What to feed a baby mouse eyes closed
What Do Baby Mice Eat if Their Eyes Are Closed?
By Tom Ryan | Updated September 26, 2017When a mouse is born, he can’t do much to defend himself -- he’s blind and deaf, and therefore unable to navigate his environment or find his own food. Fortunately, his mother is there to take care of him. If she doesn’t assume responsibility for feeding him, someone else has to, or he won’t survive.
Litter Size
Just like larger mammals like dogs and cats, mice give birth to litters. A female mouse typically gives birth to a litter of five or six babies, though she can actually give birth to more than a dozen. It’s her responsibility to care for the babies when they are born, because the males don’t do anything to help raise the young. Because the gestation period is so short and a female can breed again immediately, she can give birth to as many as 10 litters per year -- quite a few little mouths to feed.
Blind Dependency
When the baby mice are born, they’re completely deaf and blind -- they won’t be able to see or hear for more than a week. This means that during that period -- and afterward -- the mother is solely responsible for feeding her young. They feed at her teats, which they find by feeling their mother’s warm body blindly.
Nursing a Mouse
If a mother abandons her young or dies, they need to be fed, either by a foster mouse, a foster rat or human hand-feeding. Mothers already nursing babies of their own are typically willing to take on fosters -- rats make especially-willing foster mothers for mice. By removing the mouse or rat mother from her babies and then rubbing her natural babies in your hands with the orphans, you make the two litters indistinguishable to her.
Though they are tiny, baby mice have big appetites -- the babies eat about once every two hours, so if you take on feeding duties yourself, you have to diligently monitor the time. It takes a baby mouse about five minutes of feeding to get his fill of milk or formula.
Even after the babies open their eyes, they continue relying on their mother for food. They can see and hear when they are about 10 days old, but their mother feeds them until they are about three weeks old. By this time, their teeth have started to grow in and they can be weaned off of the teat and onto solid foods. By the time the babies are four weeks old, they’re completely independent.
- Animal Control Technologies Australia: Mouse Biology
- Kid Cyber: Animals: Mice
- American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association: Caring for Rat & Mouse Orphans
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Writer Bio
Tom Ryan is a freelance writer, editor and English tutor. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English writing, and has also worked as an arts and entertainment reporter with "The Pitt News" and a public relations and advertising copywriter with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.
What do baby mice eat when their eyes are closed?
When the baby mice are born, they're completely deaf and blind -- they won't be able to see or hear for more than a week. This means that during that period -- and afterward -- the mother is solely responsible for feeding her young. They feed at her teats, which they find by feeling their mother's warm body blindly.
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What do baby mice eat with their eyes closed?
Moisten commercial hamster food, cooked rice or kitten food with a little water, goat milk or kitten formula until it is soft. Baby mice also enjoy peeled cooked peas, cooked carrots, squash or other soft vegetables. Human baby food is suitable for mice and will be easy on your mouse's stomach.
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What to do if you find a baby mouse with its eyes closed?
Baby mice will often leave the nest sporadically throughout the day with their parents upon reaching a certain age to help them get used to the area. If the mouse still has its eyes closed/partially closed, it needs help. Rabbits – Leave it!
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What milk can baby mice drink?
Your local pet store will carry many different formula options, such as Kitten Milk Replacer or Esbilac, that can be used to feed baby mice. Human formulas Enfamil (the kind without iron) and Soyalac can also be used. Whole, raw goats milk will nourish the babies as well.
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Can I feed a baby mouse almond milk?
No. Almond milk will not provide enough nutrition for your baby mouse.
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How to keep baby mice alive...first feeding, HELP!!!
Can baby mice eat bread?
Besides crunchy fruits and vegetables, some types of cooked “people” food are safe for your pet mouse to eat. Proteins such as hard-boiled eggs mixed with molasses and bits of stale bread or cooked pasta make for a nice meal and a nicer break from store-bought pellets.
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Can baby mice drink regular milk?
Yes, baby mice will and can drink cow milk. It's a decent type of milk for the mice, if you want to supplement it with other types of foods.
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How long can baby mice go without food?
They can only go 2-4 days without food of some sort. Keep in mind that this does not mean they need to sit down to a full fest. Mice like to nibble. They will likely eat a morsel or two and then maybe take a few for the road and be just fine.
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Can baby mice eat cheese?
