Can i feed my baby spinach
Can I give my Baby Spinach?
Spinach is one of the trickiest vegetables to feed kids. That’s why most Moms want to introduce it as soon as possible and ask: Can I give my Baby Spinach?
Health Benefits of Spinach
Can I give my Baby Spinach?
Tips for Buying and Storing Spinach
Healthy Spinach Recipes for Babies and Kids
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
‘Popeye the Sailor Man’ is one of those special cartoon characters of our childhood, whom all of us can relate to! Who didn’t enjoy seeing Popeye’s muscles pop out to save the day, all thanks to gulping down a can of spinach? It certainly increased my interest in the vegetable! That’s saying something about the power of the Popeye character, since Spinach is one of the trickiest things to feed young kids.
Spinach is a dark green nutrient-rich leafy vegetable which belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and is scientifically known as Spinacia Oleracea. Spinach is believed to have originated in ancient Persia, which then made its way into England in the 14th century where it was known as the ‘Spanish vegetable.’ It’s not clear when and how spinach was introduced in India, but it’s quite a popular vegetable here now.
Spinach is known as palak in Hindi, keerai/pasali in Tamil, cheera in Malayalam and saka in Bengali. The leading spinach producing states of India are Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Gujarat. Now let’s look at why spinach was such a big deal for Popeye!
Health Benefits of SpinachBeing highly alkaline, spinach is considered good for the stomach and digestive system. Spinach is very low in calories, cholesterol and high in vitamins K and A. It’s a great source of several other vitamins and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, B9, and E.
- Strengthens immunity
- Regulates blood pressure
- Prevents cancer
- Maintains bone health
- Prevents anemia
- Provides hydration
- Prevents asthma
- Prevents constipation
- Maintains skin and hair health
- Improves for eye health
- Helps kill intestinal worms and maintains gut health
- Maintains muscle health
With all the fuss kids show with spinach, most Moms would prefer introducing spinach as early as possible so their child gets into the habit of eating the vegetable without any trouble. This makes sense, and is perfectly possible since spinach CAN be given to babies.
Spinach can be introduced to babies from 6-7 months of age. However, due to the presence of oxalates and nitrates, some pediatricians consider 8-10 months as the ideal time to introduce spinach. You can choose to wait till the baby completes 8 months to be on the safe side.
While introducing start with a spoon full of spinach puree and then gradually increase the quantity. For babies above 8 months spinach can be given in a chopped form rather than a pureed form. It is not recommended to give babies raw spinach, since it can case an allergy. Because of its high fiber content and oligosaccharides, raw spinach can have a bloating effect on babies with sensitive stomachs. Over feeding of spinach may also result in abdominal pain, low blood pressure, tremors or convulsions, vomiting etc.
While not mandatory, it’s better to follow the 3-day rule to be on the safe side, and start with a small quantity in the beginning. If the baby displays symptoms like itchy rashes, abdominal pain, burning sensation in the mouth, swelling of the face or shortness of breath, he needs to be rushed to the doctor right away.
The most popular spinach varieties which are suitable for babies are Palak, Baby Spinach, Mulai Keerai (Amarantus Blitum), Arai Keerai (Tricolor Amaranthus), Siru Keerai (Tropical Amaranthus).
Spinach is one of those vegetables that are highly likely to be contaminated with pesticides. It’s ideal to grow your own spinach, but if that’s not possible, try to source it locally or from a trusted organic supplier.
While selecting spinach, make sure the leaves are tender and crisp. Fresh spinach will have a thick and flexible stem. Yellow or brown leaves indicate damage and have to be avoided or removed while washing.
Spinach can be stored in the vegetable crisper or the refrigerator, in a zip lock pouch to avoid moisture. Wash the spinach only before cooking, and wash it well to get rid of any mud and dirt.
Broccoli Spinach Puree for Babies
Spinach Oat Pancakes for Babies
Cream of Spinach Soup for Toddlers
Spinach Fritters
Spinach Phulka
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
Shop now!When Can Babies Eat Spinach? Know When To Introduce It
Know how to make spinach baby food safely and when to introduce it to your little one
By Emily Pidgeon
We all want to see our kids eat more green food. That starts when they start eating solid foods as an infant. If you’re hoping your baby will be “strong to the finish,” just like Popeye by eating spinach regularly, then you may wonder when a suitable time would be to introduce that iron-rich food to your little one. This little green leaf’s ability to pack on the nutrients makes it such a great food for parents to feed their tots.
