Baby food contamination science fair project
Science fair project - Investigating Baby Food Contamination
We're going to explore what happens when baby food is left out of the fridge for different amounts of time. We'll measure the rate of bacteria growth in the food and see if it changes depending on how long it's been left out.
The hypothesis is that baby food will become more contaminated when it is left out for a longer period of time.
Method & Materials
You will label three bottles of each type of baby food (chicken, pumpkin, and apple) with A, B, and C. Bottle A will be placed in the fridge for 24 hours, bottle B will be left out for 30 minutes before being placed in the fridge, and bottle C will be left out for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you will take a sample from each bottle and place it in a petri dish. You will then measure the size of the bacteria colony after 3 days.
You will need 9 petri dishes prepared with blood agar, 3 bottles of chicken baby food, 3 bottles of pumpkin baby food, 3 bottles of apple baby food, a refrigerator, 9 sterile cotton buds, and a permanent marker pen.
The results showed that the specimen that was left outside for 24 hours had the highest rate of bacteria growth. The chicken specimen had a larger bacteria colony than the pumpkin and apple specimens.
Why do this project?
This science project is interesting because it shows how quickly bacteria can grow on food that has been left out of the fridge. It also shows the difference between different types of food in terms of how quickly they become contaminated.
Also Consider
Variations of this experiment could include using different brands of baby food, or repeating the experiment using milk, porridge, and soup. Another variation could be to dip a used spoon (containing baby saliva) into the bottles of food and observe the results.
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Food Contamination | Science project
Science project
Grade Level: 6th - 8th; Type: Life Science
This project will examine the incubation times needed to produce harmful levels of E. Coli and Salmonella in fish
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- Is there a difference between fresh fish and frozen fish in terms of E.coli Salmonella levels?
- What are the incubation times for producing unsafe levels of E.coli and Salmonella?
Escherichia coli (E.coli) is a bacterium commonly found in the lower intestines. In healthy individuals it is known as normal flora and prevent other pathogens such as Salmonella from colonizing. E.Coli has many strains but the serotype O157:H7 causes gastrointestinal infections, commonly referred to as food poisoning. Salmonella is also a food-borne pathogen similar to E.coli but it is zoonotic, so the bacteria can spread from animals to humans. E.coli and Salmonella can be transmitted through unsanitary food preparation. Recent food recalls have been due to E.coli contamination so it is important to practice good food safety when handling, cooking, and storing foods. Temperature requirements for storage and cooking can prevent the spread of bacteria but if not followed can have serious health effects including death. In this experiment we will test the time it takes to produce unhealthy levels of E.coli and salmonella.
- E.coli Test Kit
- Salmonella Test Kit
- 1/4 lb. fresh fish
- 1/4 lb. frozen fish
1) Once you purchase the fresh and frozen fish place both into the refrigerator. The frozen fish will need approximately 24 hours to completely thaw.
2) Once thawed, sample the fresh and frozen fish and test for E.coli and Salmonella.
a) Follow the instructions on your test kit(s).
3) Set the fish samples onto two separate plates and cover with plastic wrap. Based on your research determine the time it takes to produce harmful levels of bacteria and allow the samples to sit at room temperature for that amount of time.
4) Sample both the fresh and frozen fish and test for E. Coli and Salmonella.
a) Is there a change? Did leaving the fish out at room temperature
5) If there is a change in the levels of harmful bacteria can this be reversed by cooking? Cook the fish samples in the oven using two separate baking pans. Based on your research determine the optimal cooking temperature and time. Using a meat thermometer check to make sure the center of the fish is fully cooked.
6) Sample and test for E.coli and Salmonella.
a) Is there a change?
7) Organize your data into a chart showing the changes in healthy and hazardous levels of bacterial contamination during various stages of food preparation.
Fresh Fish |
Frozen Fish (Thawed) |
Refrigerated |
Safe |
Safe |
2 hr. |
Unsafe |
Safe |
4 hr. at 70F |
Unsafe |
Unsafe |
Terms/Concepts: Escherichia Coli; Salmonella; Normal flora; Pathogen; Zoonotic; Transmission routes; What are the Center for Disease Control (CDC) requirements for safe food handling?; Fresh vs. Frozen foods; Preparation methods; Preservation methods
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Environmental project "We are friends with nature, we do not need garbage"
Sections: Ecology, Competition "Presentation for a lesson", Competition on ecology "The Earth is our common home"
One of the topical problems of our time is the search for answers to the questions that life itself poses. The question of how to save the world from ecological catastrophe is long overdue.
