When do you switch to stage 2 baby food
What It Is, When to Start, and Options to Try
Accompanying your child through the different stages of learning how to eat real food is an exciting journey. Sometimes, along with the sense of pride — Look, they polished off the whole jar! — you can feel a little confused. How are you supposed to navigate the milestones?
Let’s start at the beginning: What do the stages of baby food mean, anyway?
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your baby’s digestive system won’t make the leap from liquid to solid in one day either. That’s what the stages of baby food are for — to help your baby manage the mechanics of eating and to make the transition easier on your baby’s digestive system.
Defining the stages across the brands
While the different stages of baby food aren’t standardized (it would make your life easier if they were!), most popular brands more-or-less follow these four stages:
- Stage 1: 4 to 6 months (watery puree of a single ingredient)
- Stage 2: 6 to 9 months (thicker texture that is strained or mashed)
- Stage 3: 10 to 12 months (mush that has soft, chewable, small chunks)
- Stage 4: After 12 months (finger foods and small, soft pieces of foods you share from your own supper)
What is the difference between stage 1 and stage 2 food?
Stage 1 foods are pretty watery. They’re pureed into a smooth paste that can drip off a spoon easily, so stock up on your bibs. These foods are usually made of a single ingredient: oatmeal cereal, apple, carrots. Your baby will start off eating about half a teaspoon of this.
Stage 2 foods get more exciting. These are strained or mashed into a dense paste. They’re made with a combination of foods that can include legumes and even meats or fish. They may combine flavors, like fruit and veggie blends. Your baby’s appetite is growing and you’ll have to keep pace with bigger portions.
At around 6 to 9 months, your baby is probably ready to move on to stage 2 foods. Not every baby will stick to this schedule simply because every child is a world to their own.
Here are some signs that your child is ready to move on:
- Tongue reflex: At around five months, your child will start losing their tongue thrust reflex and won’t immediately push out the food that you try to feed them.
- More please: They’ll easily polish off the stage 1 foods and look hungry for more.
- Variety: They’ll have eaten foods from all the food categories (vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, meat) and shown no allergy or intolerance.
- Enjoyment: They’re managing spoonfuls of stage 1 foods easily, mouthing and swallowing happily.
At this exciting stage, feel free to give your baby most types of foods. By offering them a wide range of tastes and textures, you’re giving them a foundation for healthy eating habits — as well as making it easier for yourself. Keep in mind the following safety points:
- Choking hazards: Avoid nuts, seeds, and popcorn at this stage. And make sure to slice round foods like grapes and hot dogs lengthwise.
- No honey: Children younger than 12 months should not be given honey because it could lead to a botulism infection.
- No juice: Follow AAP guidelines and stick with breast milk, formula or a little water and steer clear of juices.
- Safe feeding: Always strap your child into their high chair and keep an eye on them while they’re eating.
And if you’re wondering about peanuts, here’s the scoop: A 2017 release from the National Institutes of Health suggests exposing children to peanut-containing foods as early as 4 months old. (Wait till 6 months for children with mild or moderate eczema.)
Surprised? Don’t be. A recent study suggested that Israeli kids rarely suffer from peanut allergies because they’re munching on Bamba, a peanut-based snack, from as early as 3 months. Talk to your doctor about suggested safe ways to incorporate peanut products into your little one’s diet.
What’s on the menu for stage 2 baby foods? Basically, you can go the store-bought or the homemade route. Or you can mix both depending on how much time you have. It’s up to you and your personal schedule.
Here are tasty ideas for both options.
Store-bought stage 2 baby food
- Plum: These organic blends come in easy-to-transport pouches.
Try pear, spinach, and pea, or banana and pumpkin.
- Beech-Nut: Options are available in jars and pouches. Serve up some apples and bananas or pineapple, pear, and avocado.
- Earth’s Best: Another organic option, in pouches or jars. Try sweet potato, barley, and garbanzo or pasta with tomato and white bean.
- Gerber: A classic, whether served up from plastic tubs, jars, or pouches. Flavor combinations include peach mango and oatmeal or chicken noodle dinner.