- Why you should use caution when feeding baby spinach
- When can babies eat spinach?
- How to safely feed your baby spinach
But when are babies able to eat spinach safely? More importantly, how can you make spinach baby food that your child will actually eat? Whether or not they like it makes the difference between a lifelong love of the veggie or a world without it. Let’s break down the when and how to get your nugget to enjoy this mineral-rich superfood.
Why you should use caution when feeding baby spinach
Adding a small amount of spinach to your baby’s regular diet adds much-needed iron to their bodies. Iron is a critical nutrient in the preliminary stages of a baby’s development. It’s needed to produce red and white blood cells as well as for overall lung and brain development.
Strictly speaking, spinach is an excellent source of iron for humans, and is used often in baby foods to help enrich their diets. Where the problem occurs is when the spinach is processed, nitrates begin to build up. This can cause damage to your baby’s red blood cells – more specifically, the hemoglobin protein within them. Nitrates can convert hemoglobin into methemoglobin, creating a lack of oxygen being shared from the red blood cells to the tissues.
When can babies eat spinach?
Luckily, babies are born with enzymes in their bloodstream to help flip methemoglobin back to hemoglobin without any lasting damage. However, the number of enzymes needed to combat a nitrate overload is not found in infants younger than 3-6 months old. Because of the risks involved with using possibly contaminated veggies –either grown at home or bought at the store – it is not recommended for children younger than 8 months old to be served spinach in any form.
Nitrates aren’t only found in spinach, and as the American Academy of Pediatrics explains to parents, it’s important to keep in mind:
“Nitrates aren’t the only cause of methemoglobinemia. Certain antibiotics and the numbing agent found in teething gels can also convert hemoglobin to methemoglobin. And baby food isn’t the only dietary source of nitrates. Drinking water (especially well water) can contain high levels of nitrates from fertilizer run-off. In fact, the most common cause of methemoglobinemia in babies (including those older than 6 months of age) is the ingestion of infant formula made with nitrate-containing well water!”
How to safely feed your baby spinach
The main thing to keep in mind is, all homemade baby foods that are prepared with ground-growing veggies have the possibility to be contaminated with nitrate-rich fertilizers. This happens from contaminated veggies themselves, the soil, or the groundwater. Keeping your baby on a steady diet free from these types of freshly-prepared veggies from home until after the age of 6 months – or 8 months in the case of spinach – is the main thing to focus on.
Vegetables that have been found to hold higher levels of nitrates are:
- Spinach and other greens
- Beets
- Carrots
- Parsnips
- Squash
- Beans
Keep in mind that baby food companies run testing for nitrate levels prior to bottling to prevent negative side effects in infants. It’s important for parents to understand avoiding spinach only applies to parents who prepare their own baby foods at home. Due to the lack of sufficient home testing, pediatricians recommend parents wait at least 8 months to prep and feed freshly made spinach purees to their infants.
We understand the importance of infants getting the best quality ingredients in their diet. We don’t want to discourage you from wanting to make your own meals at home for your growing baby. We only want you to do so in a safe and healthy manner. If you prepare your infant’s meals at home, we encourage you to sit down with your child’s doctor or nutritionist to plan and prepare foods that will not only give them a healthy and balanced diet but will also hit all those important health marks such as organic and sustainably grown.
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in 1 year, as well as before and after, what is the benefit, when is it harmful and how to cook - step by step recipes Russian farmer
Spinach is a real treasure trove of vitamins and microelements. Its benefits for the growing body of a child can hardly be overestimated.
It refers not to greens, as is commonly believed, but to vegetables and is very popular in European and American cuisine.
In Russia, few people know about the beneficial properties of this plant and the possibility of including it in the children's diet. In the article we will tell you what the benefits of spinach are, and at what age it can be introduced into complementary foods. nine0003
Show content
- At what age can you give?
- Benefit
- Can it be harmful and when?
- What is combined with and how to use?
- Step-by-Step Baby Meals
Smoothies Chicken Soufflé Casserole
- Other Leafy Vegetables
At what age can it be given?
The unique composition of this vegetable makes it especially beneficial for the health and development of the child.
