Baby food recipe book pdf
10 Super Starter Baby Food Recipes (plus FREE ebook!)
Baby is going to love these 10 Super Starter Baby Food Recipes from the very first bite. Easy to make, easy to eat! Great baby food for 4 months and up – stage 1 baby food!
*Plus there is a download for my free 10 Super Starter Puree ebook * – designed to get you in the kitchen and off to a great start – includes an entire starters guide on how and when to feed baby, plus tips on how to get the best out of your baby food recipes.
Super Starter Baby Food RecipesAll of these amazing purees once lived in an ebook, which you can download here for FREE, but I feel like these 10 amazing purees have gotten lost in the crowd. Especially since I took my ebooks off my site this past summer.
But I love all of these recipes so much, I need to add them back to the site.
You needed me to add them back to the site, they are that good!
So here they are, back in all of their glory. Ready for you to whip them up for your little one in a matter of minutes.
These are the 10 recipes that BOTH of my girls gave a big thumbs up to. Healthy, nutritious and beyond delicious, these 10 purees are winners all around.
Jump straight to the recipes —–>Sweet Potato + Thyme
Apple + Clove
Broccoli + Chives
Peach + Vanilla Bean
Carrot + Ginger
Pear + Nutmeg
Butternut Squash + Cilantro
Green Bean + Basil
Bannan + Cinnamon
Mango + Mint
Looking for the tips – each recipe has a great tip in the bottom section of the recipes, so don’t forget to look there for 10 amazing tips on how and what to feed baby!
10 Super Starter Purees for Baby Ebook – Download for FREE!
Starters Guide to Purees –Introducing Purees to BabyMaking and feeding your baby is a right of passage, a developmental step that she must pass through in order to become the young energetic toddler that she will surely become. While all stages of baby’s growth are magical, feeding baby was the highlight for me. The reason is that you are such a big part of this stage. You get to decide what delicious first puree you are going to serve baby. You get to sit at the same level as your little one and watch all of the priceless faces as you spoon-feed her food you made with love. You get to be part of her first adventure in food tasting.
No pressure or anything.
For some, starting baby on their first puree can be daunting and stressful. It can all be confusing – what, when and how to feed your baby. While the stress is completely normal, let me take it away from you. See, it’s off your plate. Don’t you feel better already? You can now let go of all that worry and just have fun during this monumental stage in baby’s life.
These 10 purees are the place to start – my tried and true recipes that will surely be a hit with your little one, while providing baby with the fundamental nutrients she needs to grow and develop. But the best thing, these recipes deliver big in the taste department, giving your baby a culinary experience from the first swallow.
There isn’t an exact age to start baby on their journey into purees, this decision is left completely up to them.
You make the food, they decide when to eat that food.
For some babies, this might be at 4 months, while others might not be ready until 7 or 8 months. Your job is to watch your baby’s signs and silent clues they are giving you.
When you get the thumbs up on the following questions, you are good-to-go!
- Can your baby sit on her own?
- Is your baby able to hold her head and neck in an upright position?
- Does your baby reach for, or eye, your food while you are eating?
- Is she hungry more often and not satisfied after finishing her usual amount of breast milk or formula?
- Has her weight doubled since birth?
While some babies open their mouths and instantly become an eating machine, other babies might take a while to discover their foodie personality. For the first couple of months, let your baby decide when and how much they want to eat. This might mean 1 teaspoon or 6 ounces. Babies are born with a natural ‘stop’ button in their tummies, so when they are hungry, they will eat and when they are full, they will stop.
To begin a feeding, start baby with 1 tablespoon of warm-to-touch puree. You can spoon-feed her, dollop a couple of spoonfuls on her tray and let her have at it or put some puree on your finger and let her lick it off. Or a combination of all three.
This feeding routine can take a while for both of you to get comfortable with, the key is not to give up. Stay focused, relaxed and happy.
As hard as it is to not feel rejected when baby doesn’t like one of your purees, don’t get overly concerned. If at any point baby is turning her head, fussy or just not in the zone, put the unused portion of the puree back into the fridge and try again later. Just like walking, eating may take a while for baby to master.
This is the question I get asked most – can baby actually eat spices from the get-go?
