Best baby food flavors for adults
10 Popular Baby Food Flavors, Ranked Yummiest To Grossest By A Mom
When a not-so-little-anymore little one reaches the exciting phase of starting solids, parents are usually a bit more excited about this new phase than their little ones. But trying new things can be an exciting experience for everyone involved.
RELATED: 10 Healthy Snacks Your Picky Toddler Will Love
And with all the first food options it can be a little tough to pick just one flavor for a baby's first solid. But, since moms know their little ones and the look on a baby's face at the first taste of his or her first solid food is kind of priceless, take a look at this list of yummiest to grossest solid foods for a little food-spiration.
10 Bananas
Call mom crazy, but bananas seem to be the yummiest choice for baby's first solid food. They are sweet and soft enough for toothless mouths, pretty bright in color and they smell nice. What's not to love? With so many choices of baby food on the market it may be hard to choose just one but judging by the faces babies make, bananas is one of the safest options he or she is sure to love.
9 The Orange Root
If mom is feeling more veggie-friendly for baby's first solid, think carrots. They are high in beta carotene which is great for helping your little one develop great eyesight, not to mention that they are sweet tasting yet really healthy. If jarred goods aren't really mom's thing, try steaming the real deal for a while until they're soft. For an extra kick, they can even be mixed with baby's milk of choice.
8 The Saucy Apple
Apple sauce is such a fun "big boy or girl" choice for baby's first solids. Also, the added spices in apple sauce, like cinnamon, are great to expose your little one to at an early age, not to mention cinnamon's natural antibacterial properties which are great for fighting off yucky illnesses young babies are prone to getting before their immune systems are fully developed.
7 Super Food Avocado
When it comes to a baby's first, avocado, depending on the season and availability should be one of the first. The creamy texture and numerous health benefits is bound to make the famous super-food, avocado a crowd-pleaser. Some moms have found that on occasion babies don't care for the taste, while other babies grin and eat it up, which is why it's ranked in the middle of our list. So give it a try, and let your little one decide.
6 The Sweet Potato
For an iron-rich, fiber-intense, baby food, check out the sweet potato. Most babies really like the earthy nature of the sweet potato and of course the sweetness which is not too overpowering.
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Most stores carry sweet potato as a baby food option, but if you're feeling adventurous steam the potato and mash it up for baby to try. This is lower on our list so mom makes no guarantees that he or she will love it, but of all the baby food flavors available this is by far one of the better choices.
5 Boom! Splat! Squash!
For the coolest onomatopoeia that also doubles as a vegetable, try squash for baby's first solid. Enjoy making a squashing sound while he or she is eating. There are at least 8 types of common squash mom can find around town, most commonly during Autumn, it's hard to go wrong with this as a baby food. Consider erring on the sweeter side for firsts, however. Think: butternut squash or pumpkin to start. Again this isn't all baby's cup of tea so you never know.
4 Rice Cereal
Mom isn't sure if it's the texture or just her tots that enjoy frowning up his and her faces at the sight of rice cereal, but this one is definitely ranked grosser on the list of common baby foods.
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To be fair, there are many different kinds of cereal on the market, which is not to say that your little one will dislike all of the types of rice cereal available, but from mom's perspective the consistency needs to be just right and tricks, like adding milk instead of water or mixing off the heat, can really make all the difference.
3 The Pea Sized Vegetable
Peas! Okay if we're being honest it can be difficult to find any child, from baby to pre-adolescent that gets excited about eating their peas. Unfortunately for moms who are looking for a first baby food, that same sentiment applies. Many babies just do not care for peas. Perhaps it's the pea skin that slips off when mashed, or maybe it's just the way they taste, but many babies spit out their servings of peas.
2 Spinach
If it was good enough for Popeye why not good enough for the baby? Well, for the jarred baby food spinach in the grocery store, sometimes there is a strange smell, one can't be entirely sure if this is the reason little ones shy away from the leafy green, but it's certainly off-putting to mom.
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For the real deal, i.e. the non jarred stuff, it's almost impossible to get the strands ground up into a creamy texture, suitable for a first baby food. Some add cream to make this a non-factor. Either way, most babies frown up and do a hard pass on the stuff.
1 Beans
Yuck! Okay maybe not yuck entirely, but, many moms have found that their little ones do not like beans at all for a first form of solid food. Sure, they can be mashed and made baby edible, but beans are far from being baby's first choice of food. Although there may be hundreds of varieties of beans very few are on the sweeter side, which generally is baby's preference since they are somewhat born with a sweet palate. Happy first solids!
