What to feed orphaned baby skunks
Skunk Care
IS THIS SKUNK TRULY ORPHANED?If the baby skunk is out of its burrow for extended periods of time on its own, it is likely orphaned and worth trying to catch.
RAISING A SINGLE SKUNK: If you determine that
the skunk is orphaned, it will have littermates that also need
help so continue to check the area frequently for up to a week. If no others are found it is vital to the
skunk's proper socialization and release to be raised with other skunks, a
single skunk has little chance of a successful release.
AGING THE SKUNK: In order to properly care for the baby you have found, it is important to know its age. Consult the chart on the back to assess age.
FEEDING: Orphans that have been without their
mother will be suffering from chill and dehydration. They must be thoroughly warmed first, and then offered warmed
rehydration solution. Pedialyte is a
rehydration solution that is available in drug stores- it should be heated to
body temperature and offered every couple hours for the first several
feedings. Feed the baby skunk esbilac
powder, mix only enough for 24hrs and keep it refrigerated. SUPPLEMENTS AFTER WEANING: There are several supplements that are recommended be added to a skunk's diet after it is weaned: Taurine - an amino acid that is available in capsule form from health food stores. Open
capsule and sprinkle granules on skunk's food. Each weaned skunk should get 150 mg. Calcium - 50 mg. elemental calcium per skunk per day - this can be sprinkled on food. It is important as skunks can suffer from metabolic bone disease. Vitamin D - 30 IU Vit D-3 (divide the tablet by 13 if it is a 400 IU tablet). Vitamin D assists in calcium being properly absorbed. If you are not able to get calcium and vitamin D, you can sprinkle bone meal on food for weaned skunks.
HOUSING: Housing requirements will change as the skunk grows and develops, see chart for details.
RELEASE: The skunks will not be ready to be
released until they are 16 weeks old (usually late August or early
September). It is ideal for the skunks
to spend approximately 2 months in their large outdoor cage (4ft x 8ft, made of
1 welded wire mesh). The cage should
also have a bottom made out of welded wire mesh to prevent the skunks from
being able to escape, the cage should set flat on the ground and the bottom can
be covered with some earth.
DISEASE: Skunk kits often carry roundworm and may need to be de-wormed, you can talk to a vet about this. Skunks are susceptible to distemper, you may want to consider having the skunk(s) vaccinated for distemper as well as against rabies. If you are concerned about rabies, you may want to consider having a pre-exposure vaccine for anyone who will be handling the animals-call your vet for further information. Furthermore, with all animals, you should always take precautions to avoid being bitten while you are handling the animal. **In some jurisdictions it is illegal to care for skunks and you should consult your government wildlife agency.
Birth 30-35g -nearly naked -fine hair showing black & white pattern -eyes & ears are sealed
2 - 2.
5- 6 times per day.
-stimulate genital area before and after feeding to induce elimination. -use a q-tip or the tip of your finger dipped in warm water. |
-vital to house baby animals inside a house -cardboard box filled with soft, ravel free blankets and a hot water bottle. -protect from drafts.
-when handling the skunk hold its tail between its legs, this way it can not spray. Be gentle and do not startle the skunk and you should not have problems with it spraying. -wrap skunk in a soft towel when removed from box, to protect from drafts. -watch for signs of diarrhea. Stool may turn to a soft, yellow pudding from the formula.
1 week ~50-75g -slightly furred -skin becoming pigmented |
4-6 mls. Formula
5 - 6 times per day
-same as above |
-same as above |
-wrap in towel while feeding. |
2 weeks -weight 125g -fully furred -eyes still closed |
8-10 mls.
4 times per day
-same as above |
-same as above
-wrap in towel while feeding. -any diarrhea from formula should have cleared up by now. (Call your vet if it still has diarrhea) |
3 weeks -eyes & ears open |
10-15 mls. Formula
4 times per day
-same as above |
be moved into a large pet carrier, continue to provide towels and blankets. |
-wrap in towel while feeding.
