Bird feeding babies gif
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#1080#Cardinalis cardinalis#HD#TM700#baby#birds#cardinals#feeding#nest#northern
#..just perhaps not in front of all those cameras#2young#Jinyoung is that switch that makes Youngjae let go of his inhibitions#Jinyoung laughed but he didn't say no#and they're both two balls of the sweetest cotton candy - that perhaps another reason why#baby go ahead and lick your icecream out of Omma's lips#choi youngjae#got7#he'll feed the Leader's child like a bird if he has to#mouth to mouth#park jinyoung#they just feel so comfortable with each other#they're close in age that's probably why#we all know you really wanted to
#Birds#Fish#Sweet animal#The Dodo#cute animal
#Cardinalis cardinalis#HD#TM700#baby#birds#cardinals#feeding#nest#northern
#BoydTV#Pets & Animals#baby#bird#blueberry#eating#fail#feeding#frustrated#mother#nest#robin#supersize me#supersized
#1080#Cardinalis cardinalis#HD#TM700#baby#birds#cardinals#feeding#nest#northern
#. .just perhaps not in front of all those cameras#2young#Jinyoung is that switch that makes Youngjae let go of his inhibitions#Jinyoung laughed but he didn't say no#and they're both two balls of the sweetest cotton candy - that perhaps another reason why#baby go ahead and lick your icecream out of Omma's lips#choi youngjae#got7#he'll feed the Leader's child like a bird if he has to#mouth to mouth#park jinyoung#they just feel so comfortable with each other#they're close in age that's probably why#we all know you really wanted to
#1080#Cardinalis cardinalis#HD#TM700#baby#birds#cardinals#feeding#nest#northern
#..just perhaps not in front of all those cameras#2young#Jinyoung is that switch that makes Youngjae let go of his inhibitions#Jinyoung laughed but he didn't say no#and they're both two balls of the sweetest cotton candy - that perhaps another reason why#baby go ahead and lick your icecream out of Omma's lips#choi youngjae#got7#he'll feed the Leader's child like a bird if he has to#mouth to mouth#park jinyoung#they just feel so comfortable with each other#they're close in age that's probably why#we all know you really wanted to
#Cockatoo#First Football Game Ever#Taras Kul#Taras kul#cockatoo#dog#hand feeding a bird#huskey#origamy768#taras#taras kul vlog#umbrella cockatoo#vlog
#beautiful birds#bird calls#bird names#bird species#birds#birds and their babies#birds and their babies names#feeding wild birds#names of bird species#wild birds
#. .just perhaps not in front of all those cameras#2young#Jinyoung is that switch that makes Youngjae let go of his inhibitions#Jinyoung laughed but he didn't say no#and they're both two balls of the sweetest cotton candy - that perhaps another reason why#baby go ahead and lick your icecream out of Omma's lips#choi youngjae#got7#he'll feed the Leader's child like a bird if he has to#mouth to mouth#park jinyoung#they just feel so comfortable with each other#they're close in age that's probably why#we all know you really wanted to
#1080#Cardinalis cardinalis#HD#TM700#baby#birds#cardinals#feeding#nest#northern
#..just perhaps not in front of all those cameras#2young#Jinyoung is that switch that makes Youngjae let go of his inhibitions#Jinyoung laughed but he didn't say no#and they're both two balls of the sweetest cotton candy - that perhaps another reason why#baby go ahead and lick your icecream out of Omma's lips#choi youngjae#got7#he'll feed the Leader's child like a bird if he has to#mouth to mouth#park jinyoung#they just feel so comfortable with each other#they're close in age that's probably why#we all know you really wanted to
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Little bird over my head
All people are born the same. Small, naked, toothless, wet with amniotic fluid and blood. Absolutely helpless, they sleep or suck on their mother's breasts, their brain is pristine, they are loved by their parents, and which of them will become a genius and who will be a killer is completely incomprehensible.
I was like that too. As well as another, at least a dozen babies born in the hospital with me on the same day. It is now hard for me to lie down and not think about anything. Then I could do it. Everyone at this age knows how to do it.
I did not think about anything and did not understand anything. Therefore, what happened after my birth, I learned later.
As soon as I began to consciously feel this world, I realized that I was not like everyone else. My dad figured it out right away. He was told about it at the hospital.
He went on a week-long binge and then packed up his things and left. As it turned out, forever. I've never seen him. However, like him me. I can't say that I'm sad about this. More like curiosity. I would be interested in seeing him. There were no photographs of my father because my mother burned them along with some shirts, documents and other unnecessary nonsense left by him.
