1Month baby food
Feeding Your 1- to 3-Month-Old (for Parents)
During your baby's first 3 months, breast milk or formula will provide all the nutrition needed. Doctors recommend waiting until your baby is about 6 months old to start solid foods. Some babies may be ready for solids sooner than 6 months, but wait until your baby is at least 4 months old.
What Changes Should I Expect?
As your infant grows, feeding will change. Babies will start drinking more milk during each feeding, so they won't need to feed as often and will sleep longer at night.
Your baby's appetite will increase during growth spurts. Continue to feed on demand and increase the number of feedings as needed.
Your infant also will become more alert as the weeks go by, cooing and smiling. So there will be more interaction between you and your baby during feedings.
The following are general guidelines, and your baby may be hungrier more or less often than this. That's why it's important to pay attention to your baby's signals of being hungry or full. A baby who is getting enough might slow down, stop, or turn away from the breast or bottle.
Breastfeeding: How Much and How Often?
As babies get older, they will start to breastfeed less often and sleep for longer periods at night. Your infant probably is eating enough if he or she:
- seems alert, content, and active
- is steadily gaining weight and growing
- feeds six to eight times per day
- is wetting and soiling diapers on a regular basis
Babies might not be eating enough if they:
- don't appear satisfied
- cry constantly
- are irritable, even after feeding
- are not making wet diapers
Call your doctor if you're concerned your baby isn't eating enough.
A few weeks after birth, breastfed babies tend to have fewer bowel movements (BMs, or poop) than they did before. At around 2 months of age, your baby may not poop after each feeding, or even every day. During growth spurts, you may notice that your little one wants to feed more often. This frequent nursing sends a signal to make more milk. Within a couple of days, supply and demand will get into balance.
Babies who get breast milk only should get vitamin D supplements within the first few days of life. Other supplements, water, juice, and solid foods aren't usually needed.
Formula Feeding: How Much and How Often?
Babies digest formula more slowly than breast milk, so if you're bottle-feeding, your baby may have fewer feedings than a breastfed infant.
As babies grow, they can eat more at each feeding and may go for longer stretches between feedings. You'll also notice that your baby is starting to sleep longer at night.
During the second month, infants may take about 4 or 5 ounces at each feeding. By the end of 3 months, your baby may need an additional ounce at each feeding.
It's easy to overfeed a baby when using a bottle because it easier to drink from a bottle than from a breast. Make sure that the hole on the bottle's nipple is the right size. The liquid should drip slowly from the hole and not pour out. Also, resist the urge to finish the bottle when your baby shows signs of being full.
Never prop a bottle. Propping a bottle might cause choking and it increases the chances of getting ear infections and tooth decay.
Should I Worry About Spitting Up?
It's normal for infants to "spit up" after eating or during burping. Spitting up a small amount — usually less than 1 ounce (30 ml) — shouldn't be a concern as long as it happens within an hour of feeding and doesn't bother your baby.
You can reduce spitting up in these early months by:
- feeding before your baby gets very hungry
- keeping your baby in a semi-upright position during the feeding and for an hour after
- burping your baby regularly
- avoiding overfeeding
- not jostling or playing vigorously with your baby right after a feeding
If your baby seems to be spitting up large amounts, is spitting up forcefully, is irritable during or after feedings, or seems to be losing weight or is not gaining weight as expected, call your doctor. And if your child has a fever or shows any signs of dehydration (such as not wetting diapers), call the doctor right away.
Call your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about feeding your infant.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: November 2021
1-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Sleep, and Feeding
Having your baby at home with you in the first few weeks might have felt daunting. As the weeks progress and you gradually adjust to this new little person in your life, you'll become more confident and comfortable. Don’t get too comfortable though! Newborns grow and change rapidly, and your baby will be keeping you on your toes in weeks five, six, seven, and eight. To help you feel more prepared, we’ll outline some typical milestones for a 1-month-old baby, cover what you need to know about feeding and sleeping schedules at this stage, and give you a heads-up on potential conditions your baby might develop, like colic and cradle cap.
