When can my baby have finger food
Giving Baby Finger Foods at 7-8 Months
Written by Rebecca Felsenthal Stewart
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on August 09, 2022
Month 7, Week 3
featureOnce your baby is a pro at eating soft mashed foods, they may be ready to move on to finger foods around 8 months. They have the dexterity to pick the food up and release it or mash it, and will become more efficient and independent as they master the pincer grip around 9 months. At that point they'll be able to use their thumb and forefinger to pick up the small chunks of food.
Your baby may grab at everything on your plate, but follow these guidelines for healthy and safe feedings.
- Start with menu items like pieces of soft cheese; small pieces of pasta or bread; finely chopped soft vegetables; and fruits like bananas, avocado, and ripe peaches or nectarines. These foods should require minimal chewing, as your baby may not yet have teeth. Do NOT let them have hot dogs, raw vegetables, nuts, meats, hard candy, or sticky textures such as nut butters that have increased choking risks at this stage.
- Introduce new foods one at a time in case there are any concers about allergies.
- Chop all foods into soft, bite-sized pieces, 1/2 inch or smaller.
- Watch out for choking hazards: Avoid round, firm foods like carrots, grapes, and hot dogs and skip anything like raw veggies and peanuts. Raisins and popcorn are dangerous for babies.
- Keep up your formula or breastfeeding schedule, but as your baby eats more solids, they’ll naturally start to take less milk. Your baby needs to start eating more solids and drinking less milk for the nutritional value at this stage.
Your Baby's Development This Week
Your baby is getting stronger and may even be moving around, whether they are sliding around on their belly in reverse, scooting on their behind, or actually crawling forward. If you haven’t childproofed your house already, don’t wait any longer!
You may notice these growing signs of motor development:
- Your baby is probably now able to sit on their own for several minutes, without using their hands for support and they may be able to get up into a sitting position all by themselves.
- While you offer them support, they should be able to bounce up and down, and possibly even pull up to a stand.
- Their little hands are increasingly agile -- they are getting better at passing a toy back and forth from one to the other.
You might wonder about:
- Their vision. Your baby should be able to see nearly as far as an adult by now and can track moving objects with their eyes.
- Stranger anxiety. You’re not imagining it: They may fear new people and situations. So give them time to warm up and reassure them if they are upset.
- What they can understand. Your baby might comprehend more than you realize, so it’s important to keep talking to them about everything you’re doing and try to be consistent about the words you use for familiar objects.
Month 7 Week 3 Tips
tips- If food allergies run in the family, talk to your pediatrician about introducing highly allergenic foods like peanuts and eggs.
- Fried foods are not good choices for babies. If you offer them at all, do so rarely.
- Avoid feeding your baby juice unless it is fresh-squeezed.
- By now, your baby’s diet should include grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats, and they should be eating two to three meals a day.
- In addition to rice, barley, or oat cereal, you can introduce grain products your baby can grab, such as toast, crackers, and dry cereal. Avoid any colorful, sugary cereals.
- Sit baby in their high-chair for feeding time. If they eat finger foods while crawling around, they are more likely to choke.
- You’re not done with breast feeding or bottle feeding. Your baby is starting the transition, but breast milk and formula are still key.
- Pureeing or mashing vegetables may make them easier for your baby to eat when they are first transitioning from a liquid diet to solids.
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Finger Foods for Babies (for Parents)
When babies begin feeding themselves — a new task most really enjoy — they'll find that they like trying new tastes and textures.
By the time they're 9 months old, most babies have developed the fine motor skills — the small, precise movements — needed to pick up small pieces of food and feed themselves. You may notice that yours can take hold of food (and other small objects) between forefinger and thumb in a pincer grasp. The pincer grasp starts out a little clumsy, but with practice soon becomes a real skill.
Let your child self-feed as much as possible. You'll still help by spoon-feeding cereal and other important dietary elements. But encouraging finger feeding helps your child develop independent, healthy eating habits.
