Baby food for cats with ibd
Can Cats Eat Baby Food? Best Baby Food for Cats
Mallory Crusta5549 Views 3 Comments baby food for cats, best cat food, best food for cats, can cats eat baby food, cat food, food for sick cats, is baby food safe for cats
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Simple meat-based baby food is an appetizing and easy-to-eat food for sick or elderly cats. In this article, we’ll talk about how baby food can be a great dietary supplement for some cats, which baby foods are best, and which types of baby food are never safe for your cat.
Again, it’s important to remember that just because meat-based baby food is safe for cats, it doesn’t mean that it’s a nutritionally complete meal for them. You should only give your cat baby food as a treat or supplement.
Simple meat-based baby food with no seasonings, onion, or garlic is safe for cats and can be used as a temporary meal replacement. Simple cooked, pureed meat is easy for your cat’s body to digest, easy for their mouths to handle, and is typically quite palatable. This makes it an ideal choice for cats who are feeling sickly or having a hard time eating.
Baby food can be a good supplemental food choice for:
- Cats with a reduced appetite due to disease, including CKD, cancer, liver disease, and other problems
- Cats with periodontal disease and a painful mouth
- Cats who have had their teeth extracted and can no longer handle firm foods
- Cats with temporary stomach sensitivities and symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea
- Ferals who need to be enticed into a trap or to come closer to people
If you recently had a baby, chances are you’re overwhelmed and sometimes forgetful, so it’s possible that you’ll forget to stock up on cat food. In this case, baby food might just be what you have around. Don’t feel like a bad cat guardian if you have to feed your cat baby food in a pinch!
Provided that you give your cat a meat-based recipe without any dangerous seasonings or additives, it’ll be a delicious and healthy treat.
While baby food is sometimes recommended for cats who need easy-to-eat nourishment, not all baby foods are equal. Just like adult food, some of it is safe for cats and some isn’t. You’ve got green bean baby food, pumpkin baby food, carrot baby food, chicken baby food, beef stroganoff baby food. And just as is the case with people food that isn’t pureed, not all of these varieties are appealing or nutritious for your cat.
The following types of baby food are safe for cats and can be a wholesome addition to the feline diet.
Beech-Nut Classics Stage 1 Meats include chicken in broth, turkey in broth, and beef in broth
. These recipes contain just meat and broth, so they’re entirely safe for your cat to consume. We like that they’re free from starch and therefore closer to your cat’s natural carnivorous needs.
One reviewer said the following about Beech-Nut Chicken & Broth:
“My senior cat had a period where he threw up all the time. We started giving him baby food and kitten milk to ease his upset stomach. The baby food is quite light and mild. Not stinky. Slightly oily, but not too bad! My cat really enjoyed the baby food. There are no unnecessary ingredients, just chicken and water!”
This product lineup includes ham, turkey, chicken, and beef recipes. They’re all made without any garlic, onions, or other seasonings. The simple recipes include just meat, water, and cornstarch.
While cornstarch isn’t ideal for cats, it can be an acceptable inclusion in their diet if the cat is sick or otherwise in desperate need of nourishment.
Even the first review on the Amazon listing for Gerber’s ham and gravy cat food says:
“All I can really say about this is my 35 pound, orange tabby kitty cat absolutely loves Gerber Baby Food Ham! I bought it for him for a treat once and he learned to audibly say the word “HAM” with that first meal. I’m a vegetarian and I don’t have children but I have a orange kitty that will tell you this is the best stuff he’s every eaten!”
Before you feed your cat baby food, read the ingredient list. Don’t give your kitty any food containing the following ingredients:
- Onion
- Garlic
- Added sugars or sweeteners
- Canola oil or other vegetable oils
- Salt
- Fruits of any type (except for the occasional pumpkin for gut motility)
- Vegetables of any type
- Dairy
This rules out simple fruity or veggie products like prune baby food, sweet potato baby food, and carrot baby food. It also means that you shouldn’t give your cat meal-style foods for older babies with flavors like beef stroganoff and chicken stew.
Your cat can eat baby food alone for about 2-3 days before you’ll need to start transitioning them back to a nutritionally complete and balanced raw, homemade, gently cooked, or canned diet.
Baby food is designed to nourish infant humans—omnivorous creatures who, unlike cats, can live without fresh raw meat, organs, and bones. Cats, however, require raw meat or a facsimile thereof.