Remember to monitor your little one while they’re eating. Pouches are handy, but the caps can be a choking hazard. Glass jars are at risk of breaking, so keep them out of baby’s reach. Your baby should always enjoy snacks and meals with attentive adult supervision.
Homemade stage 2 baby food
Cooking up a storm for your baby’s budding taste buds at this stage doesn’t have to be challenging. Here are a few recipes to get you going. (You can find even more baby food recipes here. )
Don’t shy away from spices and herbs: your baby will appreciate the added flavor, and the micronutrients in them will give their immune system a boost.
- Apple, butternut, and carrot: Boil the ingredients until they test soft with a fork. Drain some of the water, but set it aside in case you need to thin the mixture. Sprinkle in a little curry and blend.
- Blueberries and chickpeas: You can cook up your own chickpeas or use a prepared version to save time. Mix equal amounts of blueberries and chickpeas. Blend and add breastmilk, formula, or water to get the right consistency. You can also add in some rice for extra oomph and texture.
- Salmon with roasted zucchini and fennel: Spray the salmon and vegetables with oil and broil for about 15 minutes. Add chopped parsley and blend. You can thin the mixture with breastmilk, formula, or water.
Enjoy this stage with your baby because it won’t be long before they move on to the next stages. And then, sooner than you think, you may be facing competition for that last slice of caramel-topped cheesecake.
When is a child ready to try a bit more texture?
Once your baby has mastered the art of slurping down smooth purees, it may be time to expand their culinary horizons with Stage 2 baby food. Your little gourmand isn’t quite ready to dine on a plate of spaghetti and meatballs just yet, but Stage 2 foods will give them the opportunity to sample new tastes, as well as consistencies.
Think your baby is ready to graduate onto the next stage of baby food? Here, parents and experts weigh in on Stage 2 baby food. Bon appetit!
What is Stage 2 baby food?
While the jarred Stage 2 baby food you find at the store is typically combinations of food (“sweet potato and chicken dinner”), it’s important to keep in mind this stage is more about the consistency of the food.
“While Stage 1 baby food is completely pureed, Stage 2 baby food has a bit more texture to it,” says Dr. Zulma Laracuente, a pediatrician in Alexandria, Louisiana. “The concept behind slowly transitioning baby from purees to thicker solids is to get them used to chewing and swallowing.”
Of course, every child develops at their own individual pace, so check with your child’s doctor for baby food recommendations during the first 12 months.
When to start Stage 2 baby food
The Stage 2 baby food age may vary based on when your infant started eating Stage 1 foods. The general age recommendation for Stage 1 baby food is between 4 and 6 months, so taking into consideration how long — and how well — your child has been eating these foods will help you determine if they’re ready to move up. According to Laracuente, babies are usually ready for Stage 2 between 6 and 8 months old — but make sure your little one has honed their Stage 1 skills before making the leap.
“Once your baby has done well with Stage 1 solids and has tried multiple foods, it is safe to advance to Stage 2 baby food,” says Dr. Melanie Custer, a pediatrician at at West Bend Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin. “These foods usually have multiple ingredients, including some spices and are thicker in consistency.”
“These foods usually have multiple ingredients, including some spices and are thicker in consistency.”
Signs baby is ready to start Stage 2 food
How do you know if your baby is nailing it with their Stage 1 foods and ready for the next step? Simply put, they’re eating and swallowing.
“As your baby’s oral skills develop and improve, you can move on to Stage 2 foods, which are purees with small chunks and texture,” says Jenifer Thompson, R.D., an advanced practice dietician at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.
Thompson says in order to move on to Stage 2 foods, babies should be consistently taking the spoon in their mouth when you offer it to them, without spitting or pushing it back out.
“Once my baby was no longer grimacing or letting his food dribble onto his chin, I knew we were ready to move onto Stage 2 foods,” says mom of two Darcy McConnell of Garwood, New Jersey. “I actually have no idea how old he was when we made the switch since I based it off of how well he was eating!”
What Stage 2 baby foods to start with
It’s important to expose your child to a number of foods, most of which are safe at this point.