Finger feeding — and using utensils a little later — gives babies some control over what they eat and how much. Sometimes they'll eat the food, sometimes not, and that's all part of the process of learning self-regulation. Even little kids can tell when they're hungry or full, so let them learn to recognize and respond to these cues.
What Should a Baby Eat?
Now that they're joining the rest of the family for meals, older babies are ready to try more table foods.
This means more work for whoever makes the meals for the family, but dishes often can be adapted for the baby. For instance, your little one can have some of the zucchini you're making for dinner. Cook that serving a bit longer — until it's soft — and cut it into pieces small enough for the baby to handle. Pieces of ripe banana, well-cooked pasta, and small pieces of chicken are other good choices.
Before giving your child a finger food, try a bite first and ask yourself:
- Does it melt in the mouth? Some dry cereals and crackers that are light and flaky will melt in the mouth.
- Is it cooked enough so that it mushes easily? Well-cooked veggies and fruits will mush easily, as will canned fruit and vegetables (choose ones without added sugar or salt).
- Is it soft? Cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and small pieces of tofu are good examples.
- Can it be gummed? Pieces of ripe banana and well-cooked pasta can be gummed.
- Is it small enough? Food should be cut into small pieces. The sizes will vary depending on the food's texture. A piece of chicken, for instance, needs to be smaller than a piece of watermelon, which even a pair of baby gums will quickly smash.
If your child doesn't like a food, don't let that stop you from offering it at future meals. Kids are naturally slow to accept new tastes and textures. For example, some are more sensitive to texture and may reject coarse foods, such as meat. When introducing meat, it's helpful to start with well-cooked ground meats or shreds of thinly sliced deli meats, such as turkey.
Present your baby with a variety of foods, even some that he or she didn't seem to like the week before. Don't force your baby to eat, but realize that it can take 10 or more tries before a child will accept a new food.
Finger Foods to Avoid
Finger feeding is fun and rewarding for older babies. But avoid foods that can cause choking and those with little nutritional value.
Choking Hazards
Parents and caregivers can help prevent choking by supervising the baby during eating. Foods that are choking hazards include:
- pieces of raw vegetables or hard fruits
- whole grapes, berries, cherry or grape tomatoes (instead, peel and slice or cut in quarters)
- raisins and other dried fruit
- peanuts, nuts, and seeds
- large scoops of peanut butter and other nut or seed butters (use only a thin layer)
- whole hot dogs and kiddie sausages (peel and cut these in very small pieces)
- untoasted bread, especially white bread that sticks together
- chunks of cheese or meat
- candy (hard candy, jelly beans, gummies, chewing gum)
- popcorn, pretzels, corn chips, and other snack foods
- marshmallows
Hold the Sweets
At first bite, your baby probably will love the taste of cookies, cake, and other sweets, but don't give them now. Your little one needs nutrient-rich foods, not the empty calories found in desserts and high-fat snacks, like potato chips.
It's tempting to want to see the baby's reactions to some of these foods, but now is not the time. Grandparents and others may want to rush your baby into trying triple-chocolate cake or some other family favorite. Politely and firmly explain that the baby isn't ready for those foods. You can blame this tough love on your child's doctor — the doctor won't mind.
The child eats with his hands: norm or deviation
Many mothers, having heard enough of their friends and relatives, begin to worry because their baby has not yet learned how to use tableware. The baby takes food with his hands, smears it on the table and clothes, scatters it around the kitchen - such a picture will infuriate even the calmest mother. When can you start learning to hold a spoon in your hands and eat on your own?
Advice from psychologists
Undoubtedly, the endless washing of children's things, bathing the child after each meal, daily cleaning bring additional trouble to young parents. But most of all, mothers worry that their baby is lagging behind in development, because the neighbor’s boy is only a year old, and he is already actively using a spoon.
It must be taken into account that before the introduction of complementary foods, the baby is not interested in the food that the parents eat. At about 6-7 months, he begins to understand that, in addition to mother's milk and formula, there are other products. And children begin to confidently hold a spoon, as a rule, not earlier than 2 years.
