second coat of dark brown spines begin to emerge.
The hoglet starts to jump if disturbed
Once you have established a regular feeding pattern, give 1-2 ml of milk substitute every 2 hours. DO NOT GIVE ANY MILK CONTAINING LACTOSE
Mum feeds round the clock for the first few days, never leaving the nest. At 3-4 days she will start to come out at night to feed and water herself.
- Three days to one week
- Hoglets are blind and deaf
- Darker spines are starting to come through
- Approx weight 25-30 grams
- Do not leave more than 6 hours between feeds
- Hoglets may jump if disturbed. Great care is needed not to drop them.
Feed 1-2ml of formula every 3 hours. The last feed should be around midnight to 2am
It is often a good idea, especially if this is he first time you have dealt with them, to sit on a low stool or on a carpeted floor so the hoglet has less of a distance to fall.
- One to two weeks old
- At one week - the hoglets are still blind and deaf.
- They can be very vocal when hungry, frightened or disturbed
- The white spines are still longer than the brown ones.
- Whiskers start to emerge
- At 11 days old hoglets start to curl
Feed 2-3ml of formula every 3 hours
Hoglets should be steadily gaining weight, if not, increase the frequency of the feeds to every 2 hours for a few days
- Two to three weeks old
- Two weeks - More second coat spines.
- Fine hairs like stubble on snout
- Eyes and ears begin to open
- Third coat of larger and stronger spines start to emerge
Feed 3-5mls of formula every 3-4 hours
Hoglets should be steadily gaining weight, if not, increase the frequency of the feeds - Three weeks old
- Few white spines left, almost replaced by third stage spines
- First incisor teeth start to appear
- Dense covering of short brown hair
Feed 5-6mls every 3-4 hours and leave a small, shallow dish of feed to encourage baby to lap
- Four weeks old
- No longer has the rounded puppy appearance to the snout
- skin completely covered by fur
- Should weigh between 84-130 grams
Start to give solid food as the new teeth should have erupted.
It's often a good idea to wean the baby by intially liquidising some puppy meat and mixing it in with the formula
- Five to six weeks old
- Resemble miniature adults
- Should be walking without wobbling
- Fast forward, no brakes!
- Phase out hand feeds and give small dish of formula and liquid food mixed together
- Hills Prescription A/D or Royal Canin Recovery RS are ideal first food choices and are normally well accepted by hoglets
- Six to eight weeks old
- Give tinned puppy food
- Make sure a very shallow dish of fresh water is available at all times
- Shallow is very important as a hoglet can drown in very little
- Eight weeks old
- Give dog or cat food
- Should now weigh 350 grams
Please be aware that hoglets are not straight forward to care for. Many things can go wrong along the way and even with the support of a good vet, it's extremely easy to lose the little ones.
No matter how much you believe you can raise them, I would beg you to seek expert advice. If you go to a good carer they will normally assess the hoglets and then agree a care regime with you. It does not automatically mean you will have to give the animals up. It may be they will be given straight back along with a care sheet, or possibly kept at the rescue for a few days and then returned to you if that's what you want.
What Do Baby Hedgehogs Eat?
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Although hedgehogs are similar to other small pets in many ways, they are distinctively different when it comes to their appearance and care as tiny pets. Because hedgehogs are insectivores, they require nutrients that may not be found in many other pet foods. Originally, pet baby hedgehogs were often fed with cat food. However, foods that are particularly suited to baby hedgehogs are now available in pet stores which include all of a hedgehog’s nutritional demands. You may make better food choices for your pet by learning what a hedgehog should eat.
Depending on which source you consult, hedgehogs are classified as omnivores or insectivores. If you look at a hedgehog’s real diet, the omnivorous description is more accurate because hedgies in the wild eat a range of foods rather than just insects.
Depending on the region where they live and thrive, different species of hedgehogs will have varied diets.
What Do Baby Hedgehogs Eat?Hedgehogs already have an adequate diet that they can thrive on. When it comes to newborns, things become even more difficult. So, what do baby hedgehogs eat?
Baby hedgehogs begin life by drinking solely their mother’s milk, as do most other mammals. If a mother’s milk is unavailable, substitute fluids, such as puppy or goat’s milk, can be given. A baby hedgehog will begin to eat solid food at 3-4 weeks old.