Relevance of this work is connected with the need to form a sense of responsibility for the appearance of the native city and the desire to change it for the better [10].
Any settlement is an environment artificially created and maintained by man, in which cleanliness and order depend only on man. Accumulation of construction waste in yards, lack of ecological culture among part of the population, misunderstanding of the significance and importance of cleanliness and improvement of the river zone are signs of the problem identified in the course of the work. Someone treats this with indifference, someone with sympathy, someone, on occasion, goes to subbotniks to clean up the territory. However, the problem is getting worse every year. It's time to get involved in her solution.
Project hypothesis. We assume, if each person from childhood learns to protect and take care of the environment, the nature of his native land and his small homeland, to bring only benefit to it, and not harm, then the ecological situation will improve.
Purpose of the project: to actualize the attention of children and adults to the problem of pollution of streets and lakes, to promote the formation of an ecological culture and a firm belief that garbage belongs in a landfill, not on the streets and backyards.
In accordance with the goal set, the following tasks are put forward:
- Analyze the pollution situation in the area;
- Learn to identify the problem and look for ways to solve it for the environmental and social situation in the area;
- Compile an ecological calendar;
- With the help of an initiative group of children, develop a long-term plan for the implementation of the project "We are friends with nature, we do not need garbage";
- Organize the work in accordance with the key dates of the environmental calendar;
- Promote and deepen the environmental knowledge of students and adults; Agitate residents for cleaning and landscaping;
- To educate the need to keep the streets clean.
The purpose and objectives of this work determined the choice of project methods:
- Search;
- Research;
- Analytical;
- Quantitative reception of the statistical method;
- Questioning.
Project area: Rudnichny district of the city of Kemerovo.
The practical value of this work lies not only in focusing attention on the problem of the ecology of the native land, but also in the possibility of applying the findings and materials of the study in everyday life. Life obliges us to be able to understand nature and competently get out of different situations.
Description of the project
The project is implemented within five directions:
- Organizational measures;
- Environmental education activities;
- Practical environmental measures;
- Research work;
- Participation in district, city competitions.
Distribution of responsibilities among project participants:
- Journalists - conversations with the population, students;
- Photojournalists - collection of materials for the stand and for the report on the results of the project;
- Screenwriters - selection, drawing up a work plan;
- Artists - production of posters, leaflets;
- Workers (all) - cleaning the territory from garbage.
Forms of work: conversation, joint labor activity of parents and children, meeting, competition, conference, excursion, collection of solid waste, labor troops, exhibition, production of feeders, birdhouses, landscaping of the school territory.
Project work plan:
I . Preparatory stage
1. Discussion of the relevance of the project topic, discussion of the problem of pollution of streets, lakes. Determining the purpose and objectives of the project, setting a hypothesis;
II . Information stage
- Collection of information on the topic, literature analysis.
- Drawing up an ecological calendar.
- Excursion around the mining area in order to identify the most polluted areas, photographing.
- Polling for this issue.
- A survey among peers to identify their attitude to the problem of pollution of the area and their willingness to take part in the practical implementation of the project.
- Holding a competition for the best propaganda leaflet, "Let's improve the school territory", "Let's improve the territory of the lake", competition of drawings on ecology.
- Development and implementation of activities for students and parents. Parent meeting "Garbage and our health".
- Design of a photo exhibition.
III . Practical stage
Cleaning the school territory, planting trees along Serebryany Bor Street, cleaning the shoreline of the Otradny pond, making birdhouses, feeders, landscaping the school territory (planting seedlings, flowers, decorating flower beds)
IV . The final stage
Summing up the results of work on the project on the school-wide line "Ladder of Success", rewarding the best.
