4Th month baby food india
Baby Food Chart Month by Month For Indian Babies From 4-6 Months
Becoming a parent is one of the biggest joys. But the inherent responsibility often creates a lot of tension for the parents. The biggest worry is whether they are feeding the right things in the right proportion and how it will affect their baby’s health. The baby is unable to express their likes and dislikes, so the parent often is confused about what the child is comfortable with. It is often a trial and error situation that leaves the parent in a dilemma.
Every mother you know will have a different version of how to feed your baby, what to feed your baby, when and how much to feed her based on personal experiences. The advice is generally good, but you should try and stick to your own personal experiences. After all, it’s your baby and you know her best. Let us try and understand what suits the baby at the various stages in life. Breast milk is the best thing you can give her for at least the first year of life.
General food habits of 4-6-month-olds
Here is a food chart that will help you understand what foods you can prepare for your baby. It also gives you a fair idea as to what you feed her when.
Early morning | Breakfast | Mid- morning | Lunch | Afternoon | Dinner | Late night | |
Mon | Breast milk/formula | Banana puree | Breast milk/formula | Moong dal soup | Breast milk/formula | Ragi porridge | Breast milk/formula |
Tues | Breast milk/formula | Cheeku puree | Breast milk/formula | Pureed khichdi | Breast milk/formula | Suji kheer | Breast milk/formula |
Wed | Breast milk/formula | Apple sauce | Breast milk/formula | Carrot mash | Breast milk/formula | Rice gruel | Breast milk/formula |
Thurs | Breast milk/formula | Suji halwa | Breast milk/formula | Pumpkin puree | Breast milk/formula | Sweet potato kheer | Breast milk/formula |
Fri | Breast milk/formula | Sweet potato mashed | Breast milk/formula | Masoor dal soup | Breast milk/formula | Dal puree | Breast milk/formula |
Sat | Breast milk/formula | Rice cereal | Breast milk/formula | Pumpkin and carrot mashed | Breast milk/formula | Moong dal soup | Breast milk/formula |
Sun | Breast milk/formula | Avocado puree | Breast milk/formula | Lauki puree | Breast milk/formula | Suji Kheer | Breast milk/formula |
The best thing to feed the baby until 4 months of age is breast milk. Most paediatricians will suggest you not to start any solids till the age of 6 months. But do remember, the best way is to watch the baby not her age. You can start the baby on soft and easily digestible foods like mashed bananas, avocadoes and yoghurt at 4 months. You can also start with pre-cooked baby food available in the market with the advice of the Doctor.
Your options
The other option is to give lentils cooked in plenty of water. It is best to avoid solid lentils and just start with the watery part.
Rice and oatmeal are the safest cereals that you can give your baby. They are easily digested and have low allergic reactions as compared to other grains. Just cook them till they are super soft. It is not a good idea to give your baby salt or sugar in the first year of life.
The other things you could give your baby at this age are a little fruit juice and pureed fruits. It should be about a teaspoon at 4 months and can be gradually increased to about half a cup till 6 months. The best fruits to give are bananas and avocadoes in mashed and raw form. Cooked and pureed fruits that can be given to a baby are apples, pears, peaches and other soft fruits. It is not a good idea to give highly acidic fruits like citrus, strawberries and grapefruit.
Grapes are best avoided the whole as the baby might choke. You can peel and mash the same if you are keen. Fruits are a good source of soluble fibre and Vitamin C. More fruits can be introduced as the baby grows older.
More ideas
It is not a good idea to start too many vegetables at the four-month stage but you can slowly start pureed vegetables like carrots, peas and potatoes from the sixth month. Again do remember that too much fibre is also not recommended for babies of that age. The mantra is to go slow. Test the tolerance and then add a little more. Weaning is a slow and steady process. Your baby’s tastes develop at this time. Introduce new foods with caution and stick to a general plan.
The general consensus remains that you should start solid food in a soft pureed state only at 6 months, but if otherwise advised by a paediatrician you can start with the foods mentioned above. The health of the digestive system at this age is fragile and you should be careful in starting with age-appropriate food. If your baby seems unwilling to eat something, try a couple of weeks later. It is a sign that she is not ready to start weaning.
How much to feed your child?
Every mother thinks that her child is underfed. The matter is of grave concern to her. But in most cases the fears are unfounded. Your baby’s tummy is only as big as his fist. So the amount of food that goes into it is only a teaspoon or so at this age. Never expect your baby to finish her meal at this stage.
I have spent many an anxious day when my 5-month-old refused a single spoon of food! But as long as the baby is active and playing happily it should be perfectly alright.
This is a time to help her grow her repertoire of foods. Give every new food a few days to settle in. If the baby has issues like loose motions, constipation or even vomiting after eating something, do not repeat the food till a later age.
Grandma knows best. If you have an older lady whom you trust it might be helpful to take tips from her about what to feed your child. Many a time store-bought baby food can be lacking in nutrition and it is a better option to feed the baby indigenous food items like poha, sooji upma, kanji, kheer and so on.
Understand your child’s preferences
Let the taste of each food develop. The child and you are on a journey of experimentation. Choose foods that suit your baby as every baby feeds uniquely. In fact, you should avoid spicy and heavy food while you breastfeed your baby as most of it is passed to the baby and may upset her stomach. Most of the feeding pattern of the baby is demand-based at 4 months. You should feed the baby as and when required. This can be slowly increased and brought into a routine and the baby grows older.
Do not fret if your baby does not like solids at the beginning. Every taste needs to be developed. Watch the readiness of the baby and proceed with foods slowly. Always use your instincts, you know your baby best. Do not hesitate to take the help of the paediatrician to plan the baby’s meals. The doctor is your best guide.
The cardinal rule of parenting is that there are no rights and wrongs. Everything you do is the best for your baby and a mother’s instincts are never far from the mark. Enjoy this phase of motherhood. Every day is a new day at this age and your baby is growing so fast! Do not miss this time to savour the beauty of motherhood in fretting about unnecessary things.
Top 10 Ideas For 4 Month Baby Food
Some fruits and boiled vegetables may be given to your baby to fulfill their needs.
Image : Shutterstock
Finding suitable food ideas for your four months old baby may be confusing as this is probably the first time they are being introduced to solid food.
As babies turn four months, they become more active and playful. In addition, they start to exhibit more interest in their surroundings. Their stomachs also grow bigger and are ready for more food. Moreover, they seem less interested in milk and are ready to explore new food varieties.
If you recognize these signs in your baby, it is an indication that they have reached the developmental milestone where you may introduce them to solid foods.
