Avent baby feeding essentials set
Baby Bottle Starter & Gift Sets for Newborns & New Mothers
Baby Bottle Starter & Gift Sets for Newborns & New Mothers | Philips Avent support search iconSearch terms
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- {{#each curatedBundle.items}}
- {{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}} {{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{#iff curatedBundleQuantity 'gt' '1'}} {{curatedBundleQuantity}} x {{/iff}} {{#if familyName}} {{familyName}} {{/if}} {{#if descriptor}} {{descriptor}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{/each}} {{#if isPersonalizedBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle.price}}
{{/if}} {{#if isSubscriptionBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle. displayPrice}}
+{{curatedBundle.displayRecurringCharge.totalFormattedValue}} / {{curatedBundle.ratePlanDuration}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if isBundle}} {{#each bundle}}
{{#if bundle.label}}{{bundle.label}}{{else}}Bundled Item{{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice}} {{#if formerPrice}}
{{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if isSingleItem}}
{{/if}}{{#if miniCartProductpath}}
{{/if}}{{#iff quantity 'gt' '1'}} {{quantity}} x {{/iff}} {{#if familyName}} {{familyName}} {{/if}} {{#if descriptor}} {{descriptor}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}}{{/if}} {{#if sellerName}} {{soldBySiteText}} {{sellerName}} {{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice. formattedValue}} {{#if formerPrice.formattedValue}}
There was a problem removing this item from your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.orderDiscountNoDelivery.value 'gt' 0}}
Promotion discount: - {{cart.attributes.pricing.orderDiscountNoDelivery.formattedValue}}
Shipping cost: {{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.value 'gt' 0}} {{cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.formattedValue}} {{else}} FREE {{/iff}}
Subtotal: {{cart.attributes.pricing.total.formattedValue}}
{{/if}} {{#if price.formattedValue}}{{price.formattedValue}}
{{/if}} {{/iff}} {{#iff cardtype 'eq' 'errormsg'}}{{#iff status 'eq' '400'}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'MISSING_PARAMETER'}}
There was a problem adding this item to your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'BAD_REQUEST'}}
There was a problem adding this item to your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{#iff source.parameter 'eq' 'quantity'}}
There was a problem removing this item from your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{else}} {{#iff status 'eq' '412'}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'STOCK_EXCEPTION'}}
The selected item is currently out of stock and could not be added to your shopping cart.
{{/iff}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'SUBSCRIPTION_BUNDLE_EXIST'}}
Please make a separate purchase for additional subscriptions
{{/iff}} {{else}}
There was a problem adding this item to your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{/iff}}
Feeding essentials for the first precious moments
*Based on December 2017 GemSeek online satisfaction survey conducted among more than 8,000 female users of childcare brands and products.
Baby bottle sets
Baby bottle starter and gift sets
Looking for some essentials to get you ready for your baby? Or want some practical gifts for your baby shower? We've got you covered.
Natural baby bottles gift setSCD206/12
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
Verified buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
The most natural way to bottle feed
The blue Natural Feeding set is the ideal gift for moms who want to combine breast and bottle feeding. Five feeding bottles, a bottle brush, and two blue Soothies make this an ideal and useful gift for expecting mothers.
- Ideal gift set for moms with newborns aged 0-6 months
- Five Natural baby bottles with wide breast shaped nipple
- Two one-piece silicone Soothies for in between feeds
- Curved bottle brush makes cleaning nice and easy
- The set is available in different colors
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{#if this.
Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
Verified buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
Essentials set to feed, sterilize, and clean
This starter set equips you with bottles designed to reduce common feeding issues like colic, gas, and reflux*. It also contains a microwave steam sterilizer for a safe feeding experience, and other baby essentials.
- Four baby bottles designed to reduce colic, gas and reflux
- Microwave steam sterilizer for an extra quick clean
- Formula dispenser ideal for moms on the go
- One Trainer Cup with handles can help the transition from bottle to cup
- Curved bottle brush makes cleaning nice and easy
- One orthodontic soother
What other moms say about Philips Avent baby bottle sets
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- {{#each userReviews}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
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{{/if}} {{#if this.
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
Read all reviews ({{totalReviewCount}})
Meet the Baby+ App
Track your baby's development and save those special moments forever. Get the supportive Baby app for moms and dads!