Your baby is unique (you knew that, of course!) and it’s normal for them to grow at their own pace. Don’t be surprised if your baby’s development in one area seems to lag for a few weeks, only for them to catch up soon after. Here are some of the baby milestones to look forward to now that your baby is 1 month old.
Growth and Physical Development: Chubby CheeksDoes it seem as if your baby’s growing out of their clothes at supersonic speed? On average, babies gain about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in length and about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds in weight this month. At the upcoming checkup, your baby’s healthcare provider will look at your 1-month-old baby’s weight, length, and head circumference and plot these key measurements on baby growth charts. What matters is that your baby grows at a steady rate. However, your baby will go through growth spurts from time to time.
You might notice that your baby’s head is disproportionately larger than their body. This is perfectly normal: their head’s growing a little faster and their body will soon catch up. Your baby will also start to lengthen and develop stronger muscles. Luckily, they’ll still have those cute chubby cheeks for some time to come!
Senses: Eyes on That RattleIn every waking moment, your baby is slowly taking in the sights, sounds, and smells around them. So, what can babies see at 1 month? Your baby’s vision at 1 month old is still developing, but by now they may be able to better focus on faces and track objects moving in front of them. In the next month or so they may also start to reach for objects. For example, if you hold a rattle in front of them, they may start batting at it.
Movement: Working on Those Leg MusclesThis month, most of your 1-month-old baby’s movements will still be reflexive, but some of your baby’s reflexes present in the first four weeks may gradually disappear and be replaced by more controlled movement. For example, your baby may briefly hold their head up when they're on their tummy, and they may start to stretch their arms instead of holding them close to their body.
Your baby may also start to stretch and kick their legs. It might seem like a little thing but they’re working hard to strengthen their leg muscles and improve their motor skills. Be careful: Even very young babies can roll over from time to time, so make sure you keep an eye—and hand—on them when they’re up somewhere high like a changing table.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
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Age (between 0 and 24 months)
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Height (in.)
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Crying and Communication: Mom, I'm Bored (or Hungry)!
This month your baby can probably start communicating in a clearer way. If they’re bored, they may let you know by crying out until they’re shown something new. If they’re amused, they may respond by smiling. Around this time, you might also start being able to tell the difference between their hungry cries, tired cries, and irritated cries.
If you haven’t experienced it yet, this month you might see your baby’s first true smile, sometime called the social smile. They’ll flash that little grin when they’re awake, in response to something like the sound of your voice—and your heart will melt.
Here are some things you could try this month:
Cuddle time. Cuddle your baby as much as possible. Experts say the more quickly and consistently you comfort your baby when they’re upset in the first six months, the less demanding they may be when they’re older.
Visual stimulation. At this stage, your baby might be drawn to objects with bold patterns, such as stripes or checkerboard designs, in black and white or bright, contrasting colors. A mobile hung safely over the crib is a good choice.
Tactile toys. Your baby is getting to know the world through touch, too. Show them toys with different textures, shapes, and sizes.
Talking with your baby. Have a conversation with your baby by letting them “talk” using their coos, gurgles, and smiles, and talking back to them using words, sounds, and facial expressions.
In time, your baby will learn to imitate you, so these early “conversations” are an important part of their development.
Getting physical. Gently stretch your baby’s arms in front of them to form a “clap”; move your baby’s legs as if they were cycling; and continue to practice tummy time. These movements and exercises help develop muscle strength and coordination.
Playing peek-a-boo. If you’re wondering how to entertain or play with your 1-month-old baby, a game of peek-a-boo always works! That's because babies love seeing faces, especially those of their parents.
Bonding. Establishing security and trust with your baby allows them to reach their full potential. Find out more about bonding with your newborn in those everyday moments.
Keep in mind that there’s only so much stimulation young babies can handle. Watch for signs that your baby has had enough—they might look away or cry—and give them a chance to rest.
Watch the short video below to learn more about bonding with your baby through touch.
