Baby food packaging design
20 Unique Baby Food Packaging Ideas
20 Unique Baby Food Packaging Ideassearch
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Riley von Niessen — June 8, 2017 — Lifestyle
These baby food products all come in unique packaging that ether increases their ability to appeal to a specific group of consumers, or make the act of actually using them simpler.
One product's packaging that focuses on aesthetics specifically are the 'Cherub Food' jars that were created by Me + James Studio. Each of the wide glass jars comes with a minimalist label on it, which features a cartoon mouth that has a little pink tongue sticking out of it to represent the act of licking one's lips. Beneath the brand's name, the flavors within the blended baby food products are shown. Due to their simple and modern look, the Cherub Food jars are eye-catching and convey that only the most necessary ingredients are used in the formula.
Another idea that's included are the baby food freezer trays called the 'Baby Garden Glaciers,' which are perfect for parents who prefer to make their own formulas. Each of the trays boasts various bright colors, and the individual pods have plenty of space for labels as well -- which can simply be written on with a whiteboard marker. In addition, the durable design of the trays means that they'll last throughout a child's entire early development -- saving parents money and reducing waste at the same time.
Cold-Pressed Applesauces
The Applesauce Adventures Organic Applesauces are Ideal for All Ages
Conveniently Packaged Baby Puddings
The Organic Rice Pudding from Ella's Kitchen Comes in Pouches
Nutrient-Rich Baby Formulas
The New Compleat Formulas for Tube Feeding are Nutritionally Complete
Infant Superfood Meals
The Portable Piccolo Baby Food Serves High Contents of Beet and Kale
Baby Food Subscriptions
Little Spoon is Now Offering Baby Food Delivery for Its Freshly Made Meals
Modernized Baby Food Pouches
Bubs Organic Has Rebranded to Better Appeal to Its Target Audiences
Squeezable Snack Pouches
Sprout Organic SMASH is a New Line of Kid-Friendly Pureed Snacks
Cold-Pressed Infant Foods
The My First Savsé Baby Foods are Packed with Healthy Nutrients
Additive-Free Baby Foods
The Brand 'Cuore di Natura' Offers Nutritious Baby Food Products
Baby Food Freezer Trays
This Tray Allows Parents to Prepare and Freeze Baby Food in Advance
Versatile Organic Baby Foods
Yummy Spoonfuls' Baby Foods Cover Every Flavor Profile Imaginable
Cherubic Baby Food Jars
This Baby Food Reveals Endearing Minimalist Graphics
Convenient Ready-to-Cook Vegetables
Melissa's Produce Offers Nearly a Dozen Different Vegetables
Playful Organic Infant Foods
The Babylicious Homemade Organic Jar Baby Food is Nutritious and Cute
Purist Infant Food Pouches
These Bubs Organic Baby Food Pouches Spotlight Simple Ingredients
Lightweight Baby Food Packaging
The Lovemade Organic Baby Food Pots are Crafted without Glass
Meat-Focused Baby Foods
The Baby Likes Healthy Baby Food is Halal and Organic
Millennial-Targeted Baby Brands
The Latin Baby is a Baby Food Brand for Millennial Parents
Raw Baby Food Subscriptions
Raised Real Delivers Baby-Friendly Packets of Raw Meat and Veggies
Grinning Pablum Packaging
Yumyum Baby Food is Simple, Sweet and Designed to Make Parents Smile
Baby Food Packaging
When it comes to products formulated for infants, toddlers, and small children, we know that parents are really the ones making decisions about whether or not the item meets their family’s needs. While a little one may influence their mom’s or dad’s purchasing choices by excitedly accepting the product – or stubbornly refusing it – it’s still the adults who are scanning store aisles and conducting research on which foods, drinks, and other goods are right for their babies.
Safety is the top concern for consumers with children, which is why flexible, food grade, FDA-approved packaging is really taking off in this market. Stand up pouches won’t break or shatter like traditional glass jars, and they are lightweight and pliable enough that babies can easily hold the product.
Parents won’t have to worry about injury if a pouch is dropped because while it is made of thin material, the secret to its unique structure is the multiple layers of laminated film that are bonded together to keep the packaging intact. This blend of durability and flexibility is perfect for ensuring the package does not pose hazards for young consumers.
Stand up pouches for baby food ensure safe and effective storage, which are critical for keeping food and drinks protected from outside contamination and spoilage.