It’s crucial to remember that baby food lacks taurine, an amino acid that cats can only get from supplements or raw meat.

As obligate carnivores, cats require certain vitamins and amino acids found only in fresh meat. One of these is taurine, which supports ocular health along with numerous other bodily functions. Cats who are deprived of taurine for any extended period of time will go blind and experience diminished digestion, heart function, and reproductive abilities.
If your cat is struggling to eat due to dental issues or needs an extra calorie boost, baby food isn’t your only option. Here are a few other types of foods that can help to keep your cat strong.
Kitten food is about twice as calorie-dense as a standard adult cat food. It’s usually extremely palatable and easy to eat, too—which helps your cat to get in all those beneficial calories. The kitten food we’ve found works best is Fancy Feast canned kitten food, but you’ll find many other formulas from a variety of companies. Just remember to look for canned or wet food. Hydration is always crucial, and a dry food won’t deliver the water your cat needs.
Nutri-Cal is a high-calorie gel for cats who need a concentrated source of energy. It’s highly-palatable to encourage cats to eat it, though some may need to squirt it onto the feline’s gums or paw. It’s also a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids.
Egg Yolks
Your cat may or may not be willing to eat egg yolks on their own, but if you’re able to get that tongue lapping, the addition of raw egg yolks to their bowl will add a lot of nutrition in a small package.
Boiled or Raw Chicken
You’ve probably heard the standard recommendation of boiled chicken and rice for cats with diarrhea and other digestive issues. Because cats are obligate carnivores with no physiological requirement for plants, we disagree with the inclusion of rice in this bland diet.
Boiled boneless chicken, however, does provide a gentle, palatable source of the nutrition your cat needs with few of the inflammatory ingredients that can make them feel worse.
If you’re willing to try out raw food for your cat, you may also consider feeding them raw chicken, with or without the bones intact. This is a nutrient-dense and extremely tasty form of species-appropriate nutrition. As explained in incredible detail on Raw Feeding for IBD Cats, raw food, as the ancestral feline diet, is potentially the only route for an IBD turnaround.
The Medicine Cabinet: What to Have on Hand
To download and print, please click here: The Medicine Cabinet - What to have on hand for managing sick kitties
Updated February 2019
For the Medicine Cabinet: Meds, Tools & Supplements to have on hand to manage IBD Flares (and sick kitties in general).
Meds from the vet to have on hand:
Cerenia and/or zofran (for vomiting/nausea. Please note zofran (ondansetron) can cause constipation)
Cyproheptadine (appetite stimulant)
Sub-Q fluids
Food/Supplements to have on hand:
Beech Nut Baby Food (though many do prefer Gerber) OR use a bland diet of poached meat. If you suspect a protein allergy, use a novel protein. Please see our group file, How to Use Baby Food or a Bland Diet.
(Meat-only baby foods. Ingredients In Beech Nut read “chicken, chicken broth,” “Turkey, Turkey broth,” and “Beef, beef broth.” There are no spices or seasonings. The “broth” is technically bone broth as the meat AND bone is cooked together, bone removed, so it is not meat and water). Note: Baby food or bland diet are for short-term use only.
Freeze dried chicken treats (or turkey or other novel protein your cat(s) like)
Slippery Elm Bark Powder (for nausea / prebiotic / hairballs / diarrhea or constipation)
JARROW brand S boulardii + MOS (Saccharomyces boulardii with mannan oligosaccharides) (for diarrhea). Outside of the U.S., you can order Jarrow S boulardii + MOS from iHerb.
George’s Aloe Vera Juice (to settle tummy, use with slippery elm bark powder).
Ask in group for dose / instructions. It MUST be George’s as it is distilled and contains no latex, which is toxic to cats.
OTC meds to have on hand:
Pepcid a/c (or other antacid)
Generic is famotidine. In other countries where it is not available, Zantac (ranitidine) usually is. See link to dosage information, below.
Miralax (osmotic to prevent/treat constipation). Lactulose from the vet is preferred, but this works.
Other helpful tools to keep on hand:
Vaseline (plain, no scent). This is for emergency treatment of hairballs.
Empty #3 gel caps to make pilling easier
(Can combine meds, and this prevents foaming or frothing at the mouth).
Grooming Bag. This is to restrain kitty for fluids or assist feeding.
A piller, best if with water chaser.