NEXT: 10 Things To Know About Babies & Food Allergies
Adults Eating Baby Food - Baby Food Taste Tests - Puree, Formula, Pedialyte
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By Andy Kryza
Published on 11/20/2014 at 10:00 PM
Andy Kryza
I firmly believe that in order to be a proper caregiver, it's important to fully understand what your dependents are eating. When I got a puppy, I felt it was my duty to taste the snacks my best friend most enjoyed. Now, with my lovely wife expecting our firstborn, it became my mission to get a fatherly grasp on what would provide my progeny with nutrition.
Bravely, I made haste to the grocery store and grabbed a random sampling of common baby and toddler foods. Which is a more eloquent way of saying I got some standard purees and formulas, then looked for unappealing combinations of ground-up meats, veggies, and other mystery ingredients. I started with infant formula, then progressed through the smorgasbord based on the intended age of consumption. Here they are, rated on a scale of 1-10, 1 indicating that it tastes like something found in a diaper, 10 being something I'd totally eat again. There weren't any 10s.
Andy KryzaInfant Formula
You know what this tastes like? A gross version of the almond milk my wife always tries to convince me is the same as real milk, which it's not. Do you ever dunk cookies in almond milk? It's like dunking them in water. Also, why does my mouth taste drier than it did before I put this liquid in my mouth? Is this why babies are always drinking?
Rating: 6
Fun fact: my sister told me she used to eat pureed plum baby food in high school (my brother says she still does). She says they're delicious. But she also really likes Dave Matthews, so it's dubious. These are perfection... if you enjoy the taste of pre-chewed raisins.
Rating: 5
Thrillist TV
Andy KryzaOther Fruits and Vegetables
Unsurprisingly, the other fruits and veggies taste like what they are. The carrots taste like carrots. The apples taste like applesauce. The snozberries taste like snozberries. You're not reading this to watch a grown man eat apple sauce. Moving on.
Rating: 7
Pureed Chicken
I'm pretty weirded out that the Chicken & Vegetable flavor looks like mustard, but hey, I like mustard. But this doesn't taste like mustard. It tastes like watered-down day-old gravy, and it's pretty damn gross.
I'm even more weirded out that the Chicken & Rice is a completely different color. It's brown. But even more alarming? It's all grainy. And it's sweet. It tastes like somebody took a can of Campbell's low-sodium chicken soup and, when it came time to put in the can of water, dumped in some apple juice instead. Hello, dry heaves! I was wondering when you were coming to the party.
Rating: 2
Mac & Cheese with Vegetables
First, unless the vegetable is bacon, vegetables don't belong in mac & cheese. Second, I'm pretty sure this is just Tostitos cheddar dip that somebody forgot to put the cheese flavoring in. Well, probably not, because it's for babies. Still, if this was the first taste of mac & cheese that my child got, I'm pretty sure I'd never forgive myself for being a failure as a father.
Rating: 1
Ham with Ham Gravy
When I popped this jar open, I got a heavy whiff that reminded me of Spam. Which is awesome, because I actually like Spam. So I put a huge scoop of this in my mouth and. .. MOTHER OF GOD! It's like somebody used hot ham water to make some sort of papier-mâché paste, then put it in a jar. And it's sticking to the roof of my mouth. Ye gods! The terrible taste of this ham goop and the glorious scent of Spam are jockeying for my sensory attention. I think I'm going to pass out. Time for a palate cleanser.
Rating: -37
That's more like it. Pedialyte tastes like a cross between Gatorade and Dimetapp, which leads me to believe that all electrolytes taste the same. It's thick and slightly sweet and it's making me feel a lot better about my life choices. Also, I hear it's great for hangovers. This is the stuff!
Rating: 8
Apple Raisin Quinoa Squeeze Pack
It's like Go-Gurt, except grainier from the quinoa. At least I think it's the quinoa. I'm still not entirely sure what quinoa really is, to be honest. I think all this food is making me dumber. Maybe this tastes like a non-dairy yogurt substitute. I'm not sure about that either. It's been a while since I've had any yogurt that didn't have a pound of gummy worms and peanut butter cups inside.
Rating: 6
Rice Rusks
Now we're getting to the good stuff: teething foods! Holler at a rice rusk! These ones are called Baby Mum-Mum, because babies like stupid noises, I think. And they're banana-flavored. They taste like rice cakes, which makes me feel like I'm being healthy. I could gum the sh*t out of these things for days. But... maybe not these ones, because I just noticed the brand is Hot Kid, and the logo is a little cartoon kid with no shirt on. This disturbs me to the point that I can't stomach any more Mum-Mum. Well, maybe one more...