Say No to Cheese
Simply put, cheese offers no nutritional value to mice and therefore just isn't appropriate or safe. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals urges owners of mice to abstain from feeding the little guys cheese, milk or any other products that contain dairy.
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How long do baby mice have their eyes closed?
Even after the babies open their eyes, they continue relying on their mother for food. They can see and hear when they are about 10 days old, but their mother feeds them until they are about three weeks old.
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Can baby mice survive without Mom?
Baby mice are unlikely to survive without having a mother to help care for them. Newborn mice are especially vulnerable, and they aren't even able to open their eyes or move around much for the first three weeks of their lives.
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How do I know if my baby mouse is dying?
In mice that died spontaneously, gradual weight loss was the most frequent and earliest sign of imminent death. Hypothermia developed during the 2 wk prior to death. Slow or labored breathing were observed in about half of the mice before death.
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What do baby mice eat and drink?
When they are young, baby mice feed on their mother's milk. As they grow older, the mice slowly start to eat grains, fruits and corn. This food is often brought to them by their mother. Interestingly, the mice will continue to drink breast milk until they leave the family nest.
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Can you feed a baby mouse oat milk?
You can make your own rice or oat "milk" by squeezing the water from the cooked rice or oats through a clean cloth. I would mix the oat or rice milk with some other formula for babies that may be fussy eaters. It is good to keep some Pedialyte and distilled water on hand through the entire nursing period.
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How do you take care of an orphaned baby mouse?
Time the baby's feedings according to its age.
An abandoned mouse may actually be a little older than it looks, because it is under-fed and malnourished. Feed the baby according to the age it appears to be. A newborn mouse will need to be fed every 1 to 2 hours if it is to survive, all day and all night.
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What do you feed a baby mouse without formula?
Baby mice will suck on their mother's milk for the first two weeks of their life. After that, baby mice can start eating solid foods, such as cooked rice and beans, cooked carrots, soft vegetables, and fruits. If they are still without parents, give them kitten milk formula with a syringe or pipet.
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Does a mouse drink water?
They Don't Need Much Water
When these small rodents have access to water, they'll drink between three and nine milliliters per day, which isn't very much. However, if no water is available, these expert survivalists will be just fine. They can fulfill their water needs from the food they eat.
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Do mice like peanut butter?
The rodents are primarily nut and seed eaters, so the mouse trap bait they are most strongly attracted to is peanut butter or hazelnut spread. Their hunger for calories also entices them to try chocolate.
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Can baby mice eat peanut butter?
While peanut butter is an effective bait for traps, it's not something that you want to feed to your pet mouse. Peanut butter can be extremely dangerous for them because they don't have the necessary physiological features to clear their airways if they get clogged.
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Why is my pet mouse wobbling?
Your mouse might tilt its head to scratch a small itch, but if they do this over and over again it can indicate a problem. Head-tilting or shaking might be a sign of an ear infection or fluid in the ear canal. It can also mean that your mouse has ear mites or a skin disorder.
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Do mice like bananas?
Fruits: Mice enjoy and can eat a variety of different fruits. Some mice will develop preferences to certain items, but you can offer your mouse apples, pears, bananas, melons, peaches, plums, oranges, and berries just to name a few.
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What food is toxic to mice?
Some people foods can be hazardous to mice, so be careful. Some of the foods that are harmful to them are peanuts, corn, cabbage, onions, chocolate, cabbage, rhubarb and raw potatoes and candy. Unhealthy snack foods made for people are also a no-no.
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Can mice eat cheerios?
Treats such as low-sugar cereals (like Cheerios), plain popcorn, and dry oatmeal can also be given to mice as treats.
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Rodent diseases - main types, symptoms and treatment
Intensive metabolism contributes to the extremely rapid development of rodent disease, sometimes with a fatal outcome. Some drugs used to treat other animals are deadly to rodents.
Rodents kept as pets should be in the attention of the owners as much as possible. This need is dictated by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organism, which are significantly different from large animals. nine0004
Diseases of rodents, in most cases, have similar primary symptoms. This is a refusal to eat, apathy, weakness, discharge from the nose and eyes, rapid breathing. All this can be misleading for the owner, who decides to start treatment at home on his own.
That's why, at the first sign of a pet's illness, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic for rodents. Doctor exotologist (ratologist, rodentologist), specialist in rodents will provide professional assistance, restore health and save the life of your pet. nine0004
Common diseases of rodents
The most common diseases of rodents that develop due to improper care and unbalanced feeding.
