Baby sweating while bottle feeding
What It Means If Baby Is Sweating and What to Do
You’ve heard about hot flashes during menopause. And you had your fair share of hot spells during pregnancy. But did you know the sweats can happen at other stages of life, too? Even — get this — babyhood.
If your baby’s waking up hot and sweaty at night, you may be alarmed and wonder if it’s normal.
Rest assured: While sweating at night — or in the daytime, for that matter — can affect anyone of any age, sweating in newborns and babies is common.
Why does it happen? Well, for one thing, a baby’s body is immature and still learning to regulate its own temperature. And at the same time, babies are often overdressed and get hot, but they can’t do anything themselves to fix the problem — or let you know what the problem is.
Remember: You’ve got this
How many of us are told when our babies are born that they love a warm, cozy environment because it reminds them of the womb? It’s true (and why newborn swaddling is such a good idea), but it’s still possible to overdo it through no fault of your own.
Don’t worry. Just adjust your little one’s layers if they’re sweating without other symptoms and move on. You’re doing great.
Sometimes babies sweat all over. Other times you may notice sweating or dampness in specific areas, like the hands, feet, or head. Again, this is quite normal. Humans just have more sweat glands in certain areas.
It’s true that in rare cases, sweating can signal a health issue. Let’s look at what causes the sweat, how it can be treated, and when you should see your pediatrician.
(tl;dr: If you’re worried about anything at all, call the doc.)
Here are some of the reasons why your baby may be sweating.
Crying or fussing themselves into a sweat
Crying can be hard work and require a lot of energy. (So can calming your little one during one of these fussing sessions!) If your baby is crying hard or has been crying for a long time, they can become sweaty and red in the face.
If this is the cause, sweating will be temporary and resolve once all is calm in baby’s world again.
Too many layers turning up the (body) heat
Conscientious parents — that’s you! — often bundle their baby in extra layers of clothing or blankets to help ensure they don’t get too cold. Well done!
However, if a baby is overbundled, they can get hot, uncomfortable, and sweaty since the skin can’t breathe.
In this case, your baby can feel hot all over. You may notice sweat anywhere on their body.
Deep sleep (aren’t you a wee bit jealous?)
Newborns spend most of the day and night sleeping, but they usually sleep in short segments, typically only about 3 or 4 hours at a time. This may have you wondering how on earth the phrase “sleep like a baby” came to have positive associations.
But during these times when your baby is sleeping, they’ll move through different sleep cycles, including very deep sleep. In deep sleep, some babies may sweat excessively and wake up wet with sweat. It’s actually quite common and is usually no cause for concern.
A cold, fever, or infection
If your baby is sweating but usually doesn’t sweat or doesn’t sweat much, they might be getting a cold or have an infection.
A fever is a telltale sign of infection, so take your little one’s temperature. You can usually use infant Tylenol to lower the fever and ease symptoms, but talk to your doctor about dosing and recommendations if your baby is younger than 6 months.
Infant sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition where you pause for 20 or more seconds between breaths while sleeping. It’s very rare in infants but can happen, especially in preemies in the early months after birth.
If you think your baby has sleep apnea, have them evaluated by your pediatrician. Signs to look for include:
- snoring
- gasping
- open mouth while sleeping
Sleep apnea isn’t a risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) — many parents worry it is — and babies usually grow out of it. Still, it’s best to talk to a doctor if you’re concerned.
Safety note
Don’t be tempted to use sleep positioners. Sleep positioners and wedges are not recommended while feeding or sleeping. These padded risers are intended to keep your baby’s head and body in one position, but are not recommended by the Food and Drug Administration due to the risk of SIDS.
Hyperhidrosis in infancy
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating, even when the temperature is cool. Localized hyperhidrosis can happen on certain parts of the body, such as the hands, armpits, or feet — or several of these areas at once.
There’s also a form of hyperhidrosis, called general hyperhidrosis, that can affect large areas of the body. It’s rare but not serious. The condition often improves as baby grows.
Hyperhidrosis can occur when awake or asleep. A more serious condition sometimes causes it, so your pediatrician will run some tests if they suspect this.
Congenital heart disease
Babies who have congenital heart disease sweat nearly all the time because their bodies are compensating for the problem and working harder to pump blood through the body. Experts estimate nearly 1 percent of babies are born with congenital heart disease.
Babies who have congenital heart disease will have difficulty eating and start sweating as they attempt to eat. Other symptoms may include a bluish tint to the skin and fast, shallow breathing.
On a serious note, overheating (but not sweating, just to be clear) is a risk factor for SIDS. Therefore, it’s important to prevent situations where your baby might become overheated.
Since sweating can mean your baby is too hot, it’s a useful symptom that can signal you need to remove layers or otherwise cool baby down.
When you notice your baby is sweaty, the first thing to do is see if there’s anything you can do to adjust the environment so it’s more comfortable. If those changes don’t help, you may need to see a doctor.
Here are some things to check and consider.