At six months, the baby learns to sit, and along with this skill comes an interest in "adult" food. Psychologists advise mothers to give a baby a plastic spoon in the hands of the baby with the start of complementary foods. Mom feeds the baby vegetable or fruit puree, and he, in turn, twists his own cutlery in his hands. Firstly, it helps to develop fine motor skills, which is important for full development. Secondly, the child gradually gets used to the fact that a spoon is needed while eating.
Getting used to can take a long time, and parents should not be afraid of this. Mom needs to remember a few simple rules so that the baby subsequently actively uses cutlery.
Rule #1. Accept the fact that the child has his own taste
In order to understand what foods your baby likes, you need to regularly offer him different types of food. At some point, the baby may refuse the offered food and eat only a few products. Also, with age, the child's taste preferences may change. When the main products are introduced into the baby's diet, offer him various variations of dishes: vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, pieces of fruits and vegetables. Experiment with the baby, and then he will be able to choose what he likes.
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Rule #2. Do not be afraid of dirt in the kitchen
At first, mothers are sensitive to the spread of porridge on the floor and traces of broccoli on a white T-shirt. Time will pass, and you will remember this period with a smile. And the stains are easily washed with the help of special products, and the wallpaper can be washed. The child learns the world, and does not try to spite his parents to spoil the fresh renovation in the kitchen. Often mothers make the mistake of spoon-feeding their babies until adulthood. And then they wonder why the child does not want to eat on his own. It's just that he is not interested, he perceives food intake as a mandatory program. I ate a spoon for mom, a spoon for dad, that's good.
Psychologists say that often such children later suffer from obesity and other eating disorders.
Rule #3. Praise for independence
If you are spoon-feeding your baby and he suddenly snatches the device from your hands, do not interfere with him. On the contrary, praise the child and invite him to try to eat on his own. At the same time, arm yourself with a second spoon. While the baby will try to scoop up the porridge and bring the spoon to his mouth, you can calmly feed him from your spoon.
If at lunch a child takes out pieces of meat with his hands and tries to put them in his mouth, in no case scold him. Let the little man do what he has in mind. Parents who forbid their kids to do something on their own should not be surprised that their children will later eat from a spoon. It is better to let the child figure out for himself how to scoop up porridge or soup, bring it to his mouth, put the spoon back down. The baby learns elementary things by experience, and it is better not to interfere with parents.
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Why a child refuses cutlery and eats with his hands
There are several reasons why the baby likes to take food with his hands more:
- Age. One-year-old children still do not know how to hold a spoon, but they already want to eat on their own. It is easier for them to grab a piece of meat with their small fingers or to catch vegetables from the soup.
Parents need to develop a food interest in a child, but in no case should they be forced to hold a spoon. In the end, you can put on baby home clothes and tie a bib, and cover the table with oilcloth. The kid learns the world, and this is a necessary stage in human development.
- Attracting attention. If the child is already old enough, but continues to grab food with his hands, perhaps in this way he attracts the attention of parents. Most likely, the child is not given free time, and at least he will attract attention to himself. Analyze whether your daughter or son has enough communication with you. Put aside household chores and do something interesting together: draw, sculpt, read, walk. Children grow up very quickly, so you need to appreciate every minute spent together.
- Crisis 3 years. The baby considers himself an adult and independent, does not listen to what his parents tell him. He takes food with his hands, thereby demonstrating that he knows better how to behave.
During a crisis, do not put pressure on the child and force him to do something. Also, you can not compare the baby with other children who already know how to eat on their own. Show by example how to behave at the table.
- Stressful situations. Moving, divorce of parents, adaptation in kindergarten - all this can affect the child's psyche. By his behavior, the child shows a protest against a change in the usual way of life. It is advisable to contact a child psychologist to understand the reason for this behavior.
- Reluctance to become an adult. Especially often this can be observed in families where a small child appears. The older brother (sister) intentionally takes food with their hands, smears it on the table or walls, and begins to distort words, imitating the kids. Parents will have to find time for the older child, although, of course, at first all attention is switched to the baby. But the older child also needs the care of parents, communication, support.