It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the central nervous system of the child, his cardiovascular system, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This leafy vegetable also helps children suffering from constipation, as it contains a lot of fiber. nine0003
Most Russian pediatricians agree that children should be given spinach from the age of six months only after the child has tasted other leafy vegetables. But foreign manufacturers of baby food include spinach in dishes with potatoes intended for children from 4 months old.
It is necessary to start the introduction only with a thermally processed vegetable, that is, in the form of mashed potatoes or soup. For the first time, the minimum dose (1 tsp) is sufficient. Although spinach is not an allergic product, individual intolerance is not excluded. In the absence of a reaction, the daily dose can be gradually increased to 50 g. nine0003
Fresh spinach leaves are introduced into the menu of a child over two years old.
Greens are recommended to be added to salads in the proportion of 50g of leaves per 200g of lettuce.
Important! Dishes with spinach are not recommended to be given to a child more than twice a week.
Only a freshly prepared dish can be offered to a baby.
The benefits of spinach are related to its composition. Nutrient content (per 100g of product):
- Vitamins (mg):
- A - 0.75;
- B1 - 0.1;
- V2 - 0.25;
- C - 55;
- E - 2.5;
- B3 - 1.2;
- B4 - 18;
- B5 - 0.3;
- B6 - 0.1;
- B9 - 80;
- K - 483;
- N - 0.1.
- Minerals (mg):
- Kaliy - 774.
- calcium - 106.
- Magnesium - 82.
- phosphorus - 83.
- sodium - 24.
- Iron - 3.5.
- Zinc - 0.53. nine0013
- Selenium - 0.001.
- Copper - 0.
- Manganese - 9.
- Iodine - 0.02.
- Nutrition value (per 100 g of product):
- Calories - 23 kcal.
- Squirrels - 2.9 g.
- Fat - 0.3 g. Read the chemistry here.
So spinach in baby food promotes:
- normalization of metabolism;
- prevention of rickets and the formation of strong bones and teeth;
- strengthening immunity;
- treatment of anemia;
- relief from constipation.
Spinach also contains lutein, which improves immunity, dietary fiber. It is believed that the antioxidants contained in the vegetable prevent the occurrence of oncology. The advantages of spinach include its low calorie content, so overweight does not threaten the child. nine0003
In addition, we must add to this list a tonic effect, a mild diuretic effect, help with stress and mental stress, maintenance of the thyroid gland.
Learn more about the benefits and harms of spinach and how to eat it here.
Can it cause harm and when?
The main disadvantage of spinach is the presence of oxalic acid in it. Because of this, it should not be offered to babies with kidney or urinary problems. Also, this leafy vegetable can harm the health of children with liver diseases, gastrointestinal ulcers. However, an excess of oxalic acid is observed only in old spinach leaves, while in young ones it is very small. nine0003
Important! Oxalic acid can be neutralized by adding milk or cream to the dish. These are essential ingredients in all children's dishes with spinach.
What is combined with and how to use?
- Fresh spinach goes well with first and second courses. But in a freshly picked form, children do not like it because of insipidity. Before use, it is necessary to sort out the leaves, removing the old ones. You can store fresh spinach only in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, after wrapping it in parchment or in a damp cloth.
Otherwise, salts are formed in it, which are harmful to the body not only of the child, but also of adults. nine0002 It is better not to give fresh spinach to children at an early age. You can add it to the menu for children from two years old, no more than twice a week and only young leaves no more than 5 cm in length.
- Dried spinach is used as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes, cereals and side dishes. Fresh leaves are carefully selected, washed and dried in the fresh air or in a special dryer.
Dried herbs are stored in an airtight container in a dark place and, if necessary, crushed, added to the dish a few minutes before the end of cooking. Dried spinach is recommended to be offered to children from 1 year old as part of the main dishes. nine0003
- Frozen Spinach is great because it retains its nutritional value and taste when frozen. Frozen greens can be added to baby food. But you can’t store spinach in the freezer for more than 3 months.
When cooking, keep in mind that frozen spinach should be taken 2 times less than fresh.
After taking it out of the freezer, it must be immediately lowered into a hot dish, because. When pre-thawed, spinach loses more vitamins.
- Boiled spinach , like frozen spinach, does not lose its nutrients. The first water must be drained and continue to boil in new water. This will get rid of the nitrates in the leaves. Fresh leaves with a uniform color are suitable for cooking for children. Spinach cooks quickly, so the laying in the dish occurs at the end of cooking.