Find and fix the problem
If your baby is crying hard and has worked up a sweat, take the time to figure out what they need and help them, and see if the sweating stops. (Yes, we know you do this on the daily and don’t need the reminder.)
While the cause of the crying could be that your baby’s hot, there may be other reasons: They’re hungry, need a diaper change, or just want you to hold them.
Adjust room temperature
Make sure the temperature in your baby’s room stays somewhere between cool and warm but isn’t hot. Your baby’s sleep environment should stay between 68 to 72°F (20 to 22°C).
If the room doesn’t have a thermometer, you can purchase a portable one to keep track. Many baby monitors also report the temperature of the room.
If you’re not sure, stop and ask yourself if you’re hot. If so, then your baby probably is, too.
Remove extra clothing
Dress your baby in lightweight, breathable clothes. Remove layers as needed. Resist the urge to bundle your little one unless it’s very cold. For safety, be sure to keep any blankets, quilts, and comforters out of their crib.
Be alert to fever and other symptoms
If you’ve taken steps to adjust the temperature and remove layers of clothing from your baby and they’re still sweaty, they could have a fever. Seek medical attention for your baby if they’re:
- younger than 3 months old and have a fever with a rectal temperature of 100.4°F (38°C)
- over 3 months old and have a fever of 102°F (38.9°C) or higher
- over 3 months old and have had a fever for longer than 2 days
If you notice any of these other symptoms in addition to sweating, see a doctor:
- gasping or wheezing during sleep
- long pauses between breaths while sleeping
- not gaining weight normally
- problems eating
- snoring
- teeth grinding
It’s normal for babies to sweat. In most instances, there’s nothing to worry about. Often a simple adjustment — such as lowering the room temperature or dressing your baby in fewer layers — is all it takes. So don’t sweat it.
As your baby grows and is better able to regulate their temperature, it generally will happen less. If your baby has hyperhidrosis and it continues to be an issue as they grow older, your pediatrician can treat it.
But, as with any issue your baby might be having, trust your instincts. If you have concerns, make an appointment to see your pediatrician.
How to Reduce Baby Sweating while Breastfeeding?
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It is quite normal for a baby to sweat while feeding. However, if there is excessive sweating, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Before you make that doctor’s appointment to get the problem checked, read this article to understand the baby sweating phenomenon.
Video : Baby Sweating While Breastfeeding: Should You Be Worried?
Reasons Your Baby Sweats While Breastfeeding
Usually, a baby sweats because of the natural process by which he releases excess body heat. The baby needs to cool off naturally because:
- Close Connection: The close, skin-to-skin contact with the feeding mother increases the baby’s body temperature.
- Oodles of Energy: Suckling needs a lot of energy. The movement of the jaw while suckling is a kind of exercise for the baby and the baby sweats as a result of putting in the effort.
- Hot Head: Have you also noticed the baby’s head sweating while breastfeeding? Many mothers tend to hold the baby in the same cradle position while feeding.
Often, the mother holds the baby’s head in her palms in this position for a long time. This passes on more warmth from the palm, causing the baby’s head to sweat.
- Too Many Layers: Sometimes, the baby is warm because of the many layers he is covered in. That may make him sweat.
- Need for Fresh Air: The feeding room may be cramped, stuffy, and without ventilation. This warm environment makes the baby sweat more while breastfeeding.
However, there may be other reasons why your baby is sweating while breastfeeding – reasons that may require medical attention. We discuss that below.
Why Does the Baby’s Head Sweat?
Sweating on the baby’s head is caused by two main reasons:
- Only the baby’s head has active sweat glands while the rest of the body does not have any. So, the head sweats more than the rest of the body when the baby is feeling hot, especially while feeding.
- The temperature of the baby’s head is always higher than the rest of his body.
As new parents, one of the most natural concerns you may have is whether this is because of an underlying ailment. While mild sweating in babies is not usually a cause for concern, if you notice unnatural and excessive sweating on your baby’s head, it may indicate a health problem. It could be any of the following:
- Pulmonary Atresia: It is a form of congenital heart disease that blocks the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and the baby does not get enough oxygen. This happens because the pulmonary valve, which regulates the blood flow from the heart to the lungs, has a malformation and does not open. Excessive sweating while breastfeeding is a key indicator of this ailment.
- Hyperthyroidism: Excessive sweating can also be caused by an overactive thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism.
- Infection With Fever: The baby can sweat excessively if there is some sort of infection, accompanied by fever.
4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: In extreme cases, some babies have a higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). They could show signs of excessive sweating. While there is no conclusive evidence of this connection, according to a study, a majority of mothers whose babies suffered from SIDS said that they noticed that their babies would sweat too much.
5. Congestive Heart Failure: This ailment is caused by either a structural problem or a weak muscle in the heart. Hence, the baby’s heart is unable to supply enough blood to the rest of the body. This ailment is marked by excessive sweating as well.
Tips to Minimize Baby Sweating During Breastfeeding
Now that you know the reasons behind this, you can take measures to make life more comfortable for your bundle of joy. Here are some tips and tricks to do that:
- Feed the baby in an airy room with moderate temperature. The room should ideally be neither too hot nor too cold.
