What to feed baby squirrels with eyes closed
Baby Squirrels | The Wildlife Center of Virginia
Gray squirrels nest twice a year, in late winter and summer. They commonly have litters of three or four pups. Babies' eyes open at four weeks of age and the young are often starting to explore outside the nest at six weeks of age. They are typically weaned and ready to be on their own at 10 weeks of age.
A baby squirrel has the best chance of survival when it is cared for by its mother. Sometimes healthy young squirrels are found on the ground by themselves are not orphans -- they simply need help reuniting with their mothers. Often, mother squirrels will "rescue" their fallen or displaced healthy babies by carrying them by the scruff back to the nest.
Do any of the following apply to the squirrel?
- It is bleeding, has an open wound, or has a broken bone.
- It's been in a cat's or dog's mouth.
- It's covered in fly eggs [these look like small grains of rice].
- It's cold, wet, or crying nonstop.
- If YES, the squirrel is likely injured or orphaned. Take it to the nearest wildlife veterinarian or rehabilitator.
- If NO, the next step is to identify its age to determine if intervention is needed.
Does the squirrel ...
- Have a fluffed-out tail [like a bottle brush]?
- Have a body longer than 6" [not including the tail]?
- Approach humans or pets?
- If YES, this is likely a juvenile squirrel. You do not need to intervene. Even at the young age of 10 to 12 weeks, the squirrel is independent. If the squirrel is approaching humans or pets, try to scare it by making loud noises when it comes near.
- If NO, this is an infant squirrel. You will need to guide the healthy baby back to its mother:
- Place uncooked rice or bird seed in a sock and warm in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Wrap the sock in a soft towel and place it with the baby in an open container [e.
g., a box]. Remember, do not give the baby food or water!
- Return the squirrel to its nesting tree -- this should be a tree in the immediate area where the squirrel was found. If you don't know which tree the squirrel's nest is in, or if the nest was destroyed, then choose a tree closest to where the squirrel was found. Squirrel nests can either be in tree cavities, or in "dreys" -- the big balls of dried leaves at the tops of trees.
- If the baby's eyes are open, place the baby on the tree trunk to encourage it to climb. If it does not climb, place the squirrel in the container and attach the open container to the tree. If the baby's eyes are closed, attach the open container to the tree. Keep children, dogs, and cats out of the area. Click here for more ideas on re-nesting containers.
- Place uncooked rice or bird seed in a sock and warm in the microwave for 20-30 seconds. Wrap the sock in a soft towel and place it with the baby in an open container [e.
Observe the baby squirrel for the next six to eight hours of daylight. Reheat the rice/birdseed bag every two hours. Has the mother returned to retrieve her baby?
- If YES ... congratulations! You helped reunite a baby with its mother. This is best for the squirrel!
- If NO, take the squirrel to the nearest permitted small mammal rehabilitator.
NOTE: Each animal's nutritional, housing, and handling requirements are very specific and must be met if the animal has any chance of survival. Cow's milk and human milk replacers will make wild animals sick. Raising a wild animal in captivity is illegal in Virginia unless you have a state permit. For information on how you can become a permitted wildlife rehabilitator, contact the Wildlife Center of Virginia, the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, or your state's wildlife agency.
Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation - Baby Squirrel Feeding With Eyes Closed
Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation - Baby Squirrel Feeding With Eyes Closed- Advertisement -

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ATTENTION The information contained on this web page is not designed to take the place of a wildlife rehabilitator or a veterinarian BUT is designed to give you some guidance in what you can do to help the baby squirrel(s) you have found until you can reach a rehabilitator. If it is an injured adult, please take PRECAUTIONS so that you do not get bitten. Before trying to give the young squirrel anything to eat, you must first get him warm. |
Before feeding the baby anything, they should be rehydrated first. To feed the baby formula without rehydrating it first can kill the baby.Pour some Pedialyte into a small container (only what you will use for one feeding) and warm it in the microwave, but do not over heat it.
