Catering baby food bandung
Nah, Ini Dia Katering MPASI Bandung Yang Recommended Dan Terpercaya
820 Articles
Mempersiapkan asupan gizi dan nutrisi yang lengkap adalah sebuah keharusan bagi seorang ibu. Namun, banyak kondisi di mana ibu mengalami kesulitan dalam mempersiapkan menu MPASI yang sehat dan enak untuk si kecil. Tapi jangan khawatir, saat ini sudah ada banyak kemudahan untuk para ibu dalam memberikan asupan makanan pendamping ASI yang berkualitas. Salah satunya adalah dengan berlangganan katering MPASI. Nah, berikut ini adalah salah satu katering MPASI recommended yang wajib kamu coba untuk wilayah Bandung dan sekitarnya.
Bebintang Bandung (
Katering MPASI Bandung pertama yang wajib kamu coba adalah Bebintang. Bebintang memang sudah cukup terkenal dengan beragam produk katering MPASI bayi dan balita yang enak dan sehat. Tidak hanya di Jakarta, Bebintang juga memiliki cabang di Kota Bandung. Sama seperti yang di Jakarta, Bebintang Bandung juga menawarkan beragam paket MPASI bayi dan balita dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau dibandingkan dengan katering lain. Nah, untuk lebih lengkapnya, kamu dapat langsung mellihat Website-nya atau menghubungi langsung dengan datang ke otletnya di Jl. Cibaduyut, Bandung, 0878-221 77 892.
Produk Bebintang
Jika anakmu merupakan anak yang sulit makan dan sangat pemilih dalam menentukan makanannya, Bebintang dapat menjawab semua keresahan kamu. Produk-produk yang ditawarkan Bebintang sangatlah beragam dengan variasi menu dan tentunya kelengkapan asupan nutrisi dan gizi yang seimbang.
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Baby & Kids Food
Katering MPASI Bebintang
Sebagai penyedia layanan katering MPASI, tentu saja Bebintang menawarkan beragam menu MPASI yang enak dan bergizi. Kamu tidak perlu khawatir dengan harganya karena dapat dikatakan paling murah dibandingkan dengan katering lain. Berikut ini adalah rincian harganya :
Paket Katering MPASI Bayi (7-11 Bulan)
- Paket 3 hari Rp 180.000
- Paket 4 hari Rp 240.000
- Paket 5 hari Rp 300.000
- Paket 10 hari Rp 59.000 /hari
- Paket 20 hari/lebih Rp 58.000 /hari
Paket Katering Anak (1-3 tahun)
- Paket 3 hari Rp 210.000
- Paket 4 hari Rp 280.000
- Paket 5 hari Rp 350.000
- Paket 10 hari Rp 69.000 /hari
- Paket 20 hari/lebih Rp 68.000 /hari
Snack dan Makanan Beku
Selain menu katering MPASI, kamu juga dapat membeli makanan ringan dan juga beragam frozen food untuk bayi dan anak. Yang pasti, semua makanan tersebut dibuat menggunakan bahan-bahan yang aman untuk kesehatan si kecil tanpa pengawet. Harga yang ditawarkan untuk menu snack dan frozen food juga beragam, mulai dari Rp10,000-70,000.
Nah, itulah beberapa ulasan mengenai salah satu katering MPASI yang recommended untuk Mommy coba di wilayah Bandung. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba, ya!
Catering Sehat untuk Anak dan Bayi
Skip to contentBaby & Kids Mealmymealcatering2022-11-21T09:56:55+07:00
Melalui paket katering ini, baik Anda maupun buah hati akan belajar pola makan yang sehat. Khusus bagi orangtua, Anda pun dapat turut belajar menu dan pengolahan makanan yang dianjurkan ahli gizi, untuk kepentingan anak Anda.
Anda dapat menghubungi tim MyMeal untuk mendapat resep yang Anda minati, agar dapat mencoba memasaknya sendiri setelah paket kateringnya selesai. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat meneruskan pola makan sehat yang kami tawarkan bagi anak Anda, bahkan setelah paketnya berakhir. Simak liputan tentang Paket Baby & Kids Meal dari MyMeal Catering disini.
Yuk, berikan yang terbaik bagi putra-putri Anda!
Apa saja keunggulan Paket Baby & Kids Meal dari MyMeal?
- Memberikan makanan sehat; organik, bebas MSG, pengawet
- Hanya menggunakan canola oil (minyak canola) dan olive oil (minyak zaitun) yang kaya akan mono unsaturated fatty acid (lemak tak jenuh tunggal), yang sangat sehat untuk buah hati anda.
- Minyak hanya digunakan 1x . Tidak ada pemakaian berulang-ulang.
- Belajar pola makan yang sehat.
- Mengenalkan variasi makanan.
- Membantu anak anda menyukai sayuran.
- Menghemat waktu, tenaga dan pikiran untuk menyusun menu anak.