Expected results:
- direct participation of parents and children in the organization of various environmental events;
- increasing the level of knowledge of parents and children about the ecology of their native city, region, nature protection;
- landscaping of the school and surrounding area;
- creation of wall newspapers, leaflets during the project;
- involvement of parents in the feasible participation in the environmental education of children;
- awareness by children and adults of the importance of nature conservation, environmentally sound behavior in the environment, not to litter it.
Coverage of the school's work in the environmental direction:
- Website of the school MAOU "Secondary School No. 36";
- Publication in the school newspaper "Tsifra";
- Performance at the city competition "Chronicle of good deeds";
- Participation in the school scientific and practical conference "Success-2016", "Success-2017".
Otradny Pond. Ecological state of the reservoir
As part of the World Water Day, at one of the meetings of school student self-government, the topic of the state of water bodies in the Rudnichny district was raised. Oksana Alexandrovna introduced us to a reservoir located on the border of the Kirovsky and Rudnichny districts. The history of the creation of this pond is interesting: it turns out that Oksana Alexandrovna's grandfather participated in excavation of a pit for this lake and launched the first fish into a clean reservoir.
An excursion was organized to find out the state of the lake.
It turned out that in summer the Otradny Pond attracts not only the surrounding residents, families from all over the city come to the lake to relax. It gives everyone a life-giving coolness, the opportunity to swim, fish under the canopy of graceful birches and just have a good time away from the noisy bustle of the human abode. On its quiet shores there are many beaches and trees in the shade of which you can hide from the sun and heat: thin aspens, fluffy firs, mighty pines. In the autumn cold, the colorful nature of this place warms the heart and soul, gives free rein to imagination and serves as a haven for inspiration for young poets, photographers and artists. But how do people thank the generous reservoir? [1, 316].
From year to year, an unpleasant picture appears to the eyes, one has only to set foot on the territory of the lake: a huge amount of household waste is washed ashore, mountains of garbage are left behind by vacationers on land ... Local residents irresponsibly turned the surroundings into a place of increased danger. Harmful substances contained in the garbage enter the water, which is very dangerous for human health and the life of our smaller brothers, who long before us chose this lake.
We should also not forget that disorder leads to a disorder of the nervous system, affects the psychological state, and, therefore, harms health no less than toxic substances [9, 271].
Research: survey, questionnaire, interview.
We decided to find out how residents of the adjacent area feel about this problem. 30 residents of the nearest street were interviewed: 5 people. – 18-25 years old, 15 people. – 36-50 years old, 10 people. - over 50 years old.
Social category: 50% - workers, 10% - employees, 40% - pensioners
- 10 people answered that they were young people
- 5 people - what are they teenagers
- 15 people - indicated adults
Would not hesitate to throw it away in a public place:
- 5 - an empty can
- 5 - chewing gum wrapper
- 20 did not select any options. We consider this an indicator of ecological culture in part of the adult population.
The main reason for littering the surroundings of the reservoir, the majority of respondents chose:
- insufficient number of waste containers - 65%
- low level of culture - 35%
Problem solution:
We realized that the problem of lake pollution exists. Most of the residents would like to see the lake clean and pleasant for recreation. And we can make it that way if we try [cf. Annex 1].
Last year we visited a lake in the Rudnichny district to clear its shores and the forest around from debris [see. appendix 2].
We put plastic bottles in separate bags. In total, we accumulated 45 bags, then we agreed with the parents to take out and hand over this plastic for recycling. For this, a rather simple, but very useful thing, we were awarded a diploma for contribution to the development of the ecological culture of the population of Kemerovo from the Kuzbass Scarab LLC and the Regional Children's Ecological and Biological Station [see. appendix 3].
On September 7, 2016, our school team of 35 people again went along the trodden paths to once again clean up, because this place became part of our team and kept memories of last year's autumn day, where there was no garbage, and we decided that it should always be so. Along the way, we put up propaganda leaflets called “Good deeds are contagious!” calling on people to save nature, which we made ourselves.
We handed them to the residents with the words: “Let's keep cleanliness and order in the reservoirs and banks!”. A total of 35 leaflets were posted and 54 brochures were distributed [see. appendix 4].
