Baby feeding more when teething

What to Know and When to Stop

Written by Jeffrey Weishaupt

In this Article

  • Does Teething Affect Breastfeeding?
  • When Should You Stop Breastfeeding Your Teething Baby?
  • How Can You Keep Your Baby from Biting?
  • What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby?

Should you stop breastfeeding a baby once they start to get their teeth? Many new moms think that breastfeeding and teething don't go together because it could be painful.

Although nipple biting is common when babies get new teeth, it only happens because your baby needs comfort as their gums hurt. Thus, breastfeeding while teething should not affect the nursing relationship. 

Does Teething Affect Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding a teething baby may feel different. The baby will become more irritable due to swollen and painful gums. Some babies want to nurse more to get comfort as nursing stimulates their gums. 

Other babies become fussier when you breastfeed them. It is because their mouths become sorer as they start getting teeth. Since these babies are on breast milk, it is their only source of comfort. 

If you refuse to breastfeed your child when they want to nurse, it can increase their focus on the activity. If the child wants to be fed, it's better to go ahead with it.

Moreover, suckling on your breast may provide comfort to your child. This is why many mothers give their children teething toys so they can suckle on them. 

Instead, you should position yourself properly to allow the baby's mouth to take in more of the breast. When babies are latched properly, they use their tongues to suckle. 

Since their tongue sticks out, it covers their lower teeth and gums. Hence, babies don't bite when they are feeding. 

When Should You Stop Breastfeeding Your Teething Baby?

Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for your baby throughout infancy and toddlerhood. If your baby has started to grow teeth, then they will begin to eat solid food. As a result, they will nurse less.

However, there is no need to stop breastfeeding once your baby gets their teeth. 

While it is a personal decision to stop breastfeeding, many babies start to self-wean when they gradually switch to a semi-solid diet.

If your baby breastfeeds without becoming irritable, there is no need to stop nursing. You can even breastfeed your child in conjunction with a semi-solid diet after your baby is six months old. 

According to a study, 83% of women start to breastfeed their babies. But only 58% continue nursing when their baby is six months old, and only 36% breastfeed when their baby is one year old. 

Many mothers consider giving their children formula milk from about the age of six months. At the same time, some mothers feed both breastmilk and formula milk to the child.  This practice is called supplementing and it is perfectly fine for your baby's health.

If you wean a baby before they are a year old, you should give them formula to ensure proper nutrition.

How Can You Keep Your Baby from Biting?

When your baby is teething, make sure to have a teething ring available if you need one, and hold them properly so the baby doesn't bite. 

Also, when the baby seems irritable during breastfeeding, try to latch them on properly so they do not sink their teeth in your breast. 

You should also invest in some teething toys. Some of the toys are filled with liquid so you can refrigerate them. Giving your baby cold teething toys will help soothe their gums. 

If you want to opt for a safer option, you can buy teething rings and keep them cool before giving them to your baby.

Make sure to keep the teething toys clean. If the baby drops the teething toys on other surfaces, be sure to wash them. 

What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby?

The World Health Organization recommends six months of exclusive breastfeeding to promote healthy child development.

Breastfeeding provides vital nutrition to the baby. It also protects the baby from childhood infections and lowers the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

The University of Helsinki also found that breastfeeding helps reduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the baby's gut. It also helps strengthen the immune system in children.

In addition, research has shown that early skin-to-skin contact between the mother and baby positively affects the mother and baby.

Along with emotional benefits, breastfeeding also reduces the risk of certain health conditions, including some allergies, asthma, diabetes, and obesity. Breastfeeding also helps with cognitive development. 

Breastfeeding and teething - La Leche League GB

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When it comes to teething, all babies are different: a very few are born with teeth already erupted through their gums, while others may reach their first birthday without any.  In general, most babies will have that first little flash of white in their gums by six months old, and by two years old she may well have sixteen teeth. In the six months after that, the final four big back teeth often called “two year molars” will probably emerge.