If the baby prefers to eat with his hands, do not immediately panic and run to a child psychologist or pediatrician.
This does not mean at all that the child is lagging behind in development or has some serious illness. You need to find out the reason why the baby refuses to use cutlery, and solve the problem, which, for sure, is not as serious as it might seem at first glance.
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food, which is eaten with your hands (from the site Kellymom Parenting Breastfeeding)
23 July, 2013 Toddlers who have just started eating solids/thick foods may prefer finger food in chunks over purees or mousses. For children who start solid foods at 6 months or later, food does not need to be pureed or thinned. You may want to start with just food that you can pick up with your hands and just let your child eat on their own. How big can food pieces be? If your baby is not choking on food, then homemade food is fine. At first, carefully watch your baby try new foods to make sure he/she can handle the food without choking or spitting up. Always control…
Eating with your hands.
September 14, 2018 20:25 at Health and nutrition of the baby
The child began to eat food with his hands. Otherwise, he refuses. He defiantly turns his face away from the spoon, carefully offered by me to songs, words, distractions, hooting, and so on. If you insist further, then he won’t eat at all, blushes, yells and asks to be pulled out of the table in fig. He eats soup with his hands, the second, meat, in general, everything that I give. Everything would be fine, but half of the food is smeared on clothes, hair, chair, floor if it goes into a rage and probably 15 percent in the mouth😔 . For me, this is a sadder fact than washing everything and everyone after it. The child is a year and a month old. Up to a year she ate normally from a spoon, I fed her. Who had it like that? Calm me down🙂 . This is a temporary period, will it pass? The child is self-hungry ...
We eat with our hands
May 26, 2016 10:24 am at Personal journal
Put a plate in front of the reen and that's it! pants full of joy, we carry them there with our hands, touch the mashed potatoes, pull them out, smear them on the table, once I thought of putting the contents of the fist in my mouth :) I had a question, is it worth it to be allowed to do this? I give a spoon in my hands, sometimes she takes mine, when I bring the spoon to Alina's mouth, she takes it and puts it in her mouth herself. Eating with your hands at this age is an impetus for independence or should you not allow it and give a spoon?
0 10253We eat with our hands!!!
February 1, 2013 09:33 at Personal Journal
This is how we throw spoons and forks on the floor and eat with our hands for a week, And it also happens, like a pussy - we take food from a plate with our mouth. Who had it? Before that, they ate as expected.
Eating on your own or eating with your hands)))
Complain0002 At what age do your children eat on their own? It is they who eat, and do not smear everything around and themselves with food. Every time my son demands a spoon for himself, otherwise I won’t eat, he waves his hands and closes his mouth. So we eat, he picks with a spoon in a plate, and I feed him at the same time. I tried to give complete freedom, but then I have to wash the whole kitchen and him too. And to do this every day and three times, I’m already honestly tired. So I’m thinking what to do, while insisting that I feed him and not give him a spoon, and later teach him how to eat on his own (when it’s better to use his hands), or patiently clean the kitchen from food? Share your experience, who has it and how was it?
0 21276Food with hands
Complain throws it out, I take the same piece and suck it into my mouth, and she eats. This is fine? Or I missed the moment when I should have let her try it herself. And she showed that it was edible, nifiga🙈 I even give an elementary apple a banana in a piece and she bites a couple of times and then plays with him,
Eating with your hands: encourage or discourage? Your opinion?
June 28, 2014 07:04 am at Personal Journal
their upbringing. Their children are late, they are already a little over forty. She read somewhere that children learn everything through their hands, motor skills are one of the foundations of proper development. So my nieces can sometimes grab from a plate with their hands, for example, dumplings, although both are excellent at using a spoon and fork))) Once, having come to visit them, they found them preparing for dinner. Accordingly, they were invited to the table. Our Krosh at that time was 4 months old and he was only on GW. The guy refused to lie alone, I had to take him in my arms at the table. ...