Tympania (bloating in rodents)
A dangerous disease for rodents, as the accumulation of gases in the stomach or intestines can lead to death. The first symptom is an enlarged, hard and distended abdomen. You need to see a doctor urgently! To slow down gas formation, you can give your pet espumizan or sub simplex to drink. Eliminate legumes, easily fermenting foods, grapes, bananas from the diet. nine0004
Diarrhea in rodents
Non-lasting diarrhea in a rodent, combined with a healthy appearance, may indicate a non-infectious etiology of the disease. In this case, a slight power adjustment will be required. Include high quality hay and high fiber pellets in your diet. It is also important to provide access to fresh water.
Constipation in rodents
Constipation in rodents is the absence or reduction of feces. The cause of the disease can be stress, pain, spoiled food, an elementary lack of water. The animal refuses to eat, becomes lethargic, chatters its teeth. Feces become small, dry, or completely absent. In simple cases, it is enough to introduce more hay and fresh water into the diet of the rodent. In severe cases, such as gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits, drug therapy under the supervision of a veterinarian is recommended. nine0004
Growth of incisors and cheek teeth in herbivores
This disease is characteristic mainly of herbivorous rodents. As a rule, guinea pigs, chinchillas, and degus often experience problems with their teeth.
The development of malocclusion can be caused by the predominance of soft food in the diet, the lack of coarse fiber. The rodent becomes picky about food, later refuses it, weight decreases. There is increased salivation and discharge from the eyes. Sometimes after eating there is an irregular stool. You need to see a veterinarian for dental treatment. Before that, you can feed the rodent forcibly - ground food. After grinding the teeth, the veterinarian is recommended to introduce branches of fruit trees and hay into food. nine0004
Hamsters and rats are also characterized by elongation of the incisors associated with the absence of solid food and objects for grinding teeth. Overgrown teeth cause discomfort to the rodent and can injure its lips and soft tissues. Constant placement of wooden blocks in the cage and nutrition correction will help to avoid this problem. In the same representatives of the order of rodents, caries of the cheek teeth occurs. If the hamster or rat shows signs of pain while chewing the food. If you are drooling or your cheek is swollen, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. nine0004
Infectious diseases of rodents
Infectious diseases can often be encountered in rats, mice and guinea pigs.
Colds, pneumonia, respiratory syndrome
These diseases can be caused by various bacteria (Mycoplasma in rats and mice) and/or viruses. Cold and rainy seasons, poorly ventilated rooms with low humidity, drafts, crowded content, food poor in vitamins predispose rodents to respiratory diseases that quickly turn into pneumonia. The animal becomes lethargic, its breathing is heavy, with shortness of breath, the nose makes whistling sounds and porphyrin is abundantly secreted. Porphyrin is a red pigment, it can often be confused with blood, it can be released from the eyes and nose of rodents when they are sick. nine0004
Respiratory diseases in rodents occur in acute or chronic form. For acute pneumonia of rodents, a rapid manifestation of symptoms is characteristic - the pet lies, does not respond to the owners, wheezes, breathes heavily from its sides. If the visit to the veterinarian is delayed, the disease ends in death. The chronic course of the disease is not so pronounced, it can be manifested by sneezing, sniffing, the expiration of porphyrin from the nose and eyes. A visit to the veterinarian is essential to prescribing the correct treatment. nine0004
Eye diseases in rodents
Conjunctivitis and keratitis in rodents can sometimes occur together. It often begins with a small injury to the rodent's eye followed by a bacterial infection. Symptoms of the disease are redness and swelling of the eyes, gluing of the eyelids, lacrimation and photophobia. Any of the symptoms of eye disease in rodents requires immediate contact with a veterinarian. If this is not done, then a purulent form of the disease may subsequently develop. nine0004
Skin diseases and parasites in rodents
Skin diseases are often manifested by itching, baldness, scratching, dandruff. The most common parasitic causes: fleas, ticks, lice, withers. Parasites settle on the rodent through contact with other animals or contaminated objects. They cause itching, scratching, shuddering, sometimes peeling and flushing of the skin. Parasitic skin diseases are rare in chinchillas. If parasites are found, the animal must be isolated from its fellows and a means for processing must be selected. nine0004
Rare rodent parasites. They can be passed on to rodents from cats or dogs. The causative agent is Ctenocephalides felis . Fleas are small brownish insects, 2–3 mm long. They don't have wings.
