Super baby food download
10 Super Starter Baby Food Recipes (plus FREE ebook!)
Baby is going to love these 10 Super Starter Baby Food Recipes from the very first bite. Easy to make, easy to eat! Great baby food for 4 months and up – stage 1 baby food!
*Plus there is a download for my free 10 Super Starter Puree ebook * – designed to get you in the kitchen and off to a great start – includes an entire starters guide on how and when to feed baby, plus tips on how to get the best out of your baby food recipes.
Super Starter Baby Food RecipesAll of these amazing purees once lived in an ebook, which you can download here for FREE, but I feel like these 10 amazing purees have gotten lost in the crowd. Especially since I took my ebooks off my site this past summer.
But I love all of these recipes so much, I need to add them back to the site.
You needed me to add them back to the site, they are that good!
So here they are, back in all of their glory. Ready for you to whip them up for your little one in a matter of minutes.
These are the 10 recipes that BOTH of my girls gave a big thumbs up to. Healthy, nutritious and beyond delicious, these 10 purees are winners all around.
Jump straight to the recipes —–>Sweet Potato + Thyme
Apple + Clove
Broccoli + Chives
Peach + Vanilla Bean
Carrot + Ginger
Pear + Nutmeg
Butternut Squash + Cilantro
Green Bean + Basil
Bannan + Cinnamon
Mango + Mint
Looking for the tips – each recipe has a great tip in the bottom section of the recipes, so don’t forget to look there for 10 amazing tips on how and what to feed baby!
10 Super Starter Purees for Baby Ebook – Download for FREE!
Starters Guide to Purees –Introducing Purees to BabyMaking and feeding your baby is a right of passage, a developmental step that she must pass through in order to become the young energetic toddler that she will surely become. While all stages of baby’s growth are magical, feeding baby was the highlight for me. The reason is that you are such a big part of this stage. You get to decide what delicious first puree you are going to serve baby. You get to sit at the same level as your little one and watch all of the priceless faces as you spoon-feed her food you made with love. You get to be part of her first adventure in food tasting.
No pressure or anything.
For some, starting baby on their first puree can be daunting and stressful. It can all be confusing – what, when and how to feed your baby. While the stress is completely normal, let me take it away from you. See, it’s off your plate. Don’t you feel better already? You can now let go of all that worry and just have fun during this monumental stage in baby’s life.
These 10 purees are the place to start – my tried and true recipes that will surely be a hit with your little one, while providing baby with the fundamental nutrients she needs to grow and develop. But the best thing, these recipes deliver big in the taste department, giving your baby a culinary experience from the first swallow.
There isn’t an exact age to start baby on their journey into purees, this decision is left completely up to them.
You make the food, they decide when to eat that food.
For some babies, this might be at 4 months, while others might not be ready until 7 or 8 months. Your job is to watch your baby’s signs and silent clues they are giving you.
When you get the thumbs up on the following questions, you are good-to-go!
- Can your baby sit on her own?
- Is your baby able to hold her head and neck in an upright position?
- Does your baby reach for, or eye, your food while you are eating?
- Is she hungry more often and not satisfied after finishing her usual amount of breast milk or formula?
- Has her weight doubled since birth?
While some babies open their mouths and instantly become an eating machine, other babies might take a while to discover their foodie personality. For the first couple of months, let your baby decide when and how much they want to eat. This might mean 1 teaspoon or 6 ounces. Babies are born with a natural ‘stop’ button in their tummies, so when they are hungry, they will eat and when they are full, they will stop.
To begin a feeding, start baby with 1 tablespoon of warm-to-touch puree. You can spoon-feed her, dollop a couple of spoonfuls on her tray and let her have at it or put some puree on your finger and let her lick it off. Or a combination of all three.
This feeding routine can take a while for both of you to get comfortable with, the key is not to give up. Stay focused, relaxed and happy.
As hard as it is to not feel rejected when baby doesn’t like one of your purees, don’t get overly concerned. If at any point baby is turning her head, fussy or just not in the zone, put the unused portion of the puree back into the fridge and try again later. Just like walking, eating may take a while for baby to master.
This is the question I get asked most – can baby actually eat spices from the get-go?
