When do you give gripe water to baby before or after feeding
Gripe Water for Babies: Does It Work?
Crying is a baby’s main form of communication.
Nobody can recognize your baby’s cries better than you, so you may instantly know if your baby is sleepy, hungry, or needs to be cuddled.
Although crying is normal, your baby may sometimes cry excessively despite being well-fed and changed. This can indicate another problem, such as teething or colic.
A colicky baby may cry for several hours on any given day. Though it is not known what causes colic, some feel it is due to abdominal discomfort caused by gassiness.
Research suggests up to 28 percent of infants worldwide experience colic in the first few months of life. It’s more common in infants under 6 weeks, and it becomes less common as the child turns 10 to 12 weeks.
By about age 4 months, most infants spontaneously outgrow colic.
Still, excessive crying and fussiness can be difficult on the infant-family relationship. Parents may seek out a solution because they worry they’re not properly caring for their child.
The good news is that there are ways to soothe your baby. Some parents believe they have successfully calmed their babies with an herbal remedy called gripe water. But gripe water carries the risk for some side effects and safety concerns.
Here, we’ll discuss what gripe water is and if it’s safe. We’ll also discuss alternatives to gripe water for colicky babies.
Several over-the-counter products are marketed for relieving colic symptoms in babies. Naturally, you may be concerned about some ingredients in these products.
If you are going to try a remedy, you want one that is safe.
Gripe water is an herbal supplement available in liquid form. It is sold in pharmacies, health food stores, and grocery stores. Gripe water is marketed to parents as a treatment to ease gas, colic, and other baby ailments.
There are many variations, but most formulas contain a mixture of different herbs, including:
- fennel
- ginger
- chamomile
- licorice
- cinnamon
- lemon balm
A baby is more likely to experience stomach discomfort when unable to pass gas.
Some babies cry for several hours over days or weeks. Since the herbs in gripe water theoretically help with digestion, this remedy is thought to help with colic caused by gassiness. However, most of this research is from adults, not infants.
Some gripe waters also use sugar and flavoring agents to make the supplement more palatable. Some may even contain alcohol.
Gripe water is sometimes also used for teething pain and hiccups.
Gripe water is considered a dietary supplement, not a medication, by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This means it does not need prior approval from the FDA before it’s marketed and sold to parents.
In other words, these products are considered safe until they are proven unsafe, unlike prescription medications which undergo rigorous testing before they can be sold to consumers. The FDA has recalled certain formulations of infant gripe water because they contain alcohol, which is not safe for babies.
The benefits of gripe water are largely unproven. One study found that 64 percent of mothers (335 were involved in the study) in India were giving their children gripe water, but most infants who received the supplement continued to cry excessively.
Support for gripe water largely comes from anecdotal reports of parents. Due to a lack of standardization and regulation, many professional medical associations do not recommend parents use gripe water.
To better understand why gripe water may not be a good option for your infant, it helps to understand what’s in gripe water.
There are different types of gripe water. Some traditional formulas include alcohol and sugar. Too much sugar can increase the risk of tooth decay, and it may affect your baby’s feeding habits.
Understand, however, that while some formulas of gripe water include alcohol, sugar, and artificial flavors, these ingredients aren’t included in all formulas. If you’re going to use gripe water, it’s important to only use gripe water that’s designed specifically for babies.
Make sure you read the ingredients listed on the package. Some forms of gripe water also contain sodium bicarbonate and peppermint.
Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, shouldn’t be given to colicky babies unless prescribed by a doctor. Sodium bicarbonate can interfere with the natural pH level in your baby’s stomach. This can cause too much alkalinity and worsen colic symptoms.
Watch out for gripe water containing peppermint. It could potentially worsen a baby’s reflux symptoms. You should also avoid gripe water containing gluten, dairy, parabens, and vegetable carbon.
Gripe water is not recommended for babies younger than 1 month. The digestive tract is sensitive and still developing at this age.
Most pediatricians will advise parents to try other methods of soothing a colicky baby before giving them gripe water. The benefits often do not outweigh the potential risks, and gripe water is likely not effective as a treatment.
Don’t give your baby gripe water without first reading the instructions, and only give your baby the recommended dosage. Confirm this dosage with your baby’s healthcare professional.
If your baby suffers from colic, the pain may come in waves and worsen after each feeding. You can give gripe water immediately after feedings to help your baby avoid gas pain.