When we arrived at our destination, many of us noticed that this year there was much less garbage than last year: there were not so many bottles, candy wrappers, pieces of paper lying around, and there were almost no signs of picnics. Maybe people have become more environmentally friendly? Or maybe our peers or the inhabitants of nearby streets decided to follow our example and also arranged a cleaning of the territory? But be that as it may, we were sincerely delighted with what we saw.
The dam welcomed us with open arms of fragile autumn foliage and a fervent prickly wind. Our teachers also worked with us, because only a personal example is the key to success. During the campaign, 4 m 3 plastic and glass bottles, aluminum cans, food packaging, paper and other household waste left by people were collected.
Having collected a whole container of plastic bags with garbage, we all looked with pleasure at the fruits of our labors. After all, it is pleasant for everyone to live in purity and beauty.
We were extremely happy that we had the opportunity to participate in this action, as it not only united us even more strongly, but also brought us closer to nature [see. appendix 5].
The children also saw how much the inhabitants love the lake, and together with the adults they decided to equip the shores of the lake next year by building benches and a table in the recreation area.
We believe that the main result of the action is not only a clean shore, but also an increase in the civic activity of people, the formation of love for their native land.
We have several proposals for the Department of Nature Protection of Kemerovo:
- Put garbage containers along the banks of the reservoir.
- 2 times a year to clean the territory of reservoirs for students of coastal schools: No.
39, No. 36.
- Carry out traditional nature conservation campaigns on the theme: "We are for cleanliness in the city."
Why plant trees?
Planting is one of the ways to improve the urban environment.
Green spaces have long been considered reliable and proven protection, they are rightly called the "lungs of cities". Green spaces absorb dust and toxic gases. They are involved in the formation of soil humus, which ensures its fertility. The formation of the gas composition of atmospheric air is directly dependent on the plant world: plants enrich the air with oxygen, Green plants soften the climate. Plants absorb solar energy and create carbohydrates and other organic substances from the minerals of soil and water during photosynthesis. Without the plant world, human and animal life is impossible. Animals, excluding predators, eat only plants. Plants not only fulfill their biological and ecological function, but their diversity and colorfulness always delight the human eye [10].
It is important to remember that the greenery of gardens, forests and parks can only be preserved and developed if the overall state of the environment is favorable. Therefore, all measures aimed at improving the ecological state of air, water and soil have a positive effect on green spaces. We take care of them, they help us, this is the cycle of “care” in nature.
Every year we organize campaigns to plant greenery in our district. In 2015-2016, 55 fir trees were planted on the territory of the school, alleys of first-graders were laid. As part of the "Victory Lilac" campaign, 52 lilac bushes were planted.
In 2016 56 birch seedlings were planted along the Serebryany Bor street along the road. As part of the Miner's Light campaign, 46 mountain ash were planted [see. appendix 16].
Let's collect. Let's hand over. Let's recycle. Separate waste collection
More than a third of all waste generated in our homes can be recycled. Thanks to the return of valuable resources to the production cycle, the volume of landfills and landfills is reduced, raw materials and energy resources are saved.
Separate collection waste includes used products made of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and metal. They are sorted and thrown into marked containers, the contents of which are collected by a special garbage truck. Unlike other vehicles that transport waste to a landfill, a separate collection truck delivers valuable waste to a waste processing plant, where it is sorted into raw fractions, pressed and packed into bales. Secondary raw materials are harvested in large quantities and sent to processing plants [7].
Everyone knows that used batteries should not be thrown away with normal household waste.
One AA battery thrown into the trash bin pollutes with heavy metals about 20 m 2 of the earth, and in the forest zone this is the habitat of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand earthworms!
Batteries contain various heavy metals which, even in small amounts, can be harmful to human health. These are zinc, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury, etc. After being thrown away, the batteries corrode (their metal coating is destroyed), and heavy metals enter the soil and groundwater. From groundwater, these metals can get into rivers and lakes or into artesian waters used for drinking water supply.
One AA battery thrown into the trash bin contaminates about 20 m 2 of the earth with heavy metals. Batteries contain various heavy metals, which, even in small quantities, can be harmful to human health. These are zinc, manganese, cadmium, nickel, mercury, etc. metal tends to accumulate in the tissues of living organisms.
