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Mutter stillen ihr kleines Mädchen
Nahaufnahme der Mutter, die ein kleines Mädchen in den Armen stillt
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Hispanische ethnische Neugeborene, die zu Hause stillen.
Baby Junge immer schläfrig wie seine Mutter
Handheld Shot Little Cute Mixed-Race Baby Boy ruht auf der Brust seiner afroamerikanischen Mutter im Schlafzimmer zu Hause, 4K Auflösung
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Eine Frau indischer Abstammung stillt ihre kleine Tochter. Die Frau sitzt auf einer Couch im Wohnzimmer ihres Hauses. Die entspannte Mutter genießt den Hautkontakt und die Bindungszeit mit ihrem Kind. Die Frau lächelt auf ihr Baby herab. Postpartale und gesunde Familienkonzepte.
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Baby Junge immer schläfrig wie seine Mutter
Handheld Shot Little Cute Mixed-Race Baby Boy ruht auf der Brust seiner afroamerikanischen Mutter im Schlafzimmer zu Hause, 4K Auflösung
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Mutter stillt Neugeborenes im Kinderzimmer.
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Mutter stillt Neugeborenes.
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Stillen von Babys
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Eine Frau indischer Abstammung stillt ihre kleine Tochter. Die Frau sitzt auf einer Couch im Wohnzimmer ihres Hauses. Die entspannte Mutter genießt den Hautkontakt und die Bindungszeit mit ihrem Kind. Die Frau lächelt ihr Baby an. Postpartale und gesunde Familienkonzepte.
Mutter stillen Ihr baby-Mädchen
Mittlere erwachsene Mutter liegt auf dem Bett, stillt ihr kleines Mädchen, küsst ihren Kopf.
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Ein indigenes Weibchen stillt ihr Kind.
Hispanische Mutter Stillen
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junge fürsorgliche mutter füttert ihren neugeborenen kleinen sohn in dunklen räumen in der nacht. konzept der gesunden und natürlichen babyernährung. gesundheit von mutter und kind. - breastfeeding stock-videos und b-roll-filmmaterialJunge fürsorgliche Mutter füttert ihren neugeborenen Kleinen...
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Brustkrebs : Brustuntersuchung
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Enge Aufnahme einer Frau pazifischer Abstammung, die ihre entspannte und glückliche eurasische Kleinkindtochter zu Hause auf der Couch stillt.
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Nahaufnahme des Stillens des Babys. Säugling schaut Mama an. Mutter-Kind-Bindung
Süße entzückende Babygetränke Mütter Muttermilch
Entzückendes drei Monate altes Baby trinkt Mütter Muttermilch. Junge Mutter, die ihr süßes Kind stillt, genießt einen friedlichen Moment der Einheit und Fürsorge. Konzept der Gesundheitsversorgung, natürliche Ernährung, Kindheitskonzept
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Video Blogs | Get Help
Preparing For Breastfeeding (3:48s)
Learn how to prepare for birth, including why you need to learn all you can about breastfeeding before you have your baby. Also, learn how to find health care providers who will support your decision to breastfeed.
How To Tell When Baby Is Hungry (2:29s)
Learn the feeding signs that tell you when your baby is hungry and when he is full.
How To Room-in With Baby (3:09s)
Learn how to room-in with baby. Sharing a room with baby during your hospital stay is the new normal and has health benefits for babies and moms.
Colostrum to Full Milk Supply (2:00s)
In this video, Alisha and Candice, two moms from The Mom Team discuss what colostrum is, why it’s so important for your baby and helpful tips and tricks to make starting breastfeeding a little bit easier.
What To Expect On Baby's First Day (3:03s)
Learn about what to expect on baby's first day.
What To Expect On Baby's Second Day (1:51s)
Learn about what to expect on baby's second day. Your baby will probably want to eat very often on day 2, and that is normal.
Help—Is This Normal? (1:46s)
Learn more about understanding when there are situations beyond what is normal and how you can ask for help.