Fleas, like lice, suck blood, which can lead to anemia. Flea infestation can lead to scratches and scratches. To get rid of fleas, it is necessary to treat all animals in the house with the drug recommended by the veterinarian. And also thoroughly clean and process the cages and habitats of rodents. nine0004
Often found in guinea pigs. In guinea pigs, this is Gliricola porcelli or Gyropus ovalis . Transmitted by direct contact with a sick animal or care items. Vlas-eaters are small light yellow insects, they can be seen with the naked eye, attach their eggs to the hair. The main source of infection is a sick animal, care items. The frequency is asymptomatic, but can cause itching of varying intensity. Species-specific, not transmitted to other animal species. Treatment of rodents from withers - treatment with antiparasitic drugs prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, the rodent must be shown to the ratologist, and the cage must be carefully processed. nine0004
Common in rats, mice, guinea pigs. In rats this is usually Polyplax spinulosa and in mice it is Polyplax serrata . Lice are transmitted by direct contact with a sick animal or care items. Lice are flat, wingless, brownish insects that can be seen with the naked eye. Their eggs (nits) are attached to the fur of rodents.
Lice are species-specific and are not transmitted to other animal species and humans. Lice suck blood, so they can cause not only itching, scratching, baldness, but also anemia. Because of what the rodent becomes lethargic and weak. The treatment of rodents for lice consists in treating all animals of the same species with a lice preparation recommended by a veterinarian. It will also require processing of habitats and walking. nine0004
Scabies, itching caused by mites and may be harmful to rodents. The most striking manifestation of the disease in guinea pigs. The animal behaves nervously, itches until blood appears, loses appetite, convulsions may begin. Scabs appear on the skin, baldness, the lesions are thickened and collected in folds. In rats and mice, the symptoms are not so acute, more often it is itching, dandruff, scabs on the skin.
Most rodent mites are not transmitted to humans, although some species can parasitize humans and domestic animals, e.g. Ornithonyssus bacoti . The guinea pig mite Trixacarus caviae can cause temporary itching in humans. The veterinarian makes a diagnosis based on skin scrapings. Treatment is carried out with special antiparasitic drugs prescribed by a doctor, for example, ivermectin. You will also need to process cages and walking areas.
Rare in rodents. Causes disease in hamsters, ornamental rats, gerbils. The cause is a pathogenic mite of the genus Demodex . Most often asymptomatic. The development of the disease is facilitated by improper care, poor hygiene, vitamin deficiency or weakened immunity. Dandruff, scabs, and baldness appear on the skin of the rodent. If you suspect demodicosis in rodents, it is better to contact a veterinarian ratologist. Treatment of demodicosis in hamsters or rats can take a long time.
Helminths or worms in rodents
Usually do not cause serious symptoms of the disease. Infection of a rodent occurs through contaminated feed: vegetables, fruits, hay, grass, and through contact with care items contaminated with the feces of sick animals. For the prevention of worms in rodents, you can use anthelmintics sold at the pet store. However, the dose is best checked with a rodent specialist. nine0004
Injuries in rodents
Injuries, bruises, fractures in rodents
May occur when falling from a height, improper fixation of the animal. Sometimes there is an infringement of tissues or limbs. The injury is caused by the use of cotton wool as a bedding, instead of hay or sawdust. Lameness, turning into a complete dysfunction of the limb, can result in self-amputation of the paw, especially in hamsters and rats.
Fractures and fractures of bones in rodents
May occur when playing with children or fighting among themselves, when the cage door is quickly slammed shut. Characteristic signs - the animal squeals in pain, there is swelling of the limb, lameness, hematoma. With an open fracture, the bones break through the soft tissues and come out. It is necessary to immediately limit mobility by transplanting the rodent into a small box or carrier, and deliver it to the veterinary clinic for treatment. Bites and wounds result from a fight with another animal. The wound should be washed with an antiseptic solution (eg, chlorhexidine 0.05% aqueous solution) or saline, the rodent should be transplanted into a small cage or box, and transported to a veterinary clinic. nine0004
Self-treatment of rodents in case of injury is not recommended, as wounds can become infected and fractures can lead to further malunion or complete loss of the limb.
Peculiarities of caring for young animals.