Feeding Your 1-Month-Old BabyYou may be wondering how often “should” a 1-month-old baby eat as they grow. It's best to continue to feed your baby whenever they seem hungry. Your 1-month-old baby’s feeding schedule may likely look like this: about eight times in a 24-hour period for babies who are breastfeeding or about every three to four hours for babies on formula. If your baby is mid-growth spurt, they may want to eat a little more often.
If you’re new to nursing, read more about the how-tos of breastfeeding and check out our go-to breastfeeding guide.
Burping Your BabyBabies can swallow air when they feed—more often when they’re bottle-fed than when nursing. This swallowed air can make them feel uncomfortable and fussy. To help ease their discomfort, burp your baby during bottle feeds, or when you switch them from one breast to the other. Try one of the burping positions and techniques listed below, using a burp cloth or a small blanket to protect your clothes from spit-up:
Hold your baby upright with their head resting on your shoulder, patting their back with your other hand.
Rest them on your lap with their tummy down and gently rub or pat their back.
Sit your baby on your lap supporting their chin and chest with one hand while rubbing or patting their back with the other.
At this stage, babies may produce about four to six wet diapers a day. If you’re wondering what “should” a 1-month-old baby’s poop look like, know that there is a wide range of “normal” baby poop. And, when it comes to your 1-month-old baby’s poop frequency, even that can vary from baby to baby.
Most babies will have at least one bowel movement a day, but some babies may go several days or a week without pooping. This is likely OK as long as the consistency of the stool is normal—in other words, soft and a little runny—and your 1-month-old baby is eating well and gaining weight. Consult your baby’s healthcare provider if you think your baby may be producing too few wet or soiled diapers, which may indicate your 1-month-old baby is eating less than usual.
Given all the diaper-changing going on in your life, you deserve a reward! Download the Pampers Club app and start earning cash back for all your diapers and wipes purchases.
How Much Sleep Does a 1-Month-Old Baby Need?If you’re wondering how much “should” your 1-month-old baby sleep, by around 4 weeks of age many babies sleep about 14 to 17 hours a day—including roughly five daytime naps. However, every baby is different. With some luck, your baby might start sleeping for longer stretches overnight from about 6 weeks of age, though your 1-month-old baby sleeping through the night is still a ways off.
If you're feeling super tired, take heart: Over time, your baby’s natural biological sleep cycle will emerge, but for now it’s important to allow your baby to sleep whenever they’re drowsy. A key point to remember: Always put your baby to sleep on their back,which can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
For more insights and advice on your 1-month-old’s sleep schedule, check out the Newborn Sleep Fundamentals in the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers app. This easy-to-use app was codeveloped with pediatricians and includes everything you need to know about the science behind babies’ sleep. Plus, it has emotional support for you, tips on creating calming bedtime routines that encourage sleep, and a proprietary algorithm that customizes sleep coaching approaches for when it comes time to help your baby, and you, sleep longer each night.
A Day in the Life of Your 1-Month-Old BabySo, what can babies do at 1 month? Here’s an example of a typical day’s routine for a 1-month-old baby, including bathing, sleeping, feeding, and playing:
Your Baby’s HealthSome health issues you may encounter this month include:
Cradle cap.
This condition consists of scaly patches on your baby’s head. Washing their hair and gently combing out the scales may help; if not, your baby’s healthcare provider may recommend a special shampoo.
Diarrhea. If your baby has very loose, watery stools more than six to eight times a day, let your baby’s healthcare provider know.
Constipation. If your baby hasn’t had a bowel movement in several days and this is unusual for them, or if you think they may be constipated, reach out to your provider.
Vomiting. If your baby is vomiting forcefully (i.e., projectile vomiting), is vomiting for more than eight hours or after a couple of feedings, or if any kind of vomiting is accompanied by fever or diarrhea, check in with the provider.
Spitting up. Spitting up a small amount after eating or being burped can be normal for young babies, especially if it happens within about an hour of feeding. If your baby seems irritable during feeds or shows any other signs of being unwell, contact your baby’s healthcare provider to make sure everything is OK.
Baby acne. Pimples may appear on your baby’s face at the start of this month. They may be prompted by the stimulation of oil glands in your baby's skin. Try placing a clean receiving blanket under your little one's head while they’re awake and wash their face once a day with a mild baby soap.