4 weeks -weight 340g -attempting to walk on short legs |
15-20 mls. Formula
4 times per day
-same as above |
-same as above. -can eliminate artificial heat source
dry dog kibble (smaller size kibble for small breeds is best), moistened with water, along with a separate dish of drinking
water. Refresh solid foods morning
and night.
* never use either puppy kibble or cat kibble as they are too high in protein and cause metabolic bone disease in skunks. |
5 weeks -very playful, steadier on legs |
20-25 mls. Formula
3 times per day
--skunk should now eliminate on its own. |
- same as above
-continue to feed dog kibble (increase as needed), and introduce natural foods, nuts, fruits, cooked meat, vegetables, eggs and occassionally mealworms and crickets. These foods are critical to produce a balanced, healthy diet. *Depending
on teeth development, moistening of kibble can be eliminated. |
6 weeks
25-30 mls. Formula
2 times per day
-same as above |
-same as above |
7 weeks -fully weaned
30-35 mls. Formula
1-2 times per day
skunks are now ready to live in the large outdoor cage. |
-skunk should require very little formula and should be eating solids consistently. Wean fully during the 7th week. See Supplements outlined under Feeding. |
What To Feed Orphaned Baby Skunks?
Whether you live in an urban area or out in the country, skunks are everywhere. And it’s about the time of year when baby skunks are found orphaned. Most people immediately want to bring those babies in and care for them. But they can be a lot of work, especially when it comes to feeding. So let’s go over how to care for these kits. And most importantly, what to feed orphaned baby skunks.
Making Sure The Kits Are Orphaned
As humans, we like to swoop in and save helpless baby animals without giving it much thought. But we encourage you to take a step back from the situation. We need to make sure that these babies are actually orphaned and that the mother isn’t coming back for them. So keep an eye out on the baby. And if the mother doesn’t arrive within 5 hours, take the baby inside.
Five hours is the perfect amount of time to wait since most kits are fed every 4-5 hours. So if your kits are still outside, take a dry towel and wrap them up. If the kits are small with little hair, you will need to keep them in a dry, dark place. If there is only one baby, you will also want to look around for others. Most skunks will have anywhere between 4-6 babies at a time. And if you rear more than one together, they have a better chance of survival.
Checking The Laws
Now that the orphaned skunks are inside and safe, you will need to check your local laws. Currently, it’s only legal to keep skunks in 17 states. And if you have too much contact with the kits, it’s nearly impossible to release them back into the wild. So it might be best to contact your local wildlife agency to care for the skunks. But not everyone has a wildlife agency equipped for this, and that’s why we will help you.
Preparing A Home For Them
One of the first things you will need to do is figure out where to put your baby skunk. A warm dark place is best for them with old towels for bedding. Some people prefer to use an old cardboard box, but it won’t be long until they outgrow this. When your kits turn three weeks old, they will need to be transferred into a kennel or pet carrier with less than an inch bar spacing. You could even use rabbit or guinea pig cages if you have access.
The First 24 Hours
Now that your skunk kits are inside and safe, the most important thing to do is warm them up. Most people want to jump right into feeding and giving animals water. But this could cause more harm than good. The reason for this is that it takes a lot of energy to digest food. And if you feed them before their body temperature is stabilized, it could displace where their energy is needed most.
Keeping warmed rice bags or hot water bottles are perfect for warming up your little skunks. Once your kits are warmed up, you can give them liquids to rehydrate. But you don’t want to provide them with regular water. Instead, you will want to syringe feed them unflavored Pedialyte warmed to body temperature to get them rehydrated. Every few hours, give them as much as they can drink without it coming out of their nose. If the liquids start bubbling up, that means they are over drinking. Just turn them upside down and gently pat the baby’s back, and all will be fine.
Estimating The Age & How Much To Feed
With your baby skunk rehydrating, it’s time to start guessing how old your baby kit is. To do this, you will need a scale and an excellent observation of the skunk. Here is what to look for when guessing how old your kits are and how much to feed them. You can also use this as a guide to keeping up with your skunk’s growth and development.