The simple answer is YES! From the very first puree, baby loves to taste different spices and herbs. It is natural for baby to crave and eat foods that are not only colorful and healthy but that also taste good and stimulate baby’s palette, just like yours and mine. While not a guarantee, my experience is that babies that are introduced to foods with spices and herbs from an early age, grow up to be more open to foods with different tastes and textures.
I would also like to mention that all spices and herbs have medicinal purposes. Ginger is great for when baby’s tummy is upset, basil helps aid sleep(!!!) and cinnamon is proven to stimulate the brain.
All the recipes below are completely safe for baby at any age. If you are unsure of adding spices, I would recommend starting with just a pinch of the spice in the recipe for the first batch, adding more spice as baby becomes more accustomed to it.
Peach Baby Puree (Stage One)
5 stars (16 ratings)
Smooth and creamy, this homemade Peach Baby Puree delivers big on taste with naturally sweetened peaches and flecks of vanilla bean.
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Carrot + Ginger Baby Food Puree
5 stars (8 ratings)
This Carrot + Ginger Baby Food recipe is a great first puree for baby! Smooth and mild tasting but with a fun zip from the ginger. Ginger is also great for calming an upset tummy.
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Green Bean Baby Food
5 stars (37 ratings)
Green beans are steamed until just tender, this puree has a mild taste for baby's palette.
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MORE BABY FOOD RECIPES YOUR BABY WILL LOVE:- 7 Organic Starter Baby Purees for Under $20
- 15 Stage One Baby Purees (that actually taste delicious)
- 10 Super Starter Purees for Baby (Tips, Recipes and Starters Guide on How to Feed Baby)
- 5 Minute Mango Baby Food Puree
- Roasted Butternut Squash + Thyme Baby Food Puree
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Super Baby Food: Absolutely Everything You Should Know about Feeding Your Baby and Toddler from Starting Solid Foods to Age Three Years by Ruth Yaron
14 reviews3 followers
July 5, 2007While I recommend this book highly- there is invaluable information and hints for preparing your own baby food- I feel morally obligated to warn the world that the author is completely, totally nuts. You do have to wade through some looniness to get the goods. The woman is excited to have found a use for dryer lint, for the love of pete (its for playdough... not food. She's not that crazy.)
- eat mamacore
554 reviews9 followers
January 21, 2011The basic premise, that you should feed your baby homemade baby food made from organic fruits/grains/vegetables is sound enough. The tips and directions for preparing said fruits and vegetables for baby consumption are also helpful. However, the author clearly has absolutely no qualifications, and is simply writing this overly preachy, at times bordering on ridiculous tome based on her own experiences. Aside from many typos and flat-out mistakes (like putting the registered trademark sign next to saccharin, which is a chemical compound, not a brand name), some of the advice is way over-the-top: "Remember to keep your facial expression pleasant when you are changing your baby's diaper. He will notice any look of disgust on your face, which may teach him that his private parts are repulsive and lead him to believe that sex is "dirty" when he gets older." Wow, that is quite the pop psychology leap. I also remain completely unconvinced by her one paragraph explanation of why you should feed your baby a vegetarian diet, which just includes the usual five environmental/animal welfare/"healthier life" reasons, without anything specifically included for developing babies/toddlers.
She highly recommends tofu to be introduced as early as 8-9 months (which is when most babies meet meat). I completely disagree, just based on the fact that I doubt soy's high estrogen content is all that great in large quantities for tiny people, but I'm not going to go write a book about it, since I have zero qualifications to say so. In any case, good reference for fruit/veggie/grain prep and many fun recipe ideas for toddler meals, if you can ignore the alarmist ridiculousness.
- babies reference
March 6, 2009
This book has really helped me break out of my DIY shyness. I bought all of my first child's baby food. Now, after reading this book for baby #2 I have been cooking, puree-ing and freezing my own baby food now since he started eating vegetables. The only jarred baby foods I've bought for him are for traveling. I haven't quite made Ruth Yaron's "super porridge" from organic brown rice and all the other good (but probably nasty-tasting) stuff she puts in it, but I have been feeding the baby fresh wheat cereal in the mornings, and adding freshly ground flax seed to it. It doesn't take much effort to puree and freeze the vegetables ahead of time, and I can serve up the frozen food super fast whenever I want. I'm sure I've been saving a ton of money. I'm also inspired to feed the rest of the family more vegetables.
