Food ideas for 14 month old baby
Baby and toddler meal ideas
If you need some inspiration to help you cook healthy and tasty food for your kids, try these meal ideas.
They are not suitable as first foods, but fine once your baby is used to eating a wide range of solid foods. Read more about your baby's first solid foods.
When preparing food for babies, do not add sugar or salt (including stock cubes and gravy) directly to the food or to the cooking water.
You can find more meal ideas and recipes on the Start4Life website.
Breakfast ideas for babies and young children- unsweetened porridge or lower-sugar cereal mixed with whole milk and topped with fruit, such as mashed ripe pear or banana
- wholewheat biscuit cereal (choose lower-sugar options) with whole milk and fruit
- lower-sugar breakfast cereal and unsweetened stewed apple with plain, unsweetened yoghurt
- toast fingers with mashed banana and smooth peanut butter (if possible, choose unsalted and no added sugar varieties)
- toast fingers with a hard-boiled egg and slices of tomato, banana or ripe peach
- toast or muffin fingers with scrambled egg and slices of tomato
- lamb curry with rice
- cauliflower cheese with cooked pasta pieces
- baked beans (reduced salt and sugar) with toast
- scrambled egg with toast, chapatti or pitta bread served with vegetable finger foods
- cottage cheese (full-fat) dip with pitta bread, cucumber and carrot sticks
- mashed sweet potato with chickpeas and cauliflower
- shepherd's pie (made with beef or lamb and/or lentils or vegetarian mince) with green vegetables
- rice and mashed peas with courgette sticks
- minced chicken and vegetable casserole with mashed potato
- mashed canned salmon with couscous and peas
- fish poached in milk with potato, broccoli and carrot
Finger food is food that's cut up into pieces big enough for your child to hold in their fist with a bit sticking out. Pieces about the size of your own finger work well.
Examples of finger foods:
- soft-cooked vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, courgette, parsnip and sweet potato
- carrot or cucumber sticks and avocado
- fresh fruits, such as apple (soft-cooked if needed), banana or soft, ripe peeled pear or peach
- toast, pitta or chapatti fingers
- unsalted and unsweetened rice or corn cakes
- strips of meat without bones, such as chicken and lamb
- cheesy (full-fat) toast fingers and cucumber
- hard boiled eggs
- omelette fingers
Babies under 12 months do not need snacks; if you think your baby is hungry in between meals, offer extra milk feeds instead.
Once your baby is 1 year old, you can introduce 2 healthy snacks in between meals:
- vegetables such as broccoli florets, carrot sticks or cucumber sticks
- slices of fruit, such as apple, banana or soft, ripe peeled pear or peach
- pasteurised, plain, unsweetened full-fat yoghurt
- toast, pitta or chapatti fingers
- unsalted and unsweetened rice or corn cakes
- small strips of cheese
It may take up to 10 tries, or even more, for your child to get used to new foods, flavour and textures.
Be patient and keep offering a variety of fruits and vegetables, including ones with bitter flavours such as broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and cabbage.
Try to make sure fruits and vegetables are included in every meal.
Try these ways to help your child eat more fruit and vegetables:
- give carrot sticks, cucumber stick or slices of pepper with hummus as a snack
- give apple slices with smooth peanut butter as a snack
- mix chopped or mashed vegetables with rice, mashed potatoes, meat sauces or dhal
- add vegetables to classic savoury dishes such as cottage or shepherd's pie, spaghetti bolognese or casseroles
- chop prunes or dried apricots into cereal or plain, unsweetened yoghurt, or add them to a stew
- for a tasty dessert, try mixing fruit (fresh, canned or stewed) with plain, unsweetened yoghurt.
Read more about how to help your baby enjoy new foods and fussy eaters.
From around 6 months, breast milk and first infant formula should continue to be your baby's main drink.
Whole cows' milk can be used in cooking or mixed with food from around 6 months but shouldn't be given as a drink until they are 12 months old. Whole milk should be given to children until they are 2 years old, as they need the extra energy and vitamins it contains.
Semi-skimmed milk can be introduced once your child is 2 years old, as long as they are a good eater and they have a varied diet.
