Baby food corner
Healthy Food Corner - Twins and Me
We have a team of wonderful Mommy chefs who will be contributing traditional, healthy and yummy recipes to Twins & Me’s Healthy Food Corner.
There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does.
Skip the diet and just EAT HEALTHY.
The recipes would be perfect for pregnant moms, feeding moms, infants and toddlers/kids. There is a special section for Moms too. We have tagged the recipes under these categories.
Please click on the relevant section to view the recipes.
Pregnancy is the main phase of any woman’s life. You have to care for yourself and the little blossoming buds within you.
Eating well and right is the key for a healthy pregnancy.
If you are carrying twins, your twin fetuses would be eagerly waiting for your meal times . “What are you going to eat for us today mommy?” Surprise the little ones with healthy dishes every day from our Healthy Food Corner.
Keeping yourself healthy after tedious phases of pregnancy and delivery is essential. Especially if you underwent a c-section, regaining all the strength back to your body might be your immediate goal.
You have to be strong enough to attend and care for your babies.
More than everything, if you are a twin mama, there are two babies relying on you for their food and growth.
So feeding moms, check out our Healthy Food Corner for some healthy, traditional recipes which will benefit your health and support lactation.
After six months of age, your infant will be slowly introduced to new taste and new food. This is the time where you have to be more alert, as a good impression about food needs to be created in your baby.
You should spend concrete time in preparing creative food, feeding your baby patiently, introducing healthy meals and avoiding junks.
Let him feel the hunger and then eat. Avoiding junks would actually be the key, to make your kid love good food. This will motivate him to stick to healthy dining habits in future.
With twins, feeding two little tots will be challenging. You should create a passion and love towards food and make sure they are not going to hate meal times. This is the crucial stage. If your babies start to like food and have an urge to eat, life is going to be much easier for you in the coming years.
Look for some healthy start up recipes for your infants in our Healthy Food Corner.
Interview mommies about feeding their toddler or kid and don’t be surprised if you hear the same kind of answers from most of them. “OMG!”, “Is there any other job tougher than this?”,”Oh ! please don’t ever remind me about it!” and still more.
As a mother we wish to make every meal a nutritious one for our kids.
But here in a world showcasing junk food, there is no wonder if your kids develop an aversion towards vegetables, fruits and other healthy food.
It is however much necessary to set good food habits right from the day they start with their solid food. But if you haven’t done that already it is still not too late. Even at this stage, you can bring the love for food and cultivate healthy eating habits.
There are many ideas available in the internet for toddler recipes. Here in our recipe corner we contribute to this huge list with some healthy, yummy kids recipes.
We moms are very conscious about the health, diet and everything about our family that we often forget to care for ourselves.
Self care is most important for any mom.
If we are not caring for ourselves, we cannot serve as the backbone of our family.
To cope up with the needs of everyone, we should satisfy our needs first. We should be hale and healthy which means we should include healthy food in our daily diet.
Watch this section for some yummy, healthy recipes exclusively for moms. We do consider that you are weight conscious too 😉
Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.
Image credits : Recipes for Pregnant Moms by bortescristian via / CC BY ; Recipes for Toddlers & Kids by Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal via photopin (license) ; Recipes for Moms by quangtruong07 Flickr via Compfight cc
Note : Added text to the original images used in this post.
Our Story - Baby Corner
For the Children
Baby Corner helps children have what they need to grow, play, learn and thrive. We do this by providing essential care, safety, and health goods for children who are experiencing the stresses of economic insecurity, systemic inequities, or family disruption.
Kids, ages birth through 12, get shoes, diapers, formula, blankets, coats, and much more from Baby Corner, and our service partners.
Baby Corner also provides for expectant and postpartum mothers, supplying maternity wear, personal care goods, and mother-infant support items.
Kids are warm, healthy, safe, and better prepared to fulfill their own potential because of Baby Corner.
More than 70 school districts, health & human service organizations, early learning centers, and food banks are in the Baby Corner collaborative network. Counselors, nurses, case managers, teachers can order each week for the children and families in their program, delivering customized orders of clothing, diapers, shoes, school supplies, and more. Service partners can concentrate their resources and expertise on supporting families, not on collecting goods.
Partner Organizations
People in our communities donate most of the clothing, baby gear, toys, and books. More goods come from community collection drives and events. Baby Corner buys crucial supplies, including those we guarantee to provide: baby food, formula, car seats, pack n’ play beds, and diapers. We are a place where you can help give all kids the advantage of a strong foundation in life.
Volunteers are at the heart of Baby Corner’s service, donating thousands of hours each year.
Through four Hubs + Opportunity Gateway mobile distribution, our services are accessible to families at over 250 locations in the Central Puget Sound Region.