Test a few drops on your wrist to make sure that it is not too hot. You do not want to burn their mouth. You should give some Pedialyte every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Any unused Pedialyte must be stored in the refrigerator and must be thrown away after 72 hours. Any amount that is unused for that feeding should be thrown away and not put back in the bottle.
You should test to make sure the baby is rehydrated by slightly pinching the skin between the shoulder blades. If it remains tented or goes down very slowly, the baby is still dehydrated and you should continue rehydrating. If the skin falls back down quickly, then the baby is rehydrated and you can start them on formula.
If you do not have access to Pedialyte, you can make a homemade rehydration solution as follows: NOTE: Pedialyte and the following recipe are NOT a formula that the baby should be on for an extended period of time, it is only for rehydration.
Stir all of these ingredients together and make sure they are well mixed and everything is dissolved. Be sure to store this in the refrigerator.
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 teaspoons regular table sugar
- 1 quart warm water
- NOTE: This is NOT a formula that the baby should be on for an extended period of time, it is only for rehydration.
Updated 3-29-2013
Once the squirrel has been rehydrated with Pedialyte, you can start to give powdered puppy milk replacer mixed as follows: Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer, (but you MUST check the ingredients on the label of the can to make sure the first 5 ingredients are listed as: Vegetable oil, Casein, Whey Protein Concentrate, Cream and Dried skim milk) , reconstituting it with distilled water. Feeding an improper formula can result in Metabolic Bone Disease as well as other medical problems that will not be reversible once the damage is done. You can look at these photos and see what an Improper Diet can do.Mix the powdered formula 1 part powder to 2 parts water (USE DISTILLED WATER ONLY) and 1/8 part of heavy whipping cream. By whipping cream I mean real cream that is found in 1/2-pint cartons in the dairy case, not substitute whipped creams.
Only mix what you will use in a 1 day period and keep it refrigerated. The powdered formula can be kept in the freezer.
You should gradually introduce the new formula to the baby. You should mix 25% formula with 75% rehydration solution for the first couple of feedings. Then you need to mix it 50% formula with 50% rehydration solution for 2-3 feedings. Then you mix it 75% formula with 25% rehydration solution for 2-3 feedings.
Make sure that you warm this formula up in the microwave and only warm up what you will feed in ONE feeding. Be real careful not to overheat and you can test the formula on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot.
Young squirrels who do not have their eyes open will need help in eliminating their waste. After each feeding gently stroke their genital and anal area with a Kleenex for about 60 seconds. Normal urine will be a light yellow color. If the urine comes out dark it indicates that the squirrel has held the urine too long, and will need to be stimulated more often.If the urine is thick and honey colored, the squirrel is dehydrated and needs to be placed on a rehydrating formula. The normal bowel movement of an infant will be soft and have a deep yellow color to it once he has gotten the formula in him. When you first get him it will be almost black and well formed. After the squirrels eyes open you can cut back on the number of times you stimulate him to go, but make sure you watch to make sure they are going on their own. Continue to help them as long as it is needed. You may sprinkle with corn starch if a rash develops.
When you first receive a young squirrel, it will not be familiar with a dropper or syringe. DO NOT USE A PET NURSER, the babies will drink to fast and get formula in their lungs and get pneumonia or literally drown. Most of the time it takes several feedings for him to get use to eating. The best thing I have found to feed a baby squirrel with is a 1cc syringe with a Catac nipple attached to the end.These nipples can be ordered through mail order catalogs where they carry pet supplies. You can order them online from Chris's Squirrels and More, item ST1 Nipple. The nipples will fit on the end of a syringe (without the needle of course). You must cut the very tip end off of the nipple to open it up.