- During the summer season, you and your baby should both wear soft, cotton clothes while breastfeeding. Even during winters, don’t wear too many layers, heavy woollen clothes or clothes made of materials that may cause skin irritation and sweat. Try to wear light, soft, and warm woollens.
- Keep the baby’s head bare to let it breathe while breastfeeding. Take off any cap or scarf from the baby’s head before feeding. During winters, a cotton cap can be used to cover the baby’s head.
- If you are breastfeeding the baby in public, you should preferably use a cotton nursing cloak to let the air circulate well.
- You and your baby should avoid polyester garments while feeding.
- Feed your baby from both breasts. That will ensure that your baby is not in one fixed position the entire time during feeding, and this movement will reduce heat from trapping.
- Do not assume that the baby is feeling cold all the time and overdress him/her in the process. Breastfeeding increases the baby’s body temperature as he is putting in an effort while suckling, and also because he is in close contact with another human body.
Too many layers of clothes can add to the baby’s discomfort.
- You and your baby should not wear tight clothes during feedings. This will make both of you sweaty and uncomfortable.
When to Consult Your Doctor
You should consult your paediatrician if you notice these symptoms:
- Breathing Problems: Your baby is breathing too hard, too slow, or in gasps.
- Tiredness: You may notice constant lethargy or sleepiness, even during breastfeeding.
- Aversion to Feeding: You baby may not be eager to feed at all.
- Bluish Skin: In some rare cases, the baby skin may develop a bluish shade.
Sweating while feeding is usually not a problem in babies, but in some cases, it may be due to an underlying medical condition. If your baby’s sweating does not stop or improve despite trying the above-mentioned methods, please consult your doctor immediately.
Also Read: Drinking Water During Breastfeeding
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Why does the baby sweat while feeding?
Bulavina Ekaterina Borisovna
pediatrician of the 1st category
The baby sweats during feeding, so much so that you have to change the vest. What is the reason for the increased sweating of newborns, why does the child sweat if it is not hot and there are few clothes on him? Everything is individual. Read about the causes of sweating during feeding and what to do to help the baby in an interview with pediatrician Ekaterina Borisovna Bulavina. nine0003
— Ekaterina Borisovna, what does the baby's sweating during sucking mean?
- All children sweat. Distinguish between normal and excessive sweating. Moderate sweating during feeding is considered normal and is not a cause for concern. But it should not be accompanied by a bluish coloration of the face or nasolabial triangle, the appearance of cold sticky sweat flowing down the face or back. The normal act of sucking is usually not accompanied by the baby's anxiety, shortness of breath with retraction of the intercostal space, pronounced palpitations. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor. nine0003
- Does age affect sweating?
- Sweat glands are activated at the age of one month. Up to five or six years, the formation of the function of thermoregulation occurs. During this period, maximum sweating is observed. The second peak of sweating is adolescence, when sex hormones turn on.
- Intensive sucking can cause sweating?
- The act of sucking a breast or a bottle is work, especially for a baby in the first months of life. Therefore, even slight discomfort can increase sweating during feeding. Also, the child can spend more energy due to some features of the anatomy of the mother's breast. And even a child's posture is of great importance - if the child is uncomfortable and has to strain all the muscles, he will sweat. nine0003
— Almost every mother notes that a newborn's head sweats when feeding. What parts of the body are still sweating?
— During suckling, the baby does a colossal work, which involves the muscles of the head, neck, upper shoulder girdle. Therefore, it is these areas that are normally sweating during feeding. With imperfect heat transfer, the palms and feet of the child can sweat a lot, since a large number of sweat glands are concentrated there.
— Frequent sweating of the head and the development of childhood rickets — interrelated processes? nine0012
- Sweating combined with nape baldness often worries parents. This is the most famous symptom. But it is worth remembering that the hair on the back of the head is wiped normally in healthy children, especially until they have learned to sit, and they turn their heads very actively.
Read also
- Common sleep problems in infancy, what ways to try to calm the baby and fall asleep after feeding.
Early signs of rickets
- restless behavior, startling from sudden sounds, flashes of light;
- sleep disturbance, shallow sleep with awakenings;
- sweat clammy with sour smell;
- itchy skin;
- rubbing the back of the head against the pillow and baldness.
The most informative:
- compliance of the margins of the large fontanel;
- muscle weakness; nine0047
- protruding tummy.
At risk of developing rickets are large formula-fed babies who rarely walk outside. But for early detection of rickets, it is enough to visit a pediatrician in a timely manner: an experienced doctor will easily notice the signs of the disease.
— How can parents distinguish external causes of sweating from health problems?