Gripe water typically has a pleasant taste, so some babies don’t mind taking a dose. You might be tempted to mix gripe water with your baby’s breast milk or formula. That’s probably safe, but for maximum results, you should give your baby gripe water by itself.
Place the medicine dropper straight into your baby’s mouth. Slowly press the dropper against the inside of the cheek. Allow them to swallow it a bit at a time before giving them more.
Gripe water is probably safe, but there are safer alternatives. If you do give your infant gripe water, it’s important to keep an open eye for signs of an allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms can vary.
After giving gripe water to your baby, check for:
- hives
- watery eyes
- swelling of the lips or tongue
- vomiting
- itchiness
- a change in breathing
If you suspect an allergic reaction, discontinue use and contact your doctor immediately.
Do not give more than the recommended dose in a 24-hour period. If your child is not responding to the gripe water, stop giving it to them.
You can also use gripe water with other soothing techniques.
Try a variety of these colic remedies during a baby’s colicky hours to find what soothes them best. While they may not work all the time, they’re not costly and have few risks.
Swaddling babies in a warm blanket and rocking them back and forth may calm fussiness. Soothing background noises, including calming music or white noise, can help.
Wearing babies under 6 months in a chest-to-chest carrier can often calm them, as can going for a walk outside in a baby carrier or stroller. The change of scenery can be calming for parents and infants. A brief car ride may soothe your baby, too.
A warm bath can have a calming effect. A few minutes in a baby swing can calm a colicky baby, too.
If these things don’t work, consider feeding changes.
If you’re breastfeeding, removing certain foods from your diet might also reduce fussiness in your baby, though studies do not show a definite link.
Foods to eliminate from your diet can include:
- dairy
- peanuts and tree nuts
- soy
- fish
- wheat
Talk to your healthcare professional before changing your diet.
Make sure your baby is upright during feedings to ease gassiness. If you feed your baby from a bottle, be sure to stop feeding as soon as the bottle is empty, so your baby doesn’t swallow air from their bottle.
You can also change up your baby’s bottle to see if you notice a difference. Try a bottle with an “anti-colic” insert, a curved bottle, or a bottle with a disposable, collapsible bag. Any of these bottles can lessen the amount of air your baby swallows and reduce gas.
Frequent burping may help reduce swallowed air, too. Stop a few times during the feeding and help your child to burp with gentle pats on the back.
Colic symptoms occasionally may be caused by a particular formula. Some babies are more sensitive to formulas containing cow’s milk.
Switching to a soy-based formula may soothe their stomachs and reduce symptoms, though this has only been shown in a few small studies. Talk with your baby’s doctor before changing formulas.
Excessive crying and fussiness can be distressing for both you and your baby. Fortunately, colic symptoms typically improve by ages 3 to 4 months.
While gripe water has not been shown to be an effective alternative for soothing colicky babies, it is probably safe. Talk with your baby’s medical professional first, follow dosing instructions, and read the ingredients carefully.
Don’t forget to incorporate other soothing techniques. If you’ve experimented with different home remedies, but your baby’s condition worsens or doesn’t improve, make an appointment with your doctor. Excessive crying may be due to another problem.
If your baby has colic, getting through the next weeks or months can be tough. Just know that it’s OK to ask for help, especially if you feel yourself getting frustrated or angry.
If possible, talk with your partner and come up with a plan that allows you to split newborn duties. If you need a break, ask a trusted adult to care for your baby for a couple of hours.
Gripe Water 101: What You Need to Know
Gripe Water 101
When your baby has gas buildup, colic, or abdominal discomfort it can be a very difficult time for baby and parents. Crying, lack of sleep and the overall discomfort that gas and colic bring can have parents desperate to find some relief for baby. Luckily there is Gripe Water, a tried and tested remedy for fussy babies, great for relieving discomfit caused by colic, hiccups, and other issues related to stomach discomfort.
What Is Gripe Water?Gripe water is a time-tested herbal supplement that helps to ease an infant’s symptoms of gas, colic, hiccups, and fussiness. Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water contains fennel seed, and ginger root, which can ease the nausea and discomfort caused by stomach gas and other colic symptoms. Mothers have used many variations of gripe water for generations, with today’s products focusing on quality ingredients.
Is Gripe Water Safe?Gripe water is made with many natural ingredients to ensure it is safe for your baby, made of various mixes of herbs that make it incredibly mild for an infant digestive system. Mild enough for a baby’s developing digestive system, yet effective enough to bring peace and quiet to the home.
Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is made with safe & gentle ingredients and does not have gluten, alcohol, dairy, soy, or parabens.
What Is Gripe Water Used For?As their internal organs are still developing, infants often will experience gas buildup. This discomfort often leads to babies crying for extended periods of time, as they cannot relieve themselves of the pressure from gas buildup.
This internal discomfort can be caused by several factors, colic, for example. If your infant is crying for at least three hours a day three or more times a week, he or she might have colic.
Prolonged hiccups can cause discomfort as the muscles in the abdomen contract quickly and repeatedly. One potential cause of hiccups is taking in too much air while feeding too quickly.
Using gripe water for babies and newborns helps to relieve gas pressure and the buildup of air that causes hiccups; a common cause of internal discomfort for infants up to six months of age.
Gripe water for newborns helps to relieve gas that causes many different issues. With the blend of herbal ingredients, gripe water is mild enough to be safe for newborns and infants, and gentle enough to address the many problems babies face in the first six months of life.
Several issues gripe water can be used for including:
- Colic symptoms
- Gas buildup
- Hiccups
- Fussiness
By settling the stomach of gas buildup in infants, gripe water addresses the symptoms associated with all the above issues—the buildup of gas in the abdomen.
What Is Gripe Water Made Of?Gripe water is a mixture of natural herbal ingredients. While many traditional gripe water recipes have existed over the years, many variations use ginger as the main ingredient.
Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water contains organic herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, which work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies and help ease the symptoms of colic. Made with natural herbal ingredients, it doesn’t contain any gluten, alcohol, dairy, soy or parabens.
Gripe Water is a gentle herbal supplement that offers relief to babies who suffer from gas, colic, hiccups, or general fussiness. Gripe water helps to settle the stomach by relieving gas buildup. Gripe water contains fennel, ginger, which are historically known to ease nausea and discomfort caused by stomach gas.
When Do You Use Gripe Water?Most babies will need gripe water after feedings when they get gassy from eating too fast or from gulping in air while feeding. It is a good idea to wait 30 minutes after a feeding to administer Gripe Water, as this allows time for food to digest.
How Do You Use Gripe Water?Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Original comes in liquid form that is fed directly to your baby. To avoid diluting the solution, gripe water should be applied by dropper or syringe into your baby’s mouth or in an empty bottle.
Gripe water serving size is important to consider. The serving you use per application is based on the age of your baby.
We recommend using gripe water usage dose guide:
- Two weeks old to six weeks old: 1 mL up to 15 times a day
- Six weeks old to ten weeks old: 2 mL up to 15 times a day
- Ten weeks old to six months old: 5mL up to 6 times a day
Mommy’s Bliss Organic Gripe Water Gel uses our same tried and true Gripe Water liquid formula in a new easier-to-administer format. This gel is gentle for baby to consume and helps ease gas and stomach discomfort often associated with colic and fussiness. To administer, simply apply a small, pea-sized amount (0.33g) of gripe water to your fingertip and place inside of cheek, or to a pacifier and let baby consume slowly.
Side Effects of Gripe Water
Because gripe water is made with gentle herbal ingredients, there are likely to be no side effects when using this product. Parents may notice that their babies become sleepy after administering gripe water. This is because babies who have been suffering from colic, extreme discomfort or gas are often exhausted due to the tension. Gripe water offers much-needed relief which will help them get some much-needed rest.
As with any medicine, whether all-natural or otherwise, we recommend consulting with your pediatrician before giving your little one anything.
Frequently Asked QuestionsThere are many common questions about how to administer gripe water to your infant. We’ve brought those questions together to ensure all your concerns are addressed.
- When should I give gripe water to my baby? – Gripe water can be used any time your baby is experiencing discomfort from gas buildup, and the various issues associated with it. It is advised to administer gripe water 30 minutes after feeding, to give your baby time to digest their last meal.
- How often can you give gripe water? – Mommies can use our gripe water up to six times per day, as needed.
- Do I give gripe water to my baby before or after feeding? – Because each baby has different needs and unique symptoms, there is not a specific time during which it is best to administer gripe water. However, most babies need gripe water after feeding because they can have gas from eating too quickly and gulping in air while feeding. We recommend waiting at least 30 minutes after feeding to administer Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water
- Can you mix gripe water with formula? – As gripe water is a mild supplement, mixing it with formula will often dilute the solution. It is suggested to give your newborn a dose of gripe water by itself after feeding.