Baby eczema. Does your 1-month-old baby have dry skin on their face or elsewhere? It could be eczema, which can occur after 1 month of age. Your baby’s skin may look dry and scaly, and your little one may have red patches on their face, inner elbows, and/or backs of the knees. Consult your baby’s healthcare provider for treatment. In the meantime, avoid using scented laundry detergent to wash your baby’s clothes and dress your baby in soft fabrics, avoiding wool and rough weaves.
So, how often “should” you bathe your 1-month-old baby? Three times per week is generally recommended; bathing more frequently can dry out your baby’s skin.
All babies cry from time to time, but persistent crying may be a condition called colic if
your baby seems to cry each day or evening for hours on end
the crying sounds high-pitched
the crying seems to be for no apparent reason
you have a hard time calming your baby when they’re crying.
Your baby’s healthcare provider may make a diagnosis of colic if your little one cries for more than three hours a day, more than three days a week, for at least three weeks straight. Colic often starts when a baby is 2 to 4 weeks old and can last until the baby is about 3 to 4 months old.
Experts aren't sure about the cause of colic, but some potential factors could include:
Gas. It could be that your baby cries because of discomfort associated with gas. If you notice your baby has a distended stomach and passes gas while crying, this could be the cause. Don’t overfeed your baby.
If their tummy seems distended with gas, you could place them on their tummy across your knees, as this extra pressure on their belly may feel good.
Sensitivity to stimulation. Your baby may feel overwhelmed and may not yet be able to soothe themselves, leading them to cry. You can try to console them by holding them while walking, rocking them in a rocking chair, putting them in a vibrating baby seat, or driving them around.
Food allergy or sensitivity. Some breastfed babies may be sensitive to a food in mom’s diet, causing discomfort and resulting in crying. Rarely, the discomfort may be caused by a sensitivity to milk protein in formula. Your baby’s healthcare provider will be able to check for and diagnose any food sensitivity or intolerance.
Medical problem. In some cases, your baby may be reacting to discomfort resulting from an illness or other problem such as a hernia, which the healthcare provider will be able to check for and treat.
Although colic usually lasts only a few months, this can seem like a lifetime when your baby is in the middle of a crying spell! Sometimes, nothing will seem to work to calm them and your nerves may become frayed.
Never Shake Your Baby!
If you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, put your baby in a safe location, such as their crib, for a short time and take a break in another room, or ask a loved one to care for them for a few hours so you can have some much-deserved me time. With colic, there is an end in sight; in a few months or so those colicky crying spells will likely stop.
Regular Health Visits and ImmunizationsRegular checkups at this early stage typically take place when your baby turns 1 month old and again when they’re 2 months old. Of course, you can call your baby’s healthcare provider any time you have a question or concern, even between visits. At your baby’s regular checkups your baby’s provider will
check your baby’s growth and development
do a physical exam
complete any screening tests that haven’t been done yet
ask how you’re doing and perhaps offer advice
answer all your questions
give you an idea of your baby’s progress in the coming weeks and months
schedule or give your baby any immunizations that may be required in the coming weeks.
Here are some tips to help you bond with your little one and help them feel safe and secure, key components of healthy development:
Provide close, warm, and consistent physical contact. Holding and hugging your baby as often as possible promotes your baby’s sense of security and well-being. Continued skin-to-skin contact is also important. Make sure others in the household and other caregivers also provide the same loving care to your baby. There’s no way you can spoil your baby by giving them the attention they need.
Talk to your baby. Say your baby's name and use simple phrases to narrate some of your actions, such as during dressing, diaper-changing, bath time, and feeding. Respond to their facial expressions and gestures—it’s a conversation! If you or your partner speak a different language, feel free to use it with your baby.
Read to your baby. Daily reading helps foster your baby's language development. Reading together also creates a feeling of physical closeness.
Be attuned to your baby’s personality and rhythm. Even at this early stage of their life, you know a lot about your baby: their temperament and moods, their likes and dislikes. Paying attention to their cues will help you respond to their needs.