— When excessive sweating occurs, the first step is to review the surrounding microclimate. If the room temperature exceeds +25 ° C, and the air humidity is more than 60%, the child simply overheats. The next step is to evaluate the clothing: too tight, made of synthetic fabrics and needs to be replaced. nine0003
Warning symptoms requiring immediate medical attention:
- lethargy, weakness, fatigue or, conversely, excessive excitement;
- restless interrupted sleep;
- poor weight gain, poor appetite;
- lag in psychomotor development;
- muscle weakness or, conversely, pronounced muscle tone;
- cyanosis (cyanosis) of the nasolabial triangle during sucking, cyanosis of the extremities; nine0046 fever;
- signs of a viral infection, pustular skin lesions;
- pathological impurities in the stool;
- prolonged cough;
- enlarged lymph nodes of any localization;
- softening of the edges of the large fontanel, change in the shape of the skull;
- Distended protruding abdomen, tendency to constipation.
Characteristic signs that also require immediate attention to the pediatrician:
- specific smell of sweat;
- clammy, cold sweat;
- profuse sweat in large drops, acting on the forehead, back;
- profuse (suddenly released in large quantities) sweat, requiring dressing.
In addition to external factors, the general condition, activity, sleep, mood, level of development of the child are assessed. Moderate sweating in general well-being is rarely a sign of a serious illness - this is a temporary inconvenience that will pass with the maturation of the nervous system. Physiological sweating most often disappears with the normalization of the temperature regime, the correct selection of clothing. nine0003
— Ekaterina Borisovna, what should parents do if the baby sweats a lot during feeding?
— To make the feeding process as convenient as possible, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the child:
- feed in a cool, well-ventilated area;
- dress the child appropriately for the ambient temperature in natural, breathable clothing that is loose and free of coarse seams; nine0047
- a sleeping child should wear one more layer of clothing than an adult who is feeling comfortable at that moment, and one less layer for an actively moving child;
- do not wear hats, caps during feeding, as the baby's head often sweats, and an additional layer of clothing will increase overheating;
- feed in a reclining position, supporting the upper shoulder girdle with a hand or placing a special pillow; it is impossible to support only the head, since only the neck is bent and it is inconvenient for the baby to suck; nine0047
- use special silicone pads on the nipples, knead and strain the breast before feeding in case of anatomical problems in the mother that make sucking difficult;
- bathe the baby more often, use contrast baths or douches after bathing in cool water - hardening always has a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system and immunity;
- more often leave the baby without clothes for air baths.
In addition, bottle feeding should be carefully considered:
- use an anti-reflux bottle with a medium hard teat;
- The opening on the nipple must be appropriate for the age of the baby;
- Too soft or too tight nipples are not suitable for normal feeding.
Young children tend to sweat, which is associated with the imperfection of the thermoregulation system. The baby is very dependent on the ambient temperature and easily overheats. Even seemingly insignificant muscle work during sucking is a serious burden for the baby and is accompanied by the release of sweat, especially in conditions of high temperature and humidity. If sweating is excessive and the child suffers from it, this is an occasion to visit a pediatrician to determine the causes. nine0003
* Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life and continued breastfeeding after complementary foods are introduced until the age of 2 years. Before introducing new products into the baby's diet, you should consult with a specialist. The material is for informational purposes and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For feeding children from birth. The product is certified.
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90,000 possible causes.
Most parents experience that their baby sweats while feeding. In most cases, this is not a problem, since the sweat glands are formed and begin to function normally only when they reach school age. An important factor is also the fact that the baby's body temperature is poorly regulated, and the body is prone to rapid overheating. nine0003
What causes baby to sweat while feeding?
- Heredity. If at least one of the parents has a tendency to hyperhidrosis, then it is likely that this problem can be transmitted to the child.
- Fatigue. When a baby eats by sucking on the mother's breast or bottle formula, he is working. Because of this, his body temperature may rise. A wet head just helps to escape from overheating.
- Overwrapping babies. This is another reason why babies sweat when they eat. nine0047
- External influence of hot air. It is the basis of heavy sweating in a child when he suckles at the breast.
From this, the baby can not only sweat, his body temperature can also rise.
Sweat in a newborn while breastfeeding can be triggered by completely natural factors that are not harmful. That is why parents need to first check whether their child is overheating. However, despite this, there are many diseases and pathological conditions that can cause the baby to sweat. nine0003
Why does rickets provoke hyperhidrosis?
Excessive sweating may be caused by rickets.
Sweating while breastfeeding may be caused by rickets. With this ailment, the head and forehead sweat in the baby, which is associated with a lack of vitamin D in the body. In addition, there are such symptoms: a bald patch on the back of the head, poor overgrowth of the fontanel, an unpleasant smell of skin and feces. The baby is restless, does not grow well, the teeth may not erupt for a long time. All this should alert caring parents who are urgently advised to consult a doctor. nine0003
Increased sweating after illness
This process is more often associated with the activation of the nervous system of the baby, namely its sympathetic department. This is attributed to the imperfection of the protective system of a growing organism in the fight against infection. Most often, the baby's forehead sweats after eating. Over time, hyperhidrosis disappears, so parents should not worry and, moreover, use folk and drug methods to treat this condition.