I was taken home, where I began to live with my mother and grandmother. As a matter of fact, these are almost all my acquaintances. I also know my grandmother's friend Nadezhda, who sometimes comes to visit, drinks tea, looks at me, shakes her head and is silent.
My grandmother is a music teacher. Rather, a former music teacher. Therefore, I often listen to the records that she puts on. Actually, if not for these records, I would have gone crazy. Although most likely not, I would not have gone crazy, I would have died by now. Because in my life there would be nothing more than a spoonful of porridge, which they feed me three times a day, unclenching my teeth with a special thing, the name of which I do not know. Except the bathroom, where they wash me with warm water from the shower and diapers. But I won't tell you about diapers. I'm already sixteen years old, and I'm a little uncomfortable talking about it.
I would probably die without music. But my grandmother plays records for me, and I'm alive. Most of all I love Oginsky's polonaise. I don’t know how my grandmother guessed this, but I listen to it most often. Maybe because his grandmother also loves him very much? I don't know, I can't ask. I can only listen to music and my grandmother's voice.
I used to hear my mother too. She was good, my mother. And I understand her. Although the grandmother does not talk to her. I don't know why she got mad at her mom? She is still a young woman, which is why she married Vasin.
Vasin is the captain of the missile forces. They got married the year before last and left for the Far East. But I stayed. This is understandable, they need to settle down there, build a family. And I would really bother them. Because I have to constantly monitor, feed, wash and change diapers. Oh yeah, let's not talk about diapers, I'm really not very comfortable talking about it.
I stayed with my grandmother. And also with grandmother's records.
I know the words of Oginsky's polonaise. Grandmother says they are in Polish. I don't know Polish, but I learned the words by heart.
Pieśń do Ojczyzny zna swój szlak,
wirując w niebie niby ptak...
I close my eyes and imagine that I am standing in a field with a small bird flying over me. She sings these incomprehensible words, I inhale the fragrance of flowers, and I am happy. Do you know what is the most incredible thing in my fantasy? Not a bird singing in Polish, no. And the fact that I'm standing. I can't even stand. This is a very funny fantasy! And suddenly I'm standing!
Oh, yes...excuse me, you must feel sorry for me? People like me are to be pitied. But in vain. When I was seven or eight years old, I also felt sorry for myself. I hated both my mom and dad because they gave birth to me like that. But then it passed. I realized that hatred is wrong. They did not know that I would be different from other children. And dad... He's just a weak man. It happens. Probably even weaker than me.
Every evening, my grandmother sits by my bed and talks to herself. It is unlikely that she thinks that I do not understand anything from her words. This is not Oginsky's polonaise, where they sing in Polish.
Kościół on top of stoi tam,
biegałem doń w dzieciństwie sam...
Try to understand something! Can't make out a word. Only a little bird above my head can sing it.
Grandmother sits down on a chair, strokes my hair and says:
-I don't know, I'm even afraid to think what will happen to you. How much do I have left, honey? Five years? Ten? No one knows. Nobody. As long as I'm around, nothing bad will happen to you. And then... Your mother and Vasin? It's funny... I was in these pensions for people like you... I saw everything... How I would like to live forever, to be near... To not leave you.
.... świecił do mnie tam z ambony
i koiły mnie kościelne dzwony. ....
A little bird sings over my head.
I know what grandma is afraid of. She is afraid that I will be left alone. To be honest, I myself am a little afraid of this. If my grandmother dies, then they will take me to where strangers will be with me. I thought about it. I know that porridge in a spoon will not be so tasty there, and diapers will be changed less often ... Although, I promised not to talk about them. Sorry, it's not very convenient.
But I'm ready for it. True true. Only if possible, let me play music there at least sometimes. You can even only Oginsky's polonaise.
Boże, dodaj nam siły!
Boże, bądź miłościwy!
Boże, broń nas przed wrogiem!
And a little bird will fly and sing over my head. This is enough for me to close my eyes, smell the flowers and stand! Stay in the field! You need a lot for happiness, this is enough for me.
It is a pity that no one will read about it. It’s a pity that no one will play records for me where they will take me someday. I can't even write. And talk too. Well, let. The little bird won't leave me anyway. Like Oginsky's polonaise in my memory.
Green Bird
August 25, 2021
"Green Poultry" - Fyaba Carlo Gozzi 1765. The plot continues the story of Gozzi's first fiaba, The Love for Three Oranges.

Act one
Many years have passed since the well-known events that accompanied the marriage of Tartaglia to Ninetta, the daughter of the King of Antipodes, who appeared from an orange. A lot has happened in Monterotondo over the years. Smeraldina and Brighella, once burned, were resurrected from the ashes: he became a poet and soothsayer, and she turned white in body and soul. Truffaldino married Smeraldina, who stole so much from the royal kitchen that he was able to leave the service and open a sausage shop.