For babies up to a year old, they prepare mashed potatoes and soufflés with spinach and meat or vegetables, add it to mashed soups. Older children willingly eat omelettes with herbs, pies, salads and just spinach leaves with various fillings, such as egg pate or cheese. nine0003
Click here for tips on eating and cooking spinach.
Step-by-step recipes for children's meals
- young spinach - 1 bunch;
- banana - 1 piece;
- milk - 1.
5 tbsp.;
- honey - 1 tsp;
- lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
- Wash the spinach well, remove the old leaves and place in a blender. nine0013
- Add sliced banana, honey and lemon juice to the spinach.
- Grind everything with a blender, then pour in the milk and beat the contents of the blender again.
Serve immediately as smoothies During storage, spinach loses color and useful properties.
We offer you to watch a video about that. how to make spinach smoothie for baby:
chicken soufflé
- spinach - 1 bunch or 1 tbsp. frozen; nine0013
- egg - 1 pc.;
- milk - 30 ml;
- boiled chicken minced in a blender - 0.5 tbsp;
- a pinch of salt;
- butter for greasing the mold.
- Steam the spinach briefly in a covered container.
- Add the egg yolk, salt and milk to the chicken, beat thoroughly.
- Separately beat the egg white until foamy and, after stirring, add to the mixture.
- Then pour everything into a pre-oiled mold. nine0013
- Steam soufflé with the lid on. Or place the form in a container filled with water and put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C).
This delicate soufflé will be appreciated by little gourmets who do not yet know how to chew their food well.
- fresh spinach - 500 gr;
- sugar - 2 tablespoons;
- egg - 2 pcs.;
- noodles - 100 gr;
- juice of one lemon; nine0013
- butter for greasing the mold;
- a pinch of salt.
- Wash spinach leaves, chop and boil for 3-5 minutes.
Squeeze out the water and grind in a blender.
- Pour in the lemon juice.
- Beat eggs with sugar.
- Boil the noodles, drain the water.
- Mix everything, salt.
- Place the resulting mass in a pre-oiled form.
- Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C. nine0013
Casserole is an independent dish and is suitable for feeding children from 1.5 years old.
Spinach is an amazing herbaceous plant, widely known throughout the world for its incredibly beneficial properties and chemical composition. Why do men and women eat spinach and whether the vegetable will help with weight loss - read in our materials.
Other leafy vegetables
In addition to spinach, there are many other leafy vegetables that are very good for children. Peking and cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, watercress, leaf beets are very rich in easily digestible iron, calcium and vitamins, especially necessary for the development of the child. nine0003
Thus, spinach is one of the richest leafy vegetables in terms of composition.
Vitamins and minerals it contains in large quantities. But due to the lack of a pronounced taste, children often refuse to eat it. However, even a small amount of this product in the daily children's menu will significantly improve the health of the child and favorably affect his development.
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Spinach for children0001
Viktoria Levchuk©Children don't always like spinach. It is a green leafy vegetable that can taste bitter. Bitter is not sweet! Therefore, children often sabotage spinach in complementary foods. Consider at what age can you give spinach to children? How to get to know him so that the children fall in love with him?
What is spinach?
Spinach is a vegetable with green leaves. It is a rich source of vitamins A and C and the mineral iron. The scientific name for spinach is Spinacia oleracea. nine0003
Spinach is widely grown throughout the world. It requires cool weather and rich, moist soil to grow. Spinach is one of the few vegetables that can survive a light frost.
Spinach is an annual plant. This means that only grows one season and needs to be repotted every year. People grow it to eat only the leaves. Spinach leaves can be either smooth or wrinkled. They are roughly triangular in shape. The leaves are collected in a ring called a rosette. nine0003
Spinach is sold fresh, canned and frozen. People eat it as a green salad or as a boiled vegetable. It can also be used to make soups and sauces.
Spinach - is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin K1, vitamin C, folic acid, iron and calcium.
History of spinach
spinach crop Spinach is believed to have originated in ancient Persia and its surrounding regions. edible domesticated greens were thought to have originated from selective propagation of wild leafy species , but much of the history of spinach is unknown.