Hoglets require all of the vitamins, fats, and minerals found in cow’s milk. They should not be fed with cow’s formula since it will kill them. A goat’s milk and colostrum is wonderful and nutritious food that just has to be used carefully. If nothing else is available, it may be taken for a brief period of time.
Cimicat is a good example of this, as it’s merely big enough to support the hoglets for a few days or weeks at most. We’ve discovered that, while human baby formulas are less successful than cow’s milk-based alternatives, they’re still ineffective and will always suggest you not to use them.
We discovered that the powder milk replacements must be thoroughly blended to ensure that everything dissolves, so we combine them with Fennel Tea rather than water as we’ve discovered it aids in reducing bloating. We’ve already created enough feed for the whole day the night before, stored it in the fridge, and remixed it the next morning. Use an electric whisk or blender instead of one that employs blades since this adds too much air.
What Do Baby Hedgehogs Drink?You must hand-feed a hoglet if its mother is missing or if the mother hedgehog has abandoned her young. Instead of the mother’s milk, you may give hoglets sheep’s milk. It would be ideal if you avoided giving cow’s milk to your hoglet since it can cause diarrhea.
They can also be fed milk alternatives such as Esbilac. This milk will contain all of your hedgehog’s essential nutrients and vitamins, allowing it to develop properly. Growth is a necessity for young hedgehogs.
The hoglets will need to be fed using a tiny syringe. The majority of hedgehogs will recognize the food and feed themselves, while others may require some time. Allow the hoglets to get used to the milk before offering them too much of it.
It’s also important to never feed hoglets milk on their backs, as they might inhale it and choke. One vital thing to do after feeding your hoglets is to stimulate them so they can urinate and defecate.
Chocolate is also poisonous to hedgehogs, so be sure your kitties aren’t eating it! You may give chocolate to your hedgehog by offering him or her one of the following foods: tinned cat food, special hedgehog food, or biscuits.
Insects are not only a source of food for hedgehogs but also their primary source of dietary fiber. Chitin is found in insect hard exoskeleton and is primarily a protein source, although it does provide some fiber. Chitin is a vital element of a hedgehog’s diet, but it isn’t the only thing required by a hedgehog. Various items should be given in addition to insects because, while chitin is necessary for a hedgehog’s health, it isn’t the only ingredient needed in its diet.
Mealworms MealwormsFor hedgehogs, live or frozen-dried mealworms are a good source of chitin. Worms also provide mental stimulation because they move about and make it more difficult for a hedgehog to catch its prey.
Waxworms WaxwormsMealworms have a lower fat content and greater chitin content than waxworms, making them a superior choice as an occasional treat for hedgehogs.
The chitin within crickets can also be baked into a diet, providing extra nutrition as well as mental stimulation for your hedgehog. To ensure that crickets are properly nourished, gut-loading should be performed before feeding them to your hedgehog.
Fruits Baby Hedgehogs Can Eat FruitsDried fruit should be avoided, but a little amount of fresh fruit may be used as a treat for your hedgehog. Apples, berries, bananas, melons, and berries are popular hedgehog treats.
Vegetables VegetablesFresh tomatoes, cooked squash, and green beans are all things your hedgehog might enjoy. Vegetables that are starchy, such as corn, carrots, and potatoes, should also be avoided.
Cooked Meat Cooked MeatA pet hedgehog can be fed a low-fat, high-protein canned cat or dog food in addition to cooked chicken.
Cooked eggs Cooked EggsA hedgehog’s diet should include a lot of high-quality protein, plus portions of scrambled or hard-boiled egg on occasion.
If you don’t mind your hedgehog eating a newborn mouse, you may give him a pre-killed pinky mouse as a treat on occasion.
Cat Kibble Cat KibbleA high-quality kibble for a cat or hedgehog should have at least 30 percent protein and less than 20 percent fat. The best diet for a hedgehog is one that satisfies these nutritional needs, however, few created diets are accessible that don’t include raisins or seeds, which are not suggested.
When it comes to hedgehogs, age is critical. Baby hedgehogs weighing less than 300 grams should not be fed dry food. Soft foods are more popular with baby hedgehogs, especially during weaning.
