Cheryl cole baby food diet
Baby food for all - but not for me
Lady Gaga, Cheryl Cole and Jennifer Aniston are said to swear by it. Gwyneth Paltrow is also allegedly a fan, as is Madonna.
But how won over are you by the concept of filling your diet solely with baby food?
The newest dietary fadThis year, the answer to all women’s problems – the aesthetic ones, anyway – appears to lie in jars of baby food.
Since it emerged that ‘celebrities’ were feasting (or not, depending on how you look at it) on this particular culinary trend, our everyday baby food has been flying off the shelves with unseen haste – alone suggestive that it’s not only our tots who are tucking in.
Popularity soarsUp and down the country, figures are showing that we are suddenly eschewing aisles packed full of ordinary food: curry ingredients, frozen foods, cereals – and just about anything adult-sized, really.
Instead, we appear to be spending quite a lot of time in the baby ones. Wet baby food sales in the UK this month are up by just over 20% compared to last year and the dry variety is up a staggering 61%.
In particular, Heinz, one of the world’s most famous food companies, has seen its sales of ‘Heinz Mum’s Own Creamed Porridge’ soar by 100%, with the rest of its stock (including Caribbean pork, rice pudding, Sunday chicken dinner) performing in an extraordinary, but brilliant, fashion.
It’s not just Heinz Baby that is reaping the rewards, however. HiPP has been doing well, as has Ella’s Kitchen, a father-run company, which boasts a range of wholesome and healthy children’s food, and has been watching profits roll in.
In order to sate the public’s appetite, its produce - which includes anything from toddler-favourite ‘Seriously comfortable Cottage Pie’ to a four month old’s puree of sweet potato, pumpkin, apples and blueberries - has recently been upgraded to counter shelves and front-of-house positions in supermarkets and their smaller-shop equivalents. They’ve begun to practically spoon-feed customers with it.
Apart from the pretty packaging and occasionally brightly-coloured plastic spoons that accompany the jars at no extra charge, what is the main drive behind this great fad?
'I developed a cleanse where you can still eat and it's a lot of puree foods,’ explains Jennifer Aniston. ‘I was very careful about the foods I chose to put in it.
'I wanted something where you can eliminate toxicity, break bad habits but still have your digestive system going. That is when the baby food cleanse was born.'
So now you know how she does it. But is this at all a sensible way to watch one’s weight?
Sensible or gormless?The concept of eating ‘mini-food’, or otherwise, food in the small, diminutive portions in which baby food is sold, is favourable to those who feel the fear of summer – and all its promised skimpy outfits – upon them.
Dieticians are always suggesting a reduction of one’s portions may in fact help with the shedding of pounds. Though taking into consideration the meagre 125g on offer, I’m not really sure baby food was what they had in mind.
In fact, I’m sure it’s not.
Baby food has restricted amounts of salt and sugar, meaning they frequently carry no more than 100 calories a pot. To make sure an adult has enough calories, ‘goo food eaters’ tend to consume several a day.
Wouldn’t it be more sensible to just eat three – proportioned – meals like the rest of us?
And how could it be in any way economical to buy crates of these tubs, when pureed food is so easily whizzed up in seconds – at no cost – at home?
Kids onlyWhile I personally cannot remember the taste and flavours of my own baby puree diet, I’m not one to suggest that the baby food produced by Heinz, and other companies like it, is not appetising enough for us all to enjoy.
In fact, I’m tempted to try a spoonful. But only a spoonful.
If the label says ‘baby’, I’m in favour of leaving that particular produce for that particular demographic.
After all, if adults were meant to consume liquidised, nutrient-restricted, minuscule portions in order to be eternally healthy, what would be the point of all the choice? And supermarkets?
Celebrities, have your ‘goo food’. I’ll act as a grown up and have a proper meal, thanks.
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Cheryl Cole Pregnancy Diet - Healthy Celeb
Cheryl Cole in the Official Calendar 2016Cheryl Cole has been through many body battles in life. From being happy and healthy to losing weight due to heartbreak, she has seen it all. Now that she is pregnant, she is taking extra care of her body and following a healthy pregnancy diet. Have a look at her new diet, learn about some beauty tips, her maternal instincts and her opinion on plastic surgery in this interesting article.