Rating: 7
Lil' Crunchies
First of all, I've been listening to Lil' Crunchies since way before he signed to Roc Nation. Also, these are basically Cheetos! For babies! And they're baby-sized! Hell yes. They're pretty light on the flavor front, because nobody wants to jack baby's sodium level up too high. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't eat the whole goddamned package, and then chase them with more Pedialyte. Because nothing goes with Cheetos quite like an infusion of electrolytes.
Rating: 9
Pasta Stars with Chicken & Vegetables
Now we're in toddler territory, and everybody knows that toddlers like... um, dog food? Because that's what this smells like. But look at all those chunks of chicken and veggies! And who doesn't like gravy and stars? Actually... surprisingly, this tastes better than it smells. Add some salt and pepper, and baby you've got a stew going. Dinty Moore stew, more specifically, and that's a good thing! (Did I just have an epiphany about my love of Hormel?!)
Rating: 5
Chicken Sticks
It's like somebody took a bunch of ground chicken, dried it out, rolled it in sand, and put it in a casing. Even weirder, they come in a little jar full of preserving liquid that looks like one of those jars you see in sci-fi flicks with heads floating in them. Unlike the Pasta Stars, these actually smell AND look like dog food. I wonder if the dog would eat it...
Rating: 3
... yup. He's into it. He ate four, and then laid down for an hour. To be fair, he also likes the cat box. I'm not sure whether babies enjoy cat boxes, but I'm starting to see a pattern here.
Bonus dog rating: 10, putting it on par with litter and whatever is in the garbage when I leave the house, which today includes these baby hot dogs. Nicely done, Kuma.
It pains me to say it, but... babies are stupid. They can't talk. They can't drive. And they have terrible taste. They'll eat anything we give them. No wonder they require so many diapers. But for reals, I'm going to go get more of those Cheetos.
Andy Kryza is a senior editor on Thrillist's National Food and Drink team. He plans to feed his baby nothing but Beef 'n Cheddars tossed in a Vitamix. Follow him to surprise visits from Child Services via @apkryza.
rating of the top 11 Russian and foreign brands with reviews according to KP
Products for children are always under special quality control. Including food. After all, food for a baby is not only a way to satisfy hunger, but also acquaintance with different tastes and a guarantee of healthy development (1). Today there are many different brands. Among them, we selected the best manufacturers of baby food, based on the reviews of parents and expert opinions.
Rating of the top 6 Russian baby food manufacturers according to KP
There are many popular brands among Russian manufacturers of baby food. Basically, various purees, juices, cereals and dairy products are presented on the market. There are also formulas for babies, but in smaller quantities. The popularity of food is due to high quality and rather low (in comparison with foreign analogues) price.
"Egor Ivanych"
"Egor Ivanych"Egor Ivanych is a serious kid, so he chooses the best raw materials for the production of baby food. Only selected, most delicious vegetables and fruits, fresh dairy components and meat of the highest quality are used, which a little later will fall on the table to the kids in the form of mashed potatoes. Egor Ivanych is a rich assortment of products that can provide a complete diet for a baby.
Meat purees are made according to GOST with a high percentage of meat filling. There are unique products such as cod with vegetables, chicken with hearts and turkey with turkey liver. This is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for the nutrition of the baby. Egor Ivanovich - in an adult way for kids!
Main characteristics
Producer | Open Distribution Company LLC |
Assortment | Vegetable, fruit purees, meat and fish products for the first feeding |
Recommended age | from 4 months (there are products that are suitable from 5, 6 and 8 months) |
of the foundation | 2013 |
Pluses and minuses
many different tastes; contains no starch, wheat flour, sweeteners and sugar; There are a variety of unique flavors in the range.
The product line is presented only puree.
Editor's choice
Egor Ivanych
Adult style for kids
Purees are made from selected products - healthy, tasty, high quality.
BuyLearn more
Advertisement . LLC Open Distribution Company. LjN8KUFzq
Agusha. Photo: is one of the most popular manufacturers of baby food in Russia. The trademark appeared in 1992 and has a wide range of products for children of all ages. Newborns are offered powdered milk formulas, babies from 4 months - a variety of purees, sour-milk products, water, older children - ready-made cereals (both dairy and non-dairy), juices, fruit drinks, compotes and fruit bars for a snack.
Thanks to the availability and variety of products, the manufacturer is confidently holding onto the Russian market. The safety and quality of Agushi is also confirmed by some neutral studies. For example, fruit cottage cheese, as well as kefir from this brand, received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (2, 3).
However, some parents are confused by the rather high price of certain items.