“By the time they are 7 to 8 months, babies should be eating a variety of foods from different food groups, including cereals, meat and other proteins, yogurt, cheese, vegetables and fruits,” says Thompson.
“Most foods can be prepared for any stage, so long as they’re texturally age-appropriate,” says Dr. Kristen Treegoob, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “When we think of Stage 2 baby food, we’re thinking of thicker purees with some mashable bits.”
Experts advise introducing as many different foods as possible during this stage of food development so your baby gets accustomed to them.
“While bananas, applesauce and peaches are good options and most babies like them, as they are naturally sweet, it is also important to try other foods that aren’t as common and popular, such as beets, rhubarb and asparagus, so they develop a taste for them,” says Custer.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) no longer recommends delaying the introduction of allergenic foods, particularly peanuts. While it was once advised to wait until your baby was at least 10 months to introduce peanut-containing foods, the AAP now recommends giving babies with no known egg allergy or eczema, infant-safe forms of peanut between 4 to 6 months old. Babies with mild eczema should wait until at least 6 months, and for babies with severe eczema, speak to their doctor before giving them peanut-containing foods. (To find out if your baby has an egg allergy, they must be tested by their pediatrician.)
Which foods to avoid during Stage 2
Even though your little one is venturing into new food texture territory with Stage 2, you should still avoid giving them chunks and small pieces of food, which can pose a serious risk. (Food may be thicker at Stage 2, but it’s still all about the purees and mashes at this point.)
“Infants may have any food that is texture-appropriate for their developmental feeding stage, but it’s important to stay away from choking hazards, such as whole grapes, nuts and seeds,” says Treegoob.
“Infants may have any food that is texture-appropriate for their developmental feeding stage, but it’s important to stay away from choking hazards, such as whole grapes, nuts and seeds.”
Also, avoid giving your baby honey — raw or cooked — before the age of 12 months, as it may cause a botulism infection.
And finally, when it comes to your baby’s beverage, steer clear of juice. The AAP recommends parents eschew juice, which has “no nutritional benefits over whole fruit,” until at least 1. “At this point, it’s best to stick with breast milk, formula or the odd bit of water (1 to 2 ounces a day), which is mainly for introducing your baby to the skill of using a sippy cup,” says Thompson.
How to start Stage 2 foods safely
Baby should be sitting in a highchair when eating and never left alone. You’ll still be spooning food into your baby’s mouth at this point, but don’t be afraid to let your little one take a whirl at self-feeding in order to get in some practice using utensils.
“At around 9 months, we started letting our son try his hand at feeding himself in his highchair,” says mom of two Erin Henderson, of Waltham, Massachusetts. “It was a mess, but he obviously enjoyed the learning experience.”
Also, during the latter half of your baby’s Stage 2 stint, they may learn how to grab things with their thumb and forefinger and bring them to their mouth.
“Between 8 and 12 months, babies develop the pincer grasp ability and should be able to pick up small pieces of finger food, such as Cheerios or puffs,” says Thompson.
As your baby grows and hones their eating skills, they’ll cut down a bit on how much breast milk or formula they drink — but keep in mind, that should still be their primary source of nutrients.
“Most infants will naturally start to moderate their breast milk or formula intake once their solid intake increases,” says Treegoob. “Solid food may start to account for a significant source of nutritional intake closer to 7 to 9 months. At this time, parents may notice that their baby shows interest in smaller or less frequent bottle or breastfeeds. As long as their weight remains on track and baby is drinking enough milk to stay well-hydrated, there should be no need for concern. Infants typically take somewhere between 24 to 40 ounces of breast milk or formula between 4 to 6 months and 24 to 32 ounces from 6 to 9 months.”
According to the AAP, babies should be eating about 4 ounces of solids (about one small jar of baby food) at each of their meals. And if you’re wondering how long baby food lasts, experts typically recommend 24-48 hours in the fridge or up to 3 months in the freezer.
Lastly, bear in mind that if at first you don’t succeed with a food, try, try again.