The news of this pregnancy was not shared publicly in the beginning, but the fans noticed the protruding belly during Thanksgiving holiday in 2016. A source close to the diva recently revealed that though she wanted to share the news of her pregnancy, she didn’t do it because she was afraid of jinxing it. She is enjoying something positive in her life after a long period of time so she didn’t want to endanger her happiness by telling the world how delighted she is.
Cheryl Cole showing her cakePregnancy DietThe pregnancy diet of the English singer was shared by a source with Closer. Apparently, she is on a pre-baby detox and is following a holistic approach to looking after herself and her baby. She is after making use of natural medications and nutrition in order to alleviate exhaustion, boost appetite and enhance the quality of her sleep. She has also given up sugary foods and caffeine. Now, her diet consists of oats, fruits, nuts, green tea and cranberry juice.
Cole is opting for a natural detox diet to flush all the toxins from her body before the birth so that she can breastfeed. She wants her baby to get 100% best nutrition.
Her ExcitementCheryl Cole with baby bump and Liam Payne at a Christmas concertThe girlfriend of Liam Payne is very excited to meet her baby. Her due date is mid to late March but she knows that usually, the baby arrives about a week or two before. So, she could be a new mom any day now.
Her Motherly InstinctThe England-born has a natural motherly instinct as she loves playing with her nephews and nieces in her free time. She is also eager to help young people who are dealing with difficulties in life. She chats with people daily on social media so that she can help them live happier and problem-free life. Sometimes, she has to deal with people who are so sad that they even hurt themselves. Thankfully, she never did anything like that.
Chezza has confessed that she was depressed as a teenager. She would never like to go back to her teenage self. This is the reason she wants the younger generation to have opportunity and hope. She was even a worrier as a child and grew up with nothing. Now, if she had to give some advice to her younger self, she would want herself to relax, not to worry much and talk about what she is feeling. Her advice to youngsters is that no matter how hard it feels, you will get through it.
Changing LifeThe pregnancy has led to many changes in her life. A recent change was that she is reportedly living with the father of the child, Liam at Surrey. It is a place where she spent the last Christmas and they have a lot of good memories there too. She loves it there but she will also keep her house in Hertfordshire. The TV personality has also made other changes like she is not socializing much and is avoiding alcohol.
A few months back, she admitted that she is happier than she has ever been in life and she is enjoying a good time in life.
Cheryl Cole showing her baby bump in loose jumperBe ComfortableThe author is now very comfortable in her own skin and doesn’t bother about what people think of her. She knows that there is nothing like a perfect life.
Being TransparentThe brunette also thinks that people easily know how she is feeling because her eyes give everything away. She is not good at hiding her emotions and feels amazing when people realize she is truly happy.
Knowing Herself BetterChez also thinks that being in her 30s has been a good experience as she knows herself better now. She has now learned to be less apologetic and doesn’t care about what people say. In her opinion, everyone should just focus on their life without bothering about what people think or say.
Another change that’s happened in her life due to her pregnancy is that she is cooking a lot these days. She is trying recipes by Jamie Oliver as she is inspired by him.
Cheryl Cole cooking on Jamie Oliver’s Food RevolutionAdvice for FansFor people who think that nothing is good in life, the entrepreneur has a bit of advice. You should know that life is not easy and sometimes, you won’t even know what hit you. The only thing you can do is to believe that you will get through things. You just need to keep going and you will get through it.
A Nature LoverWhen the celebrity is free, she likes to take long walks outdoors and being surrounded by nature where nothing can touch her.
Not PerfectThe dancer knows that she is not perfect. Women change with how they feel about themselves and she is the same. She is not worried about how she looks all the time like many people think. She feels her best when she is healthy and happy. When she is at home, she wears an old t-shirt and PJs like a normal person.
The top beauty tips shared by the brown-eyed beauty are that you should exercise, sleep, drink loads of water and take the makeup off at night. If you need vitamins, you should take them.
Opinion on Plastic SurgeryThough the hottie is not considering plastic surgery at the moment, she is not ruling it out. She may go for it in the future and if she does, she won’t be sorry about it. You should do what feels right and own it. If she wants to wear a leotard in her 60s, she will. (And that’s the attitude we love!)
Did we miss anyone?
Weird celebrity diets | Tatler Russia
Baby food for Cheryl Cole and sweets for Uma.
Natalia Korotkova
Cheryl Cole
You can convince us as much as you like that uniforms are in fashion, but the life of any woman is still an eternal battle with being overweight. And if your face is known to most of the world's population, then everything that goes beyond the zero size of clothes is considered superfluous. Each enemy gram of the stellar body is doomed to destruction without looking back and the severity of the measures and their consequences, and the measures, by the way, amaze with their originality.