- How do I give my baby gripe water? – You can give your baby gripe water either through a dropper or in an empty bottle.
- Can I use gripe water with baby gas relief drops? – Yes! Using gripe water with gas relief drops is completely safe.
In conclusion, gripe water is a great way to ease your newborn’s stomach discomfort. As a mild herbal supplement, it is a safe way to relieve your baby of discomfort from hiccups, colic, and upset tummy—anything related to gas buildup.
Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water is NSF certified and loved by mothers. Our gripe water is also the number one selling natural supplement for relief of colic symptoms.
Itchel Alsalte
Itchel is the part of our E-commerce team and loves working in the digital marketing space. She loves to stay active and be outdoors with her family. While she is not working, she spends her time with her two adorable girls that keep her super busy!
Should I give my child water from a bottle?
Many young mothers are interested in the question - is it necessary to give water to a newborn baby? In this case, the doctor gives a variety of advice - some argue that breastfed babies do not need additional water, others assure the opposite. To get an answer to this question, it is necessary to understand in more detail how and when the baby should be watered, and what water can be used for this.
Mother's breast milk, which the child receives from the first days of life, is both food and drink for him - it is known that on 90% it consists of water. Thus, the breastfed baby receives all the amount of fluid he needs. Thanks to special enzymes, mother's milk has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. In addition, the female body is able to independently adapt to the needs of the baby, regulating the composition of breast milk. When the baby needs more liquid, he begins to breastfeed more, thus receiving more foremilk (it is less saturated), which not only quenches thirst well, but also restores electrolyte balance.
If we take into account all of the above, we can decide that the baby does not need ordinary water as a drink at all. But in fact, sometimes it is necessary. However, giving water to a child who is not yet three months old is possible only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. Babies who are already 4 months old can drink water - this will not affect the breastfeeding process in any way. There are absolutely no contraindications to water if the baby drinks it with pleasure. On the contrary, you should be wary of a lack of fluids, which can cause much more harm to the child. We must not forget that newborns have a very fast metabolism, due to which the loss of moisture can be very significant.
Water for baby during breastfeeding
You can give your baby water from about 4-5 months. It is best to do this not during feeding, but between them. When the baby feels thirsty, he will gladly drink water from the bottle. As for the norm of fluid for a child, this is a very individual question. As a rule, pediatricians advise giving babies about 100 mg of liquid per 1 kg of body weight, while the liquid includes breast milk. Water in this case will be from 30 to 70 ml.
The baby can drink water from an ordinary bottle with a nipple, you can also use a spoon for this (it will help to accustom the child to complementary foods, which will be needed soon). However, the main rule to remember is that the baby must drink water voluntarily, in no case should he be forced to do so.
Mixed or formula-fed baby water
Artificial feeding has significant differences from natural feeding. The fact is that infant formula contains much more protein than mother's milk. A formula-fed baby has a special need for extra fluids. If you constantly give him a rich nutrient mixture, this can cause constipation. The additional water received by the baby will improve his well-being and contribute to the normal emptying of the intestines.
If the child is on mixed or artificial feeding, then you can start giving water to him a little earlier - already from 1 or 2 months of life. In this case, the water temperature should be cooler than the temperature of the nutrient mixture. Pediatricians assure that babies who are on artificial or mixed feeding definitely need water.
When can newborns be given water?
You can give your baby a drink immediately after eating. You can also drink it in between feedings. It is important to remember that babies have a very small stomach in volume, and they will not physically be able to drink a lot of water. It is enough to give him 2-3 teaspoons of water. Gradually, this dose can be slightly increased.
There are situations in which the need for additional liquid for the baby increases dramatically - for example, when the child has been in a room that is too dry for a long time, or has become slightly overheated. Some parents are too afraid of catching a cold while bathing, and maintain a high temperature in his room - because of this, the humidity in the room decreases, and the baby's body is dehydrated. To prevent this from happening, the air temperature in the baby's room should be maintained at 20 degrees, and the humidity should be between 50 and 70%.
If the air in the room is too dry, the child begins to breathe rapidly, swallowing becomes difficult and colic begins. With overheating, which most often occurs in summer, the baby sweats more, as a result of which the body loses moisture. Signs of dehydration can be signs such as dry skin and mucous membranes, as well as infrequent urination. Pediatricians agree that during illness, newborns need to be given water - for example, with colic, or at elevated temperature. The water in this case should be warm.