The simple answer is YES! From the very first puree, baby loves to taste different spices and herbs. It is natural for baby to crave and eat foods that are not only colorful and healthy but that also taste good and stimulate baby’s palette, just like yours and mine. While not a guarantee, my experience is that babies that are introduced to foods with spices and herbs from an early age, grow up to be more open to foods with different tastes and textures.
I would also like to mention that all spices and herbs have medicinal purposes. Ginger is great for when baby’s tummy is upset, basil helps aid sleep(!!!) and cinnamon is proven to stimulate the brain.
All the recipes below are completely safe for baby at any age. If you are unsure of adding spices, I would recommend starting with just a pinch of the spice in the recipe for the first batch, adding more spice as baby becomes more accustomed to it.
Peach Baby Puree (Stage One)
5 stars (13 ratings)
Smooth and creamy, this homemade Peach Baby Puree delivers big on taste with naturally sweetened peaches and flecks of vanilla bean.
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Carrot + Ginger Baby Food Puree
5 stars (8 ratings)
This Carrot + Ginger Baby Food recipe is a great first puree for baby! Smooth and mild tasting but with a fun zip from the ginger. Ginger is also great for calming an upset tummy.
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Green Bean Baby Food
5 stars (33 ratings)
Green beans are steamed until just tender, this puree has a mild taste for baby's palette.
Get the recipe
MORE BABY FOOD RECIPES YOUR BABY WILL LOVE:- 7 Organic Starter Baby Purees for Under $20
- 15 Stage One Baby Purees (that actually taste delicious)
- 10 Super Starter Purees for Baby (Tips, Recipes and Starters Guide on How to Feed Baby)
- 5 Minute Mango Baby Food Puree
- Roasted Butternut Squash + Thyme Baby Food Puree
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The deliciously nutritious make-ahead baby food cookbook for a healthy start and beyond!
Healthy, homemade baby food is the best way to ensure your little one is getting all of the nourishment they need―but every parent knows the stress of cooking dinner when your mind is on changing diapers. The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook helps you plan ahead, showing you how quick and easy it can be to cook yummy, wholesome baby food safely and conveniently at home.
From bottle to bowl―Discover what tools you’ll need, which order to introduce solid foods, how to detect food sensitivities, and how to raise a food-friendly eater.
Set the stage―Prep for success with this baby food cookbook, using 4-week meal plans for each stage, including a reader-friendly planning chart, detailed shopping lists, foolproof step-by-step recipes, and more.
Ready-to-go recipes―Please your baby’s palate with dozens of yummy and nutrient-rich foods for every stage and beyond―including flavor combos, mix-ins, and time-saving tips.
Since its release, The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook has quickly risen to be one of Amazon’s best rated baby food cookbooks:
“I love that it is written by a dietitian and can be used by the whole family. Defintely a great buy for new families!”
“It has clear instructions and I love the way it separates into stages so you don't have to guess what your baby can have.”
“We tried many of these recipes while baby sitting for our granddaughter. All of them were winners...even asked for seconds!”
“I love all the meal plans - it makes it so easy and she presents a real 'guide' on exactly what to do. This was a much-needed book!”
“This is a great resource for moms to prevent babies from getting bored with the same food combinations. ”
“This cookbook is such a great introduction to healthy well balanced nutrition for babies.”
Make mealtime mess-free and stress-free with the Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook, an all-in-one meal map for every stage and age. This baby food cookbook gets you started with a primer on signs to look for when your little one is ready to get in the high chair and how to provide essential nutrients at each stage:
At around 6 months old, most babies are ready to start eating solid foods. You’ll start with smooth purees, which help your baby transition from liquids to solids.
By 8 to 10 months, your baby can begin transitioning to chunkier textures, which help to develop chewing skills.
And before you know it, at around 9 to 12 months old, your baby will be moving on to finger foods - soft, bite-sized foods that help build their independence.
And as a bonus, I’ve included 15 family-friendly recipes that both toddlers and grown-ups will love!
You’ll learn the ins and outs of batch cooking, freezing, and reheating, before diving in with an easy-to-navigate 4-week meal plan for each of the three stages of development.
This baby food cookbook is packed with dozens of hearty purees, chunky combinations, and fun finger foods, as well as bonus recipes perfect for your toddler and delicious for the whole family.