Key features
Manufacturer | PepsiCo Russia | |||||
Assortment | puree, drinks, dry dairy mixtures, porridge, fruit bars, bread | |||||
Recommended age | from 0 months | |||||
Manufacturer | Progress |
Assortment | purees, drinks, soups, snacks, cereals, snacks, water |
Recommended age | from 0 months |
Founded | 2000 |
Pros and Cons
There are hypoallergenic products.May contain allergenic ingredients (eg sugar).
Grandmother's Basket
Grandmother's Basket. Photo: The manufacturer has been present on the Russian market since 1999. The main product is a variety of purees, which are available in glass jars and soft packs. For example, apple puree from this brand received the highest rating from Roskachestvo in all analysis criteria and was awarded the Quality Mark (6).
For older children, prepared meals, meatballs, healthy snacks such as fruit lozenges and biscuits are available. Also, "Babushkino Lukoshko" produces children's herbal teas. Salt in some products is not always welcomed by parents.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | "Sivma" |
Assortment | puree, finished lunch, drinks, fruit st Leglets |
Recommended age | from 4 months |
Founded | 1999 |
Pros and cons
Relatively low price in the segment; varied products.
There may be undesirable auxiliary components in the formulation (eg salt).
"Theme" offers products for children from 4 months to 3 years. The assortment includes a variety of meat, fish and vegetable purees, dairy products, ready meals and juices. But fruit purees are not presented. Packaging 一 is one of the distinguishing features of the brand. Thanks to special tin cans, the products are reliably protected from sunlight, which prolongs the shelf life. Also, many products of the brand are available in non-spill packages, so it is convenient to take them with you on the road. According to the results of the research, cottage cheese and juice "Theme" received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (7, 8).
The main characteristics
manufacturer | "Danon Russia" |
Assortment | puree, dairy products |
Counter | |
Pros and cons
Innovative packaging; high meat content.
There are no fruit products in the assortment.
Diaper. Photo: ingredients for production are supplied from our own farm. The manufacturer claims that thanks to this, it is possible to set fairly low prices for products.
The potential buyer is offered fruit and vegetable purees (some with cottage cheese), soups, various juices and fruit drinks, as well as water. Some of the products are hypoallergenic. The composition does not contain unnecessary components: salt, sugar and preservatives. Meat and fish products are not represented in the product line.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | “Gardens Podonya” |
Assortment | puree, cream-bouches, Porridge |
9002 | 2005 |
Pros and cons
Low price in the segment; simple and clear structure.
Lack of meat and fish products in the assortment.
Rating of the top 5 foreign manufacturers of baby food according to KP
There are many foreign companies that produce baby food on the Russian market. A century of history, many years of experience and a good reputation helps to supply the market with quality products, which are preferred by many parents.
Gerber. Photo: assortment of the American manufacturer includes products for children from 4 months. In supermarkets and online sites, you can find vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, healthy snacks, juices, and desserts (cottage cheese treats, smoothies, and others). Hypoallergenic food is also provided. For example, dairy-free buckwheat porridge of this brand is highly appreciated by Roskachestvo experts, who noted the safe composition of the product without dangerous and harmful substances, including no added sugars (9).
The manufacturer claims that the high prices are due to the corresponding quality, which is ensured by strict standards and adherence to technology.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | Nestle |
Assortment | puree, juices, snacks, desserts |
Founded | 1927 |
Pros and cons
Hypoallergenic products; natural composition; high quality.
High price in the baby food segment.
HiPP. Photo: manufacturer's products are suitable for children from birth. Infants are offered hypoallergenic powdered milk formulas enriched with vitamins. For feeding - various purees, cream soups, cereals, and as a snack for older children - snacks and dairy desserts.
Meals are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without added sugar. The high price, according to the manufacturer, is due to the use of special technologies and high-quality products.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | HIPP |
Assortment | puree, cereals, drinks, snacks, dry dairy mixtures |
Recommended age 900 | 9 months 9 months 9 months from 0 months.0023 |
Country of origin | Germany |
Year founded | 1957 |
Pros and cons
Natural composition; There are baby formulas in the assortment.
High price of products.
Fleur Alpine
Fleur Alpine. Photo: baby food of premium quality. The range includes purees, cereals, cookies and juices - both regular and for children prone to allergies or intolerant to gluten. In addition to the usual products, the manufacturer offers olive oil (from 6 months) and sauces (from 3 years).
From time to time, the products of this brand come under the attention of experts from Roskachestvo and Roskontrol. For example, Three cereals porridge showed excellent results: a good composition with dietary fiber and no foreign impurities, the appropriate taste, color and smell (10), and buckwheat porridge meets the advanced standards of Roskachestvo, except for the increased protein content (11).