Thus, Cheryl Cole, having received the news that she will become a judge in the X-Factor show, decided to bring her body to perfection, giving it to the full disposal of the famous Hollywood trainer Tracy Anderson, who immediately put the star client on baby food. With a light filing by Tracy, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and even Madonna indulged in nostalgia for the first days of their own lives at different times.
Sarah Jessica Parker
Uma Thurman
The essence of the diet is simple: it is allowed to eat no more than 14 jars of baby food per day, any other food is completely excluded from the diet. According to Tracy, baby food is perfectly balanced in terms of vitamins and microelements, due to which the body easily tolerates such an ascetic diet. Coupled with daily workouts, the Tracey Anderson program gives amazing results. We have no reason not to trust the strict but fair fitness diva: having an initially wide bone and an innate tendency to be overweight, Tracy did everything so that every inch of her flawless body said exactly the opposite.
Uma Thurman's strange diet, in turn, is striking in its inconsistency. To lose weight, the actress eats only sweets! Incredible, but it works. Carbohydrates instantly satisfy the feeling of hunger and provide energy for intense physical activity. So, eating eclairs in between sword fights, you can lose up to 10 kilograms.
Maple syrup helped Beyoncé to stop the process of absorbing herself with her own growing forms. For a long time, the singer only drank syrup diluted with water, juice or cayenne pepper, which helped her significantly lose weight and generously give the palm to J. Lo's roundest butt.
Sarah Jessica Parker, slender by nature, struggles with excess weight using the “deep freeze” method. According to the logic of the true blonde, the star keeps the size zero of clothes by eating food chilled to a temperature below zero (frozen fruits, berries and even ice cream). According to scientists, the body spends much more energy than usual on the digestion of chilled foods, which contributes to weight loss.
If I find out that one of the celebrities eats earthworms and tadpoles for breakfast, I will definitely tell you!
Photo: Getty,Splash
Baby food diet |
The fight against excess weight is an eternal women's issue. Almost every second representative of the fair sex wants to get rid of at least a couple of extra pounds. And, of course, almost all women after childbirth think about restoring the figure or improving it. But how to do this if you have a small child in your arms, which takes almost all of your time and attention? It's time to start one of the many diets. offers a quite popular all over the world diet based on the use of canned baby food. It is followed by Beyoncé, Cheryl Cole, Reese Witherspoon and even Lady Gaga.
Two well-known figures in the beauty industry claim authorship - fashion designer Hedi Slimane, who once created a collection of tight-fitting silhouettes for the Christian Dior fashion house and invented feeding male models with baby food, and fitness trainer Tracy Anderson who works with celebrities. The girl became famous by advising the ingenious in its simplicity "canned" diet to American actress Jennifer Aniston.
It is credible that Anderson initially developed a diet exclusively for herself in order to get rid of the 20 kilograms gained during her own pregnancy. I am glad that, as a professional trainer, she decided to combine business with pleasure - not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, for which she actively consulted with professional nutritionists.
The result was a baby food diet that proved so effective that it is now called the most popular diet on the planet.
How to lose weight with baby food
There are several variations of this diet. The first, strict, involves active weight loss - up to 5 kg in one week, but at the same time it requires special restrictions. Not only that, the food should be canned. Women are advised to adhere to a monoration - that is, to exclude meat and fish with a side dish, for example, with potatoes or pasta - such dishes are often offered to growing babies by manufacturing companies. In addition, with a hard option, it is not allowed to use cereals, curds and fruit juices, since some of them may contain a small amount of sugar.
On the one hand, it is extremely tempting, on the other hand, one must choose this path with great care: firstly, only if one is in good health, and secondly, by promising oneself not to go on this diet more than twice a year. When kilograms melt before our eyes, women exhausted by trying to lose weight have an irresistible desire to continue. However, further weight loss at this rate can undermine health.
The second version of the baby food diet is extended for two weeks, no more. It is also not recommended to repeat it earlier than after six months.
The 14-day diet includes all children's foods and meals, even cookies, but requires careful calorie counting. Fortunately, they are written on each package: the energy value of one jar, depending on its contents, averages from 25 to 75 kcal. A diet involves limiting the daily diet to 1200 kcal. True, this figure may vary - depending on the woman's initial build, physical activity and the number of kilograms that she wants to lose.
