Wild baby rabbit care feeding
How To Keep A Wild Baby Rabbit Alive — Rabbit Care Tips
Wild newborn bunnies are kept in small, shallow nests in grassy areas near woodland, bushes, or out in the open. While an open space might seem like a dangerous place for a rabbit to set up home, predators are less likely to venture to exposed areas. So, when you stumble across a nest, it’s worrying to see a group of baby rabbits alone.
To keep a wild baby rabbit alive, you must determine whether the mother is around. Mother rabbits only return to the nest twice a day to feed their kits. If they are orphaned, you will need to provide a nest, maintain the right temperature, and provide a healthy diet. You will also need to stimulate urination and defecation and source nutritious cecotropes. Injured bunnies will need immediate veterinary care.
Fewer than 10% of orphaned wild rabbits survive longer than a week. Attempts to care for orphaned rabbits often do more harm than good, so proceed with caution if you find a nest with no mother in sight. You don’t want to intervene until you know that your help will make a difference.
How to Help A Wild Baby Rabbit Survive
Most wild baby rabbits aren’t orphaned. While your immediate reaction may be to call for help, this isn’t always necessary. A doe will never abandon her kits by choice. Death or environmental issues where the nest can’t be accessed are the only reasons why she wouldn’t be around.
As described by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, cottontail doe rabbits only return to the nest a few times a day to deter predators. Baby rabbits don’t have a scent until they get older. As predators can sniff out the doe, her presence puts her babies in danger.
The doe will leave her babies hidden and camouflaged in the nest to protect them, returning between dusk and dawn to feed her young.
Feeding is quick and only takes between 2-3 minutes, making it difficult to tell whether the baby rabbits are orphaned or not. If you suspect that a baby rabbit is orphaned, look out for the following signs:
- A sunken stomach, which indicates that the bunny isn’t feeding.
Well-fed rabbits should have a full, rounded abdomen.
- The bunny doesn’t try to run away from you but seems sluggish and unhealthy.
- A healthy pink skin tone. Bunnies with wrinkled or thin, blue skin are likely to be starving.
- Vocalization indicates that the baby rabbit is frightened and hungry. Healthy rabbits are usually silent because they know that noise attracts predators.
To be sure whether the baby rabbits are orphaned, carry out the string test. For this, you’ll need a few pieces of cotton or string. Place them over the nest in a pattern you can easily remember (or take a picture) and leave it overnight.
If the string has moved in the morning, the mother rabbit has been back to feed her kits. If not, the bunnies are likely orphaned. At this point, you’ll need to call a wildlife rehabilitator for advice.
Build A Nest
If you know the mother is still caring for her babies, leave the nest alone. If you disturb a nest and discover that the doe is still around, remake it and leave the baby rabbits where you found them. Despite some misconceptions, a mother won’t abandon her kits if you touch them.
On the other hand, if the doe is no longer around, you’ll need to provide a nest for the baby rabbits to survive.
The nest’s primary purpose is to keep the kits warm. A mother rabbit builds her nest using fur, dry leaves, and grass. She then covers it using more dried grass and hair. Baby rabbits only live in the nest for three weeks, so you don’t need to provide a makeshift nest for long.
The University of Miami advises that creating a nest as close as possible to the one a mother rabbit would make is best. Use a shallow cardboard box and fill it with clean cotton wadding or bunny fur (if you can find some). Then, cover the top of the box with a small, light towel, allowing a little gap for air to get in.
Multiple orphaned bunnies will snuggle to keep warm, so you mustn’t use an electric heating pad as they can be dangerous.
However, if your orphaned bunny is on its own, you can provide heat using a warm water bottle wrapped in a soft towel. Ensure that the bunny can move away from the bottle if it gets too hot.
Maintain the Right Temperature
A baby rabbit’s body temperature is higher than ours. Bunnies need to feel warm to survive. If they get too cold too quickly, they will become unwell and may even stop moving.
To keep your orphaned bunnies healthy, keep the nest at 95-98 degrees for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, you can lower the temperature by 3-5 degrees each day until you reach room temperature, which is around 68-72 degrees.
As a wild bunny grows older, protect it from extreme cold and heat. As described by Vetstream, rabbits are unable to sweat or pant and cannot dissipate efficiently. As a result, high temperatures can lead to life-threatening hyperthermia.