King Tartaglia has not shown up in the capital for almost 19 years now, fighting with the rebels somewhere on the outskirts of the kingdom. In his absence, his mother, the aged Queen of Tartaglion, ran everything. The old woman did not like Ninetta and when she gave birth to Tartaglia's lovely twins, a boy and a girl, she ordered them to be killed, and she wrote to the king that his wife allegedly brought a couple of puppies. In a fit of anger, Tartaglia allowed Tartaglion to punish his wife at his own discretion, and the old queen buried the poor thing alive in a crypt under a sewer hole.
Fortunately, Pantalone did not follow Tartagliona's orders: he did not slaughter the babies, but wrapped them securely in oilcloth and threw them into the river. Smeraldina pulled the twins out of the river. She gave them the names Renzo and Barbarina and raised them as if they were her own children. Extra eaters in the house were an eyesore to the greedy and grumpy Truffaldino, and then one fine day he decides to expel the foundlings.
Renzo and Barbarina take the news that they are not their own children and must now go away, cold-bloodedly, for their spirit is strengthened by reading modern philosophers, who explain love, human affections and good deeds with low selfishness. Free, as they believe, from selfishness, the twins go into the wilderness, where they will not be annoyed by stupid and annoying people.
An anthropomorphic ancient statue appears to a brother and sister on a deserted shore. This is the king of sculptures Kalmon, who was once a philosopher and turned to stone at the moment when he finally managed to get rid of the last remnants of self-love in his soul. Calmon tries to convince Renzo and Barbarina that selfishness is by no means shameful, that one should love the imprinted image of the Creator in oneself and in others.
Young people do not heed the words of a wise statue. Calmont, however, tells them to go to the city and throw a stone at the walls of the palace - this will instantly make them rich. He promises the twins help in the future and also informs that the secret of their birth will be revealed thanks to the Green Bird, who is in love with Barbarina.
This bird has been flying to Ninetta's crypt for 18 years, feeding and watering her. Arriving this time, she predicts the imminent end of the queen's suffering and says that her children are alive, and the bird itself is in fact an enchanted prince.
Act two
Finally, King Tartaglia returns from the war, but nothing pleases him without the innocently ruined Ninetta. He cannot forgive her death either to himself or to his mother. There is a noisy quarrel between the old queen and Tartaglia.
Tartagliona is inspired by her not so much by her self-righteousness and resentment towards her ungrateful son, but by the prophecies and flattering speeches of Brighella. Brighella uses every opportunity to vent about their (himself and Tartaglions) brilliant future on the Monterotondian throne. At the same time, the sly one praises to the skies the long-faded charms of the old woman, to whom the heart of the poor poet allegedly belongs undividedly. Tartagliona is ready for anything: to join her fate with Brighella, and to get rid of her son, only now she considers a will in favor of her betrothed to be inappropriate if she soon has to bloom and shine for many more years.
Renzo and Barbarina, following the advice of Calmon, come to the royal palace, but at the last moment they are overcome by doubts whether wealth is proper for philosophers. After conferring, they nevertheless throw a stone, and a luxurious palace appears before them.
Act three
Renzo and Barbarina live rich in a wonderful palace, and now they are not engaged in philosophical reflections. Barbarina is sure that she is the most beautiful of all in the world, and in order to make her beauty shine even brighter, she spends money without count on the most exquisite outfits and jewelry. Renzo is in love; but in love not with any woman, but with a statue. This sculpture is not the creation of a sculptor, but a girl named Pompey, who many years ago was turned to stone by her own boundless vanity. Beside himself with passion, he swears not to regret anything, if only Pompey comes to life.
Driven by love for her adopted daughter, Smeraldina appears in the twins' palace. Barbarina, for whom love is an empty phrase, first drives her away, then tries to pay off with a purse of gold, but, in the end, allows her to remain a servant in her person. Truffaldino also wants to live in the palace of foundlings, but love has nothing to do with it: he wants to eat deliciously, drink plenty and sleep softly. Things are going very badly in the sausage shop. Not immediately, but Renzo agrees to take the former dad into his service.
The inhabitants of the royal palace are surprised by the new neighborhood. Brighella (and he is, after all, a soothsayer) sees in Renzo and Barbarina a threat to his ambitious plans and therefore teaches Tartaglion how to destroy the twins. The king, having gone out onto the balcony and seeing the beautiful Barbarina in the window opposite, falls madly in love with her. He is already ready to forget the unfortunate Ninetta and marry again, but, alas, Barbarina is not touched by the signs of the highest attention. Here Tartagliona seizes the moment and tells her that Barbarina will become the most beautiful in the world only when she has a singing Apple and Golden Water that sounds and dances. As you know, both of these miracles are kept in the garden of the fairy Serpentina, where many brave men laid down their lives.