Mom's menu for kids
A daily diet for a two-week diet might look like this:
- Breakfast: porridge), herbal or green tea without sugar.
- For lunch: 1 jar of fruit puree (or baby curd).
- Lunch: 1 jar of mashed meat (or meat with vegetables / fish with vegetables), baby juice (preferably without sugar).
- Snack: 1 serving of cottage cheese (or 1 jar of fruit puree or herbal tea with 2 baby biscuits).
- Dinner: 1 jar of vegetable puree, 1 jar of fruit puree, 1 curd and tea. Optional: 1 jar of meat/fish puree with vegetables, cottage cheese and tea.
- Late dinner (to avoid insomnia from hunger): 1 jar of vegetable or fruit puree and herbal tea without sugar.
This menu is just a guideline that can be taken as a given or modified as you wish. In particular, for those who are accustomed to eating two or three times a day, it is not forbidden to make a “three sets” diet for themselves, based on daily caloric content, and each time eat the contents of several jars at once. The only restriction is not to combine meat purees with potatoes and bananas.
In turn, mothers who are used to snacking on the run throughout the day will not find it difficult to organize fractional meals for themselves - for example, one or two cans every three hours. The main thing is not to exceed the planned number of calories.
In the intervals between meals, as well as during any other diet, non-carbonated water will be a good help - 1.5-2 liters per day.
For many, this amount of liquid causes concern, however, if the woman is healthy, the occurrence of edema, due to the lack of salt in the diet, is excluded.
Why should such a diet be preferred to all others? A healthier diet is hard to imagine. On the one hand, a woman limits herself in the use of salt, sugar and starch, as well as fried, spicy and smoked foods, on the other hand, she receives a complete set of vitamins and microelements, which she can hardly get with a normal diet the rest of the time.
Advanced technologies, used by conscientious manufacturing companies, allow you to save the maximum amount of vitamins contained in fresh vegetables and fruits. As a result, eating, for example, a jar of Heinz Broccoli puree, a woman receives a certain amount of vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2 and PP, as well as minerals necessary for maintaining health - potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium and boron. By the way, broccoli, according to nutritionists, is much richer in beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) than many other fruits.
In turn, a jar of squash puree will add a certain amount of vitamin E, C and B, as well as sodium, magnesium, calcium, zinc to the diet. It is also important that the children's zucchini dish contains a high content of pectin - a substance that normalizes the functioning of the intestines, absorbs unhealthy substances and removes them from the body.
Meanwhile, cauliflower will enrich the diet with vitamins H and U, which are not found in all fruits. It has also been proven that this representative of the cruciferous family is ahead of other varieties of cabbage in terms of the amount of vegetable protein, and is also better absorbed than others due to its thin cellular structure.
Sugar-free fruit purees diversify a boring diet and will be an excellent dessert for a losing weight mother: a dish of apples will “share” with her immunity-strengthening vitamin C and pectin, and pureed pears - B vitamins, including folic acid, which reduces the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia.
At the same time, food of higher quality than those intended for children is not to be found. The competition in this market is extremely high, so only the products of companies that produce products of ideal quality and have an impeccable reputation confirmed by decades of work get on the shelves.
In addition, no other product that can be purchased in stores is controlled as carefully as baby food: its composition is guaranteed not only by the manufacturer, but also by various inspection authorities, including the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Rospotrebnadzor. Their retail approved baby food contains only 100 percent natural ingredients, with no hint of flavors, artificial preservatives, colors or genetically modified ingredients.
Thus, a diet based on baby food makes it possible to become not only slimmer, but also healthier.
Benefits of a diet based on baby food
- Overweight fighters must have heard about the effect of a small plate: its small diameter creates the illusion of a large portion, and the body is subconsciously satiated. Approximately the same way, you can moderate your appetite by eating a couple of cans of baby food one after another: here the amount of food eaten plays a role (it is better not to remember about low calorie content and small volume at this moment).
- Having bought several dozen purees, you can forget about cooking at least for a while, saving time and energy.
- It is convenient to take jars with you to have a snack in fractional mode without accumulating a brutal appetite. In addition, at work, none of your colleagues will ask you to share, leaving you half-starved.
Disadvantages and contraindications of baby food diet
- Lack of salt and spices becomes an additional test of the will and for many a reason to prefer another low-calorie diet.
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