I was forewarned that the author is quite an extremist. However, I found her to be fairly down to earth. Her tips are very helpful and reasonable. How extreme can she be if she uses a microwave, anyway? (Then again, my household was vegan when I was a teenager, so I'm used to extreme.) The one way I did find her to be slightly overwhelming is in her very diverse menu. She makes sure her babies get quite a variety of foods every day. Some of the food/grains I'm not even familiar with. But, regardless of my ability to pronounce what I'm making for my baby, the author makes it very easy to accomplish getting it fed my baby. If you want to make your own baby food but you just need a push to get you started, this is the book for you.
Technically I didn't read the whole book cover to cover. I started out like that, but ended up just jumping around to whatever I felt like reading. The first chapters contained a lot of information about infant safety that might be good to review, but wasn't what I wanted to read at the moment. This would make a good reference book to keep around (especially the menus and recipes), but unfortunately I got it from the library. I'm tempted to buy it.
- parenting-and-homeschooling
November 6, 2008
A great book on introducing solids into baby's diet and making your own baby food. Making your own baby food is actually quite simple and not very time consuming. The book is very thorough and works well as a reference book to return to over and over again as questions arise.
The author does overdo it on her fear of bacteria, etc. but I figure that is just her personality type and/or she's writing a book about baby food and doesn't want to get sued.
One piece of advice that I would add, which I don't think was in the book, is to introduce peaches or something with fiber in it as one of the first foods. That way when bananas or other foods come along that can cause constipation you already have a food to use to help solve the situation.
Also, if your child doesn't like a food, try adjusting the consistency or texture by adding or taking away liquid. Another thing to adjust is the temperature. Babies often don't like cold or room temperature food.
713 reviews16 followers
October 30, 2014This book is formatted like a homemade text book. Which is weird. Also, there's a 15 step set of instructions about how easy it is to make baby cereal, starting from grinding your own grains. Perhaps their definition of easy and mine are from different dictionaries? Anyway, I didn't make it much past that. I could tell that this was not a book for me.
- 2013 subj-motherhood-and-parenting
187 reviews11 followers
May 27, 2011The cover doesn't give it away but this is an EXCELLENT source for raising a vegetarian child. There is nutritional information, recipes for baby food, time-saving tips, and some fun activities thrown in for good measure (like growing an avacado plant). The writing is VERY informal (the author includes little smiley faces after jokes) so for that reason you are going to want another book (I suggest NEW Vegetarian Baby) for nutritional research.
Even for the non-veg parents out there this is a great book on preparing your own baby food. The author provides a system for preparing and feeding your baby the right assortment of food. She also has a number of techniques for food storage. After reading the chapter on "Super Porridge" I made my own cereal for my daughter. She was never too keen on the store-bought stuff but she ate the homemade barley cereal right up!
This book has given me so many great ideas I can't wait to try them all. Recommended for any health conscious parent with a baby to wean!
- food own parenting
December 12, 2007
Life outside the jar. Baby food jars, that is. This book is good for health-conscious parents, especially those believe pre-made foods are truly time-saving, or just 'as good as' fresh, whole foods. The author gets a bit too obsessive with detail, but the focus on vegetarianism (nope your kid doesn't 'need' meat!), attention to developmental readiness, and tips on batch preparation and storage are worth it.
- parenting
227 reviews16 followers
June 22, 2009A slightly overwhelming, but imminently useful guide to making your own baby food. This is the book to start with if you plan to do this kind of thing.
- food parenting
June 30, 2016
Written by a scientist mom of twins, who misses nothing food-related, even covers organizational tips and craft ideas
789 reviews34 followers
August 26, 2018I did not read most of this book closely - there is a lot of overlap with other baby/toddler feeding books I've read, plus there is a ton of non-food discussion I wasn't looking for - deodorant, pest control, laundry detergent, etc. The recipes are my primary reason my rating and for keeping this book close at hand for reference. Note, if you are into BLW, this book might drive you crazy. I say take everything with a grain of salt and there's no reason you can't apply the principles to a BLW baby.
- food parenting
861 reviews435 followers
October 15, 2017I absolutely loved this cookbook! I made my own baby food for my kids utilizing the recommendations in this book for what to introduce to your child at each age, and the various tables made it easy to look up the nutritional analysis in different foods to ensure that my child was getting all the required vitamins/minerals/proteins from the food groups. I used to give this cookbook as a gift at baby showers.
