Feeding procedure of babies
Feeding Your Newborn (for Parents)
How you feed your newborn is the first nutrition decision you make for your child. These guidelines on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can help you know what's right for you and your baby.
Breast or Bottle?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies be breastfed exclusively for about the first 6 months. After they start on solid foods, babies should breastfeed through the first year of life and even beyond, if desired.
But breastfeeding isn't possible or preferable for all new moms. Deciding to breastfeed or bottle feed a baby is usually based on the mother's comfort level with breastfeeding and her lifestyle. In some cases, breastfeeding may not be recommended for a mom and her baby. If you have any questions about whether to breastfeed or formula feed, talk to your pediatrician.
Remember, your baby's nutritional and emotional needs will be met whether you choose to breastfeed or formula feed.
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding your newborn has many benefits. Perhaps most important, breast milk is the perfect food for a baby's digestive system. It has the nutrients that a newborn needs, and it’s easily digested. Commercial formulas try to imitate breast milk, and come close, but can't match it exactly.
Breast milk has
antibodiesthat help protect babies from many infections, including diarrhea and ear and lung infections. Breastfed babies are less likely to develop medical problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, and allergies. Breastfeeding also might make a child less likely to become overweight.
Breastfeeding is great for moms too. It burns calories, so can help nursing moms lose the weight gained during pregnancy. Breastfeeding also may offer protection from breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Some moms find breastfeeding easier and quicker than formula feeding — it needs no preparation, and you don't run out of breast milk in the middle of the night. Also, breastfeeding costs little. Nursing mothers do need to eat more and may want to buy nursing bras and pads, a breast pump, or other equipment. But these expenses are generally less than the cost of formula.
Breastfeeding meets a variety of emotional needs for both moms and babies. The skin-to-skin contact can enhance the emotional connection, and providing complete nourishment can help new moms feel confident in their ability to care for their newborn.
Limitations of Breastfeeding
With all the good things known about breastfeeding, why doesn't every mother choose to breastfeed?
Breastfeeding requires a big commitment from a mother. Some new moms feel tied down by the demands of a nursing newborn. Because breast milk is easily digested, breastfed babies tend to eat more often than babies who are fed formula. This means moms can be in demand as often as every 2 or 3 hours in the first few weeks. This can be tiring, but it's not long before babies feed less often and sleep longer at night.
Some new mothers need to get back to work outside the home or separate from their babies from time to time for other reasons. Some opt for formula feeding so other caregivers can give the baby a bottle. Mothers who want to continue breastfeeding can use a breast pump to collect breast milk to be given in a bottle, so their babies still get its benefits even when mom isn't there to breastfeed.
Fathers and other family members may want to share in feeding the baby. When mom is breastfeeding, dad or siblings may want to stay close by. Helping mom get comfortable, or providing a burp cloth when needed, will let them be part of the experience.
When breastfeeding is going well, other family members can help by giving the baby pumped breast milk in a bottle when mom needs a break.
Some moms may feel embarrassed or worried about breastfeeding. These feelings usually end after a successful breastfeeding process is set. It can help to get advice from those who've gone through the experience. Most hospitals and birthing centers offer in-depth instruction on breastfeeding to new moms. Your pediatrician, nurse practitioner, or nurse can answer questions or put you in touch with a lactation consultant or a breastfeeding support group.
In some cases, a mother's health may affect her ability to breastfeed. Moms getting chemotherapy for cancer and those who have HIV should not breastfeed, for example.
If you have a medical condition or take any medicines regularly, talk with your doctor about whether it's OK to breastfeed. If you have to stop nursing temporarily, continue to pump breast milk to maintain milk production. If you or your baby are sick, continue to breastfeed if you can. Talk to the doctor if you have any concerns.
In some situations, it may not possible to breastfeed, such as when a baby is very sick or born early. Mothers should talk with their baby's doctor about expressing and storing milk. Often, a baby who can't breastfeed can get breast milk through a feeding tube or bottle.
Some moms who have inverted nipples may have trouble breastfeeding, but a lactation consultant usually can help them overcome this. Likewise, women who have had plastic surgery on their breasts should be able to successfully breastfeed. Talk with your doctor if you have any concerns.