Download now:
1 Based on 2018 online satisfaction survey conducted globally of 8,000+ female users of childcare brands and products
* Our unique AirFree vent is designed to help your baby swallow less air as they drink, by drawing air away from the nipple. Reducing the amount of air your baby ingests can help with common feeding issues, such as colic, reflux and gas
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Essentials Set SCD208/02 | Avent
Essentials Set SCD208/02 | Avent support search iconSearch terms
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- {{#each curatedBundle.items}}
- {{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}} {{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{#iff curatedBundleQuantity 'gt' '1'}} {{curatedBundleQuantity}} x {{/iff}} {{#if familyName}} {{familyName}} {{/if}} {{#if descriptor}} {{descriptor}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}} {{/if}}
{{/each}} {{#if isPersonalizedBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle.price}}
{{/if}} {{#if isSubscriptionBundle}}
{{#if curatedBundle. displayPrice}}
+{{curatedBundle.displayRecurringCharge.totalFormattedValue}} / {{curatedBundle.ratePlanDuration}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{#if isBundle}} {{#each bundle}}
{{#if bundle.label}}{{bundle.label}}{{else}}Bundled Item{{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice}} {{#if formerPrice}}
{{/each}} {{/if}} {{#if isSingleItem}}
{{/if}}{{#if miniCartProductpath}}
{{/if}}{{#iff quantity 'gt' '1'}} {{quantity}} x {{/iff}} {{#if familyName}} {{familyName}} {{/if}} {{#if descriptor}} {{descriptor}} {{/if}}
{{#if miniCartProductpath}}{{/if}} {{#if sellerName}} {{soldBySiteText}} {{sellerName}} {{/if}}
{{#if totalPrice. formattedValue}} {{#if formerPrice.formattedValue}}
There was a problem removing this item from your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.orderDiscountNoDelivery.value 'gt' 0}}
Promotion discount: - {{cart.attributes.pricing.orderDiscountNoDelivery.formattedValue}}
Shipping cost: {{#iff cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.value 'gt' 0}} {{cart.attributes.pricing.totalDelivery.formattedValue}} {{else}} FREE {{/iff}}
Subtotal: {{cart.attributes.pricing.total.formattedValue}}
{{/if}} {{#if price.formattedValue}}{{price.formattedValue}}
{{/if}} {{/iff}} {{#iff cardtype 'eq' 'errormsg'}}{{#iff status 'eq' '400'}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'MISSING_PARAMETER'}}
There was a problem adding this item to your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'BAD_REQUEST'}}
There was a problem adding this item to your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{#iff source.parameter 'eq' 'quantity'}}
There was a problem removing this item from your shopping cart. Please try again.
{{/iff}} {{else}} {{#iff status 'eq' '412'}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'STOCK_EXCEPTION'}}
The selected item is currently out of stock and could not be added to your shopping cart.
{{/iff}} {{#iff code 'eq' 'SUBSCRIPTION_BUNDLE_EXIST'}}
Please make a separate purchase for additional subscriptions
{{/iff}} {{else}}
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{{/iff}} {{/iff}}
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{{{sitetextsObj. prominentRating}}}
{{{sitetextsObj.totalReview}}} {{{sitetextsObj.recommendPercentage}}}
- {{#each ratingBreakdown}}
- {{ratingValue}} Show {{ratingValue}} star ratings only {{/each}}
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{this.UserNickname}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}
Verified buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{this.UserNickname}} {{#with ContextDataValues}}
- {{#iff Gender 'and' Gender.Value}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Male'}}
- Male {{/iff}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Female'}}
- Female {{/iff}} {{/iff}} {{#iff Age 'and' Age.ValueLabel}}
- Age {{Age.ValueLabel}} {{/iff}} {{#iff HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold 'and' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.
- {{{replaceString 'Family Household of {number}' '{number}' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}} {{/iff}}
- {{{replaceString 'Votes {number}' '{number}' ../TotalFeedbackCount}}}

{{/with}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}Verified buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}Part of promotion This reviewer received an incentive to write this review. An incentive can be a coupon, sample product, sweepstakes entry, loyalty points, or other token of value in exchange for writing a review for this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}Expert opinion This opinion was written by a professional in the field after testing a product provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}{{this.Title}}
{{this. ReviewText}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{#if this.AdditionalFields.Pros}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}
{{/with}} {{/if}} {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Cons}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}
{{/with}} {{/if}}
{{#iff Photos.length 'or' Videos.length}}
- {{#each Videos}}
- {{#if VideoThumbnailUrl}} {{else}} {{#if VideoId}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#each Photos}} {{#iff Sizes 'and' Sizes.thumbnail}} {{#if Sizes.
- {{/if}} {{/iff}} {{/each}}

{{/iff}} {{#if IsSyndicated}} {{#iff SyndicationSource 'and' SyndicationSource.Name}}
{{{replaceString 'Originally posted on {domain}' '{domain}' SyndicationSource.Name}}}
{{/iff}} {{/if}} {{#if this.ClientResponses}} {{#each this.ClientResponses}}
Response from Philips
{{Department}} {{date Date ../../../dateFormat}}
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{{/if}} {{#if this.socialFlag}} {{#this}} {{#iff type "eq" 'link'}}
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{{/iff}} {{#iff type "eq" 'script'}} {{this.label}} {{!-- Issue with Chat link due to google+ script, so commenting the same. --}} {{!--
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Natural Infant Feeding Set SCD301/01
Natural Infant Feeding Set SCD301/01 | Avent Search Support IconSearch Keywords
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{{{sitetextsRating.Obj. }}}
{{{sitetextsObj.totalReview}}} {{{sitetextsObj.recommendPercentage}}}
- {{#each ratingBreakdown}}
- {{ratingValue}} Only reviews rated {{ratingValue}} sg. {{/each}}
- {{#each userReviews}}
{{this.UserNickname}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}
Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.