Our Vision
We imagine a world where all children are healthy, safe and prepared to build their own futures.
Our Mission
Baby Corner helps kids reach their full potential tomorrow by meeting basic needs today.
Baby Corner was founded in 1990 by Karen Ridlon. Her background as a pediatric nurse practitioner gave her insight into what kids need for healthy development, and what families need to care for their children. With a broken playpen, a few other donated items, grit, determination, and a community network, Karen started Baby Corner. Over the past 31 years, Baby Corner has grown from Karen’s dining room to three locations in King and Kitsap counties.
Baby Corner’s Central Hub is located in Issaquah, WA. Partners in North King and South Snohomish counties can now access services through the Shoreline Hub, which opened in June 2022, relocating from Kenmore. West Sound’s Hub was launched by a team of volunteers, opening in 2016 in Bremerton. Rowley Properties has provided Baby Corner’s Central Hub a home in Issaquah for three decades.
Starting in 2008, Baby Corner transitioned from an all-volunteer organization to one with more sustainable governance and financial structure.
Organizational Beliefs
We believe…
…providing basic needs alleviates the impacts of poverty and crisis, helping children to reach their potential.
…we have more impact collectively than individually – together we build community and care for one another.
…engaging the vibrant diversity in our communities, with a focus on inclusion and equity, strengthens our community and organization.
…we help more children when we make the most of our collective resources.
Cook's corner in kindergarten at the catering unit
Food corner in kindergarten.
The food corner in the kindergarten can be designed in two ways: a menu-stand and a food corner in a group.
In the first case, the food corner is quite standard and is hung out in a common room: in the corridor, not far from the kitchen and the main entrance. It usually consists of a stand with one or more pockets for A4 sheets. The pockets contain information approved by the administration of the preschool institution and the head nurse, who is also a dietitian.
The required sheet for the insert is the menu for the day: a list of meals and meals that children will receive for breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner (if such is provided in kindergarten). This information is intended primarily for parents so that they can come up and get acquainted with the products that the child will receive in kindergarten.
Other sheets are addressed to junior caregivers. This is a schedule for the issuance of finished products, the amount of food in grams for children in accordance with age is the norm of servings. Although, of course, an experienced nanny means all this data by heart.
Not so long ago, the issue of nutrition was acute due to the change in the menu, but parents should remember that the menu is always available in the public domain and is located in the food corner. A well-designed food corner will immediately attract the attention of a parent. In order for the corner to be noticeable, it is necessary to make it bright, attractive. As options, pockets are placed on a stand with fabulous or culinary motifs. You should not oversaturate the background on which the pockets are placed with color pictures. It is enough to highlight one large, bright one - for example, a large cook with a ladle or a pot of porridge, which, on the one hand, will attract the attention of a parent from afar, and on the other hand, will not distract from the main information posted on ordinary printed sheets inserted into pockets.
Food corner in the group
The second type of food corner is exclusively “parental”, that is, focused on parents, and it is located in the group locker room.
As a rule, such a food corner is informative and recommendatory. Its main design can either be an abstract theme (again involving cartoon characters) or be a continuation of the band's name. If, for example, the group is called "Suns", then the corners in the dressing room can somehow contain the corresponding elements: the sun, rays, clouds, and so on.
Topics that can be posted in this nutrition corner may include:
- Articles on healthy eating, child nutrition during illness, vitamins, table manners.
- Articles of a psychological nature: childhood obesity; what to do if you lose your appetite.
- Tips for parents on how to diversify weekend leisure with culinary experiences: determine the most juicy fruit, why an apple darkens, where milk turns sour faster and so on.
- Recipes. For example, the "Menu of Ideas", what we cook on a day off with a child. This section can be supplemented with a photo of the pupils of the group, photographed while preparing the dish.
Author — Maria Danilenko.
Chef's Corner stand.
Stand "Cook's Corner"
Every specialist working with children, organizing their work in the preschool educational institution, certainly draws up an information corner for kids and adults. The cook is no exception.
On the Chef's Corner stand, equipped with 4 A4 pockets and a book stand for 5 files, you can easily place a lot of the most necessary and interesting information: about the menu, about nutritional standards, about vitamins, about the prevention of intestinal diseases, labor protection in the catering department and much more.
The drawing applied to the surface of the stand has a special coating that does not transmit UV rays, which will protect the stand from fading and extend its service life.
Colorful and roomy stand "Cook's Corner" will be an excellent solution in the design of the catering unit in preschool educational institutions and any other institution of education and recreation for children.
Area 0.8 sq. m.
Weight 1.62 kg
We deliver goods to all regions of the Russian Federation, including the Republic of Crimea, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
1. Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus.
- Russian Post - delivery time from 3 to 20 days depending on the distance. Delivery to the nearest post office.