Feed the Wild Rabbits
Where the doe isn’t present, a baby rabbit will need hand feeding. Rabbits rely on milk to survive, so they should be fed kitten milk replacer or Meyenberg goat milk.
Cow’s milk might seem like a healthy choice, but it’s full of hormones, blood, pus, lactose, and traces of medication, which baby rabbits can’t digest. Rabbits are unable to vomit and, as a result, their sensitive stomachs can’t remove toxic substances from the body.
Milk is all a rabbit will consume for the first two weeks of its life. At two weeks, a bunny will start eating solids. From 4 weeks old, a bunny will eat the same food as its mother. However, milk will still play a vital part in the diet for the first six weeks, so make this a staple part of the bunny’s diet.
How to Make A Substitute Bunny Milk Formula
If you don’t have access to kitten milk replacer, you’ll need to make an orphaned bunny milk formula. It’s easy to do following this recipe:
- Mix one cup of goat milk with 56 grams of powdered goat milk.
- Add one tablespoon of sugar-free whipping cream to make the formula richer and contain more calories.
- Heat the formula to 98-100 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Leave the formula to cool slightly before feeding the rabbit.
While a pre-mixed milk replacement is much easier to use, the above recipe is a nutritious alternative when a ready-made formula isn’t available. It also contains the same vital nutrients as the mother rabbit’s milk so will help the bunny grow up strong and healthy.
How Many Times to Feed
Baby rabbits should be fed the following volumes of milk twice a day:
- Newborn to one week: feed between 22 ½ ml of milk per feeding.
- 1-2 weeks: feed between 5-7 ml of milk during per feeding. If the rabbit is particularly small, reduce the amount of milk to suit the size.
- 2-3 weeks: feed between 7-13 ml of milk per feeding.
- 3-6 weeks: feed between 13-15ml of milk per feeding.
Pay attention to how much the baby rabbit feeds as you may need to adjust the amount of milk given. Also, feed the baby rabbit at the same times each day to help form a solid routine.
How to Feed
Baby rabbits lay on their backs while feeding from their mothers. To help a baby rabbit to survive, you’ll need to replicate this process.
Before feeding, wrap your rabbit in a soft cloth or hand towel and lay it gently in your gap. Ensure the baby rabbit isn’t laying straight back but is sat slightly upright so that the fluid doesn’t fill its lungs.
The first and easiest way to feed your baby rabbit is by syringe. 1ml syringes are best for newborn kits, while 2ml syringes are suitable for rabbits over three weeks old. To use, simply draw the right amount of milk out and release it slowly into the corner of its mouth.
However, you might find that the baby rabbit takes to a bottle better. When using a bottle, make sure it is completely sterile before use and place the nipple into the corner of the rabbit’s mouth. Slowly release the milk quantity to the correct level – you mustn’t overfeed.
Finally, a small, shallow dish is ideal for bunnies over two weeks old. Raise it about an inch off the floor and encourage the bunny to lap the formula by placing a drop or two onto your fingers. Never leave the dish out as the bunny could drown.
Whichever way you choose to feed, be careful to go at the rabbit’s pace as feeding it too quickly can lead to suffocation.
Stimulate Urination and Defecation
Baby rabbits can’t release urine or feces until they open their eyes after ten days. In the wild, a mother rabbit stimulates her baby’s belly and anogenital region with her tongue. Where a doe is absent, you’ll need to help the rabbit relieve itself each time it’s fed. Follow these steps to help your orphaned rabbit urinate and defecate:
- With sanitized hands, wet a cotton ball with lukewarm water.
- Pop the bunny on its back, keeping it secure, and gently rub its genital area and abdomen. After a little while, the rabbit should begin to relieve itself.
- Clean up any urine or poop with a new, clean cotton ball.
- Make sure the bunny’s urine and feces look healthy and regular. If not, seek help.
After the bunny opens its eyes, it will begin to urinate and defective for itself. But this step is an important one, as newborn rabbits can become unwell if it’s unable to empty its bladder and bowels.
Provide Cecotropes
Cecotropes are an essential part of any rabbit’s diet. They’re grape-like droppings formed in the cecum and provide a range of nutrients and good bacteria that protect against pathogens.