Not all products on the official website can be purchased in a regular store. However, they can be purchased on marketplaces.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | Fleur Alpine | |||||
Assortment | porridge, puree, drinks, sauces, snacks | |||||
from 4 months | from 4 months | from 4 months | from 4 months | with 4 months | ||
Founded | 2008 |
Pros and cons
Gluten free; natural composition.
High price; Not all brand products are easy to find on offline sites.
Semper. Photo: Swedish company offers a wide range of products for children of all ages. Dry milk formulas are suitable for newborns, and there are even specialized ones that are best used for constipation. Some of them are designed for babies older than six months. For crumbs older than 4 months, the manufacturer offers a variety of vegetable, meat, fish and fruit purees, cereals, juices and children's tea with vitamins. In addition to the usual products for children, there are wellings — oatmeal and multi-cereal porridges with natural additives, cookies, and meatballs.
Roskachestvo examined this brand's applesauce and, apart from its high carbohydrate content (higher than indicated on the package), found no drawbacks (12). In addition, some purees contain starch.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | Hero Group |
Assortment | Dairy mixtures, purers, cereals, drinks, cookies |
Recommended age | 9 months 9 months from 0 months.![]() |
Country of origin | Sweden |
Founded | 1963 |
Pros and cons
There are mixtures in the product line interesting combinations of flavors.
High price in the segment; the presence of starch in the puree; the product according to BJU may differ from that stated on the package.
Heinz. Photo: American food company offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. There are fruit, vegetable and meat purees, cereals (dairy and non-dairy), soups and drinks. As a healthy snack for babies from 5 months, special cookies are suitable, and fruit and cream puddings will be a great dessert for older children. You can also find a special vermicelli that will suit crumbs from 6 months. The manufacturer's porridges received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (13). However, some products contain sugar and starch, which many parents of babies do not approve of.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | Heinz | ||||
Assortment | puree, soup, vermichel, pudding, cookies, teas | ||||
Recommended age 900 | from 4 months | . | USA | ||
Year of Manufacture | 1869 |
Pros and Cons
Product contains prebiotics; affordable price in the segment of baby food from foreign manufacturers.
Some products contain sugar and starch.
How to choose the right baby food
A child's menu may differ from another baby's diet, not only because of age, but also due to health conditions (for example, a tendency to constipation or a dairy allergy) and personal preferences. However, the first thing to consider is age. It’s also important to keep in mind that your baby’s diet should be free of added salt and sugar (14). Certain positions deserve some explanation.
Milk formulas
Designed for feeding babies. In fact, they are designed to become an alternative to mother's milk. For the full development of the crumbs, it is necessary that vitamins and trace elements are present in the composition.
Canned puree
Introduced from 4 months. There are fruit, vegetable, meat and fish options. Combinations are also possible. For the first feeding, it is recommended to choose one-component purees from vegetables or fruits.
Porridges, as well as mashed potatoes, are recommended to be offered to a baby from 4 months. Thanks to the special processing of cereals, baby porridge is easily boiled, which significantly saves cooking time.
Nectars, juices
You can give your baby juice or nectar from the age of 4 months. As long as it doesn't contain sugar. If available, it is better to wait at least up to 1 year.
Frequently asked questions and answers
How to choose food for the first feeding?
Pediatricians recommend starting the first complementary foods with vegetable puree. Fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which can irritate the lining of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, the parent himself can boil and grind vegetables to a puree-like consistency, but it is easier to purchase products in the store, since baby food is made in compliance with special technologies, taking into account all the rules and regulations.
Another question is how to choose a brand among such a variety of baby foods. The best solution is to stick with a well-known brand. Large companies care about their reputation, and therefore strictly follow all established quality standards and do not violate production technology.
The next step is to study the information on the label, make sure the quality, evaluate the following indicators:
• Natural composition. Preservatives, salt, sugar and other ingredients must not be present in the composition (at least in products for children under 1 year old).
• Consistency (grinding quality). A good puree should be smooth and without lumps.
• Multi or single ingredient . The first puree should contain only one ingredient. The child should get used to a certain vegetable, after which it will be possible to introduce others, adding each one in turn, so that the baby gets used to everything separately.
• Hypoallergenic product. Formula must not contain ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.
• Package intact . It is important to inspect the container in detail for dents, scratches or cracks (chips). Tightness must be observed. Don't forget to check the production date.
• Child age appropriate . The age for which this or that product is designed is usually indicated on the packaging in compliance with the recommendations of pediatricians.
When all these factors are taken into account, it can be said that the product is really suitable for the child and will not cause side effects (15).
Which of the Russian manufacturers should I pay attention to?