- books-i-own bought
Amy K
283 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2022This book took me a year to read and to this day (some 8 years later), I still feel guilty that I don't follow all of the advice given in this book. We did do some things, so we had that going for us. This is insanely long, not light reading for new parents of babies.
March 22, 2020
Absolutely daffy. The paranoia and parental guilt ooze from each section.
92 reviews6 followers
May 12, 2020I used this book a LOT when I was working as a nanny several years ago.🙂It's good and I'd definitely recommend it to new parents or guardians or anyone with a new bundle of joy in their lives☺.
354 reviews3 followers
December 19, 2020Some complicated stuff but overall, very helpful in wholesome recommendations and guidelines for baby food.
December 30, 2020
Really good info but no mention of meats and their importance for a source of iron.
January 11, 2021
Before reading this, I had little idea of what I was going to do to feed my baby when she hit that six-month milestone. While I didn't go so far as to make my own porridge and add liver to her meals, Ruth's book was full of good tips on how to prepare and puree the fruits and vegetables I wanted to expose her to month to month.
1,253 reviews10 followers
February 16, 2017My sister-in-law recommended this book, and I'm so glad she did!! It's a fantastic resource! I was quite nervous about introducing solid foods to my first-born kidlet because I had no clue what I was doing. This book explains baby nutrition in easy-to-understand language. When you first get your hands on a copy, you might feel a little intimidated- it's pretty thick. But it's a resource. You don't have to read it cover to cover. (I did, but I'm a literary weirdo.) There are easy-to-find sections on nutrition, what to feed your baby each month, and recipes. There's also a section on food/feeding safety. I definitely made a note of what foods to introduce each month, and followed that as a guide for many months. Now, you will still want to check with your pediatrician- the book recommended introducing eggs at 8 months, but my pediatrician wanted me to wait till 1 year. But I found the guide super helpful for brainstorming what fruits and veggies to introduce my kidlet to. I never would've thought to puree asparagus for him, and he ended up loving that! There are detailed instructions on how to cook and puree foods for your little one, and even some super simple "recipes" for toddler food. Of course there's also the instructions for making Super Porridge. I think a lot of people know about Super Porridge- I saw YouTube videos of various celeb moms talking about it and/or demonstrating how to make it. I never got good at it, but I'm not the most patient cook! I definitely recommend this helpful guide to feeding your baby solid foods.
- 5-stars cookbook medical-scientifical
54 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2011What I love about this book is that it presents a complete nutritional, homemade diet for your baby. It isn't just how to make baby food and store it , but it provides an entire meal schedule to ensure proper nutrition. This is what I love. It would be so easy to go to the store and buy some cereal and some fruit and veggies in jars and not get the proper nutrition. This book makes it easy for you to figure out how to do that.
She does have some bizarre dietary additives, but you can always choose to go without. Not to mention she does add certain items into the diet at earlier months than a lot of books say to (e.g., cow's milk products), but she mentions to check with your pediatrician on almost every page. My pediatrician was very supportive of this diet with some minor tweaks of times on when to introduce certain items. Additionally, she has a very good section on food allergies and how to recognize it.
I would say my biggest complaint is that it appears that, since this is the 2nd edition, that not all page references were QA/QC'd against the new pages before printing. So, you wind up paging around to figure out what she is referring to. Additionally, if I had written this book I think I would have organized it a bit differently. I feel like every paragraph you read refers you to somewhere else in the book.
I have to say that I am a bit baffled by a lot of reviews that say she introduces certain foods too early or doesn't tell you when to introduce foods. Are we reading the same book? Not only is there a table with foods to introduce by month-age there is an entire index of foods that tell you when to introduce, how to cook, and how to store that food. Plus she mentions to discuss all of this with your pediatrician, ad nauseum, along with your history of family allergies. This is like most parenting/diet/self help type books. Take what works for you and your family and leave the rest. You don't have to follow this diet down to the letter.
Overall the book is very informative, airing on the side of too much information. I read sections of this book out of order, and I go back frequently to check on things. It is my baby food bible, but I do take some things with a grain of salt (dessicated liver, anyone? and annoying/condescending "tips"). I also check in with my pediatrician.
I recommend this book to anyone with a young child, expecting, or wanting to expect. Why not start teaching our children how to eat a healthy diet from day 1?