How To Feed Baby Hedgehogs? Baby HedgehogIt’s easy to learn how to feed a hedgehog, so don’t be afraid. Many breeders, owners, and rescue centers practice this every day all over the world. You can do it! It doesn’t imply that they’re defective if they were rejected as a hoglet. It’s possible their mother was overwhelmed.
We want to begin by telling you that we do not recommend using commercial cat food for this information. We suggest that you contact a local experienced breeder for assistance beyond this article, but we’d like to share what has been demonstrated and proved effective first. This section is about nutrition, stimulation, and warmth, which are all crucial when it comes to feeding.
Hold the hoglet in one hand and the syringe in the other. Hold them on their backs with your thumb under their chins for tiny newborns. If they’re still too young to see, bring the nipple tip of the syringe right to their lips. By the second week, their eyes should be open. By 3 to 4 weeks, your hedgehog will be able to go up to it and the hedgie will chew on it with his new teeth, which he’ll use by then. As a result, keep it at a safe distance from them and allow them to reach it on their own.
The best strategy to feed a hedgehog is to slowly squeeze the formula out and never squeeze it too much. It should drip from a nipple, just like it would in your mouth. Give them 4-5 drops of multi-vitamin with each feeding once a day. Keep the pee pad on their bottom and stimulate their belly down to their genitals when they are done each time. Place them back in their warm, dark sleeping area after you’ve delivered a light warning.
You’ll need to set an alarm to wake you at night and give you notice of some sort throughout the day. Because food is so essential for a baby hedgehog at this age, failing to feed him would be disastrous. Hoglets require a feeding schedule of 1-3 ml every two hours, or on-demand, from the start of their lives until the second week. Between the third and fourth weeks of life, they should eat every four hours. They should cease their daily day feedings after five weeks and only self-feed at night.
What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Hedgehogs?Hedgehogs have sharp, hooked spines all over their bodies to defend themselves against predators by curling into a ball when threatened, making them appear to be a very unpalatable meal. Certain predators are capable of hunting and consuming hedgehogs, including birds of prey, several species of carnivorous mammals, and snakes, while the spines deter some attackers.
Owls are known to hunt hedgehogs, particularly the European eagle owl. Nocturnal animals, like hedgehogs and owls, are active at night and sleep during the day. The Eurasian eagle owl, like many other species of owl, has the ability to flap its wings softly while hunting, depriving the hedgehog of any opportunity to curl into a defensive ball due to the lack of warning noises.
CaninesA hedgehog may be attacked and consumed by members of the Canidae family, including wild and domestic dogs, jackals, and foxes. A dog may use his nose to push the hedgehog back open if it has curled itself into a spiny ball.
MongoosesAlthough the Indian gray mongoose is not a direct predator of hedgehogs, it does prey on them indirectly. The Indian hedgehog is one of the many species targeted by this mongoose. Mongooses are notorious for attacking odd prey, such as cobras, which explains why they use innovative methods to get into the prickly hedgehog. The mongoose’s aim is true. The named prey is picked up with its forearms and hurled at a solid object to shatter the shell or shock and harm the hedgehog enough that it uncurls, giving the mongoose access to its soft underbelly.
Weasels and ferrets, which are in the Mustelidae family, are notorious hedgehog killers. Hedgehogs were discovered to be a major food source in a study of wild ferrets in New Zealand. Ferrets in Greece have also been observed consuming hedgehogs.
How Do Hedgehogs Protect Themselves From Predators? Baby Hedgehog Curled UpQuill ProtectionA hedgehog’s quills are his spines, and he knows how to use them. When they sense danger, their quills go up in a hurry. The hedgehog has muscles on either side of his body that aid in the deployment of his spines. The quills Crisscross and interlock with one another. When hedgehogs sleep curled up, their spines are intertwined, which means they’re safe while they snooze.
Hedgehogs make a lot of noise. When rummaging through a forest for tiny insects to consume, they don’t make any efforts to be quiet. They frequently emit gruntings and nudge their fellow hedgehogs when a possible threat approaches them. They will make a loud hissing sound if an attacker gets too close to them.