Read the post to find whether your baby is ready for solids and to discover some interesting food ideas for them.
Is Your Baby Ready For Solids?
Your baby must have lost the ‘tongue thrust reflex’ by the time he is four months of age. Thrust reflex prevents the infants from choking. It also causes them to push the food out of their mouths. The World Health Organization recommends that we start solids at six months but solids may be introduced at four months. If your baby seems unsatisfied after milk feeds, can hold their head up without any support, can sit without support, wakes up more frequently at night to feed, follows your food with their eyes when you eat, then probably it is the time to introduce him to solid foods. See if your baby is interested in the food or not. If your child stares and grabs your food at dinnertime, then he is ready for some variety. The baby should be able to sit well without any support. Your child needs a good neck control to eat solid foods. It will enable him to swallow his food efficiently. The 4 months baby food should consist of solids.
Related: How To Teach A Baby To Chew And Swallow Their Food?
Top 10 Ideas:
Here are the top 10 ideas for 4 month baby food old as he begins his journey into solid foods.
1. Baby Cereal:
Baby cereal is the most recommended first food for infants. Prepare the cereal with formula or breast milk. It will give the cereal a texture and taste that he is already familiar with. Cereal is also one of the least allergenic foods, making it suitable for babies of 4 months. Give gluten-free cereal, particularly if you have a family history of Celiac diseases or allergies. Wheat, barley and rye cereal may be unsuitable for babies as they contain gluten. Rice and oatmeal are the least allergenic varieties of cereal.
2. Avocado:
Image: Shutterstock
If you want to serve a complete and delicious meal for your baby, then you can serve him avocado. Slice an avocado and spoon out the flesh. Mash it with a fork or puree in a food processor. Add breast milk or formula milk to make it more ‘soupy’.
Related: 11 Tasty And Easy-To-Make Avocado Baby Food Recipes
3. Banana:
Bananas are considered one of the nature’s most perfect foods. Babies love them for their natural sweetness. Also, banana is rich in fiber, so it will keep the things moving through your tot’s digestive system. Remove the skin of the banana and puree the flesh. You can also thin it with a little formula milk or breast milk. The food for 4 months baby is tasty with this all round nutritious fruit.
4. Butternut Squash:
Image: Shutterstock
Butternut squash has a pleasing texture, making it ideal for a baby’s palate. Baked butternut squash will make a great food for your little one. All you need to do is pierce the butternut squash and bake for an hour at 375 degrees. Cut it lengthwise and then scoop out the fibers and seeds. Then spoon out the flesh and mash with a fork or masher.
Related: 9 Tasty Butternut Squash Baby Food Recipes
5. Sweet Potato:
Sweet potato is a popular first food for babies. It is easier to digest and does not cause constipation in children. Cut the sweet potato and simmer in a little water until tender. Transfer to a food processor and puree, adding a little water or breast milk.
Related: Carrot For Babies: 11 Nutritious And Easy-To-Make Recipes
6. Carrots:
Image: Shutterstock
Carrot is another great choice for baby food. Cut the carrots into sticks and bake for over 20 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. The food for 4 month old baby is healthy with carrots.
7. Apple:
With your doctor’s consent, you can serve cooked apples to your baby. Dice the apple and simmer or steam until tender. Cooking apple until it is just tender will ensure that all the nutrients are preserved. Transfer to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. The 4 month old baby food is extremely nutritious with this addition.
Related: Cow Milk For Babies: Right Age, Benefits And Side Effects
8. Pear:
Image: Shutterstock
Pears are one of the safest foods to give as a first food. The allergic reactions to pear are rare. Also, they have a low acidity level, which makes them gentle on the tiny tummies. Puree steamed pear and add to the baby’s cereal.
9. Milk:
At this stage, breast milk will provide total nutrition to your baby. Don’t even think of replacing breast milk or formula until 12 months of age. It can cause serious health implications. Also, never give your child low-fat or skim milk products until he is 2 years old. The 4 months old baby food is extremely delicious with milk.
10. Peas:
Image: Shutterstock
Fiber filled peas will make an ideal first veggie for babies. Steam the peas for 6 minutes and puree in a food processor, adding the cooking liquid. Strain using a sieve to discard the solids. Pea puree may thicken after it is refrigerated. So stir in a small amount of water, formula or breast milk while heating.
- A baby’s tummy is the size of his fist. Do not expect your baby to finish a meal. He probably will eat just ½ of a tablespoon portion of what you serve to him.
- Serve a food to baby for four days at a stretch. It will help you learn the signs of intolerance and allergy. Follow this process until your baby has tried a variety of foods.
- Always serve cooked veggies to your baby so that he can chew it easily. Cooking breaks down the cell wall, making the food easier to digest by the baby.
- Place the spoon near your baby’s lips and let him taste and smell. Don’t be surprised if your tot rejects the first spoon. Wait for a few minutes and try again.
- Do not add any salt or pepper to the baby food.
- As your baby gets used to solid food, make the puree less runny. You can mash the food instead of pureeing it.
1. What if a baby refuses their first solid food?
A baby might refuse solid food if they are full, unwell, or irritable. Hence, try feeding them when they are hungry. Check the consistency of the solid food and make it baby-compatible. Foods that are too hot or too cold might also be refused. Try a variety of foods initially to see the taste they prefer the most. If your baby still refuses to eat solid foods, consult a pediatrician.
2. Can I give my four-month-old orange juice?
Juices may seem easy to introduce babies to the taste of fruits. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises not to give babies juices until one year unless recommended by a pediatrician (1).
3. How do I keep baby foods safe?
Always feed your baby fresh, home-cooked food. Wash the ingredients properly in clean tap water. If you are preparing baby food in bulk, freeze the food immediately in a tightly sealed container. Label the container with the date of preparation and time. Only take out the required amount of food from the container when feeding a baby (2). Always check the quality of the food before feeding it to a baby.
If you are looking for food ideas for your 4-month-old baby, begin by offering easily digestible foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes, and cereals. At four months, your tiny tot may be interested in eating foods other than milk. Though most babies are fed various solid foods after six months, you may introduce mashed forms of foods after they cross the four-month mark. Nevertheless, do not rush into introducing foods to your baby. Also, remember that all babies do not react to new foods alike. Hence, if you notice that your baby is not interested in certain foods, give them some time or try feeding other varieties.
Key Pointers
- 4-month-old babies can consume the puree of avocado, banana, and carrots.
- To identify food intolerance issues while introducing solids, serve one food for three to four days instead of feeding mixed foods.
- Avoid adding spices or salt to baby food.
MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
- Weighing in on fruit juice: AAP now says no juice before 1.
https://publications.aap.org/aapnews/news/14804 - How to make homemade baby food?
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Jessica Albert is a passionate writer who seeks to connect with her readers through wit and charm. Her work aims to invoke curiosity and keep the readers engaged through and through. She has prior experience working with magazines and e-commerce establishments as a content marketer and editor. Being a mother herself, she puts all her knowledge into creating content about... more
Moloko Mehlape is a registered dietitian in private practice with special interest in nutrition education, sports nutrition, weight and chronic disease management. She is a philanthropist passionate about making a positive impact in public health through nutrition. Dt. Mehlape has completed extensive formal education and training, and holds qualifications BSc Dietetics (Hons) - Medunsa, MSc Dietetics from the University of... more
Goa resorts with children
For those who come here with children for the first time, everything usually starts like this.
Ksenia Lobachevskaya blog freelivingAny mother brought up on the ideals of total hygiene and boiling would make her hair stand on end in India. Even I, who, it would seem, had already seen different India, when I got here with a child, at first there was a culture shock - I probably lost the habit in a couple of years.
After arriving at night, we settled in the same room as the first time upon arrival in Arambol 6 years ago. Small, dark, and now also very dirty (obviously, it has never been renovated).
But then life gradually gets better:
We washed everything and everything there, ourselves and the refrigerator — and finally exhaled. The slow cooker took its place of honor, the stock of food was bought and our first quiet family wintering in Goa flowed like a river. Day after day, month after month.
Whether to go to Goa with a small child is a rhetorical question. Forums explode from discussions. Someone thinks that experiments on the immunity of children are a dangerous business, and such trips are against. Others are sure that unsanitary conditions can be encountered in their native Anapa, and boldly pack their bags.
But Goa has two weighty arguments that you can't argue with: warm sea and endless beaches. If you have made a choice in their favor, we will tell you in which villages it is better to settle with a baby, is it possible to find cottage cheese and kefir in Goa, is it worth taking a stroller with you and how to place an order in a cafe so that the food is not fiery spicy.
How to get to Goa
Where is it better to live with children
- North Goa
- South Goa
How to feed a child
- Where to buy milk, baby purees and other
- How to feed a child in a cafe
How to entertain children in Goa
What you need to know about medicine in Goa
How to get to Goa
There are three routes to fly to Goa.
Tatyana Solomatina blog otdoxnitetalks about the first option:
Photo by Tatyana SolomatinaDirect charter flights fly from Russia to Goa during the tourist season. Such a flight from Moscow to Dabolim Airport takes about 7 hours. However, the trouble is that it is almost impossible to buy charter tickets during the season. Moreover, if tour operators throw them on the market, it is by no means at a “charter” price. However, this is the easiest way to get to Goa, so it is worth keeping an eye on such offers.
It is convenient to get from Dabolim Airport by transfer. Why?
- easy to book and pay online;
- you can order a child seat, booster and even a car seat in the salon;
- the driver will meet and take you to the car. After a tiring 7-hour flight, you simply put the baby in the car and go to your vacation spot, rather than running around the airport looking for a taxi.
The next two ways to get to Goa are to fly to Mumbai or Delhi. If you take a ticket with a transfer in Istanbul or Zurich, you can save a lot.
From Delhi and Mumbai you can get to Goa by plane, train or bus. In the first case, it will be expensive, By bus - long, but cheap. When traveling by rail, it is important to match the schedule with the time of arrival, as trains do not run at night.
Photo by Tatyana Solomatina ❗You can also drive from Delhi to Goa by rented car. You can take it directly at the airport or even at home online. Most importantly, do not forget to indicate in the application that you need a child seat or booster.
Where is it better to live with children
Map of GoaGoa is divided into two parts, north and south. You will not find large cities on the seashore, but there are many small villages.
Experienced traveling mothers talk about the difference between northern and southern Goa.
Svetlana, guest at economlegko:
I have been to GOA five times, for a period of two weeks to a month. And always with children, starting from the age of three. For holidays with children, you need to go only to the south. There are no anxious men, no such dirt as in the north. And, of course, there is no entertainment either. Get ready to entertain the kids yourself. And the rest - GOA - it's a great vacation.
Maryalice13, user otzyv:
If you are a fan of absolute seal rest and complete relaxation, if you do not get tired of eating in the same restaurant, if you are a champion of one hundred percent cleanliness and order, then you should definitely choose one of the hotels in the south of Goa.
We rented a motorbike and rode up north for fun. I can’t say that the distances there are gigantic, but you still can’t run into a child, so this time I knew for sure that we would go to the north of Goa.
Site author indianochka:
If you need peace and beautiful nature, then welcome to South Goa. But you will most likely not see any fun holidays and unusual people here. North Goa is saturated with the color of a mixture of cultures, noisy youth, the atmosphere of an eternal holiday, but the beaches and hotels here are objectively worse.
❗ The stroller is only needed to move around the airport. It will be difficult with her in Goa, because there are no sidewalks and good roads.
North Goa
In Arambol you can stay in a guest house, rent an apartment or find a bamboo bungalow right on the seashore. True, in the latter case, you will have to live without hot water and a kitchen.
These are the same bamboo bungalows There are many cafes and restaurants in the village.
tell where in Arambol you can feed the whole family with borscht or dumplings:
For those who miss Russian cuisine, there is Pirozhki cafe. It is located 3 minutes drive from Arambol towards Mandrem on the right side. Stylized as a simple garage, to the melodies of Soviet songs, you will be fed with borscht, dumplings, dumplings, pies and compote. Everything is exactly like in Soviet times.
You won't be able to relax on the main beach in Arambol. And here's why:
If you walk towards the Mandrem beach, you will find quiet and suitable places for swimming.
The quietest area in the north of Goa. At this resort, you will not suffer from noisy night parties under the windows. The beach here is one and a half kilometers long. The entrance to the sea is gentle, there are no big waves. There are vegetable shops and grocery stores.
One of the minuses of the village is its remoteness from the sea. On a bike, you can drive to the nearest beach in 5 minutes or walk for 30–40. In addition, bloggers note that the houses here are very dark and the light has to be turned on even during the day.
Mandrem is popular with tourists, it is better to book accommodation here in advance.
If you are afraid of the language barrier, go to this village. Many tourists from Russia rest here, and in the cafe you can easily order lunches from the Russian-language menu. True, prices here are higher than in other villages of North Goa. But there are also fewer tourists. In addition, if you rent accommodation in advance, you can save a decent amount.