Baby food brand Agusha has been producing products for over 30 years. The assortment has everything you need for a complete diet for kids: dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices and compotes. The company produces safe, hypoallergenic, complete nutrition for children of all ages. High-quality substitutes for breast milk and subsequent complementary foods are also produced. It is also recommended to pay attention to the manufacturers "FrutoNyanya" and "Theme".
What composition should healthy baby food contain?
When choosing puree in jars, pay attention to the composition. The ingredients should be natural, a good option (especially for younger kids) if the puree is a one-component puree - a fruit or vegetable plus water. Please note that the product does not contain salt, flour, starch, dyes and preservatives, and is not too diluted with water. The vegetable itself may contain starch, but its additional additives are very undesirable.
- Once again about baby food. Ladodo K. S. 2003.
- Roskachestvo rating. Children's cottage cheese "Agusha". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Children's kefir "Agusha". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "FrutoNyanya". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge "FrutoNyanya". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Apple puree "Babushkino Lukoshko" URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "Theme".
- Roskachestvo rating. Apple juice "Theme". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Gerber. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Porridge "Three cereals" Fleur Alpine. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Fleur Alpine. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Applesauce Semper. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Heinz. URL:
- Baby food safety.
Zakharova I.N., Aisanova M.R. 2019.
- Classification of baby food products, requirements for their quality and safety. Georgieva O.V., Pyrieva E.A., Kon I.Ya. 2018.
8 best baby puree manufacturers in 2023
The first feeding of a baby is an exciting event for parents, which causes a lot of controversy: what products are best to use, at what age to start, cook food for the baby yourself or buy store-bought options. Manufacturers have taken care of the proper nutrition of babies and have prepared different options for baby purees that are suitable from a very early age. Today we will discuss which of them will be useful and safe for the baby, and which purees are better to refuse.
- What puree to choose for the first feeding?
- How to give puree to a child?
- Can I make my own puree?
- What are the pros and cons of store-bought baby food options?
- Can I be allergic to puree?
What to look for when buying baby puree
There are 4 variants of baby purees:
- vegetable purees - from carrots, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin, potatoes, spinach, cauliflower;
- fruits and berries - pear, apricot, banana, apple, plum, currant, blueberry;
- meat - veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
- fish - based on hake, pollock, cod, pink salmon.
Prohibited ingredients include flavor enhancers, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The content of salt, sugar, soy proteins in baby puree is undesirable. The ideal version of the product should include only 2 components - natural fruits / vegetables / meat and water to create the right consistency.
Age limit
Most baby purees are for babies 6 months and older, the recommended age for breastfed babies. In this case, the label will be marked "6+". Multi-component puree options may be labeled “7+”, “8+”, etc. If you are choosing the first fruit and vegetable food for an artificial baby, then pay attention to products that are allowed from 4 months.
Package type
The best option is a glass jar with a hermetically sealed lid. This is the most environmentally friendly and reliable way to pack mashed potatoes, since glass does not react with food and does not affect their properties. It is better not to buy puree in plastic containers, as it may contain compounds that are toxic to the baby.
Product size
You can find various options on sale - from the minimum 80 ml to large economy jars of 190-200 ml. When buying, be guided by the age and nutritional needs of the baby, since an open jar with the product is stored for no more than 1-2 days, and during this time you need to use the entire volume. In order not to throw away the leftovers, for a baby up to 7-8 months old who are just starting to eat complementary foods, take a package of the minimum volume. Older children who like fruit and vegetable purees should take a large container - it's cheaper.
Information on the label
Reliable manufacturers of baby food indicate the most detailed information that may be of interest to parents:
- date of manufacture and end date of consumption;
- expiration date after opening the can;
- storage requirements;
- complete list of ingredients and their nutritional value;
- cooking method (optional).
If baby food is intended for infants with specific dietary requirements, the manufacturer must mark the front of the label.
2023 Baby Puree Manufacturer Ranking
1. Best Foreign Baby Food Brand: Gerber
Compare Prices multicomponent purees. Products are distinguished by the highest level of quality and strict control at all stages of production.
Editor's estimate:
A 90-year-old premium brand of baby food from the USA and has earned the respect of parents around the world. Pediatricians and nutritionists are involved in the development of baby food in order to create the highest quality and healthy product that is suitable from the first months of life. By production seasonings, preservatives and flavorings are not used.
For the first stage of complementary feeding, the manufacturer offers one-component vegetable and fruit purees. There are also multi-component formulations with a combination of several vegetables, the addition of meat. Baby food is packaged in glass jars of 80 g.
Gerber products have no flaws, but the cost of products is higher than other brands, so it is not available to all parents.
- many baby food options;
- quality assurance;
- optimum pack size;
- safe composition.
- uneconomical option.