Hold off on pacifiers or bottles until your baby has gotten used to and is good at breastfeeding. Lactation professionals recommend waiting until a baby is about 3–4 weeks old before offering artificial nipples of any kind (including pacifiers).
Benefits of Formula Feeding
Commercially prepared infant formula is a nutritious alternative to breast milk. Bottle feeding can offer more freedom and flexibility for moms, and make it easier to know how much the baby is getting.
Because babies digest formula more slowly than breast milk, a baby who is getting formula may need fewer feedings than one who breastfeeds. Formula feeding also can make it easier to feed the baby in public, and lets the father and other family members help feed the baby, which can enhance bonding.
Limitations of Formula Feeding
Just as breastfeeding has its unique demands, so does bottle feeding. Bottle feeding takes organization and preparation, especially if you want to take your baby out. Store-bought formula can be pretty expensive, but do not try to make your own formula at home.
It's important to make sure that you have enough formula on hand, and bottles that are clean and ready to be used.
Here are a few guidelines for formula feeding:
- Carefully follow directions on the label when preparing formula. Do not add more water than directed.
- Bottles left out of the refrigerator longer than 1 hour and any formula left in the bottle that a baby doesn't finish should be discarded.
- Prepared bottles of formula can be stored in the refrigerator up to 24 hours and carefully warmed just before feeding. You don't have to warm formula, but most babies prefer it.
- A bottle of formula can be warmed by holding it in running warm water or setting it in a pan of warm water.
A bottle of formula (or breast milk) should never be warmed in a microwave. The bottle can heat unevenly and leave "hot spots" that can burn a baby's mouth.
How Often Do Newborns Eat?
Your newborn will nurse about 8 to 12 times per day during the first weeks of life. In the beginning, mothers may want to try nursing 10–15 minutes on each breast, then adjust the time as needed.
Breastfeeding should be on demand (when your baby is hungry), which is generally every 1–3 hours. As newborns get older, they'll nurse less often and have longer stretches between feedings. Newborn babies who are getting formula will likely take about 2–3 ounces every 2–4 hours. Newborns should not go more than about 4–5 hours without feeding.
Signs that babies are hungry include:
- moving their heads from side to side
- opening their mouths
- sticking out their tongues
- placing their hands and fists to their mouths
- puckering their lips as if to suck
- nuzzling against their mothers' breasts
- crying
A feeding schedule is not necessary — you and your baby will get into a routine. Babies know (and will let their parents know) when they're hungry and when they've had enough. Watch for signs that your baby is full (slowing down, spitting out the bottle or unlatching from breast, closing the mouth, turning away from the breast or bottle) and stop the feeding when these signs appear.
As babies grow, they begin to eat more at each feeding and can go longer between feedings. There may be other times when your infant seems hungrier than usual. Continue to nurse or feed on demand. Nursing mothers need not worry — breastfeeding stimulates milk production, and your supply of breast milk will adjust to your baby's demand for it.
Is My Newborn Getting Enough to Eat?
New parents often worry about whether their babies are getting enough to eat.
Babies are getting enough to eat if they:
- seem satisfied
- have about 6–8 wet diapers a day
- have regular bowel movements (poops)
- sleep well
- are alert when awake
- are gaining weight
A baby who is fussing, crying, seems hungry, does not appear satisfied after feeding, and has fewer wet diapers may not be getting enough to eat. If you're concerned that your baby isn't getting enough to eat, call your doctor.
Most infants "spit up" a small amount after eating or during burping, but a baby should not vomit after feeding. Vomiting after every feeding might be a sign of an allergy, digestive problem, or other problem that needs medical care. If you have concerns that your baby is spitting up too much, call your doctor.
Should Newborns Get Nutritional Supplements?
Breast milk has the right combination of vitamins and easily absorbed iron for newborns. A healthy infant being nursed by a healthy mother doesn't need extra vitamins or nutritional supplements, with the exception of vitamin D. Breastfed babies should begin vitamin D supplements within the first few days of life, continuing until they get enough vitamin D-fortified formula or milk (after 1 year of age).