Barbarina, who quickly got used to having all her desires instantly fulfilled, first demands, and then tearfully begs for an Apple and Water to be delivered to her. Renzo heeds her pleas and, accompanied by Truffaldino, sets off.
In the garden of the Serpentina, the heroes almost die, but Renzo remembers Calmon in time and calls him for help. Kalmon, in turn, summons a statue with nipples that exude water, and several hefty statues. From its nipples, the statue waters the thirsty guardian beasts, and they allow Renzo to pluck the Apple. Weighty statues, leaning on the gate leading to the source of the Serpentina, do not allow them to slam shut; Truffaldino, not without trepidation, goes and picks up a flask of sounding and dancing Water.
When the deed is done, Calmon informs Renzo that the secret of the resurrection of the statue he loves, as well as the secret of the origin of the twins, is in the hands of the Green Bird. Finally, the king of sculptures asks Renzo to order him to fix his nose, which was once damaged by the boys.
Act four
Returning home, Renzo learns that the king asked Barbarina to become his wife, and she agreed, but then, at the instigation of Brighella and Tartagliona, she demanded the Green Bird as a dowry. Renzo would like to see his sister as a queen, and besides, he is overcome by a passionate desire to revive Pompeii and reveal the secret of his origin. Therefore, he takes Truffaldino and sets off on a new, even more dangerous journey - to the Cannibal Hill for the Green Bird.
On the way, the already familiar Truffaldino devil with furs blows on the back of the brave travelers, so they get to the place very soon. But there they find themselves in some confusion: how to overcome the spell of the Cannibal is unknown, and the only one who could help - Calmon - Renzo cannot call, since he did not fulfill the trifling request of the king of statues: he did not correct his nose. Having made up their mind, the master and the servant approach the tree on which the bird sits, and immediately both turn to stone.
Meanwhile, Barbarina, whose hardened heart nevertheless woke up anxiety for her brother, in the company of Smeraldina also goes to the Ogre's domain and finds Renzo and Truffaldino turned into statues. This sad sight makes her repent in tears of excessive arrogance and slavish self-indulgence. As soon as the words of repentance are uttered, Kalmon appears before Barbarina and Smeraldina. He reveals a way to take possession of the Green Bird, while warning that the slightest mistake will lead to certain death. Barbarina, driven by her love for her brother, overcomes her fear and, having done everything as Kalmon said, takes the Bird. Then, taking a feather out of her tail, she touches it to the petrified Renzo and Truffaldino, and they come to life.
Act five
Tartaglia burns with impatience, wanting to call Barbarina his wife. It would seem that now nothing prevents it. After all, Renzo does not interfere with being combined with Pompeii, animated by a bird's feather, even the fact that she was a statue in the recent past. However, first of all, Barbarina insists, one should listen to what Water, Apple and Green Bird have to say.
The magical objects and the bird tell the whole story of the atrocities of Tartagliona and her henchman Brighella. The king, who found children and miraculously avoided an incestuous marriage, is literally overjoyed. When Ninetta comes into the light of God from the fetid crypt, he completely loses his senses.
The green bird casts a spell, and in front of everyone, Tartaglion and Brighella, to the general joy, turn into dumb creatures: the old woman into a turtle, and her pretended lover into a donkey. Then the bird sheds its feathers and becomes a young man - the king of Terradombra. He calls Barbarina his wife, and calls on all those present on the stage and in the hall to be true philosophers, that is, realizing their own mistakes, to become better.
The play ends with the mutual embrace of Tartaglia and Ninetta, Renzo and Pompeii, the King of Terradombra and Barbarina, Tartaglia and his children, Truffaldino, Smeraldina, Pantalone, etc. The finale also contains a farewell greeting and Barbarina's address to the audience.
- 1935 - New Theater for Young Spectators (Leningrad). Directed by Boris Zon. Literary processing Sun. You. Uspensky and Nina Gernet.
- 1970 - Riga Youth Theater. Directed by Nikolai Sheiko.
- 1975 - Leningrad Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin. Directed by Nikolai Sheiko.
- 1987 - Moscow Drama Theater Sphere. Director Ekaterina Ilyinichna Elanskaya
- 1996 - The New Victory Theater (New York). Directed by Julie Taymor.
Green bird | |
Genre | Fyaba |
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