The child needs water in such cases:
- at a high temperature - you can give him a little drink from a spoon, and just moisten his lips with water;
- with diarrhea - you need to give the child a little drink, after which it is imperative to show it to the pediatrician;
- when there is fever without temperature - water can be given to the baby in a small amount;
- for constipation - the liquid will help to empty the intestines without discomfort for the child;
- when vomiting - water will prevent dehydration and cleanse the stomach;
- for hiccups - water will relieve spasm of the diaphragm, which happened from hypothermia, and also help to get rid of excess air in the stomach.
What kind of water should a baby drink?
Some parents are sure that only boiled water can be given to babies. Actually it is not. When water is boiled, not all bacteria die in it. And in the composition of such water there are chloride compounds that are extremely harmful to babies. Water obtained from open sources can be no less dangerous, as it contains bacteria from the soil and nitrates. In no case should children be given carbonated or mineral medicinal water with a complex chemical composition. Water purified by home filters is also not suitable for babies.
Where can you get water that will not harm the child? It is best to buy it in a pharmacy. Special water for babies is labeled on the bottle, it contains the optimal amount of minerals for the baby. Water from the pharmacy does not need to be boiled, but after opening it can be stored for no more than a day, and only in the refrigerator. It is best to immediately pour such water into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.
Which water purification methods can be used for a baby?
The most economical and easiest option to provide your baby with high-quality drinking water is to buy a special "children's" water filter. This can be a jug-type device - it is inexpensive, it is very easy to use such a filter, and the degree of water purification is very high - the device effectively removes chlorine, bacteria, pesticides and particles of mechanical impurities from ordinary tap water. For the manufacture of such filters, only high-quality safe plastic is used, which is approved by pediatricians. Water purified in this way can be used not only for feeding the baby, but also for preparing various decoctions and infant formulas.
Can I give my baby water during hiccups?
What is hiccups? This is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm and larynx. Babies are especially susceptible to hiccups, since their diaphragm muscles are characterized by increased excitability. Hypothermia, air entering the stomach, nervous overexcitation and accumulation of gases in the intestines often lead to hiccups.
As soon as a child has hiccups, you need to immediately eliminate its cause. If the baby is cold, it needs to be warmed up. In order for air to come out of the stomach, the baby should be held in a “column”. A few sips of warm water will also help to cope with hiccups.
It is necessary to give water to a child with hiccups, as this measure will quickly eliminate the cause of discomfort.
If you do everything right and give water to the baby only when he really needs it, then there will be no harm - on the contrary, the child will receive the necessary amount of fluid for the normal functioning of the body.
Information about higher organizations
Ministry of Health of the Russian FederationOfficial portal of the Mayor and the Government of MoscowDepartment of labor and social protection of the population of the city of Moscow: on Mondays from 15. 00 to 18.00Department of health of MoscowDepartment of RosZdravNadzor for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region: Mon - Thu: 9:00 - 17:45, Fri: 9:00 - 16:30, Sat - Sun: days off Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of MoscowFKU Main Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise for the city of Moscow: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 8.30 to 17.30 .Directorate for coordinating the activities of medical organizations DZMMosvolunter. Responsible person for cooperation with volunteer organizations: Adylov Seyran Midatovich, tel. +7 499-250-01-75
Information for the public
Assessment of the quality of servicesIndependent assessment of the quality of services provided by medical organizationsQuestionnaire for assessing the quality of services provided by medical organizations on an outpatient basisDrugsCrowdsourcing projects of the Government of MoscowAmbulance and Emergency Medical Service in the City of MoscowAssistance Center for Medical WorkersMoscow City Compulsory Medical Insurance FundInsurance companiesFederal budgetary healthcare institution " Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow "Official resource of the Healthy Russia program. " Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 2017 N 514n "List of studies during preventive medical examinations of minors" List of drugs dispensed free of charge and with a 50% discount List of categories of citizens persons entitled to receive state social assistanceOn the list of documents required for issuing prescriptionsOn the list of pharmacy organizations for the disabled
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whether to supplement the baby with breastfeeding and artificial feeding, how much water a child can drink
The birth of a baby always involves a lot of questions from parents. Some of them are, of course, related to proper nutrition. And almost always the first thing moms ask is whether it is necessary to give water during breastfeeding. Will it harm digestion and stool? And if supplemented, then with what water, how often and from what? Let's take a look at all the nuances in order.