You have to be very careful when feeding the baby squirrels, they can suck so hard that they will get the milk down in their lungs and this can cause pneumonia. If the formula starts to come out of the nose, immediately stop feeding and dab the nose with a tissue to absorb any formula that comes out of his nose or mouth. Do no allow him to breathe the formula back in. If you should notice a faint clicking when he breathes or any difficulty breathing, you should contact a veterinarian immediately. They may need to be put on antibiotics for pneumonia. Also listen and watch for the symptoms when you first receive a squirrel. They can also get pneumonia from the exposure of laying in the cold until they are found.
If these respiratory problems are treated in the early stages with antibiotics, they can be cleared up. Make sure the veterinarian you use has experience in dealing with wildlife as their dosages are different than most animals.
I cannot stress the point of weighing the babies on a DAILY basis on GRAM scales. The weight gain/loss from day to day is not enough to be picked up accurately on scales that weigh in ounces. By the time any weight loss shows up on the ounce scales, it will probably be too late to save the baby.Gram scales can be bought almost anywhere and they are worth every penny when you have to base what a baby gets to eat every day on his/her weight. If you are going to be rehabbing, you should invest in a real good set of scales. I paid over $100 for mine 8 years ago and they have more than paid for themselves. So do yourself and the babies a favor and get a set of good gram scales, you never know when it could save their life.
Begin feeding every 2 hours when you first get a baby squirrel after it has been rehydrated, then adjust the schedule based on age as follows. Please note the amount of each feeding has been left out as this has to be based on the babies weight in grams.If you want to see the chart, you have to click on the link, but keep in mind that every baby MUST be weighed once a day and his weight used in the mathematical equasion below the chart on this page to determine how much they must be fed.
1 | based on weight | every 2 hours | YES |
2 | based on weight | every 3 hours | YES |
3 | based on weight | every 3-4 hours | YES |
4 | based on weight | every 4 hours | YES |
5 | based on weight | every 4 hours | If Needed |
6 | based on weight | every 4 hours | If Needed |
I use a formula to figure out, based on the squirrels weight, how much they should eat each feeding.We take the squirrels weight in grams and multiply by .25 then divide by the number of feedings in a 24 hours period. That will give you the number of cc's per feeding.
EXAMPLE: Squirrel weighs 25 grams X .25 = 6.25, then divide by the number of feedings, let's say 12 = .5208 or .52 cc's.
5% Feeding Rule You can also figure the amount to feed going by the 5% feeding rule. The stomach capacity is generally 5% of their body weight in grams (this will NOT work if you weigh in ounces). You can weigh the baby on your gram scales and multiply that by 5% and that will be the amount you should feed for that feeding. This amount will be a little more than figuring it the other way, but this is easier for some people to calculate.EXAMPLE: Squirrel weighs 50 grams X 5% = 2.5 cc's
Squirrels will overeat and get diarrhea if you are not careful. That is why feeding based on their weight is more accurate.
You will need some digital scales that can weigh in grams. The squirrels need to be weighed every day at the same time to determine if they are gaining or losing weight. As long as you are not losing ground you are OK, there should be a weight gain every day, but if occasionally stay the same that is OK.
Squirrels are like humans in that they come in different sizes and the schedule may need to be adjusted to fit the squirrel. A small 5 weeks old that has his eyes open, but is not developing as he should needs to be feed every 3 hours. Also a large 4 week old that does not have his eyes open but eats like a horse (6-8 cc) maybe OK on a 4 hour feeding schedule.
Squirrels that are 6 to 8 weeks old should be eating solid foods and should not have to be fed the formula as often. Offering water in a hanging bottle will supply the squirrel with liquid if they get thirsty and yes they must be shown how to drink from the hanging bottle.
NOTE: When you are feeding a baby squirrel, make sure you feed him in a natural position on his stomach with his head up.
Baby squirrels may nurse on the males genitals when they are housed together. Watch to see that the genital area does not get swollen. If necessary, you may have to separate the squirrels until they are a little older. You can try rubbing Vicks vapor rub or Bitter Apple on the male and sometime this stops them, but not always. I have never had any luck with the thumb sucking medicine for children, but you can try that also.