Whether you’ve already purchased some of the following baby products or have received them as gifts at your baby shower, these are things you may be reaching for this month:
Diaper bag. You may start heading outside more often this month and a diaper bag will help keep all your baby’s things organized, including diapers, wipes, and an extra change of clothes, among other necessities.
Baby bathtub. By now your baby’s umbilical cord stump has fallen off, so it’s time to bring out the baby bathtub.
Baby wash/shampoo and other bath-time supplies. A multi-purpose baby wash or shampoo designed for sensitive skin is a good choice.
Diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream. You’ll continue to go through a lot of diapers in the months ahead, so it’s smart to stock up on supplies in advance.
Sound machine. If your baby takes a while to fall asleep, you may consider using white noise or very soft music to help lull them to sleep.
Humidifier. If the air is dry in your home, or if your little one comes down with a cold, your baby's healthcare provider may suggest using a cool-mist humidifier in the room your baby sleeps.
Night-light. Having a night-light is helpful when it comes to those late-night feedings and check-ins. With a night-light there’s no need to disturb your baby by turning on a bright overhead light.
Baby thermometer. Babies tend to run fevers, and you'll need a thermometer specifically designed for babies, along with an up-to-date first-aid kit.
You might be feeling more confident this month as some of the uncertainty you may have felt during the first few weeks starts to fade away. Still, talk about any concerns you have with trusted loved ones or your healthcare provider. You might be surprised how much better you feel afterward.
If you're breastfeeding, you might experience discomfort resulting from a breast infection called mastitis. Contact your healthcare provider if you notice symptoms such as sore breasts, fever, or nausea. Don’t stop nursing as this will make things worse. Keep in mind that it’s safe for your baby to nurse when you have mastitis—the milk is not infected.
Treatment for mastitis includes expressing milk from your breasts either by feeding or pumping, but your provider may also recommend antibiotics. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to help your body fight the infection. Learn more about what mastitis is and how to treat it.
□ If you haven’t already been to the appointment, schedule and take your baby to their 1-month-old health checkup.
□ Keep track of any questions or concerns you have so you don't forget to bring them up at your next visit. Among other things, your baby's healthcare provider will want to know about your baby’s
bowel movements (diarrhea and/or constipation)
vomiting, fevers, infections
hearing or vision problems
sleep issues
weigh gain and/or loss.
□ Sign up for a baby first-aid course and encourage others who care for your baby to attend along with you. If you’re unsure where to find such a course near you, ask your baby’s healthcare provider—they’ll know one in your local area.
□ If you’re eager to know what’s ahead next month, take a look at what you might experience once your baby is 2 months old.
□ Your baby will be 2 months old soon. Why not download these milestone cards to help celebrate and share this big day with friends and family.
For even more information, sign up to get our regular emails:
Diet for a 4-6 month old baby
Your baby is already 4 months old. He has noticeably grown up, become more active, is interested in objects that fall into his field of vision, carefully examines and reaches for them. The emotional reactions of the child have become much richer: he smiles happily at all the people whom he often sees more and more often, makes various sounds.
You are still breastfeeding your baby or have had to switch to mixed or formula feeding. The child is actively growing, and only with breast milk or infant formula, he can no longer always get all the necessary nutrients. And that means it's time to think about complementary foods.
The optimal time to start its introduction is between 4 and 6 months, regardless of whether the baby is receiving breast milk or formula. This is the time when children respond best to new foods. Up to 4 months, the child is not yet ready to perceive and digest any other food. And with the late introduction of complementary foods - after 6 months, children already have significant deficiencies of individual nutrients and, first of all, micronutrients (minerals, vitamins, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.). In addition, toddlers at this age often refuse new foods, they have delayed development of chewing skills for thick foods, and inadequate eating habits are formed. It is important to know that, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance, with a delayed appointment of complementary foods, allergic reactions more often occur on them.
When is it advisable to introduce complementary foods as early as 4 months, and when can you wait until 5.5 or even 6 months? To resolve this issue, be sure to consult a pediatrician.