“At this age, if babies grimace when taking a bite or shake themselves, it is most often because of a texture issue, not the actual taste,” says Custer. “It is important to keep introducing these foods as it may take a baby up to 15 times to get used to a texture before you can say for sure he/she doesn’t like it. ”
Ready for the next stage?
- Stage 3 baby food
Stage 2 baby food: what is it, when to start and what options to try
- What is stage 2 baby food?
- Identification of stages by brand
- What is the difference between stage one and stage two meals?
- When and how should I start feeding my baby 2nd stage complementary foods?
- What are your baby food options for stage 2?
- Store-bought baby food stage 2.
- Homemade baby food stage 2
- Conclusion
Accompanying your child through the different stages of learning how to eat real food is an exciting journey. Sometimes, along with a sense of pride - - you can feel a little confused. How should you navigate milestones?
What is stage 2 baby food?
Let's start from the beginning: what do the stages of baby food mean?
Rome wasn't built in a day, and your child's digestive system won't jump from liquid to solid in one day either. That's what baby feeding stages are for - to help your baby manage the mechanics of eating and ease the transition to your baby's digestive system.
Defining milestones by brand
Although the different baby food steps are not standardized (if they were, your life would be easier!), most popular brands more or less follow these four steps:
- Step 1: From 4 up to 6 months (single ingredient watery puree)
- Stage 2: 6 to 9 months (thicker texture, strained or puréed)
- Stage 3: 10 to 12 months (porridge with soft chewy small pieces )
- Stage 4: After 12 months (food that you can eat with your fingers and small soft pieces of food that you share with your dinner)
What is the difference between eating the first and second stages?
Stage 1 food is quite watery. They turn into a smooth paste that runs off a spoon easily, so stock up on bibs. These products usually consist of one ingredient: oatmeal, apples, carrots. Your child will start eating about half a teaspoon of this.
Stage 2 food becomes more exciting. They are strained or ground into a thick paste. They are made from a combination of foods that can include legumes and even meat or fish. They can combine flavors, such as fruit and vegetable blends. Your child's appetite is growing and you will have to keep up with larger portions.
When and how should I start feeding my baby 2nd stage complementary foods?
Around 6 to 9 months of age, your baby is probably ready to switch to stage 2 complementary foods. Not every child will stick to this schedule, simply because every child is a separate world.
Here are a few signs that your baby is ready to move on:
- Tongue reflex: At around five months, your baby will begin to lose the tongue thrust reflex and will not immediately push out the food you are trying to feed.
- More Please: They will easily eat the first stage foods and look hungry to eat more.
- Variety: They ate foods from all food categories (vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, meat) and showed no allergies or intolerances.
- Delight: They easily eat a spoonful of food in stage 1, swallow and swallow with pleasure.
At this exciting stage, feel free to give your child most of the foods. By offering them a wide range of flavors and textures, you give them the foundation for a healthy diet and also make it easier for you. Be aware of the following safety considerations:
- Choking Hazard: Avoid nuts, seeds, and popcorn at this stage. And don't forget to cut round foods like grapes and hot dogs lengthwise.
- No honey: Babies under 12 months old should not be given honey as it can lead to botulism.
- No Juice: Follow AAP guidelines and stick to breast milk, formula or a little water and stay away from juices.
- Safe Feeding: Always fasten your child to a high chair and supervise him while he eats.
And if you're curious about peanuts, here's the scoop: 2017 National Institutes of Health report suggests giving babies peanut-containing foods as early as 4 months of age. (Wait up to 6 months for children with mild to moderate eczema.)
Surprised? Do not be. A recent study showed that Israeli children rarely suffer from peanut allergies because they have been chewing bamba, a peanut-based snack, as early as 3 months old. Talk to your doctor about safe ways to include peanut products in your baby's diet.
What are your baby food options for stage 2?
What is included in the stage 2 baby food menu? Basically, you can go the store or home route. Or you can mix both depending on how much time you have. It depends on you and your personal schedule.
Here are some delicious ideas for both.
Store-bought baby food stage 2.

- Plum: These organic blends come in easy-to-carry bags. Try pear, spinach and peas, or banana and pumpkin.