When To Call Your Doctor (1:52s)
Get advice on when it's right to call your doctor. It's always okay to ask for help.
The Health Benefits of Breastfeeding (1:04s)
Learn about the health benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby.
Breastmilk vs. Formula (3:26s)
Learn about the benefits of breastmilk compared to formula.
How Do Babies Sleep? (2:17s)
Learn about the two types of sleep that babies have.
How Do I Calm A Crying Baby? (1:44s)
All babies cry. Learn some great tips on how to help calm them.
Is Baby Getting Enough Milk? (3:04s)
Most moms make the perfect amount of milk for their babies. Learn more about milk transfer and making sure your baby is getting enough milk.
Am I Making Enough Milk? (2:01s)
Learn how to build a good milk supply by breastfeeding baby at the first signs of hunger.
Dads and Grandmas (2:28s)
Dads and grandmas can support moms to successfully breastfeed, even if no one else in the family has breastfed before.
Breastfeeding Myths (3:49s)
Learn about common breastfeeding myths. There is a lot of incorrect information out there about breastfeeding, and you need to have the real facts.
Preparing To Go Back To Work (2:24s)
Learn how to prepare to go back to work after having your baby. You can keep breastfeeding when you return to work, and it will keep baby healthier.
Bottle Feeding the Breastfed Baby (2:58s)
Angel and Amber from The Mom Team talk about the step you can take to bottle feed your breastfed baby.
Introducing Solid Foods (5:39s)
In this VLOG two moms talk about knowing when your baby is ready to start solid foods. Also, learn how to make your own baby food at home and tips to try with your baby when beginning solid foods.
Introducing Solid Foods 6 to 7 Months (4:44s)
After seeing the signs that your baby is ready for solid foods, learn with real moms from the Mom Team, Nayeli and Claire, about your baby’s first few bites and the next couple months of introducing solid foods into your baby's diet.
Introducing Solid Foods 8 to 12 Months (2:20s)
Real moms, Nayeli and Claire, talk about continuing to add new foods into your baby's diet. Learn about moving from pureed foods to mashed or textured food.
Safe Formula Prep (5:17s)
Real moms, Amber and Nguyen, from The Mom Team discuss how to safely mix your baby’s formula. Learn how to safely store and mix your baby’s formula. The moms discuss sterilizing bottles with or without a dishwasher and how they should correctly be stored.
After six months: long-term benefits of breastfeeding | Video
Breast milk has a beneficial effect on the health of the child from the first days and throughout life, and breastfeeding benefits you too. In our video you will learn about the protective properties of breastfeeding in the long term.
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After six months: long-term benefits of breastfeeding
Did you know that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding children up to two years of age and beyond? Continuous breastfeeding promotes your baby's growth and mental development, helps protect him from infections, and greatly reduces the risk of developing type 1 diabetes and obesity in the future. It's not just your baby that benefits. The longer you breastfeed, the less likely you are to develop breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. We will tell you amazing facts about the benefits of breast milk after six months, which every nursing mother should think about.
World health Organization. [Internet] Health Topics: Breastfeeding: 2018[Accessed: 02/08/2018]. - WHO. [Internet]. Health issues: Breastfeeding: 2018 (Breastfeeding 2018). [Visit 02/08/2018].
Bener A Does extended breastfeeding reduce the risk for childhood leukemia and lymphomas?. Minerva Pediatr . 2008;60(2):155-161. - Bener A. et al., "Does long-term breastfeeding reduce the risk of leukemia and lymphoma in a child?". Minerva Pediatrician. 2008;60(2):155-161.
Bowatte G et al. Breastfeeding and childhood acute otitis media: a systematic review and meta - analysis. Acta Paediatr . 2015;104( S 467):85-95. - Bovatt, J. et al., "Breastfeeding and Acute Infantile Otitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Akta Pediatr. 2015;104(S467):85-95.