Food with hands.
September 27, 2017 04:03 am at Personal Journal The child is almost 1.2. He does not take fruits and vegetables in his mouth with his hands ..... and there is no food from the plate either ... bread, bagels, cookies, children's bars, yes! But not everything else What to do with it. Broke my whole head. Disdainfully throws out, or passes by the side. Also does not take out of hand ((( Pediatrician says no abnormalities....
0 5133Eating with hands
25 January 2019 19:17 at Personal Journal
Well, I decided to let my daughter eat with her hands for dinner. She happily grabbed the pieces and squeezed them, turning them into puree 🤦🏻♀️🤣 there was no talk of self-absorption of food 😂 she ate from my hands with joy, chewed hard ☺️ and now a question for experts - your children also crushed everything and didn’t eat at first ? And how soon did you start putting food in your mouth?
0 74159Hand food
18 July 2018 16:28 at Personal Journal
Experienced girls, tell me: my daughter eats with pleasure herself, but mostly with her hand. He holds a spoon in one hand, sometimes he tries to eat with it, but he still eats a larger portion of the portion with his hand. Leave it as it is, and at the same time learn to eat with a spoon? My fear is that suddenly he will get used to eating with his hands and then you will wean the figs🤷♀️ What do you say? How were you?
And we eat with our hands, but for that we ourselves))) photo
31 January 2015 16:13 at Personal journal
2 86958Introduction to new food
Complain When and how to introduce complementary foods? What foods and in what order should be given to the child? All these questions cause serious anxiety among parents, especially if the baby is their first. After all, the introduction of complementary foods is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the crumbs. Mom and dad are bombarded with conflicting advice from the older generation and peers, pediatricians also differ in their recommendations. And despite all this, sooner or later you will have to take a decisive step - to introduce your baby to adult food. This article will be most important for those mothers who adhere to the principles of natural feeding. For artificial kids, slightly different ones are relevant ...
Etiquette lessons for kids. Lesson 23 I hope you liked it and you learned a lot of interesting things)) FOREST Etiquette poetry by Sergei Chertkov HARE AND SQUIRREL Bunny and squirrel play At the high spruce. The stars disappear in the sky So, be a blizzard. Bunny takes off mittens The squirrel quickly puts on What a boy Little bunny. Blizzards are not afraid now - Squirrel mittens warmed ... Bunny with a squirrel walked Together until dawn Their eyes shone in the night Beads of light. stubborn donkey Along the narrow path The centipedes crawled Ducklings followed them Funny chickens. The donkey got in the way. - Give, donkey, let's go! - I do not believe my ears - Said . ..
Whose children ate with their hands?
14 May 2019 11:20 at Personal Journal
for a long time I interfered with this process, but now we have come to the stage when she simply does not allow herself to be fed, either herself or knocks the spoon out of my hands 😒 I also struggle with this for a long time (with knocking out the spoon) I distract in different ways, but with food problems more and more every day, today I just didn’t eat until I gave her the opportunity to eat everything with my hands (at the same time she had a spoon in her hand and I helped her to rake in food, she pushes the spoon out of my hand). The question is who allowed the children to eat with their hands, it didn’t stop the child from starting ...
0 63171Eternal theme: Child and food.
3 April 2017 12:00 at Personal Journal
My daughter is a year and two months old. With food, we are completely crap, frankly, she eats anything, when she is in the mood. It all started from the moment of active sharp growth of teeth, our molars are already climbing, then it was a complete rejection of all purees and cereals except milk, she was 10 months old. After that, I somehow returned mashed potatoes to the diet, although, of course, the doctors said not to shove by force, the child will want to eat. So. This is not about my daughter. She can not eat for days if she does not want to eat mashed potatoes. She will stubbornly wait until I give her the coveted milk, she only eats it, but she gains very little weight on it and generally loses weight wildly. When we were over a year old, she stopped eating and her loved ones ...