Skimmed and 1% milk are not suitable for children under 5 years old, as they do not contain enough calories.
Sugary squashes, flavoured milk, "fruit" or "juice" drinks and sugary fizzy drinks can cause tooth decay, even when diluted. These drinks can also fill your child up so they're not hungry for healthier food. Instead, offer sips of water from a cup with meals.
Read more about drinks and cups for babies and young children.
Further information- Foods to avoid giving babies and young children
- Food allergies in children
- What to feed young children
- Toodler food: common questions
- Children's food: safety and hygiene
Top 10 Ideas For 14 Month Old Baby Food
Your baby's developing system needs all the food groups for healthy growth.
Image : Shutterstock
Your baby will turn 14 months old in a few days, and you suddenly notice that they begin to show disinterest in foods they loved earlier, leaving you wondering about some food ideas for 14 months baby that could help give the required nourishment to your little one. Until the one-year mark, your baby’s nutritional needs are fulfilled by the mother’s milk or formula. Nonetheless, as they cross this mark and enter toddlerhood, their dietary needs increase substantially. With most toddlers turning fussy eaters by the 14th month, it becomes hard for parents to comprehend and select the foods to be given to their children to fulfill their growing nutritional demands. Plunge into this post as we present you with some easy yet super healthy food ideas to feed your selective 14 month old.
Read on to find out about 14 month old baby food:
1. Grains
Grains must make up a significant portion of a 14-month-old child. You can choose whole grains like oatmeal, brown rice and whole wheat bread for your baby. Or serve your child a serving of vegetable pasta. You can also sneak in some wholesome food while preparing the dish. Try to incorporate at least one serving (one serving for a baby is one-quarter of an adult’s serving) of grain into your baby’s diet. A strong addition to the 14 month old baby food plan.
Related: Pasta For Babies: When To Eat And Easy Recipes To Try

Image: iStock
Tasty and sumptuous fruits will make great add- ons to any meal. They are a source of several nutrients that your toddler will need for the day. You must try to include one serving of fruit at each meal. One serving of fruit for a toddler is equal to 1/4th cup of fruit. Cut a ripe fruit into small pieces and serve to your baby.
3. Vegetables
Colorful vegetables will make a healthy addition to your toddler’s diet. Do not serve raw veggies to your baby as it can choke him. Steam the vegetables until they are tender and cut into small pieces. Season with very little salt and pepper and serve to your baby. Make sure to include at least one vitamin c rich veggie in your baby’s diet.
Related: Can You Give Juices To Babies And When To Start Giving?
4. Juice
If you are thinking of serving juice to your baby, then choose 100% juice to avoid preservatives and added sugar. Limit the serving to not more than 6 ounces a day.
5. Milk
Milk should make up the most of your 14th-month-old. A ½ cup of milk equals to one serving. Choose full-fat milk for your toddler. Limit the milk intake to not more than 16 ounces a day. The food for 14 month old is delicious with milk !
6. Egg
Image: iStock
Eggs, with its high protein, iron, choline, vitamin B12 and folate, will make perfect food for toddlers. Scramble the eggs with veggies for a quick meal. Or mash the boiled egg with a fork and sprinkle some grated cheese over it.
Related: 5 Health Benefits Of Eggs For Babies And 11 Simple Recipes
7. Beans
Beans are an excellent substitute for meats at meals. You can serve beans with vitamin c rich fruits and vegetables to increase the absorption of iron in your little one’s body. Make sure you chop or mash the beans into bite-sized pieces. Always serve well cooked beans.
8. Cheese
Cheese is one food that kids of all ages love. Add grated cheese to vegetables, eggs or beans to round a meal. Apart from being an excellent source of protein, cheese also contains calcium and protein, nutrients that are critical for a growing child.
Related: Cheese For Babies: When To Introduce, Benefits And Recipes
9. Lean Meat
Choose lean sources of meat like poultry or fish for your 14-month-old. A serving of meat for a 14-month-old should consist of 1 ounce of meat. Do not serve him more than the recommended amount as protein sources should make the smallest portion of your child’s daily diet.The 14 months baby food is extremely delicious with lean meat!