2. The best Russian baby food brand: Frutonyanya
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Why we liked it: various variants of baby purees for babies from 4 months from a domestic manufacturer, which are distinguished by an optimal price-quality ratio.
Editor's estimate:
The Frutonyanya brand is part of the PROGRESS concern, and has been developing and producing high-quality ready-made food for babies for about 30 years. In the brand's product line, you will find both carefully chopped vegetable purees for the first feeding, and more diverse multi-component formulations for babies from 7 months.
The products contain natural healthy ingredients, the puree does not contain synthetic additives and potentially allergenic products. At the same time, the cost of such purees is lower than foreign analogues, and many parents choose them for their babies.
Please note that some items are available in plastic packaging. They are convenient to take with you for a walk, but for permanent use it is better to choose glass containers, which are more environmentally friendly.
- is more economical than Gerber;
- organic composition;
- large selection of flavors;
- hypoallergenic formulations.
- have plastic packaging.
3. HiPP
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Why we liked it: is a worthy competitor to the Gerber brand, which produces many options for baby food from 4 months of age. HiPP products are famous for German quality and pleasant tastes.
Editor's estimate:
The German company HiPP has a long history and high quality products for children. The range includes food options that are suitable for babies from 4 months. In the manufacture of puree, organic products are used that are grown on special plantations, so the products are as safe as possible for children.
The composition of the food is good - only the main product and water. The food has a good uniform texture, pleasant taste and smell.
HiPP baby purees have the same drawback as Gerber products - they are significantly more expensive than other options from our rating, so many parents cannot buy it on a regular basis.
- organic products;
- large assortment;
- pleasant taste;
- no harmful ingredients.
- products are not available to all parents.
4. Heinz
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Why we liked it: baby purees with an original recipe that takes into account the basic needs of children of different ages. The products are of good composition and high quality.
Editor's estimate:
Like Gerber, Heinz products are made in the USA. The history of the company has more than 100 years of successful experience, and today the products of this brand are supplied to most countries of the world. The manufacturer produces baby purees without preservatives, GMOs, flavorings and other components harmful to children.
Heinz offers a variety of single and multi-ingredient nutrition options designed to meet the needs of your baby at every stage of development. Purees have a rich taste, a pleasant texture, and are liked by most children.
Please note that cornmeal is present as a thickener. This is a safe product, but sometimes it can provoke allergic reactions.
- large assortment;
- composition without synthetic components;
- complete set of beneficial nutrients;
- pleasant organoleptic properties.
- there is a risk of allergies.
5. Nutricia
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Why We Loved It: is a premium baby formula with a special 3-step system that helps parents to feed correctly. Products have safe hypoallergenic compositions.
Editor's score:
Nutricia was founded in the Netherlands and is now part of the large Danone Corporation. Scientists, technologists and pediatricians are working on the development of baby food in order to create the most useful and safe formulations for babies of different ages. The composition does not contain harmful components, GMOs and potential allergens.
Nutricia purees, including those produced under the Milupa brand, are intended for babies over 4 months old, in addition, the manufacturer offers three stages of introducing complementary foods - from one-component vegetable purees to more complex formulations.
The main disadvantage of Nutricia products is that purees are too thin, which is why the baby does not train to chew food and in the future it is more difficult for him to switch to other complementary foods.
- three-stage feeding system;
- formulations free of preservatives and flavor enhancers;
- for babies from 4 months;
- is based on scientific research.
- too thin consistency.
6. Semper
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Why we love it: is a popular Swedish baby food brand that offers several lines of organic products for babies from 4 months old.
Editor's estimate:
Semper is Sweden's #1 brand with over 80 years of quality baby food options for babies aged 4 months to 3 years. The company offers parents a wide range of purees: both single-component for the first feeding, and multi-component - for older children. All products undergo rigorous quality control, there are no flavorings, dyes, flavor enhancers and GMOs in the compositions. The manufacturer indicates that baby purees are environmentally friendly.
Purees have a good smooth texture and a pleasant taste, so many babies eat Semper products with pleasure. The cost per puree is more affordable than other imported options, but due to the lack of small packages, parents often have to throw away some of the uneaten product.
- tested at all stages of production;
- formulated without artificial ingredients;
- uniform consistency;
- environmentally friendly products.
- only large packages.
7. Grandmother's basket
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Why we liked it: is a domestic manufacturer of baby purees according to original recipes, which is distinguished by recognized product quality and completely natural ingredients.
Editor's estimate:
The Russian brand has been on the market for more than 20 years, and during this time has received several prestigious domestic and international awards for its products. "Grandmother's basket" is not as well known as "Frutonyanya", but is in no way inferior to this brand. Baby purees are developed with input from pediatricians and nutritionists to provide a quality and healthy product.