Relationship with food
March 1, 2018 08:37 am at Personal Journal
My daughter has a difficult relationship with food. She eats badly and only if she plays, I keep her busy with some jars when I feed her. I do not like when they play with food, but whatever you do, as long as the child eats. In order for her not to be hungry, I let her take food from the plate with her hands and even smear it and spit. Damn, well, how to ban it? She tried to show her dissatisfaction with such behavior so she stopped eating at all, she could not even put her in a feeding chair, she rested, twisted and roared. I changed my anger to mercy and allowed everything, and now she at least eats. Now Tanyusha is sick and had no appetite, the second day she starts to eat little by little. We lie in the hospital, we eat in the hospital ...
How and where to get patience WHEN A CHILD PIGS DURING FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 16, 2013 04:11 am at Personal Journal Very rarely I write here and discuss something, basically I find the topic I need and read what I need. But now I do not know where and from where to get support and comfort! And how can I learn to be calm in general . .. It turns out that in 11 months of raising my daughter, our feeding has become my worst problem! The problem is because my nerves are giving out, and this is not normal. I’m used to the fact that everything should always be clean and tidy with me ... I knew very well that, accustoming a child to self-feeding, I would have to endure a lot of disgust and dirt, which is the case with everyone ... But I want to know that this didn’t piss anyone off before insanity or I urgently need to see a psychotherapist ...
June 1, 2012 01:44 am at Personal Journal
Small children eat better with their hands This is the conclusion scientists from the University of Nottingham came to. After conducting numerous studies, they found that if the baby continues to eat with his hands after weaning, then he grows up active, healthy and athletic. If the mother mainly feeds the child with a spoon, then the baby grows lazy and passive. According to study author Helen Townsend, when children eat with their hands, this has a better effect on the formation of their weight and taste preferences.
How to wean a one-year-old child from playing around while eating?
December 26, 2016 16:05 at Personal journal
The last week or two children have been changed. What is not for her - yells, cries. Everything is thrown. For food, in general, what the hell is he doing, he takes food with his hands from a plate, some in his mouth, some smears on the table and himself, crumples in his hands. I say it is impossible - laughs, I take away food - yells foolishly. She refused cereals and mashed potatoes, eats only pieces, porridge is also ordinary cereals. She indulges in breastfeeding, climbs every 5 minutes. The sleep and food regimen has completely gone astray. In short, I began to go a little crazy with this child. How can you set boundaries and explain at least something to a one-year-old baby?
Food, we love you
30 September 2018 06:59 at Personal Journal
How to teach your child to eat normally. I used to eat with a spoon. Now he will try to fuck with a spoon a couple of times, or he will immediately throw it overboard. And he begins to carry food with his hands, crush it, throw it overboard, to the dog. And it turns out who is faster. Lilya will throw it away or her mother will have time to put it in her mouth. Eats in the process of all this. Don't let your hands touch your food. Stops eating. She can generally give a spoon, put a plate and let her do as she wants. Only I have to leave the kitchen. My nerves can't bear to watch it. We go to kindergarten, but we can’t eat normally. I impose it on her, taking into account the fact that she will squander. And what else would she eat? And in the garden they put a plate, she will turn it over. Her new portion ...
Question about food
April 14, 2019 20:50 at Personal journal
Lately, my son has been actively looking into the plate and pulling his hands. He also tries to grab the spoon, I give it, but I also hold the spoon with my hand. One day I decided to give him a sliced banana to eat with my hands from a plate, but now I think maybe in vain? You need to eat with a spoon, not with your hands. Now he will decide that he can climb with his hands and I will teach him the wrong one, from which he will then have to wean. Do your kids eat with their hands? Were there any problems with the spoon after? Or are you a supporter: as it is more convenient, so let him eat?
0 7137Do you allow your children to eat with their hands?