Glass dropper
Rescue Remedy for pets
Digital rectal thermometer with soft tip OR baby ear thermometer
Colloidal Silver – 500ppm for any external injuries to humans OR cats.
Also treats demodex, pinkeye, ringworm, abscesses. MUST be diluted for use in eyes and ears, do NOT give internally. Ask for help in group. But there is no better treatment for external wounds on us and our pets!
Other supplements to keep on hand for URIs, Herpes flares, and UTIs:
Corn Silk Tea (organic)
Lactoferrin (Bovine)
Spirulina (brands we know are safe: Nutrex, Maju and BRI Nutrition)
Ask for information about the use of these products.
For More Information:
l Slippery Elm Bark Powder – for managing nausea.
l S Boulardii
Probiotics – brands, types, and emergency stop diarrhea instructions
Info on S boulardii, scientific studies for use in GI disease/IBD
Why Jarrow brand S boulardii + MOS: the science of mannan oligosaccharides
l Meat Baby Food
How to Use Baby Food or a Bland Diet
How to Balance Baby Food to Make it Nutritionally Complete (it is not the same as balancing cooked meat).
l Antacids: Hosted on Tanya’s CKD site:
l Grooming Bags. Most run small. Order a larger bag than you think you need.
l Syringes – easiest to use 15ML syringes as most adult cats need 135ML – 150ML of food per day. We recommend Four Paws Easy Feeder syringes. I keep at least three on hand. Cut the tip to the width you want.
What to feed a cat with diarrhea, natural products, medicated food
With prolonged diarrhea in a cat, weakness, refusal to feed, vomiting, fever, you should seek help from a veterinary clinic.
How to properly feed a cat if she has diarrhea
80% of pet owners experience diarrhea in their pet. Main reasons:
● Infectious diseases.
● Helminths and protozoa.
● Poisoning.
● Inflammatory bowel disease.
● Diseases of other organs of the digestive system.
If diarrhea is caused by these problems, or its etiology is not exactly clear, then you need to contact a veterinary gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatment.
For diarrhea associated with overeating, eating stale or not intended for a cat, stools can be normalized with a therapeutic diet, which must be maintained for an average of 14 days.
During diarrhea, the normal absorption of fluid in the intestines is disturbed, most of it comes out with feces. The owner must adjust the nutrition of his cat so that the food is easily digested, does not irritate the already inflamed walls of the digestive tract. It is also important to prevent dehydration, because it can occur very quickly.
If the cat has reduced appetite, then in the first day there is no need for force feeding. It is important to provide your pet with enough moisture by placing several bowls of water around the house. With a complete refusal to drink, it is necessary to carry out violent infusions of liquid from a syringe without a needle into the corner of the mouth.
A starvation diet for more than a day is dangerous for cats, as serious changes in the liver can begin - lipidosis.
● On the second day, food should be offered every 2 hours, but in small portions, 1-2 spoons each.
● Raw foods during this period are contraindicated. Food must be boiled or steamed. It is impossible to give fried, spicy, salty food, it irritates the walls of the stomach and intestines. For convenience and ease of digestion, food is pureed. Access to clean fresh water should not be limited.
● Additionally, Viyo nutritional drink, which is rich in prebiotic fibers, can be added to the diet.
● To improve the cat's appetite, increase palatability, the pet should be offered food warmed up to about 37 degrees. It is more fragrant and attracts the cat.
● If your pet eats industrial food, then it should be temporarily transferred to a medical food, which is better absorbed and helps the digestive system recover faster.
Diarrhea can occur with intolerance to the components of the feed or with an individual reaction to some products. The owner should analyze the nutrition of his cat for the last 3-5 days, exclude everything new. Also, do not abruptly transfer a pet from one type of food to another, the transition should be smooth.
If diarrhea occurs, then you need to return to your usual diet.
Natural products
Products must be thermally processed so that they are better absorbed and there is no risk of food poisoning. It is better to choose meat that is not fatty, cut into pieces, boil, then bring to a state of minced meat or mashed potatoes with a blender. Cereals and vegetables should be well boiled and also brought to a homogeneous consistency, can be mixed with minced meat.
For the first 3-5 days, the cat's diet should be composed exclusively of diet food. Then you can enter the usual food, one product per day.