Signs of teething

Dealing with teething pain

How teething may affect breastfeeding

Signs of teething

Many parents find that teething symptoms are worst in the period before a tooth actually emerges, while it is working its way up through the baby’s gum. Some of the signs that parents report include:

  • Changes in the way a baby latches on to the breast: feeding your baby may start to be uncomfortable, or she may change the position of her mouth or head, or her latch may just feel a bit different
  • Dribbling: your baby is suddenly drooling all the time, and you may find yourself needing to change her bib or top several times a day
  • Redness and rash: your baby’s cheeks may be flushed bright red, and she may have a red rash around her mouth and chin
  • Loose stools: your baby’s poo may seem runnier than usual, it may seem to irritate her skin more than usual if she isn’t changed immediately, and she may develop nappy rash
  • Biting and chewing: you might notice that your baby is chewing her fingers or fist; all young babies put objects into their mouths as a way of exploring them, but you may feel that your baby is chewing his toys with more determination than usual
  • Night waking: any pain or discomfort can disrupt your baby’s usual sleep pattern
  • Slightly raised temperature: some parents have said that their babies run a low-level fever at the point when a new tooth actually comes through the gum, warmer than usual but not hot enough to cause serious concern.

Warning! Some of the symptoms listed above can also be signs of illness. If your baby has diarrhoea or a fever, or you are worried about his health, please seek medical advice.

Dealing with teething pain

Specially designed teething toys can give your baby some relief from the discomfort in his gums. Look out for toys with plenty of surface texture, or little bumps or projections to chew on. Some teething rings are filled with water and can be kept in the fridge or freezer until they are needed. You don’t have to use specially designed toys, though: many babies enjoy chewing a flannel that has been run under a cold tap and then wrung out, especially if it has been kept in the fridge to cool down. You can also try massaging the sore spot on your baby’s gums with your finger, if he seems to enjoy it. A baby who is cutting teeth further back in the mouth might like to have a toothbrush or similarly-shaped toy to chew on; you can buy a “first toothbrush” without bristles if you are concerned about your baby chewing them off.

If your baby is eating solids, you can give him hard foods to chew on, like fingers of apple or carrot. Be aware that once your baby has actually cut a tooth, even the tip of it can be sharp enough to break a chunk off something like a raw carrot, so supervise him carefully and use your judgement about appropriate foods to offer. You could try freezing foods, such as fingers of banana, or freeze plain unsweetened yogurt into lollies (either use small lolly moulds, or place small spoonfuls onto a tray in the freezer with a lolly stick or baby’s spoon in each one).

Don’t forget that breastfeeding can be really soothing for a baby who is unhappy or in pain. Occasionally a well-meaning person might advise a breastfeeding mother that a baby should be weaned from the breast when his first tooth comes through, but this simply isn’t necessary. The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding for at least the first two years of a baby’s life; mothers around the world have happily breastfed their babies through teething, and even up to the age when the permanent teeth emerge.

How teething may affect breastfeeding

Latch: Sore or swollen gums, or the presence of new teeth at the front of your baby’s mouth, may affect the way that she latches on to breastfeed. You may find it helpful to experiment with different feeding positions to find one that is comfortable for both of you. This is also a good time to keep an eye on your baby’s latch: make sure he is opening his mouth wide to latch on, ideally with his tongue visible above his lower teeth, and that he is latching deeply onto your breast .  If sore gums are interfering with feeding, try some of the tips above for addressing the pain immediately before feeding. Be careful about using anything frozen, or any purchased teething remedy that numbs your baby’s mouth, immediately before feeding, as the numbness can affect his ability to latch correctly.

Biting: Sometimes a baby who has been dealing with teething pain by biting anything he can get hold of may experiment with doing the same thing to his mother’s breast. For some ideas on how to respond to biting, see this page.  It is important to bear in mind that when a baby is correctly latched on to breastfeed, her tongue covers her lower teeth, so it should be impossible for her to bite you while actively feeding without biting her own tongue. A newly-emerged tooth is very sharp, in order to help it cut through the gum, so you may get a scratch from it during feeding. If your nipple is sore because of a bite or scratch, try using a different feeding position next time so that your baby’s teeth don’t touch the sore spot, and treat between feeds with pure lanolin or a hydrogel pad if necessary.

Frequency of feeding: You may already have discovered that breastfeeding can be a brilliant way of soothing your baby if she is unhappy, or in pain: after vaccinations or during illness, for example. If your baby is suffering with teething pain, she may ask to feed more often, possibly for quite short periods each time. If you are happy to feed her as often as she wants, then it can really help both of you to get through this tricky time. But if your baby’s teething is making it uncomfortable to feed her, you may not feel like offering the breast every time she asks for it. You can use the suggestions above to address problems with latching and biting, and you can experiment with other ways of distracting her from the pain. Mothers over the years have tried many things, and common tricks include carrying your baby, taking her for a walk outside, dancing with her, singing to her, giving her a warm bath, and anything else that you have found that works for her.