- Anda dapat bebas memesan menu atau minta resep yang disukai anak; jadi anda akan bisa memasaknya sendiri kapanpun anda inginkan
- Menu dibuat sesuai usia, kebutuhan dan kondisi anak (obesitas, alergi, mencoba memperkenalkan olahan sayur dan buah lebih banyak, bekal sekolah, dll)
- Nutrition Facts yang bisa dikoleksi.
Contoh Menu Kids & Baby Meals
Kids Meals
Cheese Burger, French Fries
Baby Meals
Pure Pepaya Jeruk,
Pure Alpukat Labu Kuning
Baby Meals
Nasi Tim Ayam Bayam
3 Meals & 2 Snacks
- 28 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 3x sehari
- Gratis 2x visit nutritionist
- Go Green Cashback Rp 250.000
2 Meals & 2 Snacks
- 28 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 2x sehari
- Gratis 1x visit nutritionist
- Go Green Cashback Rp 180.000
1 Meal & 1 Snack
- 28 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 1x sehari
- –
- Go Green Cashback Rp 90.000
3 Meals & 2 Snacks
- 14 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 3x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 125.000
2 Meals & 2 Snacks
- 14 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 2x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 90.
1 Meals & 1 Snakcs
- 14 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 1x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 45.000
2 Meals
- 28 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 2x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 180.000
1 Meal
- 28 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 1x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 90.000
2 Meals
- 14 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 2x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 70.000
1 Meals
- 14 Hari
- Gratis pengiriman 1x sehari
- Go Green Cashback Rp 35.000
Children's catering: buffet table menu in Moscow
To organize an amazing and interesting holiday for children, you need to take into account many details: what entertainment to choose for the little guests, how to decorate the room and what treats to prepare?
Parents need to spend a lot of time preparing - to come up with dishes for the children's menu, choose safe dishes, festively decorate the room, table and photo zone. Also, do not forget about the birthday cake, which is always waiting for the little guests. Fortunately, now parents can relax and trust professionals - catering specialists who know everything about children's parties.
- What is baby catering
- Children's catering menu features
- Buffet table for children's event
What is children's catering
Children's catering is a set of catering services for holidays and celebrations for children. Catering specialists develop a children's menu, taking into account the preferences of the birthday boy and his guests, decorate the festive table in accordance with the theme of the celebration, prepare and deliver dishes, serve guests at the event and clean the dishes at the end of it. Children's catering gives parents the opportunity to relax and enjoy the festive atmosphere with their child, without fuss, wasting time and nerves.
You can order a buffet for various children's events: a child's birthday, a holiday in a kindergarten, a graduation from a kindergarten or elementary school, a family celebration attended by many children, an outdoor holiday. The advantage of children's catering is that there are no restrictions on the selection of a venue for the celebration. A children's buffet can be organized at home, on the territory of a kindergarten, school, park, in the forest or on the playground.
Employees of the catering company will prepare an unforgettable children's party with delicious treats anywhere in Moscow, Moscow region or regions of the country. Today, catering services are gaining popularity, as it is simple, convenient and profitable.
Features of the children's catering menu
Children's catering has its own characteristics due to the age of the participants in the events. Specialists need to take into account the fact that dishes should be healthy and suitable for children. In addition, children are often very selective in their choice of food, so caters must show imagination and ingenuity in cooking in order to please the little guests. It is important to think carefully about children's catering, the menu should be made taking into account the following points:
- Serve in small portions in a handy dish that does not break.
- You should not choose spicy, pickled and canned treats, gourmet seafood, salted fish, smoked and fatty meat, dishes with a lot of mayonnaise.
- When preparing meals for children, do not use flavor enhancers, artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives.
- Bright vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, bell peppers, tomatoes, will look great on the children's table. Suitable snack options are a cheese plate with low-fat hard varieties, meat or poultry baked in the oven, low-fat fish.
- Be sure to include children's favorite treats - pizza, french fries, burgers, sandwiches, sandwiches. They can be made not only tasty, but also healthy and suitable for children.
- Cake, sweets, ice cream, marshmallows, jelly, dried fruits are suitable as desserts.
- The most suitable drinks for a children's buffet are compote, fruit drink, juice and ordinary non-carbonated water.
- Children always pay attention to the design of the table, so you can style it like a famous cartoon, choose bright colors, make dishes bright and curly.
Buffet table for a children's event
What is the best way to serve dishes at a children's celebration so that the children have time to eat and play? Children do not like the format of the banquet when you have to sit at the table for a long time. In the company of friends they will want to have fun, play, run. Therefore, for children's holidays, the most suitable option for serving food is a buffet table.
Buffet table is perfect for little guests. This is an unusual and interesting format for serving food, which does not involve sitting at the table for a long time. To organize it, you will need tables (their number depends on the number of participants in the event), on which treats will be beautifully arranged. Children will be able to come whenever they want and eat their favorite snacks and desserts. During the breaks, the participants of the celebration can play or watch the performance of the animators. A beautifully designed buffet table will attract even the most fastidious kids who will want to choose and try a variety of treats on their own.