An additional argument in favor of Morjim is a three-kilometer beach with fine sand and a gentle entry into the water.
Maryalice13 with otzyv vacationed in Morjim with a 3-year-old child and shares advice on where to swim:
If you are facing the sea, then on the left the beach strip is narrower, where rolling waves flood the first row of sun loungers, not entirely, of course, but somehow it's not very cool.
On the right, on the contrary, you have to cut 20-30 meters to the sea. We spent time here. The child calmly dug in the dry sand, not fearing that his toys would be carried away by the oncoming wave. And if the daughter wanted to run along the beach, we had no fear that she would somehow accidentally end up in the sea without us.
❗There is even a kindergarten here. Babies from one and a half years old can be left for several hours or a whole day.
Polina spent the winter in Goa with her husband and a one-year-old child. On the detkitur website, he tells what is good about Kerim and what are his disadvantages:
North Goa's latest beach, surrounded by pine trees that provide amazing shade. It is very sparsely populated and more one feels unity with nature. And here is the only equipped embankment: you can walk along the sea along the asphalt alley in the shade of tall trees, sit in the little squares by the sea on the benches.
But Kerim has a very steep entry into the sea and a narrow sandy strip. Our child almost did not swim, mostly played near the sun loungers in the shade of the canopy. At the very beginning of the beach there are several cafes, all of them without a shower.
You can rent accommodation in Kerim on the spot, but with a child it is better to rent it in advance.
❗Where you don't have to go in North Goa , says the same Maryalice13 with otzyv:
For holidays with children, I do not recommend choosing the following beaches - Candolim, Calangute, Baga, Anjuna and Vagator. I don’t recommend it for the following reasons: on some of them, rather sharp stones complicate entry into the water, and algae come across (my child categorically refused to enter the water when he saw algae, “dirty water” and that’s it), these beaches are popular with the Indians themselves that does not add to their purity.
South Goa
This area includes 11 villages.
Pavel Laputskov on travelask advises where to find the best beach:
Photo by travelaskGeographically, the settlement of Majorda includes three beaches - Utorda, Majorda and Colva. The last beach is considered the most popular among locals and Indian tourists, so it is always noisy, crowded, and sometimes dirty. For relaxation, it is best to choose Majorda Beach or Utorda. These two beaches have amazing sand, there are several seks where you can have a delicious meal, and it is also not very crowded.
There are many accommodation options in Majorda, it is better to book a hotel or apartment online even before the trip.
Iskra website MAKE-TRIPtells what will attract this village:
Photo courtesy of new-travelerBenaulim has a relaxed atmosphere. The main contingent of vacationers are Russian tourists and Europeans of retirement age. There are no noisy clubs, but there are small cafes. Life here starts early and ends early too - by 19:00 everything is already closed.
The nearest shops and other benefits of civilization are in the neighboring villages of Margao and Colva.
As in other resorts, it is better to rent accommodation in Benaulim in advance.
Pavel and Alexandra Volkov website travel4live.rustayed at this resort for a month, and here's why:
We traveled all over the state and from the resort areas we liked South Goa the most, namely, the Palolem area - the cleanest, calmest and most picturesque part of the resort state. The beach here is the most pleasant, the water is clean, good infrastructure.
Accommodation in Palolem can also be rented online.
Photo from the site Forum Vinskogo
How to feed a child
Where to buy milk, baby purees and other
In stores you will find the usual flour, oatmeal, rice, semolina and pasta. There will be no problems with milk and sour milk either: there is sour cream, yogurt, milk and cheese.
Natalia Lyubimova tells how things are in Goa with baby formula and canned puree:
Artificial nutrition (mixtures) is available in pharmacies. I have not seen canned purees, and there is no need for them. A blender costs 700 rupees (350 rubles), there are more sophisticated ones for 1000-1500 rupees. Vegetables and fruits most suitable for mashed potatoes are zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, avocados, etc. Fruits - papaya, mango, watermelon, bananas - great for kids.
How to feed a child in a cafe
Forum member Maryalice13 recalls that there were no problems with baby food in the cafe:
Almost all cafes have porridge on the menu, simple oatmeal, either with fruit (there are many fruits in it), or with banana, rice porridge, pancakes with various fillings. Everything is delicious! The child ate with pleasure. We dined, as a rule, in cafes on the beaches. There you can safely order chicken soup or soup with seafood (if the child eats it), most importantly, specify what it is for the child and ask to do not spicy.
A separate topic is the local Naan flatbreads, they are of several types, with garlic, garlic and cheese, etc., they can be eaten endlessly! Very, very tasty! The daughter ate by herself and fed the beach dogs.)
Inna Cherepanova, the author of economlegko, doesn't have such a rosy idea about catering in Goa:
In Goa, food adapted for tourists, there is a cafe with Italian, Russian, American cuisine. But as soon as you move a little further from the central beaches, the problems of “what to eat” begin. My husband and I on trips calmly, and sometimes with pleasure, ate at local eateries. Tali and dosa - and no diarrhea! The main ingredient is rice. And if the child does not like rice? You won't have to travel far from the tourist spots. Someone would not really want to, but we always like to climb into remote or simply unbeaten paths for tourists. If rice goes well with your children, you will not be lost in India.
She also warns:
Never drink water in jugs.
In Indian eateries, jugs of drinking water are always served. This is included in the price of the order. All the locals drink. I do not advise you. And don’t let a child near these jugs at all! Dysentery can be easily caught.
How to entertain children in Goa
Here are some places of interest for children:
- Bigfoot Museum
- Cotigao Nature Reserve
- Anjuna Water Park
- Goa Aviation Museum
- Aguada Fort
- Redi fort
If you want to dilute your beach holiday with excursions, you can go crab fishing on the Nerul River with the whole family under the guidance of a Tripster guide.
What you need to know about medicine in Goa
In order not to overpay for the services of doctors and medicines in an unfamiliar country, be sure to buy medical insurance for the whole family. Keep all receipts and checks - then show them to the insurance company for reimbursement.
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Tatyana Solomatina recalls how she called the doctor to her son, who had a high temperature on vacation:
Photo from explore-knowmoreLess than half an hour later, a shiny new local ambulance drove into the area. The car was really cool, fully equipped inside (specially looked when seeing off the doctors).
Two people entered the room, as I later realized - a doctor and a nurse. Both are young, about 30 years old, with a smile conducive to communication. They wiped their hands with alcohol wipes that they had with them. The doctor carefully examined the child. They spoke in English. The diagnosis was poisoning, they left six local preparations: for fever, absorbents, antibiotics, enzymes for the stomach, some kind of powder, such as rehydron and vitamins.