Verified Buyer
{{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}}
Promotion Part This reviewer was rewarded for writing this review. The reward may be a coupon, product sample, raffle ticket, loyalty points, or other valuable prize given out for writing a review of this product.
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.Expert}}
Expert Opinion This review was written by an industry expert after product testing provided by Philips
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{/if} }
{{this.UserNickname}} {{#with ContextDataValues}}
- {{#iff Gender 'and' Gender.
- male {{/iff}} {{#iff Gender.Value 'eq' 'Female'}}
- Woman {{/iff}} {{/iff}} {{#iff Age 'and' Age.ValueLabel}}
- Age {{Age.ValueLabel}} {{/iff}} {{#iff HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold 'and' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}
- {{{replaceString 'Family members: {number}' '{number}' HowManyPeopleLiveInYourHousehold.ValueLabel}}} {{/iff}}
- {{{replaceString ' Votes: {number}' '{number}' ../TotalFeedbackCount}}}

{{/with}} {{date this.SubmissionTime ../this.dateFormat}}
{{#if this.Badges}} {{#if this.Badges.StaffYes}}Philips Employee
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.verifiedPurchaser}}Verified Buyer
{{/if}} {{#if this.Badges.incentivizedReview}} Promotion Part This reviewer was rewarded for writing this review. The reward may be a coupon, product sample, raffle ticket, loyalty points, or other valuable prize given out for writing a review of this product.
Expert Opinion This review was written by an industry expert after product testing provided by Philips
{{/if}} {{/if}}{{this.Title}}
{{#if this.IsRecommended}}
Yes, I recommend this product
{{#if this.AdditionalFields.Pros}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Pros}}
{{/with}} {{/if}} {{#if this.AdditionalFields.Cons}} {{#with this.AdditionalFields.Cons}}
{{/with}} {{/if}}
{{#iff Photos. length 'or' Videos.length}}
- {{#each Videos}}
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- {{/iff}} {{/each}}
{{/iff}} {{#if IsSyndicated}} {{#iff SyndicationSource 'and' SyndicationSource.Name}}
{{{replaceString 'Original entry on {domain}' '{domain}' SyndicationSource.Name}}}
{{/iff}} {{/if}} {{#if this.ClientResponses}} {{#each this.ClientResponses}}
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--}} {{/iff}} {{/this}} {{/if}} {{/iff}} {{/each}}
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Set for feeding Avent in the category "Products for children"
PHILIPS Avent feeding (8710103671800)
In warehouse in Kyiv
Delivery in Ukraine
1 299 UAH
for breastfeeding Philips Avent
Delivery across Ukraine
1 120 UAH
Kidstyle online store of children's clothing
bottle for feeding Philips Avent Natural 2.0 for an infant (SCD301/01) 9000 Repka.UA shop
Philips Avent breast milk storage containers with lids, 2 breast pump adapters, 9*180 ml
Delivery across Ukraine
1 390 UAH
Online store "kiwi-shop"
Philips AVENT feeding bottle AirFree valve, 1 pc (SCF819/01)
In stock
Delivery across Ukraine
182 — 243 UAH
from 7 sellers
404 UAH
202 UAH
GoodStore | Gifts, household goods and work
Nabir spoon for Godwanni, blue-green
Delivery in Ukraine
105-155. 7 UAH
from 3 sellers
105 UAH
NABIRA , 5 pcs
Delivery across Ukraine
135 — 201.44 UAH
from 3 sellers
9Ol000429 UAH
Feeding bottle 330 ml Philips Avent Natural 6m+ (8710103876427)
In stock in Kyiv
Delivery across Ukraine439 UAH
Bottle for feeding 125 ml Philips Avent Natural 0M+ 2 pcs (8710103876373)
in Kyiv
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 MSTORE 9000 MONSTORA Feeding bottle Philips Avent 125 ml from 0+ months
In stock
Delivery across Ukraine
330 UAH
Kidstyle Children's Clothing online store
See also
Philips AVENT Philips Avent Anti-colic feeding bottle with AirFree valve 260 ml (SCF813/14)
Delivery across Ukraine with AirFree valve 125 ml (SCF810/14)
Delivery across Ukraine
349 UAH
330 UAH
Avent Natural birthday party glass
Delivery across Ukraine
448 uah
Yumes Group
Avent Natural birthday party 330 ml.
Delivery from Kyiv
395 UAH
Yumes Group
Dent for the Year Anti-Colic (260 ml)
Delivery from Kyiv 9000
5-piece set of baby dishes for feeding Blue tractor
In stock in Odessa
Delivery in Ukraine
430 UAH
online store 1000 Melts
Set of children's dishes from 5 items for feeding hot VILS
in a warehouse in Odessa
Delivery in Ukraine
430 UAH
Online store 1000 Little things
Baby team feeding set plate cup 2 spoons fork bib from 4 months
In stock in Kyiv
Delivery across Ukraine
631 UAH
Baby Team feeding kit and spoon in a case from 6 months
in a warehouse in Kyiv
76 UAH
Set for feeding Baby team spoon and fork Tritan in a container Bunny from 6 months
In stock in Kyiv
Delivery across Ukraine
196 UAH