10. Breastmilk
Image: iStock
If your baby continues to breastfeed, then it is good news for you. Breast milk will provide him with all the calories, enzymes, vitamins and valuable immunities. Even studies have also shown that breastfed toddlers get sick less often. Nursing will also create a strong bond between you and your baby.
1. What should a 14-month-old eat for breakfast?
Given below is an AAP-approved sample breakfast menu that you can make for your child (1):
- ½ cup of sliced bananas
- ½ cup whole or 2% milk
- ½ cup iron-fortified breakfast cereal or one cooked egg
- 2-3 large sliced strawberries
2. How many meals does a 14-month-old need?
A baby older than 12 months needs about 1000 calories a day which should be divided among three meals and two snacks throughout the day (2).
3. What can I give my 14-month-old for lunch?
Given below is an AAP-approved sample lunch menu that you can make for your child (1):
- ½ sandwich with tuna, salad, chicken, or peanut butter filling
- ½ cup whole or 2% milk
- ½ cup cooked green vegetables
4. How much whole milk should a 14-month-old drink?
As suggested by the AAP, babies between the age of 12-24 months should consume about 2 to 3 cups of milk per day (3).
Do not be discouraged if your 14-month-old rejects specific foods. Remember that a toddler’s palate is not the same as an adult’s. Therefore, they may not be interested in certain flavors and food textures. To understand their food preferences and what kinds of food are best for them, you may try the 14-month-old baby food ideas recommended in this article. Further, always introduce a new food in smaller proportions and do not force them to finish what’s on the plate. Allow your toddler to choose their preferred foods, and focus on serving variety, not just increasing their portion sizes.
MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
- Sample Menu For A One-Year-Old; Healthy Children.
- Feeding And Nutrition Tips: Your One-Year-Old; Healthy Children. - Recommended Drinks for Children Age 5 & Younger; Healthy Children.
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Jessica Albert is a passionate writer who seeks to connect with her readers through wit and charm. Her work aims to invoke curiosity and keep the readers engaged through and through. She has prior experience working with magazines and e-commerce establishments as a content marketer and editor. Being a mother herself, she puts all her knowledge into creating content about...
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Jyoti Benjamin has 25 years of experience as a clinical dietitian and currently works in Seattle. She focuses on teaching people the value of good nutrition and helping them lead healthy lives by natural means. Benjamin has a masters in Foods and Nutrition, and has been a longtime member and Fellow of AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and the...
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From 1 to 3 years old
A balanced diet is the key to the health of a baby aged 1 to 3 years. At this age, the menu should be varied, and recipes for a one-year-old child, a 1.5-year-old child and 2-year-old children should include foods such as poultry, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Based on all the above products in this section, recipes for a delicious and complete children's menu are proposed. Clear step-by-step instructions and colorful photos in each of the recipes for kids will give you the opportunity to realize many ideas, diversifying baby food with high-quality, beautiful and mouth-watering food. Let your little one take every meal as a fun adventure filled with magical flavors.
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Child nutrition up to a year - this is one of the most important questions that mothers have in the first year baby's life. According to WHO recommendations, complementary foods should be introduced from 5 months, if the child is bottle-fed and from 6 months, if the child is breastfed.
Products follow enter in the following order: vegetable mono puree (zucchini, broccoli, colored cabbage, carrots), dairy-free cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), fruit purees. From 8 months, you can start introducing meat purees (rabbit, turkey, veal) and egg yolk.
When administered a new product should be monitored for the reaction of the child's body. When allergic reaction, contact your pediatrician for advice.
After injection vegetables, cereals and fruits, you can cook vegetable puree soups, fruit purees, cereals with fruit purees.
From 8-10 months soups and vegetable purees can be given a less tender consistency by grinding them through sieve or mash well with a fork. From 10 months, the child can be offered a finger complementary foods - small pieces of well-boiled vegetables and ripe fruits without peels (broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini). So baby will learn to eat in pieces and develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Meals for children up to a year should be boiled, baked or steamed, without adding salt and seasonings.
On our website you you will find many options for what you can cook for a child up to a year old for breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack or snack. There are simple, tasty and healthy recipes for cereals, dishes from vegetables, meat and fish.