In the table below, we have compiled a list of prohibited and permitted products for you:
Valid: | Remove from diet: |
Chicken meat Turkey Rabbit lean beef cod fillet Pollock fillet Rice Carrot vegetable marrow Pumpkin | Raw meat Pork Fatty fish varieties Milk Dairy products Acute Salty Sweet Bold Bakery |
After 3-5 days, fermented milk products, cauliflower, potatoes, broccoli are gradually introduced into the diet. If the appetite is still reduced, then it can be stimulated with warm meat broth added to the main diet.
If the cat does not have an appetite, then you need to contact the veterinary clinic to install an intravenous catheter and start parenteral nutrition. Depending on the severity of the condition, your veterinarian may recommend force-feeding with a syringe without a needle or insertion of an esophageal tube.
Self-medication is not worth it, all medications should be prescribed by a specialist.
Without harm to your pet's health, you can add special pre- and probiotics to your diet:
● Viyo nutritional drink;
● Food supplement FortiFlora;
● Diagel;
● Pro-Kolin.
Decoctions of chamomile and oak bark can relieve inflammation in the intestines, but they are usually difficult to pour into a pet, they are reluctant to drink cat solutions.
Industrial medicated feed
In case of indigestion, you can temporarily transfer the pet to a therapeutic diet. Manufacturers produce diets for the gastrointestinal tract in the form of pates, pieces in sauce or jelly, and in the form of dry croquettes. The latter type of food is best pre-soaked in water or given outside the acute stage of the disease. The composition of the diet contains high-quality proteins with a high degree of digestibility, essential fatty acids, prebiotics.
For digestive disorders in cats, the following types of feed are indicated:
● Royal Canin GASTRO INTESTINAL GI32. Available in the form of dry food and sachets with pieces in sauce. The diet must be followed for at least 3 weeks.
● Monge Vetsolution Gastrointestinal Low Fat with horse chestnut extract helps relieve intestinal spasms, restores motility and normal functioning of the digestive system. It is used in a course of 1 to 3 weeks for acute digestive disorders and up to 12 weeks for chronic pathologies.
● Pro Plan Veterinary Diets EN Gastrointestinal. Contains soy protein isolate and chicken protein. Rarely causes an undesirable food reaction. Available in the form of dry food, patés and chunks in sauce.
● Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET Gastrointestinal Biome. Contains a balance of soluble and insoluble fiber combined with essential fatty acids and substances that support a normal gut microbiome. The duration of application is from one to twelve weeks.
● Farmina Vet Life Gastrointestinal. A complete diet that allows you to restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in a short time when used as part of complex therapy.
● Happy Cat VET Diet - Intestinal - a grain-free diet containing chicken, fish, highly digestible fiber, chamomile and coriander. The course of application is from 3 to 12 weeks. The food is presented only in the form of dry croquettes.
Manufacturer's recommended daily feed intake:
Food name | Weight of a cat at normal weight | Daily rate of dry food, g | Daily rate of wet food, g |
Royal Canin | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 31 42 51 60 68 76 84 91 98 | 115 175 235 295 350 410 470 525 585 |
Monge Vetsolution | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 25 35 45 50 60 66 75 80 90 | 97 127 155 178 200 225 245 265 285 |
Pro Plan Veterinary Diets EN | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | thirty 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 | 1¼ cans 2½ cans 3¾ cans |
Hill's PRESCRIPTION DIET | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 35 50 65 70 75 13 per kg 13 per kg 13 per kg 130 | 162 246 287 340 |
Farmina Vet Life Gastrointestinal | 2 2. 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 | 25-40 28-45 32-50 35-55 38-65 40-70 42-75 45-80 50-82 52-85 | 130 150 170 190 210 225 240 255 270 285 |
Happy Cat VET Diet - Intestinal | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 37 48 58 68 77 85 93 101 109 | |
The daily diet is divided into equal portions and the pet is fed 3-4 times a day. If your cat is obese or extremely underweight, you are feeding dry and wet food at the same time, then it is better to check the rate with your doctor.
Gastrointestinal Healthy Everyday Foods
It also happens that the cat is healthy, has no diseases, but diarrhea comes back from time to time. In this case, intolerance to foods that are part of the home diet or industrial diet can be suspected. Most often, the reaction occurs on animal protein.
In this case, the cat should be switched to a complete food for animals with sensitive digestion. These feeds contain dietary protein, essential fatty acids, fructo- and oligosaccharides:
● Happy Cat Sensitive. Dry food with duck, ocean fish, rabbit or venison. There is food for kittens with duck.