Bloating can occur when a squirrel eats too much and too often. Also it can be caused from eating too fast and getting air in their stomach. Watch the stomach to make sure that it does not become too distended. If this does occur, skip a feeding and decrease the amount of formula for the next feeding. Lengthening the amount of time between feedings and stimulating to encourage the elimination of waste will also help.
Hypoglycemia is a problem that squirrels seem to be susceptible to.It can be caused from spacing the feedings too far apart. If you notice a squirrel with its back arched and gasping for breath, start the squirrel on a mixture of one part distilled water or Pedialyte mixed with one part of Kayro syrup. Once the squirrel is improved, you should see an improvement within 30 minutes, adjust the feeding schedule so that you are feeding smaller amounts more frequently.
Frequently, when you are feeding young squirrels, they will go into a gulping trance. Their mouth will gap open and partially close while their arms will stretch forward. This is nothing to be alarmed about, except that it is real easy to let them overeat because they will not stop until you pull the food away. Sometimes you will have to massage them to get them to come out of it. When they have come out of the feeding trance, you can resume feeding them.
When you are caring for 3 or more babies, it is sometimes difficult to tell which one you have fed.It is OK to mark them with nail polish, I use the polish made for dogs nails that the groomers use. I will put a little on top of the head if I have more than 1 of sex in a litter so I can tell which ones are which. I always keep a written record of what time I have fed, how much was eaten and by whom. That way, if I have to go to the vet for anything I have my written record on each squirrel for him to look at. I also record the weight each day on this chart also. It does not take long to write down who ate how much and it sure does save wondering later on how each one was doing on a certain day. Also, if the wildlife officer ever comes to visit, he has records to look at to tell what I am doing and how many squirrels I had and what I did to each one.
Their eyes open when they are 5 weeks old, Eastern Grey Squirrels that is. I usually place rodent block in the box with them before their eyes open so they get use to the smell and can nibble between feedings.I also use Zu/Preem Primate Dry monkey biscuits which can be ordered from Jeffers, 1-800-533-3377 (Item number NA-D2-43 for 2 pound bag, cost $4.59, which is subject to change). Try the rodent block or monkey biscuit first and give them an opportunity to try it. Just place it in the nest box with them and leave it, they will nibble on it inbetween feedings.
I will repeat this section here in case it was missed in the earlier section. I use the see thru Rubbermaid boxes to put my squirrels in. I cut out sections of the lid and place screen over them and use duct tape to tape the screen in place. This allows the squirrels to get air and keeps them in the box. I use bigger boxes as the squirrels grow and need more room to roam around. Make sure that the boxes you use have a lid that locks on.When I move them to the real long one, I put a small cardboard box, with the top removed, in one end of the Rubbermaid box with their blankets in the cardboard box.
I also cut out a section of the front for the "door" that is sort of like a squared U so that they can use that to get in and out of the box. Sometimes I place a baby cloth diaper going thru the door to the floor of the plastic box in case they have a hard time getting back in, they can pull themselves up the diaper and get back in. I use newspaper with paper toweling on top to line the bottom of this box.
Feeding An Infant Eastern Grey Squirrel When Eyes Open |
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A fur-bearing animal that leads an arboreal lifestyle. The common squirrel is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Eurasia.
Squirrels are cute but wild animals. Not every animal can become so tame that you can safely let it out around the room and even pick it up. Adults picked up from the street, as a rule, remain wild, never getting used to human care. A rescued baby that has fallen out of the nest can become a true friend for you, as it will get used to you from an early age.
Picking up a squirrel or an adult squirrel, you let one more family member into your house and thus take responsibility for its future fate.