In time, spinach spread to neighboring countries around Persia, traveling through India, and was introduced to Nepal and China sometime before 647 AD. It was also introduced to Italy around 827 AD. through the Arabs, and by the 10th century, the plant was found throughout the Mediterranean. In the 13th and 16th centuries, it was widely grown throughout Europe, creating new domesticated varieties, and the greens became a favorite ingredient of the nobility and royalty.
Spinach gained great prestige when Catherine de' Medici took the throne of France in 1547. Originally from Florence, she ordered the court cooks to add spinach to each of her dishes. nine0003 spinach nutrition
Spinach was also introduced to the New World and was found in home gardens in the United States by the 19th century. Spinach is grown all over the world today.
In the 1930s, the appearance of cartoon character Popeye, the comic book hero who eats spinach to acquire superhuman qualities, gave a new impetus to the vegetable with its wide green leaves. In the United States, at least, its consumption has skyrocketed as the growers of the green have erected a monument to it in Christy City, a Texas town that lives mostly off its sale. nine0003
In Russia, spinach is less popular; it was eaten around the middle of the 18th century in aristocratic homes. From the middle of the 19th century, it became accessible to the middle class.
Benefits of spinach in baby food
spinach for childrenSpinach is a rich and varied nutritional composition. Water accounts for 91.4%, fiber - 3.6%, protein - 2.9%.
Spinach also contains many vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, C, K, folic acid, iron, calcium, minerals such as magnesium, potassium, etc. nine0003
It is considered one of the most important vegetables in the world and its nutrient content is very high. Juicy and tender leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals and volatile substances. They provide the body with powerful antioxidant protection.
It is rich in calcium and is an excellent substitute for animal dairy products. Instead of fighting oxidative stress, spinach helps the body fight inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer (especially prostate cancer).
Unlike other vegetables that contain phytonutrients, researchers have found over a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that help prevent inflammation and cancer, making it an ideal food for children and teens.
Thanks to the above vitamins and minerals, the leafy vegetable is known as a superfood. When consumed, spinach will bring maximum health benefits to children.
Vitamins in spinach
spinach for childrenSpinach is a source of three important vitamins, namely vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin K.
This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, which has a number of important functions for good health. The key functions of vitamin A are to strengthen vision and the immune system, improve skin condition, and increase iron absorption capacity.
Folic acid traditionally associated with women's health and pregnancy. In addition, folic acid is needed by the body in many other processes. Just as vitamin A is essential for the functioning of the immune system, and iron plays an important role in counteracting fatigue, folic acid contributes to the amino acid structure. Therefore, folic acid is needed to be able to produce protein and build muscle. nine0003
Spinach contains vitamin K. This vitamin plays a very important role in our blood's ability to clot. Vitamin K also helps build strong bones, and more than just calcium is needed for bone health!
It is also worth talking about vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which is also found in spinach. This vitamin is important for the formation of collagen, which strengthens blood vessels, skin, teeth, and bone structure. Vitamin C helps absorb iron from food and is important for protecting cells from free radicals, meaning that it protects fat-soluble vitamins and other fats in the body from oxidation. nine0003
Minerals in spinach
spinach for childrenSpinach is an important source of calcium. It is well known that calcium is a mineral that basically strengthens and maintains skeletal strength throughout life. However, the mineral also plays a fundamental role in the growth of muscles and the nervous system. Like vitamin K, calcium is important for blood cells and blood clotting.
What about iron? Of course, spinach - an excellent additional source of iron, but it does not cover all daily needs for this mineral.
Recommendations for introducing spinach to children vary widely. Some pediatricians say it's OK to introduce spinach at 6-7 months of age, while others advise waiting until 8 or even 10 months. As an example, American pediatricians recommend after 6 months, Russian doctors - after 7-8 months.
I think it's best to delay the introduction of the product until 12-18 months , with 12 months being the earliest age to introduce spinach into complementary foods. nine0003
Studies have shown that can increase nitrate levels in spinach if not stored properly. Another reason why spinach is not usually recommended as an early complementary food for children is that it is difficult for a child's body to absorb the iron and calcium it contains.
spinach complementary foods Infographics - CLICK ON ME!!!
The oxalates in these greens also interfere with the baby's absorption of calcium from breast milk when given together.
Thus, it is possible to give spinach to children not too often about 1-2 times a week in the amount of 30-50 grams after 12-18 months. I remind you that for the first 3-4 days we carefully observe any signs of an allergic reaction or digestive discomfort in a child.