Horta BL, Victora CG. Short-term effects of breastfeeding: a systematic review on the benefits of breastfeeding on diarrhoea and pneumonia mortality [Internet]. Geneva : World Health Organization ; 2013.49 p . - Horta B.L., Victora S.J., "Short-term effect of breastfeeding: a systematic review of the effect of breastfeeding on reducing mortality from diarrhea and pneumonia." [Internet] Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013. Pp. 49.
Lund - Blix Na et Al . Infant feeding in relation to islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in genetically susceptible children: the MIDIA study. Diabetes Care . 2015;38(2):257-263. - Lind-Blix N.A. et al., "Breastfeeding in the context of isolated autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in genetically predisposed children: MIDIA study ". Diabitis Care. 2015;38(2):257-263.
Horta BL, Victora CG. Long-term effects of breastfeeding-a systematic review. [ Internet ]. Geneva : World Health Organization ; 2013. 74 p . - Horta B.L., Victora S.J., "Long-term impact of breastfeeding: a systematic review" [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013. Pp. 74.
Belfort MB et al. Infant feeding and childhood cognition at ages 3 and 7 years: effects of breastfeeding duration and exclusivity. JAMA Pediatr . 2013;167(9):836-844. - Belfort M.B. et al., Feeding patterns and cognition in children 3 and 7 years of age: effects of duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding. JAMA Pediatrician. 2013;167(9):836-844.
Forestell CA, Mennella JA. Early determinants of fruit and vegetable acceptance. Pediatrics . 2007;120(6):1247-1254. - Forestell S.A., Mennella J.A., "The First Signs of Readiness to Taste Fruits and Vegetables." Pediatrix (Pediatrics). 2007;120(6):1247-1254.
Uvnäs-Moberg K et al. Self-soothing behaviors with particular reference to oxytocin release induced by non-noxious sensory stimulation. Front Psychol . 2015;5:1529. - Uvnös-Moberg K. et al., "Self-sedation and its relationship to the release of oxytocin provoked by harmless sensory stimulation." Fron Saikol. 2015;5:1529.
Peters SAE et al. Breastfeeding and the risk of maternal cardiovascular disease: a prospective study of 300,000 Chinese women. J Am Heart Assoc . 2017;6(6): e 006081. - Peters S.A.I. et al., "Breastfeeding and Maternal Risk of Cardiovascular Disease: A Prospective Study of 300,000 Chinese Women". J Am Hart Assoc. 2017;6(6):e006081.
Victora CG et al. Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms, and lifelong effect. Lancet. 2016;387(10017):475-490. - Victor S.J. et al., "Breastfeeding in the 21st century: epidemiology, mechanisms and long-term effects". Lancet (Lancet). 2016;387(10017):475-490.
“Now without a baby”: how breastfeeding mothers face sexualization on social media
Young mothers who openly breastfeed their children often face negativity. But while some demand that women “cover up”, others ask to “show more”. We understand how the usual motherhood practice turns into a fetish and what role social networks play in this
On June 6, an Instagram user (owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia) @curetheincels wrote to 35-year-old mother Cami Manning, offering to pay $25 for a photo or $50 for a video of her feeding her child. The account page claimed it was part of a campaign to normalize breastfeeding. As part of the campaign, men who ask women for “hot photos” on Instagram, Snap or Kik messenger send photos or videos of breastfeeding, because “a woman’s body is for her children, not for sale!”. After that, women receive payment to the Cash App or Venmo virtual wallet. The account owner, whose bio only listed ABS Inc, did not respond to a request for comment.
Around the same time, Mikaela de la Mico, a California mother, received an Instagram message asking her to post pictures of her breastfeeding her baby on her personal account, ostensibly to share breastfeeding advice. But Forbes found that none of the posts from the private @breast_feeding_tips account contained such advice. Most of the users who follow the account and comment on its content, including the image of a naked woman breastfeeding her children in the shower, appear to be men. One of them, @breastmilk.sucker, calls himself "daddy" on his page, offering gifts via PayPal. Both Manning and de la Mico declined the offers.