Immediately after producing them from the anus, rabbits eat the cecotropes. While unpleasant to us humans, this is entirely normal. If your bunny is producing and consuming them naturally, there’s nothing else for you to do.
However, if no cecotropes are being produced, sourcing them from a healthy adult rabbit provides a rich source of nutrients to help the bunny grow strong and healthy.
To get them into the newborn bunny’s digestive system, mix them with kitten milk replacer and feed the rabbit as per the recommended amount for its size and age.
Caring for An Injured Wild Baby Rabbit
Finding an injured rabbit adds another layer of complexity. An orphaned wild rabbit’s survival rate is already low, so you’ll need to move quickly to save the rabbit from further pain and distress.
In any case, calling a wildlife rehabilitator is essential. In the meantime. follow these care tips for the most common types of injuries:
Rabbit Is Dragging Back Legs
If a wild orphaned bunny is dragging its back legs, it’s likely suffering from a spinal cord injury, paralysis, or hind leg weakness. Though, muscle failure is attributed to old age, so this is an unlikely cause of a newborn bunny’s poor back leg function.
If you know the bunny hasn’t suffered a broken spine, the following causes are possible:
- A disease, such as cancer and spinal osteoarthritis, which can wear down the spine over time.
- Parasitic, bacterial, or fungal infection. Encephalitozoon cuniculi is one of the most common types of parasitic infection.
- Natural and human-made toxins.
- Trauma to the spine. This could be from a predator or someone unknowingly stepping on the nest.
If you’ve already determined that the mother rabbit is no longer around, you’ll need to take the bunny to the vet to be checked over. Prognosis depends on the amount of damage that has occurred.
If the damage is irreversible, the rabbit won’t be able to survive in the wild and may need constant human car. Sometimes, euthanasia is the kindest outcome where the rabbit has no quality of life.
Rabbit Keeps Falling Over
A newborn bunny may fall over for a variety of reasons. Muscle spasms, bacterial and parasitic infections, ear infections, and trauma can cause a rabbit to develop head tilt. Head tilt often gives the illusion that the rabbit is drunk as it struggles to stand.
One of the biggest problems with head tilt is that the bunny struggles to eat on its own. Head tilt caused by E. cuniculi is incurable. Medications can help manage the disease, but it is contagious, so the litter must be separated.
Head trauma and infections are other common causes of unbalance in baby rabbits. The latter is likely to cause problems throughout the bunny’s life, whereas bacterial and parasitic diseases are usually easy to treat with antibiotics.
Contact with wild rabbits or dirty and unsanitary conditions are the most likely causes in newborn rabbits. While rarely fatal, it is serious and must be treated by a vet.
Rabbit Is Lethargic
Dehydration and starvation are the most common causes of lethargy – especially if the mother has been gone a while. Similarly, if a baby rabbit refuses to eat, lethargy is likely to follow.
Without proper nutrition, baby rabbits have little energy and will spend most of their time resting to conserve what they do have. When this happens, you won’t see the bunny move very often, which is a case for concern in itself.
Statis, which is the slowing of food through the GI tract, is another cause of tiredness and low energy. Symptoms include excessive gas and soft stools or diarrhea. The bunny might also exhibit signs of pain, like teeth grinding and a hunched posture.
Lethargy is also an indication of other, more serious health problems, so have the bunny checked over in case of something else is going on.
Rabbit Isn’t Moving
If the orphaned baby rabbit you’ve found isn’t moving, check to see if it’s still breathing. If the rabbit has its head arched back and mouth open, it’s probably too late to save it. However, if the bunny hasn’t reached this state, it’s possible to revitalize it.
The first step is to keep it warm, especially if the animal is cold to touch. Keep it close to you to transfer your body heat or wrap it in a soft hand towel until it starts to wriggle and show signs of life.
Once the bunny has perked up, place it back into the nest to recuperate. If there is more than one rabbit, they will huddle together to keep warm. Otherwise, provide extra heat using safe methods to help the bunny maintain a healthy body temperature.
If the mother is still alive and you’ve carried out the above steps, place the bunny back into the nest and cover it with grass. Touching the nest won’t cause the mother to abandon the babies. Instead, she will return to feed them as nature intends.