To draw the attention of the residents of the area to the importance of proper disposal of used batteries, we hold informational minutes and actively participate in the city's environmental campaign "Battery Hunters".
A plastic bag also causes serious damage to the environment. It has been established that one package is used on average no more than 20 minutes, and it takes more than 500 years to decompose. In nature, there are no bacteria capable of decomposing polymer compounds, so the only way to get rid of bags is by burning them. During the combustion of polymeric materials, one of the most toxic gases, CO (carbon monoxide), is released. Abandoned packages violate city communications - they clog storm drains. Plastic bags are killing animals. The term for the final decomposition of polyethylene is more than 500 years. When burned, polyethylene waste emits harmful substances that are dangerous to nature and human health. Almost every piece of plastic ever made still exists. According to the United Nations Committee for Nature Conservation, plastic waste causes the death of 1 million birds, 100,000 marine mammals and countless fish every year. Approximately 6 million 300 thousand tons of garbage, most of which is plastic, is dumped into the world's oceans every year.
Residents of our area are not yet ready to give up the plastic bag. We see the solution to this problem in following the daily rule: go shopping with your bag.
Long-term plan for the implementation of the project “We are friends with nature, we don’t need garbage!” for 2015-2016
Item No. | Events | Date | Performers |
1 | Cleaning the lake shoreline | September | Student government (IDF) |
2 | Planting seedlings on school grounds | September - October | parents, students, teachers |
3 | Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. | September | students, parents, teachers |
4 | Planting seedlings in the nearby territory along the street. | September | student government (IDF) |
5 | Ecological campaign “My clean yard” | during the year | students, parents, school teachers. |
6 | Manufacture of bird feeders | November | |
7 | Waste paper collection | November | students, parents, class teachers |
8 | Eco-leaflet competition "Ecology and Us" | April | Students, class teachers |
9 | Birdhouse making | March | students, parents |
10 | Participation in the action "Lilac of Victory" | May | students, parents, class teachers |
11 | Participation in the campaign "Miner's Light" (planting mountain ash) | May | students, parents, class teachers |
12 | School grounds improvement | May | students, school teachers |
Long-term plan for the implementation of the project "We are friends with nature, we don't need garbage!" for 2016-2017
No. | Events | Date | Performers |
1 | Cleaning the lake shoreline with the involvement of willing students to participate in the action | September | IDF Student Self-Government, Rostok Association |
2 | Planting seedlings on the school grounds | September - October | Student self-government IDF, association "Rostok, students, parents, teachers of the school |
3 | Ecological campaign “My clean yard” | during the year | students, parents, school teachers. |
4 | Ecological campaign “My clean yard” | during the year | |
5 | Manufacture of feeders | October | students, parents |
6 | Earth Day events: environmental game "Save and Preserve", photo contest "Nature of our city" | October | students, parents, school teachers |
7 | Conference "Success-2017. | February | students |
8 | Presentation competition "Nature and us" | students, parents, class teachers | |
9 | Action "Give the tree life" | December | students, parents, class teachers |
10 | Birdhouse making | March | students, parents |
11 | Leaflets "Take care of the primroses" | March | students |
12 | Poster competition "Water is the source of life" | April | students, parents, class teachers |
13 | Preserve nature presentation competition | April | students, |
14 | Battery collection | March-April | students, parents, class teachers |
15 | Waste paper collection | April-May | students, parents, class teachers |
16 | "Clean Water" poster competition | April | students, parents, class teachers |
Ecological calendar
World Water Day - March 22
It has been held since 1993 on the initiative of the International Water Association and UNESCO in many countries of the world. On the territory of the Russian Federation - from 1995 years under the motto "Water is life".
The main tasks are to draw public attention to the state of large and small water bodies, water protection zones, water intakes, and the quality of wastewater.
World Meteorologist's Day - March 23
In 1950 it was on this day that the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, entered into force.
The motto of the holiday is “Weather, climate and water in the information age”. Celebrated from 1961 years old.
The main content of the events of this day is the study of the possible unfavorable development of meteorological events, natural disasters, typical for the region.
World Earth Hour
Earth Hour is one of the largest annual environmental campaigns initiated by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Held on the last Saturday in March.