Curl UpThe hedgehog has created a sturdy armor of quills around his prickles after plucking them out and interlocking them with one another. The hedgehog curls his head and feet into his body, forming a ball to protect his delicate, sensitive underside at this stage. The hedgehog subsequently appears to be a thorny ball. Many predators may find the prickly ball unappealing for supper time because it resembles a prickly ball that might not look very appealing. If a predator attempts to open the prickly ball, it will be difficult for him or her to do so and may give up.
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Is it possible to give milk to hedgehogs, reasons why not? Sometimes many adults do not know and ask: "
Is it possible to give milk to hedgehogs ?" Let's see why it is impossible to feed hedgehogs with dairy products and why it is dangerous for them.In nature, wild hedgehogs eat insects, beetles, worms, snakes and frogs. In their natural habitat, adult hedgehogs have nowhere to get milk , so they do not feed on it. Unlike any other food, milk and dairy products will not only not benefit the prickly guest, but can also cause harm, which often leads to the death of the animal.
Hedgehogs are predatory animals. Their enemies are snakes, foxes, martens, rodents. If a hedgehog settled on your site, then all snakes and rodents will leave this territory. When a prickly animal comes to a summer cottage, gardeners often feed it. Hedgehogs are excellent garden helpers, they destroy insects, slugs and other plant pests. That is why summer residents who suffer from snakes, rodents, insects and other pests try to feed and lure hedgehogs to the site. And at the same time they often make the mistake of letting hedgehogs drink milk. Hedgehogs should not be given milk at all and dairy products. If you want to feed a hedgehog, but there is nothing, it is better to just pour him water.
Hedgehogs are mammals. From birth, the mother of the hedgehog feeds her hedgehogs with milk. Up to 1 month, small hedgehogs feed exclusively on mother's milk. Then they grow up, become independent and leave the nest.
Over time, hedgehogs stop producing the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Adult hedgehogs lose this ability, so milk negatively affects the intestinal microflora.
Many gardeners can claim that they gave milk to hedgehogs and everything is in order, the hedgehog comes again. Yes, it may well be. Hedgehogs are omnivores. They are nocturnal, in the evening they leave the mink in search of food. A hungry hedgehog is able to eat almost everything that you offer him. But "behind the scenes", that is, when the hedgehog drank milk and went on, there are many moments that a person does not even know about.
If you often feed milk to the hedgehog or give milk products in large quantities, the hedgehog will feel bad. All due to the fact that the bacteria in the body begin to release carbon dioxide and hydrogen, which causes bloating and diarrhea. It also disrupts the digestive system. All this quickly leads to dehydration.
Due to dehydration, the hedgehog has no strength and cannot go hunting to get food. The hungry hedgehog soon dies of exhaustion.
Even if the hedgehog finds food and eats it, the weakened body is not able to digest the food and assimilate all the nutrients and vitamins, because the digestive system is disrupted.
In autumn, before hibernation, an adult hedgehog must gain enough weight to survive the winter. It is believed that the minimum weight of an ordinary hedgehog before hibernation should be about 800 grams so that it can survive the winter. If the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions, the hedgehog will not be able to gain enough weight. A hungry hedgehog will wake up in winter and die from cold and exhaustion.
Therefore, if someone says that he feeds the prickly guest with milk, and everything is in order with him, then you need to explain why hedgehogs should not be given milk . The hedgehog, having eaten such a treat, leaves the site and suffers from bloating and diarrhea, and then from dehydration.
If you want to feed the hedgehogs in your garden, but there is no food, you can pour clean water. You can also offer vegetables, fruits or insects from the site as a treat.
Hedgehogs seem to be cute and kind prickly animals. But do not judge them only by their appearance. These animals are carriers of many diseases, hedgehogs are dangerous not only for humans, but also for domestic animals. Therefore, close contacts should be avoided, and even more so, you should not take a wild hedgehog home.
If you decide to have a hedgehog as a pet, it is best to purchase a hedgehog from breeders. Please note that domestic hedgehogs should also not be given milk. A hedgehog is quite difficult to keep at home, so you should carefully consider your decision before purchasing.