Rabbit Has Been Attacked
Occasionally, you might find that a predator has attacked a baby rabbit. Even if the mother is present, the bunny will need help to prevent the wound from becoming infected; otherwise, it will only worsen.
If the wound looks fresh, it’s possible to clean it using an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. But if the injury appears old, swollen, yellow, or is oozing pus, it’s best to take the bunny to a vet for antibiotics.
Once the injury has been successfully treated, it should be safe to place the baby rabbit back into the nest. The vet will provide the bunny with milk to tide it over until the mother returns.
Caring for wild baby rabbits is a challenging task and requires around the clock attention. Newbies shouldn’t attempt any form of care without expert advice – and even then, success isn’t guaranteed. If the rabbits are orphaned, they’re unlikely to survive without their mother. However, some baby bunnies with health issues simply need a helping hand.
Do You Know What to Feed a Wild Baby Rabbit?
Written by The Rabbit Hole Hay Team
Let’s start with the basics about rabbits in general. Baby rabbits are only fed from their mother a few minutes a day. A mother’s milk is packed with the necessary nutrients that feeding once is more than enough for the little bun.
The feeding normally occurs at night to help protect the babies. The mother rabbit can be seen away from the nest during the day which is why it is important to leave babies in nests alone unless you are confident that the mother has either abandoned the nest for good or has died. So needing to take care of a wild baby rabbit is rare, very rare.
Orphaned Baby Bunnies: Wild
So what do wild baby rabbits eat when they don’t have their mother giving them their nutrient packed milk? Rabbit. org provides this information on what to feed an orphaned wild baby rabbit until you are able to take them to a wild rabbit rescue.
Feeding Of True Orphans
Age + Amount (This WILL vary SO MUCH depending on type of rabbit. It is impossible over the Internet to see your particular rabbit, so this is only approximate.) Use KMR kitten or KMR kitten plus Goat milk, regular not low fat. Add a pinch of acidophilus (aka Probiotic) to the formula to promote healthy gut flora. Formulas vary depending on region. Avoid Esbilac and any puppy formulas! FEED TWICE A DAY ONLY for healthy babies. It may be easiest to start with a 3 cc/ml syringe or an eyedropper. Feed only with the bunny sitting UPRIGHT, and point syringe down towards bottom or side of mouth, so if too much comes out, the baby does not aspirate. At first, they may only take a few drops at one feeding until they are not stressed and used to this.
- Newborn to One Week: 2 – 2+1/2 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings per day).
- 1-2 weeks: 5-7 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings per day). (depending on bunny..may be much LESS if smaller rabbit!) Newborn babies (if eyes closed) all need to be stimulated to urinate and defecate prior to or following feeding until their eyes open. (Except Jackrabbits do not). *See how to below.
- 2-3 weeks: 7-13 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings). Domestic eyes open at about 10 days of age. Start introducing them to timothy and oat hay, pellets and water (always add fresh greens for wild ones).
- 3-6 weeks: 13-15 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings–again, may be LESS depending on size of rabbit! A cottontail/brush bunny will take so much less!! Half this at most.) Cottontails wean and release about 3-4 weeks and jackrabbits much later (9+ weeks), whereas domestic rabbits are 6 weeks.
- 6 weeks-9weeks for Jackrabbits only, continue up to 9 weeks with formula, gradually changing to a dish for the warm formula, replacing the formula after 9 weeks slowly with a a dish of cup-up tiny banana or apple pieces.
To read more on how to take care of an orphaned rabbit, read the full article from here.
A wild rabbit’s diet varies on the temperature they are living in. When the temperature is warmer, their diet consists of: clover, flowers, grasses and other plants that grow in that temperature. When the temperature is cooler, their diet becomes more sparse including: twigs, bark and remaining greens. Sounds very different from the Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass that a domesticated rabbit might eat right?
Not sure if your momma rabbit is feeding your new baby rabbits? Do you need to know how to feed your baby rabbits by yourself? Download our Human's Guide to Feeding Baby Rabbits to learn about what to look for in your baby rabbits, feeding techniques, a feeding schedule and more! We pride ourselves on supporting a community of small pet owners who care deeply about providing happy and healthy lifestyles for their pets.
Wild rabbits - What do they eat and how to feed?