June 18, 2015 19:41 at Personal Journal
I mean children from a year and older who still eat poorly on their own from a spoon. I didn’t allow mine when my daughter didn’t know how to hold a spoon herself, I fed her, I didn’t allow her to take food with my hands. Now she doesn’t even try with her hands, she’s already used to it. I only allow what adults eat with their hands, for example, fruit slices, cookies, and the like ... I just read, here some girls already from 10 months allow their children to eat with their hands from a plate. I now think that this is useless, I immediately taught me to eat right, cleanly and neatly, as expected. What do you think? Let him eat as best he can, or should it be taught right away?
Eats with hands
4 February 2021 06:27 at Personal log
The child has been eating with his hands for the last two months. Soup, the second, omelettes, even cottage cheese will try to eat with your hands. This is despite the fact that we are excellent at using a spoon and a fork, we can even cut something with a table knife, but no, we eat everything with our hands. Soon in the garden .... I can’t even imagine how much spare clothes you need with you - when he eats with his hands, he is all smeared in food. Who had? How did you manage?
Don't eat human food!!!
3 December 2015 20:36 at Personal Journal
What to do with them? Everyone only eats from cans. Every day I cook for them ... Everything flies into me. Mick generally opens his mouth and pulls all this food out of his mouth with his hands! Keith just sings and that's it. Mouth won't open again. I open a jar and they eat everything!!! Husband says Relax and feed what they eat. My mom is definitely blowing my mind. They say that children should already eat cabbage soup with a spoon a year (exaggerates, of course, but still ..) But it really infuriates me, we are almost a year old and we don’t eat normal food ((here’s how to transfer them to a common table ?? Even if I will all this grind them in a blender, but you can’t eat baby food at 12 months… Share your experience, please. 0003 0 82778
food Please tell me what to do and who had this?! this is after a year, now chewing teeth are coming in! And she doesn’t eat and never wants and doesn’t ask, as soon as she sees a plate, crying and tantrums, I let her try everything in a row, from the common table (within reasonable limits of course) and she doesn’t like everything, more the trick recently appeared like this: keep food in your mouth and not swallow for 5 minutes!0003 0 7135
February 11, 2022 12:31 pm at Personal Journal
We are 10 months old, we eat only mixture, porridge and purees. I look on insta and our peers eat to the fullest (with their hands), and pieces, and even from a common table. When did you start teaching your kids to eat on their own? We already have 4 teeth. But from the slightest piece, the child almost starts a gag reflex, sticks out his tongue and tries to take out this tiny piece with his hands0 9202 Spoon, independent food.
July 12, 2020 07:11 am at Personal Journal
Hello everyone! Tell me from experience, when did you start teaching children to eat on their own with a spoon? How were they taught? I just give my spoon in his hand for now, I feed the other myself. Of course, the nerves must be steel, everything I have prepared flies all over the room). Recently I learned to put food in my mouth with my hand. Now what you can eat without a spoon - eats it yourself, if the mood is normal).
0 29295children while eating!!!send a photo
Complain the spoon is correct, but he is indignant ... before the “crooked” spruce was cleaner, now they switched to the usual one and still can’t get used to it, the liquid all flows past .... in general, they are so hilarious with food, send photos of yours, and I will show you max py sy-everything that contains cabbage we eat with our hands
0 14435 GV. Refusal to eat. Who had it????
November 24, 2017 10:51 am at Personal Journal
I was all worried.. 3 weeks almost hanging on my chest. Don't eat normal food. 2 spoons with a scream. For 3 weeks, a couple of times I managed to throw a normal portion of porridge and a couple of times cottage cheese, all the time for 2 tablespoons. The biscuit also bites a couple of times and that's it. Grapes crack from current fruits. Yesterday she ate 3 small pieces of potatoes. ALL! I cook, I offer, I refuse. product translation! It all started with a cold. throat. snot. but already all are treated, cured. went to the doctor. There are no teeth and no new ones are expected. the throat is perfect, there is no stomatitis. They took a blood test. Hemoglobin 123. Analysis is good. tried to starve, the op begins, the demand for titi. offer food, wave your hands ...
0 0163Cooking🙌
10 January 2021 17:53 at Hands are not just from .