Breastfeeding mothers who follow vegetarian diets that do not include animal products need vitamin B12 supplements.
Iron-fortified formula has the right blend of vitamins and minerals for a baby, so supplements usually aren't needed. Infants drinking less than 1 liter, or about a quart, of formula a day may need a vitamin D supplement.
Water, juice, and other foods usually aren't necessary during a baby's first 6 months. Breast milk and formula provide everything babies need nutritionally until they start eating solid foods. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about feeding your newborn.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: February 2021
Bottle Feeding
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Newborns should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. There may be a longer time between feedings as your baby gets older. Feedings are more positive when babies are calm. Make sure your baby is dressed comfortably, and their diaper is dry before you start feeding. Feedings help you bond with your baby, so take your time and give them your attention.
Getting Ready to Feed Your Baby- You can warm human milk or formula that’s in a bottle by putting it in a bowl of hot water.
Let it reach lukewarm or room temperature. It should not be warmer than room temperature because it could burn your baby. Do not heat bottles in the microwave.
- Test the temperature of the human milk or formula by shaking a few drops on the inside of your wrist. It should feel warm, but not hot.
- Do not cut the nipple.
- Wash your hands before feeding your baby.
- Sit in a comfortable position. Hold your baby in the curve of your arm close to your body. Hold their head and back tilted up (Picture 1). This position will:
- Help keep them from choking.
- Keep your baby comfortable so they can enjoy their food.
- Hold the bottom of the bottle at an angle, so the human milk or formula fills the nipple. This keeps your baby from sucking in air.
- Feed your baby and stop as needed for breaks. Let them eat until they show signs that they are full.
The amount your baby eats depends on their age.
- Burp your baby 2 or 3 times during the feeding to get rid of any swallowed air. When burping them:
- Put a towel or burp cloth under their chin.
- Hold them in a sitting position on your lap and support their chin and chest or hold them up against your chest.
- Gently rub their back with your other hand. Do this until they burp.
- Sometimes a little human milk or formula can come up.
Wash the bottle, nipple, rings, and cap in a bowl of hot soapy water or in a dishwasher (follow package instructions). Rinse completely and let air dry. Clean the bottle brush and basin or bowl with hot soapy water.
Safety- Do not change how you feed your baby before checking with your doctor or health care provider.
- When feeding your baby, they should be held with their head and shoulders up.
They should not be fed while they are lying flat.
- Never prop your baby’s bottle. This can lead to choking and possible ear infections.
- Do not let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. The milk around the teeth can cause cavities.
- Throw away any human milk or formula left from the feeding within 1 hour.
- Do not put honey, corn syrup, cereal, or other foods in your baby’s bottle.
- Do not feed water, juice, or honey to infants under 1 year of age.
- Newborns only need human milk or formula. Adding foods can lead to choking and/or overfeeding.
If you have any questions, please ask your doctor or health care provider.
Bottle Feeding (PDF)
HH-IV-5 | ©1980, revised 9/2022 | Nationwide Children's Hospital
Catering in a preschool educational institution
Regulations on the organization of catering for pupils of the MDEI "Kindergarten No. 41"
Regulations on the marriage commission of the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41"
growth processes, physical and neuropsychic development of the child. Deterioration in the quality of nutrition leads to a decrease in the level of protective and adaptive mechanisms of the child's body and a possible increase in allergic reactions, contributes to the growth of diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, the quality of food in our kindergarten is given increased attention.
The main principles of catering in our institution are:
* Compliance of the energy value of the diet with the energy consumption of the child.
* Balance in the diet of all interchangeable and essential nutrients.
*Maximum variety of foods for a balanced diet.
* Proper technological and culinary processing of products, aimed at preserving their original nutritional value, as well as high palatability of dishes.
* An optimal diet, an environment that forms the habits of a culture of eating in children.
* Nutrition Hygiene (Food Safety)
Kindergarten Nutrition: Rules and Regulations
Every mother cares what her child is fed in kindergarten. There are many questions about nutrition, let's try to figure it out.