Dealing with dribble: It seems to be common for a teething baby’s dribble to irritate his skin. Make sure you keep him dry and clean, by gently washing or wiping his chin. You may want to do this immediately before offering him the breast, so that his dribble doesn’t irritate your skin too.

Written by Emma Taylor for LLLGB, 2017

Filed Under: Breastfeeding information, Common Concerns Tagged With: biting, teething

what to do if the teeth are climbing and the baby has a poor appetite

Published: 05/06/2022

Reading time: 2 min.

Number of reads: 63987

Author of the article: Ponomareva Yuliya Vladimirovna

Pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, allergist-immunologist

The appearance of milk teeth in a baby is a difficult stage in the life of both a child and all family members. This is one of the most common causes of restlessness, moody behavior and poor appetite in an infant in the first year of life. Let's discuss how parents need to behave in order to help the baby get through this difficult period. nine0003

Contents: Hide

  1. Timing of teeth
  2. Changes in health
  3. Refusal to eat
  4. General rules
  5. Baby porridge
  6. Practical tips

Terms of appearance of teeth

The formation of teeth occurs in utero, that is, the baby is born already with a full set of teeth, which are then waiting for their time to erupt. The timing and pace of teething is an individual process, which depends primarily on heredity, as well as on external factors, such as the quality of drinking water and the nature of nutrition. For the first 3-4 months, the baby is exclusively breastfed, and the baby does not need teeth yet. By the 4th month of life, the baby is already deficient in the nutrients of breast milk, the stage of the start of the introduction of complementary foods begins. At this age, many children begin to appear the first milk teeth. However, the timing of the onset of eruption can be shifted to the second half of life, this is also a variant of the norm. On average, by the 12th month of life, a child has 8 teeth and 20 by 2 years. nine0003

Health changes

The most common teething symptoms are increased salivation and itchy gums. During this period, the child pulls in his mouth and gnaws his own fingers and any objects that come across. In addition, the appearance of teeth is often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, changes in the stool and a decrease in appetite. The temperature can be above 38 ° C and disturb the child for several days. To make sure that changes in the baby's health are associated with the appearance of milk teeth, carefully examine the child's oral cavity. On examination, you will find redness and swelling of the gums at the site of the new tooth, and the child will respond even to a slight pressure on this area. Against the background of teething, the immune defense of the baby is often reduced, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection. Therefore, changes in the state of health of the crumbs can only be indirectly associated with teething. In every ambiguous situation, do not neglect the advice of a pediatrician. nine0003

Refusal to eat

Teething in babies is often accompanied by eating disorders - children become selective in choosing food, and often completely refuse food. Since the appearance of milk teeth is a long process, many parents of babies are concerned that during the period when teeth are being cut, the child does not eat almost anything. The contact of food with the gums increases pain, and the child does not perceive any food well. "How and what to feed the baby?" - this is the most pressing issue for parents of infants in the first year of life. Try to follow the general recommendations during this period, as well as some practical tips to help keep the child from being hungry. nine0003

General rules

Despite the difficult situation, do not force-feed. Forced eating can provoke disruption of the digestive tract and be the cause of improper eating behavior in the future. During this period, it is better to adhere to a free feeding regime according to the principle - often, but in small portions. If the mother is breastfeeding, then expect the frequency of feedings to change. The child has a need for frequent application, not only to satisfy hunger, but also for emotional calm. In the acute phase, refuse to introduce complementary foods and choose foods that minimally irritate the oral mucosa. During this period, salivation is increased in babies, therefore, to restore the water balance, periodically offer the baby drinking water for babies, allowed from birth. The baby has a desire to gnaw and bite everything, but during this period it is better to refuse solid food as much as possible, since sharp edges can additionally injure the mucous membrane and only worsen the situation. Among complementary foods, the most optimal choice during teething are cereal complementary foods. nine0003