Adult individuals fall into the hands of a person with various diseases, since a healthy animal is quite dexterous, and it is almost impossible to catch it. The most common ailments are all kinds of injuries: fractures, dislocations, biting wounds, and so on. As well as infectious diseases that can be dangerous to humans. Therefore, having picked up a squirrel, the first thing to do is to show it to a veterinarian who will conduct a full clinical examination, and, if necessary, prescribe additional laboratory tests (analyzes, ultrasound, x-rays, etc.), prescribe treatment and give you advice on care, maintenance and feeding the animal.
Squirrels give birth to two litters per year from 2 to 12 cubs each. The first estrus occurs in January-March, the second - in the summer. Duration of pregnancy, on average 30-40 days.
Baby squirrels are born naked and blind, with a body length of 5-5.6 cm and a weight of 7.5-8.5 g. On the 14th day, hair begins to appear. The incisors erupt on the lower jaw on the 21-23rd day, on the upper - on the 37-41th day. Eyes open at 30-32 days. At the same time, baby squirrels wake up with a wild interest in the environment, they look out of the nest and, due to their inexperience, can fall out.
At 14-21 days the squirrels are overgrown with thin fur, eyes are closed, weight 35-60 g, body length 12. 5-17.7 cm.
At 40 days they try to find food themselves.
They start independent life at two months.
Puberty at 5 months.
If you picked up a baby, it must be warmed, watered and fed. The optimum temperature for a squirrel is 27ºС.
Suitable for feeding: cow's or goat's milk diluted 1:1 with boiled water or milk replacer for kittens. Feed carefully one drop from a pipette so that the baby does not choke. Massage your tummy before and after every feeding.
If the squirrel begins to choke, stop feeding, hold him upside down and wipe his nose and mouth, then continue to feed even more slowly.
Approximate feeding schedule for baby squirrels depending on age:
Age | Meal per meal | Feeding frequency | Feeding interval |
1 day to 14 days | 0.![]() | 6 - 8 times a day | 2 - 3 hours |
14 -28 days | 2 - 4 ml | 5 - 6 times a day | 3 - 4 hours |
4 - 6 weeks | 4 - 6 ml or more | 4 times a day (you can stop feeding at night) | 4 – 5 hours |
From 6 weeks | 6 - 12 ml | 2-3 times a day | 6 – 12 noon |
From the age of six weeks, squirrels can eat more solid food: white bread soaked in goat's milk. Gradually, “adult” food is included in the diet (at first in crushed form). Milk mixture can be given until the animal itself refuses it.
An adult squirrel is fed twice a day, offering a variety of foods: pine nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts in the shell, acorns, raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds (not fried!), dry and fresh mushrooms, bananas, apples, pears, dried fruits, carrots , white crackers, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, mountain ash, viburnum, bark, buds, shoots, cones of firs and pines, raw and boiled quail and chicken eggs, egg shells, chalk, charcoal, flour worms, low-fat cottage cheese, butter ( rare and few).
Almonds are poison for squirrels!
Approximate daily ration for a squirrel: 10-15 g of white bread (not rich), 15-20 g of nuts, 20-25 g of fruits and berries (dried fruits in winter).
Extract from the Diet Book:
No. p/n | Designation | Periodicity of issue | Quantity g/1 head/day |
1 | Wheat bread | daily | 10 |
2 | Hazelnuts | daily | 10 |
3 | Walnuts | two days later | 10 |
4 | Pine nuts | daily | 10 |
5 | Ground nuts | daily | 10 |
6 | Chestnut | every other day | 10 |
7 | Sunflower seeds | daily | 10 |
8 | Pumpkin seeds | daily | 10 |
9 | Apples | every other day | 5 |
10 | Carrot | every other day | 5 |
11 | Cabbage | every other day | 5 |
12 | Fruits, berries | daily | 2 |
13 | Dried fruits | daily | 2 |
14 | Sugar Cookies | for work | 2 |
15 | Hemp | daily | 2 |
16 | Dry mushrooms | daily | 2 |
17 | Salad | daily | 2 |
18 | Curd | daily | 2 |
19 | Milk | daily | 3 |
20 | Butter | daily | 2 |
21 | Chicken egg | every other day | 1 |
22 | Honey | alternate | 2 |
23 | Jam | alternate | 2 |
24 | Salt | daily | 2 |
25 | Chalk | alternate | 2 |
26 | Bone meal | alternate | 2 |
27 | Flourworm | daily | 2 |
28 | Fish | daily | 2 |
29 | Grass, branches | daily | ad libitum |
30 | Cones | daily | ad libitum |
31 | Needles | daily | ad libitum |
In winter, for the prevention of beriberi, honey or vitamins A, D, E in oil can be added to food or drink 1 drop per animal 1 time per week.