The excitement of parents who have to send their "home" child to a kindergarten is quite understandable. Will the baby get everything he needs, will he be fed with calories and quality? And most importantly, will he gobble up kindergarten food with appetite after homemade delights?
We hasten to reassure all mothers and fathers: food in the kindergarten is at the required level and there is no reason to worry.
As for the baby's addictions, be prepared for the fact that, perhaps at first, your child will be a little naughty, turning away from unusual, in his opinion too insipid, food.
Yes, in kindergarten no one will offer him a spicy seasoning, his favorite fried meat or a hamburger.
But it is really better for kids to do without fried, spicy and fatty foods. All whims are temporary. Of course, the child will have to get used to the new menu, but all this is only for the benefit of his health.
And in a cheerful company of peers, the process of tasting new dishes and getting used to them will go faster.
The basis of proper nutrition in kindergartens is the approved norms. And for different age groups - the rules of their own. If your baby is from 1 to 3 years old, he needs an average of 53 g of protein, 53 g of fat and 212 g of carbohydrates per day, and from 3 years to 6 years - 68 g, 68 g and 272 g, respectively. menu, taking into account nutritional standards. The child should receive a certain amount of meat, butter, kefir, fruits and so on per day.
There is a brokerage magazine in the kindergarten, where many indicators are recorded:
what every day children get for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, volume, quality.
The consumption of each type of product must correspond to the norm.
Outsourcing 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement, goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" on a contract basis, both at the expense of the budget, and at the expense of the payment of parents (legal representatives) for the maintenance of the child in the Institution. The procedure for catering is determined by the municipal contract. The kindergarten has concluded an agreement on the organization of a four-single balanced meal on the territory of the kindergarten with Social Nutrition Plant LLC.
Food products delivered to the kindergarten have documents confirming their origin, quality and safety; are stored in compliance with the requirements of SanPin and commodity neighborhood in the pantry of the catering unit.
Any product supplied to the kindergarten is accompanied by mandatory documents: invoice, declaration of conformity, quality certificate and veterinary certificate. Without them, the institution will not take the product, and the product is accepted by the production manager and, of course, by the nurse. In addition, the supplier who delivers the products must have sanitary certificates for the car, a sanitary book for the driver and for people accompanying the goods.
Product labels with production date are kept in the kindergarten for two days for control.
Plant of social nutrition LLC
Address 150003, Yaroslavl, Lenina ave. :00, day off - Sunday
E-mail: [email protected]
Official website: https://socpitanie.ru/
Conditions for catering for pupils
The sacrament of preparing lunches and breakfasts takes place in the catering department. It is from here that delicious aromas spread throughout the kindergarten. All dishes are homemade; are prepared in accordance with technological maps, sanitary standards.
In accordance with the established sanitary requirements, the Institution has created the following conditions for catering for pupils:
- there are production premises for storage, cooking, fully equipped with the necessary equipment,
- the operating mode of the catering unit is carried out according to the schedule of the cold / warm period of the year (quarantine).
Arrangement, equipment, maintenance of the kindergarten food unit complies with the sanitary rules for the organization of children's public catering. The catering unit is equipped with all the necessary technological and refrigeration equipment, production equipment, kitchen utensils.
According to sanitary requirements, the kitchens have separate areas - for cutting raw products, a meat shop, a vegetable shop, a room where they wash dishes, a hot shop. Wooden cutting boards, all with inscriptions: "for vegetables", "for meat", etc. Carving knives also each have their own "customer": meat, bread, vegetables, eggs ... The latter, for example, are washed in a special container before cooking and even smashed with a special knife.
All products are processed and stored in their own refrigerator, it is completely impossible to find raw meat and, for example, butter on the shelves. Refrigerators are plentiful and necessary.
Chefs must leave one portion of each dish in the refrigerator for a day. With any check, you can immediately make sure that the children ate on that particular day.
also include vegetable dishes, puddings or milk porridge, can be supplemented with fermented milk products or freshly squeezed juices.
Menu for the nutrition of children 1-3 years old in the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 01/09/2019.