- 5-stars-favorite baby-children-parenting books-i-ve-reviewed
139 reviews4 followers
November 17, 2008This book is wonderful for making your own baby food. It's definitely the most comprehensive book I've ever seen. In fact, it probably (no, definitely) has too much information. It's broken up into chapters by age, and it tells you what to expect at this age and what different foods you can start introducing.
My favorite part of the book is in the back. It's got a huge reference that is in alphabetical order. Let's say you look up Avacados (surprisingly, this is a really nutritous food for beginning eaters. Does Gerber make it? I think not). Anyway, so you look it up, and it tells you exactly what you look for when you're picking one out in the grocery store, how to cook it (if needed) and how to freeze it into baby food cubes (just use your ice cube trays, pop them out and into freezer bags, and whala!! You've got baby food for a good while!)
The author is a big-time vegetarian, and talks about other forms of protein, such as Tofu (which I've used a ton of). My kids have turned out to not be really good meat-eaters, so I've tried to introduce more meats into their diets now. So anyway, you need to be aware of that. The other flaw of this book is that it's just TOO big -- way too much information. I recommend getting sticky notes and marking the sections you use the most (the author talks about birthday party ideas and games -- not stuff I'd expect from the title of the book. Like I said, too much info -- but the rest of the book is fantastic, so she's forgiven).
I used this book the most for Kayla, she never ate anything made by Gerber, and she is a really good eater (not so much on the meats, but like I said, we're working on that). But she'll ask for brocolli all the time, and she's just a real veggie lover in general. Jenna, on the other hand, was given a lot of Gerber, because lack of time, but I did SOME homemade. The result? Jenna is a way pickier eater, the only veggie she eats isbaby carrots. Coincidence?? I'll never really know, but something to think about.
- baby non-fiction self-help
April 19, 2012
I have held off a while in writing the review to take some time to think about it and figure out how I was going to write this review and what I was going to rate it. I am conflicted because there is some really good content in this book, but there are two big issues with the book that really detract from the good content that it has.
The first issue is that throughout the book the author takes condescending attitude towards the reader, in talking down and essentially dictating how certain foods, practices, etc.. are 'evil'. She also presents anecdotal observations as fact or as proof that her food and system are the source of healthy system.
The other issue I have with the book is the significant amount of repetitive information throughout the book and its organization. This makes it very hard to get through the book when you keep coming across the same information or statements throughout. I don't know if this is to make a large tome to help justify buying it or seeming that there is a lot more information in the book than actually is. The third part of the book which has a lot of ideas around making parties for kids, fun food presentation and such it really suffers from just cramming a lot of information on the page without an eye towards clean layout and organization and readability.
I think this book would be better served with some significant editing. There is some really good information on when to start presenting kids foods at the right age, how to prepare it, how to store it. There are also some really good ideas on recipes for toddlers, but it could be thinned to about a third of its size and a much better and easy to read book.
January 12, 2012
This book is geared toward parents who plan to make their own baby food; however, it could also be used as a resource for any parent preparing to introduce their baby to solid food. In addition to numerous baby food recipes and storage tips, it contains a lot of valuable information on things like nutrition and portion sizes, and when and how certain foods should be introduced. It gives parents meal ideas beyond the typical rice cereal, carrots, peas, and bananas fare in order to help them raise a child who is exposed to a variety of the healthiest “super foods.”
This book can be a little daunting at first glance; it’s a thick book with almost tissue- thin pages, and tiny print. Parents who are already crunched for time might be likely to pass it up for something more condensed, but this is not the type of book that needs to be read from cover-to-cover. I found that I was able to easily select chapters based on the information that I was seeking while skipping over the ones that repeated information I already had from other sources like my child’s pediatrician. I love that there are different recipes and meal ideas for different stages of eaters, and that the author provides many unique flavor combinations.
Most other baby food recipe books that I’ve read are good for providing a starting place, but they aren’t useful for much more than a basic guideline to getting a parent started with making their own food. I’d suggest borrowing any resource book from the library before deciding if it’s actually worth your money to purchase. This one is definitely a good resource to own.
- parenting
January 21, 2014
There are some great pros to this book, but I think it also has some big cons.
The pros. This book really helped me figure out how to start feeding baby. I like how she lists foods for every month and baby's changing needs. This books is nuts and bolts. Absolutely anything you want to know about feeding your baby healthy food is in here making it a great reference book. I love how she lists just about every fruit and vegetable in the back and how to prepare them, how to ripen the specific fruits, how to store them, when baby can start eating them ect (for every type! She's so meticulous!)