Do not use boiled or tap water, filtered water or well water will do. Water is changed twice a day. Squirrels willingly drink milk, juices and tea.
All products must be fresh and of good quality.
Do not feed the squirrel spicy, salty, smoked, fried, with spices, etc. Do not abuse sweets.
If possible, an outdoor enclosure should be built for the squirrel. Approximate dimensions are 2x1.5x1.5 m. Three walls are made of a metal mesh with cells of 10-15 mm2. The fourth wall and the roof are made deaf. Along the perimeter, boards are made 10–20 cm high in order to protect the animal from possible pests (cats, dogs, etc.). For ease of cleaning, you need a door that should close well. A snag with branches and wooden shelves are placed inside the enclosure, along which the animal will frolic, and on which it will grind its claws. Also, the squirrel needs a house - shelter. It is necessary to provide building material for home improvement - it can be wool, scraps of fabric, and so on.
Feeders and drinkers must be securely fastened so that the animal cannot knock them over.
If it is not possible to keep the squirrel in an aviary, you will need a cage with a minimum size of 60x50x50 cm. The frame must be metal, otherwise the squirrel will be able to get free. Outside the cage it is worth equipping the wheel. Wooden shelves and driftwood are placed in the cage, as well as a shelter house and landscaping material.
The cage is placed opposite the window. If the cage is to be moved outside or onto a balcony, a solid roof is required, as squirrels are very sensitive to direct sunlight and are easily subject to sun and heat shock.
In nature, squirrels are more active in the morning and at dusk, but they can also adapt to other modes.
Cleaning should be done 2-3 times a week, but at least once a week. Squirrels are very attached to their smell, so do not use detergents. Frequent cleaning will save you from unpleasant odors. Once a month, it is worth pouring boiling water over all interior items and a cage for disinfection.
Squirrels molt twice a year: in autumn they change their red summer clothes for gray winter clothes, and vice versa in spring.
The squirrel needs your attention all the time.
If you picked up a squirrel and fed it with a pipette, in the wild it will not be able to feed itself on its own, because it simply does not know how to do it. Such an animal cannot be released into the wild, it will not be able to live without your care.
If you picked up an adult sick squirrel and left it, but it did not become tame, you should think about returning it to nature. It is best to do this in April - May, when the spring rut is over, in order to avoid violence from relatives, and there is still a whole summer ahead and the animal will have time to acquire supplies for the winter. It is necessary to release the squirrel into the wild into the habitual halo of habitat - to where you took it from.
And remember: a squirrel, like any other animal, is a potentially dangerous source of infectious, invasive and parasitic diseases for humans!
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Umka Veterinary Clinic
www.umka-vet.com.ua 9000 Sumy region - What to feed a baby squirrel?
What to feed a squirrel?
One of the products that I use in feeding baby squirrels is Esbilac milk replacer for puppies. You can purchase it at most pet stores.
Esbilac may be sold in powder or liquid form. I prefer to buy Esbilac powder. Do not buy instead of Esbilak its substitutes that you can offer in the store. At the same time, get a few syringes in the store (or pharmacy), but without needles.
You can pick up a gift for your loved one in the online store dom-podarka.ru.