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many They think that wild rabbits are the same in their nature as the domestic rabbit. When buying such an animal for home, you need to know its features, because it can die from food for a domestic rabbit. They live in all areas. Avoid dense forests. They love to walk on farm plots and eat up bushes and crops. Some farmers even shoot them.
Now rabbits are common both in rabbit breeding and as a pet.
Despite their pretty appearance, they can harm the environment. Rabbits compete with sheep and other herbivores by stealing food from them. So in Australia they multiplied so much that they numbered about 20 million rabbits. Then they began to import predators, ferrets, ermine, fox to even out the situation. Then they began to use biological weapons. As a result, 90% died, the remaining 10% developed immunity.
The wild European rabbit is famous for its speed of reproduction, it adapts very quickly to the terrain. The main thing for him is that there is fresh grass, and the land where he will dig minks. They have a light brown color, sometimes change the color of the coat.
Even the wild rabbit was domesticated. The European rabbit has 20 subspecies.
It is worth mentioning the African wild rabbit, it has 13 subspecies.
- Florida is distinguished by whimsical nutrition, has a very soft fluffy tail. Color gray or brown.
- River. The name is due to the agility and ability to swim. As you enter the rabbit hides from danger.
- Pygmy. The ears are of medium size, even smaller than those of its brethren. The wool is softer than the rest.
- Teporingo. Quite a rare sight. It lives most often in Mexico.
Rabbits breed frequently, up to 6 times. Pregnancy takes about a month. The rabbit brings up to 12 rabbits.
If the rabbit lives in the wild, he tries not to move more than 100 meters from the hole. In summer, they eat green plants, if they live near fields, then they eat everything: cabbage, lettuce, cereals and root crops are also included in their diet. In winter, they have a harder time. They begin to actively look for the roots of plants. They eat tree bark and some dry branches and leaves. If the wild rabbit fails to find anything, then he starts eating his own feces.
If you have bought a rabbit for yourself and can't figure out what kind of rabbit it is, how it lives and how it is fed, then contact MosVetHelp. Our experts will provide all the necessary information about what wild rabbits eat. We are ready to help you at any time, because we work around the clock. We have only high-quality and proven medicines and effective treatment.
What do rabbits eat? and care for him ▷➡️ Postposmo
Over time, and especially in recent years, rabbits have become quite popular as pets because of their charming and affectionate appearance. For this reason, if you decide to adopt a small newborn rabbit, you will be wondering what kind of care he needs and what he eats. If you want to learn much more and find out what rabbits eat, don't hesitate for a minute to continue reading this wonderful article.
- 1 What do rabbits eat?
- 2 Rabbit's first meal
- 3 How to give milk to baby rabbits?
- 4 Hay in rabbit diet
- 5 I think or rabbit pellets?
- 6 Introduction to solid foods
- 7 What to feed a wild rabbit?
- 8 How to feed an orphaned rabbit?
- 9 What to feed a domestic rabbit?
What do baby rabbits eat?
We emphasize that before you get a rabbit, especially a baby rabbit, it is very important that you understand and study enough information about the special care and feeding that should be given to him, because you must know that at each stage of the rabbit's growth , they require special care, as well as a special and balanced diet. Proper feeding of a baby rabbit is not only about choosing a couple of green foods or some of the foods you can find in pet stores, remember that at this early stage in his life, his overall health is entirely dependent on how he is fed.
Rabbit's first meal
In the first days of life, a rabbit feeds only on its own mother's milk. It is most advisable for a rabbit to start consuming it from the moment it is born, up to seven weeks later, however, it is common knowledge that not all rabbits have the same fate. Thus, if you are adopting a small rabbit who is not yet seven weeks old, you should supply him with prepared goat milk formula, which you will then give from a bottle, especially in the afternoon, from the same milk. just as his own mother would have done.
Never try to feed your rabbit food that is not appropriate for her growth stage, they may be intolerant to large amounts of food and cause diarrhea, unfortunately if the rabbit suffers from diarrhea in the first days of life, he will die of dehydration in within a few days.
How to give milk to baby rabbits?
If a baby rabbit is away from its mother, you must ensure that the homemade milk you prepare for it contains exactly the same nutrients found in the original mother's milk, and at the same time does not cause gas or diarrhea. For this reason, it is best to prepare a special milk mixture for these little rabbits based on goat's milk, a small spoonful of corn syrup and egg yolk. If you cannot find this formula, you can use the formula that is prescribed for newborn cats; What you should avoid at all costs is cow's milk, as it will cause diarrhea in your pet.