The temperature dropped in the evening and did not rise again.
Ksenia Lobachevskaya talks about her acquaintance with a pediatrician:
The nearest clinic accepting insurance policies turned out to be in Mandrem - Sofiya Clinic. And during this season we got to know her doctor Dr.Ravinder Singh Chhikara. He made a quite good impression, he knows a little Russian, he is ready to meet, he goes to the house. A visit to his clinic costs 500 rupees, a home visit costs 2,000 rupees. Our insurance paid off. Prescribes a list of medications. Antibiotics do not recommend, but do not delay. Almost all medicines can be dispensed on the spot. In general, medicines in India are very affordable and, according to reviews, are of very high quality (fakes are rare).
What to watch out for
There are 5 types of venomous snakes in India. There is an antidote, but you need to have time to see a doctor. Tell your child not to touch snakes.
The same applies to jellyfish. You can not touch them: there will be a burn. If contact does occur, take the child to the doctor at a run.
Drinking water
Do not drink or cook with tap water. Ask at the bar not to put ice in your drinks.
Have a good trip!
Rules for the introduction of complementary foods for a child 4 - 12 months old: the first complementary foods, menus, diagrams, tables, principles of nutrition for a baby
Modern principles of complementary feeding of children is a kind of fusion of practical experience and the latest scientific developments. They are based on the recommendations of the European Association of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Nutritionists ESPGHAN , American Academy of Pediatrics AAR and national recommendations of relevant ministries and associations.
Complementary foods: online course
Modern recommendations are based on the analysis of the results of many studies on the composition, timing of the introduction of complementary foods in Europe for healthy full-term newborns, taking into account various aspects of the introduction of complementary foods, its impact on indicators of physical and mental development. Timely introduction of complementary foods contributes to the optimal development of all systems and organs of the child, physical parameters, psychomotor development, and the activity of the nervous system. The period of introduction of complementary foods is very important for the growth and development of the child, as well as an outstanding stage in the transition of the child from breastfeeding to feeding from the general table.
- It is inappropriate to develop separate recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods for breastfed or artificially fed children, the approaches in these cases are the same
- Breast milk mothers remains the gold standard of exclusive breastfeeding for at least 4 months (17 weeks) of an infant's life, up to 6 months (26 weeks) of exclusive or predominant breastfeeding
- The digestive tract and kidney function are mature enough for a baby to accept complementary foods at 4 months of age, and between 5 and 6 months the baby develops the necessary motor skills to consume solid foods.
Therefore, at this age, it is important to give food of the right consistency and in the right way
- A well-nourished mother can provide all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals her baby needs through exclusive breastfeeding up to a maximum of 6 months of age
- Some children may need iron supplementation earlier than 6 months
- It is important to continue breastfeeding in parallel with the introduction of complementary foods. This has been shown to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, as well as hospitalizations in a child
- Comparing the initiation of complementary foods at 4 or 6 months of age, there were no significant differences in the effect on growth and body weight, development of obesity during the first 3 years of life
- At the same time, a high risk of developing overweight and obesity was established with the introduction of complementary foods before 4 months of age
- Complementary foods (solid or liquid food other than breast milk or infant formula) should be started not earlier than 4 months and not later than 6 months
- With age, with the introduction of complementary foods, the child should be offered food varied in texture, texture, taste, smell
- Children have an innate tendency to distinguish and prefer sweet and salty foods, reluctantly eat bitter, which we cannot change.
But we can shape and adjust the child's taste preferences through training, systematically offering the child foods with different tastes, including sour, bitter green vegetables
- Whole cow's milk is not recommended for children under 12 months of age. The use of cow's milk is associated with the intake of an increased amount of energy, protein, fat, and lower - iron. Therefore, children who consumed large amounts of cow's milk at an early age had a higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia
- Eating more protein when complementary foods increase the risk of overweight and obesity, especially in individuals with a predisposition to this, so protein intake should not exceed 15% of energy intake during the day
- The baby's need for iron is very high during the entire period of complementary feeding, so it is necessary to ensure the provision of iron-rich foods, especially for breastfed children
- Allergenic products can be administered from 4 months of age at any time, as it is during this period that immune tolerance to the allergen is formed.
For example, children at high risk of developing allergic reactions to peanuts should be administered at 4-12 months of age under specialist supervision. No relationship was found between the timing of the introduction of allergenic complementary foods and the development of allergic or immunological diseases. However, this does not mean the need for early introduction of allergenic products to everyone, but it emphasizes that there is no need to postpone the introduction of allergenic products after 4 months for a longer period;
- Gluten may be offered to a child aged 4-12 months, however, large amounts of gluten should be avoided during the first weeks after initiation of its introduction, thereafter a safe amount has not been established. The type of feeding (breast/artificial) was not identified with the introduction of gluten to reduce the risk of developing celiac disease, type 1 diabetes;
- Sugar or salt should not be added to complementary foods and sweetened drinks and juices should be avoided.
Sugary drinks are liked by babies in the first months, but if they are not given, but after 6 months, the children no longer like them very much. Sugar affects future eating behavior. Sugar is an important factor in the development of caries - it contributes to caries, as glucans can be formed, which increase the adhesion of bacteria to tooth enamel, disrupt the diffusion balance of acid and buffer systems, which ultimately contributes to damage to the enamel.
- Vegetarian diets are contraindicated in young children due to the risk of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, folate, long chain fatty acid, protein and calcium deficiencies, which can lead to irreversible adverse effects and impaired cognitive development;
- Vegetarian diet can be used only under the close supervision of a doctor and nutritionist, with the obligatory additional administration of vitamins B, D, iron, zinc, calcium, proteins, PUFAs, which can ensure the appropriate growth and development of the child.
It is important that parents should be aware of the risk of irreversible harmful consequences (mental disability, death of the child) that may develop if they do not follow the recommendations of specialists.
General rules for the introduction of complementary foods for children of the first year of life:
- Introduce the first complementary foods Better feeding , to trace the reaction of the child to the new product.
- Sugar and salt free .
- Give the first complementary foods to the child when he is calm and not tired .
- Start with 0.5-2 teaspoons. If the child refuses, do not insist, try to give later or the next day.
- If the reaction is normal - no rash, no skin changes, no stool changes, double the dose the next day. Gradually bring the baby's first complementary foods to the age norm 80-200 g
- If there is an allergic reaction or other intolerance reaction - refuse to introduce this complementary food for three days, if the adverse reaction occurs again - do not give this product, contact your pediatrician.