Sometimes mothers of infants notice certain peculiarities in their child's health. The room temperature is normal, and the child is sweating. His hair gets wet and moisture accumulates in the folds. This condition occurs not only during sleep, but also during wakefulness. Why does the baby's head sweat during feeding? The reasons for this condition will be discussed in this article. nine0003
Why does the baby sweat?
Most of the causes of excessive sweating are normal and not at all dangerous to the health of the child. His sweat glands are not yet fully formed, usually at 5-6 years of age. Interruptions in their work are not uncommon.
Baby's head sweats - is it a norm or a deviation? A weak baby's body is not able to quickly rebuild with temperature changes, even if these changes are minor. For an adult, such fluctuations are completely imperceptible, and a child may freeze or become hot. nine0003
Reasons why a baby sweats include:
- air temperature above +28 degrees;
- children's clothing made of synthetic materials;
- medications that cause sweating as a side effect;
- motor activity.
If the mother removed the provoking factors, and the child sweats, then the cause of this condition lies in something else.
Effects of overheating
Why does the baby's head sweat during feeding? At a room temperature that is normally perceived by adults, the child may experience discomfort. To prevent overheating of the baby, the following recommendations should be observed:
- Parents should stop wrapping their baby from an early age.
This should not be done with older children.
- The sweat glands begin to function in infants after 3 months. The child must be dressed indoors in the same way as adults. When walking on the street, outerwear is additionally added. nine0047
- It is best when the room temperature is +19-20 degrees.
- The humidity level in the room should not be 50-60%.
- In hot weather, the sun should be avoided, and it is best to be in the shade.
If parents follow these simple rules, they will significantly reduce the possibility of overheating of the baby.
Symptoms of a cold
What other reasons why a baby's head sweats? When a cold occurs in a child, the body temperature rises, which happens often. In this case, it is important not to miss the symptoms of more serious problems. It is best to visit a pediatrician with a child. nine0003
Especially the doctor's help is needed if, in addition to excessive sweating, the baby develops:
- cough;
- runny nose;
- eyes redden;
- the baby is shivering;
- his hands and feet become hot.
If these symptoms occur, give the child more fluids, which in turn will cause more sweating.
Hereditary factors
The head of the baby sweats a lot - is it worth worrying? When external factors have disappeared, then parents can make an assumption about the emergence of internal ones. Some babies may develop a genetic pathology - hyperhidrosis, which is characterized by increased work of the sweat glands. nine0003
The disease has the following varieties:
- General, when the whole body sweats.
- Localized or localized, which has the following types: palmar-plantar, axillary, face and head sweat profusely.
Secondary hyperhidrosis may develop due to the following pathologies:
- diabetes mellitus;
- mental illness;
- overweight;
- cancer diseases;
- infectious and endocrine diseases. nine0047
Parents should not panic, usually only the primary form of pathology is diagnosed in infants. If the study did not reveal anything, then you need to wait a while until this condition passes on its own.
The development of rickets
Consider the reasons why a baby's head sweats. Is it dangerous? In this case, the symptoms may indicate the occurrence of rickets. With the development of pathology, the skeletal system of the child is formed incorrectly, which occurs due to metabolic disorders and the lack of vitamin D in the body in sufficient quantities. nine0003
Rickets is characterized by the following symptoms:
- Starting and restless sleep.
- Fear of sharp sounds, increased irritability.
- Pediatrician notices softening of the skull bones during examination.
- Urine smells sour.
Signs of the disease are especially noticeable when the child sweats heavily during sleep or feeding. Sweat causes skin irritation and a sour smell. The baby experiences discomfort, so it rubs its head on the pillow. As a result, bald patches appear. nine0003
Why does the baby's head sweat during feeding? Children who are born with a large weight are prone to sweat even with minimal exertion. Sometimes this happens when the baby does not move at all.
Parents need to formulate the correct diet for their child in order to prevent weight gain. It is considered large if the baby at birth had a body weight of 4 or more kilograms.
Rapid weight gain in an infant suggests a delayed introduction of complementary foods. Up to 12 months, the diet should include on a par with breast milk and vegetables in the required amount. nine0003
High-calorie foods require increased physical activity, such as swimming.
If the problem of excess weight is not solved, then you should undergo the necessary examinations with a doctor. After all, sometimes elevated levels of insulin in the blood cause extra pounds that appear due to metabolic disorders.
Disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular system
Why does the baby's head sweat during feeding? In children under the age of three, mothers notice the following symptoms:
- the child does not sleep well;
- gets tired quickly;
- attention is disturbed;
- hyperactivity;
- the baby sleeps restlessly, often wakes up and cries out.
Nervous excitability can cause excessive sweating, which is not always cured by drugs. Herbal preparations and adherence to the daily regimen help to quickly deal with this problem.
Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are difficult to detect in children under the age of one year. Signs of the disease, in addition to a sweaty head, include the following:
- The baby cries in his sleep without waking up and is covered in sweat.
- Lack of appetite and lethargy.
- Rapid irregular breathing.
- Blueness between lips and nose.
- Shortness of breath occurs even with minimal physical exertion.