Products from ecologically clean regions are used for production, there are no artificial components in the composition. The product line is quite wide - there are single-component fruit and vegetable purees, multi-component formulations with fish, meat, and vegetables.
Please note that parents note the unusual taste of baby food, which is associated with the author's compositions and recipes. Therefore, some children flatly refuse to eat the products of "Grandmother's Basket".
- has been awarded for quality;
- large selection of goods;
- natural formulations;
- was developed by pediatricians and nutritionists.
- atypical tastes.

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Why we liked it: is a German brand offering varied and high-quality complementary foods for babies from 5 months old. Products are produced under the supervision of pediatricians.
Editor's estimate:
Humana is a well-known German company that has been on the market for over 65 years. Formulas for baby food are developed with the participation of leading experts in the field of pediatrics and nutrition. Thanks to this, the manufacturer manages to produce balanced and healthy complementary foods for babies from 5 months of age.
Every batch is strictly quality controlled so parents can be sure they are giving their baby the best baby purees. The Humana assortment includes both single-component vegetable and fruit complementary foods, as well as multi-component options.
An important point: the manufacturer produces puree in jars of 125 ml or more, so parents often have to throw away half-eaten product. In addition, Humana contains corn flour, as in the nutrition of the Heinz brand.
- German premium brand;
- food for children from 5 months;
- strict quality control;
- developed by pediatricians.
- no small pack;
- contains cornmeal.
TOP-5 questions of parents
Which puree to choose for the first complementary foods?
The best option to start complementary foods is vegetable purees. They are recommended by all pediatricians, since vegetables are the least likely to cause allergic reactions, are easily digested and are suitable for the functionally immature intestines of a baby. To begin with, it is worth stopping at squash, pumpkin or mashed broccoli, and options with the addition of potatoes are given after 1–1.5 months.
If the baby is prone to allergic reactions, it is allowed to give puree with carrots and pumpkin only after 8 months!
When the child is accustomed to vegetable food, you can gradually introduce fruit, meat and fish purees. They are offered no earlier than 7 months, and you must follow the rule - each new product is added to the menu no more than 1 time per week.
How to give puree to a child?
The introduction of complementary foods is started on the condition that the baby feels well, nothing hurts, there are no acute respiratory infections and other problems, and the intestines work normally. To make the baby more willing to eat puree, offer it before the main meal (breast milk or formula).
On the first day, it is enough to give about half a teaspoon of the new product and see the reaction. Since the child is accustomed to milk, the vegetable taste seems strange to him, and many refuse mashed potatoes. If the same happens to you, you should try again the next day or take a different flavor. Then gradually increase the portion during the week to completely replace one feeding. Other products are introduced in the same way.
A well-known pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, tells about 10 basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods in a video.
Can I make my own puree?
If you have the time and desire, there is nothing complicated in cooking. Boil a piece of the selected vegetable until cooked, then crush it to a homogeneous consistency. To prevent the puree from becoming too dense, add water or vegetable broth, and it is more convenient to use a blender to grind. In the same way, you can make meat or fish puree. For children 7–8 months old, it is allowed to add a piece of yolk, vegetable or butter to the finished dish.
Please note that baby food must be of good quality. Ideally, take farm vegetables and fruits that are grown in the most sustainable way.
What are the pros and cons of store-bought baby food options?
Although baby food can be prepared at home, today's parents are more likely to choose ready-made complementary foods. The main advantages of buying baby food:
- Significant time savings in searching for quality products and preparing them;
- handy pack that you can take with you on a trip or a walk;
- multi-ingredient formulations formulated by pediatricians that contain all the ingredients that are beneficial for the child;
- environmental friendliness and naturalness of products from premium manufacturers.
The main drawback is the price. Baby purees are produced in small jars and are expensive, so preparing complementary foods on your own will be several times cheaper.
Can I be allergic to puree?
Any, even the highest quality puree, can potentially cause allergies, as the baby meets a new product for the first time. Due to the immaturity of the child's immune system and its tendency to hyperergic reactions, in the first year of life, parents often experience food allergies. The most "dangerous" foods are red and orange vegetables, all kinds of berries, exotic fruits (mangoes, citrus fruits).
How to understand that a child has an allergy:
- red rash, blisters appeared on the skin;
- the baby constantly scratches the body;
- disturbed sleep pattern;
- the child is naughty, whimpers, refuses to eat;
- stool disorders are observed;
- there is lacrimation, runny nose.
If these symptoms appear, stop complementary foods, start breastfeeding or formula, and take the baby to the pediatrician as soon as possible.