Women have long used the Internet to build communities and find support in coping with the challenges of motherhood. But many who share breastfeeding experiences on popular platforms are sexualized, harassed and, in some cases, exploited.
A TikTok spokesperson responded to a Forbes inquiry: “We are working to create a safe environment for creators and remove offensive and obscene posts and accounts, as well as provide users with tools so that they can block accounts, report them and control who can interact with their content. Instagram has not yet responded to a request for comment.
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The balance between freedom of expression and user safety is a difficult task that even the most reputable and influential social networks have yet to solve. And while breastfeeding content is technically allowed on several major platforms, the inconsistencies between their policies and enforcement make it difficult for them to deal with rule violations such as offensive language and sexual harassment, as well as attempts to use other people's photos to distort their meaning, distribute and receive from them profit without the consent of the creators.
Much of the responsibility for content lies with its creators, including mothers. They also have to deal with the possible consequences. U.S. federal law, known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, protects internet companies from legal liability for content users post on their platforms. Thus, legal entities are not responsible for offensive user comments under materials about breastfeeding, as well as for their distribution on other sites. These photos and videos can end up in the darkest and most unsightly corners of the internet.
“Some of [these videos] have hundreds of shares, so I know they're being shared somewhere,” says Manning (she is breastfeeding during the interview). “I just don’t know where exactly.”
The breastfeeding videos that TikTok user Liscarizc (@liscarelizc) has posted over the past few months have sparked a flurry of abuse online that has horrified the new mom. Many of those who attack her and other breastfeeding mothers argue that breastfeeding has no place in the application that children use and where they post dance challenges. But beyond that, says Liskarizeli, she regularly encounters a flood of “very inappropriate” comments from men.
"Move over, now it's my turn," one man commented on a recent video of Liscarrelis breastfeeding her baby.
“You should show both at once,” another urged her.
"Don't forget to share," some added.
There were also those who wrote that they downloaded this video - it was viewed more than 7 million times in total and 50,000 times shared or saved to favorites.
It's hard to trace the path of a video after it leaves the platform it was created on. TikTok alone provides more than half a dozen destinations to send it to, including Facebook, WhatsApp (both platforms owned by Meta, which is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia), Twitter and Telegram. And with just two taps, you can download videos (however, TikTok reminds that content creators can disable this option for their videos).
Forbes found several TikTok breastfeeding videos on Reddit and Twitter where they were posted alongside pornography. Twitter allows pornography to be posted on its platform, and a simple search for the word "breastfeeding" ("breastfeeding") turns up a lot of pornographic content. While such intimate images are only allowed to be posted on Twitter with the consent of the person depicted in them, it is difficult for the company to trace whether such permission was granted. Twitter declined to comment on Forbes, and Reddit did not respond to a request for comment.
These videos are easy to upload to third-party sites that have entire forums dedicated to sharing and watching TikTok videos of female breasts—or worse. Kara Skelton, an associate professor at Towson University who has studied the topic of breastfeeding on social media, says that during a 2018 study she did with Johns Hopkins University, she saw cases where breastfeeding material taken out of its original context was posted for sale. on commercial sites. Skelton believes that women who want to support others in breastfeeding should be able to post about it without being trolled or abused by their images, but there are no reliable ways to keep them from doing so.
All social media users must agree to the platform agreements. Leah Plunkett, a professor at Harvard Law School and author of Sharenhood on how adults violate their children's online privacy, says that while these terms are broad and often ambiguous, they should not give users the right to infringe on others. “A woman does not consent in any way… to someone she does not know and may never meet take [intimate photographs of her] and place them in a different context to humiliate her, shame her, and possibly even incite others to violence against her,” Plunkett says. This behavior is often against the platform's rules, which Plunkett says should not ignore "unwanted, if not illegal, use of content. "
De la Mico, a mother in California, says she knows her videos are circulating the internet—she has almost 170,000 followers on TikTok—but she never thought about the fact that her body was being screened and used in pornography. purposes.