Specific care for young stock
Mice develop rapidly, 6–7 days after birth, their body weight doubles, and the size of the body also increases. The sex of animals immediately after birth is difficult to distinguish, but females grow more slowly than males. nine0004
After 3-5 days after birth, the ears of ornamental mice open, hair begins to appear on the body. The eyes of mice open at the age of 14 days.
After two and a half weeks after birth, during the absence of the female, the cubs can be taken out of the nest for a while. In this way, you can check their health, as well as determine what gender they are. At the 3rd week of life, the animals get out of the nest and begin to feed on their own, eating, in addition to mother's milk, other types of feed. At this time, you can transplant offspring from the female. nine0004
In the first weeks of life, mice grow very quickly and in a month reach a weight of 11–12 g. The body length at this age is 6 cm, the tail length is 5 cm. Depending on the diet and conditions of keeping, the body weight of animals may vary slightly.
The sex of decorative rodents is determined by external signs. In females, for example, nipples are visible from early childhood. In males, gender immediately after birth is almost not expressed - the testicles are not palpable, since in the first days of the animal's life they lie in the abdominal cavity, and descend into the scrotum only in the second week of life. nine0004
Decorative mice grow and develop much more slowly than, for example, voles and other wild mice. The cubs reach full development in a month, by this period they have puberty.
It is important to monitor the growth of the young. Regular weighing of animals helps to control this process. The length of the body is measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail using a centimeter tape. When carrying out these procedures, care must be taken in handling mice, to prevent their anxiety. nine0004
Comparing the measurement results with those given in Table. 6 indicators, we can conclude how correctly the development of animals occurs. An increase in body weight and size is an indicator of normal nutrition. In case of deviations, it is recommended to approach the diet of rodents more carefully.
Table 6
Weight of decorative mice depending on age
It is possible to separate cubs from their parents after the manifestation of their independence. Males and females can be kept together in a common cage until puberty. At this time, young animals should be fed in the same way as their parents, paying attention to the fact that the diet includes as much vitamin food as possible (sprouted wheat, fresh herbs, fish oil, etc.). nine0004
During lactation, it is recommended to include oatmeal, boiled or pasteurized milk and infant formula in the diet of lactating females. The same products can be given as complementary foods to mice from 3 weeks of age. After some time, other types of feed are gradually introduced into the diet of young animals: bran, milk, dried fruits, crushed grain mixture consisting of oatmeal, sunflower seeds, corn and peas. New types of food are given in small quantities so that the body of mice can gradually get used to them. Green and succulent foods should be introduced into their diet very carefully so as not to cause digestive upset. nine0004
In the event that females do not have milk, newborn mice are transferred to artificial nutrition. They are fed from a pipette with 26% dry milk (diluted at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 0.5 cup of warm water), 2-3 drops 6 times a day. After about 3 weeks, they are transferred to 5 meals a day, and after another 1.5–2 months - to 2 meals a day. Feeding is done 2 times a day, morning and evening.
Young animals should be given limited amounts of water during growth and development. nine0004
Both with natural and artificial feeding of rodents, it is necessary to regularly give them types of feed rich in vitamins and microelements.
When artificially feeding decorative mice, it is recommended to carefully observe sanitary and hygienic rules. Drinkers and pipettes should be washed and boiled before each use to prevent disease.
Shortly after giving birth, the female mouse is able to re-fertilize, because at this time she has the so-called postpartum estrus. Therefore, during this period it is better not to allow the male to her, since pregnancy that occurs during the period of feeding the cubs can greatly weaken the body of the female. nine0080
As mentioned above, artificial feeding is a very difficult task, and many cubs, despite all human efforts, do not survive. One of the reasons for this may be that the baby was born very weak or artificial feeding began too late for him. Another common cause of death for motherless babies is inhalation of milk. In addition, mice can die from infection, since no food other than mother's milk contains antibodies that prevent harmful viruses and bacteria from entering the animals' body. nine0004
Grown-up mice
Caring for young animals, subject to the basic rules of keeping, does not require much effort, especially if the female takes care of the offspring and does not refuse to feed. In addition to regular weighing, you should also pay attention to the general condition and behavior of the mice. This allows you to timely identify deviations in physical development and correct them.
Young mice are especially shy and need to be gradually accustomed to human presence. When examining and feeding, try to avoid sudden movements and loud noises. nine0004
This text is an introductory fragment.
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Young stock care
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