● Go! with duck or trout, with pollock for kittens and adult cats.
● NOW FRESH grain-free food with herring, trout and salmon.
● Sanabelle Grain Free Poultry, Salmon & Sweet Potato, Roe Deer & Potato or Lamb.
● Hill's Science Plan Sensitive Stomach & Skin with Chicken.
● Royal Canin Sensible 33 bird food.
● Bozita grain-free daily diet with elk meat.
● Advance Sensitive with salmon and rice.
● FARMINA N/D with lamb and quinoa.
● Cat Sensitive Monge with Chicken.
On the back of the package, the manufacturer indicates the detailed composition and daily intake of food, depending on the activity, body weight of the cat. Below are the average values:
Food name | Weight of a cat at normal weight | Daily rate of dry food, g |
Happy Cat Sensitive | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 25 40 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 |
GO! | 0. 2.3-3.2 3.2-4.5 4.5-6 6-7.3 | 20-33 33-41 41-60 60-98 98-120 |
NOW FRESH | 2.3-3.2 3.2-4.5 4.5-6 6-7.3 7.3-9 | 28-39 35-55 50-92 92-114 102-171 |
Sanabelle | 2-3 4-5 6-7 8 | 40-55 65-75 85-95 105 |
Hill's Science Plan Sensitive Stomach & Skin | 2 3 4 5 6 7+ | 30-40 40-55 50-70 60-80 70-95 12 per kg |
Royal Canin Sensible 33 | 3 4 5 6 | 39 48 57 64 |
Bozita Sensitive Diet & Stomach Grain Free | 3 4 5 6 7 | thirty 35 40 50 55 |
Advance Sensitive | 1-3 3-5 5-7 | 20-50 50-75 75-90 |
Cat Sensitive Monge | 3 4 5 6 8 | 30-45 45-60 55-75 65-85 75-100 |
Unlike therapeutic, daily food does not need to be divided into 4 or more feedings. You can divide the daily portion into 2 meals or install a smart bowl with a dispenser.
As mentioned earlier, proper nutrition can help normalize cat stools. However, if the indigestion persists for more than three days, it is necessary to seek help from a veterinary clinic. Our experts are ready to provide qualified assistance to your pet around the clock, seven days a week.
Author: Chadina Elena Olegovna
Diarrhea in a cat (cat) - what to do, how to treat at home
Diarrhea is a digestive disorder, which is expressed in a change in the consistency of feces to a liquid or watery form and an increase in the frequency of the urge to defecate.
Many owners do not think this problem is serious, although in fact it requires special attention of the owner and specialist.
It is also worth noting that diarrhea is not an independent disease, but only a consequence of existing pathologies. It can be mild or severe and occurs at any age. That is, diarrhea can appear both in a domestic cat and in an animal on its own.
Symptoms of diarrhea in cats
The main and only symptom of diarrhea is frequent and loose stools, which is repeated more than 3 times a day. In addition, a cat or cat sometimes has fecal incontinence and the presence of blood streaks in it. Flatulence and gas emission are also possible.
Let's single out the characteristic symptoms of diarrhea:
- frequent defecation;
- the consistency of the stool changes - it becomes frothy, watery, has impurities of blood streaks, mucus;
- shade may change - normal feces are brown, and with diarrhea, lighter or greenish stools are observed;
- the smell may be putrid, sour, offensive.
In addition to diarrhea, the cat may lose its appetite. She becomes lethargic, lies more, hides in secluded places, loses weight. Sometimes there is an increase or decrease in body temperature.
In some cases, vomiting occurs along with diarrhea. Then dehydration intensifies and urgent measures must be taken to treat the animal. First of all, it is necessary to replenish the lost fluid, as well as stop diarrhea and vomiting.
Causes of diarrhea in cats
Diarrhea can be caused by several causes. We have divided them into separate groups to make it easier for you to understand what causes diarrhea in cats.
1) Nutritional reasons
- Change of habitual diet - transfer from one food to another and vice versa, change of water, unbalanced diet.
It is necessary that the transition to a new diet in a cat is carried out gradually. To do this, you must reduce the amount of familiar food and increase the amount of new. If this rule is neglected, then the microflora and enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract will not be able to abruptly adjust to the new mode of operation and will “go on strike” in the form of diarrhea.
- Improper feeding - the inclusion in the diet of foods that cause indigestion.