As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, I help families navigate all the complications and confusion that come along with raising healthy kids. And as a mom, I know first-hand the unique challenges of feeding a baby. In this book, I combine both my professional knowledge and my personal experience to provide you with accurate nutrition advice and practical ways to introduce your baby to the wonderful and exciting world of solid foods!
Stephanie Van’t Zelfden, RDN, CDN
The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook is a complete guide for stress-free baby feeding. I cover it all - from planning and cooking, to freezing and storage, to heating and serving. In just a few hours, you can create a month’s worth of meals for your baby.
The Make-Ahead Baby Food Cookbook will be your go-to resource for making delicious and nutritious baby food. If you’ve ever thought about making your own baby food, but found it too intimidating, this book is for you. I promise you that it’s quicker, easier, and more fun than you could ever imagine.
I had a ton of fun making this book, and I’m so excited to share it with you. I hope you’ll check it out!
Read online "365 Healthy and Delicious Meals for Baby Food" - LitRes
Nutrition - what could be more important for a growing organism? How your baby starts to eat when you wean him will affect his future development and perhaps even adulthood. In our time, in industrially prepared products, you can find a lot of food additives, flavoring and coloring, which are not at all useful for a small person - and in these conditions the importance of homemade food increases many times over.
The basis of human nutrition is meat, fish, dairy and sour-milk products, various vegetables and fruits, buckwheat is obligatory for cereals. Vegetarianism, fasting for children is unacceptable, and canned food at an early age is undesirable.
It is best to cook your own food from food purchased raw. It is advisable to buy meat and fish in a piece and not give a small child store-bought convenience foods. Remember that when preparing children's dishes (up to 8-10 years old), hot spices are not added.
Starting at about a year old, a child can get many meals from an "adult" table. It must be remembered that the child has already learned to chew and swallow rough food, but can he bite well? Gradually, the child must be accustomed to more and more varied foods, while noticing whether this or that product will cause an allergy. Unfortunately, this problem is now actual. Eggs, honey, later - chocolate and citrus must be introduced under control. But in our time, any products can give an undesirable reaction, which is why parents need to be careful.
If up to a year the child's diet mainly consists of pureed soup, cereals and mashed potatoes, then after a year it is already possible to give meat in the form of fried or baked cutlets, casseroles, meatballs; vegetables and cereals - not only in pureed form, but also in the form of pancakes, vinaigrettes, you can give raw vegetables, rye bread. The wider the set of products, the more fully and fully the child's need for proper nutrition is satisfied.
Dishes for infants
Recipe no. 1
Vegetable broth
Ingredients: 50 g vegetables, 100 g water.
One of these vegetables: Carrots, cabbage, turnips, potatoes or zucchini Wash thoroughly, peel, cut into small slices, cover with cold water and cook covered over low heat until tender. Then strain through sterile cheesecloth, bring to a boil and pour into a sterile bottle.
Vegetable decoction can be given to an infant between feedings as a drink. Usually, such supplementation is required if the child is bottle-fed or breast-fed "by the hour".
If the child receives a breast on demand, then mother's milk is enough for him.
Recipe No. 2
Juices for the first feeding
To obtain 50 ml of juice, 100 g of any berries or fruits are required.
Wash fresh green apple, pour over with boiling water and grate. Put the resulting puree into cheesecloth, folded in half, and squeeze the juice with a spoon. Drain the squeezed juice into a glass dish and close the lid. If the apples are sour, add sugar syrup to the juice before feeding.
Red-skinned fruits can cause an allergic reaction, so a green apple is best.
Recipe No. 3
Juices for the second food
To obtain 50 ml of juice, you need 100 g of any fruit or vegetable.
Option 1.
Sort ripe plum fruits, rinse thoroughly, scald with boiling water, remove the seeds and put the pulp into a sterile double-folded gauze. Squeeze out the juice with a stainless steel spoon.
Option 2.
Wash young carrots (carrot), scald with boiling water and grate on a fine grater. Then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
Carrot juice is rich in vitamin A, so it is desirable to add it to other vegetable juices.
Recipe No. 4
Fruit purees
To obtain 40-45 g of puree, 50 g of fruit are required.
Option 1.
Wash ripe apples or pears without spots or damage, pour over with boiling water, remove the skin, remove the seed nest and grate on a fine grater.