- Beech-walnut: Available in tins and bags. Serve a few apples and bananas or pineapple, pear and avocado.
- Best in the world: Another organic option, in bags or jars. Try sweet potatoes, barley and chickpeas, or pasta with tomatoes and white beans.
- Gerber: A classic served in plastic jars, jars or bags. Flavor combinations include peach mango and dinner with oatmeal or chicken noodles.
Remember to keep an eye on your baby while he is eating. Bags are convenient, but caps can be a choking hazard. Glass jars can break, so keep them out of the reach of children. Your child should always enjoy snacks and meals under close adult supervision.
Homemade Baby Food Stage 2
Cooking up a storm for your baby's nascent taste buds doesn't have to be a daunting task at this stage. Here are some recipes to help you. (You can find more baby food recipes here.)
Don't skimp on spices and herbs: your little one will appreciate the extra flavor and the micronutrients they contain will boost their immune system.
- Apple, walnut and carrot: Cook the ingredients until they are soft when checked with a fork. Drain off some of the water, but set it aside in case you need to dilute the mixture. Sprinkle with a little curry and stir.
- Blueberries and chickpeas: You can make your own chickpeas or use ready-made ones to save time. Mix equal amounts of blueberries and chickpeas. Mix and add breast milk, formula, or water to get the right consistency. You can also add some rice for added appeal and texture.
- Salmon with fried zucchini and fennel: Drizzle salmon and vegetables with oil and roast for about 15 minutes. Add chopped parsley and stir. You can dilute formula with breast milk, formula, or water.
Enjoy this stage with your child because he will soon move on to the next stages. And then, sooner than you think, you may face competition for the last slice of caramel cheesecake.
Is it possible to feed dogs with baby food, what to give instead for puppies
January 25, 2022
The question seems simple and unambiguous only at first glance. Many people think that if a product is made for babies, its quality should be on top and certainly suitable for feeding pets. We do not argue that in most cases the production of food for infants is indeed of high standards, but the problem here is not in the quality of raw materials and compliance with production standards, but in compliance with the composition of baby food to the needs of predators - adults and especially growing ones.
Only as a treat
If there is a baby in the house, dogs often get the uneaten remains of instant cereals, milk mixtures, vegetable and meat purees. Well, if it's about giving baby food as treats to dogs, it's okay, even though it doesn't make sense. Just do not forget that the share of this kind of treats should be no more than 10% of the calorie content of the entire diet (per day), otherwise your dog will quickly gain weight, which will be very difficult to get rid of.
Particularly harmful in this regard are porridges, a source of readily available carbohydrates. However, cottage cheese, kefir and milk mixtures are also not the healthiest food for a dog. Yes, they contain milk protein and usually probiotics, but they are often additionally sweetened - which is not good for animals at all. If we are not talking about puppies, but about adult dogs, then “native” milk sugar is a big risk. The farther from puppyhood, the less pets have enzymes designed to digest lactose. By 7-8 months, only a small part of the dogs can digest and assimilate the "milk" well, the majority have bloating, diarrhea of varying degrees of intensity.
What about meat purees in glass and tin jars - such as Tyoma, Nestle, Grandmother's basket, etc.? It is they who are most often referred to when they talk about feeding pets with baby food. Moreover, many owners specifically buy baby food in stores, and do not use stocks purchased for children and grandchildren with the goal of “not wasting”. Usually this practice is typical for owners of small puppies, adult dogs of small breeds, as well as pets who find it difficult to chew. Alas, it is undesirable to give even meat baby food to dogs on an ongoing basis. And there are reasons for this.
Why shouldn't you feed meat baby food to dogs?
First, these products have a completely different composition. The dog will obviously not receive the necessary components - animal protein and fat, which are vital to it, and calories will not be received from the usual and so healthy meat, fish or poultry, but most likely from grain and starch.
Secondly, all these products undergo a powerful heat treatment (sterilization), during which not only possible pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed, but also many useful substances vital for predators are lost - a number of amino acids and vitamins. In the manufacture of industrial food for dogs, the same thing usually happens, however, manufacturers, knowing about the problem, introduce the "lost" substances additionally, at the last stage of production.