Now, before you start giving formula to your rabbit, the first thing you should do is warm the milk slightly and pour it into a pipette or bottle with a very small nozzle, make sure the temperature is right and don't burn it Below you can see a detailed list how to properly milk your rabbit:
- First, hold the rabbit in your arms with legs down, never feed him with his stomach up; after that, try to raise your head, whenever you take hold of it or hold it in any way, do it in such a way that you feel perfectly calm and comfortable. The purpose of this action is to imitate as closely as possible the position in which the little rabbit takes his mother's milk.
- Once the rabbit is in this position, insert the tip of the bottle with the small nozzle on the side of his mouth, never from the front. However, after you have inserted it into your mouth, you can move it forward a little.
- Once this point is reached, squeeze the bottle very gently so that the milk starts flowing out, once your rabbit has a taste, he will start sucking on his own.
- Once you see how round your rabbit's belly looks, you'll know it's full.
As you can see, feeding one of these animals is really quite simple. Even though their own mothers usually feed them about once or twice a day, since you don't have the original breast milk, you will need to feed him several more times to make sure that your rabbit receives all the necessary nutrients for him to properly feed. . development; You should be attentive enough to his behavior, and at the same time notice exactly how many times he is hungry.
You must take into account very well that the amount of food supplied must increase over time and your rabbit begins to grow much larger. First, you will start with a very small dose, just three milliliters at each meal during the first week of his life, twice a day, until finally reaching fifteen milliliters at each meal by about the sixth or seventh week.
Obviously, all of these quantities are quite indicative, as each rabbit requires a different amount of nutrients depending on its size. With this in mind, as we mentioned earlier, it is imperative that you research very well the type of rabbit you wish to adopt, and once you have adopted one, you should immediately take it to the veterinarian so that he can examine it. this is correct and determine what is the amount, the exact amount of milk to drink every day, and how long to drink it until your body is sufficiently developed.
Hay in the diet of rabbits
Hay is a very common food in the diet of young rabbits. This food can be of great benefit to these kittens' teeth as well as their digestive system, not to mention that hay is great for helping them get rid of hairballs completely. In the wild, rabbits tend to nibble a bit on the grass or grass that is found throughout their habitat, however at home the best option is to use hay.
Hay, either grass or alfalfa is best, although in the early stages of his life it will always be much better to choose alfalfa hay, as it contains much more nutrients and more calcium. Despite this, this is food that is contraindicated for all those rabbits who are more than six months old.
Now the main topic is when to start giving hay to the rabbits? Well, the most recommended, when your rabbit reaches the third week of life, you will begin to introduce it in extremely small portions, without giving up mother's milk. Just as it happens with almost all puppies in the animal kingdom, when making any changes to their daily routine or diet, it is best to do it gradually to avoid any unwanted effects, so as the Rabbit begins to grow, you should gradually eliminate ration milk and increasingly increase the amount of hay you give him daily.
I think or pellets for rabbits?
Once you start feeding your rabbit, you should know that you should feed it in moderation according to its size and make sure it is of optimum quality. Don't fall for false advertising of any product when you buy food or pellets for your little bunny, take your time to carefully review all the ingredients.
Many of these products advertise that they are for your rabbit, however if you read the label carefully you will easily notice the high fat, protein and sugar content. You must avoid any food that contains seeds, nuts or any other similar food.
Good quality food and pellets are made up entirely of various pure fiber ingredients that are much better for the body and digestive system, providing all the nutrients you need and avoiding any problems you may have with your diet. Obesity, fatty liver, constipation and even sugar addiction. So, around the time your rabbit reaches its first five weeks of life, you can start introducing this food little by little.