Do not give milk to hedgehogs - KP.RU
Komsomolskaya Pravda Family Living area Living area: Rodents
July 1, 2014 16:20
How to make friends with prickly forest inhabitants if they come to your summer cottage, and what to remember if a hedgehog lives in your house
Every child wants to pet a hedgehog! Photo: Anna GERASIMENKO
All summer residents are familiar with prickly forest inhabitants. Hedgehogs shamelessly come to dinner, and with tears of tenderness we invite them to visit. In social networks, photos of hedgehogs have already overshadowed seals. In cartoons - hedgehogs, songs - about hedgehogs. But in fact, hedgehogs are not so cute, and it’s better to communicate with them all the same at a distance.
Senya, the son of a KP reporter, saw a hedgehog on a path in the forest, caught up with the animal and strung all the strawberries he had picked on his needles, because in cartoons hedgehogs always carry apples and mushrooms on thorns. And the children of hedgehogs are not at all afraid, they try to catch up, grab, turn over and scratch their belly. And then they pour milk in a saucer and wait for the hedgehogs to come for a treat. Senya strung all his strawberries on needles on a hedgehog, because this is how hedgehogs walk in cartoons Photo: Oksana Kalnina
Senya strung all his strawberries on needles on a hedgehog, because this is how hedgehogs walk in cartoons
Hedgehogs are predators. They love meat, worms, snails, slugs, frogs, small mice, insects, they steal eggs from chicken coops, although they also respect plant foods. They usually don’t wear anything on needles - it’s a bit heavy, although sometimes they prick small debris to scare away parasites with a smell. Hedgehogs usually come to dachas at night in search of treats. They stomp and happily eat cat or dog food from bowls.
At the Moscow Zoo we were told that we shouldn't offer milk to hedgehogs. Of course, they drink it, but they digest it poorly, and then they suffer from indigestion. And in general, it is better not to touch hedgehogs, because they carry a million different diseases, including yellow fever, salmonellosis and rabies. The latter is especially dangerous for people and pets. Rabies is transmitted through saliva, usually through a bite. But it is impossible to say whether the hedgehog that bit you or your animals was sick. And hedgehogs are also record holders for parasites - ticks have long chosen hedgehogs, and prickly ones can bring fleas and infect with stomatitis. So it is better to teach children not to kiss, not to hug and not to mess with wild hedgehogs - to admire them from afar. You can build a hedgehog house on the site and put dinner there. If only the dangerous beast did not enter the house.
But at the dacha, the hedgehog is more effective than pesticides - it eats garden pests of the bear, mice, ants.
A thorn in your house
It is now fashionable to have exotic animals in city apartments. Hedgehogs are no exception.
If you decide to get a hedgehog, read these helpful tips:
1. Hedgehogs must be vaccinated every year - against rabies, hepatitis, plague and other diseases.
2. In the wild, hedgehogs go into hibernation for the winter, so they wait out the cold. At home, it is not necessary to arrange hibernation for prickly pets.
3. The hedgehog is a night animal. Be prepared for the fact that he will stomp and rustle when you sleep.
4. Hedgehogs love to run. They need space, otherwise they will get bored, become lethargic and even get sick. You will have to let your pet go jogging around the apartment, but strictly under supervision, otherwise your carpets and shoes would cry. Every little thing a hedgehog can collect from the floor, then to build a nest for itself.
5. Hay, straw, sawdust are suitable as bedding in a cage or in an aviary. The bedding should be changed about once a day.
6. In the cage, the hedgehog should have a house - a dark, not translucent shelter where he can rest and hide.
7. The hedgehog is a predator and is used to getting its own food. When you feed your pet, hide food in different corners of the cage so that the hedgehog has the opportunity to hunt at least a little.
8. You can feed boiled meat, eggs. From fruits, apples, pears, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, bananas are suitable. You can buy crickets, earthworms (do not bring from the street). Nuts and dried fruits can get stuck between the hedgehog's teeth and cause stomatitis.
9. Hedgehogs drink water. Monitor your pet to see if he can drink from the hanging bowl. If not, then it is better to pour water into a bowl, not all hedgehogs cope with drinkers.
10. Hedgehogs need to be washed. Of course, they will resist and curl up into a ball, but in the water the hedgehog will turn around, and you can wash his belly and paws.
The Prince and the hedgehog
Prince Harry and the albino hedgehog
A photograph of Prince Harry, who met an African albino hedgehog named Vlad, was circulating on the Internet while in Chile.
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