As a rule, at an earlier age (4 - 4.5 months), complementary foods are introduced to children at risk of developing iron deficiency anemia, as well as children with insufficient weight gain and with functional digestive disorders.
The optimal time to start complementary foods for a healthy baby is between 5 and 5.5 months of age.
The World Health Organization recommends that breastfed babies should be introduced to complementary foods from 6 months of age. From the point of view of domestic pediatricians, which is based on extensive practical experience and scientific research, this is possible only in cases where the child was born on time, without malnutrition (since in these cases the mineral reserves are very small), he is healthy, grows well and develops. In addition, the mother should also be healthy, eat well and use either specialized enriched foods for pregnant and lactating women, or vitamin and mineral complexes in courses. Such restrictions are associated with the depletion of iron stores even in a completely healthy child by 5-5.5 months of age and a significant increase in the risk of anemia in the absence of complementary foods rich or fortified with iron. There are other deficits as well.
The first complementary food can be vegetable puree or porridge, fruit puree is better to give the baby later - after tasty sweet fruits, children usually eat vegetable puree and cereals worse, often refuse them altogether.
Where is the best place to start? In cases where the child has a tendency to constipation or he puts on weight too quickly, preference should be given to vegetables. With a high probability of developing anemia, unstable stools and small weight gains - from baby cereals enriched with micronutrients. And if you started introducing complementary foods with cereals, then the second product will be vegetables and vice versa.
If the first complementary food is introduced at 6 months, it must be baby porridge enriched with iron and other minerals and vitamins, the intake of which with breast milk is no longer enough.
Another important complementary food product is mashed meat. It contains iron, which is easily absorbed. And adding meat to vegetables improves the absorption of iron from them. It is advisable to introduce meat puree to a child at the age of 6 months. Only the daily use of children's enriched porridge and meat puree can satisfy the needs of babies in iron, zinc and other micronutrients.
But it is better to introduce juices later, when the child already receives the main complementary foods - vegetables, cereals, meat and fruits. After all, complementary foods are needed so that the baby receives all the substances necessary for growth and development, and there are very few in their juices, including vitamins and minerals.
Juices should not be given between feedings, but after the child has eaten porridge or vegetables with meat puree, as well as for an afternoon snack. The habit of drinking juice between meals leads to frequent snacking in the future, a love of sweets is instilled, children have more tooth decay and an increased risk of obesity.
With the start of the introduction of complementary foods, the child is gradually transferred to a 5-time feeding regimen.
Rules for the introduction of complementary foods:
- preference should be given to baby products of industrial production, they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, have a guaranteed composition and degree of grinding
- Complementary foods should be offered to the baby by spoon at the start of feeding, before breastfeeding (formula feeding)
- the volume of the product increases gradually, starting with ½ - 1 spoon, and in 7 - 10 days we bring it to the age norm, subsequent products within the same group (cereals from other cereals or new vegetables)
- can be entered faster, in 5 - 7 days
- start introduction with monocomponent products
- it is undesirable to give a new product in the afternoon, it is important to follow how the child reacts to it
- do not introduce new products in the event of acute illnesses, as well as before and immediately after prophylactic vaccination (should be abstained for several days)
When introducing a new type of complementary food, first try one product, gradually increasing its amount, and then gradually “dilute” this product with a new one. For example, vegetable complementary foods can be started with a teaspoon of zucchini puree. During the week, give the baby only this product, gradually increasing its volume. After a week, add a teaspoon of mashed broccoli or cauliflower to the zucchini puree and continue to increase the total volume every day. Vegetable puree from three types of vegetables will be optimal. The portion should correspond to the age norm. Over time, you can replace the introduced vegetables with others faster.
After the introduction of one vegetable (bringing its volume to the required amount), you can proceed to the intake of porridge, and diversify the vegetable diet later.
If the child did not like the dish, for example, broccoli, do not give up and continue to offer this vegetable in a small amount - 1-2 spoons daily, you can not even once, but 2-3 times before meals, and after 7 - 10, and sometimes 15 days, the baby will get used to the new taste. This diversifies the diet, will help to form the right taste habits in the baby.