Option 2.
Wash fresh apricots thoroughly, cover with water, cook until soft. Rub through a sieve, add granulated sugar (1 tsp), boil again.
Blueberries, black currants, apples and pumpkins, strawberries, sea buckthorn, etc. can be puréed in the same way.
Recipe No. 5
Carrot puree
Ingredients: 1 carrot, 1/4 cup milk, 1/3 tsp butter or vegetable oil.
Wash the carrots with a brush, peel, chop, put in a saucepan, pour a small amount of boiling water and simmer under the lid in its own juice, stirring occasionally, until tender. Hot wipe through a sieve, add warmed milk, a little salt, put on a slow fire and warm, not boiling. Put butter or vegetable oil into the finished puree.
Recipe No. 6
Mixed vegetable puree
Ingredients: various vegetables - 80 g, potatoes - 20 g, milk - 1/2 cup, butter or vegetable oil - 1/3 tsp, sugar - 1/ 2 tsp
Wash fresh vegetables (carrots, turnips, cabbage, beets) with a brush, peel, chop, simmer covered in a saucepan with a little hot water so that the vegetables are stewed with steam in their own juice. Make sure that there is water at the bottom of the pan all the time (if necessary, add boiling water). Add sugar to speed up cooking. Bring vegetables to half-cooked and add peeled and chopped potatoes to them, then simmer until tender.
Pass hot vegetables through a sieve, add hot milk, a little salt and beat well, then put back on the stove and bring to a boil.
Add butter or vegetable oil to the puree.
Recipe No. 7
Spinach puree
Ingredients: spinach - 100 g, milk - 1/4 cup, butter - 1 tsp, flour - 1/2 tsp, sugar syrup - 2 ml .
Carefully sort the spinach, discarding the brown parts, wash in running water, transfer to a saucepan and simmer in its own juice until soft (10-15 minutes). Then rub through a sieve and season with white sauce. For the sauce, dissolve the butter in a saucepan, fry the wheat flour in it, add hot milk and boil for 5-6 minutes. Add a little salt to the puree, seasoned with sauce, put on fire again and bring to a boil. Season the finished puree with butter and sugar syrup.
Spinach contains iron, phosphorus and magnesium and is therefore beneficial for the development of the child's body.
Recipe No. 8
Spinach-potato puree
Ingredients: spinach - 100 g, potatoes - 150 g, milk - 1/2 cup, sugar - 1/2 teaspoon, butter - 1/2 teaspoon.
Wash potatoes thoroughly with a brush, add a little boiling water, cover and boil. Sort the spinach, wash it, put it on a sieve and let the water drain, then transfer it to a separate pan, add granulated sugar and simmer in its own juice without adding water. Peel the boiled potatoes and rub hot through a sieve. Grate the cooked spinach into the same bowl. Stir the puree, dilute with boiling milk, add salt, beat and bring to a boil over low heat. Fill the finished puree with butter.
Spinach is an excellent source of iron, one of the leaders among plants in terms of iodine content. The vitamin D content of spinach makes it useful in preventing rickets.
Recipe No. 9
Cauliflower and zucchini puree soup
Ingredients: cauliflower – 50 g, marrow – 50 g, egg yolk – 1/2 pc., butter – 1/3 tsp.
Peel the cauliflower, remove the green leaves, cut into small tufts and wash well. Wash the zucchini, peel and cut into small pieces. Put the cabbage and zucchini in a saucepan, pour a small amount of boiling water, close the lid and simmer over low heat until tender. Then pour the broth into a separate bowl, and rub the hot vegetables through a sieve. Add broth and salt to the puree, mix well and bring to a boil. Season the finished soup-puree with butter, pounded with the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.
Recipe No. 10
Vegetable puree with liver
Ingredients: carrots - 100 g, potatoes - 100 g, liver - 50 g, broth - 1/2 cup, butter - 1/2 tsp.
Soak fresh steamed beef liver in running water, remove skin, cut across the grain and quickly fry in hot oil in a saucepan with a lid. Then add a little water or low-fat broth and put the saucepan in the oven for 5-10 minutes. You can pre-stew in oil, adding a little onion.