The cons. She's pretty intense! There is just too much information in this book (she deviates from the subject of the book quite often...I don't enjoy all of the non related tip! Tip! Tip!s thrown in. It Boggs down her book. Also, it reads like a text book. Ugh, lady if I was going to grad school for feeding baby, then yes, I would read this cover to cover, but I'm not, so no. There are no baby food recipes! It's all toddler recipes...what?? And again, her recipe section is like an appendix I'd find in a grad level reading material. And no photos! Not one...really?? Sigh. I probably won't use any of her recipes for the mere fact that when I look at all the recipes crammed into one page, it makes me anxious and overwhelmed.
Bottom line, I use this as a (really great) reference book for preparing and storing certain fruits/vegetables and it helped me figure out how to start. However, I go elsewhere for recipes, which is really what I want at this point now that I have a feeding "plan"
70 reviews8 followers
June 1, 2009Incredible book with a range of topics. This is not a cookbook, although it does include many recipes. List of chapters:
Part 1: Feeding your Baby
1. Beginning solid foods: When? What's first? How much?
2. Feeding area and equipment-cleanliness and hints and tips.
3. Baby's very first meal-how to do it.
4. Food allergies.
5. Safety warnings. Ruth Yaron gives a plethora of them, but all of them are sound advice.
6. How much should my baby eat?
7. How much should she drink?
8. Vitamin supplements.
9. Mealtime-how to do it
10. Month-by-Month summary schedule for introducing which foods when.
11. Feeding your baby during the first few weeks.
12. Feeding at 6 months
13. at 7 months
14. at 8 months
15. at 9 months
16 at 10 months
17 at 11 months
18. Feeding your Toddler
19. The Super Baby Food Diet
Part II. Preparation and Storage. (This section is also absolutely packed with useful information. I have dog-eared and bookmarked every other page, it seems.
20. Kitchen equipment
21. Kitchen and food hygiene
22. Freezing food
23. Veggies & fruits
24. Super Porridge Cereals
25. Whole Grain foods
26. Legumes
27. Nuts, seeds & sprouts
28 Yogurt and Dairy food
29 Eggs
30 Misc. baby foods
31. Meat
Part III: Toddler (& grown-up) recipes
Part IV: Fun Stuff
33. Food decorating
34. Throwing a party/kids' birthday party themes/foods for kids and adults
35. Arts & Crafts the natural way
Part V: Reference and Appendices.
Total of 593 pages.
- non-fiction parenting-and-motherhood
August 21, 2008
Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron is about making homemade baby food for your infant and toddler. I found a lot of the book quite informational and a good resource for keeping your child's diet varied and nutritionally balanced. It also had easy ways to make stuff like homemade fruit rolls and arts and craft type of things.
However, she is a little alarmist about bacteria and meat. Sometimes you wonder how the human race managed to survive without refrigeration and anti-bacterial soap for so long. And I am of the belief that God put animals on the earth for us to use, whether for manual labor or food, they are here for us. I like meat. I also am not a clean freak. I wash my hands often but not every time they could have potentially come into contact with something that could cause bacteria to multiply rapidly and thus sicken us severely or kill us outright.
I like the take the WIC guy has. Whenever you cook for you, blend up a little for him and serve. That is what I have primarily done. Last night we made chicken alfredo with pasta. I scooped some into the blender and he loved it.
She also repeats herself a lot. The book could be half the length and she would still have been able to say all she wanted to say.
I'll get my own to have the recipes but other than that, most of it is basic knowledge.
October 10, 2016
Honestly, I haven't finished it. It's just not one of those kinds of books. It's one you skim through and use what works for you. For instance, recipes - I do want to try the "Super Porridge" and some other things, but my little one has been going 50/50 with homemade and (organic) commercial food. Not to mention, it goes into toddler stuff, which I'm not yet at with my 10-mo old. So no need (or time and memory) to bother with those sections yet. I say "it's ok" because I think the author is a little neurotic with her info in regards to some things. I understand her own beliefs, but she doesn't even go into meat. It's just not a part of the "Super Baby Food" diet, as she is purely veggie-oriented. That's simply her deal, but not ours (we're carnivores - well, ominivores - and the baby is into her protein that way too). There's a mix of good info and a some questionable-check-with-your-pediatrician info. For me, she kind of made the whole DIY food thing a bit more overwhelming and intimidating than it should be. Maybe borrow a friend's copy of the book, or check out in the library first before purchasing....