- Courier services "Business Lines", "Baikal Service" or any carriers convenient for you will deliver the products to the warehouse closest to you. Delivery time 2-3 days
- Pickup from a warehouse in Belgorod at the address: st. Volchanskaya, 159.
- Courier delivery to the address (it is possible to arrange through a representative (dealer) of the company in your city.
You can find out the presence of a representative by phone. 8-800-700-92-77)
2. Delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region
- Courier delivery to the address (possible to order by phone. +7 (499) 346-89-96)
- Pickup from the office-warehouse in Moscow at the address: Entuziastov Highway, 19, office 302; 310 (metro station Aviamotornaya (5 minutes walk)
3. Delivery to the Republic of Crimea
- Russian Post - delivery time 10 days
- Transport company "Business Lines" - delivery time 10-12 days
HOT TELEPHONE LINES (FREE from all telephones in Russia: 8-800-700-92-77
MOSCOW NUMBER +7-499-346-89-96
499) 346 89 96
– Mobile phone: +7 (968) 921-89-89
- Address: Moscow, highway Entuziastov, 19, office 302 (metro station Aviamotornaya (5 min. walk)
St. Petersburg: store-warehouse for the sale and delivery of goods from 10.00 to 21.00 (daily)
— City phone: +7 (812) 244-91-79
— Address: St. Petersburg, Gorokhovaya st., 49 (metro station Spasskaya, Sadovaya, " Sennaya")
Belgorod: production office
- City phone: +7 (4722) 40 23 27
- Phone: +7 (909) 208-10-97 (for SMS with the text "Order" - we will call you back!)
- Legal address: Belgorod, Yesenina str., 8. Office 1/CRO.
– Production address: Belgorod, st. Volchanskaya, 159
Republic of Crimea, Simferopol: branch
- Phone: +7 (978) 857-14-12
- Address: Crimea, Simferopol, st. Popovkina, 25
— Customer Service Manager: Verbitskaya Natalia Mikhailovna
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We deliver to the cities: St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Moscow, Volgograd, Kaluga, Nizhneudinsk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk, Tambov and other cities of the Russian Federation
Hygienic rules and regulations for the kitchen staff of kindergartens.
The health of children attending kindergartens is directly related to the quality of nutrition and the observance of hygiene rules and norms by the personnel of kindergartens. All employees of Preschool Educational Institutions (DOE) are required to undergo medical examinations and examinations in the prescribed manner (once every 3 months).
Each employee of a preschool educational institution must have a personal medical book, where they enter the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information about vaccinations, past infectious diseases, information about hygiene training and certification.
Employees who avoid medical examinations, vocational and hygienic training, who do not have a personal medical book of the established form with the results of medical examinations and vocational hygienic training, are not allowed to work.
In the absence of information about preventive vaccinations, persons entering preschools must be vaccinated in accordance with the national calendar of preventive vaccinations.
Preschool staff must observe personal hygiene rules : come to work in clean clothes and shoes; leave outerwear, headgear and personal belongings in an individual wardrobe; cut your nails short.
Before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly, put on a clean gown or other special suit, and have a change of shoes; neatly pick up the hair. The technical staff must additionally have an apron and a scarf for distributing food, an apron for washing dishes and a special (dark) dressing gown for cleaning the premises.
Take off your bathrobe before entering the restroom and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after leaving; Staff are not allowed to use the children's toilet.
Before leaving the preschool, the staff must put their gowns in the closet for overalls.
All catering workers must be examined daily by a nurse for cuts, abrasions, pustular diseases on the skin and be questioned for the presence of catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract with an examination of the pharynx, with a mark in the journal of the established sample. Catering staff should not wear rings, earrings, stab overalls with pins during work, eat and smoke at the workplace. For PEI staff, at least 3 sets of sanitary clothing should be provided.
Sick employees are not admitted or immediately removed from work. If there is a suspicion of an infectious disease, the employee must also be removed from work.
The following requirements apply to the production equipment and cutting inventory of catering units:
1. Tables intended for food processing must be all-metal stainless steel or duralumin. Tables for processing raw meat and fish are covered with galvanized iron (with rounded corners).
2. Separate cutting tables, knives and boards made of hardwood without cracks and gaps, smoothly planed, should be provided for cutting raw and finished products. Cutting boards made of plastic and pressed plywood are not allowed.
3. Boards and knives must be marked: SM - raw meat, SC - raw chickens, SR - raw fish, CO - raw vegetables, VM - boiled meat, BP - boiled fish, VO - boiled vegetables, gastronomy, Herring, X - bread, greens. When cooking, it is not allowed to use marked boards for other than their intended purpose.