Contents: Hide
- When a baby needs water
- What are the dangers of drinking water early
- General advice on supplementation
When a baby needs water
he is breastfed, with normal assimilation of mother's milk and regular weight gain, water is not required. Mother's milk quenches thirst and protects against dehydration. However, there are doctors who express a different opinion from this. So, when should you supplement your newborn?
• With artificial and mixed feeding. Mixtures, even as close as possible in composition to mother's milk, are absorbed longer, and water helps their absorption. Therefore, the use of water in this case is mandatory.
• When breastfeeding with insufficient lactation. Unfortunately, it happens that the mother's milk is not enough for the baby. If the baby cries often, does not gain weight, supplement the baby with water and immediately contact the pediatrician about mixed feeding or a complete transition to the mixture.
• In hot weather. When it's hot, fluid leaves the body much faster, and feeding a child with milk all the time means forcing him to overeat. Water in this case is your salvation.
• For hiccups. As you know, water helps to cope with hiccups. This is true not only for an adult, but also for a baby.
• For vomiting and diarrhea. They wash fluid out of the child's body, which threatens with dehydration. If you experience these problems, give your baby as much water as possible.
• To bring down high temperatures. If the baby is sick, his temperature has jumped, then the first advice given by all doctors, without exception, is to drink as much as possible. Milk at a high temperature is contraindicated, only fermented milk products are allowed. Therefore, the best way out for mommy will be to give the child some water.
• When the child is older than two months. If a newborn can only get by with mother's milk, then the baby is a little older - no longer. The body grows, as do its needs. Many pediatricians from 2.5 months already recommend to supplement the baby not only with water, but also with dried fruit compotes.
IMPORTANT! Irina Vostrikova, a pediatrician at the MEDSI clinic, believes that babies do not need additional water, because breast milk is already 90% water. However, this may be necessary if the mother herself does not drink enough fluids. So, a nursing mother should drink at least 2 liters of ordinary non-carbonated water per day.
In hot weather, the baby can be offered water between feedings in a volume of 10-15 ml: if the baby refuses, then now he does not need additional liquid. The same recommendations are valid for artificial feeding. It is better to give water to the child with a spoon, and not from a bottle. Because when feeding from a bottle, the baby has a "sucking confusion", and he begins to take the breast incorrectly - because of this, the effectiveness of stimulating milk production is reduced, and the nipples are injured.
What dangers can be with early water intake
Many mothers are surprised when they hear about the ban on giving water to their babies. What problems in a newborn can cause frequent water intake?
• Malnutrition. If you give your baby water shortly before feeding, the liquid will take place in the baby's stomach, and he will eat less milk. As a result, the baby will remain hungry, his body will receive fewer nutrients, and the mother will not empty the mammary glands, which threatens to stagnate milk and reduce lactation.
• Violation of the intestinal microflora. The use of water leads to the appearance in the body of a newborn of the first bacteria, which are not always beneficial. This is a load on the intestines, the likelihood of developing dysbacteriosis.
• Load on the kidneys. The introduction of water into the diet makes the kidneys work more intensively, and the body of a newborn baby may not be ready for this.
IMPORTANT! Elena Shmakova, consultant on breastfeeding and baby care at the Lada Center, teacher of the WHO/UNICEF course "Counseling on Breastfeeding", adds that there is a risk to breastfeeding itself when supplementing. The fact is that milk is produced in response to sucking, and its amount directly depends on the frequency of breast stimulation. If you give your baby water to drink, he will suckle less often and less, which means that the stimulation of the mammary glands will decrease.
She is sure that the baby should be supplemented only when breastfeeding does not help with the dehydration of the baby due to malaise. Dehydration can be detected, for example, when the number of urination is less than 6 per day, while the urine is concentrated, dark, it is less than usual.
Read also: Is it possible to give children mineral water
General recommendations for supplementation
• Only purified water should be given. The best option would be to buy bottled water. Today in stores you can find bottles of water intended for children: it has gone through all possible purifications and is devoid of harmful bacteria. It is also possible to use well water at home, which has passed through special children's filters. Avoid using tap water, even filtered.
• Use only boiled water. By doing this, you significantly reduce the risk of crumbs of harmful bacteria entering the body (almost all of them die when boiled).
• If possible, use silverware.