- Overfeeding - overfeeding affects digestive disorders, but regurgitation and vomiting are most often involved. Especially when the cat eats quickly, while swallowing air.
- Food poisoning is the body's reaction to eating poor-quality, spoiled food.
We boldly include those who love to eat waste from the trash and those who love to gnaw flowers into the risk group. When poisoned, the cat's body tries its best to get rid of toxins that threaten its safety, as spoiled food causes intoxication.
- Food allergies - here we usually present redness of the skin, itching, watery eyes. Diarrhea is also one of the symptoms of allergies.
This reaction does not necessarily make itself felt immediately after the first intake of a new food. Manifestations can intensify over time - with each new hit of the "aggressor" in the cat's body.
- Intolerance, intestinal sensitivity to certain food components.
What is the difference between intolerance and allergy? An allergy is a feature of the immune system, its pathological reaction to something that has entered the body. Intolerance is the inability of enzymes to digest foods that contain a particular ingredient, such as gluten. In this case, the gastrointestinal tract reacts to the problem with regular vomiting or diarrhea.
2) Contagious causes of diarrhea in a cat
- Parasitic invasion (helminthiasis) - these are helminths or worms, in simple terms.
Regular deworming of pets is recommended to prevent their occurrence and spread. If a significant number of parasites live in the cat's body, they cause intestinal irritation and malfunctions, such as diarrhea.
- Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
- Bacterial (eg salmonellosis, colibacillosis).
Transmission of pathogens is possible through feed, water and excretions of sick animals. Symptoms may not appear for a long time, and then triggered by severe stress or other comorbidities.
- Protozoan infections (cryptosporodiosis, trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis).
From the point of view of the symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, we distinguish giardiasis and trichomoniasis. They are easily transmitted through the faeces of sick cats, and in both cases, diarrhea is the leading symptom.
- Viral (viral leukemia, panleukopenia).
Coronavirus gastroenteritis, viral leukemia, panleukopenia, viral immunodeficiency should be noted among viral infections. Infection occurs in most cases by contact - through the discharge, feces of sick animals. Diseases are quite severe and can lead to death. However, some of them are preventable by vaccination.
3) Pathologies related to the digestive system:
- Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. When it spreads to the intestines, diarrhea is observed.
- Diseases of the kidneys. Diarrhea in this case is an unobvious but common symptom. It manifests itself most often in the later stages of the disease.
- Pathology of the liver and biliary tract.
The liver is a fairly multifunctional organ, and the general condition and quality of life of the animal depends on its work. The gastrointestinal tract also reacts to changes in the liver, so one of the symptoms of its damage may be diarrhea and a change in the color of the stool in a cat.
- IBD - inflammatory bowel disease. This is the name of a group of symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, change in appetite), which are persistently repeated and not amenable to standard therapy. This is a complex diagnosis that is often made after all other possible problems have been ruled out.
- Metabolic disorders, including diabetes mellitus. Most often occurs in old age. In case of violations of metabolic processes, the work of internal organs changes, and secondary infections also appear.
- Oncological diseases - neoplasms affecting the internal organs of the cat, most often its digestive system and kidneys. May be accompanied by various clinical signs.
4) Other causes:
- Certain medications, such as antibiotics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Medicines can disturb the microflora of the digestive tract, thereby causing diarrhea.
- Heat stroke.
This is a dangerous condition in which the body overheats and the animal becomes restless. With sunstroke, there may be vomiting and convulsions, diarrhea is possible, and in some cases there is loss of consciousness.
- Stress is a negative reaction to a move, a long trip, a new pet in the house, etc.
Each such situation is capable of provoking stress. In addition to diarrhea, it is possible to observe in a cat excessive licking of wool and skin, unusual behavior, active molting, involuntary urination, loss of appetite.
- Hairballs in the stomach
If hair is found in the cat's intestines, it can irritate the mucous membranes and villi of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby causing diarrhea. But more often in this case there is constipation, rather than diarrhea.
- Pregnancy and postpartum period.
New food, food from the table of different origin, the presence of secondary diseases and infections, overeating, helminthiasis, hormonal changes - all this can cause diarrhea in a pregnant cat. However, the appearance of diarrhea a couple of days before childbirth is considered the norm.
- Foreign objects in the digestive tract
In the presence of bowel obstruction, vomiting and no stools occur. But blockage can be caused by different reasons, which means that the appearance of diarrhea can also be one of the symptoms.