Never, ever use bottles with nipples when feeding a squirrel! The squirrel can suffocate because of them!
Instead of bottles, you will need 1 to 3 unit syringes for feeding very young squirrels, and 5 to 10 unit syringes for feeding slightly older squirrels.
Instead of needles, you need to put small papillae on syringes, which can be sold in pet stores.
If you cannot find such small papillae, then use a pipette, but in this case, be extremely careful not to feed the squirrel too quickly, otherwise it may choke.
Mix 2 parts liquid esbilac with 1 part water (if using powdered esbilac add 2 parts water to 1 part esbilac). You can also add just a little fruity sweetener for kids. Only quite a bit! You can use fruit banana sweetener - squirrels really like this taste.
You can also add some yoghurt to the nutritional formula.
Mix the formula in a clean jar and then store the mixture in the refrigerator.
Then, for each feeding, heat only the part of the formula that will be used for that feeding.
When heating the mixture in the microwave, be careful not to heat the mixture too hot.
Then draw the formula into the syringe and feed the squirrel very gently.
When feeding, I lay the older baby squirrels on a flat surface and feed them in that position. If the squirrels are still too small, then you can feed them by holding them in your hand.
Be very careful and slow to prevent the squirrel from choking.
Sometimes a baby squirrel can suckle formula so fast that it starts to choke. In this case, you need to immediately stop feeding and hold the baby upside down so that excess fluid can flow back out. After that, you need to wipe the squirrel's nose and mouth and then continue feeding, only more slowly.
A very small baby squirrel with no or little hair growth yet, needs to be fed regularly every 2-3 hours as thin squirrels cannot eat enough at one meal.
Two to three week old squirrels should be fed regularly every 3 to 4 hours.
Three to five week old baby squirrels need to be fed every 4-5 hours.
At the age of five weeks, squirrels should be fully furred and their eyes should be opening. At this age, they can be fed every four hours during the day, and can no longer be fed at night.
The amount of food a squirrel needs at each meal is not strictly defined. The squirrel may eat a little more or a little less.
Here is an approximate feeding schedule for baby squirrels depending on their age:
- From one day to two weeks old: 0.5-2 cc. see for each meal, 6-8 feedings per day.
- 2 to 4 weeks old: 2-4 cc. see for each meal, 5 or 6 feedings during the day.
4 to 6 weeks of age: 4-6 (or even more) cc. see for each meal, 4 meals during the day, you can no longer feed at night.
From six weeks of age, squirrels can already eat more solid food (zu prem biscuit and small pieces of vegetable food) in addition to the nutritional formula that they need to be given in a volume of 6-12 cc. see at every meal. Squirrels of this age need to be fed 2-3 times a day.
I always give baby squirrels a nutritional formula until then. Until they give up on it.
Also squirrels are given goat's milk with the following calculation:
1 day - 1:4 (goat's milk:water)
Day 2 - 1:3 (goat's milk:water)
Day 3 - 1:2 (goat's milk:water)
If a baby squirrel is fed goat's milk, its feces are like yellow toothpaste. If the feces become more liquid, start giving the squirrel the mixture as on the first day (1:4).
Squirrel must always be clean. After each feeding, wipe around the mouth with a damp cloth. Gently clean the genitals and anus several times a day (more often if necessary).
Vitamins must be added to goat's milk mixture. Very tiny squirrels are given one drop twice a day during the first week of feeding. Squirrels of three weeks of age are given one drop 3 times a day. When the squirrel opens his eyes, give him two drops of vitamins 3 times a day.
Friday, May 14, 2010. Author: Andrey Kletsov Posted in News
Kletsov Andrey Mikhailovich
Veterinarian Kletsov Andrey Mikhailovich.
Graduated from the Sumy National Agrarian University in 2003 and received a diploma in veterinary medicine. From 2003 to 2005, he worked as a doctor, and a little later, as the head of the anti-epizootic department of the state veterinary hospital in the Sumy region.