The first feeding of spinach only after heat treatment. It is preferable to steam it.
We offer fresh spinach for children after 3 years in a salad.
can children give spinach Personally, my children got acquainted with spinach in pizza after 3 years, then I offered a fresh salad. In our Russian diet, it is not such an important product that you should definitely introduce a child into complementary foods early. It is possible that the taste of spinach after 2 years is not to your liking, because they are very picky. But is my task as a parent of to ensure the palatability of basic foods, for me it is not included in this list. So if my child eats spinach omelet, cheese and spinach pizza, and green borscht, this is a nutritional success of a varied diet. Let them learn the rest when they grow up. nine0003
Of course, if a child has iron deficiency anemia, then children can be given spinach as a way to assimilate and enrich the body with iron through food. But with such a diagnosis, it is important to consult a good Hematologist.
Also, do not forget about the seasonality and age of the child. If your baby is too young during the spinach growing season to get to know him, then it is best to produce complementary foods for the next year. If spinach is vital for a baby, then we introduce a frozen product or offer half the recommended serving. nine0003
Spinach allergy in children
spinach baby foodSpinach allergy is not common but not uncommon. It contains certain proteins and nutrients that are not recognized by a person with an allergy and therefore a reaction to spinach occurs, such as inflammation of the tissues and shortness of breath.
Introduce the child to spinach from a small amount to easily notice any adverse reaction, and then gradually increase the amount.
Spinach alternative
Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods, so if you are allergic to it, it is important to find alternative sources of the nutrients found in this product.
- rugula
- Salad Romen
- Cross Salat
- Escarol
- Cabbage
- Green turnip
Crazy or spinach, or a child may not cause abundance, although heaps of raw leaves can be stole which will cause vomiting.

Does spinach cause constipation in a child?
High in fiber and water, which are well known to help prevent constipation, spinach promotes healthy digestion. It has a good property - a slight laxative effect.
Spinach and Sorrel are the same
spinach vegetableSpinach and Sorrel are among the most vitamin herbs among vegetables. Outwardly, they are extremely similar, the ripening period is also the same, in some dishes they can be alternated. However, there is still a difference between them. nine0003
Tastes like sorrel sourish , and spinach - sour-bitter . The appearance is also different, but not significantly, so they are confused. With the help of sorrel, you can get more useful trace elements, unlike spinach. However, sorrel contains more acids, which makes it dangerous for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Moreover, sorrel is preferable to taste. Therefore, it is better to introduce the child to spinach at the beginning.
How to give spinach
children can be given spinachThe first spinach food is mashed potatoes if the child is 12-18 months old. It can also be served as a smoothie or raw.
To get all the nutrients from spinach, you need to pay attention to the method and time of preparation. A new study shows that spinach can lose up to 90% of its lutein content if not cared for properly.
In addition, the more spinach is cooked and the higher the cooking temperature, the less lutein remains in it. nine0035 Thus, the worst cooking method is to sauté spinach, because only 40% of the original lutein remains after 2 minutes.
It can be quite viscous after cooking, so ideally served as a smoothie or puree, it is the safest choice for young children.
Why is spinach bitter?
Spinach contains an organic compound called oxalic acid, which, together with the tannins in leafy greens, makes it bitter in taste. nine0003
How to choose and store spinach
spinachSpinach can be bought in the market or in small vegetable stalls in the city, as well as in very large hypermarkets, such as Metro.
Selecting a leafy vegetable based on its appearance. It is necessary that the leaves are green and crispy without tears and darkening. We pay attention to sluggish or yellowed leaves, they should not be.
Do not wash spinach before putting it in the refrigerator. Leaves may spoil faster. nine0003
Unwashed spinach can be stored for approx. 3-4 days in a loose plastic bag ; while wrapping the leaves with paper towels. It is better to use a zip bag to squeeze out as much air as possible, then the shelf life can increase up to 5-6 days.
The grocery store sells bagged spinach, which is great because it's pre-washed. Buying frozen spinach is also a convenient option.
The best way to wash fresh spinach…
spinach Immerse the leaves completely in a bowl of water and “wash” them with your hands to remove dirt. Then drain the water and refill the bowl with fresh water, repeating the process until the water in the bowl runs clear.
Wash it thoroughly before use as the sandy soil it is planted in can get stuck between the leaves and the white stem.