Spoon-feeding should be done with patience and care. Forced feeding is unacceptable!
In the diet of healthy children, porridge is usually introduced after vegetables (with the exception of healthy breastfed children, when complementary foods are introduced from 6 months). It is better to start with dairy-free gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, corn, rice. At the same time, it is important to use porridge for baby food of industrial production, which contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is already ready for use, you just need to dilute it with breast milk or the mixture that the baby receives.
Children suffering from food allergies are introduced complementary foods at 5-5.5 months. The rules for the introduction of products are the same as for healthy children, in all cases it is introduced slowly and begins with hypoallergenic products. Be sure to take into account individual tolerance. The difference is only in the correction of the diet, taking into account the identified allergens. From meat products, preference should first be given to mashed turkey and rabbit.
Diets for different age periods
Explain how you can make a diet, it is better to use a few examples that will help you navigate in compiling a menu specifically for your child.
From 5 months, the volume of one feeding is on average 200 ml.
Option 1.
If your baby started receiving complementary foods from 4-5 months, then at 6 months his diet should look like this:
I feeding 6 hours | Breast milk or VHI* | 200 ml |
II feeding 10 hours | Dairy-free porridge** Supplementation with breast milk or VHI* | 150 g 50 ml |
III feeding 14 hours | Vegetable puree Meat puree Vegetable oil Supplemental breast milk or VHI* | 150 g 5 - 30 g 1 tsp 30 ml |
IV feeding 18 hours | Fruit puree Breast milk or VHI* | 60 g 140 ml |
V feeding 22 hours | Breast milk or VHI* | 200 ml |
* - infant formula
** - diluted with breast milk or VHI
Option 2.
* - infant formula Option 3. : ** - diluted with breast milk Up to 7 months, increase the volume of porridge and vegetable puree to 150 g and introduce fruit puree. The materials were prepared by the staff of the Healthy and Sick Child Nutrition Laboratory of the National Research Center for Children's Health of the Ministry of Health of Russia and are based on the recommendations given in the National Program for Optimizing the Feeding of Children in the First Year of Life in the Russian Federation, approved at the XV Congress of Pediatricians of Russia (02.2009d.) Child nutrition, Diet Mother's milk is an ideal food that allows you to ensure the full development of the baby during the first half of the year. This is the main food of a monthly baby, and the next 6 months too. At this age, babies do not need to introduce additional fluid in the form of water, herbal teas, teas or juices. All needs will be met by breast milk. With it, the crumbs receive all the necessary, biologically active and nutrients. Mother's milk is ideally adapted to the peculiarities of digestion and metabolism of each child. Author: Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics №1 Andrey Pyshnik Sometimes there is a need for artificial feeding of a child. This happens if a woman, for one reason or another, cannot breastfeed (a complete lack of milk, a serious illness of the baby or the mother herself) or simply does not want to do this. Artificial - this is feeding, in which the baby completely eats the milk formula or the proportion of breast milk is less than 1/5 of the daily volume of food. In this case, you need to choose the most useful formula for the baby. The main food for a child from 1 to 3 months is only breast milk. No other products should be given until 5-6 months. The baby quickly grows up, his first teeth begin to erupt. When introducing complementary foods, it is important to adhere to the following rules: Complementary foods, if artificial feeding of the child is introduced, should be given from 5 months of age, natural - from 6 months. Most of the diet of infants consists of mother's milk. But after 5-6 months, you need to expand the menu of the crumbs, gradually accustoming him to other foods. In the second half of life, breast milk can no longer meet all the needs of a growing body in the micro and macro elements it needs. The child's nutrition by months looks like this: When complementary foods are introduced, fruits are best given after vegetables, because often, after tasting the sweet taste, children refuse vegetables. You can mix several ingredients if the baby is well accustomed to each separately. You can not enter spicy, spicy vegetables and fruits. How often should I give complementary foods? A child at 8 months