When a skunk is first born, they are naked with closed eyes and ears. These little guys are only 30 to 35 grams. So it’s very unmistakable when you have a kit that is a newborn. A baby skunk this young will be eating 2-2.5 ml of formula 5-6 times a day. That means you will need to be ready to feed every four hours, day and night.
One Week Old
In that first week of life, the baby skunk grows a lot. They are getting a fuzzy halo of hair all over their bodies, but their eyes and ears are still closed. If you suspect that your skunk is a week old, you should feed it 4-6 ml of formula 5-6 times a day. A baby kit will also weigh about 50-75 grams, but depending on how long this kit has been orphaned, it might have lost some weight. They will gain that weight back quickly, and then some.
Two Weeks Old
Once your kit is two weeks old, it becomes fully furred. They won’t have their ears and eyes open just yet, but it will happen soon. Your skunks will weigh about 125 grams at two weeks old if they have developed on time and not left abandoned for long. They will also increase the amount of formula and decrease the feedings at this time. With only 8-10 ml four times a day, so you can finally get more than a few hours of sleep at night.
Three Weeks Old
At three weeks old, your baby skunk will just start to open its eyes and ears. They might even start trying to get around a little bit with this newfound eyesight. But the movements will be very jerky still and not coordinated. Your baby skunk will also start drinking more milk than they have previously. With 10-15 ml four times a day, your skunk will go through a rapid growth spurt.
Four Weeks Old
Now your skunks will start to get fun around a month old. With eyes open, ears open, and the strength to pull themselves up, your kits will begin to make their way around. They will start to roam and play around the nesting space. They will also start to really pack on some weight. By four weeks old, your kits will weigh 340 grams, and eating enough for it too.
Your kits will still be getting 15-20 ml of formula. But you will also want to introduce high-quality dog food at this time every morning and every night. In a shallow dish, wet the food down until it expands and becomes soft. And don’t forget to give them fresh water along with this new food.
Five Weeks Old
By five weeks old, your kits will be playing with confidence and romping around. And yet again, you will need to up the amount of formula you feed your kits. 20-25 ml per kit three times a day, plus the moistened dog food should be sufficient. But you will also be introducing new foods around this time. Feeding various fruits, vegetables, and bugs will round out the skunk’s diet and prepare them for wild living.
Six Weeks Old
Right about now, your baby skunks will be eating more solid foods than ever before. They are growing and starting to look more like adult skunks. But they are still getting formula a few times a day. 25-30 ml of milk twice a day and solid foods provided in between is enough. You can also stop wetting the dog food at six weeks since all of the skunk’s teeth are strong enough.
Seven Weeks Old
And now it’s time to start weaning your little kits. To start, you will want 30-35 ml of milk once a day and slowly taper off how much you give them. Encourage them to eat more dog food and supplement with lots of vegetation and bugs. Things like mealworms and crickets are full of protein and will fill up your skunk’s stomach well.
How To Feed A Baby Skunk
Now that you know how old your skunk is and what they need to eat, you might be wondering how to feed it. Most people want to jump right in and buy bottles used to nurse kittens or puppies. But you don’t want to do this. Skunks are very aggressive eaters, and if you feed them with a bottle, they will engorge themselves.
Instead, you will need to buy a plunge-style syringe that measures in milliliters for the best feeding. With these syringes, you can control how fast or how slow your skunk will eat. It might also help to get plenty of backups of these syringes. Skunks are notorious for chewing on them and rendering them useless with how aggressively they suckle. So having extras will save a lot of trouble.
Once you have your syringe filled with the proper amount of formula, it’s time to feed. With as little contact as possible, hold the syringe close to the skunk’s mouth. They will move their heads around to find the milk themselves, which also builds up muscle. Feed them slowly and watch for signs of choking.
If you notice milk bubbling out from the kit’s nose, gently pick them up and turn them upside down. Gently but firmly rub their backs until the bubbling and sneezing stops. And don’t forget to clean their little mouths afterward. The formula is thick, and it only gets thicker when it dries. So keep their noses and mouths clean with a damp cloth after every feeding.