An attractive way to decorate a buffet table with desserts is a children's Candy bar. A variety of sweets are placed on a separate table, decorated in a single theme. There are many ideas for decorating a sweet table in the style of your favorite cartoons or games.
Buffet table can be organized by yourself, simply by ordering selected sets. On our website you will find various dishes for children that are easy to order. We will prepare and deliver sets of canapés from fresh ingredients, mini-burgers, bruschettas, portioned salads, sweets and other buffet treats, the specialists of the catering company "Ministry" will help you in compiling a children's menu.
Place an order for the necessary kits for a quick organization of a children's buffet, and our courier will bring them to the specified address at the right time. We also provide other services for holding children's events - from the selection of a suitable place to the installation of the necessary equipment and decoration.
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Children's catering in Moscow. Catering for kindergarten, holiday.

- Available services
- Kindergarten catering
- Photo gallery
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On the eve of a birthday or New Year, every child is waiting for something special and unforgettable. And gifts alone are not enough. Children love real holidays with fun, games and delicious food. And if you don’t know how to organize an event so that both the smallest and teenagers like it, we suggest contacting the Akzhera Catering agency and ordering children’s catering in Moscow.
Available services
Our company has been serving parties, holidays and banquets for many years, thanks to which each employee has many years of experience. We employ professional chefs who are able to create real masterpieces of culinary art, so both adults and children like our dishes. We provide a wide range of services, including:
- food delivery;
- assistance in choosing a venue for the event;
- provision of own premises and territories;
- rental of furniture;
- invitation of pop stars, etc.
At your request, we will write an original scenario of the holiday, which will correspond to the theme of the event, and to make this day memorable for a long time, we provide photo and video services.
Kindergarten Catering
Today there are many preschool institutions that do not have canteens. And we are ready to provide your kids with food for every day. Many people think that tasty food cannot be healthy, especially for a child's stomach. But our culinary experts will prepare a special menu for you, which will include only natural and fresh ingredients, and every kid will like it. After all, to make children's catering healthy, we consult with trusted nutritionists and take only the best recipes from them.
Fun and delicious with us!
If you don't want to spend your time preparing a festive table, we offer our services. You do not have to come to us to coordinate the menu or run around the city in search of a suitable institution. Our staff will come to you at a convenient time to discuss catering for a children's party. In addition, you can order the organization of a turnkey event, which will include such services as:
- hall decoration;
- site decoration;
- rental of musical equipment;
- light show;
- erudite presenters;
- professional animators.
Yes! We have experienced staff who are able to find an approach to each child. Therefore, you can be sure that if you order the organization of a holiday in Akzhera Catering, then not a single kid will be left without attention and will have fun with everyone.
Only 6 steps to the perfect celebration
1. Acquaintance
In order for us to contact you, leave a request or write to our mail [email protected]
2. Discussion of details
We discuss everything with you wishes for the event to make it unforgettable
3. Preparation of the CP *
Within 2 hours we will prepare * a commercial offer taking into account all your wishes
4. Free tasting
When signing a catering contract, the tasting is absolutely free for you.
5. Signing the contract and holding the event
We are ready to organize your turnkey event within 48 hours
6. Payment for the event
You pay upon the event. It is possible to pay both in cash and non-cash way.
Is it possible to order a buffet/banquet without waiter service?
Catering services require the presence of service personnel. It is service that distinguishes catering from food delivery. If you just need food delivery, check out our section with ready-made sets with snacks
Do you have food delivery?
Yes. We can offer you ready-made sets with snacks
How many days in advance do you need to confirm an order?
The sooner the better. At least 2 working days before the event. However, even if your event is tomorrow, call us and we will try to come up with something!
Do you have a menu for vegetarians?
Yes, of course, we are happy to prepare a vegetarian menu.
Do you have a children's menu?
Yes. We can offer you a comprehensive catering organization for a children's event, as well as help to complement the treats with themed stations.
How much does the buffet/banquet cost?
The cost of the event depends on many factors: number of people, duration, assortment and many other factors. You can find standard examples in the Menu section of our website
Where can you find the menu?
On our website there is a section Menu
What additional services can you offer?
You can contact us by phone +7(495)222-71-23 and we will advise you on all the services that our company has.
Do you have food tasting?
Yes, we will be happy to organize a tasting of dishes for you with a presentation or deliver your chosen dishes for self-tasting.
Is it possible to order turnkey catering from you?
Yes, you can order turnkey catering for your event. You can find more details about this service here.
How do I calculate the amount of alcohol for my event?
For the correct calculation of alcohol for events, use our useful article here.
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You can always order your event Turnkey! Request a call back, we will contact you, discuss all the details and prepare an offer based on your wishes. Leave the organization of the holiday to us, and enjoy the holiday yourself.
A holiday where food is served without table setting. Guests choose their own dishes based on their wishes. A buffet table can be held in places where the area is more limited.
Canned Catering
If you want to impress your guests at a party, canned snacks are the perfect choice. This is the original way of serving food. A variety of options for dishes can please any guest.
Coffee break
This is a coffee break with desserts for informal communication at business meetings, conferences.