Steam boil potatoes and carrots, peel, rub through a hair sieve along with stewed liver, previously passed through a meat grinder. Dilute the puree with hot broth, salt, beat, put on low heat and, whisking, bring to a boil. Add butter to the finished puree.
The liver contains many minerals: iron, copper, calcium, zinc, sodium and others.
Recipe no. 11
Mashed potatoes with chicken
Ingredients: chicken meat - 100 g, potatoes - 200 g, milk - 1/4 cup, butter - 1/2 tsp.
Boil low-fat chicken broth, strain through a wet napkin and pour it over the peeled and cut into large pieces potatoes. The broth should just cover the potatoes. Boil potatoes under the lid for 25-30 minutes, then rub through a hair sieve, adding pre-cooked and minced chicken meat. Dilute the resulting puree with boiling milk and beat with a whisk. Heat on the stove until boiling. Add butter to the finished puree.
Recipe No. 12
Vegetable cutlets
Ingredients: various vegetables (carrots, zucchini, kohlrabi, potatoes) - 250 g, egg - 1 pc., flour - 1 tbsp. l., sunflower oil for frying, crackers - 2 tbsp. l., parsley, salt.
Boil well-washed and chopped vegetables in salt water, finely chop and mix with egg yolk, herbs, salt, whipped egg white and breadcrumbs. Stew cutlets in a small amount of water.
May be served with sour cream.
Recipe No. 13
Semolina porridge
Ingredients: milk - 1/2 cup, water - 25 ml, semolina - 2 tsp, salt, sugar syrup - 3 ml, butter - 1/3 tsp. l.
Pour water into half of the taken milk, boil, then pour the sifted semolina in a thin stream and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 15-20 minutes. Then salt a little, add sugar syrup and the remaining warmed milk. Bring the porridge to a boil. Put butter into the prepared porridge.
Semolina contains 70% starch, a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and since it cooks quickly, all of them are preserved.
Recipe No. 14
Pink semolina porridge
Ingredients: semolina - 2 tsp, milk - 70 ml, water - 25 ml, sugar syrup - 3 ml, carrot juice - 30 ml, butter - 1/ 3 tsp
Pour juice from fresh carrots into ready-made, slightly cooled semolina porridge, mix thoroughly and immediately give to the child.
Preparation of carrot juice: wash carrots with a brush, scald with boiling water, scrape off the skin with a sharp knife, wash again with boiled water and grate. Put carrots in gauze scalded with boiling water and squeeze out the juice.
Recipe No. 15
Semolina porridge with pumpkin
Ingredients: pumpkin - 100g, sugar - 1 tsp, portion of semolina porridge.
Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes, sprinkle with sugar and, after extracting the juice, simmer until softened. Then mix with ready-made semolina and bring almost to a boil.
Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene and vitamins, including a lot of vitamin D. Even a weakened body easily absorbs fiber, so pumpkin dishes are recommended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition.
Recipe No. 16
Semolina porridge with dried apricots
Ingredients: dried apricots – 1 tbsp. l., sugar - 1 tbsp. l., a portion of semolina porridge.
Prepare dried apricot fruit puree. Rinse dried apricots, add a small amount of water, close the lid and simmer until soft. Then rub through a sieve, add sugar and boil until thickened. Boil liquid semolina porridge and mix it with slightly cooled mashed potatoes.
Dried apricots contain significantly more minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus than fresh apricots. Eating dried apricots is recommended for anemia, impaired vision, heart disease and as a general tonic.
Recipe No. 17
Dessert semolina porridge
Option 1.
Ingredients: small apple, sugar - 1 tsp. l., a portion of semolina porridge.
Prepare liquid semolina. Wash a small apple just before feeding the child, scald it with boiling water, peel, grate, mix with sugar and combine with slightly cooled porridge.
Option 2.
Ingredients: semolina - 3 tbsp. l., milk - 1 cup, salt, egg - 1 pc. , flour - 1 tbsp. l., breadcrumbs.
Boil thick porridge from milk and semolina, salt and, when it has cooled down a bit, mix with egg and flour. Transfer the prepared mass to a board sprinkled with breadcrumbs and roll it out to a thickness of 0.5 cm. Then cut into squares 4 x4 cm and fry on both sides.
Serve with vegetables or salad.