The Best Formula
What to feed orphaned baby skunks wouldn’t be complete without talking about the best formula to buy. It’s essential to find a formula that will have everything skunks need. The best formula on the market is Esbilac for puppies.
This milk comes in either a powdered or canned form and most closely resembles a skunk diet. The powdered formula usually costs less and can be made 24 hours in advance and in smaller quantities.
Canned milk might seem like a more convenient way to go but end up being a big waste in the end. The reason for this is that each can spoils 24 hours after being opened. And there’s no way for a skunk to drink the entire can in that amount of time. So to save a little money, you can buy the bigger containers of Esbliac.
The Best Kibble Food
Around four weeks old, you will start to introduce dry dog food into your orphaned skunk’s diet. But you do want to be picky about what type of dog food you get. You don’t want anything too high in protein and have a good balance of natural fruits and vegetables in the mix.
A grain-free small adult dog formulas are best for your baby skunk’s needs. The reason for this is that small breed formulas have smaller kibble sizes for your growing kit. And remember to stay away from puppy foods as they are too high in protein and can cause kidney problems in skunks.
Other Foods
In addition to milk and dog food, you will also need to give your skunks an introduction to what they will eat in the wild. Things like berries, crickets, mealworms, cooked eggs and meat, fruits, and vegetables are all critical to your skunk’s diet. If you don’t feed these types of foods, it can be impossible to wean your kits. Not to mention it will make living out in the wild harder for them.
So how do you feed these types of foods? Most people put them into a shallow bowl until they are strong and move about without a problem. Then you might try hiding it inside the cage under bedding or using products like the Snuffle Mat to enrich them and encourage foraging.
Another thing you will need to feed your weaned skunks is supplements. Taurine and bone meal are vital minerals for a growing skunk. These are supplements that wild skunks can find through different food sources. But on a diet of dog kibble and fresh food, your skunks could be lacking.
You can get these supplements at any health foods store, and they come in either powder or capsule forms. All you need to do is sprinkle 150 mg of taurine and 50 mg of bone meal onto their food daily. Your skunks will eat it up and grow up healthy and strong.
Don’t Forget About Stimulating For Excrement
Now, this might sound like a gross subject. But it’s something that most small animals can’t do on their own until they are older. That’s right. You are going to have to help your baby skunks poop and pee. To do this, you will need a cotton swab, warm water, paper towels, and gloves.
Once your gloves are on, hold the skunk over a bit of paper towel or trash can. Dip the cotton swab into the warm water and rub it across the genitals. You can find the genitals at the base of the tail on the underbelly. When you gently massage this area, you mimic a mother skunk’s actions to help her kits go potty.
After every feeding, you will want to do this to make sure that your kits are staying hydrated and nourished. And you will need to stimulate your kits until they are five weeks old. After that time, they will go to the bathroom on their own.
Getting Ready For Release
Now you know everything there is to know about what to feed orphaned baby skunks. Once you get your kits weaned, you will need to prepare them for living out in the wild. Up until now, you have kept your kits in the dark room of the house or garage. But around three months old, they will start spraying and lifting their tails. So it’s best to get them out of the house before then.
We recommend getting an outdoor enclosure 4×8 feet with one-inch wire to put your kits in when they turn eight weeks old. This gives your kits the perfect amount of time to adjust to outdoor life before releasing them. Adding things like a sandpit and nesting box will also encourage them to behave in natural behaviors. Just remember to keep as little contact as possible with them. When your baby skunks turn 16 weeks, you are ready for that bitter-sweet moment of release. You have been a good skunk surrogate, and maybe even some good karma along with it.
And That’s All You Need To Know
With your skunks eating and gaining weight every week, you will feel like a proud skunk mother. Now it’s time to release your skunks into a secluded area away from humans and roadways. Preferably a space with lots of brush cover and a water source nearby. You might even give them a small amount of dog food to get them started until they make their way off. It’s a bitter-sweet, moment, but you’ve done a good thing.