It is not for nothing that ready-made food, which is intended for daily nutrition of animals, is called “complete” or “balanced”, and its recipe is called “formula”. On the label you will definitely find the components included in the mineral-vitamin complex, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. And even if some substances were not enough in the feedstock, after taking samples for analysis, the developer will add what is needed to the “dough” of the feed.
Data on the needs of dogs are not taken from the ceiling and not from the personal experience of the manufacturer, but are correlated with the figures recommended by the competent regulatory organizations - AAFCO, FDA, as well as GOSTs for non-productive animals.
Thirdly, children's meat food most often contains such undesirable components as potato starch, rice or wheat flour. And also, which is rather unpleasant, salt, spices and even dried onions. The proportion of such additives is rarely indicated, and it may happen that when buying a “meat” puree, you will provide your pet with only its likeness, moreover, devoid of the necessary nutrients.
Why is the use of baby food so popular in feeding puppies and dogs? This product really has many advantages: it contains understandable types of meat, is well homogenized and has a delicate texture (which is important for small puppies and dogs with oral problems), is completely ready for use and can be stored at room temperature. An important advantage for some owners is the financial side of the issue: sometimes baby food seems cheaper than high-quality wet dog food, and at the same time it is easy to buy.
Is it possible, taking into account the above-mentioned advantages, to choose an analogue for children's purees among canned food created specifically for dogs? Delicious, complete, healthy in composition, delicate in texture, conveniently packaged and affordable and available in stores? Yes, you certainly may.
What to give instead of baby food?
Let's start with those who receive baby food not from younger family members, but from reverent owners who strive to give their pet the best and safest.
Feeding small puppies
For the first three weeks, mother's milk is the only thing a puppy needs, but then you can start accustoming a kitten to meat food. Not any diet is suitable, but as you understand, the most tender, easily digestible and very nutritious. It is commonly referred to as a "starter", but not all manufacturers make one. We have such a product in our assortment, it is Blitz Sensitive "Turkey with Zucchini" - a starter food for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches. Packed in 200 g cans with a key. Contains turkey meat, several types of offal, zucchini pulp, milk powder, prebiotics and a vitamin and mineral complex. The product has a high calorie content, so it is advisable to give it up to 4 months, when the puppies are growing rapidly, then it is advisable to switch to other canned food options, for example, with chicken and pumpkin or lamb and turkey.
All Blitz wet foods for dogs and puppies are complete rations with 80% to 98% meat ingredients. By consistency, they are divided into “pieces in sauce” or chopped pates, they are available in different packaging options (85 g, 200 g, 400 g and even 700 g) and are presented in a wide flavor palette - you will definitely choose what suits your pet.
The current assortment can be viewed on this page of our catalogue. Foods marked "for all breeds and ages" are designed, among other things, for the daily feeding of puppies that have come out of the lactation period.
Canned food for small breeds of dogs
Miniature pets (Chihuahuas, Spitz, Dachshunds, Toy) are also very fond of eating baby food, and in terms of packaging it seems to be intended for them for a single portion. But, despite the external "toy", these are real dogs - brave, tireless, with well-developed muscles and light bones. And they need to eat the same way as other breeds - not purees like "Tyoma", but a balanced diet. Slices of canned Lamb with Salmon, Beef with White Fish or Turkey with Duck soaked in fragrant sauce will please your gourmet much more than baby food, and they will be a hundred times more useful.
Blitz canned food for dogs is produced in Russia using European equipment. They are developed taking into account the recommendations of leading veterinary organizations and regulatory authorities, from high-quality raw materials, without the use of preservatives and dyes.
Nutrition for debilitated dogs
In most cases (except for liver diseases) during the recovery period and in old age, dogs do not need diet food (as we understand it), but easily digestible nutritious food. If your dog was recommended a temporary liquid diet after surgery, or if your pet has oral problems, it is not necessary to opt for baby mashed meats. The correct choice would be to use any of Blitz's complete wet or even dry foods, bringing them to the desired consistency with water.