- Each subsequent new complementary food must be one-component only: marrow, cabbage, broccoli, buckwheat, meat, etc.
- Mixed food dish give when the child has already become acquainted with all the products separately.
- It is not advisable to introduce new products three days before and after vaccinations.
If you are thinking about introducing complementary foods, then your child should already have certain signs of readiness for this:
- Holds the head
- Able to stand alone, practically without support, sit on a special high chair with side support
- Opens mouth when a spoonful of food is offered
- Turns away from a spoonful of food when not hungry
- Closes mouth with spoon in mouth Holds food in mouth and then swallows rather than pushing or spitting it out
First complementary foods at 4 months
The age of 4 months as the minimum for the introduction of complementary foods was also chosen because at 4 months the child's gastrointestinal tract becomes more mature: the initially increased permeability of the small intestine mucosa decreases, the number of digestive enzymes, a sufficient level of local immunity is formed, the child acquires the ability to swallow semi-liquid and thicker food, associated with the extinction of the “spoon ejection reflex”.
Therefore, to the question whether it is necessary to give complementary foods to a 3-month-old baby , we can unequivocally answer: no, it's too early!
But 4 months, this is the time when you can think about the introduction of complementary foods. At the same time, it should be remembered that at the age of 4 months, the child has enough mother's milk or a highly adapted milk formula for its full development. In addition, when they talk about complementary foods at 4 months, they usually mean the end of the 4th month of life. It is important to continue breastfeeding in parallel with the introduction of complementary foods.
Video: Power feeding at 4 months
If you enter complementary foods at the 4th month of life of the child -this is usually a single-component vegetable or fruit puree , if the child is not well gained well. , then it can be gluten-free porridges: rice and buckwheat . It is better to start with vegetable puree. Kids are smart and if he tries a sweeter fruit puree, he can refuse vegetable puree for quite some time and you may have difficulty introducing this very healthy dish.
What is useful in vegetable supplements and what is the best way to prepare it?
Vegetable puree - for the first feeding can be prepared from cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli - these are low-allergenic products, are among the ten most useful vegetables in the diet of children, contain a large amount of healthy proteins, fiber and vitamins, microelements ! Fiber helps move food through the digestive tract and promote beneficial microflora in the gut. Pectins absorb and remove toxins from the baby's body. Vegetables have a positive effect on the acid-base balance of the body, creating conditions for the proper functioning of all organs and systems.
Cauliflower - is a good source of fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B6, as well as a small amount of vitamins K, D and tocopherol (vitamin E). In the inflorescences of cabbage there is a lot of magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. It contains twice as much iron as green peas, peppers and lettuce. Cauliflower protein is easily digestible and its content is quite high. Cauliflower protein contains essential vitamin U (methionine). It is one of the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. Other essential amino acids are also present in a small amount: arginine, tryptophan.
Zucchini - rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins C, B1 and B2 and others, folic acid. Which plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis. Zucchini is rich in such important trace elements as iron and copper. They are necessary for the formation of nervous tissue, normalization of metabolism, as well as for the formation of hemoglobin, which is a good prevention of anemia.
Broccoli is a very useful vegetable, which is a kind of cauliflower. Pleasant soft taste and good digestibility of the product, unique composition have a beneficial effect on the health of both adults and children. Eat unopened cabbage inflorescences. This is also a low-allergenic vegetable, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, iron, trace elements and even phytoncides. The content of calcium and magnesium is sufficient to balance the functioning of the nervous system, ensure the normal regulation of the child's sleep and wake cycle, and good stress resistance. A child with such nutrition becomes calmer, less excited and naughty.
Broccoli is the leader in choline and methionine content. Only 50 g of broccoli provides the baby with a full set of nutrients for a day.
Pumpkin is the largest vegetable on Earth. It is one of the ten most useful vegetables in the diet of children, contains a large amount of useful proteins, fiber and vitamins, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, K, iron, potassium, magnesium, trace elements that are indispensable for children's nutrition, as they strengthen immunity and help fight inflammation, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. By the content of carotene, pumpkin exceeds carrots by 5 times.
Vitamins and microelements contained in pumpkin help the child grow, provide healthy sleep, are responsible for the condition of the skin and eyes, improve metabolic processes, and accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the child's body. Due to its beneficial qualities, pumpkin can be one of the first types of complementary foods for an infant.
All vegetable purees have a specific vegetable smell, this is absolutely normal
Introduction of vegetable puree
Vegetables should be introduced into the child's menu gradually. Start giving each new vegetable in the form of a monocomponent puree in the amount of ½ teaspoon, preferably at breakfast, so you can track the manifestations of food allergies or intolerance reactions to this product. If all is well, then the next day, offer him a teaspoon. So gradually you need to bring the portion to 50-100 grams. A serving of vegetable puree per day for an 8-month-old baby is approximately 80 grams. In a year, you can increase up to 150 grams. The next product can be administered no earlier than 4-5 days later. If a child has skin rashes, his stool has changed, then you need to remove the product from the diet and consult a pediatrician.
If the child does not like the dish, for example, broccoli, do not give up and continue to offer this vegetable in small quantities - 1-2 spoons a day, maybe not even once, but 2-3 times before meals, and after 7 - 10, and sometimes 15 days, the baby will get used to the new taste. This diversifies the diet, will help form the right taste habits in the child.
Fruit puree introduction
Fruit puree is a definite alternative and addition to vegetables. It can be made from apples, bananas - by the way, do you know what a berry is?, sweet varieties of pears. These fruits contain substances useful for babies, vitamins and minerals, including iron, which is extremely necessary for children. Prune puree is somewhat separate, it has a good effect on the baby's digestion, especially with a tendency to constipation, and, of course, also contains many useful substances.
Porridge in the diet of a child in the first year of life.
Porridge can be introduced into the baby's diet at the end of 4 months or at the fifth, sixth month of life. As a rule, they go as a second food after vegetable or fruit puree. But if your child is not gaining weight very well, or you have been feeding your child with breast milk or infant formula until almost the end of 6 months, then complementary foods can be started with the introduction of cereals.
It is important to start with one-component, low-allergenic cereals which does not contain gluten : this is buckwheat, rice, corn porridge .
gluten-containing cereals include: wheat, oats, rye, barley, millet .
According to modern data the period of introduction of gluten into the child's diet is not of fundamental importance, but the latest recommendations draw attention to the fact that its amount in the baby's diet should not be large. Therefore, it is better to add semolina and oatmeal to other porridge in a limited amount, and not to give it on its own. No relationship was found between the timing of the start of complementary foods that contain gluten and the development of celiac disease in a child. If your child hasn't tried porridge yet, start with a dairy-free, gluten-free, one-ingredient buckwheat or rice porridge.