General information about skunks: The homeland of the skunk is America. Many stories about the American skunk are known firsthand, but recently animal lovers have learned to "use" the skunk as a pet. The skunk is well tamed, can carry out elementary commands and perform the function of decorating a country house. Choosing a healthy puppy is not difficult, the first thing you should pay attention to is how skunks live at the breeder. Do not be alarmed, but there is still a smell in the room where the skunks are kept, and when there are a lot of them, especially at the birth of puppies, you cannot enter the room without a gas mask. This is due to the fact that at the birth of babies a very specific smell is released (the smell of a skunk nest). Therefore, a normal person in an ordinary apartment will not breed skunks; for these purposes, some room near a private house is usually used. With a single correct content, the skunk will not smell. The animal (if you take it for home keeping without a cage) must be taken from 1.5 months to 3 months, otherwise there is a risk that later it will be less contact . Here we will describe the management of both tame and caged skunks. Let's start with the tame and domestic skunk. There is an opinion that a cage is not needed for such a skunk, but if you carefully read this article about skunks and their habits, you will still agree that upbringing without a cage will be extremely difficult. If you have had the experience of keeping a small dog, then you already know what you need - a toilet, a bed, bowls and toys. Food bowls. There are no problems here. You can buy metal paired bowls on a stand, ceramic or plastic. Bowls need medium size. The water in the bowl should be changed regularly. By the way, the skunk does not like heat, so in hot summer it is best to put a small basin of water so that the skunk can cool down. Approximate menu (varies by availability): In the morning: mixed vegetables + live food or raw/boiled egg + cottage cheese + dried fruit during skunk begging. After a night of running around, the skunk is very hungry, so vegetables and meat go with a bang. In the evening: fruit platter + yoghurt or milk + rice + live food. After a daytime nap, the skunk is not hungry, and fruit is like a light snack. After eating dairy products, it is better to wash the skunk's face immediately, otherwise it will wipe all protruding corners of upholstered furniture or carpet. nine0010 Never give chocolate, salt, citruses!!!!!!!!!!! Recommended dose: 4. Behavior. Skunk should be played with and given as much time as possible. You can talk to him and teach him different commands - very well trained! We have already described potty training above, now we will focus on accustoming to a place. Bathing. The skunk should be taught to wash. Start by washing the paws - just bring the baby to the sink and turn on the warm water jet. When washing it for the first time, it is better to stroke it and speak affectionately. Then you can already fill the bath and watch the swims, just be careful that water does not get into your ears. After washing, you can let the skunk shake itself off and you can wipe it with a towel, clean the ears with a cotton swab. Walking. Walking with a skunk is only necessary on a harness! Be careful with skunk walking areas! Do not let the animal go on city lawns, asphalt, in public places for walking dogs, cats, ferrets, etc.! Moreover, our cities are not distinguished by cleanliness: the remains of food waste, the corpses of mice and rats, spitting, broken glass are lying not only on the streets and courtyards, but even in recreation parks. If you want to go out with a skunk to get some air, hold your animal in your arms. Skunk nails are long and tubular. For trimming, you will need nail clippers for small dogs and a regular nail file. We take the skunk by the paw, turn the claws against the light, cut a little away from the pink filling, and grind the edges with a file so that the claw tapers to the bottom. If the claw is not sharpened, then the skunk will cling to carpet or other soft materials, which will lead to claw injury or delamination. Skunk ear shells are very simple in structure, ear canals are narrow. Ears do not require special cleaning: once every two weeks for prevention or after bathing. Only cotton swabs should be used. The skunk really likes this procedure, he will gladly let you dig into his ears at least every day. nine0008 If you notice that your skunk is scratching its ears vigorously, and a lot of earwax has accumulated in the ear canals, contact your veterinarian who will prescribe tick drops for you. Foot and Ankle Prevention Skunks have very large heels, which also need to be looked after. Get sea buckthorn oil in your first aid kit. After washing, the heels and palms of the skunk dry