- started-but-never-finished
May 18, 2011
this is a wonderful, extremely helpful tool in learning how to feed your baby, toddler, children, family! A friend of mine gave it me when our 2 oldest were pretty little and I've used it with all four children. I made yoghurt in our gas oven in Texas using this book as a manual & it always turned out amazing. I now have a yoghurt maker which makes it a little easier but not neccesary with this book in hand. I think her perspective on meat is a little extreme and just a tad harsh but the average vegetarian, Vegan or carnivour can learn lots from each chapter. I especially appreciate her chapters on freezing & storing food which I still use to this day. The chapters focusing on food timelines for babies were also very helpful in feeding our little ones. It's chock full of time-saving, money-saving, helpful hints that are food-related and non-food related. If you are into making your own bread, sprouted bread, crackers & other homemade mixes, this is the book for you. Also helpful, are the chapters on nuts/seeds and how to incorporate them into daily life. All in all, a step closer to a healthier eating lifestyle ultimately for the whole family- not just baby.
- parenting
October 10, 2011
A friend recommended Super Baby Food. While I'm glad I've read through it, I feel somewhat meh about it. There is good tactical info on introducing a baby to foods (such as give them one new food at the time, and give it to them in the morning, so if there's a reaction it's more likely to happen during the day, not the middle of the night).
However, recipes are difficult to find, and are not in standard recipe format (except for a larger listing in the back of the back). Much gusto is made about a grain porridge, but there is so much explanatory information about the porridge, it's virtually impossible to find just the recipe!
The book is also packed with germophobic warnings that detract from its useful info. The author obsesses over things like boiling tap water and using "sterile" toothbrushes to wipe down can openers, and it's hard to take some of these "tips" and "warnings" seriously.
That said, we will check this book out from the library again when it's time to start our child on solid foods. We'll just dig through to the useful info as quickly as we can, and ignore the rest.
- family
236 reviews20 followers
July 18, 2011First of all, if you pick up this book and are semi-intelligent you can skip to chapter 19. I can't stand how in America everyone feels like they have to cover every tiny detail that should be common sense so that they don't get sued. That is what the bulk of this book is. There are 560 pages (all of which I did not read), and the useful information could be condensed down to maybe 100. For example, on the list of foods to avoid before you child is THREE are popcorn, marshmallows, blueberries, all berries, olives, peas, raisins, and the list goes on. My kids would starve if I were that paranoid. We'll just stay away from hard candy and meat gristle (also on the list), thanks.
What this book does have to offer is how to make super porridge and other recipes for homemade baby food. Great idea, but I hardly have time to read about baby food, much less make it. I definitely recommend it to first time moms that can start the habit of super porridge, then it won't be as hard to start with additional children.
July 11, 2009
While I appreciate the amount of research Yaron put into her book, I wouldn't recommend it to first time moms. She recommends a lot of foods that are high allergy foods, like nuts and doesn't mention appropriate ages to introduce them. However, this is probably the best reference on vegetarian food for babies and toddlers out there. She even goes into the science of the proteins and how to combine foods to get the most nutrients out of them. Overall her food suggestions are healthy and she does cite Brazelton, a well-known pediatrician, and her suggested diet easily includes his minimum recommendations for a toddler's daily food intake.
This book reads like a textbook so beware of that! You won't sit down and just breeze through it. However, the author seems aware of that and has cross-referenced the entire book, making it easy to jump from one topic of interest to another.
As a bonus, she includes some fun home-made activities and crafts for toddlers and preschoolers in the back of the book. I hope to try some of them with my son, they look neat.
- parenting-references
Baby food. Delicious and simple
Electronic library
Raising children, today's parents educate the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.