If parents observe this in their child's condition, then it is necessary to visit a pediatrician.
The right choice of baby clothes
Why does a baby's head sweat during feeding? When a child is dressed in things made of synthetic material or sleeps on poor-quality bedding, he may have a similar problem. For a baby, it is best to use the following types of fabrics:
- cotton - usually used in hot summer weather;
- wool is the perfect choice for winter and cold autumn;
- linen is used in hot weather;
- Bamboo fiber can be used for any season;
- high quality knitwear;
- Linen and bamboo terry in towels and bathrobes.
Sweating will completely stop or decrease significantly if you buy things from the above fabrics. The choice of necessary clothes or bed linen should be a priority for parents. nine0003
How to solve the problem of sweating?
When all symptoms of a non-medical nature are excluded, it is imperative to consult a doctor. It is important to explain to the specialist which part of the body sweats the most in a child - the accuracy of the diagnosis will depend on this.
When does the baby's head sweat during feeding and sleep? If she sweats after active games or physical activity, then this is considered absolutely normal.
When this occurs during sleep, it may be a protective reaction of the child's body to overheating. After all, it is very dangerous for babies. nine0003
In order to prevent overheating of the baby, it is necessary:
- Don't wrap the baby up all the time, even if the mother thinks that his health has deteriorated.
- Optimum temperature must be maintained in the room, you can even sleep with the window ajar.
- Sleepwear and bed linen should be made from natural fabrics.
What should I do if my baby sweats a lot while sleeping while feeding? Parents should not worry in this case, because breastfeeding and bottle sucking is labor that requires a lot of effort. All the facial muscles of the baby work, and he sweats because he is tired. To alleviate his condition, do the following:
- ventilate the baby's room before feeding;
- when eating, the baby should be dressed in light clothing made from natural fabrics;
- do not put a cap on the child's head;
- the mother holding the baby in her arms should also be dressed in light clothing.
A child who sweats in the head and other parts of the body should not be self-treated. The reason why this happens in an infant can be found out by passing a special examination prescribed by a doctor. When the specialist establishes the correct diagnosis, only then will treatment begin. nine0003
When a baby appears in a family, it always brings great joy. But along with it come the first worries and concerns about his well-being. The first thing a vigilant mother pays attention to is that the baby sweats during feeding. Why can a baby sweat when suckling and is there any reason for concern? Let's start with the first question.
Inexperienced mothers should know that the baby has undeveloped sweat glands, so he can sweat not only during feeding, but also during sleep, during the game and regardless of the time of day. Only by the age of 6, this part of the excretory system of the body is fully formed in a child. nine0003
The reasons why a baby sweats are divided into two categories - normal and those that should be the reason for a visit to the pediatrician.
First category of causes
Usually in a family where at least one of the parents had such a childhood problem, the baby inherits it.
In this case, you should not worry - the culprit of the situation is undeveloped sweat glands, because of which the child's head sweats during feeding. This is a problem that he will almost certainly outgrow. nine0003
After a cold
Don't worry too much if your baby sweats after having a cold. Most likely, hyperhidrosis of the head while eating is a consequence of a past respiratory disease. If you show enough patience, soon the problem will cease to bother.
One of the most common causes. Yes, suckling is hard work for a baby, whether he is drinking breast milk or bottled formula. A wet head saves him from overheating of the whole body, so you should not be surprised or horrified by this phenomenon. nine0003
However, it is worth paying attention to how well the milk flows from the bottle (when bottle-fed) and to facilitate access to breast milk when breastfeeding. If milk or formula comes with sufficient ease, then the baby does not put much effort into obtaining them, which means that he does not need to sweat.
Clothes that are too warm
The child may sweat even when he is dressed warmly - many mothers find this to be very beneficial for his health. And they are wrong: the combination of too much wrapping and physical effort during feeding makes his body take care of thermoregulation. nine0003
The same thing happens when the ambient temperature is high - in summer, when the room is too hot for natural reasons, or in winter, in case of excessive heating of the room (which is also most often the result of excessive parental care).
Note that mother's hands are also a source of heat, and in high ambient temperatures they are also hotter than necessary.
To avoid excessive sweating for the latter reasons, you just need to give up the habit of overwrapping the child and start regularly airing his room.
Thus, we can sum it up: if the baby's head sweats during breastfeeding, it is a natural result of the exertion, too hot clothes or high temperature in the room. But there are also causes of sweating that can serve as signs of serious illness. Let's consider them separately.
Sweating as a symptom
Let us consider in more detail the causes of the second category, when sweating is one of the signs of the disease.
Such a suspicion arises in every mother who notices excessive sweating of her child. It is worth noting that sweat is considered one of the most minor symptoms of the disease. Hyperhidrosis occurs due to a lack of vitamin D - for this reason, the child sweats heavily not only when feeding, but also during games and even sleep.