out a little, so they need to be lubricated. This procedure is also useful for nails and as a prevention of fungus. Moulting From mid-February, skunks begin their moulting season. Winter down from the body of the animal smoothly passes to your carpets. Arm yourself with a special comb with fine teeth and comb your animal. Otherwise, the skunk itself begins to “comb” with its teeth, which will lead to clogging of the stomach with wool. Skunks go through puberty in different ways. In males at 9-10 months, in females at 8-9 months. The male during the rut begins to run more, look for the female. Loses appetite, and sighs very sadly. The smell of secretion begins to appear. The skunk begins to wipe the sides of the jambs, the legs of tables and chairs, ride on the floor with his stomach, and also sign with small droplets while running. Therefore, for the period of the “wedding” (approximately 1-1.5 months), arm yourself with a rag soaked in a weak disinfectant solution. If you are not afraid of the smell, or you have already had experience with ferrets, then you can do without these measures. Change the potty frequently and wash the skunk's belly. Remember, the skunk boy smells only at the location of the penis during the rut! Americans advise to castrate boys up to 5-6 months, since males do not stop rutting, they are always ready to reproduce. If the skunk was purchased for home keeping, and not for an aviary, then I think it is wiser to heed their advice. When fully or partially copying the article, keeping the full signature and hyperlink to the site http://www.animal-planet.com.ua/ are required |
Domestic skunk. It's possible - World of Animals White Kangaroo
As you know, more and more exotic animals settle in people's houses and apartments. Sometimes, this is a completely rash step, caused by tenderness to animals or the desire to show their status. So people give birth to complex primates, lion cubs and tigers. Of course, this rarely ends well. Any animal requires knowledge from its owner in terms of content, as well as opportunities to provide competent conditions. nine0010
But today we will tell you about an animal that is far from being as difficult to keep as a tiger, or even a monkey. It's a skunk. Yes, yes, you may be surprised, but they are also kept at home, and quite successfully. More recently, these animals were classified as mustelids, but, more recently, studies have allowed them to be identified as a separate family of skunks, which is much closer to pandas than mustelids and raccoons. Perhaps the similarity in color is not so accidental?
So, the first question everyone who hears about skunks at home asks: what about their glands?! They are removed. Usually at a very young age, at 30-40 days, while the cubs are in the nursery. This operation does not carry any harm, and does not affect the future life of the skunk. Unless he can stun his master with a deadly smell. nine0010
Perhaps the closest and most familiar to us analogue in the animal world in terms of content will be the ferret. Skunks also move in a horizontal plane and are not climbers. It is possible to accustom them to the tray, but, alas, it is not necessary to wait for the pet to get into the tray 100%.
Skunks eat a mixed diet that includes meat, fruits, vegetables, and some dairy products. You can feed your pet a good holistic cat food, adding fruits and vegetables to the diet. And some, solely for the fun of the skunk, buy insects for them. The skunk does not need them with a full diet. An adult pet usually weighs 3-5 kilograms, with males being larger than females. They can reach a weight of 6.5 kilograms, but it is important not to overfeed the skunk. nine0010
In nature, skunks live only 3-5 years, but in captivity, there is a case when a skunk has lived up to 14 years!
This is a very gentle and affectionate pet. If you tame a baby from childhood, then he shows himself to be an excellent pet. Skunks are animals that in the rarest case will use their teeth, so the chances of a skunk biting its owner are extremely small.
These animals have long claws, which the skunk naturally needs to dig up insects. Since he does not have such an opportunity at home, it is necessary to regularly trim the skunk's claws. nine0010
This is a pet that prefers to sleep during the day, so it is more suitable for owl people. However, you can adapt the animal mode to your own if you do it smoothly, devoting more time to playing with your pet during the day. By the way, about games. Skunks play quite peculiarly. They can run after a fishing rod like cats, and during the game it's fun to jump. This will not leave anyone indifferent.
A skunk has also settled in our network of zoos, and not an ordinary one, but an albino! He lives in his usual mode, at a night exposition in the Vegas Crocus shopping mall.