- A.S. Makarenko
Author: Ivushkina O. | |
Name: Baby food | |
Format: PDF (zip archive) | |
Size: 36. | |
Volume: 64 p. | |
Abstract: | |
The book for moms, dads and their children contains many recipes for tasty and healthy food. You will be able to learn all the nuances of children's cuisine and the peculiarities of preparing a wide variety of dishes, from cereals to vegetable and meat cuisine. We hope that this book will help you create an approximate diet for your child and please him with unprecedented and delicious dishes. Bon appetit to you and your children! | |
Content: | |
- Views: 11374
Children Speak
"Dad, don't kill the mosquito. - Misha, 3 years old |
Prescriptions for children
Preparing for school | |
Hand development | |
Learning to write | |
Interesting tasks | |
Modern techniques |
Alean Collection - official website of hotel chain
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Up to 25% discount for stays of 3 nights from 02/26/23 to 03/06/23!
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The Alean Collection network unites family resorts located in the pearl cities of the Black Sea coast: Anapa, Gelendzhik and Sochi. All of them create conditions for a rich, comfortable and carefree holiday with children of any age.
By combining the efforts and many years of experience of each hotel into uniform service standards, we were able to become more successful, recognizable and, most importantly, convenient for our guests. We are pleased to offer a truly comfortable and carefree vacation in Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, giving families new emotions. We pay special attention to our little guests, creating for them a whole world of entertainment and vivid emotions, while not forgetting the system of proper baby food and other components of child care.
The Alean Collection network is represented by 4-star and 5-star resorts:
Alean Family Doville Anapa
Alean Family Riviera Anapa
Alean Family Biarritz Gelendzhik
Alean Family Sputnik Sochi
Majestic by Alean Anapa
Development stages of the resort chain
Opening of the Riviera Club. Hotel & SPA 4* in Anapa. Implementation of the concept of a family holiday with children in the All Inclusive format
Opening of a new facility - Deauville Hotel & SPA 5 * in Anapa with the organization of work in the All Inclusive format
Joining the network of the hotel "Sosnovaya grove" 3 * in Gelendzhik, the beginning of work in the "All inclusive" format
Joining the network SOK "Sputnik" in Sochi. Start of work Deauville Hotel & SPA 5 * in the format "Ultra all inclusive"
All resorts have started working on the Ultra All Inclusive system.
They were united under the common brand Alean Family Resort Collection and launched after rebranding and reconstruction under new names:
Alean Family Resort & SPA Doville 5* Alean Family Resort & SPA Riviera 4* Alean Family Resort & SPA Biarritz 4* Alean Family Resort & SPA Sputnik 4*
Rebranding. Introduction of new brands.
A new line of hotels by Alean. Opening of a new facility - the hotel "Majestic by Alean" in Anapa with the organization of work in the "All inclusive" format
Alean Family Doville
Alean Family Doville is a recognized leader in the Russian tourism industry and a trendsetter in the hospitality industry.
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Alean Family Riviera
Alean Family Riviera is a family resort that combines a cozy, homely atmosphere and all the advantages of first-class hotel service.
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Alean Family Biarritz
Alean Family Resort & Spa Biarritz 4* is located in the center of Gelendzhik and is one of the most comfortable and atmospheric hotels in the city.
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Alean Family Sputnik
Alean Family Sputnik is the only one in Sochi that operates in the Ultra All Inclusive format, offering a rich and comfortable family vacation.
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New Year holidays will be held from January 1 to January 8
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The Health Tourism Association, with the support of Rostourism, held the awarding of the "TOP-5 health resorts by customer focus" for 2022.
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Unbridled fun, the ripest fruits and vegetables and three festival days, like the best memories of summer
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We have prepared a rich program of activities for children and adults
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Three festival days, a sea of eaten melons and hundreds of the brightest summer photos of our guests
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On October 10, the resort will open an indoor pool complex
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Corporate and social responsibility
The Alean Family Resort Collection chain of family resorts is developing in accordance with a long-term strategy, following the concept of Sustainable Development formulated by the UN and affecting the economic, environmental and social aspects of operations.
The company constantly invests in the development of the network and resorts, consistently improves the efficiency of network management and develops human capital. A systematic approach to the analysis of financial and economic activities and planning ensures a constant increase in the value of the company, allows you to maintain a leadership position and interest from tourists.
Industrial and environmental safety
The Alean Collection family resort chain strives to minimize the negative impact on the environment, increase consumption efficiency, and rationally use natural resources in the course of its activities.
In 2018, the Company developed the Environmental Standard, which lists the tasks aimed at protecting the environment, saving resources, improving the quality of service and greening the business. Its goal is to provide conditions for high-quality recreation for resort guests and favorable working conditions for employees while minimizing the negative impact on the environment.