Diarrhea in cats without complications
If you notice periodic diarrhea in your pet, and at the same time he does not lose weight, appetite, looks active - this is still a reason to visit the veterinary clinic. With such a symptom, one can suspect in a cat: helminthic invasion, chronic pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, nutritional errors. Treatment for each pathology is different.
To understand what to do if the cat has diarrhea, you need to assess the patient's well-being. If the animal is deteriorating or has other symptoms, do not treat it yourself.
If the diarrhea is due to a sudden change in diet, the cat should be on a fast diet for several hours, but the water should be left.
Important : Felines should not be without food for a long time. Prolonged hunger has a very detrimental effect on their liver, and then on the whole body as a whole. If the cat does not eat for more than 12 hours, you should be wary and show the pet to the doctor.
Diarrhea with water
This phenomenon in cats is one-time. But it is worth considering that this symptom may indicate the onset of the disease. With a single episode, the cat needs to increase its water intake. To do this, you can give her wet food, diluted with water to the state of gruel, and encourage her to drink. So, you will prevent dehydration of the pet. If the symptom of diarrhea recurs, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.
Loose stools with blood or mucus
The large intestine protects itself, its walls, by secreting large amounts of mucus. If a cat has diarrhea with blood, this indicates a slight lesion of the capillaries of the large intestine. Then you can suspect helminthic invasion, food poisoning, irritation of the wall of the large intestine.
If there is blood in the stool, and it can be scarlet, cherry, brown, black or streaked, then it is necessary to exclude or confirm the presence of a foreign body in the stomach or intestines, as well as the presence of neoplasms or viral infections. This condition is characterized as acute, so it is urgent to take the cat to the clinic.
Diarrhea and vomiting in cats
If a cat vomits and diarrhea is observed, then poisoning, neoplasms, a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, a viral infection, pancreatitis, etc. can be assumed. In this condition, you should not wait - you need to urgently go to the clinic.
Color of diarrhea
The color of the stool can be used to determine the causes of diarrhea. Let's designate them.
Characterized by high levels of iron in the body of a cat (for example, due to the consumption of raw meat in large quantities).
Black-red color indicates bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. The reasons may be poisoning, neoplasms, the presence of foreign bodies, etc. In this state, help is provided to the cat immediately.
Yellow diarrhea indicates a violation of intestinal motility, improper digestion, problems with the bile ducts.
Normally unformed yellow stool occurs only in kittens on a milk diet. In an adult cat, diarrhea of this color indicates a violation of the liver.
This diarrhea warns you that your cat has eaten spoiled foods that have caused putrefaction and fermentation. This also includes eating food, which contains a lot of green pigment.
The pathological causes of the green color of feces include: parasitic infections, a sharp change in food, increased intestinal motility, acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
He talks about problems with the biliary tract, and also with the liver or pancreas.
Treatment of diarrhea in cats and cats
Often the owners have a question - how to treat diarrhea in a cat. Let's talk briefly.
Therapeutic deworming is indicated for helminthic invasion. Now drugs are actively used in a variety of dosage forms (tablets, suspensions, drops on the withers) based on milbemycin (Milbemax), praziquantel and fenbendazole (Kaniquantel), praziquantel and pyrantel (Drontal).
When it comes to pathologies of the liver and kidneys, therapy regimens corresponding to a particular disease are prescribed. In addition, supportive therapy is carried out.
In intestinal diseases, there is pain in the abdominal cavity. In such cases, antispasmodic drugs (Spasmalgon, Papaverine) may be prescribed.
With profuse diarrhea, as well as in case of vomiting, there is a risk of dehydration. Then infusion therapy (droppers) is used - intravenous administration of solutions (Sodium chloride, Ringer's solution, Ionosteril, Sterofundin).
In terms of the duration of therapy, sometimes the treatment takes only a couple of days, while in other cases it is possible to achieve a stable effect only after a few weeks of treatment.
Therefore, if the cause of the disease is established correctly, then the treatment of diarrhea in a cat leads to recovery. To do this, the doctor needs to collect a complete history:
- presence or absence of annual vaccination;
- taking anthelmintic drugs and the frequency of their use;
- type of food or natural food composition;
- use of vitamins;
- the possibility of eating inedible products: leaves or parts of plants, foreign objects, tablets that could be freely available for the animal.