If not only the head, but also the feet and hands get wet while eating, you should be alert. The main symptoms in this case will be bald patches on the head, a sour smell of the skin and a pungent, unpleasant urine. The fontanel with rickets overgrows poorly, the teeth are cut with a long delay. The baby becomes restless, and his frontal and parietal lobes noticeably increase in size. nine0003
Disorders of the functioning of the nervous system
Another nuisance symptom of which is head sweating while breastfeeding. Even in an adult, excitement causes certain reactions, to say nothing of a child. Usually, in a worried baby, it is not the palms that sweat, as in an adult, but the head and neck. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the capriciousness and fatigue of the child. If you adjust the daily routine and avoid stress, then nervous strain, and with it sweating, will pass on their own. nine0003
The symptoms of nervous tension are thick, sticky perspiration that covers the skin of the baby during feeding, and its unpleasant smell.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia
It is also a dangerous cause of sweating. In case of disruption of the work of nerve fibers and cells, the activity of blood vessels decreases. Providing timely assistance will resolve the problem, but if this is not done, the consequences can be very unpleasant.
So the main task of parents in this case is precisely the definition of the disease, which is characterized by a certain set of deviations from the norm. This set includes not only hyperhidrosis of the head, but also pallor of the skin, a pronounced decrease in appetite, uneven breathing and weight loss. nine0003
Violations of hygiene requirements
Also one of the causes of head sweating in newborns, for example, to the material from which the baby's clothes are sewn. This can be affected by the temperature of the food (in the case of artificial feeding) and the violation of other norms. If you bring them to certain indicators, you can say goodbye to sweating.
What to do if feeding causes head hyperhidrosis
Optionally, if the child is sweating, the reasons are due to a serious illness. But this fact does not mean that you just need to calm down.
However, certain actions must be taken. nine0003
So, first of all, you should pay attention to the temperature in the room: it is best if it is constantly at the level of 18 ° C, while the humidity should be 70%. A prerequisite for creating a comfortable environment is also the ventilation of the baby's room.
It is not necessary to wrap up a child not only at home, but also during walks. Clothing should be appropriate for the season, and not overly warm. It is worth completely abandoning synthetics - they are not suitable for children, so clothes and bedding should be made from high quality natural materials. Then hyperhidrosis of the head during feeding can not be afraid. nine0003
Be sure to give your child vitamin D to prevent such an unpleasant disease as rickets. However, at the same time, you must adhere to the dosage indicated by the pediatrician - too much dose will harm the child's body.
But daily walks in the fresh air will only be useful and will soon help you forget about hyperhidrosis.
Breastfeeding is an important guarantee of a baby's health. It needs to be kept as long as possible, since it affects all processes in the body, including the formation of sweat glands. However, nursing mothers should pay special attention to their own diet so that milk is as useful as possible. nine0003
Spicy foods, coffee, chocolate and tea cause excessive sweating. If you abandon them for the period of lactation, when the child is breastfeeding for the sake of his health, you can avoid not only hyperhidrosis, but also a number of other problems.
Of course, the diagnosis cannot be made by one symptom - even the most qualified specialist will not do this. But sometimes even such a “little thing” as a sweaty neck during feeding, noticed and voiced in time, can prevent a big disaster. Any disease is easiest to treat in the early stages - and childhood diseases are no exception. Parents need to be vigilant. nine0003
In the meantime, do not worry too much if the baby sweats while breastfeeding - good appetite and healthy sleep say that no illness threatens the baby, you just need to analyze and correct external factors, then the baby will stop sweating when he eats, when fed naturally way.
The appearance of a baby in the family brings a lot of joyful moments, but troubles, unknown before his birth, appear. The first thing parents face is that the baby sweats while breastfeeding. Why is this happening, should I be worried? Pediatricians with world experience reveal the main causes of increased sweating, and also give practical recommendations on what to do. nine0003
The appearance of sweat in children during breastfeeding often does not indicate any disease.
The baby's sweat glands are underdeveloped, so the baby can sweat at night, during the day, while feeding, playing. The full activity of the sweat glands will be restored by 6 years. Reasons for excessive sweating may not be serious, but may pose a threat to health. E. O. Komarovsky determines the causes of sweat that do not harm the child:
- Heredity. The hereditary factor occupies the first position. Even when one of the parents had a tendency to sweat in childhood, the likelihood of it in a newborn is high.
In that case, don't worry. The baby's head sweats when breastfeeding - the culprits are immature sweat glands. Their development is a matter of time.
- Past respiratory illnesses. The child has recently been ill, have you noticed increased sweating? Most likely you are observing the consequences of an illness. In this situation, patience will help, the problem will go away on its own. nine0047
Children can inherit sweating from their parents.
- Fatigue. After hard physical labor comes fatigue. Eating milk from the breast, from the bottle is hard work that the baby experiences. The baby's temperature rises when suckling milk, and a wet head helps prevent the body from overheating. Therefore, it is not surprising that the baby sweats while eating.
- The child is hot. Parents do not spare anything for the baby. The blanket is thicker, the pillow is fluffier and the clothes are warmer. The baby cannot report that he is hot, overheating, sweating.