This is a symbolic action - a public call for decisive action to save the climate. Millions of people around the world turn off the lights for an hour at a strictly defined time, as a sign of concern for the future of the planet and its resources.
International Bird Day - April 1
On this day in 1906, one of the first environmental conventions was signed - the International Convention for the Protection of Birds, to which Russia joined in 1927.
Protecting birds, observing their lives, organizing assistance in the most difficult times for them, making and hanging feeders, rescuing birds affected by environmental disasters - these are the primary tasks of the bird day.
From March 6-15, as part of the city action "Spring Week of Kindness - 2017", our school held the action "Birdhouse", which was a continuation of the environmental action "Feed the Birds in Winter" launched in February, where the efforts of primary school students and their parents 5 feeders were made and installed. If the goal of the “Feed the Birds in Winter” campaign was to say: “So that we don’t have to meet spring without songs”, then today it’s time to take care of our feathered friends returning to us, to their homeland.
During 3 years parents together with children made 120 birdhouses.
The editorial office of the Tsifra newspaper participates in the environmental action of the Birds and People School Media Marathon. Our artists make bird postcards and send them to school media all over Russia. Whoever hasn't already received our birds: Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don... We also receive postcards from friends. Now we are like one big "bird family" that supports the birds during the difficult winter time [see. appendix 14].
Ecological Knowledge Day - April 15
Environmental education and enlightenment of the population, especially the younger generation, is one of the foundations for the formation of an ecological culture of a person who is guided by the principle “Do no harm!” when communicating with the outside world. In Russia, it is celebrated in accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection".
The essence of the events of this day is to get acquainted with the state of affairs in the field of environmental safety, the formation of a person's personal and universal responsibility for their preservation, as well as the involvement of schoolchildren and students in research activities to study the flora and fauna of their native land.
International Parks March - last week of April
Modern international campaign for the protection of nature reserves and national parks - "Parks March" dates back to the 40s of the XIX century. The action is coordinated by the Wildlife Conservation Center.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of residents of cities and towns take part in the March to learn as much as possible about nature reserves, national parks, sanctuaries and other protected areas and to contribute - sponsorship or volunteer help - to the preservation of untouched nature.
World Earth Day - April 22
It has been celebrated in Russia since 1990. Since 1994 this day has been declared a World Day. Traditionally, this action is associated with the days of general improvement and general cleaning of public places, banks and fairways of small rivers, sanitary zones, industrial and public areas.
The main goal of the ongoing work is to draw the attention of land users to adverse trends associated with land degradation and pollution with industrial emissions and solid waste.
International Plant Day - May 18
The main goal of this day is to reveal the beauty of plants, to acquaint as many people as possible with the importance of their biology for the development of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, for the production of food, paper, wood, chemicals and medicines. Particular attention on this day is given to the role of plants in environmental protection.
The first Plant Day took place in 2012. On this day, about 600 different events were held in 39 countries of the world.
Russia joined the project in 2013.
World Environment Day - 5 June
Established by the 27th session of the UN General Assembly on 15 December 1972 to mark the start of the Stockholm Conference on the Environment.
On this day, events are held that address issues of uncontrolled use of natural resources, the balance of quality of life and damage to nature in the form of extraction of new resources, disposal and disposal of production and consumption waste is critically examined.
The work done has allowed us to become more attentive to nature and the people who surround us. We hope that people will follow our example and also take part in the "Chronicle of Good Deeds" campaign.
During the implementation of the project, various forms of work were involved:
- search and research: environmental monitoring: "The ecological state of the reservoir in the mining area" [see. appendix 5].
- competitive:
- competitions of drawings and posters dedicated to nature; photo and video contests [see appendix 6].
- "At home", crafts from natural materials
- city competition "Spring, family, ecology and law" [see. appendix 7].
- district ecological game "Green Sail" [see. appendix 9].
- municipal stage of the regional competition of social advertising "Water is the source of life" [see. appendix 10].
- city creative competition "Ecology through the eyes of children"
- games: environmental quizzes, games, performances;
- educational: class hours on environmental topics, seminars, discussions, round tables, Clean Water Lesson, etc. .