Rice - very useful for growing baby. It has a low content of vegetable proteins, therefore it is easily digested and is especially useful for toddlers with unstable stools. Rice has a high nutritional value and, to a certain extent, protects the delicate intestines of the baby due to its enveloping effect. This is a hearty and nutritious dish with a good content of carbohydrates and proteins, potassium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, beneficial amino acids and vitamins. It replenishes energy costs, energizes and gives strength. Rice is not recommended for overweight children and those who suffer from severe constipation.
Gluten-free buckwheat porridge - very nutritious and rich in iron, fiber, rich in various vitamins and microelements. This is also a good option for starting a child's acquaintance with adult food. These porridges can be prepared with water, breast milk, milk formula, which your child is used to. No need to add salt and sugar.
Rules for introducing porridge into baby food
If the child already eats porridge from 5 months, then at 6 months you can offer a more complex porridge - for example, rice porridge with apricot or raspberries, rice porridge with banana (this is very successful a combination both in taste and in its properties) or even more complex porridge - corn-rice with banana.
Over time, apple, banana, pear, plum and prunes, apricot and dried apricots, broccoli, carrots, berries, can be added to the porridge, provided that the child is not allergic to them.
The rules for introducing cereals are the same as for vegetable puree. In order for the child to get used to the new product and its consistency more easily, first prepare 5% porridge (5 g of cereal per 100 g of water), if you make it yourself. Porridge is usually cooked with water, but can be made with breast milk, infant formula. First, give the baby one teaspoon, then, within 7-10 days, bring the volume of porridge of the same percentage to the full volume of feeding (150 g). If all this time the porridge is well tolerated, i.e. there are no skin rashes, the child has stable stools, they switch to a gradual (starting from 20-30 g) introduction of porridge of the same cereal, but already at a 10% concentration (10 g of cereal per 100 g of water). In other words, a thicker porridge is administered no earlier than 7-10 days from the beginning of the introduction of porridge. The complete introduction of 10% porridge to the baby is also carried out in 7-10 days. The third week falls on the complete addiction of the child to a new dish. Only after that you can introduce a new cereal (in the form of 10% porridge) or the next complementary foods.
Video: feeding porridge
You need to give porridge with a spoon, it is better in the morning for breakfast. After porridge at the stage of its introduction, the child should be offered breast or milk formula. With artificial feeding, the volume of the mixture after a portion of porridge should be such that, together with porridge, it is 200 ml with five meals a day.
Norms for the introduction of cereals
In the future, the volume of the portion of porridge gradually increases, amounting to:
- 7-8 months - 160-170 ml
- 8-9 months - 170-180 ml
- 9-12 months - up to 200 ml (there is a complete replacement of one feeding of the child with complementary foods)
Cereal schedule
- Day 1 – 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Day 2 - 2 teaspoons (10 g)
- Day 3 - 3 teaspoons (15 g)
- Day 4 - 4 teaspoons (20 g)
- Day 5 - 50 ml (50 g)
- Day 6 - 100 ml (100 g)
- Day 7 - 150 ml (150 g)
Meat complementary foods - the rules for introducing meat into the child's diet
Meat is usually the third, very important product of complementary foods, after vegetables and cereals. The meat contains amino acids, complete animal protein, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12), heme iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, which are necessary for the growth and development of the child. It is very important to understand that mashed meat contains iron, which is easily absorbed. And the addition of meat to vegetables improves the absorption of iron from them, from vegetables.
Iron deficiency can seriously affect the intellectual development of the child, his immunity, hematopoiesis. Since your task is to raise a healthy and intelligent child, meat complementary foods must be introduced without fail and in a timely manner.
Heme iron - found in meat products and easily digestible (red meat-veal, liver), absorption is about 25%.
Non-heme iron - found in plant foods (beans, beans, lentils, peas, nuts, tomatoes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, apples, dried fruits, but it is absorbed from plants much worse - only 3-5% Iron absorption from other animal products (eggs, fish) is 10-15%. 0003
It is important to know that human milk enhances , while cow's milk reduces iron absorption .
Timing of the introduction of meat complementary foods
It is advisable to introduce meat puree to a child aged 6-8 months . This, to some extent, depends on when cereals and vegetable/fruit purees were introduced. if your baby has been eating vegetables and cereals since 4 months, meat can be introduced at 6 months. From 7 months it can be administered if the child is not gaining weight. From 8 months to children who started complementary foods at 6 months.
Children at risk for anemia are advised to introduce meat earlier at 5-6 months of age.
It has been proven that only the daily use of children's enriched porridge and meat puree can fully meet the needs of children in iron, zinc and other micronutrients.
You can start meat complementary foods with lean beef, veal , but better with less allergenic poultry meat ( turkey, chicken ), or rabbit, these are the most easily digestible meats.
Goose and pork are fatty for the baby, and the meat of duck and other birds of the reservoirs is also not suitable for the first feeding. They are recommended to give only after 3 years;
Horsemeat is perfect for your baby. The product is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but it is almost impossible to find horse meat for sale.
Meat should be introduced into the child's diet gradually, at lunchtime, at first, a quarter of a teaspoon and, gradually adding, bring it to the daily norm: At 8 months, about 50 g, at 9months-60-70 g.
Video: Power feeding meat
The introduction of puree 9000
At first, it is better to give meat with vegetable puree, which the child has already eaten, so he will better adapt to the new product, and iron is better absorbed. Children at the end of the first year of life can already be given 3 varieties of mashed meat.
Baby menu at 7-8 months
At 7-8 months you can start giving children 2 baby cottage cheese Start with 1/2 teaspoon. Within a month, the daily volume of cottage cheese consumption by a baby can be increased to 30-40 g. In addition, a child of 8 months is recommended to give sour-milk infant formula. But ordinary yogurt from the store should not be given. At this age, the child should receive 5 g of butter and 5 g (1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil, ¼- yolk - 2-3 times a week.
Baby's menu at 9 months
At the age of 9 months Your baby is already familiar at this age already usually familiar: , egg yolk . You may have already met meat . Therefore, at this age, they usually give more complex purees and porridges, less homogenized, of various tastes , gradually preparing him for adult nutrition, increasing the variety and quantity of complementary foods. It is desirable to feed the baby at the table with other family members, he must see how his parents eat with pleasure, he learns from them. The amount of food offered should be based on the principles of actively encouraging the baby to eat, it is necessary to continue to gradually change the consistency and increase the variety of complementary foods, adhering to the recommended frequency of introducing complementary foods.