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"Znayki" continue the conversation about useful products. Onion, garlic, cucumber, pepper, dill, lemon, orange - foods that must be present in the diet of children. Children took part in the game "Guess by smell" with great interest and learned not only to recognize useful products by their appearance and touch, but also by smell. The game caused a lot of positive emotions!!! | |
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Our "Pinocchio" visited a real "healthy food laboratory".![]() But apples, on the contrary, contain a lot of iron, which is so necessary for a child's body! The children said they would certainly share their new knowledge with their parents and friends. | |
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As part of the "Healthy Eating - Healthy Generation" project, the kindergarten chef held a master class on making vitamin salad for Barbarikov! Elena Mikhailovna told the children about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. The little cooks were delighted! Even the biggest "negochuhs" could not refuse a vitamin treat! | |
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"Barbariki" for a healthy diet! What does a child need at any time of the year? Vitamins! Teachers with children organized a garden "Vitamins all year round" in the group! | |
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In order for a child to grow up healthy and active, you need to teach him how to eat right.![]() Every day you need to talk about the benefits of products, give examples, play games, read fiction. In the group "Bees" there is an album containing recipes for healthy dishes. This album children can take home and cook their favorite dish with their parents at home. | |
Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures the growth, proper development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases. Expanding children's horizons about the benefits of healthy food, familiarizing them with a healthy lifestyle, developing the intellectual and creative potential of a child's personality through fine arts is the main goal of the drawing competition, which is held as part of the city-wide action "Healthy Eating Relay Race". We are for healthy and happy children! Our competition entries. ![]() | |
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Our "why" got acquainted with the concepts of "useful" and "harmful" products. We remembered the benefits of vegetables and fruits and the fact that harmful foods contain a lot of sugar, and they are harmful to our teeth and cause caries. "Why" only for healthy eating! | |
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So that the illness does not catch you On a winter morning, For food, you eat 9043 Green garlic. In life we need A lot of vitamins... Our pupils continue to get acquainted with the concepts: "useful and harmful products", "proper nutrition", "healthy food". ![]() | |
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On December 29, the teachers of the ZNAIKI group held a parent meeting. It was devoted to the issues of healthy baby food. The meeting took place in a new format. The meeting was held remotely, through the VKontakte application. Teachers launched a live broadcast. They remembered how they are useful for a person, especially for a child, and what can be prepared from them. | |
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"Bees" got acquainted with "The Tale of Healthy Food". This is a story about a family in which parents fed their daughter with unhealthy foods, but a grandmother came and took her granddaughter to the village for the summer ... Since then, the granddaughter has fallen in love with food that is healthy for the child's body! | |
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As part of the "Health Week" held in September, "Barbariki" got acquainted with the basics of a healthy lifestyle.![]() | |
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"Knowers" for healthy eating and helping mom prepare a healthy breakfast! Cheese cakes and delicious dessert from Yaroslav! | |
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Drink milk, children - you will be healthy! The composition of milk is unique! This product contains all the substances necessary for a person. Milk is ideal for a growing body. Ancient philosophers called milk "white blood, the juice of life". | |
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Implementation of the project "Healthy Eating - Healthy Generation" does not depend on the form of education! We also share family recipes for a healthy diet remotely.![]() | |
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in our kindergarten, a whole range of events has been planned and implemented with all participants in the educational process, including quarterly parental control over catering. Based on the results of interaction with representatives of the Council of Parents in this area, a high level of catering, excellent quality of cooking and serving dishes, a high level of knowledge of teachers in organizing activities with children and parents were noted. Constructive proposals have been made to enrich the developing subject-spatial environment: attributes for role-playing games, didactic aids and visual materials contribute to a more successful implementation of the project. Let's keep interacting! | |
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“Learn by playing”.![]() "Barbariki" reinforce the rules of healthy eating with the help of interesting board games. | |
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Adds appetite. For those who love to eat it, It will strengthen health. Guessed? This is cottage cheese! Cottage cheese is rich in vitamins and microelements, therefore it is very useful for the health of children. Our "Znaiki" eat cottage cheese with great pleasure and advise everyone! | |
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A healthy family is the foundation of a healthy society! On February 27, 2020, as part of a permanent seminar for heads of preschool educational institutions on the basis of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 78", a lesson was held on the topic "A healthy family is the basis of a healthy society.![]() |