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Whitney Turner, who worked as a content moderator for TikTok until last year (through third party Teleperformance), says "this is not the place" for breastfeeding content. She advises against publishing such materials for security reasons: according to her, this is a double-edged sword, given how many attackers there are on the platform. “People don’t realize that for some, even a breastfeeding baby is a fetish,” Turner tells Forbes. “You look at it like a normal person, thinking, “I would never sexualize a baby or breasts. ” But we wouldn't have so much work to do and wouldn't have a 'normalization of pedophilia' chapter in the manual [for moderators] if it didn't exist."
“I'm all for empowerment,” she adds, “but knowing there are predators on the web… I don't want to empower them.”
Twitter, the main platform with perhaps the loosest adult nudity policy, allows breastfeeding content. Meta and Instagram, which banned breastfeeding content until 2014, have now lifted the ban. Breastfeeding content is also fully allowed on TikTok — the #breastfeeding hashtag has over 3 billion views — but several women interviewed by Forbes say some of their content has been taken down, the spokeswoman said. TikTok responded that there may be instances where breastfeeding content is removed for violating policies regarding adult nudity and sexual activity.
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Inconsistencies between the platforms' policies, the complaints system, and what their algorithms can identify as inappropriate content exacerbated the problem. De la Mico says that after her content was hidden or removed from TikTok, and the account was frozen, and she had to file an appeal, she felt vulnerable not even because of the commenters, but because of the actions of the platform itself.
Experts and new moms tell Forbes they think the sexualization of breastfeeding is more of a problem on TikTok than on other popular platforms. Skelton, a Towson researcher, says the openness of TikTok provokes voyeurs more than closed Facebook groups about breastfeeding, which can serve as useful networks of mutual support.
Content sharing is not as well moderated on TikTok, Skelton says. When anyone can see the video - in search results or algorithm suggestions - and share it, "that's when the door opens for all these people who are sexualizing or stigmatizing [mothers]."
Trinity Anderson, a 23-year-old Georgia mother with 86,000 followers, tells Forbes, "I found TikTok to be a much more aggressive and angry platform overall than Instagram. " People on TikTok accused Anderson of abusing her daughter for breastfeeding her until she was two years old and wanted to commit suicide. And the platform itself froze her account a couple of times or deleted her breastfeeding videos.
Anderson said she experienced less sexualization on Instagram than on TikTok. “I literally feed my baby,” she said. “There is nothing sexual about it ... The more we encourage others to do this (and I do), the more ordinary it will be considered, and then there will be less sexualization.”
TikTok says it does not allow anyone to be shamed, bullied or harassed on the platform and removes offensive content or activities. In addition, the company provides users with tools that allow users to filter comments or turn them off completely.
When Forbes tried to search for "breastfeeding" on TikTok, the phrases "bread feeding with both out" and "best feeding baby no cover" were at the top of the list ( "feeding a child without clothes"). Some users misspelled "breastfeeding" such as "bread feeding", "best feeding" and "breakfast feeding" to avoid drawing attention to the video that might be blocked. A search for "breakfast feeding" returned a request for videos with breasts "without child", "uncovered" ("without clothes") and "flashing" ("show all"). And a search for “best feeding” turned up videos of teenagers and women “without a shirt” (“topless”).
Manning, a Tennessee mother of three (two of her children have disabilities), is relatively new to TikTok. When she came to the platform (she now has 21,000 subscribers), she had two goals: first, to talk about what it means to raise children with disabilities and find other parents with similar experiences; second, during the recent formula shortage, to find needy mothers with whom she could share her milk.
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“Until I had my own TikTok page, I didn't think people even had all these thoughts about breastfeeding,” she says.