At this age, the child usually gets complementary foods 3 times a day . His diet depends on the age of the start of complementary foods. If the baby began to give new food at 4-5 months, the list of allowed foods will be much wider than if this happened at 6-7 months. Therefore, all this is very individual, there are no absolutely rigid frameworks and recommendations. On the Internet you will find a lot of different advice on baby food, if you are not sure about something, it is better to consult your pediatrician.
From vegetables the baby can be given what he ate before, mixing them: pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and others, adding 1 tsp. vegetable oil . If the baby does not have skin reactions, then you can give beets . It is also possible to give two-, three-component vegetable purees and soups , but only on condition that he is already familiar with these products and has not had a reaction to them.
If you have introduced complementary foods, then you need to remember that water is an important part of baby food. You can use purified water or special water for children .
In addition, at 9 months you can give special baby wheat cookies , which the baby will be happy to eat on his own as an adult, white wheat bread, this improves hand motility, improves eating skills, but at the same time he must be supervised.
At this age, you can start giving fish puree from low-fat varieties: river perch, pollock, hake, haddock, zander, saithe - start with ½ teaspoon, bringing up to 40-50 g , give at lunchtime instead of mashed meat, 1-2 times a week. But a number of pediatricians do not advise giving it up to a year, it is a useful, but highly allergenic product.
10 month old baby menu
B 10 months usually 2 times a day the child receives mother's breast or special milk formulas . Various porridges : buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, wheat, semolina porridge . 5-10 g of butter should be added to cereals . At this age, it is already possible to make complex cereals from 2-3 cereals with which the child is familiar, add various fruits, vegetables: apple, banana, pear, plum and prunes, apricot and dried apricots, broccoli, carrots, berries , provided that the child is not allergic to them, or use ready-made cereals with fruit.
From vegetables the baby can be given what he ate earlier, mixing them: pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets and others, adding 1 tsp. vegetable oil . It is also already possible to give two-, three-component vegetable purees and soups, but only on condition that he is already familiar with these products and he did not have a reaction to them.
At this age, the baby already usually eats about 40-50 g of baby meat puree from chicken, turkey, rabbit , with good tolerance to cow's milk proteins from veal or beef. If he has been eating meat for a month or more, you can start giving him two-component meat purees , such as chicken and turkey.
At this age, fish puree from low-fat varieties is usually started: river perch, pollock, hake, haddock, zander, pollack with ½ teaspoon, bringing to 40-50 g, following the reaction of the child, it is better to give at lunchtime instead of mashed meat, 1-2 times a week .
At 10 months, children's cottage cheese should be given 2 times a week. Start with 1/2 teaspoon if you have not given it before, the daily amount of cottage cheese at this age 40-50 g .
It is recommended to give special sour-milk baby formulas.
At this age, the child can receive 5-10 g of butter and 5 g (1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil, and 2-3 times a week½ - yolk .
Child's menu at 1 year old
The child is one year old. He has already grown up, he already has 6-10 teeth, with which he gnaws everything he sees, he is interested in chewing food, his digestive enzymes already work well and he has already become acquainted with various products: vegetable and fruit purees, various cereal cereals, meat and fish, sour-milk mixtures. In fact, he is already prepared for the transition to a more adult diet. In a year, changing the diet involves turning to new products and gradually changing the way they are prepared and the degree of grinding.
You need to eat 5 times a day with an interval 3.5-4 hours .
The basis of nutrition should still be semi-liquid dishes , but not only mashed, but also containing small pieces of food . Too dry food should not be given to the baby yet, as he may have difficulty swallowing.
In the year the child is already trying to eat with his hands and should be encouraged to do so. Finely chopped, soft foods can be given eg: small pieces of soft fruits, vegetables, cheese, well-cooked meats, pasta , etc. and products that dissolve quickly, children's cookies, children's bread - as food with the help of hands.
Must avoid products that can enter the respiratory tract and cause asphyxia - sausages and other hard meat products , nuts (especially peanuts), grapes, raisins, raw carrots, popcorn, round candies . Hold off on this for now.
In a year, part of the children are without mother's milk. But if your baby is still not weaned - do not rush, if possible, give him a breast before bed at night. You can also breastfeed between main meals. At this age, the child receives all the main vitamins and minerals from food, but he can get a number of biologically active components from breast milk.
Dairy products
Dairy products still occupy an important place in the child's diet, it is a source of calcium, B vitamins, protein, milk sugar and fat. It is better to use special baby milk (marked with a triple on the package), baby fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt in total 500-600 ml per day .
Cottage cheese
The child should be given cottage cheese. The daily dose of cottage cheese after 1 year can be increased up to 70 g per day . It can be given pureed or combined with fruit puree, pudding, casserole. This contributes to the development of chewing skills.
Butter can be added to cereals or smeared on wheat bread, cookies in a dose of up to 12 g per day.
Low fat sour cream and cream
After 1 year you can give low-fat sour cream and cream in small quantities.
Every year a child must be given various vegetables , it is good to combine them with protein products, meat . The vegetable diet can now be diversified with green peas, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, spinach in the form of mashed potatoes. Legumes are still better not to give.
Fruits and berries
After 1 year, you can gradually introduce the baby to new fruits and berries: strawberries, cherries, cherries, kiwi, currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and even citrus fruits . But do it gradually, watching the reaction of the child. Berries with a dense peel (gooseberries) are best mashed, while soft juicy fruits (peaches, strawberries, apricots, kiwi) can be offered to the baby in pieces.
Daily dose of fruits - approx.
Meat products
Meat products can be given in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, meat soufflé and pudding in an amount up to 100 g daily - beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit, turkey, chicken.
Fish can be given once or twice a week for 30-40 g per meal as a substitute for meat dishes
Chicken, quail eggs give boiled or in the form of omelettes in milk, you can try with vegetables.
Porridge can be cooked from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, millet, semolina. At this age, they should still have a uniform consistency, so it will be easier for him to swallow. You can use ready-made industrial, children's instant cereals, for example, various multi-cereal cereals, in which fruits, crackers, cereals have already been added. Give 1 time per day.
Be sure to give the child to drink clean water, better than bottled water for children, as much as he wants . In addition to her baby can drink vegetable and fruit juices, dairy products, compotes, weak tea.
No need to give:
baby should not be given confectionery and sweets . From sweets at this age, you can sometimes give marmalade, dried fruits and cookies.
Do not give sausages and sausages , they are rarely prepared from high quality meats and are rich in various food additives
Calories and volume
0319 1200 ml .