This form of packaging extends the product’s shelf life, which is convenient for busy parents. Moms and dads will be able to cut down their supermarket visits and save money while they’re at it. Flexible baby food packaging locks in nutritional and vitamin content while pushing oxygen and moisture out, the result of which wards off bacteria and maintains the high quality of the product inside.
Pouches can also be manufactured with additional convenient features that appeal to today’s active, on-the-go parent. Tear notches ensure easy and easy opening, while reclosable zippers allow consumers to portion the food while knowing it is protected from harmful external elements. Flexible baby food packaging is highly portable, making it great for travel. Busy parents can toss the product in a diaper bag without adding extra weight or worrying about leaks or spills during transportation.
Spouted pouches have become a widely popular option for packaging baby food because they are perfect for both juices and purred fruits and vegetables. They’re easy for parents to open, pour, and reclose, while simple enough for little ones to drink or suck the product right out of the package. Each component of a stand up pouch is safe to come in contact with food and drink, and the use of water-based inks during the printing process both lends well to vibrant designs without jeopardizing the product.
Baby food brands that switch away from heavy, rigid jars or plastic containers will greatly reduce their carbon footprint while attracting shoppers with eye-catching designs that highlight the wholesome, nutritious ingredients inside the package.
After artwork is approved, companies in this market can expect to see their completed pouches in 6-12 weeks and can work with our team to guarantee the package best protects and reflects their product. Custom printed pouches for baby food can be ordered in units as small as 10,000 at a time or as big as 5 million. No matter how many packages are required to keep your product safe and catch parents’ attention in stores, our team is here to help get your project started as soon as you’re ready.
trends in baby food packaging
Baby food belongs to the essentials - it is supplied in special packaging that meets many requirements: the safety of the product and its taste, detailed information about the composition and possible allergic reactions. When developing the design and functionality of packaging, it is important to take into account the interests of the target audience - these are parents and children from the age of one who can already express their reactions and attitudes towards the product. Nikolay Artamonov, founder and creative director of Otlichnosti, considered several approaches to category design.
Minimalist bright and light packages with salivary design can be considered a classic approach. Communication is aimed at basic instincts - "Your child will be very tasty." Unusual flavor combinations also stimulate the desire to try the product.
Suitable for consumers of all ages, Applesauce Adventures Organic Applesauce comes in three flavors: Spicy Apple, Straight from the Tree, and Sweet as Apple Pie. Applesauce is packaged in a squeezable bag, which allows you to eat it right away or squeeze it into a separate container.
The Applesauce Adventures
Cherub Food jars are packed with a focus on aesthetics, with each plump glass jar featuring a minimalist label featuring a cartoon mouth with a tongue.
Cherub Food, Me + James Studio
With their simple, modern look, Cherub Food jars are eye-catching and show that only the most essential ingredients are used in the formula. Designed by Me + James Studio.
Cherub Food
Healthy products for an anxious audience
Parents are the most anxious target audience. The most important indicator for them is the usefulness of the products that they give to their babies.
Windows and fully transparent packaging detailing the ingredients and how they are processed are used by baby food designers to convey core brand values.
UK startup Keep It Real Baby makes nutritious, clean, organic baby food that is as close to homemade as possible. The Love Mondays packaging design is inspired by the core values of the brand: be honest, stay playful, stay inclusive, and keep inspiring.
Inspired by children's books, the designers hand-created textures and paper-cut illustrations that perfectly fit the idea of fair and fun food.
Horizon is a tribute to farm to fork with the highest quality ingredients. All this is balanced with a very clean and modern branding and color coding to make it stand out on the shelf as much as possible.
Functional bonuses
When the product itself is already useful and tasty, the functional advantages of packaging of a particular brand come into play. Convenient doypacks for feeding outside the home, mini-spoons, tight lids in case the child has not finished eating, as well as kitchen “gadgets” for making mashed potatoes on your own.
Little Spoon first introduced itself to parents as a healthy baby food brand that produces baby food formulas for different ages that prioritize freshness. With subscription and delivery options, parents choose the meal plan that best suits their schedule and their child's needs, as well as fresh, organic baby food once every two weeks.
Little Spoon
The brand has also taken care to include a small ergonomic spoon in each package, as the company believes it is important for children to learn to eat on their own and develop healthy eating habits from an early age.
Baby Garden Glaciers freezer trays from Cardboard Helicopter Product Design allow parents to save time and waste when preparing food.
Baby Garden Glaciers, Cardboard Helicopter Product Design
Each tray comes with six separate baby food containers that parents can store their baby food in advance. On the lids of these capsules, you can make inscriptions with markers - to comply with the shelf life.
Baby food manufacturer Plum Organics solved the problem of feeding children on the road - for this, the company turned to the IDEO agency.
Plum Organics, IDEO
The designers have developed transparent containers - a resealable lid makes it easy for parents to store food between feedings, and the container has a feature that allows them to keep track of the day they opened the package to make sure they don't throw away the unspoiled food food.
The new pack is easy and safe to stack and has a recess in the lid for parents to place a spoon, making feeding neat and hygienic.
Plum Organics, IDEO
Creative for kids and their moms
Today's parents are yesterday's millennials. In addition to the benefits, taste, environmental friendliness and functionality of the packaging, they appreciate the creative approach in design, which is unusual for the category.
The Latin Baby is a Florida-based brand that caters to the needs and preferences of millennial parents. Unlike classic brands that have been on the market for more than a year, the company uses superfood ingredients and decorative packaging.
The Latin Baby
The Latin Baby is designed with young Hispanic customers in mind. The brand can reach out to consumers using ingredients such as calabash, which are traditionally used in Latin American cuisine. The brand also eschews sugar and sweet fruits and opts for zesty spices instead.
Startup Raised Real offers a subscription to baby food and a machine for making it. All food is organic and the menu is curated by one of the co-founders, who holds a PhD in nutrition and is a Registered Dietitian.
Raised Real / Behance
This is a pre-portioned meal that does not come pre-mixed. Instead, the company offers a machine that first steams food and then mixes it.
As we have seen from the selection of cases, baby food may be preferred by the target audience not only because of the price category and the compliance of the basic ingredients. Functionality and playfulness, demonstration of product freshness, the need for aesthetics - these tasks are successfully implemented with the help of packaging design.
Baby food packaging design - online presentation
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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
higher professional education
"Ural State University of Architecture and Art"
Department of Graphic Design
course Project on the topic:
"Design project for packaging baby food"
Completed by student gr. No. 355 in the State Duma
Head of the course project:
Babenko M.O.
Bosykh I.B.
Yekaterinburg, 2019