Nitrates and spinach
spinach pastaSpinach contains nitrate, which can be converted to nitrite in the body, which in turn can impair oxygen absorption. In young children with low blood volume, this can be harmful, so it is advised to avoid large amounts of spinach during the first year of life. The same goes for other vegetables that are high in nitrates, such as beets, celery leaves, nettles, and chard. nine0003
The risk of a reaction increases as the amount of spinach the child eats increases, so portions in baby food are relatively small. Also, do not panic, if the baby ate pasta colored with spinach - they are so little used for coloring that there is no danger.
The process of steaming, boiling or blanching significantly reduces the nitrate content of spinach.
spit for children foodSpinach is a food that contains oxalates as well as nitrates, so it is a good idea for children under 12 months of age to consume these homemade greens in moderation, if at all.
Very little is said about the dangers of spinach. The truth is that it's not much, but basically there are two things you need to know. If the child is prone to kidney stones and is taking blood thinners.
Kidney stones are formed from acid and mineral salts that stick together where calcium oxalate stones are most common. Spinach contains like calcium and oxalate . While it's still unclear how dietary oxalates affect kidney stones, it's a good idea to limit spinach if your child has problems with it.
These greens are also high in vitamin K , which may affect those taking blood thinners. It is important to consult with your doctor here.
Intended consumption
Spaghetti spinach Spinach for children can be prepared in the form of mashed potatoes and smoothies. They also love bright green dough products. Hue can be created with spinach.
- Spinach cooked in cream is good and easy to prepare: boil the cream until it becomes a little smooth. Let the leaves simmer in the cream for 3-4 minutes. Pepper, salt and serve.
- Add spinach puree to pasta as a sauce.
- Sauté spinach with garlic and eat it as a side dish or add it to freshly cooked pasta, top with cheese. nine0013
- Stir-fry spinach with garlic and spices, turn into sauce.
- Lentil soup with potatoes and spinach makes an interesting soup.
- Spinach omelette is a wonderful breakfast.
In general, it can be used fresh, in the form of sauces for pasta and pizza, in green soups or borscht, as a separate side dish for vegetables, and used fresh in smoothies. For children, we are just looking for a convenient way to consume, at least one.
How to cook spinach
spinach salad First, let's see what spinach looks like. Young leaves are ideal for salad and disappear almost completely when heated. The coarser leaves are not as good for chewing raw, but have a much more interesting appearance when cooked. For example, blanch, steam, stew or fry with garlic. Spinach is also good in a feta or goat cheese pie or in a frittata.
It is about 90% water, so it loses a lot of volume when cooked.
150g (3 packed cups) spinach may look bulky, but only makes 1/4 cup spinach puree. nine0003
Cooking spinach is easy for kids. Can be steamed or boiled in water for about 1 minute for a softer texture and sweeter taste. Once the spinach is cooked, puree with fresh water until it reaches the desired consistency. Spinach puree can be eaten alone or added to other sweet or savory purees for a nutritional boost.
How to blanch spinach
spinach for kids Blanching is suitable for vegetables with short cooking times and is an excellent method for spinach. In this way, you can prepare beautiful leaves without losing taste, color and usefulness. We do the following:
- Immerse the leaves in lightly salted water that is already boiling.
- Let it boil for about 1 minute.
- Use slotted spoon and dip immediately into cold water.
- Drain and serve.
Blanching is the best way to cook spinach, as this process releases the natural oxalic acid from the leaves. The acid can put stress on the baby's kidneys. For the same reason, you should not use water after boiling spinach.
How to make spinach tasteless?
Blanching spinach for 20-30 seconds in well-salted boiling water is said to remove a fair amount of oxalic acid, which makes some children dislike it.
How to Steam Spinach
SpinachSteam cooking is more gentle on vegetables than immersing them in boiling water. With this method, crispy spinach leaves are obtained, in which the taste, color and usefulness remain.
You can use a steamer or multicooker for steam cooking. And you can make a steam apparatus out of a spacious pan with a lid, a small amount of boiling water at the bottom and a colander. Spinach for children should be steamed for about 3 minutes. Let the water drain before serving. nine0003
How to make baby spinach puree
spinachTransfer the leaves to a blender or food processor and process until smooth. Add some water or breast milk to reach the desired consistency.