Menu for the nutrition of children aged 3-7 years in the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 01/09/2019.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 11/01/2019.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 01.11.2019
Menu for nutrition of children with allergic pathology from 12/09/2019.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 01/09/2020.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 05/18/2020
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 05/18/2020.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 08/05/2020
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 08/05/2020
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 11/16/2020.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 11/16/2020.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 01/25/2021.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 01/25/2021.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 04/05/2021
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 04/05/2021
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 06/16/2021
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 06/16/2021.
Menu for eating 1 - 3 years in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 10.01.2022
Changes made to the menu for 1-3 years in the MDOU "Kindergarten 41" dated 14. 01.2022.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 01/10/2022.
Menu for eating 1 - 3 years in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 02/07/2022.
Menu for meals 3 - 7 years old in MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" from 02/07/2022.
Menu for meals 1 - 3 years old in the MDOU "Kindergarten No. 41" dated 04/20/2022
Menu for 08/25/2022
The diet of a child aged 4
Your baby is already 4 months old. He has noticeably grown up, become more active, is interested in objects that fall into his field of vision, carefully examines and reaches for them. The emotional reactions of the child have become much richer: he joyfully smiles at all the people whom he often sees more and more often, makes various sounds.
Are you still breastfeeding your baby or have you switched to formula or formula feeding? The child is actively growing, and only with breast milk or infant formula, he can no longer always get all the necessary nutrients. And that means it's time to think about complementary foods.
Optimal time to start its introduction is between 4 and 6 months, regardless of whether the baby is receiving breast milk or formula. This is the time when children respond best to new foods. Up to 4 months, the child is not yet ready to perceive and digest any other food. And with the late introduction of complementary foods - after 6 months, children already have significant deficiencies of individual nutrients and, first of all, micronutrients (minerals, vitamins, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc.). In addition, toddlers at this age often refuse new foods, they have delayed development of chewing skills for thick foods, and inadequate eating habits are formed. It is important to know that, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance, with a delayed appointment of complementary foods, allergic reactions more often occur on them.
When is it advisable to introduce complementary foods as early as 4 months, and when can you wait until 5. 5 or even 6 months? To resolve this issue, be sure to consult a pediatrician.
The optimal time to start introducing complementary foods to a healthy baby is between 5 and 5.5 months of age.
The World Health Organization recommends that breastfed babies should be introduced to complementary foods from 6 months of age. From the point of view of domestic pediatricians, which is based on the big
practical experience and scientific research, this is possible only in cases where the child was born on time, without malnutrition (because in these cases the mineral reserves are very small), he is healthy, grows and develops well. In addition, the mother should also be healthy, eat well and use either specialized enriched foods for pregnant and lactating women, or vitamin and mineral complexes in courses. Such restrictions are associated with the depletion of iron stores even in a completely healthy child by 5-5.5 months of age and a significant increase in the risk of anemia in the absence of complementary foods rich or fortified with iron. There are other deficits as well.
The first food product can be vegetable puree or porridge, fruit puree is better to give the baby later - after tasty sweet fruits, children usually eat vegetable puree and cereals worse, often refuse them altogether.
Where is the best place to start? In cases where the child has a tendency to constipation or he puts on weight too quickly, preference should be given to vegetables. With a high probability of developing anemia, unstable stools and small weight gains - from baby cereals enriched with micronutrients. And if you started introducing complementary foods with cereals, then the second product will be vegetables and vice versa.
If the first complementary foods are introduced at 6 months, it must be baby porridge enriched with iron and other minerals and vitamins, the intake of which with breast milk is no longer enough.
Another important complementary food product is mashed meat. It contains iron, which is easily absorbed. And adding meat to vegetables improves the absorption of iron from them. It is advisable to introduce meat puree to a child at the age of 6 months. Only the daily use of children's enriched porridge and meat puree can satisfy the needs of babies in iron, zinc and other micronutrients.
But it is better to introduce juices later, when the child already receives the main complementary foods - vegetables, cereals, meat and fruits. After all, complementary foods are needed so that the baby receives all the substances necessary for growth and development, and there are very few in their juices, including vitamins and minerals.