3. Introduction
0107 powder for teenagers 15-18 years old.The urgency of the development lies in the design of the corporate identity of the
brand, in order to be competitive in the market of children's
4. Design goals and objectives.
Project Objectives:• Creation of original cocoa packaging for teenagers,
15-18 years old.
• The presence of a "second life" (use after use).
• The presence of an educational or entertainment function.
• Dealing with low resilience in
school graduates and applicants.
5. Tasks:
Analyze analogues and consumers.Reveal the design concept.
Create a flat pattern that meets all requirements.
To develop a box that is uniquely shaped, attractive and
easy to use, competitive and different from
similar ones.
To assist consumers in preparing for exams by placing
notes on the inside of the flexagon parts with the necessary concise information
("cheat sheets").

6. Analysis of consumers
Age distribution12-18 years
19-25 years
35 - older female, 45.3% - male.
Most of the consumers (34.7%) -
teenagers under 18 years old.
The main reason why teenagers
actively drink cocoa is the combination of taste with
useful properties. Drink improves
mood, lowers cholesterol,
satisfies hunger. Activates mental activity
, improves working capacity
and increases resistance to stress
7. Consumer analysis
As part of the All-Russian surveyof young people aged 14–18 years, the Fund
"Public Opinion".
Computer games
The “creativity” column includes
drawing, blogging, vlogging, modeling,

meant not only gaming, but also
Internet surfing, reading thematic articles
The use of computer games in
as a hobby is
due to modernity.
8. Consumer Analysis
Color restrictions were not set.
In the first place: black and burgundy. Less popular
blue and green. The most unclaimed colors of
turned out to be white, beige, pink, brown (1% of
- not indicated in the diagram).
Blue/light blue
I conducted a survey (40 people from Russia,
aged 15-18) to find out if
teenagers have a favorite color.
9. Analysis of analogues
Plastic packaging is popular,due to its cheapness. But the bag and box of
synthetic polymers are inconvenient for domestic
use and are toxic.
Cardboard is a more profitable and convenient material: thanks to its flexibility,
can take any shape.

is also easy to manufacture and environmentally friendly. Graphic design
is successfully superimposed on the paper base
Labels commonly use yellows, dark browns and blacks,
associated with cocoa products. This principle has become familiar0107 to the buyer and does not cause a desire to "take a closer look at
10. Analysis of analogues
Officially there is no cocoa,aimed at the user,
aged 12-18 years.
A radical difference in the design of
"children's" cocoa from "adult".
Children's cocoa packages are of the same type,
are designed according to the same principle and
do not have a "second life".
Unable to attract teenagers
with modern graphic solutions
11. Analysis of indirect analogues
Antistress - devices that providerelaxation in case of anxiety and
Rubik's Cube develops fine motor skills of hands,
spatial thinking, and
is used by psychologists in diagnosing
visual-effective thinking of children and
learning ability.

Homemade anti-stress games are assembled from
cardboard and paper, which is not only simple, but also
pleasant in terms of tactile sensations.
Significant disadvantage: many paper
toys (paper spring) quickly
break or tear.
12. Analysis of Indirect Analogs
Flexagon is avolumetric solid polygon folded from a single sheet of paper
in such a way that it can be
turned inside out, exposing three different
To distinguish between planes, numbers, letters, inscriptions are applied to sectors
of the flexagon,
image elements or simply
are painted in a certain color.
Compact size allows you to carry
to show to others (for this reason,
are popular with schoolchildren).
13. Project concept
"Learning - playfully".By combining the anti-stress toy with the necessary short notes
of educational material, we get a "teenage" box of cocoa, which
will not only please the eye, but also make it easier to understand the theory,
remind the main definitions and dates.

14. Design solution
The packaging is presented in three colors representingtaste qualities of products and
positively associated with selected school subjects: red
(Russian history) - strawberries, blue (Russian) - blueberries,
black (social studies) - cherries.
15. Design concept
Designed with flat pixel graphics, which againgained popularity among teenagers in the last decade.
Botanical design inspired by cocoa trees and creepers
growing in South America.
16. Design solution
The shape of the box allows you to use the figure as aanti-stress toy after the first purchase.
In addition to the game function, the design can help with teaching
the subject chosen by the student. On two of the four levels of the
flexagon there are tips, basic rules and formulas,
taken from open official sources of preparation for the
Unified State Exam.
The pack has a weight of 100g - easy to carry to school.