4. Stainless steel utensils should be used for preparing and storing cooked food. Aluminum and duralumin utensils are used only for cooking and short-term storage of food. Compotes are prepared in stainless steel dishes. For boiling milk, separate dishes are allocated.
5. The number of sets of tableware and tea utensils must fully ensure the simultaneous boarding of children without additional processing of dishes and utensils during meals.
Control over the food unit and nutrition of children is carried out by medical staff of kindergartens.
The kitchen should be located on the first floor and have a separate entrance and an area of 21-46 m2 (depending on the completeness of the child care facility). Ceilings and walls in the kitchen should be covered with white oil paint and wall panels with glazed tiles. The floors are laid out with metlakh tiles. This is done so that the walls, ceiling and floor can be easily washed with disinfectant solutions. All windows and doors in the kitchen must be carefully closed with a fly net.
For food waste, there should be special buckets with tight-fitting lids, which should be emptied as they are full, but at least every 4 hours. The dishes should first be cleaned of food debris, then washed with a washcloth in warm water (temperature about 50) with the addition of baking soda, washed again with clean water and poured over with water having a temperature of 80. The washed dishes must be dried on special shelves or racks and then removed into cabinets.
When organizing high-quality, nutritious nutrition for children, it is necessary to observe sanitary and hygienic rules, use all premises of the catering unit strictly for their intended purpose. Cleaning should be carried out only with the use of disinfectants (usually a 1% solution of bleach or chloramine).
Only specific approved products may be used to disinfect dishes and surfaces.
Food entering children's institutions must be fresh and of good quality. At the slightest suspicion of the poor quality of a product, it should be excluded from the diet of children and subjected to additional laboratory testing.
Semi-finished products from meat and fish are immediately subjected to culinary processing, well boiled or fried (they can be stored only in exceptional cases in the cold and not more than 6 hours).
Sour milk and yogurt from raw milk in children's institutions are used only for dishes that will be cooked (fritters, pancakes, pies).
Prepared food is distributed immediately after preparation. The first dishes at the time of distribution should have a temperature of 70, the second - not lower than 60, cold dishes and snacks - salads, vinaigrettes - from 10 to 15. If part of the food is not sold immediately, then before re-distribution it must be boiled or fried again. Mixing leftover food with newly made food is strictly prohibited.
Requirements for food storage conditions
1. Frozen meat is stored on racks and bins. By-products are stored in the supplier's container on racks or pedestals.
2. Frozen or chilled poultry is stored in the supplier's container on racks or bins.
3. Frozen fish (fish fillet) is stored on racks or bins in the supplier's container.
4. Flask or bottled milk should be stored in the same container in which it was received.
5. Butter is stored on shelves in original containers or in parchment-wrapped bars in trays. Large cheeses - on clean racks (when stacking cheeses one on top of the other, there should be cardboard or plywood pads between them), small cheeses are stored on shelves in consumer packaging. Sour cream, cottage cheese are stored in a container with a lid. It is not allowed to leave spoons, shoulder blades in a container with sour cream, cottage cheese. Eggs in boxes are stored on pallets in dry, cool rooms.
6. Cereals, flour, pasta are stored in a dry room in bags, cardboard boxes on pedestals or racks at a distance of at least 15 cm from the floor, the distance between the wall and products should be at least 20 cm.
7. Rye and wheat bread are stored separately on shelves and in cabinets; at a distance of the lower shelf from the floor at least 35 cm. The doors in the cabinets must have holes for ventilation. When cleaning the places of storage of bread, the crumbs are swept away with special brushes, the shelves are wiped with a cloth moistened with a 1% solution of table vinegar.
8. Store potatoes and roots in a dry, dark place; cabbage - on separate racks, in chests; pickled, salted vegetables - in barrels, at a temperature not exceeding 10 C. Fruits and greens are stored in boxes in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding 12 C.
9. Products with a specific smell (spices, herring) should be stored separately from other products that perceive odors (butter, cheese, eggs, tea, sugar, salt).
The container in which products are brought from the base must be marked and used strictly for their intended purpose. Oilcloth and other bags, metal and wooden boxes, tubs, cans, flasks, etc. after use must be cleaned, washed with water with a 2% solution of soda ash (20 g of the drug per 1 liter of water), scalded with boiling water, dried and stored in places where inaccessible to pollution. Their processing is carried out in a specially designated room. It is not allowed to use kitchen equipment for transporting food.
Healthy Baby Food Bowl Accessories Light Blue Background Flat lay Stock Photo ©NewAfrica 557011650
Healthy Baby Food Bowl Accessories Light Blue Background Flat lay Stock Photo ©NewAfrica 557011650Login to See October Specials
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Healthy baby food in a bowl and accessories on a light blue background, flat lay. Space for text
— Photo by NewAfrica
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