Juices should not be given between feedings, but after the child has eaten porridge or vegetables with meat puree, as well as for an afternoon snack. The habit of drinking juice between meals leads to frequent snacking in the future, a love of sweets is instilled, children have more tooth decay and an increased risk of obesity.
With the start of the introduction of complementary foods, the child is gradually transferred to the 5-time feeding regimen.
Complementary feeding rules:
- preference should be given to baby products of industrial production, they are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, have a guaranteed composition and degree of grinding
- Complementary foods should be offered to the baby by spoon at the start of feeding, before breastfeeding (formula feeding)
- the volume of the product increases gradually, starting with ½ - 1 spoon, and in 7 - 10 days we bring it to the age norm, subsequent products within the same group (cereals from other cereals or new vegetables) can be introduced faster, in 5 - 7 days
- start introduction with monocomponent products
- it is undesirable to give a new product in the afternoon, it is important to follow how the child reacts to it
- do not introduce new products in the event of acute illnesses, as well as before and immediately after prophylactic vaccination (should abstain for several days)
When introducing a new type of complementary food, first try one product, gradually increasing its amount, and then gradually "dilute" this product with a new one. For example, vegetable complementary foods can be started with a teaspoon of zucchini puree. During the week, give the baby only this product, gradually increasing its volume. After a week, add a teaspoon of mashed broccoli or cauliflower to the zucchini puree and continue to increase the total volume every day. Vegetable puree from three types of vegetables will be optimal. The portion should correspond to the age norm. Over time, you can replace the introduced vegetables with others faster.
After the introduction of one vegetable (bringing its volume to the required amount), you can proceed to the intake of porridge, and diversify the vegetable diet later.
If the child did not like the dish, for example, broccoli, do not give up on your plan and continue to offer this vegetable in a small amount - 1-2 spoons daily, you can not even once, but 2-3 times before meals, and after 7 - 10, and sometimes 15 days, the baby will get used to the new taste. This diversifies the diet, will help to form the right taste habits in the baby.
Spoon-feed with patience and care. Forced feeding is unacceptable!
In the diet of healthy children, porridge is usually introduced after vegetables (with the exception of healthy breastfed children, when complementary foods are introduced from 6 months). It is better to start with dairy-free gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, corn, rice. At the same time, it is important to use porridge for baby food of industrial production, which contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is already ready for use, you just need to dilute it with breast milk or the mixture that the baby receives.
Children with food allergies are introduced complementary foods at 5-5.5 months. The rules for the introduction of products are the same as for healthy children, in all cases it is introduced slowly and begins with hypoallergenic products. Be sure to take into account individual tolerance. The difference is only in the correction of the diet, taking into account the identified allergens. From meat products, preference should first be given to mashed turkey and rabbit.
Diets for different age periods
explain how to make a diet, it is better on several examples that will help to navigate the menu for your child.
From 5 months, the volume of one feeding is on average 200 ml.
Option 1.
I feeding
6 hours
Breast milk or VHI*
200 ml
II feeding
10 hours
Dairy-free porridge**
Supplementation with breast milk or VHI*
150 g
50 ml
III feeding
14 hours
Vegetable puree
Meat puree Vegetable oil
Supplemental breast milk or VHI*
150 g
5 - 30 g
1 tsp
30 ml
IV feeding
18 hours
Fruit puree
Breast milk or VHI*
60 g
140 ml
I feeding | Breast milk or VHI* | 200 ml |
II feeding | Dairy-free porridge** | 150 g |
III feeding | Vegetable puree | 150 g |
IV feeding | Fruit puree | 40 g |
V feeding | Breast milk or VHI* | 200 ml |
* - children's milk mixture
** - diluted with breast milk or DMS
Option 3.
9000 9000
An approximate daily diet for a baby at 6.5 months on breastfeeding, if complementary foods began to be administered from 6 months:
I feeding | Breast milk | |
II feeding | Dairy-free porridge** | 100 g |
III feeding | Vegetable puree | 100 g |
IV feeding | Breast milk |
V feeding | Breast milk |
** - diluted with breast milk
Up to 7 months, increase the volume of porridge and vegetable puree to 150 g and introduce fruit puree.