Spinach puree may not be the most appetizing puree on its own. If the child does not accept it, why not try mixing it with other purees. The combinations are endless, and don't forget you can add spices and herbs to your baby food for extra flavor. nine0003
How to remove bitterness from fried spinach?
One of the healthiest and easiest ways to hide the bitterness of spinach is with citrus fruits. Choose between lemon, lime and orange depending on the taste of the dish. Drizzle freshly squeezed juice over the leaves as soon as they are cooked. We take into account the age of the child, since citrus fruits can cause an allergic reaction.
Freezing Spinach
Freezing Spinach Eating fresh, unfrozen spinach is probably the best way to consume this vegetable in terms of nutritional value. But even when frozen, it contains many useful substances. Especially if it is fresh spinach, which is frozen immediately after harvest. Not all vitamins and minerals are lost due to scalding or freezing. nine0003
Frozen spinach must be added immediately during cooking without defrosting, then the taste and color of the product is preserved. You can store a frozen product for 3-6 months in an airtight bag, it is better to vacuum the bag, if possible.
In addition to spinach leaves, you can also freeze spinach puree.
First, refrigerate puree in an airtight container for up to 24 hours. Next, place the puree in ice cube trays in the freezer. Once completely frozen, remove from the mold and place in a freezer bag or container. Return to the freezer and store for up to 2 months. Freezing in this way allows you to take out small portions as needed. nine0003
Spinach juice or smoothie
spinach smoothie Can spinach be juiced? It is possible with due diligence. Do you need it? If only using juice to make green noodles.
Approximately spinach juice or smoothie can be used by children over 3 years of age, since raw product is used.
I hope you understand that you need a juicer to make juice. Spinach is not the main product, it is added to celery or apples.
Smoothie is a busy, tired mom's dream because it's easy to make and a great way to get plenty of nutrition for growing kids in one glass. nine0003
Smoothie is perfect for a sick child or on the go.
However, spinach can cause a protest in the child, so we use it in small quantities, for the first time more for coloring the smoothie than for taste.
Finger food and spinach
Spinach finger food Not the most obvious food to eat with your fingers. For finger food, spinach as an independent product is not very suitable. Although it is worth a try, boil it for a couple and put the product directly into the highchair without a plate. Here it is worth watching the baby, how he will knead and eat this product. It is important to be close, as spinach can get stuck on the palate or on the tongue. nine0003
It can be used for cooking finger food. For example, soft dough with spinach, noodles with spinach, balls of spinach and cheese, hash browns or bread sticks, etc.
How children will love spinach
The most important thing is not to hide it. One thing is green spaghetti with spinach, where the taste of ordinary pasta, and a leafy vegetable is only for color and a small amount of nutrients. But a lot of spinach is completely different, and accordingly a taste that children will not always like, especially for the first time. nine0003
Picky Eater and Spinach
Pizza Spinach Picky Eater and spinach is a complex combination. Despite the fact that my child loves everything green, he eats this leafy vegetable only fresh in a salad. Therefore, for picky parents, it is important to understand in what form he is ready to eat a leafy vegetable. Spinach needs to be prepared in a variety of ways and be creative. Older children can use it themselves in the preparation of ordinary familiar dishes.
It is also important to note the ability of the product to color foods green. This should be used to expand the child's diet. It is important to tell the child that the green tint comes from the spinach and the flavor comes from other foods.
Ideal to serve spinach for the picky eater with pasta or spaghetti . Since the latter are considered safe foods, the addition of a green tint may appeal to children. We are trying to use spinach as a sauce or side dish. It is important to remember that some children do not like to mix food, so for the first time, you can use a separator plate. Or put a mixture of pasta and spinach in the amount of 1 spoon to see the reaction of the child. nine0003
Recipes with spinach
- Apple + spinach + pea puree
- oats + spinach + puree from avocado
- puree + cilantro with cinza
- strawberries + puree from green onions with yachmen
- LUKS Leek + Asparagus + Spinach Mini Quiche
- Cabbage + Spinach + Apple
- Spinach + Cheese Dough
- Leek + Spinach + Parsley Cheese Pasta (Pasta)
- Chicken + Spinach Carrot Meatballs
- Baby smoothie - blueberry + spinach with flax seeds
Spinach baby food
spinach pasta Spinach baby food is presented in the form of colored pasta and crepe soup from Mamako.