should be given 3 times a day, at 9-11 months - 4 times. From 12 months you can use a drinking cup. The duration of breastfeeding is approximately 15-20 minutes. More often in the first 5 minutes, the baby sucks out the maximum part of the required volume of milk. The World Health Organization recommends that proper nutrition for children under 1 year of age should be provided on demand. But this also needs to be approached wisely. Babies have a natural sucking reflex, so you don't need to breastfeed every time he cries. After all, the baby will take it reflexively. Try to analyze the behavior of your baby in order to gradually develop the optimal diet for an infant that is convenient for you. Approximately you will have to feed the baby every 2.5-3 hours. If after eating he is active and energetic, then this is quite enough. The approximate frequency of feeding children 1-3 months - 7 times a day, 3-5 months - 6 times, and after 5 months the child eats five times. The amount of milk consumed per day depends on age. The first 3 days from birth is 40-200 grams, after 7 days - about 400 grams per day, at the end of 2 weeks - 500 grams, at the end of 1 month - about 600 grams, at 2 months - 800 grams. To get all the nutrients necessary for the body, a one-year-old baby should continue feeding with breast milk or an adapted formula, gradually expanding the diet. An obligatory component of food should always be fruits and vegetables. Feeding should be done at a frequency of 5 times a day. Please note, when developing a child's nutrition per year, the menu must necessarily contain eggs, fish and meat dishes, cottage cheese and sour-milk products, fats, grains, vegetables and fruits. It is advisable to introduce vegetable and butter into the diet as a dressing for cereals, mashed potatoes, salads. Spreads and margarines are strictly prohibited! A small amount of sugar should be included in the diet (about 35 grams). Consider the content of the products to select the appropriate "sweets". For example, you can try to enter: marmalade, dried fruits, natural honey, various cookies. A child's nutrition per year should contribute to the formation of the correct behavior of the baby during meals. He should eat regularly, 4-5 times a day, without all sorts of snacks. At this age, strong tea should be avoided, as such drinks tend to flush out iron from the body. The amount of food should be appropriate for the weight and age of the child. Sources: I feeding
6 hours Breast milk or VHI* 200 ml II feeding
10 hours Dairy-free porridge**
Fruit puree 150 g
20 g III feeding
14 hours Vegetable puree
Meat puree Vegetable oil
Fruit juice 150 g
5 - 30 g
1 tsp
60 ml IV feeding
18 hours Fruit puree
Breast milk or VHI* 40 g
140 ml V feeding
22 hours Breast milk or VHI* 200 ml
** - diluted with breast milk or VMS
I feeding
6 hours Breast milk II feeding
10 hours Dairy-free porridge**
Breast milk supplement 100 g III feeding
14 hours Vegetable puree
Meat puree Vegetable oil
Breast milk supplement 100 g
5 - 30 g
1 tsp IV feeding
18 hours Breast milk V feeding
22 hours Breast milk
Proper nutrition of the child from birth to a year
It contains in the right amount not only carbohydrates, fats, protein, but also such important substances as carnitine, taurine, inositol, polyamines, which are needed for the formation and development of the baby's nervous system and retinal photoreceptors.
So the body signals that a new food needs to be introduced into the child's diet - complementary foods. In addition, after 6 months, the baby becomes more mobile, so its energy needs increase. Mother's milk can no longer provide them, so the child must receive additional nutrition.
Give it a few days in a row.
Iron-enriched cereals (buckwheat, rice, corn) are given for signs of anemia, fruit and vegetable purees. They should be given 1-2 times a day, the volume gradually increases. Porridges from several cereals can be introduced when the baby has already met each of them separately. You can add fruits and vegetables to them. It is forbidden to use cereals for adults for complementary foods.
Then he sucks more slowly, maybe dozing a little. Therefore, you should ensure that the baby is actively sucking, if he falls asleep, wake him up and continue feeding.
Then, up to a year, the total daily volume of food should not exceed 1 liter.
Peculiarities of a 1-year-old baby's nutrition
Fast foods are strictly prohibited, as they contain many different flavors, dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances that contribute to the allergization of the body. As a result, there is a problem of excess weight and all kinds of endocrine disorders.
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