The doctor conducts a complete examination of the cat, measures its body temperature, determines the degree of dehydration, the condition of the mucous membranes, pain in the abdomen. After that, the clinic will take blood tests, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and possibly collect tests for infections accompanied by intestinal symptoms.
At home
To properly treat diarrhea, you need to understand the underlying cause. It is very important to know that the dosage of drugs for animals is different from that for humans. They can not be dosed for a cat, as for a baby.
Important : We do not recommend self-medication, because only a specialist can answer the question of what to give a cat for diarrhea.
At the same time, according to the doctor's prescription at home, you can independently give your pet adsorbents - Smecta, Regidron, Polysorb, Enterosgel, activated carbon. These are the most common remedies for stool disorders. They may not solve the problem, but they will remove the symptom. Preparations will be especially useful before visiting a veterinary clinic in order to alleviate the patient's condition.
Fortiflora for cats, Lactobifadol, Evitalia Vet, Vetom help restore intestinal microflora. With pain in the abdominal cavity, you can give the animal antispasmodic drugs prescribed by prescription, for example, Drotaverine, Papaverine.
Veterinary help
You have already understood that for all types of diarrhea, you need to go to the veterinary clinic. We also found out what diseases and conditions diarrhea can accompany and took into account that therapeutic treatment will be different for different pathologies. Therefore, the owner must clearly record the symptoms of his pet in order to help the doctor to make a complete clinical picture.
A veterinarian is required if the cat:
- is vomiting;
- refusal of food and water is noticed, she lies a lot and does not want to walk;
- the temperature rose above 39.0 degrees;
- the frequency of going to the stool tray is more than 4-5 times a day.
It is essential to contact the clinic if:
- the kitten is less than 1 year old;
- have temperature;
- the animal does not eat or drink;
- the color of the stool has changed, there is blood, mucus in the feces;
- diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting;
- observed weight loss;
- marked convulsions;
- diarrhea lasts more than two days;
- reduced activity;
- the frequency of defecation is increased more than 5 times a day.
Now let's name the main antidiarrheal drugs, answering the question, what else can be given to a cat for diarrhea:
- Loperamide - Use only after consultation with your veterinarian. Not suitable for independent use. It has a strong effect on intestinal motility, to the extent that after acute diarrhea, constipation can occur.
- Smecta is an adsorbent that stops diarrhea well. It can be used on kittens and pregnant cats.
- Enterosgel is an adsorbent that removes toxins and allergens from the body. It is used when poisoning is suspected. Can also be given to kittens and pregnant women.
- Enterofuril is an antimicrobial agent. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora that can cause diarrhea in a cat.
Do's and Don'ts for Diarrhea in Cats
If your pet has diarrhea, there are some important guidelines to follow. Let's list them:
- Give food warm.
So it will be more pleasant to smell and easier to digest.
- Boil or steam natural foods, as raw, fried foods irritate the mucous membranes. To facilitate digestion, food is crushed in a blender or mashed.
- Give your pet plenty of clean water to replenish moisture loss.
- When feeding industrial products, transfer the animal to treatment lines to restore the gastrointestinal tract (Hill's Prescription Diet I / D, Royal Canin Gastro Intestinal moderate calorie, Purina EN, Farmina Vet Life Cat Gastrointestinal).
- Reduce portions but feed frequently - 1-2 teaspoons every 2 hours.
What to do is strictly prohibited:
- Give raw meat products, vegetables, sour milk, fatty meat and fish, lard, milk, vegetable and butter, bread, sweets, etc. from the table.
- Self-administer medicines without knowing their exact effect and proper result.
- To withstand the cat's hunger for a long time, the desire to "cleanse" the gastrointestinal tract.
Cat Diarrhea Diet
Feeding during diarrhea depends on the cat's diet. Therefore, we will answer the popular question: what to feed a cat with diarrhea. If she consumes industrial feed, then a diet based on therapeutic diets is necessary. This is an easier option for digestion. If the cat eats only natural food, then it is advisable to choose one type of lean protein (chicken, turkey, rabbit), one type of carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables), and you can also offer him baby food based on meat tastes.
Spicy, fried, salted, dried, raw, dairy should not be given! It is also required to exclude food from the table and any goodies.
During a flare-up, it is better to remove dry food completely and give only wet food. If the cat does not tolerate it well, you need to choose a diet for animals with sensitive digestion.
For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the Gastrointestinal range of feeds prescribed by doctor's prescription is well suited.