- High room temperature. The temperature climate is sometimes the basis of perspiration. The house is hot, the baby is warmly dressed, and heat is transferred from the warm body of the mother to the child. Ventilate the room in which the baby is located, do not unnecessarily wrap up. From overheating, the baby will not only be wet, but the temperature may rise.
It can be concluded that in most cases, sweating during breastfeeding is the result of labor, fever or heredity . Unfortunately, there are sources of sweat that are symptoms of serious diseases. Pediatrician Myagkova M.N. warns about them
- Rickets. When a caring mother detects sweating in a crumb, the thought of rickets immediately arises. True, sweat is one of the symptoms of a serious illness, but the most insignificant. The baby has a lack of vitamin D, so he sweats during breastfeeding, in a dream, wakes up wet. And wet head, hands, feet. Parents should be alert for the following symptoms:
- receding hairline at the back of the head;
- skin, stools smell sour;
- urine has an unpleasant, pungent odor; nine0047
- soft bones of the skull, a consequence of poor overgrowth of the fontanel;
- poorly growing, delay in eruption;
- restless behavior.
Confirm the diagnosis with a blood and urine test.
- Vegetative-vascular dystonia. A decrease in the activity of blood vessels occurs when the work of nerve fibers and cells is disrupted. If the correct help is not provided in time, the weak regulatory function can develop into serious diseases. Parents are responsible for the timely detection of signs of complications, the pulse rate in children is high and one symptom is not enough to detect deviations from the norm. Look out for the following symptoms: nine0298
- pale skin;
- disruption of the sweat glands affects the thermoregulation of the body;
- poor appetite, weight loss;
- uneven breathing.
It is difficult to diagnose the above symptoms, so the doctor will first diagnose the disease and then prescribe treatment.
- Violation of hygiene. There are hygienic requirements for the material from which the clothes are sewn, the hardness of the mattress, pillow, room temperature, food temperature.
Any violation of such norms will lead to sweating when the child eats. Their elimination will even out the situation, perspiration will disappear. nine0047
There are situations when young mothers notice spontaneous sweating in a newborn baby during feeding. Most often, the child's head sweats, as a result of which the place where she lay becomes wet. This condition can frighten a nursing woman, since these signs were not there before.
In most cases, this problem occurs for physiological reasons that are not due to internal pathology.
If a breastfeeding woman has discovered spontaneous sweating in a child during feeding, then before looking for ways to eliminate it, it is necessary to find out the reliable cause of this condition. These reasons can be both physiological and pathological. Sweating during feeding can be caused by such physiological factors:
- Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents of the child is prone to excessive sweating, then the baby is more likely to inherit this feature.
In this case, the child is completely healthy and does not need medical attention.
- Previous respiratory illness. If the day before the baby had a viral infection, then sweating should be taken as a consequence of the disease. This problem disappears on its own after 2-3 days. nine0046 High temperature in the nursing room. Many mothers, fearing hypothermia, prefer to wrap the baby before feeding. In such conditions, the baby quickly overheats and begins to sweat intensely.
- Feeding fatigue. If the baby has spent a lot of energy while eating, then against the background of physical fatigue, he has sweating. In this case, a wet head serves as a prevention of heat stroke.
- Overheating of the body. If the baby is wrapped up during the day, and covered with a blanket before feeding, then the baby's body overheats in a matter of minutes. nine0047
- Violation of the rules for the care of an infant. Clothing, bed linen and other household items must comply with hygiene standards.
If this does not happen, then even clothing made from hot material leads to sweating in the newborn.
Physiological causes do not always lead to head sweating when feeding a newborn. There are pathological factors that provoke this condition:
- Pathologies of the nervous system. Deviations can be observed both from the side of the central and from the side of the autonomic nervous system. Sweating is observed mainly in the frontal part of the head of the newborn. In addition, with nervous disorders in the baby, the arms and legs sweat, and sleep is disturbed. nine0047
- Rickets. Excessive sweating is one of the signs of this serious disease. Rickets occurs on the background of deficiency. This pathology is characterized by sweating during feeding and during sleep. Additional symptoms may indicate the development of rickets, such as an unpleasant smell of urine from the baby, bald patches in the back of the head, sour smell of stools, anxiety, delayed physical development and softness of the cranial bones.
- Vegetative-vascular dysfunction. In this case, the motor function of the vessels is disturbed, which is caused by a violation of their nervous regulation. In addition to sweating during feeding, a newborn baby has weight loss, decreased appetite, pallor of the skin, and uneven breathing. nine0047
How to help your baby
If the sweating of the head during feeding is due to some disease, then only a medical specialist can help the baby. If sweating was provoked by physiological reasons, then parents should heed the following recommendations:
- The temperature in the living room where the newborn child is located should not exceed 22 degrees. Humidity indicators are also important, which should not exceed 70%. Before feeding the baby, it is recommended that the mother ventilate the room, after transferring the child to another room. nine0047
- Useful daily outdoors. For this, a park or quiet alleys are suitable.
- It is not recommended to over-wrap the baby, both at home and on the street.