On December 26, 2016, an open environmental lesson for 10th grade students was held at school No. 36. It was held by Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection Fokin Alexander Ivanovich. The lesson was held in an atmosphere of dialogue and communication with students on the topic of environmental problems of environmental pollution. Alexander Ivanovich told the students about the problems of garbage disposal in the world, showed slides about garbage islands in the Pacific Ocean, about the problems of processing and sorting waste [see. appendix 11].
Such eco-lessons make it possible to bring up in the conceptual apparatus such ideas as "ecology", "waste", "separate waste collection", "reserved territories", "nature protection", "Red Book", and contributing to the ecologization of consciousness from a very young age from its further transformation into an ecological culture.
- propaganda work . The creation of leaflets, brochures contributes to the actualization of attention to the problem of ecology [see. appendix 12].
Every year we organize photo exhibitions, videos, the purpose of which is not only to show household dumps, trees broken by human hands, our nature conservation activities and simply beautiful places in our region, but also to make you think about the consequences of your activities.
We teach junior schoolchildren to behave correctly in the forest, on the river, in the meadow, so as not to harm nature. We introduce them to plants listed in the Red Book. With an educational purpose, the environmental group "Rostok" organized an ecological corner in the recreation of the school hall [see. appendix 13].
All year round at the school, by joint efforts, we put things in order, clean up the territory, plant trees, shrubs and flowers, carry out environmental activities: labor landings, reviews, competitions and carry out a lot of other useful and important things.
"We are all children of the same ship named Earth, which means there is simply nowhere to transfer from it ... There is a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash yourself, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order," - wrote in French writer, poet Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This is the main rule of life, which should become the main condition for the existence of every person on earth.
To save our Earth from destruction, everyone must start with themselves.
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Poets and writers of the Don land at the site of the historical park "Russia - my history"
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Today in the Rostov historical park "Russia - my history" an exhibition of works by graduates of the Chinenov Children's Art School (Rostov-on-Don) was opened as part of the socio-cultural project "Poets and Writers of the Don Land".
30 paintings by young artists were placed in the lobby of the first floor of the multimedia park. They will be on display until November 28, from 10 am to 8 pm every day except Monday. Viewing is open to everyone.
According to the organizers, the goal of the project is to draw the attention of a wide audience of different ages of residents of the city and the region to the work of modern, little-known and undeservedly "forgotten" by readers of the Don poets and writers. The project is implemented by the Rostov-on-Don city centralized library system together with the creative association of teachers of children's art schools and children's art schools of the city of Rostov-on-Don "Making the world colorful."
The director of the Rostov-on-Don city centralized library system Sergey Dzhinibalayan, the head of the creative association of teachers of the Children's Art School and the Children's School of Art of the city of Rostov-on-Don "Making the world colorful" Yuri Nesterov, the deputy head of the historical park "Russia - my history" for scientific and excursion activities Sergey Gordienko, representatives of the Union of Writers of Russia, young artists - authors of works, directors and teachers of children's art schools and children's art schools in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, specialists from libraries in Rostov and invited writers and poets whose artistic lines inspired on the work of young artists.
To date, pupils of the Children's Art School named after A.S. and M.M. Chinenovs illustrated the works of Daniil Dolinsky, Elena Nesterova, Pyotr Khromov, Boris Kulikov, Leonid Dyakov, Irina Sazonova, Gennady Seligenin, Boris Izyumsky, Viktor Strelkov, Larisa Khrapova, Arkady Agafonov, Igor Bondarenko, Anatoly Gritsenko, Ivan Kovalevsky, Sergei Tyutyunnik, Yuri Remesnik , Vladimir Smirensky, Petroniy Guy Amatuni, Elena Almalibre, Lyubov Voloshina, Vadim Selin, Anatoly Kalinin, Vladimir Punin, Gennady Sukhoruchenko, Anatoly Roshchupkin, Alexei Korolev, Vitaly Zakrutkin, Vladimir Fomenko, Natalia Sukhanova, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Morzh, Mikhail Sholokhov, Tatyana Snezhko, Alexander Rybin.
Address: Rostov-on-Don, Shlokhov Avenue, 31 "I".
Phone: 8 (863) 285-47-85.
November 11, 2022 Rostov-on-Don
11 November 2022
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