Children's porridge

What are the advantages of choosing children's porridge as a priority in the baby's diet during the period of the appearance of milk teeth? Firstly, it is a highly nutritious product - the combination of milk and cereals meets the needs of the child for energy and nutrients, even with a relatively small amount of the finished product. Secondly, the appropriate consistency of commercially produced baby cereals facilitates the assimilation of complementary foods. Bebi Premium baby cereals for children over 4 months of age have a homogenized degree of grinding, which does not require additional gum grinding and reduces the load on the jaw apparatus. In addition, they are easily and without lumps diluted with water or breast milk at room temperature, which also reduces the severity of pain compared to warmer foods. Fruit and vegetable complementary foods, despite the appropriate puree-like structure, are rich in organic acids, which can be a source of irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the baby's gums. During this period, another important advantage of the Bebi Premium line of children's cereals is the reduced sugar content. Sugar is a good breeding ground for microbes that live in the oral cavity, its excess intake can increase the inflammatory process in the gums. nine0003

Practical advice

The pharmaceutical market offers a variety of topical gum pain relievers approved for use in children. However, it is recommended to use them very carefully and in consultation with the pediatrician in cases where pain significantly affects the condition of the crumbs. Be careful when using them, as swallowing the gel with painkillers can lead to severe toxic reactions. Safe aids are special teethers. Among them, the most effective are devices with a cooling gel or water inside. Offer the baby teethers before the next meal, and then he will eat complementary foods more calmly. Another simple and useful procedure is to massage the gums in the direction from the center to the corners of the mouth, avoiding impact on the eruption zone. Massage improves blood flow, activates growth processes and reduces tension in the gum area. Remember, teething is a natural physiological process, and the task of parents is to help the baby to overcome this difficult life stage as comfortably as possible. nine0003

#When teething

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Teething in children, what you need to know

All parents know that teething is a difficult period in the life of every child, because he does not sleep well, is naughty and tries to gnaw everything he can reach. But the most dangerous thing is that at this time the baby is vulnerable to many infections. We will talk about how teeth should be cut normally, why the baby’s body cannot cope with the infection, and what symptoms indicate that it is time to go to the doctor. nine0003

How teeth are cut

Teething is a complex process, because at this time tissues are formed, teeth roots grow, gums are rebuilt. Moreover, the teeth begin to form even during pregnancy, starting from the 6th week. Around the same time, calcium begins to be deposited in the tissues of future teeth.

Next comes the most interesting part - teething. It is considered normal if the teeth begin to cut from 4 to 7 months. But each body is unique, so everyone's teeth are cut differently. It depends on many things, for example:

- From genetics. Often the age at which a child's teeth began to cut depends on when his relatives - mom, dad, grandparents - started teething.

- Power supply. If the baby lacks vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C or calcium, teeth will start to erupt later.

- From the course of pregnancy. If there was fetal toxicosis during pregnancy, this will also slow down the appearance of teeth.

Also, teeth are normally cut in pairs, that is, first the lower central incisors appear, then the upper central incisors, the upper lateral incisors - the lower lateral incisors, the upper first molars - the lower first molars, etc. But even if the order is violated, this does not always mean any disease or serious violation. nine0003

When to sound the alarm

In places where teeth erupt, many biologically active substances are released, such as histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc. They just cause the symptoms that every parent is familiar with:

- Fever. Normally, when teething, the temperature should be subfebrile, that is, no more than 38 degrees;

- Swelling, pain and redness of the gums.

There is a normal reaction of the child to teething. As a rule, the baby refuses to eat, but at the same time pulls toys into his mouth to gnaw on them. Due to the fact that the child is constantly chewing on something, the nerves of the gums are irritated and a lot of saliva is released, and since the child does not yet know how to control saliva, it flows out of the mouth. Also, the child becomes more excitable than usual - sleeps less, is constantly naughty, becomes irritable. nine0003

Life hack: to help your child and relieve toothache, buy a special teether toy. Such a toy can be filled with water and put in the refrigerator. When the baby chews on it, the toy will cool the inflamed gums and thereby partially relieve the pain.

But there are symptoms that parents often confuse with a normal reaction to the appearance of teeth:

- Indigestion - diarrhea, vomiting, loose stools;

- Temperature above 38-39degrees, which does not subside for several days;

- Cough, rash, swelling.

These symptoms indicate that there is an infection in the child's body that needs to be treated.

Why a child is so vulnerable to diseases

When a child chews on something, microtraumas and cracks appear on the gums. The mucous membrane, like other tissues of the gums, is not yet formed, so infections easily enter the body through these injuries. And since at the age of the appearance of the first teeth - from 4 to 7 months, the passive immunity received from the mother is gradually lost, and its own immunity is just beginning to be developed, the body cannot cope with the infection.

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