Introduction to solid foods
First of all, remember that the stomach of these small animals is quite sensitive, for this reason the vast majority of veterinarians advise to try different vegetables little by little, in fairly small portions, but not without a sudden offer of a wide variety of food. . Otherwise, you can give your rabbit diarrhea or endless stomach problems, which at a young age can even lead to an agonizing death. The best vegetables to feed a rabbit at a young age are the following:
- chard
- Cilantro
- Salad
- cauliflower
- Tomato
- Cucumber
- radish
- spinach
- Cabbage
- Oatmeal
- Artichoke
- Mustard leaves
Remember that all the foods mentioned should be given in fairly small amounts and then increased over time so that your rabbit can get used to eating this way and, above all, not suffer from any disease. Remember that you can also feed some fruits in small portions, among this variety of fruits suitable for rabbits we find the following:
- Strawberry
- Papaya
- Apple
- Pen
- pineapple
- apricot
- peach
- Mango
Very good, now that you know very well each of the foods that you can give your little rabbit, below you will be able to see in detail the form and the correct amount that you should give depending on his size or the situation in which to find .
What to feed a wild rabbit?
In the event that you have rescued a small rabbit or a brood of rabbits from the street, and you really do not know how to feed them properly, then you will see in detail how to do this. It is not at all the same to take a small rabbit as a pet than to save it and help it, and then return it to its natural habitat. For this reason, if all you want is to temporarily help a baby rabbit and then return him to nature, you just need to follow all these guidelines:
- Effectively manages milk formulas during the first week of life; remember that it is very important to follow the steps we mentioned earlier in order to feed him this formula.
- Try to manipulate your rabbit as little as possible, otherwise he may become accustomed to you, form an emotional bond with you and become dependent on you to care for him.
- As soon as he completes the second week with you, start offering him small portions of very fresh grass, and then let the same rabbit eat it on his own, alternating, of course, with formula. Never forget to paint a small container of water very low so you don't drown with it.
- When your rabbit is three weeks old, start adding very small pieces of vegetables to his diet and be careful not to harm the rabbit. Make sure he always has water to digest food and dehydrate.
- Once you start noticing that the rabbit can eat, drink water and walk without any difficulty, place the cage you have been using in your garden or outdoor area so that the rabbit can gradually get used to outdoor life.
- As long as he is in your care, you must let him go and let him run around the garden on his own.
As soon as this little one can stand up for himself, try to find a suitable place to release him. Make sure there are other rabbits in the same area.
How to feed an orphaned rabbit?
There are endless reasons why any rabbit could be motherless, including that his mother has died or even that his mother completely rejects him and must find a life of solitude. In the event that you adopted a motherless baby rabbit, you should follow this schedule to the letter in order to feed him, but remember that the most important thing is to get him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Weeks 1 and 2: You will give him the formula mentioned above at noon only and then another dose in the afternoon.
Weeks 3 and 4: You will continue to supply formula on the same schedule. Then put a lot of alfalfa hay in his cage so that the little rabbit can eat when he is hungry.
Weeks 5, 6 and 7: As in the previous weeks, you will continue to give milk at the same time, however you should slightly reduce the milliliters you give at each feeding. Feed him alfalfa hay and very good quality forage.
8 Week: This is weaning week, after the eighth week you should no longer give formula. At this stage, your rabbit will be eating only alfalfa hay, an optimal quality food, and you will begin to introduce various raw solid foods, such as fruits or vegetables, into his diet.
Don't forget that as your rabbit grows in the first weeks, you should slightly increase the amount of milliliters of formula you give him at each feeding, as we mentioned earlier in this article. Then you should reduce it a bit until finally your rabbit reaches the weaning phase.
What to feed a domestic rabbit?
Once your rabbit reaches the eighth week, all of the rabbit's final growth takes place until the first seven months of life, growth that begins as a baby rabbit until it becomes a teen or young rabbit. Until he is three months old, most of his diet will consist of alfalfa hay, large forage, as well as some pellets and very small portions of fruits and vegetables.
Then, starting from the fourth month, all the raw portions will begin to increase a lot more, and then gradually replace dry foods over time. When your rabbit is seven months old, you can begin to feed him fully like an adult. If you offer him a slightly varied diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, or you have to use processed food or some kind of vitamin supplement.
However, if you really think it's important to have this food in your rabbit's diet, or your trusted veterinarian has prescribed it for you, make sure you carefully consider adequate amounts for each rabbit. Also, this month you should start introducing grass hay into your diet and gradually phase out alfalfa hay. It is important to remember again that you should always offer an endless supply of fresh water, regardless of the age or size of the rabbit, in turn, pay close attention to all of his reactions to various foods.